MGI3 FOUR MEDFOTtf) MATTJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEGON, FRIDAY, MAY 2-1, 1012, Medford mail tribune naii1 ' it AN INDKl'MNDKNT ' PUHMHHKD KVBKY Al-TEHNOON KXGICl'T 8UNDAV, HY TJII3 MISDPOllU PJIINTINO CO. Tho Democratic Times, Tim Mcriford N,v Man. rj no flioiiroru xriDiinc, rno Houm- viii uirHuiiiiiii) 4.UW rftmiiuiivi Aiiuuiiu Orflco Moll Trlbuno Itulldlnir. 3S-2T-2) Mot-Ill J"lr street; phono, Alain 3021; jitmno 7S. Q HO 11(113 PUTNAM. Killlor nnd MnnaRrr $$$x Kntorod tin secoud-class matter nl MciUonl. Oregon, under the net of -MOrC 11 3, 1873. Official Paper of tlio City of Medford. Official l'nppr of Jnckson County. BUIJSCRITTION RATES. Onn year, by tntilt ...... I&.00 Jinn month, by mull ..... .CO 2vor month, ilidtvrred ty carrier In Medronl. Jnckiionvllla uiul Coli- . trnt Point .60 Saturday only, by mall, jier yoar. . J.00 Weekly. J)er year 1.60 SWOBN CXJtCU&ATXOIT. Dally nventffn rtr Invcn months end W Novomher 30. lflll, S7S1. I"uH eaied Wlrs United Prcia DUpatchcu. Tlio Mali Tribune la on (tain at the Terry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel New Stand, Portland. Howmnn Nown Co., Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. MESrOBS. OHEOOX. Metropolis of Southern Oregon nnd Northern uniuomia. aim mo rasiesi crowlni? cltv In Orecon. Population U. a census 19108810; estimated. 19ll 10.000. Viva hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply pure moumam waicr, anu ii.j miles of streets oaved. Postofflco receipt for year endlnu November su, iu, show increase or is iwr eo.nt Banner fruit city In Oregon Itogue Klver Spltxenbenr apples won owecp- makes prize anu line at "Ab1 vinr of th World" nt tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, anu n. car or wnwiowns won FACE THIRD TRIAL KANSAS CITY", Mo., May 24.- Tho Third trial of Dr. B. Clark Hyde, charged with tho murder of Colonel Thomas ,11. Swope, Is sched uled upon tho docket of tho criminal court to begin next Monday, but it is quite likely that tho state will ask for another continuance, as the spe cial prosecutor, United States Sena tor J. A. Reed, is still detained in Washington by his duties in con gress. If another postponement is asked for and granted the caso will probably not come up until after the adjournment of cougress. At the first trial, In tho spring of 1910, Dr. Hyde was found guilty and was sentenced to imprisonment for life, but a now trial was granted, wlilch camo up last year. Hyde's second trial ended abruptly when Harry Waldron, one of tho Jurors, escaped from the marshals. The third trial was to begin on January 2, 1912, but at the request of the prosecution it was postponed until May 27, in tho hope that by that timo Senator Reed would be at leis ure to give his attention to tho case. Dr. C. Clark Hyde had been un der suspicion in connection with the aiystcrious Illness and deaths In the swopo family ever since tho death of Colonel Thomas H. Swopo on Octo ber 3, 1909. Tho death of Colonel Swopo followed sqpu after ho had suffered a severe convulsion, and this convulsion, it was charged by tho membors or tho Swopo family, followed immediately after tho ad ministration of a capsule given by direction of Dr. Hyde. Dr. Hydo said it was a digestive tablet. It was proved at tho trial that Dr. Hydo had purchased cyanide of po tassium In five-grain capsules. Dr. Hydo claimed ho bought tho cyanide capsules to kill roaches in his office. HONOLULU MAN BUYS LAND IN ROGUE VALLEY Wontworth Buchanan, Honolulu capitalist, closed a deal directly with W. D. Hodson of Ashland whereby ho gained 1C0 acres of the