fl MEDFORD MATT, TRfRUNE, MEDFORD, ORIMION, TURNDAV, MAY M, 1012. PXGE THRTSI3 i '. A t m i MI POM TO HEALTH OFFICER Ah ii roHttll nf Hut fllliic of u to pin I on city MiuiKaiy condltloim hy tli liutlcit or t ho Clruntur Mi'ilfnrtl club tin) city will prolmlily Imvo u new limilth iirilliuuaii which will kIvci I Jin lumltli (ifflcur (lowor lo iirocuml ll'ttlllllMt IIIM'MOIIH VlullltlllK till) ll(ll- iiiiiuo. Al pM'Hdiit Hid health offlntr ciiii only ioiiii't to tlin hoiiril of hi'iillli iiiui Ihih no tiollro iowcrn. TIiIh Ih to Im eomiclml. Tin) mport filed hy Hid IiiiIIch wiin lofi'irnd to tliu hi'iillli coninilttco of tlui city council. Tluit liniiltli com nilltDii will incut with llio liimnl of lumllli mill ilriift u uuw oi'illiiiiiico. Dr. Ktciinin, city licultli offfcor, Ihih fiiltlifully cixti'itvorcil In llio pitHt lo iiliati tiulHiuu'CH ami clean up tint city llllt IlIlM IIOl llt'OII aide to piocoml Hatldfactorlly owIiik to IiIh laclt of authority to cnfoict) IiIh ordcro. It U lo ovoicoilht tlilri oIimIiicIi) that u new ordinandi will ho drafted, HO IS N THEM E I KM THIS WEEK ItO.SI-nil'UO, ()r, May H,--TIiIh wiMtk from early Monday mornlni; until Into .Saturday iiIkIiI- wlwll Im nili of tint ImihIi.'iU tho cltlxuiin of ItoNidiurK linvt I'xporloncml, Monday wlll find ovcry ouo ilcco ratlin? uud PoIImIiIuk (or the roiiialiilui; dayn of tlm vteoli, wlntii tint HtntD KraiiK) and til) Southern Ori'Kou Medical iimho elation will meet In ItonoliurK, and HoHnliurK'H third annual iitrawherry carnival will ho held, The main feature (IiIh wee); will ho the Hlrnwhiirry carnival. The prertcut Ideal weather promise to continue, mid ovorythliiK Ih proRre. Inn finely toward u iiiohI uticcvjinfuJ carnival. STRANGE ANIMALS WITH SELLS-FLOTO SHOW There Im iiii ol'i'iciul whilewiihli eoiniiiitleit of the city council, eoiiHihlH nf ('oiiiiclliucii Wait, Millnr mid Hiimiuervillo mill wiih itiinoiiileil Monthly iilleriionu, Whether It will utteiiiit to wIiIIdwiimIi mi.vlhiiij? hut the interior ol the new iiuhlie uiiirliel or Hot ix nut known, hut it miulil i-l tluit, in Hpile of lint Incl Hint Millnr ih n Hociiillxt mill HocinlihlH iih n rule Hpeiul moht of their lime -empinc, the whitewash olT lo jji'l ill (lie it'iil CiicIk in the euxe. The whitewiiHli eoiiimiltee wil dp Hiiu(t'il following n lengthy iliHfir-t-kIoii of the icliltivc inciilH ol' while wiihIi (I. e, lime uuil nu(er) mill kill Hoiiiine. (lovcriiiiient hpce'iCiendont., ee., were (liHeiihHcil iltiiinu (lie iii-fi-meiit, in incl (he tile hiMory of while. wiihIi wnw lolil. 'Hie iliMMiMKiou eniiie up ill rvpml to tho linihhiiiy of the puhlie miiiltct huililiutr on iiciHiie, Mh interior in to hu whiteneil mill tin commiltee with appointed lo mm' lli.it it wiih done in iii'cortl with (he pence Mini iliKiiilv'of Ihe city of Mnll'onl. YESTERDAY'S SCORES: Vlrtltnm to tho niuuitKerle of the Hell. Kioto clrctiH In Medford, May 'J:i, thin neanon will he privileged to nee, aiuoiiK other HiIiikh, two very HtrmiKO antmulH. Thexo are "liar ney" and "Knli'lle," thu oraiiK-out-iiiikh, which were Imported from Iloruro hint milliliter, nud which nro ho nearly hiimmi In nil their actloyw tlittt It aliiHmt mnkcH the npectator HiiliHcrltio to the Darwinian theory concerning tho tlearvut of man. Hill tho