Jeff Took iriii'-n MQW Min TiwjfcS Mlssii 1 10UV VQv MOT TO TM.K.'toMQ WMUM Vf'N .V-fifSOlNt,? HUM? V OUGHT To Uuvr "ow RHMT "HQ Mtyi3' .Mil H'! I'll. May l!7, l!U2, lit Him Friinrlnco, ('ill., F. I.. Lnrork of Hun Kratirlmo to Minn .Miiry Km tun Kiintiufitr of JliekHOIIVlllo, OrOROII. ProltMfe. KMato of W. .I. I). Audemon, order appointing Amimdu K. AihJcimoii nit iiilulstrntrlx. KMato of Martha Carter, order Hm ohargliu: iiilniliiUtrntrlx. Final ac count llli'il nml approved. Kiituto IMwanl C. Intlaml, order appelntliii: A. U. AlirmiiH. H. ('. Hlorlt mini uiul C. C. I'lcrri' appralnorn. I.'filalo of M. A. doff, order up pOliitluir A. 0. AlirnuiH, J. W. UroiiH lur mid C. C. IMerco tippnilnori. NrW Cudi'M. Oold lllll ltif.ii tc vr. Oro (lold Hill .M I ill it i; Co., Hull lo forecloMo niort- i:ai'. .lonedi & llaney nttoruo)'H for plaintiff. J. H. MrC'ulloiiKli v. John llud kdoii, action for money, Colo & Colo iitlormo'ti for plnlntlff. Ileal IMale Trnii'uirllonn. A. I). Joliint to llminuli Melllnic. lot tl.litock I'.II, Medford.... Mnrrlu Hartley to Dolhert I'ehlj Dellierl IVhl to Corn . !'. WIIhoii, 0 iicre In lowii- ulilp .17, rmiKo 1 ennt A, 12. HeanieM to Krnnk I'nnln, part of lot 8, block 7, Juck- moiivIIIo Hnml. C. I lull to Marie K. Mull, ICO acred In townwhlp :r.oi) HP), rmiKo I went Hcott V. iivU to W. II. Mc (Jowan et ul., properly In Moroy'H Add,, Medford ellit Andernon to li Hvaim AmlorHon, lot 2, Mock I, lllKlilmid Panl Add., Med ford Win. Ulrli-h to H. II. Nuffield, land In towiiHlilp 117, nuij-.o 2 eilt ..' V. 8. llrnnu to Klk I.iuntinr Co. 100 nrri'M In townulilp 32, rittiKo '1 ctiHl Purl It. Mean to .la in en M. llav ter( laud In nectlou 1, towii Hlilp 37, rant;" 3 went J. J. Kryor to KhIaIo of J. A. Joiiph et nl., wator rltrlit OKreenient. Horace Peck to Albert Loarnetl, UHHlKniiuiut of bond for ileod. 0. R. Pldellty & (lutirniity Co. to Clarence Itoamcs, power of attorney. A. K. Heainea ot nl, to U. 8. Fidelity & Guaranty Co,, rovocntlou. H. A. Ford to (Iwi. It, Kord, lota U, 3 mid I, block -id, Cen tral Point 1C00 10 10 10 100 1300 (loo. Ii. Ford to Krancla M. AdauiH, lotH 2, 3 and 4. block 111, Central Point ! 10 Un I tod Htalen to Cyrlonlim CombeHt, 1G0 aciea In hoc Hon r.S, towitHlilp :M), ranno a wiwt Patont T. (J. NoiiIh to A. H. SulliiK, inlnliiK piopoi'ty ... , 10 C. W. KroHt to .lackKou Co. llldK. & Loan Akaii., lot U, lilonk :i Krultdalo Add., Medford 10 It. 13. unlup to V. 10. Halo, pixiporty In Falrvlow Add. ARlilaud C, V. Hoot to Laura A. Krl, lot 30, Himnnkur'a .Add., Aflliland ....a 10 10 II. h. Whlto to C. M. Wlilto, lotK 31 and :tn, black 2, 10 li re k a Add., Aiihland ,.,., 10 Hamliurii Liner Aground. NEW YOUIC, May 30.- Tho Hum. bui'i'-Amortc'iiu Hnor Moltko, out wini bound with 300 saloon imHHon i;oia mid a full coinploniout In tho ntiioroKO, In nurouiHl In JVmbroim (ihunuul, Tukh lmvo boon aont to lior iiHHlritnnco mid an effort will bo made to flout lior at IiIkIi tldo tonlisht. Tho VOHu'ul la III no daiiKOi'. fin , ' ? fc (? COURT HOUSE NEWS BIG RAIL STRIKE MINES UN) J T .nPkP.IA it naiiri in in MOilf TllnrATrMP AT PIIAMTAHAnnll an Awful Chance, '" i i . i ' T '. ', I ' i '.' ' ' ' J" ' " '"' j- ( . i HACltA.Mi:NTO, Cal., May 30. A eneral Mtrlkn of all trainmen em ployod by tlie blK Amerlrnii rnllrnadK Hlmllar lo that HiicrenHfully willed by Ui" railroad employe of (Jreat llrl t it In In beliiK iui)tly aKllatcd, It wiih Jearneil here today, by the new union Ion called the Federation of Fcdoratlomi. lVarfnl of tho rotiKeiucuceR of mich a Htrlko, l'reuldent William Hprotito mid General Maiiaer I'. K. Calvin of tho Houlliern Pacific railroad with tho ehlefn of nil other weHtern linen, liuvo been In conference In Now York for tho pant nlxteen day, uccordluK to n prominent labor lender hero, to formulate plans to eopo with 250,000 railroad employe)!, who have formed tho Federation of FederatloiiH. U wim prodlctcil hero that an a rcHtilt of tho now orKiinlzntlon which threat eiitt to aid the Harrlmnn Bhopmen now out on ntrlke, Southern Pacific offlclalH propoHo nccedliiK to tho do iiwiikIh of ItH :t0,000 Hliopinon. mid that tho ntrlko will cud by July 1. Primaries. in Rhode Island. PltOVmr.NCli. It. I., May 30.