MBlVTOm) MXIT, THTBTJN13, AtEOFOfeT), ORECION, MONDAY, MAT 13, 1912, PA"GE THKRF. . V i K i row a HIT THURSDAY ( Conl rlliuloil,) Tho mwond aiunial oxhlhll of worli dono In our pnhllo imiIiooIh In now IiHiik lint up In tliu IiIkIi Hctiool liiillillriK mill will ho rondy liy tho in I tltl lt or tho coinliic wim.)(. it In hojmd Hint thin yvnr'n uttoudniico will ho iiiui'Ii Kri'ntur than laiit your', Thoilo who hnvit ln'fti kiiii In loiich with our hcIiooIr thin your uro tilnmdy roiivliirml Hint tho MiMlfortl HchoolH havo hiMtu licopliiK m(p with tho iroKrKnvt and outt-rjirlMliiK Mplr It of our city. Nnvnr hoforo In tho hlntory of our kcIiooIh Iiuh tlioro Ihmmi wiu-h a Miirci-HHfiil and HittUfui'tory ni'hool year, ami whllo thoro roiunliiH much to ln it('('OuiillHhi In tho fu lure, It miiHt ho riuoiuhirod Hint tho liioiti.nt NUrliitmliint Iium had innrli to lontcml with ami hrm In the two y far it ho Iiuh liuon Imro put (ho Mtd ford hcIiooIh fnr nhovo 'whom thoy worn ami on n lovt'l with tho ht-nt In lh United Htutfn. Tho orxnulzatlou or tho inolhi'tV rluliM and tho clvlo liiiprovcini'iit cIiiIih Iiiih douo n ismnt iti'iit lownrd promotion a hoi (it iiii domtitudliiK hotwonn paroutH and toui'horn and tho rcnultn of Kiirli tin dorntnmlliiK mid cooporntlou cannot hut ho rnr marhluK. Tho entlm rorp or tKiirhorit thlx your lnm hoon p.ood ami hi'ltor work Iiuh Iiooii dono In ovry lino Ihuu ovor hi'tom, Much or thlN work cannot or courno ho ox hlhlti'd hut many linen or work now carried on In our hcIiooIm havo ma terial ri'MiillH which may ho neon hy all who call at I ho IiIkIi uchool hulld Iuk next Wcilni'Ndny, ThurddSj- and Friday nflornooriH from a to 0 and I'Vldny ovuiiltiK from 7:30 to 10, Ten of tho noulnr Klrln huvo mado llo'lr Krudunllou dromen with tho ront lliulti'd to $ 7 . r. 0 ami thito dreim H alouo ttpcak of hard work on tho part of teacher and puplln. Home- a& drewnen who cont wan limited to H.fiO uro nlno lo ho oxhlhlUul hy tho Junior Klrln. Tho other clunnon down to and Including tho nlxth grndn will huvo vnrloun neatly flnlnhed ph-cen or work on exhibition, Tho domestic iciincn department will ho open und nil kind of rooked rood will not only he on exhibition hut will ho for nalo Thursday und Friday. Tho nrt department linn a larger and hotter iixhlhll than over before, the work HhowliiR plainly whut run lie dono with ull medium when the rouro In carefully planned und car ried out, All tho hull wall npuce and three rooms aro being devoted to thin one department alone. Tho floor nparo on both floorn will he lined by tho manual training depart ment. No ouo will deny much credit to tho Inntructnr ami boyn who huvo worked together Mr better and moro urllntlc work during tho punt months. I'erhtipn It In not well known that nutnldu or 1'ortlaiul Modfont linn tho niohl complete coumo In manual inilnhiK In the ntate. Thin course commeiicen In the rirnt urado ond rontlniien throuKhout tho high uchool. In addition to the Hewing, cooking mid nhop exhlhltM tho flrat flvu grudon will huvo on exhibition hand work or nil kludn. Tho Hoonovelt nchnol Iiuh UHked and been granted peruilNnloii to put up U'Hpeclul exhibit on Friday, Thin exhibit will nhow what ban already been dono In prlvnlu cant nldo gar- deiin hy Ihene youthful hut outbu nlunllo gardener. Tho IiIkIi nrhool orchentrn will riirnlnh iiiiihIo Krldny evening. All are urged to attend thin ex hibit mid thim nhow their apprecia tion or whut In being 00110, nod while wo ur booming ror it greater Mod ford let iih hoont ror our Mori (cm) itchoolH, MOTHEn BALKS AT SEPARA- TION FROM CHILDREN An order woh Innuod hy tho coun ty court Rut unlay committing Mm. lllchnrtl Moo nnil her thrcc-ycar-old bnhy boy to tho poor fnrni, nnd hor threo ilaiiRhtflrn, Mnbol, Ullon nnl Florouco, nged (1, fi und 10 yonrH, to tho Iloyn' & (llrlB Aid Hocloty nt Portlund. From prosont IndlcntlotiB tho order will novor ho curried out. MrH, Moo mid hor flock roriiHo to ho Hopurntod. Colloctlvoly, thoy would go uny plnco, hut divided wuh differ cut. Tho Moo'h live on n utrlp of laud In tho Ooud