Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 18, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Tim annual rcciititldii or llio Jim
Ihih of lliu Mcilronl hlith tirhool In
tho kiiiiIoih wiih hclil In tlm Nutiitor
lillii TiiUMilny. Daiii'liiK mid canhi
woro tlm iiiiitiHumunl of Urn ovuiiIiik,
Willi KuiiifH mill a intiHlnil inoKiain.
Tlm mimical iii'ouraiii umiihIkIuiI of a
vonit nolo by (lliulyK llliiiiiau, a jifuiiii
nolo by Ivy llouclc, ft vocal moIii hy
llurhuit Alfmil, iccltullou hy Mlllou
Hi'huhanl, ami u vocal tiolo hy Wll
Hum Vawtor.
TIiomi) lu'iiMimt wn: Tho .MIiwh
Until Warner, Helen I'urucltur, Mil
dred Hilton, ICula (.'nrniill, l.oralno
Ulrlrli, iri-im Hmlth, LouIho William
iioii, Franco Konny, c'iniifOH ilunth,
Maynio Hanoi, Alary Htovoimon,
Francca Vorlc, JchhIh I'unly, ICvulyn
I'ctuh, Hvolyn Carey, J.iutoro Vuueo,
r.HMH wuiurio, virKinm earner, Hum
l.uwrouco, Allco Korhcii, Carrlo John.
miiii, ToNRurn llrown, (lortruilo
ttliuultr.. MImh (loillovo, .Marlon Whlto,
llnxel Carnal I, Vera OliitMtcnil. Mario
Hlfuit, Ktttlmr llnrry, WIIIchIii Itoli
nilH, Miiiihoii, WIIhoii, Mm. Amlrcwii,
Hneillyor, (.'ox, Mildred llrown, Lifiira
Mel.euu, Mary Trnwhrldao, Harriot
Coniplon, MIiih Knte, Mm. IIuwiimii,
Klhcl Klfert, Mild rod Anllo, MImh
WoInIi, Mnignrrt Warn. Until Wood
ford; tlm .Mom. La Mar, Duuitncr,
Kuhuhnrd, l.lndloy, Armond Taylor,
llllnw. (JrorKo Jlaljor. Hay Crawford,
llrt Htull. !. Hoy Orcy, MacDonnld.
Want, Malcolm, Tom Konntlln, Clay
ton Inane, Tlioo. I'InIi, Mark l.ion
urd, .Solium itcli, Clinrli'H Prim.
vuwtor, MnninU, Alford, 1J. Mar
nball, l'rofctmor Colllou, AmlrnwH.
Ilowmau, Hay, While ami Alldor.
Hli;bty yoiuiR pcopln (nil mar
ried) of tlm llaptlvt church woro
promiiit to a liaiiiiH't given by tlm
feminine Midi) of tlm KathcrliiK. Id
tlm luro tent Jut (taut, of tlm Hap
lUl church WVdiicHilay ovoiiIiik. All
nccuunta decline tlm affair a Krnitil
micccMK and oim ; ho far art to
Main tlinl Dm khohIk worn a lmppy
aH heforo thoy married.
Tlm Deration wa made nowlhlo
by tlm yontiK married women'n clam
of tlm n.nptlrtl Sunday nchool, who
donlrcd to k-1 tlii'lr liiiHltamlri to a
t;iit-toKtJHr miMitliiK or ijntbiirtni; of
n Htrlrtly noclnl nitlnro.
FoIIowIiik tho bamiimt, n miiHlral
proRram lntrHprnitd wltb xonm Im
proniptn npiifcliOH wan kIvoii In tbc
Tlm l.ailii-N' Ai.l Hi.clily
ClirlHlinii I'linrMi will iiiim'I
In honor of tlm blrtbday of Mm.
rioruiicv MrCoy, n niiinbcr of ynmtK
pooplo of tlm city Katlmrcil at tlm
McCoy roMliloiiiTu on (Jrapo ntrcct
Monday i'VcmIiik at tho Invitation of
.Minn Alfrotta (arrotnon. Tlm crowd
wax Ortpcclally convivial and u niont
plcaitant ovimiIiik wiih BpiMil In hIiik
Iiii; and Knirally pjihhIiik it Jolly
ood hour. HcfninlimontH wcro wrv
imI. 'I'ln kiiuhIh won; MlHHon Akiioh
ltroad, Norn Dally, .Icaim Itarncn,
Mlldioil Hutclmr, l.coutliiit CaHparili
Alfrctta (iarii'tttoii, Kloronco McCoy,
Mohhih. U. Koltcnborn, ll;o Kruldu-
Kin", Hurt l.uwri'nci. (Jrovor Comin,
A. 0. Ultlt-ll, Hoy (Jyrr, Tom I'ctcr
fun, V. II. Horton, W, :. lIurrlMon.