- Itltode Inlnnd'u ten tlelojcalrs and ten nlleruaten to tho democratic national ((mention at llaltlinoro will be se lected in a Mntowldo primary to bo lield tomorrow. Tho primary will bo tho first or Id kind held In this Ht.ite. Tho tiameH of Champ Clark, Woodrow WIIhoii and Judsoii Har mon will appear on tho ballotn. KOTICI-: TO CO.NTHAtTOUS. Notlco Ih hereby r.lven that tho County Court and County CommlH nlonora ot Jacknou county, Oregon, will on the 4th day of June, 1912, nt 10:30 n. iii. nt tho courthoiiBo at Jacksonville, Oregon, rccolvo bids on a reinforced concroto or ateol brldco over Hoar creek In city of Medford, In inld county and etnte. Comploto plans mid specifications for oaino are on file In tho office of the county cleric In tho courthouse nt Jacksonville, A bond satUfnctory to tho County Court wilt bo required from tho sue cosuful bidder in the full amount of his bid oh n guarnnteo ot n faithful performance of tho contract. A certified cliook In 10 per cent ot tho nmount ot tho bid must accom pany each proposal, A "proposal of surety" which ia preliminary to filing bond In full nmount of contract, nuiHt also bo Commlflslonera ot Jackson county, Oregon, reaorvo tho right to reject submitted with bid, Tho County Court and County any or all hldti. Dated May 11th, 1312. J. It. NlCIIi, County Judge, JAM128 OWKNS, J. V. 1UIOWN, CommU.lonors. New Today i A parly Iiiih hovonly iiiwn of fine laiiil near ICiikIo Point of which -5 acres iut planted to yoiniK pear triTH, nml tho balance In alfalfa land. TIiIh Ih for wile, or trade for a Hiiiullor rniirli, or Inconio Meilfonl iuoiKrly. TIiIh Jn ii flno Hurt for miImIIvIhUmi. (,'alll for paitlculais. Ten acres two iiiIIoh rant of Ccn. (nil Point, iilxiut half In thito.yir old trei'H, halani'o hi hay. Irrlfjatlon illtch siirioiimlrt the idace. On kooiI Kiiivoleil road. Tor wtlo or might trade for a town bungalow. A flno hlv room modern homo on jmveiiient, went Hci'iiml Htroet, with n highly, cult lyutcd. lot nilvlUU feet. A coy homo ror --. C. D. HOON Hooni 113 .IihUhoii Counly lhtnk lllilg. " f ....... .. .. . . .... . I j.ijw(,,nt ig TrM- TMIi, ) I. tpvf,UT To.t(in vmi .- M'MM iWIl V.11VIH 1 S V S (W "Vlte. ixuvv inntAimo hi uuhhihiimiviu i MFJTFORT) MATT; TRTRTTNE, but He Got Away With It WAHiiiNrrroN', amy ho. Tin- I'lii.ti'd HliiteH (niiiKort I'mirie reaelici) (linuiliiiiiiiiio. Cuba, with .m(I iiiiiiineK nlniaid, neeonliit lo unvy ileiurlment inlvieeh. The Prairie m priinii'il to hcinl inariiieM to Oiiente iiiviuei) to protcet American prop ertv there. Officials of tho hlntc department di'ulari'U today the preneuee of the tmirinux in Urieuto is jiiHlilnil, owjiij,' to the IuwImsh ilestnirlioti of plauiii tioiiM nml factories there. Th e rebels under Oeiieral Milcnon are growine; hourly more ineiiacin. Medford Prlntiug company carry a full lino ot legal blanks. MONKY TO IJAN'. TO LOAN $1200 on good realty. V. II., caro Mall Trlbuuo. 08 $2!i00 TO LOAN on Improved acre age. Clark JtKilty Co. CO FOK RENT HOCSKKEKPIXa ROOaIS FOIt HUNT Housekeeping rooms, close In, nicely furnished, with gas and electricity. 123 South Holly. 7G KOll HKNT Fiirnlsrfod rooms for light housekeeping. .Modem conve niences. 