HlrniiKCHt. thing about thcHo Htmeoun IIch In tho fact that they are jttlll alive, hearty nud as well today an when they laudud from their native wlldn. TIiIh Ih tho flmt tlmu icrorded that au nrniiK-nutniiK Ihih lived lunger than hIx moutliH af ter having been duporte.il from llor ueo. All tho Hclentlfle authorltleH and all tho HtudeutH of natural hltttory have iiHHerted ami kIvcii It an a con ceiiHUH of their tudlvldual and col lective opIuloiiN that thu lltull of llfu for an orang-outang Ih ISO dayn from the time he Ih taken aboard ship. Up to thu prcKcnl tlmu thu miv ii tit h have been boiiHlful of tho argil miiiit, becniiHu no ciihu wiih recorded where ouo of I bene aulmalH lived longer thiiu tho Hinted period, llut now comoth "Harney" and "Kh tollo" iih IIvIiik wltucHHt'H to thu fact that Hcleucu, upon occaidou, may bo all wroiiK. Next luui) they will bo exactly one your In thin country. Huruloforu It Ihih been aliened that most of thu oritiiK'UutmiKtt Imported to thin country have dim! from tu berculoHlH, mid Indeed, whuu "Har ney" uiul "KHtullu" tirrlved In Den ver thoy both maimed to bo Hiiffur Iiik from that dread iIIhciihi), but Dr. ICIIIh, ii local phyulclau, lutereuted liluiHoir In thulr ciihu, ma U I UK iih thorough an examination of thorn iih ho would of u human liulng, huIiko fluently kIvIdk It iih IiIh opinion that tho Iiiiikh woru In no wIho iiffoctcd, but that thu trouble lay In tho food, ami that they wero vlctlnm or ucuto InrilKDHtloii. ThroiiKh nklllful tront iiuiiil HiIh iitlmont wiih remudlod ho that now tlieno iiiiIuiiiIh aru appurent ly In iih kooiI health iih any of thulr comimnloim In tho mouiiKorlo, Ho It Ih tluit ovlduntly tho hc.Iuii HhIh or thu lunl century huvo dhiK noHod tho ciiho f tho orunj?-outniiK without really koIIIiib to the root of thu lieuotlliiK ovll. They will liu noon In thu ineiiai,' erlu without oxtru uharKo whim tho Kulhi-l'Moto cIioiih uitIvoh hero. NATIONAL W. Cincinnati IS Now York 15 llOMtClll 10 ClilniKo 10 Hrooklyn H I'ltlHbuiK 8 Philadelphia 'J Ht. LoiiIh G Now York 10, CIiIciibo In ulKlith, darkucHH). Ht, IoiiIh '.i, HoHtou H. Cluclunnti 2, Hrooklyn I. I'lttHburK-l'hlladelphlii, rain h, V. C. .1 .7K3 7 .082 10 .500 12 .ir.r. 12 .-100 12 .100 ir ,:t75 12 ..1.13 i (called PEOPLE STILL ARE CLEANING UP V. I', linker, xti'ccl t'oniiiiihHioiiei'f wShIich it iiuileintooil lluit elcuu-up lit V in ii lliiilc Of llu; punt. iJUHpip) (he Incl Hint Ihe ilny wiih iKlv'iliMeil hut lor Sultmliiy Meilfoiil pcoph) Im vi! hci'ii iniikiutr u IIioioiikIi job of eleiiuiui; up mid pi I oh of riihhiHh linve hi'ltii ilnily iloptiMitci! in (he utlt'i'H, Alter loony (he hIiccJ I'oiuiniHHioner will not IiiiiiI the I el use no (lie liee elemi-iip perioil iihjv lie Miiil lo have ehihcil. Over 101) IiiikIh of ruhbiih were eiutcil iiwuv fioin einhnlonuH by thu city. HARRIMAN ETO BE A.MKHICAN W. ChlcaKo 20 HoHtpn 13 WtmliliiKtun 12 I'hlladolphlii 10 Cleveland !) Detroit 11 Ht. Louln li Now York 0 New York 15, Detroit 1. HoHton-Ht. I.oiiIh, rain. Philadelphia 1, CIiIchko 3. WaHhliiKton U, Cleveland (5. L. I'. C. 5 .800 8 .019 11 .522 10 .500 11 .450 14 .300 1 1 .300 13 .310 NOUTIIWKKT W. Vlctorlu 1-' Vancouver 1 5 Portland 15 Tacouui . 1 3 Hpokauo 1 1 Honttlo 11 I,. 