old Clark Savage placo, near Rogue River, for $5000. Tho land Is unimproved, but Mr. Buchanan bus secured the services of Charles Mesorvo, who will superin tend tho planting of young pear trees and look after tho samo until tho re turn of Mr. Buchanan in ubout four years. Mr. Buchanan Btates that ho pre fers tho climato of tho Rogue River valloy to that of tho Antipodes, which havo so much of tho samo sort of weather hot. His orchard will be his homo when ho returns, and is .admirably located, being on the Cra ter lake highway, about three miles south of Rogue- River. FIND MAN, EVIDENTLY MURDERED, IN BAY LOS ANGELES, May 24. Tho body of u mnii apparently murdered, found floating In San Pedro bay sev eral dayB ago, and tentatively Indeu tlfled as that of Bernard Rein, of Los Augelcs, is believed today to liayo homi that of James W. Grundy, a cablnot maker, who camo hero re cently from Kansas OJty, Mp. Tho body wus Identified, as Grundy's by C, W, Vordon his nephew, Grundy carrjetj $80p xyhon ho started, for San Pedro May 1, Ho did not return. D . H ID CONSOLATION. W 1LLTAM JENNINGS meeting to the Titanic "Let no man bring to my deathbed for my consola tion Darwin's 'Descent of Alan'. Rather let my friend read to me the twenty-third shepherd,; I shall not want.' " To all of its there conies, some time in life, this propo prepo prope sition: Either I am descended from a soulless, stomaehless, brainless, spineless germ, as science declares, or 1 am from God. Fascinating in the extreme is a study of the scientific side "of the proposition, logical is its argument. But its end is a blank wall no hope, no consolation. We are simply soulless brutes of high degree and life is but a contemptible joke on the spermatozoa. Wo go to our deaths in Titanies and that's the last of us, so far as our widows, orphans and loved friends are concerned. Disbe lief, hopelessness, despair! "When a man has reached Bryan's age he sees that all the happiness possible in this life does not suffice, with Death and Eternity knocking at the door, that all the force of reason, all the deductions of logic fall short of what man if he thinks must have. Face to face with Forever, man turns from the deep black pit which logic has dug downward and turns his face upward to catch the blessed satisfying rays of faith from on high. The picture of his child's cold corpse knocking about with the cadavers in the Titanic coffin, down there in the sea, gives place to a picture of a child, happy, safe, at peace on the breast of God the Father. Let science gnaw her husks. The Lord is the shepherd of those we've "loved and lost awhile,' and His rod and His staft shall comfort us. THE WOMEN SATISFYING in the extreme must be the news of the recent Colorado election to the adherants of equal suffrage. The women have the antis "Look at the women of Colorado, they haven't cleaned up that lair of 'the beast'." But that cry now is the crv of yesterday. It has been answered. Backed by the women of larly appealed m his tight against corruption. Judge Ben B. Lindsey was re-elected as one of the citizens' ticket by a vote which swept every ward in the city. The citizens' ticket won by at least 20,000 majority over the democratic ticket and from 5000 to 7000 over the republicans. Head ed by Henry Arnold for mayor, Lindsey 's associates were opposed to both the republican and democratic machines. The campaign was the most bitter in the city's history. Lindsey made a strong appeal to tho women of the city to vindicate him against the attacks of his foes and they gave his party victory for his full ticket in every