Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 13, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    t!f M-'v-t4lBd .ifrWt
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Mrorokb' Mail Tribune
rT-TmniriTirtiiiiiiinnr limn iimhiiiiii
TIia lMkAAlli TIJLm tn.. r-L..
MnlluTM Mcdfgrtt TrlbithV Thft South
eru uregohlah, Tim Antilnnd Tribune
" "ofr'lcn Mull TrtbitliA MlllMIng, 8B-S7-J9
coirm i'ir
Home "IS.
ntrceti tilidno, Mnin 502ij
okohcie putnam. k.iiiop oh.i Manager
. Knteroa ns Bccoml-olrtuM matter nl
Mfilfom, On-ihin, Under the net or
March 3, 159.
Official taiior of tho City of MruforO.
Official rnpnr of Jnckson County.
Ono yeah by nnll. .,,..". .S.oo
wno outrun, ny man.. .,.., (iu
i'l'r tnontii, uoiivprea liy carrier in
uruioni. jacKRonvi no nitti con-
trnl Point
PMimlAy only, by "rrt.ll), iwr'yW.
weekly, per ynr
Dully nvnrasn for elevrn mouths end
ing November 30, 1911, 2S1.
rail eaied "Wire United
Tl5 Mall Trtbuho. Is oh r&U at tho
i-erry Nowh Hldml, San Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland.
Mowman News Co., Portland, Ore
O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash.
xsoroKo. o&saow.
Metropolis bf Southern Oregon nnd
Northern ,Callfarnla, nnd the fastest
growing city In Oregon.
Population tr. a census 1910 SS4o;
estimated, 1911 10,000,
Plvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Wntor System completed, giving finest
supply jnirn mountain Trailer, and 17,3'
miles of streets paved.
Poatofflco receipts for year ending
November so, 1911, Show increase of 19
per cent.
luinner xrun city in uregon uogue
Itlver Splttenberg apples won sweep
stakes prlto und title of .. , .
"Aypla Kttujr of tha World
nt tho National Applo Show, Spokane,
1909, and a car of Ntwtowna won
rint Fria In 1810
at Cahadlnn International -Apple Show,
Vancouver, B. C
First Mm la 1911
at Spoltano National Apple1 Show won
by carload of Newtowns.
Itogue Hlver pears brought highest
prices in nil markets of the world dur
ing tho past six years.
Wrlto Commercial Club, inclosing 6
cents Tor postage for tho fRiest commu
nity pamphlet ever published.
' Fi-WSAIl
Seventeen lo five.
Those three "words tell of the trag
edy ut the baseball park Sunday af
ternoon when the local team took
Eagle Point into camp. McQuoid,
who pitched for tho Pointers weak
ened and thero followejd a merry
Mvutfest. However Burgess was not
in form nnd for a while it was toss
ypiir lint tip and take your choice.
The game like all openers was rag
ged but the boys will do better later
ii) the Reason. , .
Jack Wilkenson grnbbed a home
run with the bases full when there
wasn't any need of piling it up and
Shorty lliles struck out twice be
fore he connected with n two-bngger.
17-3, that's all.
To those who visit tho Sells-FIoto
circus when it arrives Here on Thurs
day, May 23, It might be well t,o
hint that an early visit to the men
agerie has Its advantages.
Tbe doors open one hour before
the performance proper corarnencefl,
and during that time tho famous
Sells-FIoto military band, under the
direction of Walter P. English, will
gvo a popular concert In which sev
eral famous soloists will render se
lections. There is no. extra charge
for this, because tho Sells-FIoto peo
ple have always maintained it as ono
of the noted features of their enter
tainment. Among the popular num
bers will be a cornet duet by Messrs.
White- and Cooney and tho celebrated
Sextet from "Lucia," by Messrs.
Werner, Dye, King, West, English
and White. Miss Rutherford, who
has no superior as a saxqphono solo
ist, will also appear, rendering many
of tho latest and anost popular de
scriptive selections.
