-." te?dft . j fia? ? ir jwm jv.'tei. ! i C.I PAGE FOUR MFJTFORD rATri TRTBTTNFi, MI3TFORT, OKKdON, SATl'UPAY, NAY 18, 10113. & i'14uufrflu44- i lh 1 M ' 2 mK Medford mail tribune AN INDni'KNDKNT KKWHPAI'KIt rUllI.lKIIKI) KVnilY AKTHUNOON J'XGKl'T SUNDAY, 1Y TM13 aiKDKOUD P1UNTINO CO. Tlic Democratic Tlmcn, Tho MroTont Mnlt, Tho Mcttronl Tribune, Tho Mouth cm OrcKOlilnti, Tlio Anhlnml Tilbuno. Offlcn Mnll Trlliunn lltilltllwr, 3B-27-2D North Fir Hired; phono, .Muln 3021; Initio 75, Ol'OllCin PUTNAM, lMllnr nnd Mnnniror ISnlrrctl ns KCcomVclnps matter at Mcdfonl. OroRon, under tho net of March 3. IS"?. Orrlclnl I'mwr of the Cltv of Mnirord. Official l'upcp of .litcksnn County. suBscnirrioK rates. One yciir, by mnlt JS.oo Onu tnonth, by mull . .... ...... .50 Tor month, delivered tiy cnrrlor In Medford, JnrUsom lllo niul Cen tral Point .. . . . ....v... SO Saturday only, by mall, nor year.. 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.56 SWORN CIRCULATION. Dally average ftr eloxen months end Inc November SO. 1911. 2751. rail eaird Wlr United Preis Dlipntclici. Tho Mall Tribune Is on nale at the Terry Nena Slniul, San Krnnclpco. I'ortlanil Hotel Ncur Stand, Portland. Howman New Co, Portland. Ore, W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. MEDrORD, OREO ON. Metropolis of Soutlurn Oregon nnd Northern California, and tho fastest growing city In Oregon. Population IT S ei-iiMia 1910 SS40, estimated. 131 1 10.000. Kivo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets naved. Postofflco receipts for year ending isovemner ao, iuij, snow increase or 19 per cent, Manner fruit city In Oregon Itogiie Hlvor Spltecnberg apples won sweep stakes prito and title of JOLTS AND JINGLES By At) Brown One Medford man wishes to enter his six months old baby as candidate for town crier. Papers have been served Portland man named Coffey, ably sufficient grounds. on a Prob- Doc Wiley has a son. There's a kid who will grow tip without even a speaking acquaintance with a mi crobe. A Portland policeman has written a poem, "Only a Cop," which suc cessfully demonstrates that cops should be only cops and not poets. Hero's One I'nnn T. 11 ' "He's a servant of the Idle rich, And a fat old Top to boot; Ho don't know how to ride a horse, And, don't know how to shoot'. It grieves me much to say It For I greatly hate a fuss. But really this man WHyiim Taft He ain't the man for us. Now If you people do not wish Youry interests neglected I know you'll see that hero I've proved That I should be elected." T. It. Here's Oho From 1)111. not the man to smllo when Tm . some One stabs mo In tho back; It's up to me to show my spunk And hit some one a crack. I will not mention any names Hut there's a certain man Whom 1 would like to see you clash As 'Colonel Also-Hun.' In this discourse I liavo tried With dignity and graco To prove with clearest logic That to niu belongs the place." W. H. T. (.'onhllmtois' Club. (Hy,A. Caryden Wolfo in the News, , Ashloy, Ind.) In every town folks keep somo houn' urann An' every tlnio strangers come to f town, Somo folk's go to klckin' th' town uroun', It's oven worso'n Irlckln a lioim. Stop -your, klckin', bo hopeful an' profound, It's a mighty poor way f build up a town To keep klckin' public morals aroun'; Who wants to locate 'n a town Unit's down? This is tli' best town anywhere