division of the city, even down to the last alderman. During the past two months Jackson county has lis tened to attacks on equal suffrage bv a candidate for the state legislature. Particularly bitter have been his refer ences to the women of Colorado, who have the ballot, and of which state he was a former resident. These attacks have certainly been rebuked, if not silenced, by the results of Tuesday's balloting at Denver. The women of Color jado have "made good." SCHOOL FAILURES. THE report of the county superintendent of schools in the eighth grade uniform examinations again calls attention to the astonishingly low averages made by stu dents. ' Out of 221 taking the examinations, 120, or 57 per cent, passed in all subjects, 02 were conditioned in one or two subjects, 33 failed outright, and only 8, or .3 percent, made an average of 90 percent or more. An average in all branches of 80 percent is required to pass. The largest number failed in arithmetic, with spelling second and geography third. These figures do not cover the Medford schools, which will be reported later. As the figures in other grades at other examinations have shown a corresponding low average throughout the state, it is evident that something is the matter with the school system. COMMUNICATION. Scott Banking Plan To tlio editer: Under the above heading appears an article in thy Mail Tribune of May 21 st criticizing the writers plan, in short, we do not contemplate gohu,' counter to the stute constitution, or federal banjdn;; uws. There is no law prohibiting the organizing of it national bank, us out lined in proposed ineiihitre. we are not contracting indebtedncKS, we are try ing- to keep out of debt, the county will always own the bonds, nothing i Hie proposed bill intimates the Tux payers National bank would be n bank of deposit, or do u general bank ing bithinesK. It is entirely at the discretion of the treasury department whether or not our bowls are ac cepted, depending on the need of the community for the issue of the cur rency lequestcd, mid the soundness of our f.eo.urity. Ojir security is am ide and sound and the practice of accepting Midi tpcurilv is (imply pre- cedented. Our need is tirgont ns witness our bid of 1,800,000 for $1, 1500,000 last fall, stipulating we sjiould have twen ty years to pay up in. The small item of -1-1)0,000 saved yearly in interest does not appeal to Mr. McClure, Tlio taxpayers may see it differently, however. WM. J. SCOTT. BRYAN at the memorial s dead said: Psalm t 'The Lord is my OF COLORADO. effectively silenced the cry of Denver, to whom he particu Patrol Duty for Yorktown yALLEJO, Cal May 24. Dis abled after years of activo service tho gunboat Yorktown, one of the warships which captured Manila bay during the Spuulsh-Amerlcau war, arrived at Mare Island navy yard today. Money Back Heme's Home Talk on Square Deals Lines. Fifty cents; that's all, for a box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets that will bring a smile to your dyspeptic coun tepanco ten minutes after tho first dOBC. And Chun. Strang states that If MI-O-NA doesn't end the misery of Indlgcstlou or banish otomnch dis tress of uny kind, you can have your money back. This guarantee applies to tho fol lowing ailments, gas, acidity, heavi ness, distress after eating, fermenta tion, heartburn, waterbrash, bolph lug, sourness, pain lu stomach, bil iousness, dizziness, nervousness, slpoplessiiesH, bad dreams, night sweats, hpadacho, constipation, des pondoncy, bloating, foul breath, coat ed tongue, sea or car sickness, morn ing sickness. Fifty cents a box for MI-O-NA