Tho band can bo plainly beard by
the visitors to thu menagerie, so in
order to enjoy it, it will not even
be necessary to enter tho big tent
until tho performance proper com
cisco, Cal., May 12. Tho next light
weight with a punch who meets Wol
gnst will bo lightweight champion of.
tlo world. Although tho general
opinion was that Wolgast could not
bq given much worso than a draw,
Willie Ritchie.- light p'unchfer, bad
tlio champion all but out twice In
their four round bout horo nnd In two
lounds tho local lad hud an even
break. In the second ho fought Wol
gast off his feet,
, Streaming with blood, Wolgust
showed that his long absence from tho
ting lina douo him no good. lie did
not noticeably wlnco from the body
blows, which Ritchie landed, but
straight right crosses to the head and
left u)percut8 to tho Jaw made tho
Cadillac wonder reel like a drunken
man several times. Had Ritchie pos
Kwsed a punch thero would have been
a now lightweight champion.' '
IN THE "Weiintehee, Ynkinm, Spokane, and Idaho fruit.
districts practically a hundred percent. oC the' or
chards nrfe irrigntocl. To ttiniai tim KOguo Jtiver viuh-.v
equally attractive from a producer's standpoint, orchards
must also be irrigated.
Those orchards that are irrigated Here have the largest
average yields. The Gore orchard is a phenomenal crop
produced year after year it keeps up its marvelous rec
ordand the secret is irrigation. The same is true with
the Mountain View orchard tit Talent, with the Holms
orchard above Ashland, with the irrigated orchards at
Central Point and elsewhere.
in a bulletin issued by the census bureau on irrigation
in Oregon, it is stated that 77.7 percent of. the Hood
River farms are irrigated, while about .1(5 percent of the
farms in Jackson comity made use of water, and less than
one percent of the total area was under water.
l'Yom 18i)9 to 1JK)9 the increase in the number ot I arms
irrigated was 43.9 percent for the shite as a whole. This
percentage was exceeded in seven counties in which no
ehango of boundaries took place during the decade, and
in the territorv which comprised Wasco county in 18J1J)
and "Ynsco and Hood River counties in 1909. This high
rate of increase was confined almost entirely to the conn
ties east of the mountains, which together show an in-
crcasc of -JU.l percent. Although the counties west of the
Cascades together show an increase ot JJ.b percent, the
extension of irrigation in this section was confined al
most entirely to Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine coun
ties. In Crook countv the number of irrigated farms in
creased 157.5 percent, in Umatilla county 108.2 percent,
in Klamath county 10G.2 percent, in Morrow county 88.2
percent, and in Josephine comity 70.G percent. The great
est absolute increase for a single county was reported for
Umatilla county, 356 farms. The territory comprising
Baker and Union counties showed an increase of 395
There has been little utilization of underground water
for irrigation. The table shows fifty-one flowing wells,
which irrigated 055 acres, and ninety-two pumped wells,
which irrigated S05 acres. All but six of the flowing wells
are m narney anu iviamain volumes, wnue more insin
two-thirds of the pumped wells are in Jack&on, Josephine,
Umatilla, and Union counties. Klamath county has the
largest acreage irrigated bv flowing wells 500 acres.
The highest cost of irrigation enterprises up to July
1, 1910, per acre enterprises were capable of irrigating
$103.74 is reported from a group which includes all the
counties Avest of the Cascades, except Douglas, Jackson,
Josephine and Washington. In this section irrigation is
an incidental, rather than an essential, feature of agri
culture. . J m m 4&II1I
Statistics gathered show that for all crops, larger aver
age yields per acre are received from irrigated lands than
from non-irrigated.
Irrigation has increased the average yield per acre in
Oregon, of oats from 31.3 to 43.9 or 40.3 percent; of wheat
from 16 bushels to 27.1 bushels, or 69.4 percent; of barley
from 20.0 bushels to 30.7 bushels, or 53.5 percent; of
alfalfa seed from 3.4 bushels per acre to 4.1 bushels, or
20.6 percent; ot timothy from
percent; of clover from 1.76 tons to 2.15 tons, or Tl:Z per.
cent; of alfalfa from 2.22 tons to 3.29 tons; or 4S.2 per
cent; of potatoes from 107.9
12.p percent.
These figures show the value of water to the general
farmer and why it is profitable for him to irrigate.
