in,, i "t G v ) I I fr- I ; 4k Jeff Really rar-arenacjaarar-gc-rr r '..X rcc- r.i i . t--i -, 1 ' 7V. .? OM.Jri' I'VJO UC-UU (StiKQU 10 WtH MWl IN m AMVrnOW UWW, tfUL lWl lb, CO MOfAG (SHU fttlMGARffr Tius vwt, i iifsu.y ouour ' MISMC TMI5 UWQl '"oshsut Y4IYM COURT HOUSE NEWS XcV ('lIM'M. N. I,. IIIkIi mill Allen I, High vb. J. W. I.ooiuitd, milt lu equity, Mill key & Ciliary, attorneys for iilulnllfr, Jurknon Count)' Hunk h, W. II. Iliinloti mill l.llllmi V. Iiurilou ami John Sheridan; milt to .quiet . 1 1 tit. Viiwlnr &. I'iiiiIIii, attorneys for pluliitlffM, Fiedorlck Pulmuo mill Ell imhuck mi, I. Iitlo llutto Irrigation Co.: milt fur Injunction. (Jim N'owbiiry, a I tor-' noy (ur plaintiff. .Mnrrtugn Llccpucti. HukIi Prlco mill Colin LcsmcJatnr. Allien Martin ami 1-ona Cluiiiuilt or. Helen Mary Fife and Will Edward Keller. II. C. Vincent anil N'oltlo A. Jolin min. I'riliali, I Jul. (uliiiirn KkkIvnIuii; onlur to iiitildi partial illiitrlliiitliiii of cntati'. Hut. l.ovoy ,M. Illnliiliotliain; In vniitiiry nml apprnlKiiiiiont Illml anil npprovtjil. Unt. !', I, Loiik; order npprovliiK final ri'port. V.l. Albert H. Vnncoj ordwr dl diarKliiK Kiianllan. .Itfal JMiitu TriuiHiiL'lloiiH. Klivuii:iKlity Oiolmrd Co. to !Tlu National Olty llunU. land In Hut). 2, iwp. .17. lV..Jli00 Chnrli-rt A. I'ruott ti Unx Hart, lmul In Hoc. 17, twp. 30 lV, H. for I). Carl CoIiI.-IkIi to (Itiy CoIiIoIkIi, land In twp. as. 1V. 7000 100 V. H. to .Inn llondrlckH. 100 noroH In Hue. '.'3, twp. Ill, 3K .. I'nttml V. H. to My i tin J. Handum, 100 ncrrrt In Hoc. 10, twp, .11, ,1W I'ntunt It. H. Toft to CJ. N. ItolibliiH, laud In Imperial add Mi'd ford II. I Mulkoy to .1. 1 Halo, lot 2, lilk. 7Ti, Mi'dford I', p. IIiii-koiib to J. J. Okhimi ' liniKK". propnrty lu Hlvor- Hlilu hiiIiiUvIhIoii WohI'h add. Mi'dford Ollvor It. Dpiihiiioio to John l: Di'imiuuro, 100 ucrcH In twp. .'lit. 2H Irwin It. IlntDiuau to V. W. (jlildwidl, luud In Hue. II, twp. ail, IK John 1). Taylor to Jcnulo A. Moo, lotH a:t and 31, lilk. 2 H. I. Wlilto'H add AHhland Orrlu Wovor to Kdwln H. Illtz- lor, lot I, bile 2 Antiunion Toft add U N'li'donnoyor to Kratilc V. Walt, land lu twp. 37, 2V.. Charlort H. I'lomo to Aalilnutt PromirvliiK Co., land In twp. 30, IK Almlra WIIhoii to 1iih Nowliury land lu twp. 37, IW 1', Q. TlioiuaHim to Paul 0. llauHun ot al., land In Wit. 33, Moilfonl 10 S00 10 100 10 10 300 no oo 10 r.oo moo Kvorott Klnky to Paul O. Han nun, land lu lilk. 33 Mndford 1300 nallwaFiTcrAssoclatlon CIllUAtlO, 111., May 23. Tho fourth annual convention of tho In teniatlonnl Itnllwiiy Find iiHHocliitlon wimoponed today at tlio Hotel Slior inan lu thlH city. Tho hobsIouh will conlinuQ tlireo i,ayH, durliiK which time many piiporn'rolatlvo to railway rind and ItH eoiibiiinptlon will ho pro- iioiiUmI. NOTICIO. Notice Im herohy Riven (ha'l tho un ('HlKutid will apply to the ulty coun nil or tho city of Modrord, Orooi t lit ii next regular mootliiK " ,'10 ,,lu 1012, for a llciuiBO to Hell apliittioiiH, vlnbiiH and mult llquoi-B In iiuiuitltloH luHB'thnn n nallon, lit their oluca of lJUBlnoBH on South Kir alroot, located utlotii 10, 11 una 12,hlocUtr., oftlio orlKliml towiiHlto, In Hiild city, for u liorlod of nix monthH. nAINMOHR CO. Ditto of first ptihlli'iillon Mny 22, BO 18, B3-:..jt-j.ij.ii Did It For Mutt's OltlllNANC i; N(), (17,'t. An ordliimicn provldlni; for the C()inlrii(it)ii of ll-lnrli liitiirnl newer itloni; Taylor utreet from CottiiKu Hticel lo ICiihI end of Taylor Hired, mid for the hhhohhiiioiH of the roHt thereof on the property directly ben efited thereby mid adjacent thereto, mid provlilliiK a uieotltiK of the coun c (o (piiHlder protentH ayalnnt juild couNtriiutlou nod mnieHnmeut mid the nervliiK of the ownerB of nucli jiropor ly with notice theieof. Die City or M ed ro ril doth onlalh iih followH; Hertlou I. It In the Intention of (he council to ciiiih' a lateral Hewer lo Jw uoiiHtriiuled iiIoiik Taylor Btroot from CottiiKe Blreot to eitBt