rf Oramm Hltr1ca1 Sasf l City Hall ' i I 1 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fnlr Tonight mul THemtoy. Max. o! Mill. II. Ciirly-KtM'timl Year Dully H.iviHitlt Yur MISDFOHD, OMWON, MTKNHAY, MAY liH, )fl. NO, 57. C1HL NEGLECT OF NEARBY STEAM LAMED FOR TITANIC LIFE LOSS 4 K v V SENATE PUBLISHES REPORT ON WRECK CALIFORNIAN IS BLAMED FOR INDIFFERENCE 01 Cluli! Vessels In Vicinity of Ti tanic at Time of Disaster, Only One, tin; Carpathla Responded Four Warnlniis of Icrlnrfls lijnoreil. News Withheld and Suit) fur Blood-1 Money Increased Life Savlnu. Ap-, linratus Demanded. WAMIIINOTON. May 2X.-Tin-, Putted State somite niiheomiulltoo which luvontlgntod tint sluicing of Ihel Willi.- Htnr liner Tlluiilo Willi n Iuhh or muni (turn I MX) IIvum, following it rollUlnii with nu Iceberg off tho Now foiiiHlliiiul coa.t Inst mouth, forinully prcitented 1M report to llio minute to ttuy tint riitlillH of this InvcMlgntlou. Tin principal findings wore iih fol fel fol eows: "That the Titanic wan running at llin ralo of 2 K t-2 miles pttr hour at tliu (lino of llio colllnlon. ('ullforiilun In Itlitmcil Thai than worn 2,223 persons aboard, o( whom 32 per mill were ivmt. That nil on hoard tho Tltnnlo would have been navod hut for thu "nogllwnl Indifference" of lint liner Ciillfnrnlnn lo answer tin Tltuulv'n illMlnmn signal. That 150 pur rout of tho flmt claim, 12 pur cunt of tho kocoiiiI i-Ihhh, ami Sfi per runt of the third claim pen Kirn ami 2 1 pur cent of thu crow WHrt saved. That four winning of Iro ahead mini IguuHid hy tho Titanic. That of eight mhwuIh near tho 'Il ia n It; at tho tlmn of tho dlwislor only tho Cartiathla mutinied. Thai (hero was no panic, hut that a "nIioii crew" poorly drilled and poorly niininunilcd, only partially luuuuor tho Tltanl'M lifeboats. Suppressed New That tho White Htnr company Htip. (Continued on I'ar.o (I.) WOMEN'S CLUB DID GOOD Tluil llio Orcnlcr Mcill'oril Cluli loiew what It vnn uliout uhcii it luuile ilri Hmiiliiry Hiirvey of the pulilie hcIiooIh mul roiortcil iiiiHiilisriielory eoiiilitioiiN in llio oiiiiiou of Dr. I'. H Kreiieh, who iiIho iiuule mi cMiuiiiiu tioil of the Hchool Imildinu. Ae coidiiu,' to his statement, the juiiilorn nre not ho much to hlame iih Hie ile IVelive ii)iarutUH placed in Hie h'IiooIh. "Thu roiiorl f llio (Ircatcr .MciU'onl dull," billion Dr. I'Vcncli, "covered llio hcliool Hiiuitiillon iiui'hlion us it e, ihled koIiiu tilne mk und diit'iliK the winter iiiiiiiIIih. "Dnriiij,' tho wiiiler inonlhs (here lh lunch more wuler in the eclhii'H, mul nil driiiiiuuo in diitrimciilul to heiillh milieu properly curnd for. No one would select a iudIhI cellar lo live over in proforciico to n dry ecllur, even n wcli-l'iiot., II is very easy lo miilie reporlrt ol' dry cellurK during tliu hcason whan there In little ruin mul litllo HcepiiKi) tlunerroin. The lime Hie board nIiouIiI huvo iiuule the ex uiuiiiutloii, mid t lion made their re port, which would mil he the Hiiine art now, wuh during winter, "The diHitil'cctuutH may he ill) riht to iiho in tliu Hohnul iooiiih, mid should he iihiiiI, Hill diHiiireetuiilH me nh Holutely iiniioccHHiivy to tine in IoIIoIh when (hey urn properly constriieted mid cured for. The junitorH eaniiol lie blamed under prcHunt eouditioiirt, iik the cIohcIh are improperly con Hlriietcd, uliHoliitely illKj,MiHlinj mid not cnmneli'd, whh'li leaves tlioiu open 5UWATOR WlCllAKf LpjJN j(lf (J -- I ff TITANIC OWNERS E WAHIILNt'.TO.V. May 2S ToeinliiK with olmiuenuo, combining pralso for heroism ntid scathing rebuke for nog llgHiivit and cowardice of the most appalling marine iIUhkIit of hlHtory, watt tho final and official requiem to day Hi tho fcomttu for tho victims of tho TKhiiIc. Senator Smith, of Mich igan, chnlriiiau of t lie mm a to Investi gating coiiitultteo, Ktiiniued up IiIh views of the evidence developed. That very noul ahoard the giant uteaiUDlilp might have linen saved, hut for the ludlffeience, In almost criminal neglect of Captain Stanley Lord and the other officers of tho "Callforulau" wan tho mint startling charge Smith hltterly made. 