231 Knst 9th. 02 FOIt HUNT Furnished 'housekeep ing apartment mid a furnished house. Iloth close In. Heasonable. Phono Hell 4274. CO FOR RENT FURMSUKD ROOMS FOIt RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 and $2 por week. Modern housekeeping apartments, $1G and $1G. Home phone 2CC-K. 223 South Holly. FOR RUNT Smith Apts. 217 S. Rlv. FOR RUNT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottugc, C04 West 10th st., two blocks south Medford hotel. Hot mid cold wator in rooms. Home phono 217. Mrs. H. M. Coss. FOIt RENT KoTJSRfl FOIt HKNT 0 room cottage reason ably clone In, lot 87 ft. frontage, facing east. Lawn, flowors, vege table garden, 13 large fruit trees full of fruit; chicken yard, wood house; rent $14 to right party; water pnld. Home phono 348L. GO FOR HKNT G room furnished houso close, in. Phono fi01)2 or call 147 North Holly sL FOR RKNT Seven room bungalow, reasonably close In. A. S. Hilton, room 20G Phljips bldg. FOR HKNT Modem B room bunga low, 3i blocks from Washington school. 730 West Klovonth. FOR HKNT CIoso in 6 room houso with modern plumbing mid olec trio lights. Ou paved street, with lawn mid cement sidewalks. Cull Hell phono 3401. FOR HKNT (Irapo st. -8 room houso on South Cnll 310 N. Hartlott. FOR HKNT G room apartment, modern, Rensonablo. liiqulro of Onkdnlo Cash Grocery. 59 FOR RKNT Six room lious.0, mod om, paved stroot, $1G.G0, W. T. York & Co. FOR RKNT Four room modern houso, gas stovo furnished If do Hired. G 12 South Newtown, 03 FOR RKNT OFFICES FOR LKASK Office rooms fur nished and unfurnished, central location, SO to $10 por month. Ad dress D. C, caro Mall Trlbuno. FOR RRNT OTor the postotflca, with boat and light. ioe A. A. Davla. FOR RKNT Lorgo, comfortable of- flco rooms with elevator sorvice, stoani heat, hot and cold water. Low rntos. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT MISGKLTiANKOUS FOR RKNT Storo room In Ashland opposlto the llotol Orogon. In qulro ot Camp's Studio, upstairs F, Ii, Cump'a, As)iland, Oregon, GARDEN nnd fruit lands for rent. Qold Ray Hoalty Co., Gth and Fir. MEDPOKIJjORKflOXrnTfiPAY, fAY 30. 1012. i , -r : ULZG I OOfjr -u nvurfc tifckr A X'ft WlViN6 pH, 1'U, o'll Hwc TO wr Lu r To Cirr rr CA.r "to AlAt-liltv not ANoTucr vrd! HUHINKHH ori'OHTUMTIKS FOIt HKNT Furnished hotel for rent on percenttiKO basis. Address F. II., caro Mall Tribune FOR BtLKIiAND HOMESTEAD 82 acres Just proved up for sacrifice wile nccouut sick- ih'kii, Good now 0rooin houso and burn, good chicken houwi and corral, 1 0 firrntt In frm. 1,0 nrrpu fiinrri jtnallv .. .. .r ... u.i.,', -- .-h ........ ...... .. tli.'i roil fiml rriintiei! kevnr.'il hiuwlroil ords wood, piiicooli fenced, !niprovi-J inouifl aiouo cost nuu, .My prire, Including good home, wagon, culti vator, plow, tc., $1000, with $1000 cash, balance mortgage. W. J). Hodgson, phono 427-J, Ashland, Ore. 73 FOR 8ALK Chicken rnncn nnd gar den land Vt mllo from Medford. W. H. Everhard, 1009 West flt.h Phono CG71. FOR SALE I have ono of tho fin est ful benrlng 11-year-old com mercial orchards In tho valley 2 1-2 miles north of Medford P. O.. for sale; thoro aro 8 acres and riiado up of Nowtowns and Hartlctts and Do Anjou pears; It taken at once, n real bargain; no ngents. Ad dress B, caro Mall Tribune. Gl 40 ACRES near Esglo Point. This would bo an ideal home tract as It Is suitable- for a variety ot pur poses. Fruit and grain and poul try. Prlco $70 per acre. Would consider trades. Oliver D. Brown, 43C N. Bartlett at. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Somfc good Improved and unimproved Medford property on and near 8. Oakdale; modern bouses tor rcnti;also some good young driving horses. Inquire of S. T. Hownrd, Jr., 810 S. Oakdale. Phono, Pacific 72. FOR SALE Now bnngaiow with six rooms, bath and pantry; screened In back porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; east front; lot 00x171 toct deep, or two lots 100x171 with alley at side, with barn on. Will glvo good terms. Inquire 317 Howard bL, east sldo. Phone G2G1. FOR SALE A flvo room modern cotago on W. 10th st., In an ex cellent neighborhood. Large lot OOxlGS with lawn, shade trees and garden. Prlco a bargain and terms nro nothing down and $30 per month pnyments, without Interest. Paving all paid. Don't wnsto rent money whon you can buy llko this. Cnll on E. S. Tumy, 201 aGmett Corey Blk. ' Gl BUY A BEACH HOME AT NEW PORT Wo con sell yon a rottago nt from 400 to 3700, depending on your requirements. Somo real bar gains mid all aro splendid Invest ments It you care to rent. Wo can show you whero you can mako 20 por cent on your investment annu nlly In cottages for rent. Let us try. Lots at from $50 to $G00. depending on location. Hickman & Smith, Now port, Orogon. G9 FOR SALE ACRKAOB FOR SALE The beautiful Mountain Viow subdivision, one anllo west ot Englo Point Is uowopen for sale In tracts of ten or moro acres to suit purchasers'. The first four tracts purchased will bo sold to actual settlers on one-tenth down and a tenth n year until paid. Don't miss this opportunity to get n good homo closo to market and a good young city on easy terms whero tho soil Is dcop, rich and mellow. Call ou or wrlto Tho Jackson County Realty Co., G04 West 10th st., Medford, Orogon. IB ACRES sandy crook bottom land with trco wator right nnd ditch to tho land now. This Innd Is ault ablo for all kinds, ot vegetables, borries nnd alfalfa. Prlco $100 por ncro. Would coiiBldor trade. Ollvor B. Brown, 430 N. Bartlett etroot. FOR SALK Eight acres, Just out sldo city limits, all planted to 3 yoar old apples; small houso, good woll; $2000. W. T, York & Co. FIVE AOHKS, $3SG Just tho placo for n I'truck gardon, fruit, borry mid chlckon proposition. Under Irrigation ditch. Boat or sdll and Woll located. Tonus, halt cash. Thla la my best proposition today. J. C. Barnes, 21 1 First National Bank bldg. ' 09 FOR BALEWQQ1 AND ITUEL FOR SALE Wood at country price. 10-ln. fir $2.75, 12-ln. fir $2.25, lG-ln. hardwood $3, 12-ln. hard wood, $2.00; 12-ln. pine, block, $2; 10-ln. pine, block', $2.00. All dry wodd. 619 S. 'Rlvoraldo. Bell phono 5041. FOR SALE Hardwood nnd fir $4.00 por cord, Gold Ray Realty Co., 0 th and Fir. f SJTZL . I . 7 I I - , , , J - -' SHUT " I . J FOR BALK PQULTRl AXD EGOS FOR SALE Impnrlal Tekln duck eggs for hatching Fairvlew Or chardfl, 2 miles west of Central Point on Jacksonville and Gold Hill road. FOR SALE Whlto I.ogTiorn Uaby chick from selected utility stock, tho kind that mado Petaluroa fa mous; $7.00 per 100 during April, May and Jnno. Tho Pioneer Hatch ery, Hox 34 G, Pctaluma, Cal. 77 FOR SALE Eggs, Crystal White Orpingtons, Jthoda Island Reds, Urown Leghorns. See W, II. Evorhard, 1009 West Oth. Phone CG71. FOR HALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE First class open buggy nearly new. See G. H. EadB1, the coal and fuel man. tt FOR SALE 5 passenger automobile cheap for cash or easy terms. , Might exchange. Address Box F. II., care Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE A heavy black team, 4 ' years old, with good new harness, $450.00. Inquire at Sunrlso laun dry, 203 S. Central aye., between 2:30 and 0:30 p. m. G3 FOR SALE Kenyon tako-down three room house, cheap If sold at once. Ideal for camping. E. L. Warnstorff, Eagle Point. FOR SALE A good 2 Inch steel ax two horso wagon cheap; In good shape. Siskiyou Heights, High st. Main 822. FOR SALE Splendid saddle pony, suro footed and gentle. Phone 4771. 109 Geneva ave. G2 FOR SALE Ono span 1400 lb. horses, ono 4 spring wagon, almost now. Address L. A. Rose, Phoenix, Ore. Phone 813 F. 22. 