Indian country, und it woolc ago tho rather, Kloliurri Moo, wuh hound over to tho grnntl Jury for alleged hurglurlon In that Hoctton. TIiIh loft IiIh family without any sup port hut a few cltlckouH and a pig. tho -feeding of which worried tho lit-. Ho mother. Until they realized what tho order or Judgo Noll mount thoy wutohori with Interest tho prqeood IngH, tho ohlldron playing on the floor of tho county couvt. Tho truth brought tho nugulHh, Then Judgo Noll ulguod tho committment ordoiH und wont home earlier thun umial. Medford Printing company carry (ull lino of lugal blauks. ' ASK RECOGNITION FOR MCKSON CO. local (IcmorralH anneit that Jnclt nou county mid aouthorn Oregon are entitled to recognition' hy (ho party, Innnmiich an there woro no delegate) to tho national convention nelorted from HiIm Hoctloii, mid no" party iioinl ( or offlro holdern, To neciire th'ii rncoKiiltlon, Mayor W. II, t'anou Iiuh been put forth oh a candidate for tmtlonal committeeman. CoiiimentliiK upon the Hltiintlon, tin- Portland Journal nuyn: "Flvo umnen aro IioIiik prominent ly mentioned iih niutllrintcH ror uu Mount comuiltloemeii to reprcneut the deiuorraiH or Oreiton ror tho next four yenrH. Tho iielectlon will ho nifile by tho 10 delennten to tho na tional convention after they o lo rialtlmore, 'Three uiomhorn or the delenatlon are amoiiK thono undorntooif to ho wIIIIiik to take membernhlp on tho national committee, which will direct tho comlriK prenldentlul campaign. ThcHO aro A. H, Hennell or The Dalten, nu old war homo or dnuioc racy, und twow I'orllund men, Will It, Iiik mid IVed V. Ilolman. "Milton A. Miller or Lebanon, who linn held the place ror yearn, Ih ex ported lo neek another term, and a fifth name Ih IicIiik un;cd from Hoiitheru OrcKOii, that of W. II. Cmioii or Medrord. Tho rrlendH or the latter aro becoming active In bin beliair, declarliiK that he Ih particu larly titrnng an mi orcanlzor, and that Hoiitheru OreKOii, hnvlnr. fallen to elect any of the riolegatcK, In en titled to recognition. Judge Canon wun mayor or Medfonl four yearn und htm hern it hurri worker ror parly niicccflH In Jocknon county." HEAVY PEAR DROP The Cnljr.irnin Fruit (HHtriliutrtri under ilute of Siicrnmciito, May 11, ixkuc market letter No. 'J iih follew: The fir"t ciirload of deciduous fniit for HH'J liuvint; heen Hliippcd, the fruit hciixoii may now he sitiit to hnvo heen opened. ClmrricH. The first curload of cherricH wuh nhipju'd from Vncuvilh' on the H t li. It wiim not a full cur, hut contained nearly 111(10 package of jicverul diffurcnt vuricticH, iuclud Um GiligucH, UoekMrt, Helle de Or IcntiM, Advance, ('hapmmi und u few Tartariaiih. There liu heen no par ticular i-liatitre in the cherry crop xiuce our liiM letter was i-Mted, ex cept (hut condition ore not iiite a promihiug ns thev were nt that time. It it doubt lul if the output will he '. large, if uuv linger than lost year when it amounted to 'Jltl curs. It i rcxirlcd that there will ho n general nhortage of the black varieties. The fiot carlol hliipmeu If It this year jiM two ilnyn curlier than the initial shipment of last season and it is probable that this represents the actual diifercnce in the time of rip ening of the different vnriclies throughout the season. In oilier words thev will come in at praeliciilly Ihe same dales us in 1111 1, Apricots. No particular change to he noted n Huh variety, except that the fruit continues to look well und the crop is more promising rather thun otherwise. The fruit U clean and will ho of good shipping tpmlity. A few crates of I'ringloH have already heen shipped from Winter. I'luniH nnd Prunes will probably run about the same iih Inst year, hi the earlier section the crop will he good, hut not heavy. In the San Joaquin valley prospects are very promising for n full crop. Peaches continue to develop fnst and will make nu overage crop, heiug particularly heavy in I lie San .lompiin volley. Durllelt Pears. During the pnsl ten dn.VH there Juis heen a heavy drop in this vftriely, hut there is plenty lefl for n full crop, which promises to ' o of unusually good nuality. flrnpe vines are growing rapidly und give promise of u first class crop. There uro no indications of mildew or other troubles at the pres ent time. Climatic conditions are now unite favorable. With tho exception of two or three days the average temper. tui'e luis heen lower than usual and warm weather is needed for the rapid mid perfect development of the crop. The season is now so far advanced that it is not likely any more ruin will full. Owing to this foot the crop in some of tho early non-irrigated see tions may he nffeeted somewhat. It is not at all likely, however, tluit this will lessen the general output. The number or puHhongorn carried on the ruIlroudH or thin country In 1911 approximated l,010,ri00,r27, ugaliiHt 171,08:1,100 In 1110. Eu ru ing rroni piiBBongurH totaled $850,- 7712,785 tu 1011 und U1!8, 002, 4711 111 1 U 10. CAUFORNIA REPORTS The Walrus Hunt KHkimo liimleiH nhout to open fire upon n ximill herd of wulriiH iihIcc oii Die ice. l)obbn, who comcx to the Medfonl thenter Tliurxdiiy, May ll!, for three ilav mIiowm n wiilniM hunt TIP-PAYING HOTELS LOS AN'OFXKS, Mnv HI Three thousand traveling men of America will he usked lo withhold their pal- roniigc from hotels, barbershops ami other places where tipping is in vogue, according to n resolution which was adopted today hy the grand council of the I'niled Coinuier ciul Travelers of America. A commillee was appointed hy Hie cniiucjl, which is in convention here mid instructed to confer with hotel mid cafe association heads to unje thai waiters he paid sufficiently to obviale the necessity of depending iimii tips for a livelihood. The su preme council of the order will act on (be matter at its meeting in June. POTATO SPECULATORS POKTLAND, Ore., May 13. Po tato npeculutorn In California, Ore. gon nnd Washington thin year huvo lont $:tir,000 und their Iobkcr arc expected to havo a further depress ing efreel on vulues throughout tho Hea.Hon, uccnrdlng to tho Portland Journal today. Certain Interests are mild to have torced prices up more than conditions Justified, the market breaking In consequence. .Smaller firms In Snn Francisco are nnld to huvo suffered losses amounting to 1100,000. Speculating Interest of Oregon mid Washington lire believed to huvo lout $7S,000. Producers' losses uro estimated nt $100,000. L SILVKKTON', Ore., May 111. Fun oral services for Homer Davenport, famous cartoonist who died in New York u few days ugo, were held this afternoon in the opera house at SiJ vertou, the birthplace of the Cartoon Ut. The services were very simple. They were attended hy practically nil Silverton Including relatives of (lie dead cartoonist and n number ol members of the famous old Silver cornet bund in which Davenport bent the drum ns a boy. The body was buried in the little cemetery nt Sil verton, where rests the hotly of his father, T. W. Davenport. BUD ANDERSON TO MEET EDWARDS AT KLAMATH Frnnkio Kdwnrds of Oakland, and Mud Audor-on, of Vancouver, Wash., (ire to meet before the Klamath Falls Athletic club in u 20-rouud hoxiic mutch here June 'J, according to nu announcement mudo today. Tho ni to make I'M pounds ringside. The boxing giituo has bean dead here for several months nnd tho local fans aro overjoyed at the announce ment of the match. Hoth hoys aro popular here and the card is ex peeted to draw well. ARIZONA PASSES CHILD LABOR BILL, READY FOR SIGNATURE PHOENIX, Ariz., May ln.'Pio uutl-chlld labor hill passed tho lower bouse today and wan sout to tho gov ernor. Tho govornor todny signed tho bill limiting tho hours of labor In mines and it reduction of work to eight hours. Tho child labor hill prohibits tho employment of any child uudor tho ago of fourteon In any gainful occupation during school hours and tho employment of any child under sixteen underground In minus or for uny occupation Injur ious to houlth or morals or hazard ous to llfo or limb, or at night, or for. moro thun olght houra a day, OVERREACH THEMSELVES t hit t nftt-r four ycun efforts he fin f 1 1 1 V Hocurcil flii pi'-'ture )h pronounc ed hy Hficiitiptft" utnl prfns ns lln Krenlcflf nnliirnl HCi.ni- of nen iin!mil life in cxin!nnce, ALLEN ON STAND IN OWN BEHALF WVTHEVM.LJ3, Va May 13.