Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 14, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    R(WJHhWWjW MjiJW5(iw.w.w
s ; '
- All Baptist Indies nro requested to
meet at tlio church Friday at 2:30
p. m. to maUo arrangements for n
social gathering to bo held nt, the
church May 23.
Harry Foster loft for the Anient
dam Tuesday morning to attend to
come engineering work.
Instructions how to Increase or re
duce' wcighl. Information how to re
move? bimfBhrs oh the face, Includ
ing cxellen receipts for Fame. Mrs.
8. Watson, a. I)., Portland.
A. W. Cherry has returned from a
short fiuslness trip north.
C. C. Pouting has returned from a
short business trip north.
Don't forgpt that tomorrow la
Wednesday, the day on which the
IJotel Holland dining; room serves its
usual Bneclal chicken lunch. Trice
ar cents.
George Coffeon of Trail Is spend
ing a few days In Mcdford with
Dr. H. C. Barber, physician and
surgeon, has moved from tho M. F.
& II.' building to room 9 Palm block.
Opposite tho Nash hotel. 64
Allen T. King of Portland Is visit
ing relatives and friends In Medford.
8. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. F. Jk H. Co. bid v
Tho" young ladles Amona Bible
class of the Baptist church will give
a party at the home of Mrs. A. A.
Aklna Wednesday, May 15, at 7:30
p. m. All are reiuosted to come
dressed as little girls. All members
and prospectlvo members arc in
vited. Money to loan, In amounts of from
500 to $1000 on Improved real es
tate, country property preferred.
Carkln & Taylor, Jackson County
Bank bl.dg.
Mrs.' W. H. Norcross of Central
Point, accompanied by her daughter
Helen, was a recent visitor in this
D! B. Iteamo, tho Wonder soap and
talc man. Is the best sewing machine
repairer on the coast. 246 North
S. B. Splker of Eagle Point was a
recent Medford visitor.
W. B. Hughes of Ashland spent
Tuesday In Medford on business.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50
per Blngle cord. Special low prices In
carload 'lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
6th and Fir.
K. ll James of Grants Pass, who
Is extensively Interested la, mines in
that locality, is spending a few days
in Medford on business.
Carkln ft Taylor (John H. Carkln,
Glenn "d. 'Taylor) . att'orneys-at-law,
over' Jackson County Bank building,
Medford '
" Dr.' J. F. Reddy Is in Portland on
short business trip.
WlJHam' FT Sampson of Ruch Is
visiting friends Jn this city.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50
pef single" cord. Special low prices In
carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
0ti and Fir.
J. S.'rent ljna left for a bU8lneBS
trip tq San Francisco.
Whltcomb Field Is planning to
motor to his Roseburg estate with a
paVlJ of friends leaving here Thura
"Sea R. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, oyer Jackson County bank.
Mr."" and Mrs. R. H. Lincoln mo
tored to Ibe Applegate Sunday with
a party of frjends.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives anado any time or
place by appointment. Phone M. 1471
M. 1. Chambers of Yreka. Cal., Is
in the city for a visit of a few days.
He reports that Yreka la making
great preparations for the mining
congress to be held there next month.
Roy Gates of tho Calico mining
district is spending a
few days in
G. it, Ends nas purcsaBed the coal
and fuel business formerly conducted
by J. W. Burbitfgo and will at all
tlmea h'aye'Mn swek a full and com
plete line of focj of all kinds,' In
cluding mill bloflk wood for summer
ubV" "
rH: A. Ensign of Sleepy Hollow was
a recent Medford visitor.
John McCullQCk of Eugene Is visit
ing friends in Medford.
Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes
ton's opposite book store.
F. Roy Davis of Ashland spent
Monday afternoon lu Medford.
Colonel .J F, Mundy is again in
Medford after a prolonged business
trip north and east.
Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50
per single cord. Special low prices In
carload lpts. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
6tk and Fir.
G. W. Ager of Talent was a recent
Medford .visitor.
vi , .. ."
V 4 l i
't'i' ,',
an rkMMt r. w. wms aen
Mrs. E. 11. Adamson nud Mrs. F.
C. Smith were recently In Medford on
La short business trip from their Tal
ent romos.
Thtf Kpworlh league of tho M, K.
church will hold Its regulnr monthly
business session this (Tuesday)' eve
ning. May1 14, In the church, nt 7:30
o'clock. As tho election of officers
takes place nt this meeting n full
attcmlnnco Is ileslrgd.
