Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 29, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I! '
rrnnit Marshall, a bronco buster,
was fined $fi In tlio mayor's court,
Judge Wnlt presiding, todny for giv
ing nn exhibition of reckless riding
on West Tenth Tuesday.
Mrs, 0. P. ICnisex: of Portland was
In Med ford Tuesday visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Stock. Mrs. Knlser
was returnlug from n visit to Nevada.
Far sale 40 acres 1-2 mllo east
of Table- Hock station P. K. railroad,
water from.FIsh Jako ditch on place.
Prlco 59 per acre. Seo II. N. Lof-
iana, .': bourn uaxuaie.
llofot. Martyn and A. J. Hilton of
Portland wcro In Med ford Tuesday
on business with C. A. McArthur.
The Medford Conservatory for
Music and Languages, the only music
school la Southern Oregon with a full
corps of teachers, will be open all
summer- G. Talllandler, director.
Mrs. M. M. Johnston of San Fran
cisco arrived In Medford Tuesday to
visit relatives and attend Memorial
services at home.
D. B. Rcame, the Wonder soap and
talc man. is tho best sewing machlno
repairer on tho coast. 246 North
Oakdale. ,
E. J. Kaiser of Ashland was in the
city Tuesday on business.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir 34.50
per single cord. Special low prices in
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
6th and Fir.
Lincoln McCormack Jr. was visit
ing -in Eugene a couplo of days (his
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phone M. 1471
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Formochlcn
and son of Chicago are in Medford
for a few days' visit to their old-time
Chicago friend, T. II. E. Hathaway,
a real estate dealer of this city. Mr.
Formochlcn is a largo candy manu
facturer of Chicago and he llkes'Med
ford and the Rogue river valley Im
mensely well, so well in fact that he
may "sruff off" his Chicago interests
and invest in orchard land here.
Money to, loan on first mortgages,
mixed farms preferred; rates reason
able W. D. Hodgson, Ashland, Ore.
A. L. Cross of Butte Falls,, was a
recent visitor in Medford.
Kodak finishing, tho best, at Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
Samuel Borden of Grants Pass Is
visiting Medford.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir 34.50
per single cord. Special low prices In
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
6th and Fir.
J. S. Conlcy of Lake Creek, spent
Tuesday night In this city.
H. R. Coleman of Sisson is visiting
friends in Medford as arc Mr. and
Mrs. Gcorgo Brown of tho same city.
10 aero tract raw orchard land be
tween Ashland and Talent to trade
for property nearer Portland. Price
$3500. Chas. E. Hicks, Forest Grove,
II. Ager of Talent spent Tuesday In
Sbaplclgh Hardware, 28 So. Cen
tral. C. A. James of Uutto Falls is visit
ing friends in Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Strickland of
Aurora, I1L, aro visiting Medford,
looking about for a location.
G. H. Eads Has purcnased the coal
and fuel business formerly conducted
by J. W. Burblrtgo nnd will at all
times have In stock a full and com
plete Uno of fuel of all kinds, In
cluding mill block wood for summer
Stanton GriffiB leaves Saturday
evening for the cast where he will bo
married Juno 21 after which ho will
return to make his "homo here.
Dr. M. C. Barber, physician and
Burgeon, has nipved from tho M, F.
& II. building to room 9 Palm block.
Opposite tho Nash hotel. 64
News of tho death of Charles E.
McCIcary f Lak.evlow, Ore., has been
received. Mr. McCIeary was engaged
in tho mining business in this section
soveral years ago and has many
friends here. Ho spent 1903-4-5 aud
G nt Gold Hill.
Carkin & Taylor (John H. Carkln,
Glenn O. Taylor), attornoyo-at-law,
ovor Jackson County Bank building,
Nowh reached Medford todny of
tho death of T. H. Hartley of Ashland
otio of tho plonqers of tho valley.
News of Mr. Hurtloy's death camo as
n great surprise to his many friends
Lawn and garden supplies. Shap
lolgh Hardwnro.
William Gorig returned today from
a business trip to Portland.
Ooo. N, Jle&tfeltrrn.ves roturnpil
homo from - tv visit on Appleitute
TiiMdiijrf ' " '
Weeks &McGowan Co.