stomach tablets at (Juan, Strang's and druKBlBtH overywhero. FRECKLE-FACE Now lSemcily That Ueniove.s b'tycklcs or Costs Xotlihitf. lleru'a n chnticn .Ml Freekle-Kneo to try u now roiuvily for freckles with tho Kunrnntce of n rolttiblo dealer that It will not cost you iv penny unless It removes tho freckles, while If It tinea give you a clear com plexion, tho expense la' trifling. Simply rM n ounce of othlno double strength, from any first class druggist of Medford and one nlght'a treatment will show yon how easy tt Is to fid yourself of tho homely freckles and get a beautiful com plexion. Rarely Is more than one ounce needed for the worst cane. lh sure to nsk any first class druggist In Medford ft r tho double strength othlno, as this Is the only prescription sold tinder guaranteo of money back If It falls o romovo freckles. rou KxniAxm: A five year scholar ship in the Interim, tioiml Ctnrcndeiico Schools for a good hlcjcle. AddivvN II. M., .Mail Tritium. 1.bU SPALDING "Official CORK NATSE- CENTERBASE A. G. SPALDING &. BROS. 156 GEARY STREET SAty FRANCISCO WORLD SERIES yy h. o CCORK CENTER Ns. BALL V GROCERIES Prices that will interest the shrewdest of buyers. Absq- lutely the best prices ever offered in Jackson County on staple goeds: 10 pounds best Fruit (Jranulatcd Sugar $1.00 .10 pounds White Beans, small or large Jj1.00 1G pounds Hod Mexican J -Jeans $1.00 8 lfle Jap No. 1 Kiee, 1G pounds $1.00 White or Yellow Corn Meal, 10 pound sack 3Q Fine or Coarse Graham, 10 pound sack.. 30r Columbia Oats or "Wheat, big package 110$ .12 cans of Jersey Cream Milk $1.00 G boxes Diamond Soft Tip Matches..'. 25t 3 pound can Tavern Coffee $1.00 50 pound sack Fine Table Salt 50f 50 pound sack Stock Salt' ., 406 10 pounds Eastern Lard $1.45; f pound pail 75 10 pounds Lilly Compound $1.15; 5 pound pail G0? Best bulk Kerosene, gallon .'....'. 20 Ilorscshoe, Star or Climax Tobacco plug , 45t FLOUR FLOUR llemeiiibof we are Headquarters on Flour. Our prices have opened the eyes of the people of Jackson'sCounty. Our prices arc for Hard Wheat Flour. 10 very stick guar anteed, or your money back. Highland Blend Hard Wheat Flour, sack $1.35 Superior (Jluc Stem Hard Wheat Flour, sack $1.45 "American Rose" Blue Stem Hard Wheat Flour sack ! $1.45 Prices Subject to Market Changes Hutchison & Lumsden Medford, Back to the Farm llt'Vo'n your chance to buy 20 neves three miles from .Medfordj best of soil; part In alfalfa, part young or chard; Ideal locatien: good building site. To make a quick huIo hh I need money I inn offering same for JH0U0, part cash, balance terms to milt, l-'or further Information 'ad dress Owner, 500, earo Mall Tribune " SirtlAiMl,Ortn ' . i f,l,tii( SI John lltlliMKrlvrl)l 4 IliwinUr, Dtptrln.nM, MtiU, Art. tlMtllw. (liuMlm. ltartUlittixMirwTlir. "lHll-UHl ftlHIOII orflr.23.MI. JMru.llnlt . - . I.J s NEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Aro Held in Mooso Hall every Thursday nt U p. m. Everybody invited. Draperies Wo curry n viry camplota lino of dropprlv. limn curtoln. fix tures, eta, and o nil clnnxpn r iipliolntcrlni:. A niacin I mnn to look nftur this xurk pxoliilvnly nnd will rIvk i kihI fcrrvlce un In poxnltiln to 6t If avnu tho Inrcest cltlc. WEEKS & McGOWAN CO. 00K000C' You will want a Kodak this summer. Better got it now while our s 1 0 c k is complete. Medford Book Store 0000K00000 n. Oregon BARGAINS VOH HAMI New I room 'limine, water, newer and electric lights, on paved sli")l close In. hit naxias, bin ok tree, all for 1750. New li 1 00111 inodfl bungalow h"'f block off Main Ht., 0110 of bent built hoimua lu Mcdfoid, r-HM)0j can