i Tlm 50(1 club unit for tlm Imm: tlmo
II.Ih yoar at tho homo of Mr anil
Ali'M. I,ul(i, Monday t'Vanliu. Wild
fbiwniH In abiindaiico won uhoiI In
ilccoratloiiH. .lapaucim MuU;i!ii liutit
Cl tlm porcli( cardK wuro playod. Tbo
club moniliiM'ri n ro Mr. and Mrx. Walt,
Mr. anil Mih. C. M, KmkIIhIi, Mr, and
Mia. Nye, Mr. mid Mm, Mmrlck, Mr.
and Mra. I.uiiimiIcii, Mr. and Mih.
Kiuitimr, Mr. and Mih. Clarcnco
Knlnht, Dr. and Mrn. DDiinlHton, Mr.
and Mrn. I.ulm, Mr. Will Watt and
Mr. (Un, Trolclikir, Tlm Hulmtltutui
for Dm ovoiiIiik woro Dr. and Mih.
i. Tlm laillnti of tlm I'rcHbytiirlait
church woro dolliihtfully ontortalircd
ut tlm homo of Mrn, IHla rltovoiiKou
on tho Aiililnnd H(ail, Timmlay, with
h oim o'clock liiuclicou, About forty
billion motored out, ami tin oliihornt'j
luiiclioou wan hoivoiI. Tho llOHtOIIS
wiih iiHiilHtod by .Jior ilaiiKhtor, MIh.s
.Imm Karliart mid mIhh Oliidya llounl.
Tlm iiilil-iuouthly HOclat umotluK of
tho Oruatm' Minlford club wiih hold
Monday aftoruoon. Tho coiumlttoi)
on outortulninouL woro MuHdunma
Mmrlck, Alford ami IIoIIIh, MIh.i
liiiura I'iiko and MIhh l.ucllo Vork
Mr. mid Mrn. 0. II. ItoiUk'ld loft
t li In wouk fim a vlult In Ht, l.tV)ih,
Mr. Thoy will return with Mrn. mi
ilold'H imruutH, Mr. and .Mih Aim
htrontf, '
Mitt, J, l Uuddy In oxpuctcil to
roturii from a trip to Hnohuno, Wod-nomlay,
Mm. (low. lloboc mid iIimikIiIpi' linvo
loturnoil lo tliolt' country liuuiu.
of Him
ut III.'
Imiim ol' Mih, l,cu .lone-, L'OII l(ooi.-
veil nviniui), Wfiliii'Hiluy iilirimon.
f All iiiciiiIu'I'm urn unkcil to ho picni'iit.
I.iih( Mouiluy cvouiiiK miini Ui
kniuliU ami linliw ol' Urn order tf
I'ylliiaii SImIci-h, witul to Alimiil for
llm iurnmo of iimlilulin a now tcm
iln in that cily. .li. L H. Htiimoii,
niont wortliv Kniiiil I'hli'f of tlm ki'iiiuI
lomaiii of Oii'on i'iiiiiii iow;i from
Mnlt'in mid wiim hi chaise of tlm ccro-
iimnifH, HHHiHtcil hy .Mrn. A. ('t lluli
Imnl. iiiomI cxi'i'llcnt chinf of TiiHk.
man Tcuiilo No. It) of .Mcilfonl
Tlm ol'lici'iH of Tiilihtimii 'IViuili'
who look purl in tlm ccrcinony of In
Htallntion tvuro .Mr. A. (. liiihhanl,
iiiohI cxi'ulli'iit chief; Mrn. Krniik
Ihuiich, piiHt chief ; Mrn. .1. A. IVrr.v,
excellent Henior; .Mrn. .lolm OliiiHlcail,
excellent junior; .Mr. Harry Wort
until, uiiiuuKor; Mi. .1. 1'. Iliiteliiihiiii,
luiHlrchK of llnanee; .MinM .Mary llim
wnll, niint M'nH of I(. mnl ('.; Mrn. .lolm
A. I'cil, prolcctor mnl Mih. A. A.
l-'l.vnn, uanl.
The work of installation wiik put
on in a ni(it arlihtie uimiuer, the tic
k'lee Irniii from TiiliMimu Temple lo
Hit: e.eellcnt woik ill every pnilieuliir
um the oflieeiH ami teiuu were com
ilnnciiteil by I lie unwl itxccllcut Kruiiil
chief jih well aw the kuittlilH ami Ind
ic of Ahlilaml.
