SECOND EDITION Kiirly-Mni'titiil Yeitr Unity HhiiiIIi Vfiir Will Benin Work on Hind-lino nnd Middle Line Canals as Soon as Ten Thousand Acres Is Sinned Up for Irrlnalloii. Commercial Club io Help Secure Sljnrrs Mentis Bin. Pay Roll nnd Employment of Many Men. If property owncrti In tint valley ntr'H(iilliiK 10,000 acres of Inml will agree to ronnaui with the llogtio Itlvor Valley t'anul rmnimiiy for wa ter tluit company 111 at once start work developing ItH ptojorl which will raiiHi tint expenditure of fl, 600,000 In tho mi I Icy In iln next two yearn. This Is tint nuliMtutieii of a ptoi(tMitloii made to tlitt .Medford Cnintnorclnl club Friday evening !' Fred N. ('uinmlng, manager of tint rntupnii). A iniihH meeting In to tin called In the mrar future ami com mittees aipolnU'tl to call upon vur Ioiim laiiit ownera In nn effort to pledge Hi" required amount of hunt. Tho land ntviturn will Dimply ho asked to hIkii a petition to t lit; com pany agreeing to contract for water at ff-0 an aero, pnyablo upon delivery of water In annual InrUiilliiientrt rov nrliiK a period of 10 yar with Inter tint m r. ptir tent. When 10,000 acres of Inntl are represented, work will ntart al once. TIiId will call for tint completion uf tint entire piojert. on whlrh mnr than n half million ilollarri has already boon expended. 'lint company, If tint land Ih signed tip, plan to roimtrurt what Id known an tho IIIkIi l.lnti and Middle Line canals. Tint High l.lntt ditch Mtnrta 'iitu llui MrntUlmiv dt on and con. tr."l' tiniie nliotit the foothlllD on the tiiiHl side of tint valley. crossing tho valley jimt below Talent and contin uing on to Jacksonville, Tint Mid tile l.lno canal cutii ncroHK tint valley and ends at tint .Stewart lane. In addition to thoitu canalD a huge iH trlbutlng HjHtniu miiMt ho constructed which It Ih estimated will font not Ichm than $10 an acre, and 10 miles of tint main canal up Little lluttu creek miiMt ho imlorgod to Its full capacity. Thou tho water Dtipply miiDt ho developed to Its fullest ca pacity hy tho cotiHt ruction of a canal seven iiiIIcd In length which will turn tlu waters of Four Mllo lako Into KIhIi lake, Diiiiid must he coiiHtruct ed also at each outlel to tho lakes. The (ompatiy has already expended a half million dollarH, hut thin will leave at leant u million ami a half yet to ho expended. Woik will atari at ouco and ho completed hy the sea hop of I'.) 1 1 If tho land In signed up. Tint Commercial chili plana to call a largo m a its ineetlnr, to discuss thu matter and at that time committed) will ho appointed to soruiu tho hIk natuieH needed and which will In mho tho oxpondltuto of 11,500,000 In the valley. J MUX ICO (MTV, May II. Seven eiiilhqunko shocks which locked buildings in (luiidulnjuru today onus. t'l u wholesale, omiiIiih i'l'om the oily hy llui lorror-Htriokou inhabitants, who t'leil Io (ho hills, All llio schools mo closed. Tho Milcanmm nl' Colhnit, F.I Coll mill Ccboruen, (ho latter (wo of which hnvo hern inactive 1'or 1'ii'ly youis, mo erupting loilny. Tho llacalur volcano in also in eruption, ami most of tho town of Jtaoiilar has herni destroyed. EVERETT BUTCHER KILLED BY A HEN'S SCRATCH l-JVKHI'JTT, Wn., May ll.-Adolph Kioto, a huloliot', today in (loud an it result of being Horntohcd n weak lino hy it lieu. Klora thought nothing of I ho Horntoh when ho first niooivod it mill took no piocaiiliiiiiri (ill too Into Io prevent lockjaw, PLAN TO SPEND $1,500,000 ON WATER LINES QUAKES n M VOLCANO BEGINS El N Medford HANF0RD Ml SOCIALIST OF CITIZENSHIP Tory on Federal Bench Annuls Citi zenship of Leonard Olsson of Ta coma Because of His Political Opinions. First Instance on Record and It Pro vokes Widespread Condemnation of His Action. KlvATTLF., May II. No .iceihioii ocr i endured ly any local ootiit Iiiih urotiHcd keener dimiisMoii lliaii the opinion il Jmlgu ('. II. llaiifonl of tho Initetl MatcH ilUtrict cituil of ViiNliiii(toii, hiimleil down Into yeit teiilay atloruooii, aniiiilliiiu' tho citi- 7Cllflll) of I.eOIIIIKl OlhhOII of T'l- coiiiii ht'ouiHo In inliuitteil he )- a Micialixt, n ftoipieuter of ukmmiiIiIiikoh of MiiciuitU in which ho partieipatctl as a pealcr, inKoejitin u propaKan ila for radical c)iiiiic m the niMtitn tioiiH of tho coiiiilry," ami that ho entertained lliohc mowm tit the time ho applied for