rtF zzzszjimximfaKMammmr-'- PAGE EIGHT ftiEDFORD MATL TRTRUNE, MKDFORD, PUKCON", SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1!)12, WHAT MEDFORD IN II ABOUT SUFFRAGE FOR WOMEN Opinions of Citizens Gathered by Sufrajieltes in Short Interviews Most Favor Letting Fair Sex Have the Vote. Tho Med ford miffrngettes arc mak ing a hot campaign for tho cause. Leading citizens of Mod ford are be ing Interviewed and placed on rec ord and systematic work is being dono to Insure success at the polls In November. Tho following ex pressions lmvo been secured from citizens: C. L. Reames: "I am In favor of equal suffrage because I boltcvo that tho influence of tho women In tho framing of leg islation would be for tho good, in every move for better government, In every fight for clean politicss. I bollcvo that tho votes of the women would be cast In favor of tho better ment of conditions, in fact, I have nover heard of any sound reason ad vanced against granting to women tho right to vote. Charles Schcffclln I believe in limited suffrago for women. I be lieve single women and widows should have tho right to vote, but not women who can bo- represented at tho polls by a man. Dr. E. B. Picket I believe that the greater majority of the best wo men would not go to the polls, while the more Ignorant and those of so cialistic tendencies would bo apt to. Dr. R. W. Stearns I believe that we need tho votes of women to aid us In municipal house cleaning. Mark Twain I should like to see DELUGE mm u m i NEW ORLEANS, La.. May 11. Heavy rain In which a precipitation of half an Inch in five minutes, ac companied by hail and a high wind which reached a velocity of thirty miles an hour, fell hero last night, flooding every street In the business sccttou of the city. At 10:30 tonight the river was at the foot of Espla- nada street and had risen seven Inches and tho water was flowing into the street in a thin stream over tho sand bags about tho Southern Pacific ferry house. Doth men and material were on hand and work im mediately began to stop tho over flow. Rain played havoc over a largo taction and at Baton Rouge and New Rhodes the situation is particularly grave. A number of flood fighters on the levee which had been reduced during the last few days of pleasant weather was increased to tho maxi mum tonight, when every available man was rushed to tho levees. Tho revenue cutters WIndom and "Winona, duo at New Orleans Satur day morning, have been ordered to Baton Rougo because of tho critical situation there. A number of other vessels have also been sent to the as sistance of pcoplo out of danger. DES MOINES, la., May 11. Des Molucs was visited by a severe rain and electrical storm tonight, which caused a heavy damage Lightning struck a five-story warehouse of tho Davidson Furniture company, setting firo which did $100,000 damage to the structure. Hundreds of base ments were flooded during tho downpour. RATON ROUGE, May 11. High winds nnd heavy rain washed the Mississippi flood over a stretch of loveo hero today about as long as two city blocks, and all thu earth and sacks piled against tho levee wero washed away. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 11. A heavy rainstorm, In somo places nc rompuulcd by high winds, which did damage of nearly $50,000, visited western Missouri and Kansas as fur west us NeBS county. In Ness county tho rain amounted to almost a cloudburst. In eastern Kansas, Par sons reported Us streets flooded and tho wind done a damage of $50,000, One man is reported killed south of Parsons, TAFT GRANTS REPRIEVE TO THE DYING NEGRESS WASHINGTON, Miy 11. lie- hoiiliiijr to JiiindredH of petitions for clemeuoy in tho case of Muttie Lomax it negress who is dyiug in her cell hero while waiting oxecution by liunjj iny; on May 20 for the murder of her husband, President Taft today grunt ed the woman another reprieve of liiiiHy days. tho ballot In tho hands of every woman. Delroy Octchell A nation cannot rise above Its source. Votes for wo men would elevate the source, If women brought their minds to bear upon the problems of tho country. T. B. Daniels Nothing too good for the women. J. M. Root t fully bolloo In equal rights of tho American woman at the polts. As n class they would voto with far more Intelligence than a. vast number of men who, under tho laws of our country have tho power to exercise the ballot. I be lieve if a test case were taken to tho supremo court of the United States that under our constitution women would have a right to vote. I be lieve In Justice aud fairness to nil Gus Newbury I don't see any reason why a woman should not have the right t ovote. Her intuition Is as good as a man's Judgment aud she arrives at her conclusion without a long process of reasoning and usually hits the nail squarely on tho head. Sho may not know why she does, but sho does. In other words, sho "has a hunch," and unlike a man takes It. Sho does this as unconcernedly as she rifles her hnsband's pockets and generally with tho same net result she finds what she is looking for. She is or would be able to tell by