ssv IMTOFORD WATT) TRTBTTNTE, MEDFORTVOpflON, TFTCDAY, MAY 21', '1012. - PXGB THREE k y SHE GETS BADLY BUMPED IN TOURNAMENT 'rim rhHi iwn kiiimi'm or thi ":ii" ImuiiiiiiH'iil now iinilttr way Hi the tlnlvemlly cliili won iliiyeil define un hiiIIiiimIiimIIc If mil linen ciowil .tori- iluy iirtonio ii. i:, V. Iluiilli'y mill I-!. 0. HiiifiDHii defeated Oi'iii'ijn II Cm punier mill .IiiIiii Mull McKny .'It humid, while .hiilc.n CoIvIk iiiiiI lllllllkll Hll'll('l'l' (Hill) Will llit MMIII'III' heied mn Dm dm Ini: yinitii: iniiii who iiwriiifd Mime llurltdiill fni ii i IIih win- lr) ii'kIiuih of Cutter l.aliu a yciir iil'.nl IiiiiI; II. K, AiiiIhimoii mill H jiiajcm ItclHH Into cam tr, I h-hnruril I'or tint eillllrutlnn of tin' imlillc It mlKlit In wull n ntnto Ihtii tluit ":il" In ii riMiililiiiilliin of pw mill hllllurdii IiimmiUmI iiiiiI liiipuHi'il on a Iiiiik mif fi'ilnt; imlilli' liy Addition llrnwn Hehimler. Mi' declared It lawful to ninldi 'iU point either with pool uliotn or IiIIIIiiiiIh at which time It hemmim liiipi'ratlvi' that nh aililltlonal pnliitn In made hy hllllurdii, after which the eontextniit to win iiiiiNt pncltet IiIm cue hull off t ho inn' pot or ko Imrlt to xtni. All of which, like thu khiih'. In an ulenr iih tiniil. Ami Juitt to clai Ify matter. Addlwui llrowii Hrhimter Iihh a happy faculty or liiventliiK ii"w mien from Him to time an tin- orca nlon m'ciiih to ili'inmiil whi'ii hi' Ik playliiK. Itut wo illKifitn. McKay ami Carpenter noted that tint print offered Iho winner wan a hut of clKitrH. no tlny Nlarti'il with a phi'iioiiiliiiil run. Thereupon Huntley tiru'il lif h partner to (treat deed When Carpenter mlmo'il hln firm luu- anl McKay uearl) mwuIUmwiI hln cljcnr ami no hmlly hatiorcil IiIh nerve thai the reuialmler of thn Ktiine wuk left to Carpenter. lliiiP'M leaped Into the hat I In front mid with hi trimly lance ahattered a few. And mo he won. Ko did Huntley. The wide variance of Hlylei In the plnyliiK of a thirty one game came Into notice during the hitoihI content of the afternoon. Audumou a full fledced cl 1 1 eiiKlneer koch iiliout the Kiuiie rompiitliiK uncle mid taldni; hi hearliiKx. Iniimiiiich iih the day wiim cloudy and he could not net a Kllmpmi of the nun IiIk uotctt were faulty and angled Incorrect. On the Ktlier hand JudK CoivIk nhut both eye mid plnyx a "lilt. MIhh, or he " dort of n kiwio ami ycittcr- day It won, Anitern had HpniKtie Itelc.el iim a runulni; mate hut Hprai;ni wan bony worrying about. roddlliiK motliH and other petit mid fell down hard. On the other hand CoIvIk's pattuer wuh that mighty man of l.i awn HronliH Spencer, of whom hint the poet written: "Theio lived a Unlnht, uluin Kiilr,hl hood wax In flower, "Who charmed alike the tlltyard and the bower." HrookH only made three polnlH and to the Hurpiliiit of inery one did not lotto on a critical xhot, Ko Colvlg won carrying Spencer with him. I'lay continue thin week. I YESTERDAY'S SCORES: NATIO.N'Ali W. I,. P. C. New York 20 i! .Tf.'.i Oluclnnall 22 7 .750 Chicago I a II .4 SI PlttHhurg II 111 .