'Necillotw wierlfleo" of at least five hundred liven because of tho "strangely Insufficient uuiuher of llfehoalH," weio not flllod, wan also charged. In eloquent terms, the chairman depleted the folly of Bonding out thf j; tea let l m1iIi afloat without suffi cient teH(M, u HtraiiKe crew and no drlllH or illHclplluo. Tho Titanic, he mild wan following tho piopur course, although one Ituowu lo ho dannernim WORK IN OF to rust, llierefore lodmenl o' sedi ineiil, which is u Hpleiulid culture me ilium for jjernih, eiiiiHin j-iishch us Well UK llihCIIMI, "The fuel tlml I here lias been such u uood ulteiiiliiuee mul so lillle sick iteHs proveH Hint the janitor uses his uutihcptics to piod iidviinliiKC, mul Hint the children, due to Hie fine cli mate mid health caused hy il, lire forhmule to live here mul not he dis ciiKCil. "The I'ael (hut Hie Lincoln school hum luiili some .veins' nn mul proved iiiiHutisfuctory, wuh no cause Tor the beard I'ollowiiit; itx pntleru mul in hlalliiiK in the new schools- its style of plumliiiiK. which wuh out-or-diite even then and should never have been installed in u school intended to lie up-to-date in situitnlion. "The hoard should he careful n spciihiii uhoiil the Indies of the (lieulcr .Mcilford cluh's not knowing of what, they nre sponkhiK. fer ninny of lliein are up-lu-dale in sanitation, ami were they not, they would lie many more divorces in Mcdford, n none of the board themselves would he williiu; to have such plumbing in stalled in their own homes, mid if their wives did not cull uttentiou to the installation of hiicIi plumbing in thoir own homes, there would ho many family juts, to say the least, "It seems lo me criminal to allow such eouditioiiH to exist, either on the ground of economy or nny other reason, when the health of the chil dren 1h l slake." v 1H SCORE F NEBLBENC LUST DRIVING 1 MAD A AYN OR Eloquent Maryland Senator De iionnces Worship of Wealth, Power mill Amliltlon That Caused Disaster, Like the Titanic. Senate Swayed With Bnrnlnn OJdtory of Southerner Who Discourses Upon Committee Report. WAHIIINC.TON. I). C, May 28. "The Hooner wo awaken to a renlli: Iiik Hcmu of mir roHpoiiHlhlllty. the better It will bo for tho elevation of the country -wo are koIiik mad with the liiMt of wealth, of power and am lbtlon. May the heart-ruudltiK hcciich upon thu tilKlit of auKulnh and woe on which thu Titanic sank Klve ug faith and lead uh to tho altars of our futliem." ThiiH did Senator Itnynor. of Mnry laiul eloiiunntly sum up the sermon he preached to the senate thin after noon on tho Titanic disaster. The Maryland Mutator, one of tho most forceful uppukorii In thu upper hotme, swayed Ills audience with his burning oratory. "What this nation needu are Home severe lesaoiis that will btrenj;tlicn the plllurs and tho a I tarn of Its faith," ho declared. "We nre to a Kroat extent today defyhiK tho ord inances of (iod. Wo are separating society Into castes, with fabulous fortunes upon the one side und desti tution and poverty on tho other. It takes a terrible warning to hrliiK us hack tn our moorings and our senses. If this disaster teaches no lesson or points no moral, then let us pass It by with stoical Indifference until tho next disaster mid In the meantlmo let the carnival go on. Hut may tho lieait-readliiK scones upon that night of anguish and woe glso us faith and load us hack to the altars of our forefathers." VOTED DOWN By CONGRESS TODAY WASHINGTON, Mav 28. Hy n vote of 1'-'.') to SO, the House this af ternoon rejeeteed the Huberts amend uiciit to the naval upproprintion biil culling- for an appropriation of $V2, 1)1111,0111) for the building during 111 Id of two linttleships, each vessel to cost .f(l,()(l(),(l(l(). The amendment, in troduced by Representative Hurtholdt of Missouri, providing for only one bulllesliip. also was defeated. The debate on Hie two amendments was extremely hitler, the Democrats standing hy the argument reached in caucus. Another fight on tho same provision is expected when tho bill comes to final vote. WILSON IS LEADER HAUOIGII, N. C, May US Uo- tiiniH from the democratic county conventions, now practically Indicate that while: Woodrow Wilson will liuvo more Instructed delegates to thu statu convention, Juno 0, than Con gressiuau Underwood, tho majority of doloKtttcR will ho uninstructod, Only 10 out of 100 counties Instructed, W WARSMPS CAROLINA BHOOKLYX FATHER, EIGHTY YEARS OLD, -, PROUD OF JUS PRETTY TWIN BABIES