City Hall s Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER ! Full mid uiiwiih. MttJf. B7 ,Mln. It!. Keity-wninl Your Diillv tliivriilli Vchp MBDITORD, OMSCJON, JMONIMYIAY V,i, 1912. Xo. 44. GENERAL 0R0ZC0 DEFEATED IN DESERT BATTLE By FEDERAL TROOPS 1000 KILLED 1 2-HOUR FIGHT AT Five Thousand Rebels Under Orozco Routed liy Federals Under Huertn and In Full Fllnjit Pursued by En emy to Complete Anlhllntlon. Blame (or Defeat Due to Superior Artillery of overnment Forces De clarcs Orozco. PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF DESERT BATTLE 1,1100 federals mill rebels killed mill wounded, with IllSrloH llbilllt ClIUIll mi both sides, in l'J hours fighting in (lie desert south ill' Yonun Irani daylight until night. fi.tlUU troops on each side, mill considerable cavalry, wore engaged. IVdoials runted rebels mid captured Irii minion mul vvu goulnmls of liiiinl bombs. , Kebels destroyed trniti bridges mul supplies in re-iii-iit. Insiirrcelos tod over foot hills northward with federals on flaiil;. l-'odernls galloped into Coil OJOH (It SUIISet. (luticrul Oroxoo admitted defeat, blaming rnverso mi hi porior nrtilli'ry of federals. 4444JH44444 , PASO, To.u, May Kl. dcu ciiil I'liMjiml's iclirl troop, linil, hungry ami discouraged, to ilnv a lo milking ut Kcllmio what mux piovo to liu their lust stand in tin iutniricotion against tlui Mniloin nd mini! lutinu. Duolsively bouton in yoMurduy'H buttle, tin ivhol troops i allied nlioitt tln'ir lender again today unci gave tut t (lo o (ii'iicrnt IliiertnV victorious federal iiiniy. Latent 10 poit iccoivod Intro stilted Hint Iho icbels ni'o fighliui' desperately hut with 1'iiint hope of ultimate success. Kepoits roi'oiscil hem toilny I'roiu federal sources nay that live hundred lehels wore slain in M'staulmV buttle at Conejos. Although Iho icbel lea dors mi.v thin repoil in gtcntly goiutcd, it Ik Known Hint .'100 wound ed rebels uirivi'il in Cuidml Cliiliuiiliun lust night anil a second special train of wounded was expected there homo tiinii today. Tho icbels at iluimtr. mo liailly do- uuunlied us (ho result of fliuii't-al Oiooo's crushing defeat ut Conejos. Tui'Mly ini'ii from .Junior, garrison de serted IoiIiiy and mossed tlio border into Kl I'UHO. They ropoit that an other decisive dol'out of tlio rebels will result in wholesale desoi lions. DIRECT THE NEW .1. K. Kiinyiml was naiiied hy tlio mayor mid olty oouuitil at n spooiul uieoliiig held Monday uftunioon ns biipeiinleiiilenl of Iho now public market in thin olty which is to ho op eneij'at Iho lulloV end of (ho inoiitli. Mr. Itunyunl was decided upon al though Iho council had over 100 ap plications for (ho plnoo, Mr, Itiiuyiird In wall qualified I'm tlio position. o has hail !I0 yours o.xporinuco in tlio ruluil rooory and pioduoo hiihiiiiiHri mid in addition to IIi'ih hu wan I'aliTilllir with tlio HtartiiiK anil operatioiui of Iho Doh Moinos puhlio nuu'luil which piiuod fmuu throughout tin) oottntry for its oxool lonco, CONEJOS NAD 1 rau maifj L La Follctte, Roosevelt and Taft Sup porters all Claim Victory in Tomor row's Primary Struimlc Wiscon slnltc Ends Strenuous Campaign. Raco Between Wilson and Clark Is Close Bettliifi Favors Teddy Southern California for La Follctte SAN rUANn.SCO. May i:i-l' tViiiu ii honied trip to San Dii-o ulicie ho mllriMml 'J.QOO vurerx, Senator Knlicit M. ha Folletto uriiveil hero toilav to Ininjj his omnpaii;n lor Califoinia'h sitppoit of his candidacy for the lepuhlican pri'sidi'iiliat iioin iuatmu lo a clou- with an iiiIiIickk m l)i('mulmnl riiii; here tonitit. He ml. Iii'hhoiI iiio ciowilh at lln.' I'niou lion Winks and at the Kuiprcss Ihca tcr thix luoriiiut' ami t)iit aftoiiioou ho spoke at Ihc Relief Home. Women (iii'afly Inlercslel. Willi the women as will a men iiinuifchtin;; a liely