-IKS Philadelphia It II .410 Ht. I.oiiIh in IS .IIH lliooklyn 10 .atlll lloxtou 10 IS .:ii'7 Cincinnati 10, New York .1. PlttHhurg I II, HiiHtoii I, Kt. I.oiiIh a, Philadelphia 0. (,'hlrugo-Hi'ooklyn, rain. A.MKIIICAX W. Chicago 211 IIohIoii Hi WiiHlilngtmi 1 I Cleveland HI Detroit I I Philadelphia II Now York 7 Ht. I.oiiIh 7 l. P. C. 0 ,7!a 10 ,iur 10 ,r.s:t 12 .520 ir. .tsa 1:1 . ins 17 .202 I'.l ,201) IIohIoii 2, Chicago 2. Nuw York a, Cleveland 0. WiiHhlnitton ft, Kt. I.oiiIh I. Phlladfllphla-Ddtrolt game official ly poHt poueil, NOIITIIWHHT W. Victoria 17 Vancouver IS Portland 17 Kpokani) 15 'Tacoiua 14 Himtllo ,i 14 All gameH poHtpouod, !. P. O. II -.5 IS 15 .515 10 .515 15 .500 17 .4511 is .tas Ii. P. 0. 17 .022 17 .005 21 .52a 21 .455 25 .410 25 .afill COAST W. Oakland 2 Vernon 20 l.oii AiikiiImh "!' Hun KraiudHCo 20 Haonuneiito IS Porlland 1' TeauiH trnvolliiK. Juniors of High School Will Give Rollicking Farce Tonight tfl '- pn Wff'W, Vr9H xJKy1' w 1" a5 r i , tHH H Tonight at the Medford ip ra Intuitu the high nhool' JiiiiIoih v. Ill give a clever play entitled, "IIIcIih at College." The plot Ih a good one. Illram lllckti, the lit nit hreakfiiHt food mil lionaire, tilea in obtain Win. Morion, a college Muilcni for IiIh ad mmuiger for hraliiH, Hut wo will not tell ou here how the plot developH, hut leave that for you to find out uett Tiwh day night, Tim actin-H ho make HiIh play a KiimwH ate Illram lllckH, the llranm man, plaed hy Milton Kchit chard, mi actor of note, Tom Motion, the college hoy who wrlten ndn. acted hy l.eo I'ImIi, doeit IiIh part up in great htyle I'rltr Jordan, Moitou'H chum, iiImi ii banket hall plajer, Jk played hy Clio ton ImiarH. Adum lleddlcut, profeniior of Nor thern uulveiMlty, Ih acted hy Hay !. E Tlione who take pride In tho gai ileim about their liomeH In the city are rejoicing at the lain of tho last two tuyn, an II Ih having a very bene ficial 'effect on roxe hmtheii and the southern Om'kou henullcH will he out In full bloom In the next two or tbice day, l'or the paat weuk or 10 day the btuU have been net heavily on the rosea hut Irrigation did not Hcem to bring them out rapidly. The nl Itittt! jt littu ttlt'itit tuttit ti rniu, howeMT, Iiiih given them a great hoont forward and the next two or three dayii will bco the ronen out In great profiiHlou. 'fliu lawiiH of thu city are alxo tdinwlug the effect of the recent ratu for a rain ran do more In one night than a man with a hose can In n week iih far an the effect u the lawn Ik concerned SKATTI.K, Mhv 21. The Senllle, Kent tin nml Soullierii railwav eoiu pauy tcelinieully Ims two els of re ceiver today. The eomiilieiition urohe when tlie Iriisleei ol' the eoinpnny, lioldiny $1, 000.000 hloek of roiiuer Mtiuuger William Crawford ns hcciuily I'or 11 loan ol' .t:ill(), IIIIII, nl'lcr .iiecesst'iilly ilereutiiii; CrinvforilV ietiiiou in the .slitte com I for 11 received hy ilcn.iiitf iiiMtlveney of the company, went into the federal eouit nml M'cured n'eeiv eirt of their own hy alleging- iiisolv cney. Crawfonl then again applied lo the Htule coiirl 11ml Judge Krnter resuincil .juriHliotioii. PRESBYTEniAN PASTORS TO RECEIVE YEARLY PENSIONS ' l.OUISVII.U:, Ky May 21. I'eiiHlons or itunultleH up to $500 for every dlBiihled nilnlHtorof evory Pica hyterlan church In the country, cor reHpoudlUK In amount to the bono flclarles' term of Bervlce, line object (Ivch of action taken hy the general conference of tho church today. Thu plan beconicB effective July IS next. A genuine awakening In the call to tho lululutry Ih hIiowii Id tho reports from collegeH nml unlvoraltleH, nc cordlng to tho report of tho hoard of education. The nnHuuihly selected At lanta, (la,, n tho place of meeting in una. CHAltl.OTTK, N. 0., May 2 ). Charlotte today opened her annual celebration In ohHervauco of tho an niversary of the Hlgulng of tho Meck lenburg declaration of independence, a document Bald to have been pro mulgated hero on May .20, 1775, nearly it year In udvunce of tho dec laration at Philadelphia. Tho cole hrntlon will hint nearly tho entire woek mid Ih expected to attract thou biuhIh of vIbUoih. 