" M0E THREE GOOD BALL GAME The Miracle Baby Biggest Child Ever Born in America -i SIX PAILS ORE WEDTTORD MATT, TRTBUNTC, MEDFORD, OftKflOX, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1912. 1000 00 A 4 v A HI't'llllll Mlllpllll'lll Of llllllloil I'lOIII tint li'c'i'htly (llncovcrt'il vi'lli of lilli Itnuln urn mi tint Victor inliilnj pni " V "Hi Oullrii iirm-k wiih matin Mini lay, tlm pri'Hi-iit Hliiniicn! Ih-Iiii; of Mi ouiici'H II M'iinyvoij;lilH of Hid pn-cioiiH iiictnl, iIiIh nmiMint ri'pn Ni'iitiiiK tlm liniul iiinrtiiriiiK "I nix pllIlM fllll Of till) lll'l'lllllHIM'll llllirl., acli mi liolilliiu but two KiillitiiH. Ah (IiIh liiilliim liriiiRH itliout 1H ir miiiiii', (lie pri'Mint MlilpiiiiMil, tin- pro ilticl of Iwt'lvi' ualloim of illrl, will n turn at Ii'iihI 1 1, 01)0, TIiIh vi'ln, wliieli wiiN uni'iivKriMl only a fnw wrokH iiko, Ih on tin. unr fiH'n of tlm Victor milling pioMitv, ouihmI by NorliiTK lirotlnTH, lln ills ('ovnrv Ini.iiiK lit'iMi iiiiiiIk liy .Inliu Piltlhiltl, (loo, ('oMii mill OnciiI- Shut liii'k, Oulifi' proSpm'toiM. Tlm m-iii of hlj,'li ttrml on Ik from four to livi ini'lu'H wliln, mill Iiuh lii'cn tnio ril a ilisfiiiicn of oiui hiimlti'il fci-t on llu mirl'two, wlii'ii it lii'ltcr nli'u of tint iniiKttlliiili' of llin I mil ,nn ! olitutoj'd, Till' Utl NO fur tiiknii out litis roinr prai'tli'iillv I nun ln Mir fiiiM, noil while tlmt inoitiiii'il Iimn diuue I'ioiii llui unrrow vein, tit li'iisl four frrl of tin rock from cnch Mill' Of till Hflllll Will JIIIV (Mill MtlllCK fll' limn) rork!nc YESTERDAY'S SCORES: NATIONAL W Now Vorit . . '.'i! Cliicliiuutl '-': (MiIcuko ... If. I'ittttitirK 12 i'lilluili'ltililn . ia HI. I.oillit 13 Hrooklyn t Ponton to I' (' ."tin .710 .r.i .uo .ni .nut .::3 .:n;t t 14 i:t 14 20 Ih 2D ClilruK't 10. Utooklyu il. - Nntlounl l.t-uKOc It. It. K. Ndw Voik ...'.' 0 12 1 Clmliiiiiitl it l u. ii. i:. Ilonton 3 0 0 j'lttntnirK n' r. L' it. ii. i:. Plitlatlnlphla 3 2 0 HI. IxiuU 2 i A A.MI.IIKWN V. L. V. C. CIiIchko 21 K ."GO iioiton . .ut io .r.r.r. WiuhftiKtu r. ii .r.77 Clctnlftnil 13 14 .4 HI Diitrolt IT. Hi .4S4 I'hllndMphtu 12 H .4 (.'. Nw York S IK .30S Ht. l.nuU .. . K 20 .2Sf. Ainrrlrnii Tiikuk II. II. K. Olornlanil ...' 0 Ti 4 IIOKton t 14 2 u. ii. i:. CIiIcuko . . Now York II 12 3 , . C SI c it. ii. i:. Ht. LoiiIh '.) 3 I'lilluiliilptilu K 10 1 It. II. K. .1 r. 2 .5 'J 4 Detroit . . . WimliliiKtoii NOIITIIWIIST w. I'urtlnml ! Vlctorlii 18 Vancouver IS Hpokuiio 10 Turoimi lf Hciitllo If' ii. r. c. in .nriti ir. .rn 11! .021) 17 .4C.H IS .455 IS .4fifi 1 It. II. M. Victoria f' " 1 Tacomu : ' ' VaiicntivopKuutllr. rain. Portlam! - Hpolumo i ' COAHT W. Vornon 2S Oakluiiil '.' I.oh AiikoIch 23 Han FrmiolHcn HI Hucramoiitn ,.',.. . 19 1 I'Oi'tlanil 10. I.. 17 IS 23 2Ti 21 2(1 P.O. .1122 .(517 .000 .407 .4 12 .alio It. II. HacraiiKinto ....! " " ()(iltund 2 & i o Urn Atmulou Vcnioir 2 9 . .2 7 12 0 Han FranclHCo I 7 :l loi tlmtil ' 8 AMKIUOAN AHHOOIATION W. i.. l'.O- qoluinbiiB 23 12 .007 MlnntmpollH 20 13 .0 Toledo 10 -a r'!), Kuiihuu City t7 18 '',8fi Ht. 1'uul 7 10 '72 Mllwaukoo 13 1 0 ImllouapollH 13 2' :,8a UuluVlllo 10 a07 iBsssssssisssssBHissSBlHB' i u rvf' ' - HiBr BsbBBBBSBBSH IsssssssslHssaHr' i-r Fr f r -v HJbmHH r--.J.-i'. yg 'flic Sells- I'liito ciii ni is in Mi'ii I'niil Indus, with tlic iixiiul tzlittcr ni.il wciiutiy, tin untie, iitlim Iioiih anil uouilcr-cxcitiut: inarvcK. ( nni liiueil with curioMtifH ol (he miiuuil wot Id me the innrvcliiiis fcjiN nf the pcrfiirmer. which jimlUv (he owner claim, of lifiim the hc-t cirniH in tin world for the money. The piornni mi cxtciiileil one, full ol llnmNh in inlet CM, mnl well calculiiteil to enter tain mill iiimi. The ;raftt ultmction with Ihe aIiow in the lutliN elephant, tlm only one ever hotn in captivity in America. Il liitlh on Apiit 'S. iw lliii ile-etih-eil hy T. T. Tnmmmi of (he l)iivor Post, ono of the owners or (lie cTreu: In Ihfl.'i SclU-l'lotti eircuH purehas. cil it female