v. wftttn nrfTOffMl MM Ofty HtH & Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION ' 'V k WEATHER it Showers. Mux, KJ; Mln. -IHj I'rcclp. .an. I , i" 115 r I'lUty.Hi'coml Vtinr Diillv- Hi'VKiilli YiMir MBDJTORD, Oltl0nOiVWKF)NKSI)A V, .MAY 29, 11)12. NO. 58. IEDDY WINS EVERY DISTRICT IN NEW JERSEY FAFF CLAIMS ENOUGH VOTES NOMNATE Solid Drlciinliun Promised Former President Who Sweeps State With 20,000 Plurality, Lcaillnn Tail 3 to I In Country Districts. Wilson Carries Ten out of Twelve Districts, the nemalulii Two Delnn Controlled liy Doss Smith. NF.WAKK, N. .1.. May 211. Prnc. tioully onmplolo ii'luiiiH from jimlcr diiy'a primary election nIiow llntl Col onel linoMcvelt Iiiih curried oery Hm Iricl in I lit Ml ii I n unit a onmfnituhlo lilunililv exeepi in (In i district, wlimo iin plurality i Jill). 'I'Iiik IIH'llllft lllllt tilt' I'lllllliT lll'NitiMl will got a wiliil delegation from New Jer mty. Ilirt ilnnililv ill exceed uo.ooo. Colonel Hooiovult hwi'pi tin' eilic of Jorwov City, N'ewnik, I'ntontmi, At lunlin City, Orange. Montelnir, liiiv- 01111'', Cnpo May ami llucliouiick. In Iho rural dmlricl ho led 'r-iItt Taf liy .'I to I, ami in Ihocilion 2 to I. Senator l,nFulcllo mnilo a poor moo, fuiliiig to carry a niajjli'i-ily or loWII. On lite Ih'iiiiirnilii' h! l (to(rnor U'ilfMin carried ten of tint twelve eon guxwiioiiitl ilixlriclf, llin ii'iiiMininu two lii'iaif 'oiitiollii liv former Sen ator Smith, who i liowtilo to WiUon' enudiilnoy. WINoii I- Mi-llulil.il ''I never ilnnlili'il Ilic rcul, lint I fool delighted Unit t lift Democrat (, Now Joixtv hacked mo mo gouoioiinlv. Now Jersey in now pcrmuiiciitly on lolled atiioni; I lie prugtcMiaivit NtntoH. ' Willi lheo uonln, (lowttitor Wood iuw WJImiii hummed up his opinion of tho Democratic slate primary iimiii lug nriivnl at tint Mato house hero loilay. President Says He Has 579, hut Roosevelt Fliires It 105 Teddy's Maiiajjcrs Claim 5G7 With 539 Nec essary to Name Candidate. No One In Democratic Ranks Has Ma jority as Yet. and Clark Shy of Nomination. WAHIII.W.TON, May 2D. -Tho fol lowing i'IiiIiiiii with made liiiro today liy campaign iimnngor of llio oantll ildtoK In tin riiiu for llio pruHlduiitlul no mt ii;i t Ioiih : Itcplilillcntiw, llologiitoH III convention 1078. NociMMiiiry to irtioleo U3'J. Clalini'il for Tafl r7t. Claimed for ltonn6volt riii7. Coiiri'di'il In IIoohovoII liy Tad inaniiKorH 1 2-. Coiicniloil to Tafl liy HooMovolt mujinKOM 1.S5. Instructed for I .a Follotln 30. Iimtruetod for Cummins 10. Tafl delegates conlmdi'il IS'.'. Itonrtovolt dolitguton contested UnliiMtnicti.'il 122. LOVING CUPIS GIVEN CAPTAIN OF CARPATHIA Commander of Rescue Ship Flees fo Cahln When Society Women At tempt to Lionize Him Medals Pre sented to Crew. Afraid of Delnn Hohsonlzcd Valiant Captain Runs Away hut Is Cap tured and Given Tokens of Esteem. jo. Ilcmocmtrt Delegates In coiivhiiIIiiii 10',1'J. N'iM'owKiry l(i nonilnalo 72N. Claim. til for Clark I.I I. claimed for wiihiin :ir.:i. Conceded to Chirk liy Wilson mini' itKoirt -li'i. Conroiloil to WIImoii liy C'lnrlc man Ki'r IHO. ClaltiK'tl for Harmon 17. Cliilmcil for Ciiilorwond S'J. Clalmoil for Murnliall :I0. Iimtrucl.'il for Iohk ;i0. IiibIi iirtril (or llalilwln 1 1. liihlriiilcil for llniko 10. I'tilnnt I nrtoil ilHi'KtitoH I--. It't.isi'ii'll Wrarn t.'rln OVSTHR HAY. N. Y.. May lilt. Colonel Mipvilt wore an iiniiimllv emiiMii Kiin lieie loilay. Ifefctrii.k In the oiileomo of llin New .loreoy pi unary he tuiiil: "I Iiiimi notlihitf nioie to Nay. I lielieMi I have nniil pntvioiixly all I lint eonlil lie Mtiiil no." Tim fonnor piimiilent tiirnetl Ioh at tention today to the incmlierx of the nalional eiimmillee. with lh intention of Meeniini; control of the teinpuraiv oi'caination of the Chicago conven-lion. L BY .74 OF AN In Mplle of III niniHiial heavy rain fall HiIh Mpiini; llin normal precipita tion Mince Hnjilemlior 1 Ih fi 7i Hhort, Hliico Keptomlier 1ml lli.Sfi IiicIich of lain Iiiih limm (ixierhniccil, the nor mill for that pmloil helnt; -0.