BY THE installation of a public market, Medford has
again blazed the way for Oregon. Upon the success
or failure of this market will depend hundreds of other
markets throughout the state. It should prove a boon to
the farmer and to the consumer, and materially lessen the
cost of living. It should eliminate, to a large extent, the
ill will engendered towards the city because farmers have
not been able to find a home market for their products.
The market is handicapped somewhat by poor location.
However, if it pays the housewife to visit it, a few blocks
walk will not prevent it. If it pays the farmer, it will
not lack for patronage from both producer and consumer.
The choice of T. E. Runyard as market master is a
happy one. Probably no one could bo selected who has
a better conception of what a public market should be,
and how it should be conducted. Fov twenty years and
over Mr. Runyard was in the mercantile business in
Iowa and thoroughly understands the game. He has
been familiar with the J)es Moines public market since
its start and has watched its growth i'rpm seven wagons
of produce a day to many hundreds, and its extension to
cover many city blocks.
The Mail Tribune will shortly print a statement from
Mr. Runyard, giving in detail the plans and aims of the
market management and the rules under which it will
enable the farmers to sell their produce and the city folk
to buy cheaply.
SALEM, Ore., Alay 3.'!. A peti
tion today has been filed by II. S.
Friendly in the supremo court for a
rehearing of his case against JJlmi W.
Olooit, secretary of Mate, in which
Friendly sought to prevent tho Uni
versity of Qregou appropriation for
nmintuinanuo bcinu; submitted to a
referendum vote of the people at the
next general election, Tho supreme
court hid the people should be allow
ed to decide by their votes whether
they wished the appropriation made
some time ago to stand.
1.48 tons to 1.96 tons, or .iJ.4
bushels to 121.4 bushels, or
The Efiual Suffrage club of Aied
ford ami vicinity have opened now
headquarters iu the Sparta buildini;
and will meet there hereafter on each
Saturday uf ternopn at 2:.'I0 o'clock.
Luter in the campaign the club will
have the headquarters opii contin
uously and in charge of a competent
secretary. The women will wage a
relentlesH cuinpaigu for votes from
now until November,
Legal blanks at t&o Medford Print
Ing company.
Our Correspondents
.Mrs, Kiln Cook Is Mlwtf with Iiit
w Win. iMcDiniiol on AwU'Kato,
.Mhsmv. Dolroy (Ictolu'll d Ihuioh
Ctiinphvll of thu Krtrmors Cc Fruit
growi'w bank of M ml to til were liilsl
m (Miller: during the woolc.
T. S. Duller nnd (I. F. Hilllnj?. Iw
well known Ashland (tixens wove til
the county soul lliis week.
Mioses Kilnn nnd Kilty Wells of
Ashland made their brother, KtiHM'iii
ten.lont J. 1 Wells n viit the first f
tho week.
Attorney H. V. Pisitt of Medfonl
transacted business nt tho court
house Thursday.
Air. Chirk of the Clark-Hoiiery Co.
of Alodfold rtlid II. A. Nowiihei of
Cleveland, 0., were itilerviowiii): the
conn I v court Oil work.
Frank It. Neil is down from his
ranch nt Dorhy this wfcek.
Air. y. Whilintou of tho Itojjuo
Kiver Valley Ab struct Co., received
word Crtun Ohio uf the death of his
father on Slav 7;
Win. .Million of Ashland spoilt a few
hours in town Thurxlny,
Itohert Fornlv left f,,r lta-elmr;;
the finst of the wcutfrom where ho
will walk lo Coos lla'y for a month's
l At. Korhtiw of Aledford did.
holiness nt the county seat this week.
Airs. Fred of Antelope is spending
tho wevle with lior sMe r, Airs. Charles
Attorney Vaster was a liusiue-.
cnllor during tho week as was nlso
J. W. drover of Medfonl.
Airs. Kd. Wendt has returned from
n few days' vi-it al her home in lluui
hujr. M. AL Collins left Tor San Fran
eiseo Wednesdav on hiMne.s.
.Mrs. I. J. Wells entertained the
.")00 i'IiiI) and a few mvited kocsIh nt
her home on Wedndav cviMiiiiir.