Don't forget that tomorrow U
Wednesday, the day on which the
Hotel Holland dining room serves Its
usual special thicken lunch. Price
35 cents.
Mrs. J. J. Kellermnn, K. Welili. 0.
itiirlon, Win. .Mnrtine were nmeiu:
Ceni ml Point people tliut pcnt .Mon
ilnv in Moiifoni.
Mrs. It. C. Ketsey and Mrs. M. M.
Avory or Gold Hill were In Medford
shopping, Tuesday.
Mrs, Dr. Malmgren. Mrs. Holland
and Mrs. Rebecca Moer of Talent
were trading In Medford Monday.
Mrs. O. C. McClaln, Miss Julia
Roberts and Uoy Coffnian of Talent
were 111 Medford last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuthor Stancllff
were Medford visitors Monday.
C. S. Burley of Ashland was a
Medford visitor several days last
Mi's. Nettle Chapman of Ashland
visited relatives in Medford last
J. J. Whltcomb and daughter,
Miss Iva, drove over the mountain
from Klamath Falls last week. Mr.
Whltcomb remained' in Medford on
business and Miss lva went to Port
land to visit her grandmother.
Mark True of Ashland is in Med
ford on business.
George Owens of Ashland was a
recent Medford visitor.
L. A. Nell of Ashlnnd was a recent
Medford caller.
Miss Maud Leo of Ashland was a
Medford visitor the, fore part of last
week, calling on friends and rela
tives. F. W. Moore of Ashland made a
business trip to Medford recontly.
Mrs. Mary E. Rose or Ashlaud vis
ited her daughter, Mrs. Alkln, In
Medford, recently.
Mrs. William Campbell and Miss
Clara Allen spent Monday in Med
ford from Ashland.
Owen Dunlap, Callia Stedman and
Miss Elvla Wolters have returned
from a two weeks trip to San Fran
Editor Hammersley of Rogue Riv
er was a Medford visitor Tuesday.
.He Is preparing data for an elabo
rate edition depicting the resource
of his section.
W.. E. Johnson of Rogue River was
a Medford visitor Tuesday.
T. J. Braden of Phoenix was a re
cent Medford visitor.
Medford, Ore., May 11, 1012.
To the Officers and Members of
Rogue River Encampment No. 30,
I. O. O. F.:
Whereas, It has pleased the All
wise Father ot the Universe to re
move from our midst Thressa
Hubbard, the beloved wlfo of Pa
triarch Fort Hubbard;' therefore
be It
Resolved, That Rogue River En
campment No. 30 I. O. O. F. extend
to the bereaved husband and family
its heartrelt and deepest sympathy
In this their hour of sorrow. We
realize that it is Indeed sorrowful to
have death part loved ones, yet we
would admonish them not to mourn
too deeply ns this wife and mother
has passed from this world of strife
to a happier and better one beyond,
wherein we shall all be reunited In
happiness and peace, therefore be it
Resolved. That a copy of these res
olutions be sent to the bereaved
family, a copy be spread on the min
utes of this Encampment and a copy
be sent to the papers for publica
tion. Fraternally submitted,
h. O. 1JOWARD,
Better Forest Protection for Rose
burg Awakened to tho 'necessity of bet
ter forest protection, a largo num
ber of timber owners, representing
more than half a million acres, met
in this city last Monday and perfect
ed a permanent organization to be
known as tho Douglas County For
est Flro association. Roseburg
fj si
The Suit Man
Call and look oyer twelvo hundred
samples of the latest weaves in
Men's Suitings.
A made to your imeasuro suit, ab
solutely guaranteed to fit, guaran
teed all pure wool and guaranteed to
hold Its shape'. Made to 'your meas
ure suits,
$18.00 to $40.00
Room 8, Pam Building,
r " ' : 1
Tlw ili'bnle JidNuen Dr. J. 1. Hml
lie, ixixtor ol the Pnhytoiiiiii ehnivli
nud C. !:. Wliisller Tliuitlnv eventmr
iu tho Q. V. ball will ho lony iv
membored. VThO bull vsW orowded be
fore the ilolmle bonn. lAirtuiinteiV
for the htuise committee. uuci oiituo
wourinv yellow' flower for the t'Om
mittoo bail procured nil ibe ,ollow
ribbon in town ntul nln bud liberal
-upply of buttons but Hut itply whs
imii'My'WUhuHted for I'lmenu itlid
iomit.y 'is 'ultra wunmli sulfni!itic.
