If --... T J PXGE SIX StEOTOTlD" KRHTJ TRTBUNE, OT,DFORD, QTCKflON. MONDAY. MAY 127, 1012, 16 -, HI fa K mm takes ffl E PUBLIC MARKET PROVES HNUK TALENT AND PKKNDt piny TEN llS Tim fnim who braved the oleinonts yciitcriliiy wore well repaid, as tho gnino wjib n cloao and exciting one, Mod ford winning c to 1, Grnntn Pass was nnablo to conuoct In tho first two Innings, although a counlo of errors In tho luflold offered Ilium hoiiiu encouragement, but In tho third, Weckler walked and scored on Dakor'a two sackor. Medford pock eted one In tho firm on Ilorton's bln glo and a couplo of errors, but went out one, two, three In tho second aud third. In tho fourth Schmidt drove a sln glo Into left field, and got second no Wood's sacrifice, but failed to score. In Mcdford's half Miles was hit by a pitched ball, and tho next two men went out. Antic got first on Wood's fumble, Gill walked after being soak ed, and Tumy'B blnglc scored Miles and Antlo. Tho rest of the game was without any special features until the seventh, when two passes, Isaac's two iagger and Weckler's muff or Antic's fly netted tho home team three more runs. The credit for tho victory clearly belongs to Burgess. who struck out twelve men, and held tho Pass down to three hits. Scere: Grants Pass A'.D. R. II. P.O. A. E. H. Paubian, s.8. 4 0 2 .1 0 an p r. n i I 4 4 Tho second day's operations of tho new public market nrmed as great a success as the first. A noticeable decrease tu prices was noted, duo to the fact that supplies were heavier and the demand lighter, owing to tho day being Monday. Several grocers of the city appear ed at the market today and purchased supplies for their stores uptown, pay lug cash to tho -producers. The new market 1s proving very popular. J Talent defeated Phoenix in a faM ball frame played on the Phoenix SENSATIONAL ACT AT ISIS THEATRE Toniyltt ami tomorrow itmht, the Isis theatre will oilor m a t'iinl feature Mr. IMunnl Holland, pre- The annual election of officer for the Greater Medford Club will be held at a meeting of the Hub this after noon.. It is expected that Mrs. K. S. Parson's will be re-eiecied as head of the or'iiuixatiou, owing to the great amount of work she has neeoniplihol as president of the Hub duriui; tin pnt year. At this meeting plans will ho mode for a continuance of the work of the Hub. This organization has heeoiui one of the greatest forces in tho oi'y for civie improvement. irouuds Sunday afternoon hut it toil, 10 inniiiLs tod o it. The final .-cole was S to tl. 'sentmir his powerful sensation. "The Tho giimo was hard fought , - throughout and it looked like xietor.x Vt . ...... ......... .-..- Lights and Shadows of u Great t'ily l.ifo in the Underworld." The Milijoel," oiie of the broadest possible, is life lodnv hi tin" great metropolis of the wt toru world, New York, Hie empiie Hly, wlune the eenseless tide of life licnr its live mi 1 1 i in t souls ever onward; some on its erest, to' the goals of their de sires others in its trouult of obliv ion. All the features of iuteiest pertain nig to life in this ureal eitv are lu'lx deserlhed and lllimlraled with licmi 1 1 fully hand eoloied xiews, itiniiv l' which weto taken hv Mr. Holland himself I'm' this puipoxe. Ti gli'iiii tie Hli.vset'apiMs, the suhways and the rapid transit tubes under the rneis and many olliers too iiuiiiimuih hi mention. There will lieu o raise in piiees foi this feature, which is in addition o the regular vaudexllle and pletuie progniiii, the admission leiuitiului, as usual, 10 cents. r i... i)i.......:.. ....:! ,i... ......... ,..,.o ;...! i In nu extra inning Talent sent twoil around thu bags I X The butteries, were: Phoenix, t'leve-1 ... . ... 1 , .... III.I....I L-. 'II I I .Tl liuiil aoo nciTci, imriii, oiiiim uui Vauee. Weckler, 2b linker, c. Williams, :tl). Smith, l.f. Schmidt, r.f. Wood, lb. J. Rlggs. 2b. W. Rlggs, cf. Hopkins, p. R. : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II. P.O. 0 2 p r. l i 0 1 0 0 0 0 A. a n 4 l o o o l o o Medrord Horton, 2b. Miles, s.s. Isaacs, cf. Wilkinson, lb. Antle. l.f. Gill, r.f. Tump, ::i). Keastrom, c. Uurgess, p. 3 4 3 4 a :t 3 4 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 11 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 1 0 The white flue wu thrown to the breer.e thi- morning !' the Tinted States weather bureau and orchard ists who have much spruviug to do at this time are rejoicing in conseqiienci. This week will be a busy one from i spraying standpoint and as it is most important that it be done well, or ehardists were worrxing to some ex tent owing to continued rain?