(11. In April llin inlnfall wati nearly flvn liichiw ahovo normal for thai nnintli. Normiil for May linn alieady liirim hm'ikiiIimI hy ,7 t of an Inch ami th In amount will piohahly ho Inerima ml iih rain In inoillcli'il for tonight anil tomorrow, Tim nonnal for May In 1.7'.! ami Mid prnctpliatioii tliltt month him limiii L. lit, Uatlmr a hmivy rain wiih experluno ml (lining tlio uaily hoiirn today, .Till of an Inch fallliur. Onilmi'illutn nro worrying to hoiihj extent m to tlio effect tlio rain of tho day Iiiih had on their flprnyliiu. Pro feBHor O'Oam bh, howovor, that theio Ih no cuimo for alarm, I'lKlfUi:, S l).,Mii 'Jll. Confident that he Iiiim a chance of caplminu the hliile'H ten ilelixatcs to the na tional convention, Senator l.aKollcttc in hi Smith J)akota today to tour the hIiiIc. Tim piimariei will he held inwl Tiie-duy. l.al'ollette will hpciik at Ahcrdccii tonight. NICW VOItK, May Hit. Never known to flinch In tho face of tho Kravcsl iliisiK'tr, Caplaln A. II. Hoh Iron, cotnmamlur of tho Carpathla, the vewiel which unveil moro than Ji(H) p;iHHitm;oin ami inemliorH of the crew from death In tho Titanic Htammered, hirncd red In tho face ami then fled tl IiIh cahln when a liovy of noclcty women, Mirvlvorn of tho illynsUir, to day koiiiI to llonl.e him. Ah tho Hlnainer docked loilay Cap tain ItoHtron who Ktood on the bridge wiih tomlerod an ovation hy a crowd of xevoral thotmntxl pernoiiK. Ah hooii an the piiMnciif.crH had lamlod a coin mltleo of Titanic Hiirvlvorn, headed hy Mr. .1. .1. Urown of Denver, hoard imI tho vchxcI. ApproiirhliiK Captain ItoHtron who Htood on tho bridge, Mth. Ilrown Hald: "Yon dour man, I think yon are the Kroatol man In tho world." "Lookout, Cap!" a member of tho crow broke In, "or you'll be Ilobson Ireil." Tho Carpnthla'H captain bliiHhod. utaiiiinercil hoiiicIIiIiik about doliiK only IiIh duty ami walked hurriedly away toward IiIh cabin. Tho women wore not to be denied, howovor, null ovorhaiilliiK Captain UoHtron. Inform ed hi m that the coinmlltoo wanted to present him with a lovlnc cup and bin crew wllh lironz medals. Tho Carpnthla'H crow wnH tmiHtercd at 10;. 10 o'clock. The IovIiir cup kIv eu Captain Hohtrou waH n yard IiIkIi, of haiumcrcd diver and appropriately I liner I bod. The medals preHcnted to tho rrow hIiowci! the Carpathla In tho act of npprotichiui; the Tltaulu's life boatH. iii I I I f i HUNOKS AKli liVliN. -Mv Ion EUnM. N T N MANN FOR A Ml County Court Petitioned to Request City Authorities to Tell What They Have Done With Road Fund Paid Into City Treasury for Highways Taxpayers Want to'KnoW What Has . . ... - Bien Done With the Tax Money Amotwtinfl 1rr Nearly $30,000 OHIO VOTERS TO VOTE UPON EQUAL SUFFRAGE COHMIICS, Ohio, Muv 'Jl. Tluil the nci of the state of Ohio uill him lie kimmi un opportunity to vote on the uomaii KiiffniKc ipicxtinu min made certain loilay liv the couli tiitioual eouciilion, which udoplcd the eipml siiffrne oIiiiino by n vole of 7 1 to :I7. Il is provided Ihul Ihe clause shall he submitted ut u rcu Inr ulactioii anil not us it separate l-MIO. PRINCESS AND PRINCE INJURED; AUTO WRECK VIKNNA, May 2!). l'riueo Knrl ami Princess Kliznlu'tli were prob nill.V injured nnd Crown l'riueo Ker diiiaml of Koiimuuiu- received slight injuries when an aiitomohilo in which llicv were riding eolliilin with an ov-eiirt toiluy, aci'onliii to tele Kiaphio nihices receixed hero