Dr. 'Huillie 'cliniuitioiuil vole, for
women; atul Mr. Whistler m"eiueii
the noiihvV' jiule. Dr. Mnillie'i
oponiiur :ioeoh wn mn-torlv uml
coinprehciHhe nud eoluu-ixe Ibnt
when Mr Wlii-tlor nri to poak be'
siiid tbut ii Wiis the best preeiitiitinu
M!ei'ir' hud eVor henril in u debnto
uml thni be bonnl a v.tva intiiiy. am
tbut it lookol from whnt the doetjr
bud snid that tbe Mibjoot bud been
derided unit nothing more could be
aid on it. Ho then proceeded t
e.emplifv what h( bud id in tribute,
to the doctor speech. He took- ex-1
ception to Dr. llaillie' cliiiiiiiuir Mif
t'rae a ribl iutejnl of a privilege.
The audience wired nothing for btiir--plittini:
(lol'initiiuK and Dr. Iltiillic's
authority on its heini; n nVht included
everythinjr from Webster'- dictionary
to Hlnoksione and the treat men hr1
the world's history. Mr. Whistler,
unfortunutelv for bis nninmetit, ,,u,it.'WIliel In-lOtw by CUmrh Appleby,
ed Elibu Root nud n Judge Sullivan.;
The doctor's diso,sal of "Kli" left '
nothing to be desired mid the nud-1
ieuee cheered him to an echo. Mis
pronunciation alone, of the name put
Hoot in the Benedict Arnold column.
He simply doubted Jiuls;e Sullivan-.
Ucini; correctly iiiotod, which was a
logical deduction, as the man Sullivan
is practically unknown, but it is a
world known fact that the Irishman
is acknowledged without u peer iu
gullnntry and brondnos of thought- -except
it be the Scotchman who. was
s well represented by the erudite and
courtly doctor.
3Ir. Whistler was equally unfortun
ate in penkiii!; of conditions in .some
of the woman suffrage states and
attributing it to the voting of the wo
men. The doctor tpiiekly gave
argument its quietus by showing that
the women iu the states and cities
eited were outnumbered by the men
two, three, four nnd even a hiub an
six to one. When he quoted Judge
Ben Lindsey as his authority for tlio"
good woman suffrage bad done, be
was given great applause, not only
because Judge Lindsey's name is a
household word throughout the nation
but because there were many iu tbc i swept over logged off tracts In ev
nudience who came from the Mutes oral sections of Clatsop county, de-
whieb Mr. Whistler tried to misrepre
sent and who verified with their ap
proval the truth of the doctor's
''Whom the goih destroy they first
make mad" was once ngnin exempli
fied by Mr. Whistler. Smarting with
utter defeat on even,' po'11'? be threw
all regard for fact nnd reason to the
winds, nnd aid that "no one knew
that it was the votes of tho womch
of Seattle thut recalled Mayor Gill
and again defeated him jbis npring
for re-election nnd electing the pres
ent mayor, George F. Cotterill."
Gill and everything in Seattle ac
knowledges that ihe "little white bal
lot" in the hands of the women 'of
Seattle defeated them.
Perhaps the most amusing inci
dent in the debate was the fretting of
a little baby girj, whose parents both
wore ibe Ijttlc yellow bow. Whenever
M r. "Whistler npoke the child began to
wai apd kept it up while he wns
speaking but nt the sound of Jr.
Haillie's voice she becnum quiet and
remained m until Mr. Wbihtlur re
sumed his argument.
Dr. Itaillic ended the debute as be
began it with a pica for the represen
tation of the unrepresented half of
our country the women. So ejo.
quently nnd logically did the doctor
plead for "votes for women" that all
opposition went down before birn.
7'be only known uiiti-siiffrngist in
Phoenix naid when he came out of the
spell thrqwji around him by tbc doc
tor's hpeecb tbut Im wiid iu faoi
of women voting who owned propcih.
Phoenix is nothing if not mngnu
niminous. When tho debate wax over
men nnd women shook bands with
Mr. Whistler admonishing and sym
pathizing with him, ithilu metnboiB
of tho badge committee fastened the
little Ycloy bow and "votes for wom
en" button on the lapel of bis coat.
Ho departed a veritable "Peri outside
tho gates" but with tho consolation
Of an ussured welcome withiq the
suffrage paradise when be atop iu
bis mad career and lepenlH of the
error of, bs ways.
S. A. V.
. Master Boilers Meet
PITT8UUR0, a May 14. Tho
annual convention of the Master
Holler Makers' association met hero
today with an attondnpeo or members
rrom ninny cities or tho Unltod States,
Canaq and Mexico.