1 MB BLOOMS TWO RECEIVERS FOR RENTON ROAO Mar. Ilo tukei hl part like n r il prof in Mir, iJemi Hmlley, than of the college, Ih ucted hy Ita'ph Itnlcom. I'erey ItohhliiH, u iccent arrival fui'ii deah IIohIoii, iih played hy Herbert Alford, Ih n good laugh producer. Adolph lluggH, a lazy hungry dog, Ih well acted hy .Jim Ktewart. .IohIi AlidroWH, a hiiHkel hall euthiiHliiHl, Ih cuthiiblaHtlrally played hy Tmi Scani llug. I'adtet. thu reporter for the Dally Klirlek, iih played hy Ijtiidliy( Ih a Hhrlek from beginning to end. Peter, the proprietor of "The Pal," Ih taken hy Arthur Alder. Track Walker, mutiager for the Ilrauio man, Ih well acted hy Johnny Deinmer. l'ranceH Kinney ami I'raneeK Heath an Juno (Iraut and Polly Porter, chuniH, mid lutirexted renicrtlvely In Morton and Jordan, play their partK to perfection. Claire Angellne JoneH, tho Ktage- IH GRASS LOCAL RANGES Slnekmen who run their i-toel. mi the ranges in the mniiulniiw nml fooi hilU nf thin enmity Male that necr in iiian v venih has the hlnml of in-.s Iteeit lietter, which i die in ti treat dereu to tile large miiomil of precipi tation which has fallen this year. The yriih- is rank and will l'urni-li feed lute in the Miminet when it has cured. The Meek in the county is flourWi- !.. it. i .... i .... it it in:.' 011 the uhiindiiuee of urn- tin xirin; ami the summer matket will see many heews hipped, wliere-is thev are generally held until the tall nml then fattened 011 hay. This yeir t Iii is mil deemed iieecssnry. The fceil is said I" lie exceptionally henw in the Demi Indian eountry which i the prune;r seelion ol the eoiinh ('OKIK)VA, Alaska, May t!l. August Palmer, the only hiirvivor of the erew of the hnrge Hoydn Hrown which was lost in the terrible utile if May It), when the master of the Tut; heat Pioneer was forced to cut her loose In Mtc his own hunt, is nhourd the Steamer Admiral Sampson on the wav lo Seattle with members of Hie erew of the United States Light house Tender America which was driven ashore in 11 heavy gale yester day, and is now battering to pieces on a jugged rock near Capo llinebin brook. Soon after (ho news of the loss of the llndyii Hiown the lender start ed in bcnrch of the barge which was believed to have foundered when the Pioneer teleiiscd its hold. The Aai erien found it ulinro on Montague Ulniid, near Hie entrance to Prince William Sound on May 1'J. Only two of the erew were saved, mid one died of exposure upon reaching land, The America was u'turning with its sole survivor of (lie lln.vtlii Hrown when it was driven ashore. The Ad miral Sampson picked up Hie "S. 0. S. of the distressed boat mid rush.d lo her aid, She succeeded in resett ing nil the ollieers and erew. SEATTLE PLANNING CITY TELEPHONE SYSTEM SKATTLH. W11., May 21.