iy 1R. ( u KfEDFORD aiOTJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OTtKOON, TlTrRSTUY. MAT 2.1 1012, PXGE FOUR lin M 11 4 i I n ! Medford MAIL Tribune ...Aft JWRJR B!J?fi?T NKwaPAPnn t J'tJUWBIIW) 1CVRUV APTKIWOOtf ' JCXCffilT SUNOAV. I1V TUB MKDFOItD I'llINTINQ CO. Tho Democratic Time, Tho Meafonl Mall, Tho Modfanl Tribune The South urn Orogonlan, Tim Ashlnml Tribune. Office. Mall Trlbuno llulliltnir, 2G-27-2J Nhrlli Kir Mreot; phone, Main 3021; jioinu u. OEOIM313 PUTNAM, KJItor anil Managtr Kntnrml ns sccond-clnns manor nt Mfiiforil, Orrfron, under the act of Miircli 3, 18T9. Offlclul Vapcr of tlio Clly of MedfoKI. Official Taper of Jacknon County. SUB&CRXFTXOX HATX8. On year, by mall .,15.00 uno monin, ny nmn J'er month, uollvcreil by carrier In Mrlfnnl. Jncksonvllln niul Cen .CO tral Point BO Hniimmy only, by mall, per year.. J.oo Weekly, per year 1.S0 SWOBS CX&CU&ATXOH. Dally avcroRp ror eleven months end ing November 30. 1911, 5751. rail X.asd Wlr UnlUd rrw Dtipatch. Tho Mnll Tribune In on wile nt tho Kerry Ngw Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel Novrs Stand. Portland. Howmnn Notvn Co, Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, t?attle, Woh. xxoross. oxxaov. Metronolls of Soutlit-rn Orccon and Northern California, and tho fastest- growing city In Orepon. l'opuiauon- -U. a cvusua 1910 SS40: estimated. 191110.000. 1'lvo hundred thou wind dollar Gravity Water System completed. giving finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles or atrecta navi ived. Poalnfflcn reoelnlB for Tear endlne November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Ilannet; fruit city in Oregon Rogue Ulvor Snllxenbercr annles won awecD- stakes prlxo and title of "Apple Xing' of tho "World" at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, and a car of Newtown von rirrt Ma I 1910 at' Canadian International Applo Show, Vancouver. B. C Tint FrtM la 1911 nt Spokane, National Appl Show won by carload of New towns. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown. The Klepluinl's Plaint. I marched In the Durbar at Delhi, With trappings of jewels and gold, While proud on my back rode a Ilajah Resplemlant, and sullen, and cold. Today I am" marching; In Medford, My trappings are sorrow and shame, . For across tho bare cheesecloth Is painted An ad In a tradesman's bold name. Almost sad enough tears, Isn't It? for crocodile When T. It. gets through with the dark liorses there will bo a hurry call for the veterinary surgeons.' Short JUiynie. Oh my, 0--. Illo. a ' ' ii i i i i ' Tho circus costumes should fur nish Inspiration to certain perplexed Medford youths who will attend a fancy dress ball. Of course tho littlo boy was out this morning to ask If the largest elephant was the "O. O. P." The small son of a Medford min ister looked perplexed tho other day. "What Is It, son?" asked father. "I was just wishing that when I grow up I could bo a fighter like Bud Anderson," was tho reply. EXAMINATION SHOWS 126 PASSED, 8 OVER 90 MARK Iteports oh tho uniform eighth grado examinations for Jackson county schools, outside of tho city of Medford, show that out of 221 appli cants, 12G pupils passed In all sub jects, G2 wore conditioned in one or two subjects, and that 33 failed. Ksht anado a percentago of 90 or more. The eighth grades of the Medford schools will tako tho exam inations Juno G and 7. The three h'lghest are from Central Point. h'ho highest average grades were made by the following pupils: Laura McDowell of Central Point beln& first with 93 2-9 per cent, and Mer ritt Darnett, Central Point, 92 2-3; Jlojen Prlco, Central Pplnt, 92 2-9; Itoss Guiley, Ashland, 91 2-9; Helen MInthorn, Pine Grove, 90 C-9; Fay A. Do Ford, Table Rock, 90 4-9; Ev elyn Young, ltoguo River, 90 2-9, und Allco Violet Smith, Hutto Falls, 90. Tho largest number of failures wero In arithmetic, with spelling sec ond and geography third. Those conditioned In ono or two subjects may tako examination at the next tests in such subjects, and if buc cesBful received their diplomaa. Those' passing In oil subjects are en titled to diplomaa that will admit thorn to any high school in tho state without further examination. Track Walkers Strike PORTLAND, May 23.