' HI hi
I : iii n'-wri rw " jm.w " fwy r
Another Importnuj chapter Was
added to the history of record breaking
athletics at Celtic l'rk. ring Island,
when Alfwd Ii Wood, of England, run
tho fastest lift ecu idIIcj ctcr rocorlrd
either In an unuiteur or profcslonal
The Engllclnnan placed the rcccnl
at u tlure that by comparison should
irlthstuud attacks for many years. Hit
"' Wni. IR, was nearly two
minutes luster than the old mark.
wnen me latter uereatw
Glasgow Iu In. sow.
Breaking out with the hot weather,
several forest nud brush fires today
havo caused heavy damage In Ore
gon nud Washington. Though lu
some places tho fires are still burn
ing tho flames for the most part are
under control today and It Is thought
there Is little danger of their spread
ing. Fires arc still burning around Es
tacada, Ore,, and telephono Unesnre
down; ' amfiym "' j W-r
Flames destroyed considerable
timber on the outskirts of Hay City,
Ore., and also several vacant build
ings. Fire, now partially under control,
Btro)fng some timber
residences and barns.
"and several
IRONWOOl). Mich.. May II FIN
teen miners, entombed In tho Morris
iron mine near hero today are be
lieved to be dead, A gas explosion
blocked the shaft with debris, and It
Is feared tho Iov,cr workings of tho
mlno are burning. Poisonous gases
arc escaping from tho mine, leaving
virtually no hope that nny of tho en
tombed men are still alive.
Work on all nearby properties baa
been suspended, and offortH at rescue
aro being made. Rellot ia extremely
dangerous owing to the heller thut
further explosions muy occur at any
The opoulug or llasklns soda foun
tain attracted crowds all day Satur
day. For a part of tho doy soft
drinks were served freo and nearly
evory sodu lover -in town tried tho
new place. The fountain Ih com
plete lu ovory way and tho adver
tisement It received on tho opening
day bespeaks continued success.
FOR KENT FiirnlBhed house, rlvo
rooms and Imtli, complete iu every
way. Call at fial West 11th st.
WANTlJiF ?,o oung calves. Drop
mo a poMtal giving particulars and
I wlwll tall. II, h. Dodge, caro
Holland Hoti-1, CQ
WANTED- Ilorsos to hoard wtjiput
churgo. Foi (belr uho h part or
tho tlmo wo can board sovorul
teams, l)nti grain and pnuturo, at
RivMSide llunih, H. I'- Uodgo, caro
Holland hotel 00
FOUND Wagon burr. Finder may
havo sanio by paying ror ud. Call
ut Mall Tribune. 40
WANTED TO MJY A good second
hand gocnit Must bo reasonable.
Jlox X V Z, Tribune. T
WANTED Plow touniH at onco. Ap
ply 1J. U. Dodge nt Hotol Holland,
FOR HALE Horse, harness and light
spring wagon, JI2D bV Jflcljaon. 17
H M -
jv.- . n .
.j. I
Tbc Monro theater was I tiled for it
M'ooud time- hisl niglil to ecu Ihwoily
II. I Mibs' Alaskan pictures shown iu
a fiiglll scllinu' willi tin pictures il
lusion licigblcui'il by realistic nouiiiN.
Tune- ntler fimo the spoclntors
bui st forth into applause eitber at
Ibo boaulv of llic scene tbiown mi
the sctoon or because of the inlicicnl
biimaii inlont in Hi picture, Tlu
pictnivs ivpios'cut the offoits of ten
eiir in the uorlb and ate iiuislor
pieces of the tinning picture cnincra.
I'Voiu Scuttle Pos(.itiigouct.
Dobbs willi bis woiulerfub pictuiijs
will bo nt the Medford ihenlre- .1
nights stalling Thursday, May ij.
There mo Mvoti iooU of ivnl pictures
shown with ualistii soitmlt, nud ouch
p!ehue is full.v explained ly Dobbs,
who iniidc I hem.
litis collH'tion of pictures is the
result of baxaidous iboliigrupb, n)
tho Arctic and nro the only motion
pictures known which uic liticn tak
en III) and II) devices below jmmo.
'.Medford, May ,S, 0'2.