today Iroiu Mueliaicst. The uutomohile was ovei turned. EIGHTEEN VICTIMS OF HOLOCAUST UNIDENTIFIED PEOPLE PREFER TELEPHONE POLES TO NEWSPAPERS VILLA KKAIi. Siuiiii, Mny 20. -Kihteen victims of (he fire in u niov iiiL' picture I hen I re hero, in which 10.1 lives are helieved o huo licen lost, iTiiinincil uniudeiitified loilay heiu victims died hi the hospitals today. WILSON IK CONTROL OF MINNESOTA US AW A FISHERMEN ST. PAUL, Minn., Mny a, Ho turiiH today ahow that Woodrow WIN hoii wiih oudorHod at a majority of tho county (toiuncratlo couvontloiiH hold In MlnncHolii. Champ Clark curried tho fourth dlHtrlct wltli three hoIIiI delcKiitloiiH, but If tho unit rule Ih adopled at Hiilntli, iih now hooiiih pro Inihlo, all of MlnnoBotii'H twonty-four doleKiitcH will ko to tho llnltliumo convention Itintructed for WUsou, Annlcni ami flKliermen of tho Kokuo It Ivor valley are much lutor cnted In (ho nttltudo of tho attorney i;mtoral In coiiHtruliiK u cIokuiI river Into on open ono and thereby nunc tlouliiK tho Halo of tmlmnii cniiKht with v and line. A mciitlni; of tho (IhIi iiHHoclatlou ban been culled al lluuiphroy'H kuh Hloro for tinilKlit to tako action upon a reipuiHt from tho kiiiuo coiiiiiiIhhIoh cih iihUIiik a tent ciiho bo broiiKht lio foro .IikIku CalkliiH to detorinlno who thero llio attornoy Kiioml Ih rljUit now or wiih rlifht a year hko. An oNteiiHlvo flwIihiK outfit Ih IioIiik oHtnhllHhoil at tho mouth of tho rlvor to pack and Hhlp flnh caiu;ht "with rod and lino" and n vpooily iloclHlon will bo necoHBiiry to onnblo propor law onforcoiuont. On March i, 10U, Attornoy Gon oral Crawford rondorod tho rollowliiK (IocIhIoii cnnooniliiK tho milo of flHh caimht In Hokiio rlver: "Tho Inlt hit I vo act iiinkos u con tliiiial cloned HoiiHon on tho Houe, oxcopt with hook and lino. Houho lllll IS I, Suction 1, million It unlawful at any tlnio to hoII atool lunula or trout. SvcUon 'i mtiKoa H unlawful diirliiK tho cloned hciiroii to hoII hiiI liiiiii other than steel hernia, and there belni: (i continual cloned HeiiBon, It Is theroforo unlawful to mill hiicIi sal mon, other than uteol lieadH, al any time, although lawful to tako tliom with hook ami Hue. There Ih no open hoiihou, theroforo such milmon cannot ho Hold for want or an open floamm," On May SI, 111 12, Attornoy donoral Crawford turned turtle In tho follow ing opinion to tho flnh mid kiiiuo com iuIshIoh: "Ou .March 0, t!Ml, I hold that there wiih a continual closed neufion for tho Halo of Hiilmou in tho Hoguo rlvor. I nnr hIiico convlncod that I wont too far In that opinion and do Hire to modify It iih follews: No sal nion of any kind can' bo sold, biirterod or nxohaiiKod, or hold In possession for tho piirpoao of salo, or to ahlp or transport, etc, for thopurposo of milo, taken from tho watoiB of tho HoKiio rlvor or Ittt trlbuturloH durliiK any cUmod porlod on Hiild river, ox copt with !iook and lino, Thoroforo I wish to modify my fonnor opinion to tho extent that mUnion, oxcopt stool lioadB, cniiKht lu Hokuo rlvor hy hook and lino may bo sold lu open nuirkot," Tulophono polos Instonil of nows papera nro iho choice of tho voters of tho city of Meilford for tho dlwoni Itintloii of knowloiiKo rogardiiiB city affairs. Hy a votoof,30i) to 2fiC tho voters ou Tuobday passed an ninciid nient to tho clt charter which limits tho number of publications required by ordinances and does away with tho publication of many notices and ordinances, providing Inatoail their PohUiik ou various telephone poles throughout the city. Tho success of tho measure is due to tho clover wording upon tho ballot engineered by Porter J. Neff, which confused voters nml tho efforts of Coiincllinou Mitchell nml Kmerlck who, "soro" on