interest in the outcome. California's Inst trial to morrow of the presidential pn-fetcuce piimitry scheme is expected to result in a reeonl-hreakini: vole. Oil the ileuioeinlie nide the race he Iwenn Wilson and Clark is expected to lie close. The New Jersey jjover nor's chanccH tor nomination hae be.eii mateiiallv enhanced by Iho emu palu work of foimrr Ooernor Koli ert (lleiin of Noilli Carolina,, mi ora tor of note. Wife AltN Wlbcon-lnltc. ()u Iho lopuhlicmi side Senator I. a I'ollelle has made mi impressive oani iai(,'u ami Mis. La Follctte has help oil with Iho women olers. The Lit Kollettc following is coiilnlenl of sue cess, claiinhii; soulhcin California b :i0.(lfll). (loveruor lliiam loluison, Medill MeCoiinielc, (lifforil Pinohiit ami Kraneis Honey havo niaile a whirl uintl cainpaiu in California lor Col onel Koosevelt mnl the hitter's man aueih I'ssert that ho will poll mora oles than Talt ami l.a Kollettc eom liiueil. What little lieltiui; is buim; ilono here favors ltoosoll. Direelois of Iho Tall eampaif;u, on the other hand, lofuso to concede ooseelt a chance. Colonel Chnile M. Ilammiiiiil, stale manager for Tail elauueil iho slate for the prcnidcnt 'iy at leusl :i:i,OU(t innjonly. TOF SUPPLIES RUSHED TO WIN W N MM MOT Uefuvoes ou Loo Haft lu Flooded Louisiana Country Abovo Now Orleaus, EVELYN THAW T HAVE A Wife of Standord White's Slayer said to Be In New York With 21 Months' Old Baby Lobster Palaces of Great White Way Anofl. Report is Denied by Friends and At torney of Family Whereabouts of Evelyn a Mystery. NKW YORK. May 13. With earn, eye ami mouth wldo open, Hroadwny toilny, after reeeverlni: from tlio first uhoclc followlnB tlio ntinouticc- nioiit that Mm Kvvlyn NcUlt Thuw, wlfo of llnrry K. Thaw, Hlnycr of Ktnuford White. Ik here with a 21 monttm old son, Is scoUIiik more de- Inlls. The reports In the morning papers were tin first that thp Kreat white way had received ofUho event mid It caiiNod the blKReot sonsntlon that the loliKter ialaccB thero epe- rlcucud In moiithx. AlthouKh the nmiouiiroinent that Mis. Thaw was here with her baby cumo from a source which has been In conxtant touch with her, direct verification was ImpoKnlblo and many of the former chorus gin friends scoffed nt the report. News papers hero, however, publish the stcry In ibjtnll, evidently convinced that she U here, but that her exact whereabouts h unknown, Kvcln now liopes, the newntmoorit declare. tO"hnv6 checks for JlTi.OOO honored nm! that she will then cut loose for ever front the Thaw family. Clarence Shenrn, tlio personal at torney of Thaw, declared this after noon that ho Iiiih not heard that Mrs. Thaw was here with n baby. PlTTSUPnO, I'n., May 13, Km phatlc denial of the report that Mrs. nvolyn NeHbltt Tliaw Is Iho mother of a baby boy was mado here this afternoon by Detectlvo Ilogor O'Mara, n eloso friend of tho Thaw family. II'.' mild: "Tho report thnt Kvolyn Is u mother Is undue. I never heard tho icport lioforo and I do not bollovo one word of It. It Is u puro false hood and made out of wholo cloth. "Tho pcoplo starting hucIi n story w'wll havo to tako It back." Mil ml o Adams has expressed tho In tention of mukliiR a tour of tho south in "Chaiitleler" tho first half of tho comliiK season. FLOOD SUFFERERS x M N FLOOD SON v' KKHmX ' '' i & ' WtmBm " ?- n tSMmmWSmmmmmaSSSSSmmfmmWiw ' -.JBZ WMr, ' '.. - KTM , mmmm i Wlff U Z.r' M, M rHV .AfKrNWC " lil'i, mSkm VMIIIh 'UinniSRSiK nflr,Va .tA' i.iHiU &m nismtiwimfmmmm',.v;t iv a?)1 .a. ." iffiHk lima .raftrHHHr mm""w Mmimm mmm mmw v fv- v ' jBV&aaBkvhx : n nsar2 nf Pr l-' ... '' ; :. I Pife rasKjw:r: wmm rsjbmmss wunnftOTi.Mfl V-- yF&mWSEmPiiB& '' s.z:r'Z. mmmmAi.'MS','ttw . . -Osr.