-ivi ,v-fU,tO'ToVA.inth T PACK SIX OTiDFORD MATL TRTBTTNTJ, MfiPFORT), OlfMflOX. AVKDNKSDAY, MAY 22, 1012. ANDERSON IS Wm. Hodge in "The Man From Home1' TO EXAMINATIONS BE W" SCHOLARSHIP N MEN EWA M vra liiiini; II 1 Ifc I ! I 4' 'J i 1 '.II ' Hut Anderson nmilc ttl work of Dili iiiuoli-toutoil .Mrl.ollnn nt Frnnkic JMivnnls l)oinj; mulch Tmwlay inon- iilj;. In the thiiil round of whnt v:. t'chciluloil n ton round u .Mel.ollnn cinlcnvorcil lo j.ock rofiiKo I'im thu Rtormiiii uttiu'ks of hi opponent by Iridium hack of it foul but it wit no use mid Anderson is credited with .1 knockout. Tlie fiflit ojuMicd fast and fnrioit. TI10 first round Anderson hud only it Hltndo but In; whs after his man nil thu time. In the second round he floored Mel.ullen uud hud him nil but but. Hud not Mcl.cllrn clmis: on desperately despite the referees ord ers he would have pone out. In the third round Anderson was fust finishing his man when the end rame. He smashed .Mel.ellen on the jaw and as he was fallinir he started The University of Oregon was attly rcprosontcil by Wnlter MeClnro ami Mnrtln Hawkins In the trials for thu American Olympic tram held In fan Kranrlm) last week. .MeCluro won bis ovent. the 1500 meter race. In the fast time of 4:03 3-5. only 1-5 of a second behind the world's record. As a result of this marvelous perform- ince he Is almost certain of n place on the American team which will leave for Stockholm this summer. Hawkins finished second In tho 1 1 0 meter hurdle race, bontinc Stnlthson, the holder of tho world's record. Tho time was 15 2-5. Kelly or the Univer sity of Southern California being the winner. Hawkins Is not sure ot a place ou the team, but as none of the t'NIVKKSITY W OKIH50N'. May UJ. Tho competitive e!mlnatlons for the lihmltw scholarship at Oxford are to bo held Orlolier 15 and t nt cither Albany or Kuom The ex aminations. In accordance with t:n system of blither NiikUsIi education, are based chiefly ou lltorary anil bin-. Kiiafco work. A committee of the president of Pacific university. Pa cific college. Willamette university. Albany college and tho University of Oregon select the nuiii bst fitted fo the scholarship from tho hlghust of tho contestants. Tho scholarship Itself consists or 300 pounds per year and residence at one of the colleges, comprising 0-' eastern hurdlers have thus far mailo 1 '," nnlvorslty for three years. It fast time this year It Is very probable that he will bo chosen. It Is a very unusual thing for one university to have two men on this team and Ore- ...... 11, r... 1..... ...... i.;..i. !.,.,. I... I ...,!,. ..II... .1. ... ."IV . .Mil, .,1,(11, ,1 ..I... I . . . .... . I.. ..... 11 1 11 . 1 ' :gon Is to be congratulated on being nn instant atter Mrl.cllcii s knees! ' , ,, . m 1 11 . so well represented, were on tho mat. Techtuca ly it was 1 .,..,,, ,., , . -,..,,, , 11 Saturday the Universities of Oro- u foul, but Kdu'iirds was right oil , ,, ... ,,,,..,,.. ....mi... m..i ll ri.ln-i.i...Kii and Washington will battle for ,i!ii!i,r'i i 1..11...1.. . the northwest Intercollegiate tennis win in 1 iv muuiim- iiimi .Mi-i.viiiiii in j;. 111 1 to get to his feet but the advice of I Is granted ovory other year. Tho men winning hls scholarship previous to this year are Worcester Johnson. U. of (.. Cecil l..ou. U. or O., and Carroll Woody. Me.Minnville College, The latter won out by a ! very close margin over Dean Collins, ' U. ot O., MO, now famous In Oregon, his seconds thundered from his cor ner and caused him to flop flat and take the count. It was a poor bit of sportsmanship hut thon.McI.clteii was ready to ipiit. And as a matter of fiiet in the second round when Mc Lcllcn wus hanging on and refitsinsr Id break the fight should have been awarded to Anderson. Mel.elleu was clearly outclassed. The firt preliminary was a joke. The second was a clever sparring match between Kelly and Maxwell. I as the originator of the Nesmlesi n I ...!.. .,..!.. I .... championship. The tournament will M"s verses appearing u.u.j ..1 be held In Seattle. W The Oregon men ' oregonian. who will make tho trip have net el been selected. Tho only man sure of a berth on the team Is Harry Stlne, membor of last year's championship team, llalph Newland, Oregon's star last year, has loft school and hcuco will not represent tho lemon yellow this spring. Among the most likely candidates aro John Shattuck of Portland. "Dolly" Gray of Portland. Vincent Yaden of Klamath Falls, and Irwin Brooks of Monmouth. N RICHESON'S SISTER TO IBKH TENDENCY TALE OF CONFESSION l.OS AN'UKLKS. .Mnv 'i