tho nowspnpers, spout tlio entlro day Tuesday electioneering nt tho polls. Other councllnien assisted ut tho polls, as did Street Commissioner Hakor and City Hecoider Klmor l'oss, but to Mitchell ami Kinerlck go the pronilor honois. Tho brldgo bonds carried by an overwhelming voto of llfi to 8t, a majority of 33R. Klectlon day tactics on tho part of Koff, Mitchell and llmorlck and tho administration machiiio entirely dis proved statements Hint tlio .matter was brought about In tlio interests of economy nnd showed their unlmus In tho mutter. Mitchell wiih tho hard est worker at the polls of (ho threo and did not slop electioneering In front of tho polls until thoy closed. ThlB accounts In a prcAt degroo for the majority of -Hi returned Tor tho measure lu Mitchell's ward. Tho voto by wards was as follews: Print lug Measure. 1st. 2d. Yes IIS 10S No 72 105 Majority 10. Ilrlilge Mends. Yes ll!7 1 0.8 No 21 31 Majority 335. REBELS PRPAR E ARIZONA VOTING FR ENGAGEMENT WITH FEDERALS CIHni'AIIl'A, Mexico, May 29. - iiii nan ineir iirmy nireiutv eoneen tratcd in the mountains near Bach iinba ami the mobilization of the re mainder proceeding rapidly, tho reb els are preparing for an impending eugngouiont with the federals near hure. (Jeneral Orozco is directing the inohilizution in person. The federiils nro repairing bridges north of .limine?: nnd are also getting rendv for a decisive battle when the rebels 001110 down from their moun tain ret rents. As a result of those operations through traffic has been stopped temporarily on tho Mo.xico Northwestern railroad nml most of llio mines in the Sunln Ysnbol district will be closed until the end of the week. JAP POPULATION GAINS AT RATE OF 1,500 YEARLY WASHINGTON', Mny .-Declaring that the Japanese population of llio I'nitcd States is increasing at the rate of 1,."00 11 year, Representative Knkor of California urged the house immigration committee to report fa vorably 011 his bill excluding Asiatic laborers. Last year Kaker assorted, .'1,071 Japanese were admit toil and but li'J:tr of this number returned to Japan. HI PRIM TODAY PHOENIX. Ariz., May 29 Arizona democrats are votjng today In their first presidential primary election. Tho Btato has been divided Into six districts by the stato central com mlttco and delegates to tho democra tic convontlon aro being chosen In each. At tho same time tho voters aro ex pressing their presidential preference. Sponsors of tho delegate receiving tho highest preferential voto will namo tho state's four delegates at largo. Clark men, during tho early voting, claimed n landslide for the spenker, uson supporters refused to lssuo a statement. WILBUR WRIGHT RALLIES IS SLIGHTLY IMPROVED DAYTON, Ohio, May L0. Wilbur Wright, famous aviator nnd inventor of aeroplanes, critically ill at his homo hero with typhoid fever, was reported slightly improved today. Dr. Coukliu issued Ihe following bul letin. "Wright's fever romaiiioil high last night but there is little improvement this morning. However, it seems improbable that the patient will sur vive many hours unless there is .1 pronounced change for tlio heller," 3d. T'tl. 80 30(3 89 2f.U Ml 11(5 2G 81 NASIIVILK, Teaa., May 29.