-ST -aHWiWJ.l-.'UIA, i, &r-?2! W.m SSLVliaWUVl:' im MmmmmW WW - x Mmm. v -zm "' c -- Am 'imr t i siinv-'- - - - ;' ". rae to him who waits. DnncnciT uiiMO tact piitq niiT uiiMmDn capco TWENTY DELEGATES ABUSE OF TEDDY IMPEACHMENT FDR INJIIESOTA DNI0J1PAIGN OLSSONJEMN ST. PAUL. Minn., Muy l'J. -Latest returns front the iutc primary elec tion received today indicated that Theodore ltooscvclt eanicil cery congressional di-trict in Minnesota except po.sMbly two, and that the colonel has twenty, probably twentj one, of Minnesota's twenty-four dele- (Contluuod on Page G.) Louisiana State Legislature to Ad journ Sine Die Because of Unset tled and Dangerous Conditions Re sulting From Flood. NKW OKLKANS, La., May Kl. With tho crest of tho MUslbslppl flood oxpocted Tuesday night, tho Louisiana state Icglsluturo which convouod today Is considering ad journment slno dlo becuuso of tho unsottlod and dangerous conditions which tho flood has wrought. It Is roportod hora today that a number of marooned negroes looted the towns of nntcholor, Forocho and OroE8o. TEDDY JUBILANT OVER E OYSTKK BAY, N. Y May 13. -Colonel lioosovelt vas jubilant when ho hoard pf his ictoryJu Minnesota, Tlio colonel leaves for Ohio this even ing to begin hlrf cmnptiign in tlmt btutu during which liu is scheduled to muko sixty Bpeoohcs. TUESDAY EVENING MINN SOTA VICTORY MAUIBTTA, Ohio, May 13. Ex prcsbiu;; his determinaliou to elimin ate all unti-Itoosevelt personalities tmd confine his speeches to u diseus sion of his udmiuistnitiou mul its ue comolishmcuts in support of his claim for the presidential nomination for a second term, President Tuft nrri?l hero today to begin his linal ten days' eanipaiuiii beforo the Ohio state primaries. Colonel Kuoscu'lt will ar rive tomorrow. Tho piesident uppenred fresh mid strong. He mado seen speeches to day, at Marietta, Caldwell, Noweom erstown mul Cambridge this morninp;, mid Dcuisou, Ulriehsvillo and St. Clairtiville this afternoon. TuiiikIiI the president speaks at lfellaire, Hride;epoit and Stoubonville, makiiiK u total of ten speeches lor tho day. President Tail's vefcroneo to Roosevelt in his .speeches wero con siderably toned down in bpite of the efforts of tho crowd to invito Taft to fury hv eheeriue; eery rofereiwe which ho mado to HonsorelL, Tlio president doclincd to ot oxoitod mid contented himself with diseushiii'jr Koosou'lt's "icekless notions unit wild constitutional policies." CIIICAOO, May la.- Sttiken on several Hearst newspapers pulsido l: Willi PRINTERS REFDSE TO STRIKE Chicago me expected by (he union men hero today. Tho publishers; ox press themselves us enoouraod by tho notion of tho pi-intern in 'voting yestorday not to join thu sinking pressmen. Several unions hero otvtl to lino any of their members liltrojiasiug oopies of now&pupois agiulisl which a htriko has been doelarcd, '1'oduv IU00 police lire guarding the news stands. 1111 i . 1 1 i i , i". i (Continued on Page s.) INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., May 13. Oversliadewint: in interest cen the race for tho presidential nomination, the delegation to the national social ist convention here today lined up solidly behind a movement to compel United States JudL-e C. II. llunfoni of Seattle to recall his decision uu imlliiii; Iho citizenship mpcrs of Leonard Ols.oii of Tncoum beeaiifee tho latter admitted ho was u socialist, or face impeachment proceedings. Consressmun Victor Berber of Wis consin, indignant nt Judfjo Hanford'a ruling, promised on tho floor of the convention today to take action in congress- immediately upon his return to Washington. Scores of telegram fioin lepubli cans and democrats in all sections of tho country, in which they promised to help tho socialists in their offoit to prove that Judgo I Ian ford per mitted personal prejudice to rulo his notion, wero read to the delegates. The decision, the delegates say, will bo carried to