- Nervous and pale and In a shaking volco which was almost Inaudible, Floyd Allen, of the notorious Allen bandit gang, on trial here for his llfo ror tho shooting of several per sons In the Illllsvllle courthouse, tes tified today In IiIh own behalf. Allen recited hlH history und swore thul ho told his attorney at the Illllsvllle trial, which wan Interrupt ed hy the murders committed hy the Allen gang, that ho Intended to "take bin medicine from Judge Thornton Masnlo, j SATURDAY SCORES. . j NATIONAL f W. h. P. C. Cincinnati 1C 6 .762 New York M 7 .667 Uoston 9 9 .C00 Chicago 10 11 .476 Urooklyn 8 10 .4 44 Pittsburg - 8 12 .400 Philadelphia 9 15 .375 St. Louis 5 12 .294 Chicago 3, Now York 10. Pittsburg 8, Philadelphia 0. Others postponed; rain. AMERICAN' W. L. P. C. Chicago -.19 5 .792 Uoston u..-.fe.l3 8 .019 Washington -r..'..ll 10 .624 Philadelphia 9 10 .474 Cleveland 9 10 .474 Detroit -. U 13 .458 St. Louis 6 14 .300 Now York - ' G 13 .278 Now oYrk 0, Detroit-9. Boston S. St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 5, Chicago 9. Washington 8, Cleveland 0. COAST W. L. P. O. Oakland - 24 12 .C67 Vernon 19 lfi .G59 San Francisco 18 17 .514 Los Angeles 17 18 .486 Sacramento 16 20 .444 Portlund 11 20 .355 K. II. E. Sacramento 2 11 2 Portland 3 8 1 DnttorleB Arellanos und Cheek; Kluwltter and Howley. Vernon - 4 12 1 Oaklund 2 6 2 Batteries Castleton and Brown; Mnlarkey and MItie. San Francisco - C 13 2 Los Angeles ,. 4 10 2 Batteries Baker, McCorrey and Schmidt; Naglo and Boles, NOIVTHWKST W. L. P. C Vancouver 14 11 .560 Portland 14 11- .Ti60 Victoria ..12 11 ,522 Spokano .., .'.11 11 ,500 Tncomit .10 14 .417 Seattle 10 14 .417 R. H. E. Soattlo ' 12 1 Tacoma 0 3 5 Batterlos James ana Whaling; Hall, Schmlts and Lalouge, Vancouver v' 2 8 2 Spokano 5 8 1 Batteries Gcrvatso and Lewis; Cadreau and Ostdlek. Portland 8 16 2 Victoria 7 12 2 Batterlos Eastley aud Harris; Kaufman aud Meek. LUMBER SCHOONERS COLLIDE AND BOTH ARE DAMAGED SAN FKAN0ISC0, May W. Fol lewing: n collision off Point Hoves, tho lumber steamer Snn Pedro today li'is nuivt'd at this port with the two master schooner Mayflower in tow 'I ho Mayflower was bound for Cooper fiver, Oregon, and tuo. San Pedro for Eureka. Tho Mayflower was becu'in when tho collision occurred aud win hudly damaged. Tho orows of both vcusels escaped. RIVAL GATHERINGS FOR WASHINGTON SEATTLE, Wash., May 13. Whothor there nns to ho two con ventions at Aberdeen Wednesday to select Washington's 14 delegates to tho national convention depends upon tho state central rommltteo which rncctH tomorrow. Tnft leaders nro openly boasting thul thin pro-Tart rommltteo will arbitrarily disregard tho Itoosevelt-La Follette majority, and will sent every contested Toft delegate In the convention on tem porary roll call. Tho program for tho proposed convention steal In cludcK an arrangement to admit no one Into the convention hall unless he has a certificate signed hy Chair man Coiner, the pro-Tart state com mltlco chairman, Tho secretary of the committee, Edgar C. Snyder, of Heattle, in a progressive. On tho eve of tho state committee meeting' the delegations line up as follews: Uncontested Roosevelt, 278 Vi; uncontested Tatt. 137V4; contested, 228; to be elected today, 19. Franklin county bus rive dele gates ror La Follette first choice and ror Toft second choice. SLEEP WALKER TO UNDERGO OPERATION PORTLAND. Or.. May 13. Ralph Emerson today Is undergoing treat ment for Bleep walking following his narrow escape from drowning as a result of his propensities for wan dering about while enjoying sound slumbers. Viewed by a numbe? or neighbors who thought ho was a robber mak ing his escape, Emerson climbed out or his room In a hotel, clambered along the fire escape till he stum bled across the guy rope which ex tends to a nearby boat houso and slid down the rope. Landing on tho boathouse he plunged off Into the Willamette river. The shock of the cold