Sty Rions S171
Slrbt VUoacsi . W. Wk 1071
Mrs. Wnymnn Wnruer nnd dntt)h
.tor, 7. H, Kttglnud, Mry. Duncan,
Geo. Honle, J. O. Isnncson, Mrs.
Pnrr. It. II. Klsworlli, S. A. PatlU
$nn nnd son wore nmong the Con! nil
Point poop'0 tlint spent, Tuesday in
There will bo a meeting Thursday
evening nt tho offlco of Dr. Holms,
North Fir street to organize a driving
nnd riding club and nil who wish to
Join como out. RS
Medford Roosevelt club will meet
tonight at tho Nat. fiS
Georgia Cliuo was n business vict
or to Gold Hill nnd Hook Point
S. A. Newell, ladles tailor, 4th
floor M. F. & II. Co. bldg.
Groat excitement, store crowded
wth ladles nnd gentlemen and the
greatest bargains over hoard of are
being bought out of the Vnn do Car
bankrupt Jewelry stock, finest stock
ever seen In this part of the country.
Diamond ring and other valuable
presents given away free to the lad
ies. Auction sale every day nt 2 to
7:30 until sold. 230 E. Main street.
Mrs. P. H. Grey and daughter
Myra and Mrs. E. H. Thornbrook and
son Russell were business visitors In
Medford last Monday.
J. W. Hums of Hcaglo finished
shearing sheep for Win. Jones of
Deaglo last week.
Great excitement, store crowded
with ladies and gentlemen, nnd tho
greatest bargains ever heard of arc
being bought out of- the Vau de Car
bankrupt jewelry stock, finest stock
vcr seen in this part of the couutry.
Diamond ring and other valuable
presents given away free to the lad
les. Auction sale every day at 2 to
7:30 until sold. 230 E. Main street.
Tomorrow being Decoration Day
the Carnegie library will be closed
all day.
Five acres, J3S3. Seo classified ad.
Eagle Point is making great pre
parations for observing the Fourth of
Grants Pass vs. Medford at Ball
park. 2:30 p'. m., Thursday. 5S
On account of Decoration Day, tho
usual monthly musical by pupils of
Mrs. Andrews will be omitted this
month. On Thursday of next week
a recital in which pupils of tho
piano, voice and string departments
take part will be given. The general
public Is invited.
Five acres, J3S5. Seo classified ad.
Big game! Medford plays Grants
Pass tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock. 58
Atchl, Medfbrd opera houso,
Thursday evening, December 30,
presented by Washington grammcr
school. Seats 25c, 35c and 50c.
Miss Alice S. Smith, aged 79 years.
a sister of James Smith, who resides
on East Main street, died today. She
was a native of Massachusetts and
has been a resident of tho valley for
many years. FuneraJ services Fri
day. Kodak work dono neatly and
quickly at Gregory's, the old reliable.
Charles Gay has returned from a
visit with his parents at Central
J. A. Wcstcrlund leaves this even
ing for a business trip to Chicago. He
will bo absent three or four weeks.
Aro you going to attend tho big
auction salo of Holsteln cattlo on
Ross La no Decoration Day. 50 head
of registered and high grade cows.
Hay Is cheap and will be cheaper.
Now is tho timo and this Is tho place
to buy. Sure proven money makers.
Bo surp and get there. TIcknor &
Doolittle. 58
Miss Holmbsuckcr, a trained nurso
of Everett, Wn., who Is visiting In
tho city, burst a blood vessel last
evening aud was rushed to the hoe pi-
tai in tho ambulance. She is Improv
ed today.
Gregory Is making big reductions
on all photos to graduating pupils.
A. S. Truo of Watkius is visiting
Medford friends.
Loul3 Evans pf upper Rogue Rlycr
Is in Medford on business.
Seo R. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County bank.
T. E. Williams of Ashland spent
Wednesday In Medford on a short
business trip. Ho was accompanied
by his fon Paul.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir 34.50
per single cord. Special low prices in
carload lots. Gpld Ray Realty Co.,
Gth and Fir.
Mrs. Alice Young left Wednesday
morning for n business, trip to San
Francisco where she has largo pro
perty Interests. She experts to bo ab
sent about n month.
Flvo acres, $3SR. Seo classified ml.
William J. Alien of Woodvlllo l
spending n few days In Medford on
Mrs. Thonins King of Talent la
visiting friends In Medford.