CXI AND MGS. DAYfDALLYN CCQICN'. HEAVY VOTE KKWAHK. X. U May 28. With political sharps Ul predictins that Colonel Roosevelt wCI defeat l're-.i-dent Taft in the presidential prefer ence pKninry aim that the ilelegntio.i to Chicago will lie divided, the Mill- opened here toda at 1 o'clock. Poll ing will continue until U u clock to night. On the Democratic uide no tinmc i'oiiiis boforo the eleotors snve that of Governor Womlrow Wilson. Theie are, however, two otg of dclegnte-' being voted for iu opposition to thoe pledged for WiU.m. .They are Hu lender of the Dcm.iarntiu state inn. chine mid uudcr-tond to be pledged to "anybody hut Wilson." Perfect weather Inoiight out a heavy carl ote all over the state. IS WITNESS IN OIL NRW YORK, May S. .John 1). Rockefeller appealed hero this after noon at 2:10 o'lhnk at the hearing of tho action by II. Clay PIcrco and his associates to prevent tho Stand ard Oil company getting control of tho Waters-Pierce Oil company of St. Louis. Ho will he examined by Sam uel Uiitormeyer, representing tho Wators-PIerco company, In nn at tempt to show that the dissolution of thu Standard Oil company was not bonaflde and that llio same Interests now dominate the Standard mid Us affiliated companies as when the United States supremo court ordored Its dissolution. ltockofoller tool; tho stand at .1 o'clock. The healing was held before Commissioner Abraham Jacob's. An swering Unterinyer'a questions, tho oil king said be had signed proxies for tho annual nicotine of the Waters Plorco Oil company without oven ask ing what they were for, saying that ho takes all for granted when papers are brought to him for his signature, and that his slgimturo Is merely a mattor of routine, Hockoroller declared ho did know tho names ot those to whom tho proxies wore, assigned, and did not know at that time that thoro was a contest among certain Interests for control of the Wators-Plorco com pany. Ho said Ida offlco men nro old and trusted employes, and that ho rollos absolutely upon thoni, Viola GUletto was at ono timo an nrtUt'a modol. N E m ROCKEELLER MERGER LAWSUIT I i FISHING LAWS Attorney General Crawford lias re i"eil hi decision of. u jear ago hold ing flint no fish, caught with n rod and line, in the Rogue river, could b? sold or offered for sale, ns provided in the law, and now holds that pulmon caught with rod and line can be sold. The Hop will iveoiutnodate some fi-hennen at the month of the Rogue, who are preparing to ship the -nlinon caught "with rod and line." The state game and fili comiuis--iou have requested the Rogue River ll'ixh Protective Aoi'intion to start a test suit to have the courts pas-. tiM)ti the point at i-m, and President W. P. Isaacs has called a meeting for Humphreys gun store, Wednes day evening at S o'clock. A full at tendance of local xporUment is de sired and the entire situation will be gone over. LONE 14 IN OKLAHOMA Tl'I.SA, Okla.. May 2S Tho town of Sklatatook, 13 miles north of hero was wrecked by a tornado this after noon, 1 1 persons killed and many Injured, according to reports received here. Tho village of Palrfax Is also reported badly damaged hy a torna do. GREATEST FRUIT CROP ON RECORD NORTHWEST PORTLAND, Ore., .May 2S. It is estimated here today that the Pacific Northwest this your "ill have the greatest fruit crop on record, the to tal value of the ield to the orcluird ists being .t1.I,000,UH) to $1:5.000,000. CRAWFORD CRAWFISHES UPON K S REVOLUTION OF BLACKS IN CUBA WORRIES GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, tSSSSryEr- 31 1 -1 COA.1ING PETOTS AT GUANr"rN.rXAIvlO The uprMtig of the negroes In Cuba has caused the government etllcliils considerable worry The iinrr"! tin long been appareut, ami now bands of rebels are forming In several of the districts, principally Iu Suutn Clara, (Juuu tauauio and HI Cuuoy, Tho blacks ure Iu rebellion bucuuso they yet no siiure of tho un urumuut utlkw. GEM ROBBER CONFESSES 10 LOOIGSIORES Sinyler Brinrj Back Fred Schaffer, Who Admits Burjjlariziiin Jewelry Establishment of M. B. Enjilant! at Central Point. Tlree Hundicd Dollars' Worth of Goods Secured Which Was Divided j at Etifienc Between the Pair. Constable Slngler returned Tues day morning from Portland having In his custody Fred Schaffer who waB