To tho Officers nud Motuhci'H of
llogno Itlvor ICticnmiuuout No. .10,
I. O. O F :
Wo, our committee appointed to
draft resolutions of coudol'cnco on
tho death of Patriarch W. I).
cs-J(Ioldrdg.. lioK leave to unbuilt tho
Whereas, it has pleased tho Hither
or Mercies to remove rrom among us
Patriarch W. I). Holdrodge. this en
campment has lost a worthy member,
tho community an honest nud up
right cltlxou nud which Is saddest,
his wlfo a true and loving hurthnud
nud Ills children a kind and gener
ous Cither; therefore bo It
Resolved, That while wo mourn
the loss of Patriarch Holdredgo who
has passed to tho great beyond where
sorrow and grief nro unknown, yet
wo cherish u fond recollection of our
departed Patriarch.
Rosolved, That wo drapo our char
tor for :10 days and that a copy of
these resolutions bo neat to tho be
reaved faintly, a copy be spread on
the .minutes of this cucatnpmont and
a topy Heat to the papers (or pub
lication. Fraternally submitted,
Puting at Coot liny
The Marshfiold city council Inst
evening took stops to hniiton the
starting or tho street Improvements
hero. Nino blocks or hard paving
wero ordered put lu and considerable
planking was also ordered. Two
blocks or paving wero ordered. All
tho work ordered has been under
consideration heretofore.
The Swine or The Flower ?
Ah mcl I aw a huge and loatluoinc sty,
Wherein a drove of wallowing iwmc
were barred,
WIiojc banquet shocked tbc nostril and
the eye;
Then jpoke a voice, "Heboid the source
of lardl"
I fled, and taw a field that teemed at firtt
One ghfuuiug mass of ro&cs pure and
With dewj budi 'mid dark green foliage
nursed ;
And, a I lingered o'er the lovely tight,
The summer breeze, that cooled that
Southern scene,
Whispered. "Heboid the source of COT-
At Fountains A Elsewhere
Ask for
Tin Original and fisnulna
Tii Food-drkik fir Ail Agis.
At restaurants, holelt, and fountains.
Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard nt home.
Don't travel without it.
A quick lunch prepared in a minate.
Take no imitation. Just tay TRUCK'S."
Hot In Any Milk Trust
POison OAK
RPfrnv 0 YCAR5
r IV. i IT TMrcriHnion
ill pituf cists Mivciron wiu.ortiw oMnf&utsr
-r ' ' cctMr waiiiojriruTcs. ' ' T
rf 14
.r.-T r'-"" ""'-r- . r. .
144 South Central Ave.
StudioPhoiic Main 1241
3 Cakes for 10c -
Wo Imvo jufti -rt'ft'l'd niul will ui on sale licrc
lomoiTow' 100 dozen Toilet Sonn, iiiHudii.ip: ';
Monl, l.ntltM'inilk, 'hirkisli Until, Mot Hod (W
tilo, Wider I'Mowor. ('nil) Apple, lloliotropo lo
qiiot. Ii'nhv and TrniiHpsii'eul (llyeerino, and
Meeliaiile'w Tai' Soap. Tlio above are all stand
ard made soaps and a lull size cake, a quality
sold ii) most stores at 10e a eake, U for 'Joe. Oil
sale, while thev last at 0 contfl ft cako
3 Cakes for 10c
Andrew .ler'ens Crushed Hose and Voilotto
Talomn Powtler put up in a full I nonnd ean
with sllaker top. There is no better Taleuin on
(lie market at any price. On sale here while it
lasts at
Woodbury's Tooth
100 boxes tomorrow of Woodbury's Facial Tooth
Powder sold the world over and advertised in
all inaazinos at U.'tc a box. Hero tomorrow
15 conts a box
Andrew .1 ergons Kacial ('renin in Violotte ami
Crushed U'ose, a 2.V retailer everywhere. Here
tomorrow 15c a jar
'Andrew .lorgons Perfume and Sachet Powder,
10c, 15c, 25c and 50c each
All our Ire Crniiui nut! Hhorhvtn uro uimlo by un from tho hont
iiuallty of crcum uml othur liiKrudloutH.
vou iiAVK tiii: ii.vnrr, wi: iiavi: tiii: (ioouh.
tiii: ANHwiat is
ot;ii oitANei: smatiiirr is a winnku.
Will sell $3000 of my Series 1
bonds of the Realty Associates of
Portland, Oregon at a Discount.
Address C. A. care Mail Tribune.
t' m with Hb ' HiL ' "t iMritf " ail
9 liands. SCThorspsT"?1? wi,1 mmaia!
Two sliomn daily-afternoon at 2, niflit'nt 8 ioor5 qpen at 1
and 7 p.m. .Waterproof tenia.' AcJmfagTpn 25 ccfttH )q i;
MAY 33