The leailen of the ileice team
were Mrn. Mcdowau ami .Mrs. Seher
ineilmrii, I'rouipllv ut I 'J o'clock (Im xwi
weie .eatcil nroiiml ii most MimptioMs
hmiiUcl, hiieh n only tlm Ashland
lailieM (an produce.
TIiohc who atleiiiled from Medford
weie: Mrn, .Mcdowau. .Mr. Selierin
erlioru. .Mi. U'Hrien, Mr. .I.A. IVny,
.Mr. uiid .MrM. A. A. Flyiui, Mr. ami
Mr, .lolm OluiHtead, Mr. it ml ,Mr.
Kd. TrowhridKe, Mr. and Mr. Hen
TiouhridKc. .Mr. mid Mr-.. W. II. Can
on, .Mr. and .Mix. A. ('. liiihhanl. Mr.
and Mr, llarrv Wordiimi. Mr. mid
Mr. .1. llutcliaMiii, Misnes (lene
vieve Wortman, the Miw Cox, Cof
fin, lliifuall, CreKiiry, Flyiin, .Mt.
IIoiIkv and Mrn. IVank Imiaex, Mr.
sid Mr. 1 tf Kymlnvw, .Mrn. I'crl
nud Kvcrelt TrowliridKC dr., .Mr. mid
Mix. WhiliiiK. .lolm I'liloKiir, Kme-t
Air, .1, JloKca I it iti ii m and (Jrnco to,
Callmuu wero united In marrliio by
Itiiv. W, K, HhleldH at tlm homo or
.1, ('. Calhoun, on ThiiiMday ovduIuk
at 8.II0 o'clock.
Mr, ami Mm, Ionian will malm
their homo In Haula Clara county,
California, where Mr, Ininau han a
lnr',e laneli and orchard. TIicho
youiiK people are widely known hero
and at AhIiIiiikI, and the kooiI wIhIicb
of their many filondn ;u with them.
A mocIiiI nfteruoon wan held Thiiru
dny by the Guild of HI. Marku church.
DoiIiik tlm aftoruoon MIhh llazol
David Have a piano nolo. Alim MImh
loraiuo Hilton and MIhh Ioiiiio Klyuu
played a violin koIo.
(!ardH were played, after which
ilMluty rufriwhmontH wore Herved.
Tlm ICiiHteru Htnr will hold Kh reg
ular Hoclnl ijvoiiIiik on WednoHday
next. Tlm commlltuo In chmito Ik
Mim, M. 1.. Alford, chairman, ,M-j-dameH
KtrmiK, InaacM, WlUon, leeu-
hart, Orcou, ImhlliiK. l'hitt, Mhu
Akihw limncH; Mimam, Alford, Km.t
nor, IMatt, HhleldH, White and (Ircon.
The meetliiK of t;m Unenofl ,N' cIioh
Million club wan pontponrl laat wot ):,
on account of tbo IIIiimh of Mih. T.
K. DauIelH. The club moeH thin
veek with Mr. and Mrs. !,ai.leln
Mr. Kred N, Cllmore of Kan Kran-
cIkco waH the week-end kiiohI of Mr. j
mid Mrn. Fred HopkliiH at Kuowy
Hutto orchard.
Attractive Medford Home
ItexI'Vorr ir .1. F. llHle, i ii Soolli Oakdale. .Mr. Halo low InilK up, In neven
yeai-K, oin or the larKit piano ItiiHlnoincN in Houllieni Oregon. HN field
elmlH Into Cnllfonda,
MIhh lleatlo or New York hi the' SUNDAY SCHOOL BUYS
Kueat or Mr. ami Mm. W. J. Minor.
Mr. I.ynian Ortou loft WodncHiliiy
on a trip to" Han Fraiiclco.
Mr. Colo HolnioH loft tli' weak for
Hacramcnto. 'j:
Mr. F. II. Hopkins Wt Monday for
Mr. and Mih. William Wel8er and
Mr. mid Mr. W. W. WiiRiicr Jointly
entertained a larne number of their
frleudH lam Monday evening at their
homo.- J 2.1 South Oakdale. Wlilnt.
which was tlm principle piiKtlme of
tlm oviniliiK, wiih playod at mivon
labliiM, Mrn. C. T. Noo wIuiiIiik
Inillon' head prlre and Mrn. A. F.