11 12 12 13 13 15 1. O. .500 .55(1 .550 .500 .468 .321 n. H. 5 Hpokiiuu 5 Tacoma C HiitturleH- Kraft and Ostillek; CrlKor. IUkkIuh ud I.aloime. Vlctorln .1' 5 2 Vnurnuvur 1 3 1 HatterloH McCrcury mid Meek; Hulford nud Hheii. Portland 1 11 1 Kcattlo , 2 0 1 HatturluH Fullerton, Hchuelder mid WIiiiIIuk; Hloomfleld and liar rlH. "A llonio for Tired ISiihIiivkh Men" Ih one of (he tinmen which Ih to (Ich Innate the beautiful Pelican lode, built a few yearn ago for the lat I:. II. Hnrrlmau, wizard or thu nreat nillioad HyHteiu. Thu IoiIko ban been purclnihed fioin Mtm. Harrlman by the Klamath Development company, wwth thu exprenned Ktlpulntlon that (ho IoiIru Ih to bo left Juut an It linn been and Ih to become a rcfugo to which tired IjuhIiichh and profeiiHloiial men cnu encape to rent their ncrvcH, Mrn. Hnrrlmau refuwed to connldcr any othur propudtlon. Ilie IoiIru coiihIhIk or more than a dozen log bulldliiKH aud 1200 acres. It Ihih a frontage of elRht mllen ou the Upper Klamath lake. To reach It a Kdxollno boat tnkcK one tho loiiKth or thu lake and Mount Shimtn Ih In roll view during thu entire trip. Mount IMtt. one or thu best huntliiK Kroundn or tho Htate, over lookH the IoiIku nnd Crater lake In but 30 in I Ich nwny. An automobile lluo Ik to be uHtabllshed to Crater laku. Thu lodRo haft been placed In tho charge or William I). .More. a Ron or tho telegraph Inventor nnd an ardent HportHinnn. I'm The Little Doctor Cnmpnlnn Closes In Quebec MONTKHAU May ll. Quoboc'H Hliort but Hplrltod cmupulKKii, ruHiilt Iiir from thu dlSHolutlon of tho IokIh lutlvu uHHombly tun' mouth nno, onduil today, llotli hIiIch prodlet victory mi tomorrow'H octlona. Tho Conorvn tlvo oppoHltlon Ihih biiHiid ItH Hfiht uhloHy on alluKiitloiiH or oxtriiviiKaucu ou tho part or Hpi Liberal administra tion, Tho luUprii pollulcH concoruliiK ,1'ducatlon, colonization aud kooiI roadH ioiIh havo aluo bun ctitluluud ) tliu oppoultlui). That little couith, that neeniliii;ly In- ulKiiiricant cold may be tho Htart or a hui'Iouh perhaps ratal Illness, You can't afford to neglect a cold or coiikIi. Cot "tho little doctor" Mai: Laren'H Muutard Gyrate, Your driiKKlHt Iiiib It two hIzoh 25 and 50 cent Jara. You Hhoiild alwayB havo It In tho hoiiHO Mac l.aren'H MiiHtard Curatu kIvuh prompt aud Hiiro rullor from NuuriilKla, llhuiima tlHiu, Lumbago, Colds, Horo Throat, HeadacheH, Horo MuhcIoh, etc. U'h bettor than a muHtard platitur for anything a mustard phiHtur's good for. liiHlut ou tho Original MAC LARILN'S 2 2 WILL NOT BLISTER. Accept No Hiilmtltuto Medford I'liarmacy aud othor drug- gluta. Medford Parcel Delivery Express and Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25o PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c Phones: Pacific 11072 Home 354 Mesywigor Sorvico Kills Germs I'arlnlan Sage Ik Alio (lie Most Delightful Hair Dreeing on hirtli. PAHIHIAN SAOU punctrateH Into tho rootn or thu hair, duHtroyg the daudrufr gerniH, puts now life Into the hair nud stops It from railing out. ChiiH. .Strang guarantees It ror dandruff, railing hair nnd Itching scalp aud a largo bottle costs but 50 rentH. "in August I began losing my hnlr lu HpotH from tho hIzo or n ipiartcr to tho hIzo or a nllver dollar. 