Cards oee,upietl mo?Uof the eveuiiii;
follow cd by dninty refre-hiiHMits of
.strawberries ninl crenui, eoeon nnd
cake. Those present were .Mr. and
Mrs. M. AI. Taylor, Air. mid Mrs.
John DunniiiKtnn, Mr. and Mrs. I.onis
I'lrleli, Mrs. Ifnrr hi.v. Misses Xinti
Wall, Clara Klmer, .Mary Hurst, I.ciln
Prim, flnipc McDonald and Fred Col
Hev. Aldrleli, Mr. Yager, Mws Kd
wards, .Miss Anna Caldwell were
ninoiis the Central Point people who
attended the Kpworth league conven
tion at Medford Saturday.
The li'tr( taebull team mot
ored to Oniifis PrrSmurdnv'aud
played a game of hall with Grants
In.s, heore 10 to ) in favor of
(irantrt Pass.
Hew Crane, paMor of the Chri-tiun
church prertched nt Agate Sunday
Harry Garvin of H'osebnrg nnd I).
W. Stone of Sacramento iciit Sun
day mornint; here with relatives.
In uecordnnce with the proclama
tion of Mayor W. A. Cowley Saturday
was generally observed as clean-up
day here and much rlibbinh wax haul
ed off.
Councilman A. ". .Moon spent Sat
urdny in Grants Pass.
The dance given by the Central
Point orchestra ni Centrnl hall, Sat
urday night was much enjoyed by .ill
who attended.
Abont one hundred of our citizen
spent Saturday nfternoon in Med
ford. II. F. and Mrs. Pcnrt nnd O. M. nnd
Mrs. Garvin spent Siiudny at Go.d
Gold Hill base hall team played the
Central Point first team Sunday,
score 14 to 11 in favor of Central
Many citizens of Gold Hill attended
the ball game here Sunday.
Mothers day was duly observed
here Sunday, services being held .it
the V. M. C. A. hall nnd tin address
given by Hev. Sheron of Medford.
Miss Hen ing, Wayne Lcovcr, 'Esth
er P'unkcy, Penrl Pankey, Jok. A.
Mann, Claude White, Clarence Pun
key spout Sunday afternoon in Mcd-
No. 63
"OfflcUl NttWl him"
bill. Price 1.28ch,
)isa lri adopted by
t)i National Lenirus
tut twenty year and I
the OfllcUl 1111 of th
World Horl". It ! (!
tall you ihould um If
you want a real (imt
of bai ball Junt
lirtly in thenlntli, tenth
'and twelfth Innlnxa aa
In tli tint. Only Cork
Cmttt , ball can 1m
fiayd In World Htrlea
uun called for by
thf olflclal ruin of both
th Natlonaland Amtr.
lean Li-wrtiM-for at
eaf twant yara
mora. Kvery ball
player with any retard
S.. 1,1. utura .hoiil.1
l.u ...ut. L. . . - tu' mZ ..
1h i BpaUlnif ,7OflicUI National Iajnfa"
Cwrk Center Hall, $1.25 .. Try Uda ball In
your next Kama and U up to data.
Htui far itmplfi of tuttrll for Itai
Hall VnUitia,tittoa riul. Wou.
lit all Sallunil ind ABJ.rltiD lau
Wru. Oxpyof bptidluf Oatalvcu lit
158 Geary Street, Sun Franclaco
& 1
Jon Under was in Aledl'oid
Mix, lloycr ami Mrs, Hinemakur of
N'ovi.H Phoenix, were in North Taleul
I. Al. Kiernnn of Medford, wiih fn
Talent Satilrday on business,
Air, and Airs. (1. KniKliteu of
Kaj;l Point was visitiuj,' Air. and
Ali-s. 0. Carey of North Talent FrU
dny nijht, leiurniiiff home Saturday.
Henry Taylor cniiio oyer from
.lueKsouville Friday,
Ono death from dyphtheria ocourr
oii Phoenix J-'riday, or rut her from
tho alter effects, wciikonhiir of the
hearl nnd kidneys of tho child.