03 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ranch es, fruit and -garden land, timber lands, town and suburban lots aud aero tracts. Gold Ray Realty Co., Gth and Fir. HELP WANTEI FEMAIiK WANTED Girl for genornl house work, must be good cook, address W, caro Mall Tribune. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework, must bo good cook, ranch near town. Apply Mrs. E. II. Foster. Kings Highway, Phono G11-R2. Gl HELP WANTED aiALB WANTED Japaneso servant. Ad dress R, caro Mall Tribune. WANTED Man and wire; man as general fnrm help, wlfo to ceek for small crow. Apply in person to R. J. Earl, Foothills Orchards, Medford. WANTED Good cook for orchard three mllea out; must bo steady and rollnble; Japaneso preferred. Address Box 2B, caro Mull Trlb uno. 60 WANTED Married couplo cm nearby ranch to cook for hands and euro for small houso; could uso .man In orchard. Address Mlravestu Or chard. Phone 597-J-2. GO WANTEDSITUATIONS WANTED Position on ranch by ex perienced orchardlst. Address Box 2G, R. F. 1). No. 1. GO WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A young fresh Jersey cow. E. B. Foster, Phono G11-R2, Kings Highway. Gl fresh WANTED Horso for his keeping or will buy. About 1000 lbs, for light work. Call D, Keller, Jow eler, Muln and Fair. 03 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assaycr nnd Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mado for gold, sil ver, lead, copper nud other miner als. Mines and mining proanocta surveyed, assayed and mining mapa and roports mado thereon by com petent mining assnyero and engi neers at reasouablo tonus. Capital Bocured for doVoloplng mines and tmtnlng prospects. All mlno own ers aro earnestly requested to sand samples of tholr ores for exhibi tion purposca, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregqn Mining Bureau, fith nnd Fir Accountants D. R. WOOD "hpnorai accountant. Your books audltod and kopt for a reasonable flguro; your buainoaa solicited. Offlco Medford Mail Trlb uno bldg.; phono 6011; residence phono CB03, up: t HUHi.NESs nntEcroRy Attorneys D. W. IJAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office; Hank bldg., second floor. 1'bene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofflco btdg, A. E. REAMES Lawjer., Oarnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, OEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg: B. F. PUTT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 2ft Oanjett-OoreY Bid. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg.. Medford. Oregon. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. OlrU Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wator filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur vers, subdividing, building trades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concroto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Contractor aad Builder O. M. R03E, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 023, Med ford. Phone Main 06G3. Collection Aincy L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O, Take elevator. Pho&e Main 2021. Chinese MedlclBt CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private disease and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation. Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo me at 241 S. Front t., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Chiropractor! DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9tn ana so Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice In die tetics, medical gymnastics, nydro therapy. I,ady attendant. Phone Home 1GS-K. Malu 7973. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. a C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. ARTEMUS W. DHANE Dentist, Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas admlulstored for extraction ot teoth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4433. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hnckor, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds ot help furnlsiieu and positions obtained. Bell 10S1, Home 270-R. 74 Granlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers ot brlqk; dealers in pressed brick and llmo. Office at their briok yard. West Jackson st Phone No. 34G1. QOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Muln Street, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick aud tile. Get our prices and seo our brick and tllo betoro purchasing-. flaruago MEDFORD OARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leave ordors at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3G33. Home 107-X. GARBAGE Got your premises cloaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city gurbago wagons for good service Phouo Main 832; also garden manure lor Balo. J. F. Porrez, PACITC PtVTC By "Bud" Fisher BUSINESS DIRECTORY Furnitfrc MI88ION FURNITURE WORK8 Corner 8th and Holly st. Medford, Mission furniture mado to order. Cabinet work ot all kinds. A trial order koIIcIUwI. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary Pub-' He. Bring your work to mo at tu sign ot The Mall Tribune. Nnrsenvn QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not la the trust. II. B. Patterson. Otttcy removed to office Hotel Nash, In side cntranco next to barber shop. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. -Growers of high-grada nursery stock. Office 104 8 Fir. Both phones. Fapcrlsg INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 81S Tay lor at. Phono Pac 3843. Printers aad Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tat best eqnlpped job office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc, Port land prices. 27 N, Fir st ' Physicians aad Sargcoas DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. 0. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6361. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phono, residence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD, K. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskins Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: 21. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 E. Main st, over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 082, DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Offlco phone 4901. Residence 7001. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 0 and 6 Keutner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. Phono, Bell 271. Resideuco phono Bell 273. Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Resldonco phenes: Farmer lGxxO Eagle Point and Roguo River lino. Second Floor Garnett-Corey Building Medford, Oregon. Drs. Saunders & Croon Special ists Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat, "Not only tho cheapest, but the beat." HERMANN V. RATTE, M. D, Or flcu over Medford National Bank building. Office phono G721; Ilea., Hotel Holland. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Paha block. Stenographic work done quickly and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE 00 Offlco 16 South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; Home 350-IC Frlees right. Sorvice guaranteed. Undertakers JOHN A, PERI Undertaker and "Embalmer. Office 28 South Barf lett st. Telephenes: Day, Hell 471; night, residence, Bell 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered alga or JttT, Ambulant) rvl Vacuum Gleaners HAL HAHRINPTON (The General Vacuum Cleaning, aonvllje. Bell Phone ITS, Jfcw't) Jack-74