-. Pair weather is predicted and if it holds during the week orehardists will be able to Mieee-sfnllx complete the xvorlc. 0 0 1 0' 0 0 1 1 FORDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put in first class shape! All work guaranteed. Leaxe address with II. B- Pattersn, Quaker Nursery, Nash hotel. 33 1 3 24 i: 30 C n 27 10 3 Summary: 2 baso hits. Uaker. i Isaacs; struck out, by Hopkins 5. iyf Burgess 12; bases on balls, off Hop-! kins 4. off Ruruess 2. Hit hv nltclioil ' ball, by Hopkins 3. Time of game. 2 t h. 5 m. Umpires, Sanderson, llrotis. Draperies Wo carry a vry complete line of droporlrs, lniv curtolns, fix tures. tc, nnj 4o nil cln.iscn of upliolsliTliif,-. A mx'clal tnnn to look after this rork oxclulvly nail will give aa irool srvlc nu Is possible to cet ir even the Urnest cities. WEEKS & McGOWAN CO, ? T ? r ? ? ? r r ? ? r f y ? T r r T f t t NOTICE! To Contestants and Parties holding coupons in our AUTOMOBILE CONTEST On I he JKMh of f his month, MAY, we will ehsine Ihe color ol the eonpons. lTsjny: bine I'oi tin next month. ALL YKLLOW COUPONS not registered with us hv tho JJIstof MAY, will he void. This is a ruling of the Contest jind we trust you will appre ciate the rainiess of this plan, us it prevents contestants from holding out their votes till the last. Many of your friends aro holding coupons. It's up to you Contestants to got theso votes which will increase your standing. With best wishes, we are always In Karnes!, THE TOGGERY (OF COURSE) A. 8 N P HO nereii, ntx miles tinni Medford, good graded road rromimi tho tract, all tree noil, at 150 pur aero, $1000 will bundle, tinny ternu on tmlnuco, Part In crook bottom liuul, Hiittahlo for alfalfa, Hovoral nprlugrt on tho place, Timber enough to pay for tho tract. No building". In tho (Irlrtln creek dlntrlut, W. T. York a Co. AAA A.A..&.A..A..A..A.A..A. ; I I. t T ? ? V f ? ? V1 I f ? ? ? f y y y y y y y y y BARGAIN FOR SALE (I rent est auto hargjiin of Ihe season, -H h. p. roadster, new, run less than lot) miles, Will sell at, great sacrifice. Home phone H01-X. or write JANES BROS. oooootooooo You will want a Kodak this summer. Heller get it now while ti u r s t o c lc i s complete. J m Medford Book Store I oooooooooo 4k MADE IN DREGOrTlr "MADE IN OREGON 99 The readers of this neupjiH'r xxlio are iutereMed in ibis campaign are requeued to help Increase Ibi; demand for Oregon. made products. Make a lUt of nrllclen nteil in your home, sutli as flour, breakfast fomls, xxohIiIuk pouiletN, baking Hmlcrs, blaMlng K)v(I, iiusits, clothing cigar, fniiillure, linlldliig matciiul, crni-kern, horse rollurH, Mift drinks, logging s!iihm, shirts, Iiimiiwuv, mai-.ironl and overalls, ami xxben jni bur any of the articles lulxertl m-1 on Oils pun,, ask our local dealer for tin Thai It the xx-.iy to make the state more prosperous, have better iudtistrlnl and moral comliliou, ntul give the growing generations n Iwtter cliame lo make a llxlng. r HtO Oregonlifc Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon has its entire operating plant In Oregon, makes all of Us Investments In Oregon securities only, has an unmatched record of success. Is growing greater day by day, and reccWes preference from all discrlminaltng buyers of life Insurance In Oregon. Home Office, Corbelt Building, Portlaud CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Assistant Manager Best for Oregonians COSTS YOU NOTHINGTOTRY A. L. MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager fr Rope and Binder Twine rorit LEAF m:i) CLOvint IIKAM) Trade ilark Made la the Kurttiwnit for NortbwMt roiiKinucri. Aik your uicrclinnl fur our JtOl'W AND IIINIii:il TWINK. Kri-ry nrllfle ri-jtrwu'iiu In cot -'." tT cent to M ht tent 111 IiIimji- tniiliiyiMl. Ruppurt the manufacturer who Klvex i-inplii)iuent to labor which. In turn, coiuuinca your products ; also kefpd )our money ut home. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. rnctorkn; rortlouU. Or, J Seattle, Wanli. THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON I rouK"n'oaABJ II f Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHIIER,MAYER&C0. PORTLAND, OREGON ASIC FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS "MADE IN OREGON" R. Veal & Son ALU ANY, OREGON OUR GUARANTEE In jiOTlHl kJ pAU MiM thm Wm4 t4 "ttntjltlC l M..iT wwt rif .rt. rmm lmm tm ! tW iwjtf. mm mdttkml Ji ft. iMMt vm mmXm t mmm mrmtm. wm tm DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANurAcrunnns op rncn.cnAii, MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufacture all merchandise wo otter lor lalo Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. rOHTLAND. OUUGOX OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our new fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men'n tail oring, aro rado of tho best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. TOUR TAILOR CA' I'LMlCHASti DIRECT FROM TIIK 3IILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Needles and all Alimentary Pastes 3Indc In Ed Oregon Ql'AI.ITV HKST nun: KQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars VIij not demand tlieni from your dealer W. H. McMonies & Co. PORTLAND, OKKGO.N TACIFIC COAST TIIHCUIT CO. Portland( Oregon LOOK FOR THE CELEIIIIATED IIL'IiQtf.lXX .SHOE, made In Portland, Oregon Oiil Tli ii mi an Street MADE IN OREGON KNIGHTJs IGIrOE, f WJM73 uv WW mw on UK ohtI1o(j. .rownx.0, rOMOM THIS LABEL WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer Tho cbolccst bops and tho finest barley malt, brexved scientifically In Just tho right xvay, aro icsiion slblo for Its absolute purity and excellence. Mall us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery PORTLAND, ORECION CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo design and inako tho celebrated $?! Yia7W& KPjc.Cj ALSO PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory, lEtb and ICtli and Pettygrovo streets America' Largest Jlusle JIouho EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Ocncral Office! RIlcrH niilldliis Alder Ktrcot nt Kpyentli, Portland, Ore. I'OHTV 8TOI:H OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Auk Dealers for This Line CHAIRS i All ti.t, ncnil 7 All fl-.fr ncait in Ung(f;&.rt line (jrous inAorrheriiJapftJi mlinrn i,itntiic srA mtii which is necessary to niO'iest class aaf. KingQtJf is branded Into thaitmtnf Hikllnr tulle. . . .... nFllin OASuperlorlfefquAl: f fiinrirMniiiiii Absolute Satisfaction. ORZGQNJfJlAljiCQ, .UJAWV'V: Schiller Cigar T7 x PORTLAND ractory oeo.n Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland. Oregon Only Fire Insurance Company in Oregon THE BEST Produced here or anywhere 'i f I6n VJTbrand, Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PIONKKK PAC'Ki:itH of Ihe PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co. PORTLAND, OREGON "White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory" Wheat Flakes ARE IIK8T OP ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD Shingle Stains LIco Killer, Hbeeji and Cattle Dip Wood 1'ruNcrviitlvo RiiHt KchIhIIiik, Damp Proof Concrete Paint Darn mid Roof Pnlul, Hoiiho Paint 1'loor Palnl, Varnlslies Paints, OIIh, Etc. Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. .Works at Llnntou CLOTHING Zt OREGON WOOL Kch yrar wi ninniifnclnrft nml p iienrly tin llioimaml Mrn'M nml lte,j" Hull from Ori'k'im cloth, maili liy llio llirfr hi K wtifllrn tnllli In Ilrownnvlllr, Hilem nnl IIiiKcnr You r.ili liny llirm HulU nt very rriuoniililp prlrm nr Nrnil for nliiilm I elllicr of our (tori'. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Eugene MnrHtitleld Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" (mix upon MINUTE wAsiiwo COMPOUND u KU-.au rciuuia COffTAINS NO LYE, ROSIN. ACID OR AMMONIA A Concontrntotl Camphornted Product IIcU tho Hand Will Not Injure Ida Plnttt I'brlo ASK YOUR GROCER Mall tldi to in and id frco 111111(111 By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. SSS Carman Manufacturing Company MnniifacliircrH of nil IiIiiJh of FURNITURE JMkIiIcciiUi and UpHlinr SlroolH PORTLAND, ORECIO.N Willamette Roll News is MADE AT' ' Oregon City, Oregon" United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREGON Office; 70S KuwIh llnlldlnt: Factery: Ronton .Mil 11 11 far hirers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines i DRINK TIHJi: I'UIJIT l'LAVOR .Sen Unit Trnda Mark Is on Ilolllo A Pure, DiIIcIoiin, Soft Drink A Hiiro TlilrHt Quell .Mailo In Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. ft81.:i83 East Pine Strict, Portland "LIONITE'' STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MADE IN OREOON CALLAN & KASER Sclllnif AKOiitrt 722 Ycon Iliilldlmr, Porllnnd, Ore. Huln 10UII M11I11 1700