CUv enee Harrow today heatedly and tin (ualificdly denied a report printed in a Snn r-YjinoNco new-paper to the ef fect that he will confers to the brib- asssss 0, "ins 'A ' IlaMs?si y r" O- T. ,M, I'celor of T'louuce Hock ou whose pliii'i) Ihe llouor Men nn I'll eauiped is in Med fold on his way eus to MisHouii where he will isit his old home for u mouth. Mr, I'celor is stop ping with .1, I'. Ilillhou in I liia i'il,v who is a cousin, "The honor men are doing splendid ui'il. ou the t'ruter l.nlie road" stnlcn states Mr, IVnlor. "and should be uiaiiiliiiueil Iheie by the county. With jlho nrriviil of good weather the men lure fast making good and the minis 'lire being put in excellent shape, I do not believe that any well founded fault could he found with their labor. "Tho men me verv well heluived .and attend strictly to Iheirouu lmi uchs. The honor sv-tem of (lovcrnor Vh( is winking splendidly us far us , Weslulle is concerned." PRESBYTERIANS TAKE STAND I ON TEMPERANCE QUESTION ' I.OlMHVIl.l.i:, ICy,. .May 23 The Prenliyterlau general iinnoiuhly took la positive stand ou tho temperance question today. Cougrisloual legis lation to prohibit lutorstato shipment uf Honor Into prohibition states or 1 vim A. Ilnuluy say Piopeilv nwuois who liitvo hide walks which were put in beloio (heir sticct was iiupioed and ill coiinc ipteiieo weiu mil extended In Hie etnli at sheet iuleiHieioiiH am to bo mil elctl by Iho oily to ciunplele llie walks lo Hut emliing at mice. This will make the sidewalks complete uud will be Hie InM step needed to I,im out of Ihe mud in Ihe winter lime. In most cases the giouud Is low at the end of the wulks which onuses .1 large pool of wnter lo form ul Hut end of each walk during the winter season, making it very inconvenient to pimser.hv. EASY TO LEARN HOW . TO DRIVE AUTOMOBILE CO U ortttQ' r Kiaiso-tv 1-jf sr- t" The supply ot Miperlatlvca with re gard to "Tho Man fr m Home" and Its phenoiucna! success In ovory clt thus far visited U ruuulng short. Everybody who lias seen tho play In BOSTON. .May 22. Mis L. Hicl.e- j son, sister of the Rev. Clarence V. T. Hicheson, electrocuted for the mur der of Avis Linnell, arrived here Has afternoon to confer with her brother Douglas Rieheson, regarding the dis position of the dead pastor's body. Attorney Morse, counsel for the Uich eson's will confer with Miss Richcon nnd her brother. At noon tho corpse was still unclaimed. NEW YORK, May 22. Canadian Pacific opened today's stock market with a gain of 2 1-2. Other leaders were fractionally lower and dealings were light. Standard shares wen down about 1 to 2 points at noon, but some recovery was made later. American Tobacco roe between 2 and 4 points. The average level vn decidedly under yesterday's close imwI the trading had an exceedingly beui ih tendency. MMM 1 cry 01 corse .. i.ockwooii w !! whch William Hodge conies to Mod a jail sentence. !,.,. t,1ivUi,p Mn. .iti, iq of virtual- ...-. ., . 1. 1 --.- , -- -, "rucn n iiiinjr mis iivr iiitcii cmi- . ,,. ,. ,,,, r,,,,,,.,..!,,,. ltl ?1 1 ,, I .!. I . .11......... I ' ' " sioereo. erica uic hcimiwh hiiimui-., 1 - r . when told of the resrt. "It is not being considered and never will be. 1 never, never will plead guilty. Tb'j thin:' has never entered inv mind. I ' can't imagine where nch u story could have originated, unless it was started by someone connected with the other side of the case." Harrow repeatedlv has declared hi innocence of the crime with which be is charged, and today he reiterated hisrstatement that he will fight the case to the bitter end. lie again ex pressed bis belief that ho will be acquitted. abiding merits, and It seems though If It wore not for Its many lnjal supporters, who return for nee-i oinl and third visits. It would soon exhaust tho theater going population. , "Tho Man From Home" taken all In all Is actually and without iiestlou the one big play of tho past decade. districts was ludorsed. Still further 1 iino of iho lllble In tho curriculum of IChrlHlluu colleges was urged In tho report of the committee board ou the report of the nominating committee, , which was approved nnd equivalent !tu elect Ion, uained. mining others, for 1 110 place 011 tho executive committee, as '.Mark A .Matthews of Seattle. "How long does It take to learn to dilvo a car?" Tho above nuostloit is uppermost In the pinspeeilvo auloino. bile owner's inlud. when bo bus fully decided to puiehiiHti a cur. It Is noticeable how some new own er 11 think It Is going to bo haul to learn, while uIIhih think It wilt bo easy. In talking about