clepliiiut fn nil 'fhoiiipon & Dundee of l.uiiiv park. The ele pliant ttiw then itliout 5 I -'2 or 7 feel tall. She win known hy Ihe name of Alice. In MH)8 we purchased two elephant, from IliiKenhcek, one a male which wim named Jumho the Second. Jumho the Second pit looc, so the hlory V'""'. wiiiic tweulylwo mouth npi, nnil the iinpreticioii i-hecnuc we Iiiim' no other way of figurine; it out that he i the iro of the hahy elephant hoin to Alice on April ''., IP I 'J, ahmit .:.'lll in thu atteriiion, ill .Salimi'. Cal. Ahout 1 o'clock April 'Jfi, Alice he came nmtle., tote up Miike and (he other eleplianlK hegiiu to hellow, Frederick AH-puw, chief mutual until with the hou, hound her to slakes, P . .... 1 I.....1 ll... Alilll.v III.. nil 't l ruin nun ii"'" '; '""" ".. -o'clock she hcan pulliii),' up the slakes, although lliev weie driven in hard Kfouud six-foot stakes to a depth of live led. Then they chained her to four stakes and alternatgly theidiiy. This milk was immediately- pour AT SUFFRAGE TEA Over ol) ladies were picsent ul n suffrap' lea given Wednesday after noon by Mrs. fleorge L. Davis ut her homo o West Tenth street. Many interesting addresses were made. Cliiteilce L. Kennies, who apposes O I'J. Whisler, avowed foe of eipuil suf frage, for the legislature addressed the Indies, who previously endorsed Mr. Itcmucs' eiindidacy. Kliin Opens Bin Flower Show LONDON, May 23. -The king of ficiated today ut the opening of the International horticultural exhibition on the grounds of the royal hospital at Chelsea. The exhibition Is said to bo the largest or Kb kind over hold, Tho display of plants and blossonih occupies nearly twenty-flvo acres or ground, about heven acres of which havo been placed under canvas, Illinois G. A. R. Encampment PKOH1A, III., May 211. Tho forty sixth annual encampment or tho 0. A, It, i department of Illinois, with tho meetings of tho sovoral affiliated organizations, began In this city to day uudor nusphtlnus conditions, Tho business streets are hung with flags and olahorato patriotic dot-orations In honor of the votorans and their friends. m LADES . 5" TOP : - ' . . mmmfiwJ&tm)' hind stakes would he pulled, the ani mal mal.iiisr a head stand, mid no sooner would thev fasten llicin uu auiiin tliini she would do the same tliiuu I iv stmuliiit; erect and pulling uu the front. I'litlcr the diiectiou of Allsiaw and Wilhiim Curtis mid it hand of stake drivers, tin stake. were driven and pulled until alou ahout o o'clock, when hirth was ivun to a little elephant, who eaiue to lilc in a round hall like a hit; head of cahhiiKc. The mother still continued to raise Cain, 'flic hahy was laid on a piece of caiiMiH in siuht of the mother, xhowiiii; nnparcntly n life at all un til after ahout a half hour of ruhhiiii; mnl finnhliiij.'. wluui it slowly stretch ed out, ami in the cour-u of un hour it had taken a little hit of hraudv, mixed with water, mid stood uiistead H.v. About 8 o'clock we took the baby elephant ami put it in a box ear, after heatiiit; the ear with hot stone, mid oil stove-, and with one of Ihe bis; elephants led Alice to the car with the hahy, put her in mid chained her, hut she was no sooner chained and the other elephants taken away, (ban she raised such a fuss that the ear was in danger of lnhij destroyed, so wo brought the baby elephant back, led him into the car, pit them both out mid took Alice Io the regular ele phant ear, ami no sooner was- he in ninl chained than she flopped on lir side and in five minutes was Miami asleep, The piohuhilitic are that the reason the animal went to sleep was that she was utterly exhausted. The next dav Alice pit on Ihe lot ut Monterey, Oil. She was milked mid ptve a quart mid a pint of milk that L GAME TOURNAMENT PLAYED One additional game was played n the ''III" tournnment now holding; the eenterof Jhe stage at the University club. U. W. Kuhl mid T. Slater John son, who .substituted for Jack Merrill defeated Addison Hrown Schuster mid Phil llmuill hy a xurn-huzurd score. The giune was close through out, the losers breaking ul the lust moment while Kuhl played u difficult hazard and won. Addition giimes will be played Fii day. Teachers to Meet The leaehers of tho looseelt school will meet Friday, May 'Jl ul II p, in. The following progrum bus been arrnnged: Song and drill by pupils; repprt of officers; chalk talk by Miss Mary Moore; a round table discussion of the year's work; elee liiii of officers; refreshments, Pennsylvania I. 0. 