--Super intendent of City ninth's A. h. VaL eutinu is today beginning 11 compila tion ol (lulu tor (he installation of n system of at least 120,000 telephones. Couueilinnn Kriesou. champion of municipal ownership of public utili ties, insists that the voters at the lust election by espressiinr themselves two to 0110 in favor of a municipal tele phone, aro entitled to liavo it without further delay. WU SURVIVOR IS WRECKED AGAIN Htruck girl, Ih played hy Virginia Cudcr HiihIo Kpruggltifl, a frcHhinau with a (tiihIi, Ih oxcelluiitly done hy Kuth Wlliion. )ulHy Artiutrong, an athle tic girl, Ih played by Kvulyn Cnroy who taken her part like a real aclrefiH. I'luff I'lnley, n flower girl, played hy Kvolyn Peteh. Flora Hello IJpla murty, waltresB at "The Pal," played hy Kthul Cuthrle. Althntigh HiIh Ib Iut flrnt appearance on the local Htage Hlie Ih mire to make a hit. Mrs, Cobb, housekeeper at "The Quar terH," mid her maid, Lily, are played hy l.enora Vance and Kuth Lawrence. The Ht'ciie g laid at the Northern unlverHlty, a co-educational college, mid there will ho special scenery. A great deal of work has been put on HiIh play to make it a surcefis, and It sure Ik to bo one, as the coach la the best In the northwest. GRASS RIG V SDEWALKS The eit mnv take -tops in the near future to abate the nuisance created by the growing of grass along the sidewalks on' (natty streets throughout the vlly. Owing to the great amount ol ram full dining He spring the. gnjf Jii4jjruviiAery high and overlaps the Walks in some places to sueli an extent us to make them 11N0 nnpiissilile. A couple pass ing along a walk nmt in inanv places walk single tile. The street commis sioner is now considering some meth od of having tills grass cut. The grass lus grown faster this season in the cit than in a number of years. 1500 NEW YORK BARBERS STRIKE FOR $11 A WEEK NKW YORK. Mnv 'Jl.-Whiskers are espeeted soon to be the fashion 111 New York us a result today of it strike of 1.100 bin Iters, who are soon lo be joined by ;t,000 more of their fellows. The strike is for shorter hours and the establishment of a minimum wage of $11 a week. Medford Printing company carry a full lino of legal blanks. ShctectlfcuUety! Bit thi Original ana Ginulnt HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK Th Food-drink for All Ages. For Infants, Invalkls.nnd Growing children. PurcNutrition.upbuilding the whole body. Invigorates the nurcin g mother and the aged, jjlch milk, malted grab, in powder form, A quick lunch prepared ia a minute. Takcnoiubjtitule. Aik for HOR LICK'S. Hot in Any Milk Trust F0R0E CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put in first olass Bhupof All work guaranteed. Lcavo address with II. B. Pnttersti, Quaker Nursery, Nash hotel. POISON OAK Mo. REMEDY K,5RS0 riLCB, ChllBLAINS. rCLONg, BURNS, CTC, A VALUABLE HOUUHOLO SALVC. ail oKuooif r HAvt ir cn win. oiTtm ox ncauur ACCCHT NO UTITUTtS. V lUNGlCVlMICtUaSCO -SftNFWANCIBRn MORTGAGE LOANS AFoney on luuwl at nil times to loan on improved ranelios and city property at lowest rates With "on or boforo privilege," JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 3231 320 Gr.