aioiiii' But, llko others, wo'vo a few op houn', Who gut at th' stranger who's In town; Say tho town's a houn an' kick it UlOIIll', II a houn' 's a houn', a town's a town, Ami can't ho built up if kicked aroun'j You huvo' a right t' kick your own lioim' But It hurts us all if you kick th' town! Lot's pull together for th' good o' th' town, An stop klrklii' our lioun's aroun' Tho' th houn', J( a inyth'll imilco no Boun'i A hounded town sot a BtrniiBer's frown, PROSTITUTING IN TI1K advertising development section of tho May Sunset appears an advertisement written h.v ( K. Fisher for (he Oregon Apple company of Torvallis, one of the numerous orchard unit selling propositions in which investment is ottered tho public. This particular company has tho same gooo opinion of itself as the Pharisee of old who thanked Clod that he was not like other men had of himself, for the article opens as follews: "Thank the Lord for the honest inen in the world! There are so many ot the other sort in this busy business world of em's that when we find some of our brothers doing yeoman work holding down the honest beam of the scales we feel like passing the hat for fear their profits have not been adequate." The hat is then passed as follews: "One third down, with dignified terms, no interest, and no taxes in the sell ing plan. So far the proposition excites no more attention or comment than dozens of other propositions, get rich quick and legitimate, of similar class. The laud is described as is uearlv all other land so advertised, "bv everv test known to expert horticulturists and agronomists, ideal for orchard growing," and it mav be. It is the following which commands attentien: (The capitals are our own.') I "A number of Henton county business men, a I'uitod States Senator, a man high up in the railroad world, a' PRESIDENT AND THREW LUMBERS OK THE FAC ULTY OP A LAROE AORHU'LTPRAL COLLEOE. ' organized the Oregon Apple Coinpanv. ' "After a series of tests bv 11. 0. SCl'DDER. EXPERT! AGRONOMIST OP THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL; COLLEGE, a report was submit ted showing the soil was the richest red elav hill loam to be 1'oiind anvwhere in the state. ' "The services of an expert horticulturist, highlv rec ommended by the OREGON AGRICULTURAL "COL LEGE were secured. "Oaco Orchards are twentv miles south from Corval lis, home of the OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. One wonders whether Oaco does not stand lor O. A. C. Orchards, so closely allied is the public institution with this private speculation. The president and three members of the faculty of a state institution organize a private company, in competi tion with other private companies, but use the power and prestige of their official connections to bolster' up and finance their individual speculative scheme. The scien tific college experts are probably also interested, lending the prestige of their official connections to their favorable reports upon their own property. It is probable that the president and faculty of the Oregon Agricultural College would strenuously object to endorsing for advertising purposes other orchard selling! schemes, and would not permit the use ol' their names on account of their official connections, in magazine articles asking for investments. Certainly they have not so en dorsed any