ho paid for Hid rout. Tit.m: 100 neteM level laud, H, l.. n main Hue U.. M. tf. ' " H ' good dt'ep black mill; wants pioporty lu Hogiio liver valley. n mom hoime on east side tu Initio for limmo on west slilo von HAI.K Uelluipilmiiiiciit four miles Jack sonville i;ill. A. J. LUPTON Cor. tllti ami l-'lr Ht. BARGAIN FOR SALE (Ircalcsi auto bargain of I he season, J." h. p. minister, new, run less than 100 miles. Will sell at great sacrifice. Home phone :IUI-X or write JANES BROS. A Tonic, Alltullve mul Ittntlvcnt Tlio Ivf.i i.nin, f r Ki.lnrv. l.lvrr ant lVmtlf. rmltntr Pi' plt. 1 r liO lln.l I) oilrr el Ihf hWln K.'iti" I Its IIUkhI uil gHt Touc Mtcni.1!' awJMcvt IjIIic cutlic yttm. PLUMBING ; Stoam and Hot Water I Hoating All Work OunrniitfiL 1'rloc Itranonnblo. COFFEEN & PRICE IS Howard Btook, Knttmce on 8tlt St rotflo 3031. noma 84a. MISS FLORA GRAY Piano Instruction 144 South Control Ave. Studio Phone Main 12-11 . Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phenes: Pacific 3072 Home 351 Messenger Service F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put In first clans HlmpcT All work Kiiiirnntuuil. Lonvo nddrcHH wilh II. I). I'nttcrsti, Quaker Nuracry, NiihIi hotel. MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city properly at lowest rates with "on or before privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 3231 320 G -C.'Bldg. 'WbosYouncVfel Dentist? s i vr ., r, , KHOM VOUTJr 'JO OfiO AOH your tooth need ciircfnl attention, Miuiy of tho lllii of llfo nrlHo from iiCKlncted, docayliiK teeth, If you mo wIho you will talco K'xxl euro of your tooth, Wo aro IJXI'lOlt'J'H lu all brauiihou of dental worlc. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER TIIW DKNTIHT Over Daulola for DikIh, Pacific 1'hoiiQ 'IW1, Home l'hono 3Da-K i - . ,, ' WHERE TO GO TONIGHT 4ttr- IOc THEATRE lOc Tiir. cum i: oi- urn noics HM.UNCIJ A vmy thilllluu Holdup I ' lua-oit.M.Niiox OV lilll iii a x .l.l.l, Tlll I'A.MII.V A (loud WeMteiu Comedy IIAH'I'V IIONKV.MOO.V Comudy KXlTltSION IX NKW '.K.I.NU Seeiilu NOTIOK Hoiirn from 7:J10 to 10:30, oxcont Saturday and SumluyH, Matinee 2 to &. lCvmilui; nerforiiiuuce, 7 to 11. ADMISSION 10a THEATRE I lent Ventilated and Mont t'n-to-Date Theatur lu tho City Advanced Vaiidellle mill Motion I'lctitrcN Sierlnl 'I'oilny Smm'IiiI UKMKMIIKIt TIIK MAINU "Till: LAST IMTIW !' TIIK .maim:" A flltliiK burial at it en. The KruudcMt and iuot liiMplrliiK pulrl. otic picture ever exhibited. K cry oiio should It, ami "UK MICMMItlt TIIK MA INK. WAIiKCIt AND WAMtim lu their original comedy hIiicIuk ami (IhihIiik art a real treat. "ItlVAIS" KtlrrliiK Powerful Drama "WANTI'.D A HAIIV" Comedy iirnmm ".SPANISH CAVAl.lim" Dramatlo rlitHMlo "lllt.WK, ItltAVKIt AXD JtUAV- KST" A real laiiKh-prMilucor Aii KATIIKH, tho Sinner WOOIAVOUTIIK, the MuidclntiH Thu placo whero tho plcttiruii don't hurt your eycii AiIiiiIknIoii Hie, Children fie MATINKKS DAILY Vacuum Carpet Cleaning We have gasoline power, a large machine, and guaran tee all work. Home l'hono 83-K Clark Sc Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Land Matten: Final Proof. Dciort Land, Conteita and Mining Ciihci. Scrip. A SNAP 00 acrcH, nix inllco from Medford, Reed graded road ctobhch tho tract, all free soil, at K0 por aero, $1000 will haudlo, oaay torniu on balance. Part 1h crook bottom laud, uultublo for alfalfa, Ouvoral nprluHU on tho plnco. Tlmbnr onoiiKh to pay for tho tract. No bulldlnga. In thu Orltfiu Creole dlutrlct. W.T.York (a Co. Watch Our Addition Crow Jncknou mid Suiiimll Medford Rcmty and lliiprovGiiicjit Company M, F. A U, Co.,Illi1g. Si