Jack Flynn Is visiting valley cus
tomers for the lllnku MoFall Paper
LOS ANGELES, Mas 29. Port II.
Franklin, former chief detective for
tho McNnmnra defense and now star
witness for tho prosecution In tho
Darrow ense, took tho stand Into Tues
day and related what ho declared to
be the manner In which Harrow at
tempted to bribe jurors In tho Me
Namnra trial.
October B last ho assorted Darrow
broached tho subject of alleged Jury
bribing and the next day gavo him
a check for 31000 to bo used In buy
ing Robert Rain, who later became
tho first sworn Juror. Franklin was
still telling of tho negotiations with
Uniu when court adjourned.
Lockwood admitted ho had not
served as a Juror In tho Mc.Nnmarn
case, although ho had been told by
Franklin his nama had been drawn.
Tho defense, undertook to show Lock
wood's name had been drawn after
ho consulted with tho district attorney.
Our Correspondents
Tho Hlvorsldo people wore Invited
to one of their usun.1 otod tunes," at
tho humu nt Mrs. twrullnu Vu lined
Saturday evening, May IS, supposed
ly to celebrate tho closing of MIrh
Margaret Wallace's toliool year In
Gold Hill.' The unusual feature of
tho occasion was the announoomout
of tho marriage of j. T. llnlllmir, tho
popular manager of the l'ol Din or
chard, and Miss Wallace, who was n
successful Omaha teacher mid camo
to Oregon on a year's leave of ab
sence, Tho wedding ncourrod nt
Ashland, April 1. tho Hoi. Chlsholm.
ivtstor of tho Presb.iterlnu church,
performing tho ceremony. While the
happy event was expected In tho near
future. It came ns a surprise when
Mrs. Spragtte Introduced Mr. aud
Mrs. Galllgar by reading tho innr
rlago certificate. After congratula
tions and best wishes for their future
happiness, dainty refreshments wore
served. Mrs. Galllgar sang onu of
her pleasing solos and games wore
Tlieo. (IIubh was it business visitor
at Central Point nnd Medford last
"Shorty" Duilgo of Medford linn
boon drilling wells. In this vicinity
To,.' tho past ivoojj. llo drilled uiu
well for each of tho (ollpwlngl The
Mountain school district No. U, An
tloch Kelpol district No. IS tijid Clar
ence Cniui,
Clarence Wllllto was n luminous
visitor nt Central Point last .Satur-
Quto a largo number of people
from various parts or tho country at
tended and enjoyed tho dance at
Charlie Center's place In Sams Val
ley., Tho following places weo
pretty well represented: Table Hock,
Mooitvlle, Gold Hill, Sams Valley,
Hoaglo, Central and Dobongor (lap,
Miss Mabel Gould of Medford
eamo ut last Saturday to Jasper
Hannah's place at Dobongor Gap to
visit with her sister. Miss Alice
Gould, who will close a very success
Fnllu ulmi umiiiipanlod thoil. There
worn other gmmlii Invltml hut wore
kopl away by the Htonu. AHur tho
cot oniony thit company sat down to 11
liountmnm repast, after which the
singing or familiar 'h.iiunu iyhh on
Jood with organ and violin In which
tho hrldo took iv prominent purl On
account of the conditions of tho toads
1111 ouily dnpiirliuit Mint iiurctmury,
lint however until nit oiiriient wlnlt
(0 onm ugnlii iv un oxprouMiiJI by both
host aud vhillii'. TI111M0 pnwpnt wore
Mr, mid Mm, Wilt. ll"ttlo, MInh KM it
Parker, llov, ,. 11. May unit wife,
Miss llvolyn Carlor, Miss Nollln
Minlth, I'nlhlu Hinltli, CnrhnL Hnillh,
II II Hm I 111
5). w. 2).
enjoyed on tho spacious porch. About, ful three months' term of school May
forty guests wero present, Including 31 at tho Dehenger Gap district No.
Montana May Avoid Endorsement .
11UTTE. Mont., May 29. The
democrats of Montana nsscmblod in
state convention hero today to name
eight delegates and nn equal num
ber of alternates to the national con
vention. Owing to a marked divis
ion of sentiment in regard to tho
choice for tho presidential nomina
tion It is thought likely an unin
structed delegation will bo sent to
Mechanical Engineers Meet
CLEVELAND. O., May 29. Tho
annual spring meeting of tho Ameri
can Society of Mechanical Engineers
began in this city today. There are
about 250 delegates here, and many
moro are expected before tho real
business of the meeting is taken up
tomorrow. The membership of the
society exceeds 3000 and includes
prominent engineers living In all
parts of tho country.