the United States court for icvuisal, if necessary and they ft eel y cliurgo Unit tho decision is the direct result of Judge ITanfoid's op position to the loeall of the judiciary, lio believing, they say that by de priving Olsson of citizenship ho would ouih agitation in the west in this dir ection, 10 LIMIT TO SIX-YEAR T WASHINGTON, Muy 13. Favor able report Is expected today on tho resolution of Sonator John Works of California which proposes to amend tho constitution of tho Uultod States so us to rix tho prosldontlal term to six years and prohibit a re-oloctlon (or n second term to this office. Tho Works resolution was con sidered In commlttoo today, a onujoiv Ity declaring li favor of It. 'LOGALCHINAMAN ' ROBBED OE 1800 BY COUNTRYMAN Wo Lee Who Conducts Laundry on South Riverside Is Attacked and Forced to Give Up Key to Treasure Chest. Only Gave Up Key After He Had Been Stabbed over Heart May Be Jim Ling of Ashland. V Lee, u Clituamott who operates a laundry on South Itivcrslde avenue, was robbed ut nil early hour tuduy of .8U0 in gold by an unknown China man. In 4 struggle with tho robber Wo Lee suffered n severe cut over the heart mid severe bruises' about tho body. I'robubly the only thing which saved his 'life was the fact that he surrendered the kov to the chest in which the gold was placed and nl lowcd the robber to depart. Wo was asleep in his room in tho rear of the laundry when the robber entered and nwnkened him. Tn Eng lish nnd later in Chinese he demanded the key to a large chest in the room in which the robber evidently knew that Wo kept his money. Wo at first refused whereupon the robber drew a knife from beneath his blouse utnl attacked him. He cut Wo over tho heart inflicting a deep ilcsh wound the course of the knife being stopped by one of. Wo'r ribs. Ho mado n second attempt to stab him driving the knife through th,e bedding. Ifu then seized Wo by the throat and again demanded the key to the chest. This time Wo, to save his life, acqui esced and gave up tho key. The robber then opened the chest and took from it a sack containing 800 in fi's, 10's and 20's gold pieces and made his escape through an open window. Ho overlooked another suck in which about $100 iu silver was placed nnd refused to touch about $100 worth of jewelry. As the robber escaped through u window Wo sprang from his bed mid jerked open n door. The rays from a hall light fell across one side at tho robber's face and Wo sweura that he will know the man if he sees him again. Wo then notified the police and summoned Dr. Shearer who dressed the wounds. Suspicion points somewhat to i Chinaman named Jim Ling of Ash land who was in this city Sunday evening. Ling mid Wo Inid hud trouble previously. Wo refuses lo accuse him but admits that the Chinaman he saw going through thu window might havo been Ling. Tho police uro working on tho cuse. W. M. CAMPDELl ELECTED TO FILL IRELAND'S PLACE W. M. Campbell was eleolud by tlio city council this afternoon lo till the vacancy caused by tho death of K. C. Ireland, eounuilmmi from tlio second ward. Mr. Campbell will sorvo until tho noxt general city election. Mr. Campbell bus been a losidcnt of Medford during tho past five yenn and he is quo of the city's best known, business men. Ilo owi)8 largo pro perty interests in Medford and throughout tho valley and bus been actively ussoeiated with every pro gressive movement in tho city nnd valley since he bus- been here, Ho i a member of the firm of Y. T. Yo k Si company. MAY RECORDS FOR HEAT SMASHED AT TACOMA TACOMA, Wii., Muy ljl.AU May heat records wore broken Ip-re today' '' when Hot tliorinonioLur ri'iMH.i-t'.l H7 111. !? n'l'lof'k". tint lifr.liitul ft'inva od at tliib hoason since the tMlli;iV"-o niont of the local wenUier burMii. No proatrutiow. lwve hwth r(wir(- ed. -