1 una HurloiiRly alarmed after consulting phyiilclauK and trying many things, I decided to try PAKISIAN SAGK and I find my hair In much butter condi tion, uuw hair growing In tho bald HpotH." Mrn. Hlnurho S. Marshall, 107 I Hilton avo., Charlottsvlllu, Va. I.aillen give delightful PARISIAN SACi: a trial, aud see how quickly your hair will grow lovely nnd fna-clnatlng. You'll Uphold My Glasses ir you try Ilium onro, .for you will rind that they aro Just aa represented accurately adjusted to Ht your Hlght and to relievo all strain on thu vision, My work Is highly satisfac tory. No Drugs (drops) Used. DR. RICKEFm Ovor Kontnur'B Doctors Use This for Eczema Dr, KvnnN, r.x-CotnmUrtoni'r of HcnllU, ny: "Tliero In il'iol no relation l" tween iikln illHCflfe i'l tlio blood." Tlio ikln mimt lia currrt throtiKli dm rkln. 'Xlio KeritiH muni ' anlied out. nnd ni hIvh Iihvo lonf '" fn found wortli Uk. Th mom olvneH (ihynlclfiriK of tlilN country aro now Ktw on IIiIh, nnrl irn (iroHcrfblnff ft Wfuii of wlpitnr;rr:ti, tliymol und othT JniffMlrntH for eczema nnd nil other nkln oiienkMi, Thl com i.ound In hnown ii.V.U, I'rcucrlptlon lor ICctf.tnn. Dr. IlolnitoH, Hie wl known nkln up clntlut wrllttni "I ' convince! tliut llio ti ti Ii Tr..M.rlnllon II im innrh a Mf.j.rlrii tor rcr.oriin tin quinine for mnlnrln, Woj linvn Imtii tireicriiii"K iii i;,ij,ii. remedy) or yenrx.' We, otiriilve vouch for tho D.D.D, Vtff rlnllon for rexemn. nnd Alifiolutol uunrunte() tluit It will takn away Ihs itch the lnnlnrit you npply It, , If you nrn xiirforlnr from nny form of, nkln iroulilo wo would like to have you coino to our ntore, for wo have had thi nney of thin remedy for no tnnnyl yenm Hint wo enn toll you all about; D.D.D. I'roncrlptlon nnd how It cures. pc.Ttitnn, In fncl. we ore no mire of what i D.D.I), will do for you that we will ba Klad to let you hnvo a SI bottle on our guarantee that It will cont you nothing iinletw you find that It doe Ihe work. Kor Hint matter n. trlnl boulf for 25c outfit to be -notiBh lo nlinolutfly provo Inn rnerltn ot tlu remedy. Drop Into otir ntore nnywny nnd vrn will tell you all about Uili great remedy. MHDI'OltD I'lfAIMIACV f"iw?zs: n n i? Better than the Best WITIIOt T our knowledge, the Columbus Labo ratories of Chicago tested Fisiikr's Ui.bnu Im.oik for a Dakota Wheat Grower. The an alysis ranked Fisukk's Hlunu Fi.ouk higher in Gen eral Average, Gluten Quality, Water Absorption and Loaf Value than the best Dakota all-Hard Wheat Pat ent Flour, which is the recognized standard for brcad ..ttiiT efficiency. Fjsiiijk's Ulknd Flock is a scientific combination of Eastern Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat, preserving the best qualities of each. It costs you from W to 'Wc less than a straight Eastern Hard Wheat Flour does Fisher's Blend Flour For Sale &y AU Dealers 14 - 4 Medford Tent and Awning Company Manufacturers of and Dealers in AWITZlfOB, TEHT8, TZ.TS, COVZKI Or AXI. KZHS8 . Duck AU Welchts and Widths. Awning, Stripes, E(c WX0ZJC8JIUS AHD SSTAZ2 All Makes of Awntnes and Torch Curtains put up at Manufacturers Trlcca. Agent for the Xosnoke noiseless Ventllatlas; Win dow A.vmlne 100 H. rront BU Roth rhones Meilford. Orecon Summer Vacations Via the To the East Rose Festival Elks' Convention Soashore or Mountains I W SUNSET I lOGDEN&SHASTAl I 1 I ROUTES f I Kound Trip tick ets to tho prin cipal Cities of tho East, going or roturn lng through Califor nia, or via Port land. Gains lim it 15 days, final return limit Oc tohcr 31, on salo as follews: BAIiK DATKS: May -3-4-9-10-11-1-1-15-17-lS- Aug. l-2-a-G-7-12-i5-lG-22-23-29- '4',y 3031 Juno "l -G-V-S-l 3-1 C-l 7-1 S-l 0- Sept. 4-G-G-7-S-1 1-12-30. 