The Suit Man
.Call and look ovor twelvo hundred
samples of tho latest weaves In
Men's Suitings.
A mado to your measure suit, ab
solutely guaranteed to fit, guaran
teed all puro wool and guaranteed to
hold its uhapo. Mado to your moas
uro suits,
918.00 to flQ.OQ
Room 8, Palm Building,
Veterans Observe Anniversary
NEW YORK, May 29. -Tho sur
viving civil war veterans of the
surviving Twenty-second Now York
regiment, numbering less than three
score, paraded Fifth aenuc and
Broadway this afternoon in celebra
tion of the fiftieth anniversary of tho
departure pf tho regiment for the
front In '02.
Demands of Railroad Clerks
BOSTON, Mass., May 29. The
15,000 clerks employed by eastern
railroads are demanding the estab
lishment of tho eight-hour workday,
a wago minimum of $2.25, time and
a halt for overtime, extra pay for
holidays, a fifteen-day vacation an
nually and a general wago increase
for all of at least 25 cents a day.
Kentucky Knights Templar
PARIS. Ky.. May 29. Paris Is In
gala attire in honor of tho Kentucky
Knights Templar, whoso sixty-fifth
annual conclave opened horo today
with the prospect of being ono of tho
most notable gatherings over held by
the fraternity In tho Illuc GrasB Btato.
Commanderies aro hero from Louis
ville, Lexington, Peducah, Henderson
and numerous other cities. Tho con
clave will continue ovor tomorrow.
Colonel Feel Bully
NEW YOnK, May 28. "IJulIyi"
exclaimed Colonel Roosevelt at Ills
desk In tho Outlook offices hero to
day when asked how ho felt on tin;
day of tho New Jersey primary elec
tion. The colonol declared ho would
get ovory ono of tho twenty-eight
New Jersey delegates.
I wish to inform tho public Hint I
shall continue my luto htislmnd'
busInesH and earnestly Hollcit tho
vory liberal patronage given Mr. Din
ner in his employment work. My
son-in-law, Mr. Webbor, will assist
mo In tho real estnte and houso rent
ing agency aud business chances. I
shall endeavor to merit a contjnuanco
of your patronage.
FOR BALE Ono span 1400 lb.
horses, ono 4 spring wagon, almost
new. Address L. A. Rose, Phoonlx,
Ore. Phono 813 F. 22, 63
$2500 to loan on Improved acreage'
Clark Realty Co. CO
FOR RENT 0 room cottago reason
ably close In, lot 87 (t. frontage,
facing; east. Lawn, flowers, vege
table garden, J 3 largo fruit trees
Hll of fruit; nhlpkoit yard, wood
house; rent $14 to right party;
water paid, Home phono 318L, Cp
the Rlvorsldo nnd Rock Point friends.
Prof, and Mrs. Ileury and Dr. nnd
Mrs. Smith or Gold HIH. Mr. Galll
gar Is well known as a successful or
chard man. Upright, honest and of
tho sterling qualities that go to ninko
a man In tho truest sense of tho
word. Miss Wallace was 11 successful
teacher In tho Gold Hill school the
past year and also saw to the Improv
ing of her fruit ranch. She Is well
fitted for tho new position In llfo,
nnd their many friends Join In wish
ing thorn all success aud happiness
through life.
Mrs. F. M. Compton Is visiting old
friends In this vicinity. She is see
ing to tho shipping of their house
hold goods to Portland, whoro Mr.
Compton has gono Into tho grocory
business. Their many friends regret
very much to seo them leave.
Mrs. Roso Gay closed a very suc-j
ccssful year's work In the Rock
Point school Friday. She will now
devote her time to tho further Im
proving of tho ranch' which sho nnd
Miss Harper own, , They hnvo worked
wonders In tho short time they have
been here and show credit to what
women can do.
Mr. Wall Is now about prepared to
Irrigate his tract otland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I;.T. Galllgar took
dinner Sunday wl'ta Dr. Smith and
his mother at GoUllMll.
Mr. and MrsARJCSlcad nnd.Mr.
and Mrs. D. H. 5cad wero Sunday
visitors In Gold iilll, tho guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Smith.