--Proparlng for troublo in connection with tho strike of tho track laborers on tho lines of tho Portland Railway, Light und Power company, Chief of Pollco Hlover todny assigned sixty officers to strlko duty. There has been wo disorder of consoquonco as yot. Tho I, W. W. are taking an agtlvo part In the conduct ot tho strlko. THE GROCERS' SIDE. GROCERS of Medford nsaert now that tluv aw not opposed to tho public market, and some of thorn stnto that thov did not owise advertising in tho .Mail Tribune because of its advocacy ot tho market, tnougu this Was given as the reason at the time. However this may be, but few of the grocers are ad vertising and they refused cooperation in the attempt to make a general bargain day on the day the market opens, presumablv because it would advertise the market, which does not look as if thov favored the enterprise. Almost universally they predict its failure, and the wish is evi- dontlv father to thought. Of course there is' a grocers' side and the following ;iro their arguments: There is small profit in handling vegetables, and it h done to accommodate customers. The supply from local enough tor the. grocer to depend upon, today no is iiuuuuu and tomorrow nothing te offered, while his customers' demands arc steady and he must be prepared to serve them all the time. The local grower is a spasmodic and erratic producer, raises what he wants, without consulting the public's want, produces a surplus ot some things and ii shortage of others that forces importation. The local producer wants basing Ins price upon what vegetables cost, m . aiiionna plus the freight, he usually demands a higher figure. There is more or less truth in these assertions, but time will remedy all. No one has made a business of truck farming because he could not market his produce. "With a steady demand will come the supply. There must be encouragement for the producer, and there has been none, hence he only raised enough to supply his own wants and tried to market the surplus. In other words, truck gar dening has been a side enterprise instead of an estab lished business, and without a public market, with grocers buying in California, it would continue to be a side issue. The public market should offer the encouragement needed by providing the market machinery to establish market gardening as an industry. In 0011180 of time there should be an immense surplus of vegetables which should be shipped to Portland. The supply will regulate the price, but eventually the grower will realize that the price he must depend upon is tho price paid at Portland less the freight, instead of the price paid in California plus the freight. Grocers dolefully predict that the market will fail be cause the farmer will not cooperate, that while clamoring because ho has no market for his surplus, he will fail to avail himself of the opportunity. Time will tell, but there are probably enough truck gardeners to supply the local demands. At any rate, the people of Medford will show their de sire to assist the farmer and their friendliness toward him by doing their shave, to assist them. MUSI IN NEW " COMPANY SOON Next week will be n busy one in militar3 circles in this city. On Mon day evening nt tho Hotel Medford a banquet will be attended bj' the young men who have signed the roll for membership in the new company of the nntional guard and on Wednesday evening the company will bo mustered in at the Natatorium. Over 100 meu have applied for membership nnd as n company needs but 75 men the num ber of signers will more than take euro of the delinquencies caused by medical examination. Tho company will bo known ns the Seventh company of the First Infan try, O. X. G. Colonel C. C. Hammond will be pre sent at the muster and at that time the officers of the company will be