20-21-24-25-27-2S-29. Jiily 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-1G-20- Stop-overs koIiir or rcturtiluK 22-23-SG-20-30-31. within tliu limit. Newport Yaquina Bay Tho homo of tho Rhododendron, an- Ideal plnco to spend tho sum mon Low round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates, out door amusements, bathing, boating, golf, fishing, otc. Low Fares to Meeting of Women Clubs Snn Fruneisco, June '21 to July (I. PACIFIC KAILWAY & XAVKJATIO.V HKACHKS Aro now within easy reach by tho P. It. & N. und a new field for a pleasant vacation open, Week ond tickets now on salo aud season tlckots from all points on salo Juno 1st. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Opons Juno 10 and closes Juno IG. Tho greatest Floral Fiesta and Carnival tit Pleasuro yot held. Low round trip tickets ou salo from all points. For beautifully Illustrated booklets describing Newport, Bay ocean and othor points, as well as Information about Eastern Fares, routes, Btop-ovors, otc., call on nearest Agent or wrlto to JOHN M. SCOTT, Gonoral Pnssongor Agdiit, Portland, Oregon. 11. P. O. K. (F.lks) Convention, July 8 to IK. 101'J. DRUGLESS METHODS as employed by us produze results. Wo do not at tempt the impossible, but have restored health to those pronounced incurable by other systems. Call and learn what we have uieeoiuplished by natural methods in acute and ehronie diseases, also deformi ties. We remove the eausci. Get our advice. Consultation free. DR. A. R. HEDGES DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Mechano-Therapists, CUiiropractors and Spondylothecapists 230 N. Bartlett ' Phone Pacific 4171 Next Door to M. E. Church Housecleaning JWe have installed a powerful Vacuum Cleaning Machine, equal -in efficiency to any machine made. This is not a small portable, electric affair, but a large machine, operated by gasoline engine. It stands in the street while the work is being done. J The dirt is removed from the carpet, earned out of the house and deposited in the machine. J Also takes out all grease spots. J We are prepared to take up, clean, remodel and relay your carpets and rugs. Work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Medford Housecleaning Co. 21 Genesee Street Main 4224 ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. . Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice 8b Storage Co. First National Bank -OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our caroful attention. F. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT M. L. ALFOItD, OASHDCR ORRIS CRAWFORD, ASSISTANT CASHIER Graduation Presents Appropriate Keepsakes of this Memorable Occasion See The Jeweler MARTIN J. REDDY NcarPostoffice i Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of 1 ' Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liboral treatment ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter, Presidont G. R. Lindloy, Vice Prti. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier -l - w . u -o' '