Steuuott tlm consolation, Mr. 11. U.
Hominy won tho high nroro for Ron
tleiuen ami Mr. .1. W. HamierH tho
coiiHolatlon prUe. An elaborate
luiirhcou woh then nerved, which
wiih followed by an appreciative
mimical proKiam. The following wero
tho Invited Kuer.tH; Mr. ami MrH. K.
V, Coffin, Mr. mid Mrs. C, II. llrown,
Mr. and Mrn. K. J. FoutH, Mr. and
.Mrs. C, .1. MiHtiuan, Mr. ami Mrn. W.
II. lleHor, .Mr. ami Mrn. A. F.
Steiinett. Mr. and MrM. .1. II. Holulou,
Mr. and Mrn. (ieoiK Kaiifnmn, Mr.
ami MrH. John lleter, Mr. oml Mih.
J. T. .SuiniuervllleMr. ami Mih. (J.
T. Noo, Mr. and Mih. II. L Honney.
Mr. ami MrH. C. 1. True, MrH.
r'razor, Mr. and Mih. .1. W. llnnnoru.
MIhh Flouinco McCoy eutertalued a
lai'tm number or frlomlH on Monday
uwiiIiik. Tho color Hcheme In the
luncheon room wan red ami white
carnatloiiH, whllo In tho W1jin It
"nH yellow poppleH, A dellKhlful
three courno luncheon was Horvcd.
Tlm KiioutH wero Akuoh Hrowti, Merle
HurcH, Coim IlarnoH, Nora Daley, Mil
dred Matcher, l.eotillim (IiiHpard, Al
fred (JafVetHon, Hurt hawrenco, Iko
Frldenar, Doc Horton, Andy O'Neal,
Don HarrlHon.i Orovur Coriini, Tom
I'oteiHiui mid (toy (Juyor,
A moHt enjoyable Hiippcr wan Klvon
Wodnemluy ovoiiIiik by tho Gold Mule
cIiihh of tho llaptlat ehuroli, Tho
cIiihh moiuhoi'A lire tho yomiK ni'irried
woiimn of tho church, ami thoy en
tertained their liUHbmidH with an
elaborate Hiippor. Yellow iohh and
hltio IrlH wero iihoiI for dccorntloi;.
ami about eighty wero proHont. Aftor
iiupper a proKiam of iuiihIu mid road-
Iiik wiih kIvoii after which- tho men
worn called on for Impromptu
Tho Woiluexday IIi'IiTko club met
with Mih. MorrlKim and Mr?. O'llrlou
thin week, Mih. lliu'Kinvo and Mm
Perry woro tho jnixo winnow. Tho
hoHtoHooH imxt week mo Mrs. Sohor
morhoiu mut Mch, Perry.
MIhh llrookn, who linn boon tho
KUCHt of Mr. ami Mrn. Hedfleld loH
thla week for 9oiltk,
The LnilloH Aid or the front)) tcr
la ii church will meet In tlm chape)
LTuoHilay nfturiioou. Mra. 12. A. Welch
Mr. and Mrn. A. W. Sullivan left
th Ik week for Canada, where Mr. Sul
livan Iiiih charge of ho mo railroad
Mr. Samuel Dyer ami daughter.
MIhh Hazel left Monday for Cretcetit
City, where thoy will Hpunil the Hiun
tnor. Owen Duulap, Callla Stedinan rmd
MIhh Klvla Woller.i have returned
rrom n two week'u trip to San Fran
cIhco. The Juvenile Dancing club Rave
another or Hx enjoyable dances Mon.
day evouliiK, which wiih wull attend
ed. Mr. and Mrn. Arthur HcmlerHhott
or Kukoiio are tho kuchib ot Mrs,
ilcndcrahott'H mother. Mrn. Phlppn.
The meinbiTH preM-nt nt the biihi
iichm meetiiic of the KpHorth league
of the Firht .M. K. clmnli last Tueh
day evening elected for llnir offieerK
to herve for (ho next nix months, ,-n
jredenl Mr. Glenn Conttell, Nt
vice prexident, Mis Mnrv IU, 2nd
ice president, Miss Julm Kidder, .'Ird
vice prcHident, Mim ha Townsend.
Ith vice prusideut, .Mr. (Icorge lumtx
man, secretary. .Mr. Fred Carritt,
treiiHiirer, Mr. Karl Conkhii, organist,
M"iHh Mabel Gould, chxiristi-r, Mr.