tho different way new owners tako hold of a car, Kulll- "The one thing In 1110.U new owners that cannon delay Is lack of confidence In IhniiiHolvon When they get behind the wheel for the flint time and feel that the car wlll go wlieio (hey want It to go, the) experience hesitation In assuming the lespouslblllly It's the ciodcst thing on earth to drive u car ouc you know the few details ' ND mm Waller McCallum has taken hold of the boxing game in the city and will conduct the cmitMs in the tutiire. Ho is having hi.satlonieys draw in cnrjiomttou papCrs for the Medford Athletic club. .7 t , "I am not geftg into Ihe prizefight S.S.S. CURES SKIN DISEASES Tho can so of nil skin iltsoason rnn be trncml to some humor or auhl In tho blood; the cuticln lit nlwnyn healthy where the circulation In free from Impurities. When the blood is Infected with acrid or unhealthy nmttor It cannot porform its unturnl work of nourishing the skin, regulating Its tent- fernturo and preserving It.n noriunl noHiios. pliability nnd hunlthfuluuiut, nstmul It Irritates and Intlaino.i the do lien t a JUirc.i and tissues around the pores nnd glands nnd produces nomn of the ninny forms of skin dUen&o. 'llin (tchlnt? ntiit Kttni'lntr nn nftnn AN'mnnnnvIni! hVIii ntrnnllmi nrn iintiliii.vil game" states Mr. .Mel'allum, "but will run legitimate boiug eoutes'si and will have some good men here for four, six and tea Miind goes. Thee contests are not in violation of the Jlto itching ant stinging bo often nccoinpanyttiR akin ntfootlons nre produced -t.it ln. nn.! u-i r.i,. ., l ,,. 1 "i r l" oposu irotn tuo uioon 01 1110 norm iiiiiuorn witlt wiilali it is lilies!. state law ami when run 011 1 clean ,nto t,,0 wntMyo niomurwioiw tloah lying Just bonenth tho outer covorlng. bais cannot prove objectionable. nnd surroundlnK the countloM norves, poroit nnd gbmds. THU uxplalns why "1 see llu.n. U .. .lei ul in Mn.lr.n.t 0Crn,ChlnK ll, 0,,tor "klU a'Tor,lJ, " TM ,r0l l RolllHK alld burillllff. I see Ihere is a ileiuii ml in Meiiroi. 8 Sf 8 ouron 8kln mMMI)ti a( dVory 0ltitnotT Uy purifying the blood. It tor elenii sport run on the sipmre and I Koos down Into tho circulation and removna U10 huiuom or ncldn which nro I intend to rospoml to tliul dernund. I caualni; tho trouble, builds up the weak, acrid blood, nnd pormanontly ouro.i In other words I will give tho boxing funs a run for their money nnd at the saiuu time remain strictly within the law." every variety of nklu affection. Local apptlcntlons can only soothe ; they plover cure bvanuso tboy do not reach the lilood. H. 8. 8. goes right into the circulation, readmit the trouble and cures It by removing the cause. IJook ou Skin Duteaseaaud any medical advice free to nil who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. .A. t T T t f t t T f t T Y Y Y Y Y ? t Y Y Y f i Medford's Public Market Opens for Business Saturday Morning, May 25 RENTAL CHARGES Stalls, Single Day Stalls, Week, -Stalls, Month, - 20c $1.00 $3.00 Only a nominal charge will be made for parties with baskets. Stalls are 8 feet by 10 feet, with running water in each. Facilities unequaled for dis play of all kinds of produce. ? Y f Y Y f Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t f W. H. CANON, Mayor J. E. WATT, J. C. EMERICK, G. H. MILLAR, Market Committee To the People of Medford and Rogue River Valley, GREETING Medford's new public market has been completed and will be open for business Saturday morning. The market is designed to benefit both producer and consumer; the farmer and truck gardener by giving them an opportunity to display and sell their, produce, and, the consumer by opportunity to pur chase direct from the producer. The market depends for success upon the co-operation of producer and consumer. Given this, it will help solve the problem of high cost of living, stimulate truck gardening, encourage the farmer and keep the money at home. Your support is earnestly solicited. MARKET RULES Y Y ? Y ! Green vegetables must be brought in fresh and clean, cov- $ ered with wet gunny sacks. Berries must contain a full box. r ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3L Fresh produce of all kinds, fruit, berries, vegetables, milk, cream, butter, eggs, chickens, X meats, etc. solicited rrom pro ducers of the Rogue River Valley. For further details see E. J. RUNYARD, Market Master Market open from 7 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m. daily except Sunday South Riverside Avenue near Main Street Medford, Oregon t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .HrrKvKK