looking at a candidate whether he Is as big a thief as the other fellow running for office and thus make a wise choice for the taxpayers. The general average of Intelligence among the women Is equal to that of the general average among tho men. It could not be urged that her hus band would control her voto, for every man knows that if he control led her In this It would be the only Instance where his control would be successfully exercised. He knows that In other partlsulars she Is un controllable, and must conclude she would be In the matter of her vot ing. She certainly would be as cleanly in her politics as the front street "bum." She meets man on the level In every other avenue of life, why shouldn't she In politics? Let her voto If she wants to if she doesn't want to, sho can exercise her own "sweet will" not to, Just as the man does. mr unit 0 0 GANG E IN PATENT LAWS WASHINGTON, May 11 - fionl dout Taft in a special message to congress today urged the appoint ment of a commission to study tho patent laws and recommended amendments Intended to obviate the patent monopoly created by a recent decision of the United Slates su premo court. The president emphaslxed tho ne cessity of legislation which would en able the Inventor to obtain patents with less delay tliau obtains at pres ent and declared that contrary to court decisions n federal patent .should be held to bo prima facie and valid, and that the burden should be put on the Infringer. CONDIliS LOCAL SCHOOLS K DDACEFU L (Continued fiom Page t) SURVEYED LANDS NOW OPEN FOR ENTRY United States Land Office, Rose burg, Oregon. May i. 11' 12. Notice of filing plats or survey. Notice Is hereby given that the following described lands, south of base lino and west of Willamette meridian, hafe been surveyed, tewlt: Tp. 2S. R. 2. sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22 and 27 to 3-t. all inclusive. Tp. 2S R. 3. sections t to 1 and 1G to 30, all Inclusive. Tp. 29, R. 10, sections KVi of 13, Si of IS. all of 11. S of 23. K of 2 4. SVi and NW of 2fl. nil (jf 2(5, KM of 27, NVj of 30, NVs and SEU of 35, and N".4 and SWU of 36. Tp. 30, R. It, sections, all of 1, part of 2. part of 11. all of 12, 13, 14. 23, 33, 20. 35 and 36. Tp. 3S, R: 2, sections 25, 26. 35 and 36. Tp. 33. R. 12. sections 30 and 3t. ? & -7i ?i Plats of survey of said lands will bo filed In this office on Saturday. June 22. 1912. at 9 o'clock a. m., aud on nnd after such day wo will be prepared to receive applica tions for entry of tho unreserved and unappropriated lands therein. ' All persons are warned, however, that for lands within any national forest, applications cannot bo re ceived except from bona fldo settlers who made settlement prior to the withdrawal for reservo purposes. Benjamin I Jonos, Register. George W. Riddle, Receiver. Tho revival of Ben Hur in Lon don has been a great success. filth. The flours are oiled hut it U evident Hint the oil liu- been applied to the Moors hufore they were swept, the diit Wing noticeable. In the room the eoiuluions v Migntly im proved The ground iiirmumlini; the bmtdiui; are littered with truh. Jackson School . TIih school is by far in the host condition of any mid here it general .pint of oleiuiliuos prevails, due in n jjivnt degree to Mi1 Lancing", the principal. The children have denned up the M'hool yard and tlte janitor m'ciii to have done hi work well. The conditions in the toilets are not ideal hut an effort Im- been made to keep them sanitary. Tin school rooms are cheerful. Less fault was found with this school by tho committee than in any oilier. Washington School. Conditions in the bovs' toilet at !h Washington school are unspcakahle. In the yard in front of the toilet i what remains of a great mud puddle covered with a ureca scum. The has nis are most unsanitary. The girls' toilets are slightly better lint can he improved Uhui. The building is an old one aud in several of tho rooms leaks have occurred. The wash bas ins are dirty. The chief fault, how ever, lies in tho toilets. There is ,io basement, only a furnace room, which is never invaded h.v the children. The floor of this furnace room is partiallv covered with water which is hound to have its effect iihn the healthful nes of the school rooms above. Itoosowlt School. One of the toilets at the Roosevelt school is in such an unsanitary con dition that it is s Iran :;e that it has not badly effected the health of tin pupils before this time. It is almost impossible to enter it on ins io the odor which prevails and which per meates the entire lno-ctuetil. The oth er toilet is in a MfcliU.v better condi tion. In the playroom in tin. base ment a large pool of water covers the cement floor and U said to have sood there for several months. la one place this water stands three inches deep. The ruom was locked, evidently to 'keen the children out. There can ho no doubt hut that this pool of water effects the MUiilurv conditions in the rooms above. The vard has lieen lately Improved h.v III" children ami a lawn planted, To' off. set this, haw over, Ihe janitor bus evi dently made it