D. II. Stead It laid up for a few
days with nn InJnrcd hand, tho re
sult of a maty nail.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliot of Med
ford mado a week-end visit with tho
home folks at itfvcrsido, returning
Sunday. tH-
Harold Ateu has gono to Central
Point to work on'a fruit i.tnch this
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. B. Nye nnd Mrs.
D. II. Stead wcro Medford ylsltorB
Rockpolnt, Ore.
Mrs. G. W. Stacy of Henglo and
daughter Alberta wore social and
business visitors nt Medford Inst Sat.
H. 11. Thornbruo of Uonglo has
boon working for P. II. Grey during
tho Inst week,
Theo tilasH was u business visitor
nt P. I. Grey's place last Thursday.
On nccounto f 111 health MUs Rose
Noson of Inhle Rock, who Is tench
lug tho Antlnch school, was compell
ed to remain nt homo Inst week nnd
appoint her sister, Miss Mory Nes
Ion, to teach her classes ns alio Is
also an experienced teacher.
Albert Glass of oUngto was a busi
ness ylstor at Central Pont Inst Fri
Last Friday Miss Alberta Stqcy of
Ileaglo closed a very successful term
of three month teaching nt Ixmg
Brandt district No. til.
Tito vory grotvf innlorltr of rwrflonn pood ti tntifci In llio Sprluu or early
Summer, 'into tivntoiu, unilorgorn iv ohnniw nt thla ui(tiot uml Hie ontlto
pltyslcat pmuhltiory l;t disturbed. Tho gonolul bodily wuiiUihkui. n tlrml,
worn-out fooling, tlolclo uppotito, poor tllgootlon, n half nlok fooling uml u
pouonil run-down condition of tlio svstoin. lwnv ttmt thu Mood lit wmIc or
nnnomlo. ami a tiluod imrifylui tonlo In -moduli to hnlht up tho tlontngoil
systoin tuul onrlolt the blood. The tmu 0. . .0. nt this tlnm ninyiuvn
you from 11 long spoil of slolnuvnt, nittl l( will certainly prop'tro you lor Hut
long, hot Summer. Many poopln have put olf using u tonlu until thu nytttmu
bocnitio so ivonkotiod nnd depleted It ton Id nut Biu ontdtilly throw olf tllmmsn
germs, tunl Imvo paid for tho uogloot wL.t tv tipoll of fovor, miliaria, or soum
pthor dolillltutluK nlolcuotiti. H. lit Nutm 'a Idoul tonlo. It Is it
composition of tlio uxtrnuta and Jttlccj of r.vts, horlw and fohrkji 'hl6U
soiuiico nnd axporluitoo hnvo proven 1110 llttud for 11 tonlu to tho Ittiuiiitt
uystoui. It contains no utluamls of any kind and I1 thontforu porfootly saf'i
for portion h of nny ngn, H.H.S. tones tip the utomiteli and dilution, rldn
tho system of tlmt tlrml, worn-out fooling, nnd unp""! YKr npd strength
to every part of tho body. It purlllua and onrlultos tlio Wood, utlimilnton
tho secreting untl oxctotlng lnomlnmi to hotter, notion, ipilutatho oyor
etrolnod uorvud. and mukus one fool bnttur In ovorv way,
C. H. Ony of Medford spent nn
hour hero Tuesday morning with
his parents Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II.
J. II. (lay h)cnt TucHclny nfler
noon in Jnokiouvillo.
Hurl rilngle returned to his homo in
Portland the first of thin wool;.
Mr. Whitney left for 11 trip o
Klnmatli Co. the first of the week.
Miss Illiiiiclii! and Uniee Miller
who have boon attending High School
hero returned to their homo nt Lake
Creek the firnt of the week.
Mint Inn Aimtitt mid Audrey
Holmes spent Monday afternoon ut
Seven Onke.
The innny friends of Miss I'enrl
I'nnkov Who has been uritiuully ill
will he plunhcd to I on r 11 kIiu is now
eonvnlubeiug uml wo iiopo kooii to
hec her out again.
Call for Hrliool H'TMs
Notico Is hereby given Hint- thoro
are funds on hand for tho rpdom.ptlon
of all school warrants' wjtlt thu px
ceptlou'qf Noh. 342, 3427 and 8428,
up to and including thoeo dnjed and
protested Sept. 2, 1911..