Airs. F. K. .Incobs nnd Alls. Win.
Ferns wcro tmdiui; in Medford Fri
day. Aliss Flixa I-Vns 0f Fern Vnllev
was over iu North Talent Friday
Welborn lleeson of Talent Nursery
Co., was in Alodford Satunluy.
AIi-s. W. H. ,Noiiunli of Anto was
visit inij ur mother Mrs, J. N. Pace
of tho county farm In North Talent
Ali-s, A. H. Furry left Sunday for
Umwnsville, Ore, to visit her half
sister, Mrs. C. Cate, and her mother,
Mrs. J. Rose, who is staying there
the past few months. Airs. Hose will
return with Airs. Furry.
The doliate between Mr. Whisler of
Mcdronl and Dr. lluillie of Phoenix,
was well attended, and both put up a
Komi debate. Hut of eoui-se the lad
ies say Dr. llalllie had the best of ll.
Few of us think that the mothers of
our stntestiien, ministers and lawycis
and teachers ouht to bo depriNcd i f
boinu citizens of the Coiled Stales,
where a Chinnmnii can lake out na
turaliraliou papers, nnd hac a oice
iu the laws that uoxcrii these same
women, after he has been in I he Flut
ed States my moiillis. Or ut other
words he run vote ami the wouun
Money Back
Hci-v'n Koine Talk on Square llcnls
Fifty ctnt: that' all for n box of
M1-0-NA Htomnch tablet that will
bring it Hiitllo to your dyspeptic coun
tenance ton minute after the first
And Chun. Strang iilatcH that If
MI-O-.N'A ilucMi't end tho mlnery of
Indlgt'Mtloii or biiulidi utoinucli dl
ire of any kind, you can have your
money back.
Thin tttiuruiileo npplU' in thu fol
lowing ailment, gu, acidity, hcavt
no8, rtlHtrcHH after eating, fermenta
tion, heartburn, waterbrah, belrh
Ing, Mouriiean, pain lit utomuch, lill
Ioiihiickh, (IIxzIiihh. ncrvouncH,
sleep Icxauchk, bad dream, night
sweat, headache, couutlpatlou, des
pondency, bloating, foul breath, coat
ed tongue, flea or tar Hlckno, morn.
Ing Hkkue.
Fifty cent a box for MI-O-NA
Htomnch tablet at Chun. Strang' and
drugglBt everywhere.
Take Warning and Advice
Siijlvpuld e
attended )to
don't neglect your teeth under uny
clrcumstaiiceM. Tliey are a valuable
aHHet In your perKounl uppeuraiico.
Wo malto a npeclulty ot advUIng on
Teeth and of doing high cla Dental
work In all It branclicH. If you
need Dental worlc of any kind you
will find tho bent I douo bore, al
though our charge are moderate.
We mnko a Hpeclalty ot palnleu ex
traction, ntid of children' teeth.
Lady Attendant
Ovor Daniel for D)id. Tnclflc
Phono 25K2, Home Phono .ir2-K
Are Held in Mooso Hull oVory
Thursday at 3 p. m. Everybody
Watch Our Addition
Jackson nd Suininll
Medford Realty and
Improvement Company
M. P. ft H. Co. Illdg.
m ' r-rf---vvw.
tinicn&iii '
Medford Parcel
Express and Transfer
PAOKAtrES 10c, 113c, 2Do
Phenes: Pacific M072
Home WVl
Alesseuger Hcrvico
Vacuum Carpet Cleaning
We have gasoline power, a
largo machine, and gnaran
lee all worlc.
Home Phone KMC
Do you want your lawn put in
first tdiiRn nlinpof All work
Ruarantued. Leave nddrehn with
II. II. Pnttorsn, Quaker NurHcry,
Nnsh hotol.
A Tonic. Allciatjve and Mttolvenl. Tlir
lwt re'iirilr for Kktney. IJvcr and llowtl.
Kruillrnlt. Iliiiik", I jupUom and lllinltn
of Die Skin liiitflr. Hie llliKkl and Kivt
Tuur, blituslii uiij lgot tutlic cutltc ay.lfui.