Clarence Meeker. y the courtev
of the pa-tor. Hcv. K. 0. Kldridge,
the installation of the cflbiuct officers
will take place during the Sunday
evening church service, May, the liltli
IIII'J, to which all young iwople of the
city not el-ewhore nttHchcd are in
vited to he present, tl is also urged
upon nil leaguers to he prc-eut and
help enrrv things thr-.agli to a suc-i
ce.shful eoiieliiMon ah everv el fort is
heing put forward lo niake this a
league rallv evening.
Dr. nnd Mrn. Kdward H. French'
will tako poKHCHHlon or their now,
homo on Itono avenuo thin wcok.
Mrn. II. Von dcr Hollon or Wellen
Ih Hpenillng tho week-end with her"
daughter, MrH. Kvannon.
... I
Mr. and Mth. W. K. AdnniB loft I
thin week for San FranclHco. They j
expect to ho gone a mouth,
Mr. and Mrn. J. MePhcr.on ha"o
returned from San Diego, where they
Hpeui tho winter. I
MrH. A. S, KoRcuhnum returned i
thlH week from a visit with her moth
er at Hock Point.
Dr. John 12. Carver and wife of
Sioux City are Hpendlng a few dayn
In Medford.
MIhh Ortrudo Whiting of Sacra
mento Ih tlm guest of her Hlstor Mm.
II. F. Stone.
Mr, and Mih, Kmery of California
uro visiting tholr (laughter Mrs. J. A.
MIhh Allco Domio of lleaglo It)
Hpemllng a few dayn In Medford.
Mr. C. K. Flyiui has returned from
a trip to Turlock
Social life in nehool diHtrict No. 2!)
Iiiih taken u new turn hincu the or
giiiiizntiou of u Sunday Hclinol seven
wcekn ago and now the purchaKO of
a new organ. Despite (lie rain, jii-sl
at time to htart, quite n merry crowd
met Tuohdny evening to initiate the
instrument which all occm to agree i
a Ircasurc.
Old Mings, new wongs, instrumculal
inusie, classics and rng-timc were
so thoroughly enjoyed' that another
meeting will he held Tuesday. The
Sunday hchool is preparing for ehil
dienV day and basket dinner the sec
ond Sunday in-.Iime.
POKTLAND, Ore. It. Jones fell
from his motorcycle. Mrs. L. Ham
Ray wan curious to know his fate. As
she turned suddenly she fell severely
spraining her ankle.
Medford Hotel
Jfipc Olives
Caviar Canapo
Polago a la Koine
Coiisoinnio Dubarry
5 to 0 P. M.
Spring 'Onions .
JJoilcd Turbot Shrimp Sauce '
Pomnics Nouvcllc
Chicken Flakes a la King en Coeolto
Punch .Ronmiu
Koast .1912 Spring Lamb, rint Sauce
TJ6ast Prime Kibs o Beef au jiis
Koast Potatoes New Garden Peas
Fruit Salad
Apple Pie
Bisque Ice Cream
Ncufchatel Cheese
Sunday, May 19, 1912.
Vanilla Cream Pie
Assorted Cakes
Bents Crackers
Kau-Mohr Co., Props,
The Misses Crawford and Crowell will render special
To wltitess Ilevclv U. Dobbs travels
In tho Polar xo:ir Two hours In
this wonderland, t.m you nfrord to
mlsH thla? It is now up to you.
Pi ices: JSI, 5(lc,
Do yon want your lavrn put in
flrat chiS8 KliapoT All work
punrnnteod. Uavo nddresa with
If. II. l'uttcrsii, Qimkor Nursery,
Nash hotel.
f m
if ill
I Wm 1
a ff mm 1
Men's Suits
of Unusual
fUR Surnmer stocks were selecrsd
pscial care in the choice of fabrics.
with es-
materials shewn are nt oh!y pleasing ih appear
ance, but the patterns to a largs extent are
exclusive and will Le fgund on at this store;
This is one of ths advantages of purchasing
hers -rnot mentiening the style and fit of our
modsls and attractiveness of our prices.
2 and 3 piece suits, $12.50 to $35.00
Knox Straws
$3 to $5
Wilsoh Bros. Shirts
$1 to $3
y h
f: - (liimnLlSU&CO., aManagors) ktotii t "' "
In the Success of the Century
The Man From Home
By Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon Wilson
Seats on Sale Monday at Raskins' . . ,- - : ; ,-
560 Times 70 Weeks
in New York
342 Times in
225 Times in
"Such a play makes tangible
what vast numbers of people
i'col, would oven fight for but
could not put into words. To
luivp writton it is truly to have
performed a national service "
'r, r'