mnl of RiiW Ktreul anil to nnMCHrt Hie coxl theieof upon the proier(y directly beiiefltnd thereby and adjacent thereto. .Section 2. The council will hear and coiiKlder any protcntH aKalimt Raid coiiBtructlon and the nnHOBBliiK of Haiti property for tho cohI thereof at a uu'cllitK of the council to be heht June 4th. Hi 1 2, lit 7t 30 o'clock p. m., In the council chamber lu mild city, mid all property ownero of property adjacent to nald newer ami benefited thereby are hereby called upon to appear before Hit It council at Bnld time mid place, and nhow caimo, If any they have, why wild conRtructlon Hhoiild not be made mid the com thereof ho nnottHod. Section 3. The city recorder U hereby directed to nnrvo notice there of upon the property owiiorn nfore nnld. bv caunltiK three coWch of thin ordinance to be ponted In threo pub lic placet lu raid city, nml raid omi ttance! to be puhllHUcd once lu n dally r.rwsnriier iiuhlltdicd and of i;imeral clrnulntlou In the city, at leant ten before the dnto of ald incotltiK. Tfio forej;oln ordinance wmi piiHncu ny inn cuy council i iiio n of Medford; OroRou, on the SIM day of May, 1912, by the following vete: Mitchell, aye: Watt, aye; Campbell, nye; Kmerlck, aye; Hummervlle, aye, mid Millar, aye. Approved May 22d. U12. W. H. CANON, Attent: Mayor. k. t. roas. City Herorder. OHIHNANl'K NO. (I7'J. An ordinance providing for the roiiHtriictlon of 0-Inch lateral Bower uloiiK Myrtle street from Tnylon Htreel to Kant Mnln street and for the nHHvnfliiuiut of the cent thereof on tho property directly benefited thereby and adjacent theroto, and providing a meeting of tho council to consider protOBta agalnat Hiild coiiBtructlon ami nBneBment and the nerving of tho ownerB of audi property with notice thereof. The Olty of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. It l the Intention of the council to cuiiho u lateral newer to ho coiiBtructeil along Myrtlo Btroot from Taylor street to Kust Main street and to iihrohh the coat thereof upon tho property directly benefited thereby mid udjivc.ont thereto. Section 2. Tho council will henr and coiiBlder any protests against said construction and tho iibbosbIhk nt mil., orniinrtv fnc Mm rowt tlioreof nt n meeting of tho council to ho hold Juno 4th. 1012, at 7: :i" ociock p. m. In the council chamber lu Bald city, New Today 1 hnvo Hated a 100 acre ranch, in a very doalrablo location on tho All ileg,ato that Jh waUtiig f(r n man ,(r pluck and energy to imiko IiIb for tune. It la very cIobo to atore, school mid poatorflce, nml can be made. In u abort tlmo, Into a very good ranch. Only aoyen miles from a goOtl town, and on roaiiH mm uro alwiiyH good. Prlco on terniH 13200.1 Who wiintii this ;lo (icro rolliKiulah moiit In thp Sama valley? A now throe room hoiiiio, barn, chlnkon Iioiibo. KOotl gardon fenced In, horao, cow mid calf, 1C0 ohlokona, wagon, buggy, hariiesa, plpw und tho houao fully furnished with now furniture Tho plnco la good freo noil, well wu- teied, and olio spring could bo piped to Irrlguto tho whole pluco. Prlco If taken soon $800. A four room Iioiibo lu southwest Medford. woll located, with wood- aliod, chicken house and pen, and lot BOxiao foot, woll fimcod. wntor In Iioiibo and yard, and lot ulcoly culti vated lu gardon, and small fruit. Ib offered ut tho vory low prlco or J 1000 and will tako half ot this lu u good lot, TIiIb Ib ii flimp. C. D. HOON ltoom 1U Jacluou .Couuty Jhuik llldg. , . . .. ' vQfivl (dKORt: 1'ul ) GWo-ooew, tpuuvr ) ( Cut x CfNMDT Go -p J . - rB ! y$J. vw thi TwArc luic vivtKQUT You, v-owe- CotxbtAfc, ks2SWI aa&fH mro vJ "rvZV $Bw y J r mv uvg sf -:" S&j&&!