a custom Io dump all of tho ashes from Ihe furnace in Ihe yard just above tho building where tho rains wash them down nhout the huilditii;. Iligli School, With Ivvo exceptions the school huihliuc seems to he in first class or der. In the furnace room it has been I ho custom Io dump all of the refuse from other rooms and a "cleaiiMip ' day is badly needed. Keutnnuls ol Christinas trees are to bo seen piled anions the litter. While this room may not he daiigerous from a sani tary standpoint it certainly is a fne trap. A carelessly dropped match would fire the entire basement in an instant ami it would require fast work to control the flames. Heing in the furnace mom the danger of a fire slartinir is1 greallv enhanced. The hoys' toilet is not sanitary, leak inir water from Ihe toilets being spread over the tloor. The odor is had. In the girls' toilet the only evidence in the five schools was found thai any disinfectant is ever used. The odor of a disinfectant was noticeable. The other moms in Ihe high school building aud the yard are in good condition. The New calami cities of Welling ton aud Christ Church have elected labor mayors. ICE CREAM and SHERBETS All our lco Cream aud Hhorboln are .iiuttlo by us from tho bent quality of cream and ollior Ingredient!!. YOU IIAVi: TIIK IIAIUT, VU MAVIJ TUB IIOOIJH. TUB A.NHWBIt IS PALACfc OF SWEETS OIJH OHANOK HIIKItllBT IH A WINNKIL Health is the foundation of all Reed looks. Tho wlio woman realizes thla and takes precautions to prcaorro hor health nnd strength through tho pe riod of child bearltiff. Sho remains a protty mother by avoiding aa far as possible, tho surforlnj; and dangers of such occasions. Thla every woman may do through tho uao of Mother' Friend. Thla Is a modlclno for DZtercal application and bo penetrating in Its nature as to thoroughly lubrlcato every musclo, nervo and tendon In voivod during tho period beforo baby comes. It aids nnturo by. expanding tho akin and tissues, rollovea tendor neaa and soreness, and perfectly pro- pares wio hystem for natural and Cfflfir wifo motherhood. "T "2 Mother's Krlond JtZAOtttS is sold at drug cJIWIW stores, Wrlto for freo book for ex pectant mothers, which contains much valuablo information. DRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AtUaU, C For Sale CORDWOOD 4 Foot Lengths FIR and HARDWOOD $4.50 per Cord Special prices in large lots Gold Ray Realty Co. 6th & Fir MM$4$M$M$$N5$ f T T t y t t t f t r V f t f J t T T T T 1 X T T T T T X I w Experience of CADILLAC Users Demonstrates the Economy of i . We believe the Cadillac to be the most economical car lo maintain in the world. Our conclusions are not based on any special performances in the hands ol' expert drivers, but upon the performances of Cadillac Cars in the hands of every-day users, and this is the kind of proof that interests the -average buyer. We have collected statements " from time to time from Cadillac users in this territory as to their upkeep cost and we have never seen any figures collected in so unbiased a manner which compare favor ably with these obtained from our Cadillac users. If you want the best Car in the world and Cadillac service, come and see our new 1912 model now on floor in salesroom 1912 MODEL Bear Creek Motor Car Co. IBik... 104 South Bartlett Street .Vu ; jr4A jfs' ,)'' "uodf f J ? ? ? J ? ? T t f f t t t f f t T t T T f ? T T t t t T T T T T t T t t : ihtT 10 Medford Tent and Awning Company llntiufaottirnm of and t)alra In AWKIXOI, Tim, TZ.TB, OOTBKa or AZ.Z. xxiroa DuckAll Wolichta ami Width, Awnlnir, Htrlpn, Kto. WXfOX.SHAX.ll AMD mXTAXX. All Make of AwntiiKtt nmt I'D roll CurtAlno i'Ut up at Miuirncturer' I'rloa. A Kent fur t tin Hoanok HoImUi VtnttUtlnr WIb- dow Awnlnf 100 H. rront HU llolh I'Iioiikp Medford. Orcenti VAPOR BATHS and Scientific Massage Try it for a cold, rheumatism, etc. Advice in dietetics, medical gymnastics and Hydrotherapy. Lady attendant. DR. ROBT. J. LOCKWOOD CHIROPRACTOR E. 9th and S. Riverside Both Phonos FLOWERS FOR MOTHERS DAY Next Sunday, .May 1L is MOTHERS DAY Wear a flower in honor of your Molhcr. A bright flower for Mother if living, a white one in Mother's memory. We will have a large supply of cut flowers on hand. Get in orders early and avoid disappointment. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Main 3741 Home 237-X THE Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WAHHI.Va A HPKOIAITV. Ahh WOHIC GUAItANTKUD Onlora called for nnd dollvornd. Klntt cIiihr worlc dono by linnd, Lndloa' nnd mon'a aulta cleaned nnd nniHuod, Tot. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth nnd South Contrul Avunuo. .'If the valves of your ear need frequent grinding if your spark-plugs need const ant cleaning tho chances aro your lubrication is wrong, Try I'olnrlno Oil nnd boo how much trouble mid oxnonuo It will Biivo you, It Ib frco from carbon. FoodH frooly down to zoro. Novor UiIiib out. Our Polurlno booUlot froo, jioHtpaia will help yon In caring for your car. Wrlto for It today, STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' ''"'"" (Iiicorpomtcil) 8,u, f,hcIhco