elected. SUFFRAGETTE LEADER GIVES DIAMOND RING TO CAUSE ' CHICAGO, May 23. When there was no response to her appeals for funds to assist tho suffragette move ment in Ohio at the meeting hero to day of tho Mississippi Valley Suffrage association, Mrs. Mary Safford, presi dent of the Iowa Suffrago lcaguo, who already had pledged $25 to the fund, took a $100 diamond ring from her finger and added It to her con tribution. This spurred other suf fragettes to action and cash contribu tions began to pour in immediately. Fine for "Texas Tommy" NORTH YAKIMA, Wn May 23. If an ordinance Introduced by Mrs. Myrtle D. Roberts, this city's woman policeman, Is passed by tho city com missioners It will bo unlawful to danco tho "Grizzly Bear," "Bunny Hug," "Frisco Rug" and soveral oth er Indiscreet steps in North Yakima. A flno of $100 will be Imposed upon any one breaking the law. Kleptomaniac to Jail MONTREAL, Que., May 23, Uluncho Davldf tho young woman who recently puzzled' doctors becauso cf lior long sleep und who afterwards claimed to bo a keptomunlac was found guilty of stealing fifteen dol lars from her employer. She can now chooso between going to jail or to tho convent of tho Good Shepherd for two years. sources has not been steady too high a price. Instead of ALFALFA FALLS TO Owing to the exceptionally heavy stand of alfalfa and grain in the val ley this year the rain of the past few uujs has worked damage to pome extent, for us soon as the ground was softened by the ruin the alfalfa and grain fell. If warm weather succeeds soon it will straighten enough to be cut with small loss. The first crop of alfalfa was nenr ly ready for the mowers when the re cent rain fell nnd work has been de layed to some extent. The end of tho week should see fair weather again, however. NO CLUE TO SLAYERS OF WEALTHY TAILOR SAN FRANCISCO, May 23. No additional light was thrown on tile murder of Isaac Cohen, the wealthy tailor whoso body was found in a vacant house here a week ago, by u coroner's jury sitting hero today lo determine the cause and motive of tho murder. The jury returned a verdict ot death from shock and hemorrhage, resulting from a gun shot wound in the abdomen, inflicted by an unknown party or parties. Tho generally accepted theory now Is that Cohen was slain by a woman without an accomplice, as was at first suspected. VISCOUNT HALDANE STRIVES FOR PEACE MOVEMENTS LONDON, May 23. Viscount Hal dans, British secretary of war, left for Berlin today to continue his mis sion begun early last spring, prepar ing ground for a movement towurd tho restriction of International arm aments and Improving tho Interna tional relations. Big Irrigation Project Started HKLENA, Mont., May 23. Tho first practical step toward tho com pletion of tho great Milk River Irri gation project wub taken today, when bids were opened for tho construc tion of tho Dodsoii canal, which Is to bo an Important feature of tho un dertaking. The project whoa com pleted will cost $7,000,000. It In volves tho construction of u COO-mflo ditch nnd u 27-mllo canal, and will result In tho reclamation of 21)0,000 lucres ot laud, H J; 'The Man From Home ' Friday Night RHmsjSFtBMhlMkrtyllM HiiB :iIH BLyjiMt H'f'CS6kie lHH William Hodge, in Ihe on flit chnr- the attention of lln innttruoir -f ncter of Daniel VDorlicc Pike i,, Nw Vrk fr 70 wwU, nui-K. fur ,, ,, ,, , . , !! week-, l(otiiii for ''" ks nnd -The Man Prom Heme has tnU.IiiBIiii for , Wl.,.k-. Frillnv lihed himself as one or tho Mijjht Mr. Hodgi-will j.rt liimMigngt popular trs that las UMled Pitt Lnt at Medford thcnlcr. The do burg in yours and lit will ln rcmem-1 maud for unit- has been xurli 10 bered for year.. t fnm'. Aftrr one 'iii-iiri t'niineity business and Mail has .seen "The Man-From I hum" it lager Mct'allum npNni lo have .! is easy to tiiiderstiinj whv this elevm-Jirted wisely his uttraetioti at this American comedy ns able to hold Ihenter. MEDFORD m REPRESENTED AT STATE COMMONWEALTH CONVEN Medford i wH represented nt the fourth niiiiuiil coomioHwrnllh convrii. tion to be held 1 ,thO University of Oregon at Kugciie, May iM and '2"t. Porter J. KufMH tii read a paper iiwu "Taxation mid Ssu'inl .Justiue." Another paper iijni the Mime Milijeet will be read by't'lia,-. V. (lallowny, eliainnaii state tax 'oiimiisioii.. Tin' discus.sion will Ihj led by Win. S. IT'Keii. George Piittinm.is to read a .paper upon "Keoiioiaij'juid Social l-'iictors in Oregon's Good . Iloudf 1'robfi'in." The discussion kill be led by .C K. Kpence, imisler of lli slule grunge njul J. II. Albert uf Hiileiu. Prof". 