& H r -' OT v . w. i a ... v x v JsVu5?ki ''-" ' - - MEOTftRD MATL TOTBTOTC, Own Good and nil properly ownera of property ndjaceut to mild Hewer mid benefited thereby ore heieby called upon to appear before aatd council at said tlpie mid place, and bIiow cuunc. If any they liuve, why nald coiiBtructlon nhould not be made mid tho cent thereof so uhhcbbcmI, Heellon ;i. The city recorder Ib .lioieby directed to serve notice upon the properly ownora aforeaald, liy cniiHlng threo copleH of thla ordinance to bo poiltcd lu three public places in nald city, mid Bald ordinance to he pttbllahoil once lu n dally newspaper published and of general circulation In tho city, at leiiBt tn daya before the ilate of said meeting. Tin foregoing ordliimicn '.mis ptiHiied by the city council of the City of Medford. Oregon, or. the 21st day ir tnv t'il! Iiv tlii follow I ml- vele: Mitchell, aye; Watt, aye; Campbell, aye; Kmerlck. aje; Kiimmervllle, ab sent, tinu Millar, nye. Approved May 22il. I a 12. W. 11. CANON. Attest: Mayor. K. T. FOHS, City Hecorder, UUSLVKSH OPPORTUNITIES FOR KENT Furnished hotel for rent on percentage baols. Address V. II., caro Mall Tribune. WANTED A partner with J000; luminous permanent ami will clear J5000 yearly; for Interview, ittatc your age, add reus Win. C. Salmon, General Delivery, Medford, Ore. r,5 FOK KENT HOUBIOOEKFINa ROOMS FOR RENT HoiiBokecplng rooms closo In, nicely furnished, with gas and olcctrlclty. 123 South Holly. 70 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Modern conve niences. 234 Kaat 9th. 51 FOR RENT Largo slooplnir room, II. GO and $3 per wook. Modern housekeeping apartments, $1G and 1C. Home phono 2GC-K. 223 South Holly. FOR RKNT Smith Apts. 217 S. Klv. FOR RKNT Modern furnished rooms nt tho Cottago, C04 West 10th at., two blockB south Medford hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Home phono 217. Mrs. II. M. Cobs. FOR RENT noUSKS FOR RKNT Four room Iioiibo. 1218 W. 10th 8t. Tel. 403-R-2. 55 JFQK RKNT Seven room bungalow, reiiBoimmy close in. a. s. union, room 20C Phlpps Wdg. FOR RKNT Modern 5 room bunga low, 3 Is blocks from Washington school. 730 West Eleventh. FOR RKNT--Closo In 0 room houso with modern plumbing and elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn and cement aldewnlka. Qall Roll phono 3401. " FOR RKNT 7 room house near Trail Lumber Co., 110 por month. Room 310 Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. 54 FOR RKNT 8 room houso on South Grape St. Call 310 N. Uartlott. FOR RKNT 0 room apartment, modern. Reasouiiblo. Imiulro of Oakdale Cash Grocery. CO FOR RKNT Six room houso, mod ern, paved atroot, I1G.G0. W. T. York & Co, FOR RENT OFFICES FOR LEASE Office rooniB fur nished and unfurnished, central "locution, $G to 10 por month. Ad dross D. C, euro Mull Tribune FOK RENT OTOr tha postottlco, with boat ana light. Boo A. A, Ofcvh. FOU (RENT Largo, comfortablo or- IlCO rooms wun oiovaior service, atonm heat, hot and cold water. Low ratoa. Apply jtfodford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RKNT Storo room In Aahlund oppoalto tho llotol Orogon. In quire of Camp's Studio, upstairs 1 L. Camp'H, Ashland, Orogon, QARDKN and fruit lands for rent. Gold Rny Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR SALE TiAND FOR SALE Clilcuou raucli and gar- dou laud mllo from Modrord, W, II. Kvovhard, 1009 West 0t.h Phono 0071. 40 ACHES near Eaglo Point. This would ho nn Idonl homo tract as it la Bultnblo for it vnrloty of pur poses. Fruit and grain ami poul try. Prlco 175 per aero. Would consular trades. Ollvor 13, Urown, 430 N, Uurtlott t, . MTCDFORT), OKKflQN. TlTTmSDAV, MAY 20, 1012, VOU BALK lOTS KOlt BALK Lots and sinall tracts of land, for cash, cheap. M. M. Maine, 410 North Ivy at. Phono Home 143-X. 58 I'OK HMM IIOUHFJI FOIt HALI3 Soma good Improved and unimproved Medford property on and near S. Oakdale: modern houses for rent, alio sorno good i young driving horses. Inquire of H. T. Howard, Jr., 8IG S. Oakdale. Phono, Pnclfle 72. FOR SALE Now hniiRsiow with alx rooms, bath ,nnd pantry; screened lu back porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; cast front; lot fi0xl71 feet deep, or two lota 100x171 with alley at side, with barn on. 