of iio orchard schemes in the .Rogue River valley, although Jackson county hejps support their in stitution as well as Benton county.f Let us indeed "thank the Lord! f or the honest men in the wqrld. , Our brothers doing yocinen work holdinir down the honest beam of the scales" and "i)ass $ie Jiar for "the president t acuity. '. or the Oregon Agricultural ((liege. FIREBOYS TO ATTEND L The funeral of Kmma Belle Hous Mim who died lit her home, on South Grape ttreet Friday ulterttorm will be held from Week & McUmvun chuptjl Sunday .nlternoon at iiii) o'clock. As her hii'sbaud, Clinrlc Houshom is one of the city fin'inen, the firebomb will attend the funeral in a body. Jin-. IlouMiiM was. 20 ear, 10 months mid JO ilayt, old t the time of hor (loath. Her parents are living. She has been ill for home time. SAN DIEGO WOULD TAR I. W. VV. AGITATORS SAN IMICCO, Cal., .May 18 Woodford Hubbard and thirty-two others wero Indicted Friday by tho grand jury on charges of assault to commit murder and assault with deadly weapons. The action camo as a rosult of an attempt upon tho lives of I'ollcemon Stevens and iledd on May 7 In the shooting of Joseph MIkolaek, the alleged anarchist, who was fatally wounded, dying tho next day. Tho asbault took place In front of a rendezvous of Industrial Work ers of tho World. Vigilantes are said to bo active again tonight making a careful search for six alleged Industrial Workers of the World gunmen, said to Imvo arrived hero this week. It Is said prepatations for tarring and, feathering these half dozen have been made. Up to 9 o'clock tonight tho searchers had not succeeded In finding tholr men. SUBMERGED SUBMARINE SUCCESSFULLY FLOATED ATLANTIC (TIT, tf. j ,jy 18. The United State Hiibmarine Tuna, which went aground in fourteen feet of water in Ez'u Haibor Thursday, was reported afloat again today wiih no feerioiib dauiHKO. MRS A PUBLIC OFFICE. and three members of the IAL One of ihe loom-, at the llij,'ii bdiool which lias an exhibition nt tracliny uiurh attention at the nrcnent time is tho commercial department conducted 'by Harriet II. t'ov. In this room are found splendid pei i uierit. of every day work on the pint of -Ihi; Mudout.s which reflects tho care) ulneS5 with which they ar-i trained. Thin course U proviut; it popular one at the hiirh school alid iiiflun.ir I from the iippeiuauce of the exhibit the children aie ycttiiiK much good I from the iraiuii a. ILM jhh-i:li-; A Tonic. Alterative and Reaolveot. The btit remtdjr for Kidneys, I.lver anil ItoweU Eradicates I'implo, Eruption and Ditordrn of the Skin J'nrlfie the Wood and xKtu Tcue, fetrcugtb and Vigor to the entire system. 1 : : You'll Uphold My Glasses V-n 4LJ If you try thorn onro, for you will find that thoy aro Just as represented accurately udjiihted to fit your sight and to iollovo all strain on tho vision, My work Is highly satisfac tory. No Drugs (drops) Used. DR. RICKERT Over KentDor's -NH f 4 WW im- 'i a - -it The rougher the stronger it is. The stronger it is -the more harm it will do. But then -you don't have to drink it rough, strong or high-proof. Time' Cyrus Noble, pure, old ami a1nt:tlc llettUd at thinking sttciiKth. lVii no jmore than any other whiskey. W. T. Van Schiier V .. OV'i'l Agents, I'ottlanil Base SUNDAY Medford vs. Ashland MEDFORD BALL PARK Game .Galled 2:45 p. m. Admission 25c and 35c If I lie valves of your car need frequent grinding if your spark-plus need constant cleaning the chances are your lubrication is wrong. Try Pnlarlne Oil and seo how tunc li trouble and cxrVuHu It will sac you. It is free- from carbon. Feed freely down to roro. Nuvur tlilim out. Our I'olirlno booklet free, postpaid -will help you in caring for our mr? Write for It toiljy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY I'oitl.