water awoke him and he swam back to the boathouse and reached shore safely. Meanwhile excited cltirens had tel ephoned the police to capture the daring robber they supposed Emer son to be, and a wagonload of blue- coats arrived just as the sleepwalker climbed out of the river. Fearing ho would repeat the per formance if allowed to go to sleep, he was taken to the police station, whore hia clothes were dried. He was allowed later to leave in charge of a relative. $50,000 PURSE OFFERED OF WESTERN AUTO RACE I.OS ANGELES, May IH. Motor enthusiasts are working todny ot. plans for what they declare will be the greatest automobile nice ever held west of the Rocky Mountains. They plnn to offer prizes nggregntr.i :?.r)0,000 for the event, which would be held in Los Angeles noxt Thnuks;i. ing day. Eddie Maier, president of the Vernon Baseball club and Dr. Ed win Jans, are said to be ready to guarantee the affair. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends aud neighbors for their kindness and assistance during the sickness and death of our beloved wlfo and mother and also for the many beautiful floral offerings. MU. E. TURNER, 44 MRS. CHAS. SKEETERS. What's The Reason? Many Medford lVoplo In Poor Health Without Knowing tho Cause. Thero are scores of peoplo who drag out a miserable exlstenco with out realizing" thfc causo ef: their suf fering. Day after day they aro racked with hackachu aud headache; suffer from nervousness, dizziness, weak ness, languor and depression. Likely tho klduoys have fallen behind In their work of filtering tho blood and that is tho root of the trouble. Look to your kidneys, assist them In their work give thorn tho help they need. You can uso no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills endorsed by over one hundred thousand peoplo, and by your neighbors In Medford. W. P. Gould, 119 W, Jackson St., Medford, Oregon, says: "I used Doau's Klduoy Pills, procured at Hus klns' Drug Store, and am ploused to say that thoy havo given mo more rollof thau any othor kldnoy medi cine I huvo ovor taken. Othor mom. bors of my family have ulso used Doan's Kldnoy Pills nnd tho results havo beon so satisfactory that I do not hesltnto ouo moment In giving this 8tutemont." For Bale by all dealers. Price GO couts. Fo8tor-Mllhurn Co., Buffalo, Now York, boIo ugeuts for tho Uulted States. Remember tho name Doan's und tako no othor, ICE CREAM and SHERBETS All our Ico Cream and Shorbots aro mado hy us from tho best quality of cream and other Ingredients. ""VOL' HAVE THE HAIUT, WE HAVE THE OODH. THE ANSWER IS PALACE OF SWEETS . OUR ORAN'OE SHERBET IH A WINNER. THE Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WASHING A SPECIAITIT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Orders called for and delivered. Flrat class work done by hand. Ladles' and men's suits cleaned and pressed. Tel. Mala 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth and South Central Avenue. BEDDING PLANTS Wo have a nice line bedding plants such as Geraniums, Salvia, Verbenas, Lobeliaa, Chrysan themums, Petunias, Heliotrope, Cannas, etc. Always Nice Line Cut Flowers MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Ilomo Phono 237-X; Main 3741. 923 Main Street Roseburg Strawberry Carnival NAY 16-17-18 The Fourth Annual Strawberry Carnival at Rose burg will be held on the above dates, and the IU)l SUNSET V! I (OGDEN&SHASTAl I 1 I ROUTES I I .., M ,.. yr will sell round trip tickets from all points on its lines at ONE AND ONE THIED PABE Tickets on sale' Mav 16-17-18 with final return limit May 20th For further particulars call on any S. P. Agent or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. First National Bank ; of MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. V. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT ORRIS CRAWFORD, Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal 'treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $176,000.0i W. L Vawter, President G. R. Liiadley, Vic Pr. O. W. McDonald, Cashier !! i :l H. ft. ALFORD. CAfiHDEK ASSISTANT CASHIER -j i j -