'Will glvo good terms, Inqulro 317 Howard at., east eldo. Phono C261. FOIt BALE ACKKAGH FOR SALE Tho beautiful Mountain View subdivision, one mile west of Eaglo Point Is now open for salo in tracts of ton or moro acres to suit purchasers. Tho first four tracts purchased will bo sold to actual Bottlers on ouo-tenth down and a tenth a year until paid. Don't nilua this opportunity to get a good homo closo to market and a good young city on easy terms whore tho soil is deep, rich and mellow. Call on or wrlto Tho Jackson County Realty Co.C04 West 10th St., Medford, Oregon. 1G ACRES sandy creek bottom land with freo water right and ditch to the land now. This land Ib suit ! nolo for all klnfls of vegetables, berries and nitidis, t Prlco lr0. per acre, woutaconsiuer iruuc. Oliver JJ. Drown, M36 N. Bartlett street. FOR SALE Eight acres, Just out Bldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; sinall house, good woll; I2G00. W. T. York & Co. FOK SALE W0Ol AST FUEL FOR SALE Wood. Kelchstoln sells wood; old growth Body Fir. 5.50 per cord. Both phones. GG FOR SALE Wood at country prices. lC-In. fir 12.76, 12-ln. fir 12.26. lC-In. hardwood 13, 12-ln. hard wood, I2.G0; 12-ln. plno, block. 12; lC-ln. plno, block, 2.G0. All dry wood. C19 S. Riverside Bell phono GO II. FOR SALE Hardwood and fir 4.G0 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth ond Fir. FOR SALE POULTRX AND EGG8 FOR SALE 176 pen Cooks Buff Or pington $25 If taken soon. Owner leaving. 320 Applo at. GS FOR SALE Imperial Peklu duck egga for hatching. Falrvlow Or chards, 2 miles west of Central Point on JncUsonvlllo and Gold Hill road. FOR SALE Whlto Legnorn Baby chicks from selected utility stock, tho kind that mado Potaltinia fa mous; I7.G0 por 100 during April, May nnd Juno. Tho Pioneer Hatch ery, Box 340, Potalumn, Oil. 77 FOR SALE Baby turkoys, with mothors If desired. Robt, Duttou, Orchard Home FOR SALE Eggs, Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, Khodo Island Reds, Brown Leghorns. Seo W. II. Evorhurd, 1009 West 9th. Phono CC71. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALK--Kenyon take-down threo room hniiRo, cheap tc sold nt once Ideal for camping. K. L. WariiBtorff, Kagle Point. FOR SALE Vegetable plants, nil kinds, transplanted. C. Caroy, Talent. Phono SIC-F-ll. FOR SALE First class opon buggy noarly now. Seo G. II. Ends, tho coul and fuel num. tt FOR SALE 5 passenger automobile chonp for cash or cany tonus. Might oxchnngo. Address Box F. II., caro Mall Tribune FOR SALE Chalniora 30 roadster, nowly pulntod, good condition, ut u barguln. 132 S. Rlvoraldo. 51 FOR SALE Greatest nuto snlo of tho soason, 25 h. p. roadstor, now, run less than 150 miles, will sell at grout sacrifice Home phono 301-X or wrlto Janes Bros. FOR SALE Jorsoy cow juat fresh, young, with rogisioreu moon, a burguin, Phono Bell fi00-R-2. 55 FOR SALE Good work horsoa weighing from 1100 lo 1000. 1111 North Fir st. J. h. Helms. 08 MONKV TO liOAN. TO LOAN 1200 on good realty, W. II.. care Mall Tribune. 58 FOK BALIS On RENT FOR BALK OR KENT Good self feed hay preaa. Imiulre nt Kcgar' ranch 3 miles, west or Mcuioni on Jacksonville road, CO KOH SALE OK HXGHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Flvo jmsbcngcr I i nick auto In good con dition; will take good milk cows as part payment. Tel. 403-R-2. SI FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ranch es, fruit and garden land, timber lands, town and suburban lots and acre trac'ts. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono tent houso with fly; painted and screened. 12x16. Phono 94-R, Home.' G3 HELP WANTED 31 ALE WANTED Bookkeeper, experienced nnd competent man; must be n thorough bookkeeper. Answer by letter of application giving refer ences nnd experience; wages $75 to start. Box S. P., Tribune. G2 WANTED Man and wife to work nnd keep iiouso in town, for one. F. Y. Allen, Medford, Ore. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Mnld for general house work; no ono not experienced need apply. Small house. $25. 