-iuil (Incorporated) San I'ijiikInco MwwwwHWfi iammimimmmmmmmt,4mmt Wtemmmi&wwGjuaimwm ,V A"."' HT r ft Jf VV front ll fy Ji t X klllddci k I'lirllicriiKiti-, v,c h. IivIiik In n Ulwr-kivuiK . Vtl, l.isiern Hard Wlic.it flmir lias 'Ic.iiallc iualltic llut cannot ) mctluoki 1 tk w . in "iei mmj tin hi uio iic-,t iirtaiimilf. Il.ikcm rraliie IliU, ti.f Inv.iri.lMy tin y uiiilmit l!mir tliciiuclvo, ii.ujr ul Ku.tcrn lUnl Wlii-dt ami Wotcrii Soft Wlicnl tlut I Id wiv III lmi 'I linit. -Mi I a llic two mu't imt lr nlx(;il Itliianoii ipirtiiiH uiiiiiy mi n thcir iirmluct, tin' Ihiikh live umi ui cictpritiine qul'r'l to proiliirr llic Tlic formula finally 4 Cjl 5F" " iWZLr&,.. rr &-, one (.uinimiauuu in nnili'H -dsBBBBBBU RPR rij-jrfi nSB &(&. i- l Writ syw"& &l twit .JMStMb!&TM whiskey tastes Ba VnT WHY? lilcml llonr l.nlrrn JIrl Wheat fl"iir ha It ue. jf "Auimii iKrir Iir.fiii,m Mim1' Mr.iiKliI hnlt Win-til Hour Jliit In ki'I ti'kulu liaril wlic.it llriiir. It mutt In. iIi'iioiikIii 'I In !ifiiiv.f.tullf rutilu llit. tnn iif.liii.iid liiilint.irily, a Itjr Mi;f rldtlty of rum- iroicr lalaixu, llclurr nil tr Ink the pulil if I'l'ii'diNii Mum (hiav msilr cxhaui- niv exact nriiKrtl mis ot cacli Hour tc lilrtvl of lilcliPtt cfliflfrry iiltril. In nclnnl liaklnK cirnitlllm wltli Uii oinrr wrn vnown or iticlti (in itc ru.irki'i Imliy, list H t:ali " ilriri'in Ouli'r il rxr llincc. Von titl llill sclcii Fisher s Blend Flour BARGAINS i'oit sai.i; IIONt Mul'UllIll III III!' t'll) !r'Jit) (iiKi'i povsessloti of n new It loom ImiiihiiIiiw, (ti lolly tuodciii, pliiM. teivii, poii-hfii rioom, Lot n:iioi!. SewtM' mill miiIim' paid) Hitoltury In I It flooi', I'lti'pliiio and mantle. Itnlitmo IT.llI pa,wiltli 'JU.tlil per inoutli. Ownct" lemliiK town and will mII quill, so tltiu't wall, , VOl M,l,i: iiSO itiMOH, KID under feufi', nliitut (ill allien ready for plow, fair hoim.', U liuritH. family m chard A ttuap tor S.lfiOi). (iood toniiri run lie madii uu tlilrt pniiuu'ty. THADI -I'm kooiI luitiHo or eipial tillii'. Utt iii'HtH f.ood deep noil, fenced nnd rrtuni fnnved; " arrt-H t'limr, Imliini'o In lirutdi; half tulle of S. I. It. It,, half mllo of graded Bfhnol. $aiU0. It)lt SAl.U -SO mien near Tolo, imilly In alfalfa, bei't of fieo. null, No hotter fruit land In . alley; I00U. KAId aliout 70 act e .1 uiIIch from (old I UII. Ktid placer r.rouud, li draulle and plplui-,, f.ilr hotine, minie ft ult, rich null, a Hiiap for ? 11! 00. A. J. LUPTON Tor. (Mil ami Vr Sts, Watch Our Addition Crow Jaoknon mid Httminll Medford Realty nnd Improvement Company M. I A II. Co. Wdtf. Medford Parcel Delivery Express nnd Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, lfic, 25c Phenes: Pacific ItOTi! Home '" t .Messenger Service, Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHIMNCJTON, I). O. Public Land ItnttQn: Final I'root Dciort Lnndn, ConteiU nnd Mlntnr Canes. Scrip. A SNAP CO ncrcn, hIx iiiIIch from Medford, Kood Kradcil road croBHoii the tract, all freo hoII, at C0 per acre. $1000 will haudlo, cany tornu on balance. Part In creek bottom land, nu'tnhtc for alfalfa. Hevoral hptIukh on the plaro. Timber enough to pay for tho tract. No hulldliiKU. In tho Orlfflu creelc dlHtrlct. W.T.York. Co. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency l'OK HAliK 180 acrcH a jjooil place for a Kood cattle ranch, every llilnj; kocu with tho place, WaKon, Hpudii for need, alfalfa need. Dry kooiIh, notlmiR, etc., at aluiom your own price. 120 ncioH i;oi)d deep hoII, only $50 per aero. 10 arum up (iiltUn creek $1000, lid ncii'H, IK to poarit, .'( iiiIIch out, $:ir00 ta It oh tho place, 70 acren, 10 acreu In pearu, bill anco In ulfalfit. A flue bungalow, everything flint cIuhh, and price only $'.!7r0, l'OK HUNT and uufiirulHlied J''iiiiiImIi('(1 llOUHDK. TltAIU'H (HO acii'H In Mlnucnotii for ranch In valley. ' ICMI'iOYMICNT Woman cook. Women and Klrlu for genoral houuework. Man to milk and do other work, Man and woman on a dairy i. 'inch. 1 1 ran (ill hiuidn at once. Olrlu, kIi'Ik, i;IiIh, Iliinch IuukIh. Phono In your ordora for inoii; no charKOH to tho employer. Mrri, Jllttnor In ulwayit on hand to take your name and addroHH, E, F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM DL0CK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono llllj Home, 11. rr-'4r-t'1 WHERE TO OO f TONIGHT I STAR THEATRE Dent Ventilated and .Mont Up to Date rtumler In the City Ailvameil Vnudedlle and .Motion rit-lni-i'H im mjaii .v ,i:,iri.oiiiho 1'ieMout their Comedy Klmtluit unit Halaui'luK Art A bit; nurpiloo to our pntroiiH tin: I'rvisn.Mi'NT It'u a llloKtaph TIII:.Ml('rii.lt VIMH OK I'A'I'M I'ealurlui; the lamoim Maurice t'oxlello Kltll'rWOOK Hlli i lu; tale of mlHtakeu Ideutlly In the uliinm WlMSHKS, IMX1 I'ISII, SOliK ,NO tllUM.T liileiCMtlni; eduialloual i..r;iu.u .s You iniiai all route and have imme Of tllld (t'tH ,l S.Tlli:it, the HIiiK'T , WtHtliW'OUTIIS, the MtlHlcUnn Tho place where tho plelnieH don't hurl your eyeti AiIiiiIsnIhii llic, (IiIIiIitii 5c MATINKKH HAILV ISIS IOc THEATRE lOc Tin: iiWiHivs Semiannual (!muantM -the Up Hide Down Novelty Act Minn IVet of I'ealuri' I'IIiiim tiii: uonmcss or' sAtuautt'sii ;ri.cii A WcHleru blni;rnph loe nlory MltS. 'i:ltV 'AWKINS A wonderful Vltai;raph Hlory, fa ttirlnic Mnurlro Omt.illo, .the wurld'H k rent en i actor Titotiiiiiw uii tiii: x oitimt I'ropoxltiK to 1 1 In .Nurxe, a i;ood Wi'Mein comedy A l.tt'liV .MI..IP A pure fnrri ionieiv. a hearty laiiKh ftom nlHrt to flnUli netici: llourit from 7 !I0 to 10.30. except K.itiird.'o and HumlaH, Mntltiecn U to .1 Uvoului; performance, 7 to ll. ADMISSION 10c UGO THEATRE SUNDAY AND MONDAY sJil.'O.OOO Produclion DANTES PURGATORY AND PARADISE 4 REELS 4 REELS 4 MM his is positively one of Ihe grandest set of Pictures over shown. They are a most beauti ful and realist i illustra tion of the celestial bliss in the Heavenly regions, Come early. No raise in prices. I NEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Are Held in Mooho I fall every Thurmlny at 11 p. m, Kvorybody invited. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Water ( Hoating ' All Work Oimrnntoot I I'rlcnH ItoiiHoimblo. t OOPFEEN & PRIOK IS Howrrt Mlook, Xutranoo on fltli II, 'olilo 30311, Komi 8l, .A Asr A , -V