-O. Bldg. CARLTON ADDITION TO T. It. Tanner Iiiih pitrelinscrt (he Carltmi mlilition m Ihiw eilv. TIiIh property lieH lietncen Smith Oiilcdnle avenue and drupe Htreet ami i eon hhlereil o he one of the hel mldltloiiH to the eilv. It in the intention of the pur-linxer to tlinpof of tlics-c IoIm on the euMv ita.vuieut plan, nml owiu to loealioii of the property, lyinx " ' doe- in line of Iho heM reideiice jmrt of the eity, .Mr. Tanner in irv fiitluiiUHlif jn the helief that the pnijiertv will Hell vry readily. PROF. 0'GARA TO CON TRIBUTE TO ENCYCLOPEDIA The now eiJIMou of the Cyclopedia of American Horticulture, which Ih in tho course of preparation, will have Hh authority on front fighting, Pro fessor P. J. O'Oara. The recognition of this Important horticultural authority of tho work accomplished hy tho pathological of fice under tho supervision of Pro fessor P. J. O'Oara waa not made through personal influence, hut when the work accomplished had been con sidered ns In comparison of tho work in other sections. The cyclopedia when completed will devoto a t;reat deal more of Its spare to the methods of fruit raising on the Pacific sfope than It has here tofore In the past, as In so doing they will he ahlc to set forth some of the most modern of methods. Veterans at South Bend SOUTH HUND, Ind., May 21. Civil war veterans by the thousands and other visitors in large numbers are here to attend the annual en campment of tho G. A. K., Depart ment of Indiana, which began today and is to continue until Friday. De spite the fact that the soldiers are so rapidly lessening In numbers, the en campment promises to be one of the most successful ever held In this state. Annual meetings are being held also by the several auxiliary so cieties. The annual parade will be held tomorrow and each evening there will be camp fires with promi nent speakers. Swamp Tniul Notice. Acting under Instructions from Governor West, all tho swamp land belonging to the State of Oregon will be selected as soon as possible. Any one having Information re garding tho location or condition of Mich land will kindly confer with me. Such Information will bo of much value to tho land department. T. A. RINEHART, tf Stato Land Agent You'll Uphold My Glasses if you try them once, for you will find that they aro just as represented accurately adjusted to fit your sight nnd to relievo all strain on tho vision. My work Is highly satisfac tory. Xo Drugs (drops) Used. DR. RICKERT Over Kontner's BARGAINS t n M s p H o n -t"5 I P rt O O a o CLE 5J w S P P LD ANN (MA r in P- P tsi t3 rt tr P rt o p p & A. J. LUPTON Cor. Utli und Fir Stu, jPPPrJJp00000P0? Hicks at College Presented by the Junior class of the Medford High School MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Tuesday Evening, May 21 Seats at Haskins' I Announcement i; General Admission, 25c f 44t&4444(4l4f04r44Hf4Hf44Hl4444Nf4N ICE CREAM and SHERBETS All our Ico Cream and Sherbets arc made by us from tho best quality of cream and other Ingredients. YOU HAVE THE HABIT, WE HAVE THE GOODS. THE ANSWER IS PALACE OF SWEETS OUR ORANGE SHEHHET IS A WINNER. ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (3b Storage Co. First National Bank MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT ORRIS CRAWFORD, Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management -n-irm M ! I . .. I . Ill I 111 III I ii JM. THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because oi! Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal troatmont CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W, I. Vawter, President G. R. Lindley, Vice Pr. C. W. McDonald, Cashier Tickets 50c - 75c Extraordinary f M. L. ALFORD, CASHIER ASSISTANT CASHIER