1. J. O'Oiira will. lend the discussion on "Worthy Standards of Living oji Normal Siznd Farm fnitsii'i Oregon," a Miper read by W. T. nui'lmuau of I lie Portland Knilwiiy. Light and l'nvrr C". Samuel M.. Kvaus, editor "Klamath Falls North western" will nlo Ieiifl 'in this dis cussion. ' Ivirby S. Miller; is .fo lend. Ill" dis cussion on a paper rcil by W. 1C. NewplJ, presiddit. ofithuf state horti cliltural coiumisftioii upon "Improve meiit of the Kcoiioinic Organizalion n Oregojf for Seeming to the Producer Increased. Pensions Veterans in C'oHgre8inan,W.C.-HawIey has mailed to local inembors of tho G, A. R. tho following leltor 'regarding tho now pension bill which has recently become law: "Tho now 'geiforul servlco pension bill became a law Saturday, May 11, lust, when tho. president signed tho still. ' Whllo It Is not uh liberal uh I had wlslied, yet Ivhopo it will give fairly good satluractlon. After granting fa6 por .month to all soldiers wounded In battle or 1Ih aided ly disease contracted in lino of duty and Incapacitated for manual lubor as a rcmilt thorcof, tho bill combines ago with service In tho allow ance of pensions from tho date of application therefor as follews: Ago a Mo. 0 Mo. 1 Vr. 2 Yrs. 2 Vj Yih, ,'J Yrs. 2 years ' 13.00 fi:j.50 ?1I.00 ?ir,.oo ?ii.no- 910,00 CO years '. ""..... H,00 ICBO 10.00 17.00 18.00' 10.01) 70 years' " ' ... 18.00 19,00 20.00 23.00 21.00 25.00 75 years ".".'.'..'- 21.00 22,Ti0 21.00 ilO.OO 30.00 30.00 This provision will ufford u substantial 'incasuro of Justlco to many thou sands of worthy voterans throughout tho country, and whllo It will not f urn lull all tho relief for' which wo havo so earnestly struggled, wo must accept it 'as a decided Improvement ovo'r existing law. I am sending you tills statement, and tho Inclosed application which the bureau ot pansloiis liafi Just IsHiied, so that you may bo fully udvjsed of tho situation, and If 1 can servo you In any way you havo only to command mo. W, G. IIAWJJ3Y." UlnnltH for a rami Army met: aro on fllo at this office und muy ho obtulncd upon application, IN AT IIi Full Share of V.ilues Created." Other subjects to be discussed arV; "Justice in the Divisiim of Cost liud of Product of Industry lletvveen Kin ploycr and F.niployce," by H. A. Har ris. Discussion led by .James II. Kerr. "Kxteiihion of the A run of Cultivn liiin iu Oregon Through Co-operation and Social Organization," by W. !'. Couiaii, yciiernl freight agent Hill lines. Discussion led by John M. Scolt, general passenger agent .South ern Pacific lines. "The Problem of Trnnsforuiing Oregon From a Mciely Geographical to an Organic nud Spiritual Kntily". D'im mti by lldii. F, V,. Ilcach and Ur. J. It. Wilson. At tho joint meeting of common wealth conference and Oregon con servation commission, the subjects nre: "More Active Co-operation IJc tween Oicgou uud the Nation for Promoting Might uud Prompt Devel opment of Oregon. Ik-sources," by John II. Ijwis, state engineer. Dis cission led by Hen ry S.' Graves, for ester, Vi. H, forest-scrvice, J. lif. 'iV'al chairman Oregon cbijscrvulioii eftui lAission, and lion. Walter M. Pierce. "CorponitionLaw and Corporatjon Supervision for . Oregon lo Insure for G. A. R. Rogue River Valley UNIVERSITY Sitfoly lo Investors and F.ffilelene.v for Developiiu'iit," by V, D. Hiiln'oeh, corporation tlimurtuitiut. Snturday evening, "Oregon's Hole in the Solution of Aiiiitilen's Now Problems.'' Address by Hon, ('. V). M. Wood. F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you wnnt your lawn put In flrsl volii8B Bluipot All work guaranteed. Lonvo nduress with 11. II. Pattorsii, Quukor Nuroory, Naiih hotel. MORTGAGE LOANS Mmioy on luuul at all times to loan on improved randies and city iiropei'ty at lowest rates with "on or hoi oro privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 3231 320 G.