109 Geneva ave. 55 WANTED Cook. Only first class woman cook wanted t long engage ment nnd fair wages. Address Box 63, Rogue River, Ore 56 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Steady reliable, handy man, married, good teamster wants steady job, ranch preferred. Wom an can cook for hands if desired. A. C. II., caro Mall Tribune 56 Medford, Ore 56 WANTED A well educated young man desires position. Experienced in grocorles and gents' furnish ings. Can keep small sot books. Box M. W., Tribune. 53 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED An offer on z. brick busi ness building In Medford rented nt $90 per month by leaso which runs until 1915. Present non-resident owner must sell. Building only ono year old; investigate and then mako an offer to 13. S. Tuiny, Gamctt-Corey bldg. WANTED Houses to rent; several calls on hand for furnished or uu furnlshcd modem houses, if you want tp rent your hoiiso at once phono 6641 or Bee Tinny at 201 Garnett-Coroy bldg. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY 1 buy Tat cows, calves, hogs; shcop, hides, wool, poultry. Don't kill your small calves, glvo them to me Home phono 272-Z. Bob Crowdor, Mod ford. 58 MISCELLANEOUS FIRST CLASS .PASTURE $1.50 per auonth. J. W. Grovor, Eaglo point, Oregou. 65 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Automobile Service AUTOMOBILE SERVICE By tho day or hour. Special rates to fish ing parties. Phono S16-F-4, 55 Accountants D. K. WOOD Gonoral accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offtco Med,ford Mail Trlb uno bldg.; phono 6611; resldouco phono 6802. Assayer and Analybt SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mado for gold, sil ver, load, coppor and othor miner als. Minos and mining prospcctB survoyod, assayed and mining maps and roports mado thorcon by corn potent mining nssayors and engi neers nt rcusonnhlo tortus. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mlno own ers are earnestly requested to send samplus of tholr ores fcr exhibi tion purposoB, and send full de scription qt thoir" mining property, Sauthorn .Orogon Mlulng Bureau, 6tU and Fir Will Poswrs VERNH T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All ordora promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bauk bldg., Medlord, Oregou. BUSINESS DIRECTOR Attorney D. W. BAOSHAW Atlornoy-at-Law. . Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phono:' Pa cific, Main 33, C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlcp Medford National Bank building, second floor. ' PORTER J. NEFF. WX P. MEALEY Attorneys-nt-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofflco bide. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUlA KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jagksqn County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. S20 Garnett-Coroy J31d. Billiard Fartora S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tbe hot afternoons. Collection Arcocj L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rontals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Take .elevator. Phone Main 2021. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Survoyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, .subdividing, building trades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump ana canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phone Main 5662. EDGAR MARTIN General Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 706 S. Oakdale. Phone Mnln 71. Chlneso Medicine CHOW YOUNG'S Chinoso medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front t., Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo opccJallat. E. 9th nnd So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Homo.l6S-K. Main 7973. Dentists DR W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dontists Garnott-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Of fico in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction ot teoth. Tclophono Main 681. Night phono 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Hackor, Prop. 33 South Frout St. All kinds of bolp furnlahod nml positions obtained. Bell 1581, Home 270-R. 74 Graulto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo. Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers ot brick; dealors lu pressed brick and llmo. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson at. Phone No. 3461. GOLD RAY REALTY CQMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Doalors and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tile. Got our prices and boo our brick and tilo botoro purohaslnK. Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leave orders at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylpr. PacJfio 3632. Horn,? 107,-X, GARBAGE Got yopr promises cloaned up for thp dummer. 'Call on tho city garbage wngous tor good service Phone Main 822; also garden manure tor salo. J, F, Porrcz. PAGE -FIVE By "Bud" Fisherj Hj BUSINESS DIRECTORY Furnltvrn MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th find Holly sU, Medford. Mission furniture, made to order. Cabinet work of all kind. A. trial nrrlor solicited Noriry PhMI HKbtiiN N. yMOKEYT-NoUiry tuo lis. Bring your work -to me ilgn of Tho Moll Tribune. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees arc Luddcd, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Naab, In sldo entrance next to barber shop. v- ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND D3CO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor at. Phone Pae 3843. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tht beat equipped Job of fico In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. First. Physicians and Surgeon DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor 'and Phlpps bldg., room 210-211-213. Office pnono ,501, reaiaence pnono 612. tUflce hours, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Phone Main 6361. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnott-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone G501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 1,30. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Pbyblciaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskins Drug Storo. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glassed supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main st., ovor Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. ni. Both phono. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phone M. 432; Res. phone. M. 583. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Office phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kontner bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Residence phono Bell 273. Home ,347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tice limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotol Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phonos. Residence phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eaglo Point und Roguo River line Socotid Floor Carnett-Coroy Bujldlng Medford, Orogon. Drs. Saunders & Green Spqolal iats Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat. "Not only tho cheapest, but tho host." Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Patm block. Stenographic work dono quickly and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Offlco 16 South Fir. Phone Bell 31C2; Home 350-K. Prices right. Sorvico guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcols 10c, J6c, 2Gc; trunks 2Re anywhere in tho city. Office Val loy Second Hand Store, 15 N. Fir st. Phenes: Malu 3072, Home 354. Mossonger sorvico. Fred Crocker. Prop. Undertaker JOHN A. PERL Undfeitaker ana Embalmer. .Office 38 South Bart lett st. Telephone; Day, Bell 471; night, rosldenpe, Bsll 473, Home 179-L. Calls' answered night or day, Anibulanc.ii rvlo Vacuum Cleanac HAL 1 1 A ITrTNGTOT? CTh JlttiTf General Vacuum Cleaning. Jsek- souvllle, Bell Phoue-,17, n ,M M 4 ?7 ts :.-.; r