0. F. U10ADINO. Pu May lilt. Hun dreds of members or tho Independent Ordor or Odd Fellows nro hero rrom every part of tho stuto for tho un uunl tneotlng of tho Pennsylvania grand lodgo, UcKlnnlug with tho forinnl opening today, tho sessions will continue until Thursday. Clrnud MuBtor W. Oscar Miller or this city Is prcsliliug, J "v i cd into a bottle and put in a bucket of hot water at n l''inperalure of about 70 decrees, anil jakco to tin car where Ihe baby was mid of fried to it, ami (he hahy took to u as if its life depended upon the p'ttiux of it. The next day a smaller rpiautily of milk was taken from the mother, and so on until Ihe third day, and then she went dry. Since that time ami up lo this wriiiu; May 8 the baby has been fed on lliirtlelt Springs water, mixed with llorden's eon. dciiscil milk, hnrutj flour ami strained lice water, and u'lpgntin .just now leceivcd shv thallvJie baby elephant is fine and health,'?- ' " At Santa (ru. where we played on April '27, the nnwl lrin was tied, mid on April 'J'.l tbe baby was pat in a padded crate ami tukdn to the men ap'rie tent ut Oakland, Oil., and from there into a hit: cano with some straw in it mid pveu a hit; rubber ball, and it imincilinloly licfim (o play with the ball .jiikI has heeti on exhibition over since. The estimated Height of the baby when born wim lhl) pounds. It was three feet lout; nud two feet tiili. Klephant's milk looks like diluted honey water and tastes .sweet, having a honey titsle. Immediately after the baby showed sipi of lifr Frederick Allspaw dipped his fjupr-in brandy water and put it in the baby's mouth mid it bepin to Mick, and after ab sorhiiu the water for a few minutes bepin (o stretch out. The baby elephant has. been chrit ened "Little Hutch," nt'tor Frederick Hailev Hutchinson, whp is (he man iiuci of the Sells-Floto circus back with the show, and who is a son of Mr. Hutchinson, loiinerly of Haruiun. Hailev & Htitcuiitun, F The largest social oveut oft the early summer season will occur Fri day evening ut the Hotel Medford when Mr. and Mr, fleorge Kornc Otrpenter will giw a fancy dress ball. Over VJo iinttations ha.K been issued. The hotel will be turned over to the party. F.hiborato urrnngeincuts have been made tor it. At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for C( HORLICKS si The Original and Qenulne MALTED MILK Ths Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurant), hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home- Don't travel without it. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORUCK'S." Not in Any Milk Trust MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOU-nBMMwl'Vrlfcutrii t'tllllll'V.:,, UtMMlHVl'! iti p I o r a ;.(; . ,l p M r o V Tr" ll In VI ll"', .1.!! iuhi.i. v Don't acoept H.n'i'U 'Vi,iVUr?:'.' i.M"V,' v tniiutaiunilt. A, 3, OLMSTED, L Roy, N.Y. . T-.' t. . v r ". , r .i ...