-O. Bldg. ? K I vyv vi v N rM A'. iwu..,.J 4 .jiniiir r s ' f ' K&t mmmmmmmmmmmm FltOM YOUTH TO OMl A(IK your teeth need careful attention. Many of tho Ills ot llfo nrlun from neglected, decaying teeth, If you tiro wlno you will tnko good cam ot your teeth. Wo nro KXt'KllTH In nil brnncheH of dental work. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER TI1K DKNTIHT Oror Daniels for Duds. Pacific Phono 3582. Home Phono 352-K uj '. ,. JU.IL.-.'.J.U'l MISS FLORA CRAY Piano Instruction 144 South Control Avo. Studio Phone Miiin02.il Watch Our Addition Grow JftcJuoa and Bumrali Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. V. II. Co. llldf. Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phenes: Pacific 3072 Home .354 Messenger Sorvico Medford Real Estate. Is Employment Agency 7 ncroH 2mlleH out, fliCO per acre, .11 acroa' I mllen out, 250 per acre, 70 acrcH C miles out $175 per acre. CGfl ncroH, a barculn for (illicit m!o. :i room bonne, muko un offer. Camp waKou complete. Halt Interest In u cood buuliiOBB In tho city. ItoHtntirnutH from 1000 upwardH. If you don't tieo what you want, auk for It, I can furuluh al moHt anything. i:ahix)ymknx Woman cook. Women nnd ulrli for gonoral hoimowork, filrlH, i;lrJn, (Iris. Itauch httlidB, Phono In your ordora for men; no chargoK to tho employer, Mm. Tllttnor In always on hand to tako your uamo and addrem. E. F. A, BITTNER R00M8 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel I'uobo 4141 1 Hoiae, 14. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT W00m STAR THEATRE lloat Vfliitllntml nnd Mont Unto Diito Theater In tho City Advnuceil Vaudeville anil Motion rictuivM Vnmlovlllfe Act, 'Ii IK CAVH MANt t)r, llefoni HookM Went Written A Vltiutraph iiuiHterpleco nil-: HCitooh.MA'.M or htonh Ol.'I.CU A wenlern comedy iieream KXHinrnoNmtM.ii ov tmi: 11. M. H. KX(MM,KNT luturentlnK naval fenturo JOHN MltION An eptnodo In the llfo of tho Kfont poet ' I'OOMNU TATHKIt Another of our feature luugh pro (Incurs A I. HATIICH, tho RliiKor WOOIAVOUTHH, tho Miiilulani Tho place where tho picture don't hurt your eye AdiuUolon toe, t'lilldrrn Ro MATINKKH DAILY ISIS lOc THEATRE iOc Thunuluy, Friday and Saturday VAHI .V .MAN.MNfl Thone hIiikIiik. tntkliiK and dnur.- Iiik coiiiedlium. lb" Krealeiil enter- tnluem of tho HeitHou Splendid rroKraui of I'lcturon OUT or tiii: iwmiH A drnmntla production AT HtitOdOINH' COU.N'KIW Thti U where John lluuny mnkeii you laugh UAWH'Ni: A very dramatic lave ntory a veici: lito.M tiik iu:i:f A r.ooil lllocraph comedy" If you mlxH thU proKram Tuexday and WctliH-Hilny iiIkIiU you have mlRNed a dandy NOT1CK Hoiim from 7:30 to 10:30, except Saturday nnd Sundayn, Mntlueei 2 to C. Evening porformntico, 7 to H, ADMISSION 10c Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Wo havo gasoline powor, a largo niaeliine, and guaran tee all work. Home Phono 8:i-K Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAflHINQTON, D, O. . Fublto Land Matten: Final Proof. Deaort Landa, ConUat and MIhIbi Caaa. Scrip. A SNAP CO acred, six miles from Medford, good graded road cronaos the tract, alt freo soil, at 00 por aero. $1000 will handlo, easy terms on balnnco. Part la crook bottom land, suitable for alfalfa, Sovoral springs on tho placo, Timber enqugti to pny for tho tract. No buildings, In the Orlffln crock district. W. T.York l Ca NEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Aro Hold In Mooho Hall evnry Tliiirniliiy ut 3 j. m. Evorybody invited. PLUMBING flteam and Hot Wattr Heating 'All Work QuarantesC ' X'rlcos Iteasoimbl. OOPPEEN & PRIOI 8 Voward Blook, Untrsno on StU m Jfaolilo soai. Xoibs Mff. k -BwAwr);pyfiiMWiiithwiMtiMitiiwww "