arrested In Portland last week charg ed with burglarizing tho Jowelry store of M. It. Hngland in Central Point, on tho night of May 3, ID 12. The prisoner was taken before Justice of tho Peace Taylor, In this city, where ho made a full confession or tho theft and Implicated his part ner, Frank McPherson. who Is still at largo and his whereabouts un known to tho police. Schaffer and McPherson, who had been stopping In Medford for several days prior to the theft, went to Cen tral Point on the afternoon of May 3 and that evening broke into tho Jewelry store and stole $350 worth of goods. This they brought to Med ford and hid It tn some bushes along tho railroad track just north of the city. Schaffer was arrested June 4 by Constable Singler as a suspect but none of tho stolen goods were found on his person and he was re leased from custody. Tho night of the niext day but one Schaffer and McPherson took their loot and struck out for the north, disposing of small amounts of It In cities along the rail road. At Eugene they divided up tho stolen goods and separated, Schaffer going to Portland where he was arrested while attempting to dis pose of somo of tho goods. He still had with him when arrested about $73 worth of the goods. Schaffer was bound over to the grand jury In the sum of $2000 and was taken to Jacksonville. He is said to be an old offender and a parolo violator. HALL OF JUSTICE, LOS AN GELES, Cal., May 'JS.Clarenco Dm rowV attorneys will attempt to show during the course of his trial on n charge of bribery that there was an an attempt, amounting to a conspir acy, iu which the district attorney was party, to entrap Harrow into a compromising circumstances and con vict him on a charge of bribery. The outline of the defense'ss posi tion wns stuted by Earl Kogors, nar row's, chief counsel, iu open court to day following a stormy conflict be tween lingers und District Attorney Fredericks, in which the prosecutor usked that the court punish Rogers for contempt of court for referring to the nrrest of Franklin as "a per-forniance." 1D3 PERSONS MEET DEATH IN OAT Iroquois Disaster Repeated in Spanish City Doors to Playhouses Swing Inward and Prevent Exit of Panlc Slricken Thronfj. Victims Mostly Women and Children Fire Starts When Celluloid Film Is Ignited hy Spark. MADRID, May 28 Knnked down, trampled by it frenzied gathering, seeking escnpe, 10U persons, mostly women and children, met death in a fire iu a moving picture house -it Villnreal, in the provinco of Cnstel lon, according to udviees received here today. A search of the ruins today revenled 8IJ eorps.es piled in the main entrance to the theatre, and it is feared that the death list of 103 will he increased. The fact Hint the doors to the playhouse swung inward is responsi ble in a large inennure for the death list. At the first alnVm the nudienc, panic stricken, rushed to the exit. Their progress was blocked by the inward swinging doors, and, hemmed in, men women and children struggled for life. The wenker women und children were knocked down ami trampled upon and scores met death iu this way. The fire stnrted from n spa'rlc which ignited n celluloid film and spread with lightning rnpidity. Be fore the nudienco could lenve their seats the theatre was in flnmes. The death list undoubtedly would havo been much greater had not cooler heads opened windows, scores escap ing in this manner. In many ways the Villareal holo- cause is a direct parallel to the catas trophe at Boyerstown, Pa., Jan. 1, 1908, when more than 200 persons met death. As at Villareal, the thea tre doors swung inward, and in theo fight to escape scores of women mul children were trampled to death. F TO CHICAGO, May 28. Completing nor 1,070 mllo tramp from New York city, Mrs. David Uoach, wife ot a wealthy New York business man, walked Into Chicago today and vaa escorted by a largo crowd of enthus iastic admirers throughout tho prin cipal streets to tho offlco ot Mayor Carter H. Harrison. Mrs. lleach was just 43 days on tho trip. During all this tlmo she lived on a non-meat raw-food diet exclus ively. Her dally food consisted ot raw vegetables and fruit with cakes make ot ground wheat, ra'sins and apples. She drank nothing but fruit juices, WOMAN walk:; OM GOTHAM HH DAYS Hi : i hi CTW