A. S N j
(10 ncrcfl, tdx mile from Medford,
good graded road crotmoK tho trnnt,
all free noli, nt C0 per aero. $1000
will htutdlo, ciiay termi on bnlnnco.
Part In creek bottom bunt, su'table
for alfalfa. Several Hprlng on tho
pbico. Timber enougti to pny for thu
tract. No building. In tho Griffin
creek district.
W.T.York, Co,
Clark & Wright
Public Laud Matter: Final Proof
Dciert Lnudu, Contcta and Mlnlna
Ciimm. Scrip.
This is
Book Store
Medford Real Estate
& Employment Agency
run sai.i:
1X0 nrre a good place for a good
cnttlo ranch, everything goen
with tho place,
237 acre, a fluo place for cattle,
a bargain In tbl and a flue
2-10 acrcn which will umbo n fluo
place for you, and coiiuldernblo
timber on tho place,
lCfio ncren about Hi miles out,
hoiiHo and II hum.
20,000 acre, a fluo idicop ranch;
tho tocl( can bu bought at mar
ket price,
25,000 ncren, good cattlo ranch,
at $2Ti per acre.
HO, 000 acre yellow plan timber.
IlauchoH of all hIzoh, and all
price, can ho learned about iu
thl office,
A fluo bungalow, everything flmt
cla, and price only $2750,
IIoiihch from $070 upward.
Kmall hoiiHo, price $570; $10
down ami $10 per month.
Automobile from $100 to $800.
480 acrcH In Minnesota for ranch
lu valley.
Woman cook.
Women and girl for genorul
WaltroflB In California,
Ranch hamlH.
Phono In your ordom for men;
no charge to tho employer.
All who want work would do well
to enmo and regluter for work.
Mr, llltluor 1b nlwuyn on liana to
take 'your name and nddrena.
Opposite Nash Hotel
Phono 4H1; Home, 14,
2 Two NlglitH Duly Two--3
Tho world' grontent novelty hag
punching ad,
.IiihI cloHed 10 week of
Oltl'IIIMM, p wplenillil ail.
1000 feet of Photo Pill)', I reen
Kent it ring
Till: llliAt'K IVAIb
A IhillllUK mining hcciio Thl
will iniiko yniir hair t ulw,
A comedy of tho eiwt and went
a dandy
Tin: Aitnow nr dkkiancij
A veiy MeiiMatlouiil Indian picture
A SI'ltlMJ OP Pli-XttKM
Pioduced by tin old rellablo lllo
graph tompanv nhviu a favorite.
Evening, 10c any ent lu tho
hoiiMO, Upeebil Children Mnt
Ineo every Katurduy and Huudity
ut 2 p. in , iidmlHHlon He and 10c.
Follow thu crowd to tho In In.
Wo lollclt your pntronnco,
which will bo received with court
esy. V JL J MX
1'ii tiircn
and Motion
A luu j m lu tho l.cail
(Vlftiratcd Hcotch Commllan
hi fiimi) noun ami ibiuce
"TIIK Cl.fli"
Hlnrlllng In It uufobllux to ti til
mux, ireiiiendoiiHly powerful
lil'! IIKIiPI"
fuel of laugh
Alt exrceilingly Inlerentlng tory
of n uewnboy and hi dog
A Kaleut hummer
A flcrenmlug Illograph comedy
Ad HATH Kit, tho Hlugor
WOOIAVOItTIIH, the .MimlclniiN
l)et Ventilated Theater lu tho city
A(1uiInIoii IOc, Cblblren Bo
Mat luce Dally,
Tonight Only
Moving Pictures
Wo curry wy oompluta lino
of arnperlcH, lnn eiirtoln, flx
turoii. etc, ami to all cIiihhpm of
tililiolNtnrlnir. , S mikoIiiI limn to
loolc nflor HiIh vnrk exoboilvoly
"nil will Kivo a Kiiud Hervltiu iih
h poMMlMii to cot In oven tho
lurKOMt eltlna.
Bteam and Hot Water
All Work Oiiarnntotit
l'rlco Ilouiionuhlo.
0 Howard lllook. Untranno on fli
' Olfto 3U31. Hoiub Bit,