-- "'.' ot... FANCY DRESS BALL BUY The fint real bitHcball kiiiiip of the HcaKou will he played Sunday on the local groundi, when Oranln I'iihm and Medford will croMM batx.' Tlm two pmiiiiiiifirv K'"",,M were for practice, tfctinnillv "lid Sunday' pimc should be a piod one. The rivalry hut ween the two cliins ih an ancient mid rock rubbed as tlu mountain ranp-s which Mcparnte them. Knell pune in a battle royal mid will he hard foimht. BRYAN TELLS METHODISTS HE WILL RUN NO MORE MINNEAPOLIS, May 2.1. Nuph thulla Liiccock of Kuiikub City, Mo., U the fourth bishop of the eight to be selected at the present eglon of the general conference of the Meth od uu church here. TIiIh waH the de flnlon of thn (leloRateB on tlm fif teenth ballot announced today, Dr. I.uccoek rccclvlns 04S votes, or 34 more than necessary. Another bal lot was taken later, but the result was not announced. Dr. Andrew (llltes of Minneapolis withdrew from the race after the fifteenth ballot. William .lennlng.t Hryan, In a speech before thu conference took occasion to reiterate his state ment he was a candidate for no of fice and did not expect to be. "I don't want you to expect or believe I am or even expect to be a candi date." Colonel Bryan In speaking urged all church members to get Into politics for tbe public novelty and good government. "My Feet Were Just Aching For TIZ" Let Vour Poor, Tired, Chafed. Ton dcr Feci "Spread Out" filorious- ly in ii Until of TIX! "O, O, glory, what a fcelln'! Won derful what TIZ will do for your feet!" Just take your shoes off, and then put those weary, shoe-crinkled, achy, corn-plastered, bunion-tortured feet of yours In a TIZ bath. Your toes "Jutt couldn't wait to tako my hat offl" will wrlgglo with joy. They'll look up at you and almost talk, and then they'll take another dive In that TIZ bath! Yes, TIZ Is life to feet! Tho mnn or woman who says there's anything like, or as good as, TIZ never had a foot In a TIZ bath. When your feet ache, get tired, swollen, tender or sore, just try TIZ. Your feet will just feel fine; also your corns, bunions and callouses will disappear. You'll bo able to wear smaller shoes, too; your feet will keep cozy; they'll never be frost bltton. nover chilblalned. TIZ operates under a new prin ciple, drawing out all the poisonous exudations that 'make feet sore, corny and tired. There's nothing else like TIZ, so refuse any Imita tion. TIZ, So cents a box, sold every where, or sent direct, on receipt of price, by Walter Luther odgo & Co., Chicago, 11. Recommended by nil drug stores, department nnd general stores. POlsaN OAK NtVCR DPMPrtV 30 YEARS rAiUNO KtMtUT the standard rilCS, CHILBLAINS. rCLONS. BURNS, ETC, AVALUAULC MOU3CMOLO SALVC. u. ousaif.r hivc ir o will oithm oh iuquut ACCCIr NO SUBjTITUTCS. . rricoSS Cents. s UNGtCVtHICHULSCQ SANrRANCISCO oooo?ooooo Yon will want a Kodak this suminor. "Bolter get it now while our s t o c.lc i s j'ompjqt'e. Medford Book Store tfflR&S mm, CATERING FOR PARTIES When you have a parly don't worry about the catering lot uh do that. We make a specialty of furnishing everything for parlies and serving it in your home with out the slightest trouble to you. PALACE OF SWEETS The Place to Get tho Best ANNOUNCEMENT Noonchester Brothers have purchased the gro cery business of "W. P. Stobaugh, the Olscn Street Grocery. All orders will be delivered promptly and customers are guaranteed courteous and fair treat ment. NOONCHESTER BROS. Phenes: Pacific, 5772; I lome 355-K. Hertford, Ore. - ' I '''iP'' I Hi llV ''' ICE as clear and hard as diamonds . Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice 2& Storage Co. First National Bank uf i -f- MEDFORD, OREGOK CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository "We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. V. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT ORRIS CRAWFORD, Nearly a quarter of a century undetr the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon j It has succeeded because oU Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000,00 W. I. Vawter, President G. R. Lindloy, Vice Prti. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier Medford Tent and Awning Company Manufacturers of and Dealers tn AWNxxafl, TEirrs, xt, ootxb or AX.X, Kurss Duck Alt Weights an.l Widths. Actnlnir. Striped,' Eta WKOXX8A3.B AND BETA1X All Makes of Awning and Porch Curtains put up at Manufacturers' Prices. Agent for the Soanok Koltflais YcnUUUnf Wla dow Awnlns; 100 V. Pzont .. Both Phones. Medford, Oregon M. L. ATaFORD, CASUUCR ASSISTANT CABUIER ' M