- Tho biggest gathering of rop rosen ta il vos of tho hiirdwaro trado ovor ns soniblod In this country began In Nashvlllo today and Will contlnuo through tho greater jmrt of tho wwK, FRANKEIN TELES OF BRIBE GIVING ... r . .. ( J. S.' Howard in circulating n peti tion asking tho county court to re quire, jk. report from Hie Mc'dford cily counoil.rcpnrdhrg tho expenditure o funds' derived by taxution from tlio Medford rond district for road pur-p-cts., Hori.s'fcecilrjng' a largo number ofsigna'ture.s'- to" the petition which will bo presented to the court at its next meeting., Jfjic. toxV of the pett tiorCfo1uiw:V ; -V .s "V : tmiium "To the Honorable County Com missioners' Court for J&pkrion Couti ty, Oregen: We, tlio'iindereigiicd tax payers residing in Iho city of Med ford and Medford rond dis,tric$ com prising four sections, viz., 19 nnd 30 in township 37 south, range 1 west, nml sections 24 nnd 25 in township 37 south, range 2 west, do hereby ask that your honorable body rcquiro a rciwrt from the same road district of the condition of that portion of the county road tax fund paid to tho Mcford city treasurer, tho custodian of said fund, nnd a report of tho street commissioner cx-offieio super visor of said road district, requiring a statement with vouchers showing bow much of snid fund has been used and how much of tho said fund romains for tho .years . 1Q10, .1011 land 1912. Tho sum being paid J10 I. :.. 1 1 !.. ....:.i r 1 t.-;.... in-surer in uusi- lur sum miiu uviu as follews: "1910, .fl)t310.SlJ. "1911. 7,327.48. "1912, $13,192. "Total of .29,839.34.) "Now, wo your petitioners do here by affirm that there is no separato fund of that kind kept by tho city trensurer; that all of said fund has been used for other purposes than for county roads. Further, that as tho county commissioners' court require other road districts to report the con dition of the funds assigned them; that it is no moro thtiu fair that tho same be required of the Medford road district nnd that wo, tho tax payers who have puid tho tax re quired for the improvement of tho county roads in said district should be fully informed as to its condition nnd that the city treasurer and street commissioner, ex-officio supervisor for said road district, bo required lo account for said county road district fund, nnd petitioners will over pray.' fund, nnd your petitioners will ever pray." 10 I.OS ANC1KLES, Oil., .May 20. Hccntuso of the death of a member of the family of Attorney Horace Appol, ussociute counsel for tho defense, it wiis decided that tho trial of Claronco Harrow will bo adjourned al noon to day and that tho ease will go over until Friday morning. licit II, Frankliii, self-confessed bribe giver nnd principal witness for tho prosecution, continued his story today of alleged jury tuniporing in tho McNainiira case. Tho dolVnso protested vigorously to the introduction of a deposit slip showing that Franklin deposited in a locul bank tho sum of .$1,000. which ho testified ho received from Darrow for the alleged purpose of jury tam pering. Judge Ilutlon ruled in favor of the prosecution and Franklin's check for .fri 1)0 was then oxhibited, in an at tempt to show that tho detective drew part of tho money and the inouoy paid Juror Jbiiu was the sumo given lo Franklin by Darrow. Franklin then proceeded with his story of tho bribery of Hnhi, PICK IHE WINNERS Mrs. K. S. Parsons, president of tho Greater Medford Club, today an nounced the personnel of tho com mittee chosen by the club to view the school gardens in tho city and judge tho various products grown by tho children for an award of prizes. Tho committee of judges is: Prof. P. J, O'Guru, chiiiruian; C. I. Hutchison, J. E. Watt, K. W. Kuhl and liarry II. Hicks. Radishes aro now ready to uo judged by the committee. Tho judgea wilhneo t from tiuio to time to pass on tho various vegetables and flowers as they approach their fullest (level-opment. HOPELESSLY LONDON. May 20. Pliytioiuwt at tending Qeueral Month, head of tho Salvation Army, admitted horn to night that ho had gonu hopoletody blind. It is not believed that Iho operation porl'ormcd recently on Gun em! Hooth's oyoa for tho removal of cataracts would prove succcHnful. ll 1 VI 'il