Interest ceases on abpvo called
warrants May 29th, 1012.
58 Clork Hist, Ifo. 49.
ilutto Fnlts can boast of Km excel
lent class of young pooplo, who are
models of all that Is good except that
they seem to be very slow In pairing
off. However, Inst Sunday M. It.
Koontz and Miss Viola M. Smith led
tho way tor others to follow by tak
ing eaclt other as pnrtnors In llfo.
Rev. J. E. Day aud wife wuru taken
out to tho residence of W. A. Iloalo.
flvu miles southeast of Uutto Falls,
by Polklo Smith, a brother or the
hrldo, when) nil wore In readiness
for tho marriage ceremony which was
short nnd swoet, nttor tho modern
fashion. Miss Ella Parker of Unit
Medford Prntpig-company carry o
full lino of legal tdanka.
No One in Medford Who Has llnd n
ilad Hack Can Ignore Tlls
Double Proof.
Does your back ever ncho?
Hnvo you BiiBpontmi your wldneys?
Itocknchn Is kidney ncho,
With It comes dizzy upolls,
SleopleuH nllita, tired, dull days,
Distressing urinary disorders.
Cure tho kidneys to cure it all.
Drum's Kidney Pills bring iulck
Hrlng many thorough, lasting
You have read cMdford proof.
Now read tho Medford seilliel.
Renewed testimony; tested by
A. ',. Sears, 231 Fifth street, Med
ford, Ore,, says: "Hlnco publicly
recommnudlng Donu's Kidney Pills In
1907, I hnvo used them ncucslonnlly
and they hnvo always brought good
results. I was afflicted with Hovoro
pains In my back aud I often found
it almost lmpnsiiblo to stoop. The
kidney secretions passed too frq
Utiently and this weakness was a
soprco of much nnuoynnce. Hearing
Doan's Kidney Pills highly roe.oin
meiifjud, I procured a box at Has
kins' drug Htoro and by tho tlnio I
had flushed tho contents, I could uno
that they wore the right remedy for
my trouble, Gradually tho pains and
other difficulties disappeared nnd my
health Improvod. I cluiorfully rec
oniiiimid Doan's Kidney Pills to ov
oryono uffllctod with kltlnoy com
plaint." For salo by all dealers. Prlco flO
pouts, Fostpr-Mllburn Co,. Uiiffnlo,
Now York, solo agon . r tin United
Ilotuembpr tho luuno Doan's
and tako no other.
The stronger and rougher whiskey tastes the rnorc
harm it will cJq.-
Why take eharuzes with your nerves, your stomachy
your general health.
Cyrus Nohlc fs pure, old atpj palatable--
bottled at drinking strength,
' Sold nil vcr the world. '
W, . Vnij rlclipjvor & Pfl.i 'crjl AkoiiIh, Po(itl,
Sunrise Laundry
Orders called for and dollvornd, First class work dono by hand,
Indies' nnd men's suits cleaned and pressed. Tel, Mun 7831;
no 1110, 37. Corner Eighth and South Central Ayenuo.
Flour ?
Coffee ?
Tea ?
or What ?
Anything You Buy
from Us in the Gro
cery line will be right
Our Bakery Depart
ment is a source of
pride to us investi
gate Allen Grocery Co.
Newport, Yaquina Bay
and tlio
ma - t a 'i
Will place on Hao round tvl Mention UcKcIh froin nil poliidi.oii
good for return nt nny time until October, On Hint ditto they will
11I1111 plnco on tlo wuok-oud llekolH from Cottago drove uud nil poliilii
North, good going Hu,tui'liiy or Htinduy nnd for return hu Moijdity
Sunday Excursions on the C. & E.
A Bpuclnl Huinlny Kxcurslmi 'vn to Newport will Icmvo Albany
ovory Bundity furlIK tho Hiimniur ut 7;ao A. M. Conimctloit Is 111111I0
with tlilfi truln l;y B. P. Trn"H HIi M nd UH from polntu Hnulh.
For HOiiHon or throo day fatoH from B. P. stittloiiH ot' liooklolti
lp8prlilng Newport iih a minimal1 resort, cijll nit any B. p, Agent, or
write tQ
JOHN M. BCOTT, flpiioral Pniwongor Agont, Pott land, Oro.