hi- iiaiuruli.atiini pa pein inore than two your ago. Tin it prohahly the first cac n lint history of tho country whore a iuiiii'm eitieiiDhip wim cancelled hy court procetlino hoeiiuso of political opinion, and if Hitxtuiued hy the higher eourlM, it iiiuy load to tho de privation of fitircn-liip rilit, of thouxniid of Micialifth, accoidiiv' " Ical oiiiiioiik hcie today. What llanfoiil llidtN. lutlo llanfnrd hold that Iho prin ciple of socialism which pioposc that nil iiidustiial iiihtilutioun shoultl hocomo the commoii troperty of tho people, Is it dnmtciotl. Iierosy, eon. trary to tho coiiHtittitiou uuuritulcc of lifo, lihorty ami proMirty, "Olsson oxprosMcd himself as- lie intr willing' for the people to iclain their money," .IiuIko llitnforern opi:i ion lends, "liui insists (hat all laud. liiiildiiiL-H anil industrial iustitutioiis should heeomo Iho coiuiiioii property of all (he people, which ohject ii t he attained. aeeoid'niL- In hm liclicf. hy the Use of tin power of tho hallot." Iho decision says lurlhcr that "those who hulico in ami propagate ertitle thi-oiio hostile to tho eoiisti tutioii ate haried." Tho comt con cludes thai liccanse of these opiuioiiH, "Olsson had no roeieneo for the constitution nor intention to npport ami tlofeud it npiiiiht cncinies," whun ho applied for citizenship, ami that ho intentionally deceived tho court ii (ho icpicseululioiiK lie uiuilo at Hi it time so that ho scoured his nalurali. ation ceililicato "hy perpctratiiif; a fraud on the comt." .May liar Pi-okivsnIion. .Muny loadiiit; lawyers hoio helieve thai .liulo 1 Inland's decision is mi Kweepim,' (hut (ho cili.onship of any fortUKiior, who at Hut time of his ap plication, entertains uny views look ing to ehutipiK hi (ho Kovorumunt, even hy constitutional amendments, may ho invoked. Tho opinion is m hioud, thov hold, that advocates of o oi anient ownership, initiative, rof ciciuluni, recall, or uny other cIiiiiiko in Kovoruineiitul theory, may lose their oitixonship if forci,'ii horn, if it cmi ho proved Hint they hud thu sumo views when tho court uranlud lliein imlurali.ation, SANTA h'10, N. y. May II. Wil liam II, Martin, piomltiout In polit ical clrclcri, la dead hero today, a Hiileldo. Ho jumped out of a thlrd Htory window of a hank horo, doath icHiiltliiK almoHl hiHtaiitly, PLAN HIGHWAY TO Al Friday's meeting of thu Sled ford Coiumm'oial olub, Piosidont Col vig itMttl a resolution presented al tho toques! of II, Hunt of Ashland, poti tinnhii; (ho county eouit to appropri ate .$1(100 for the ooustniolion of a road front Iho Crater Lake highway to Iluokleherrv Slountnin, whoro nov oral thoiihund cumpors spend tho hitoklohorrv nouson annually, Kliun uth county appropriutod .(500 for tho same, and last autumn tho Jackson county court agreed, upon petition from tho olub Jo mnko tho appropria tion, hut on account of tho publio olainor that lias arisen over tlio ox ieiidiiii'o of eonnly I'midH, has sinou MKDJWMJ, W I N FROM REBELS Moxlcin Insurrectos Meet Swccplno Reverses at Btnnejnlo Oroco Cat's for Reserves Flglttinu Still In Progress. Salazar's Men Worsted In All Day pipht Fnte of Matlero Govern ment to Be Decided liy Nlyht. K, I'ASO. Texas, .May ll. I'liof lioial n'poils from tho front indicate that (ho rehel 1 1 oops aic meet in j; wit! swooping loverscH at Ilurtnit iillo. Ooncral Orozeu has iiwuud a call for all available. icservcM lo join him immediately. Kiojitiim around Hcnnejillo whiel hlartctl jChU'iduv if till in protrrc-s, I'KKON'AU Mexico, .May 11. "A federal victory in (ho irienl hnttlc which is to come near Ksenlon today is a eeitaiuty. In l.'t days the revolii lion will he a thing of (he past. B. that tune wo will hae regained pit-. session of ('hiliuiihiiu." This was the prediction made today hv Oenoral Huertu, coinuiniider of the Mo.xicau federal army, just hefote his forces moved on Ksealoii to iv hattlo to the relic! utmv commandcil hy Oenoral I'iihciiiiI Oroco. At !t o'clock this ineiniiif: Huerta's tioops wore pasNinu across the k.puI alkali wastes which completelj' ur nnind K-calon. lie expected to meet (icaeral Orozco's torces shortly he fote noon-, opening the hattlo uhkh probably will decide whether the Ma dero Kovormmint will remain at the hultn tir whether tho toius are to br tuken over by Oroeo. Koluctniit admission tlfnt Oeueral Inez Salaar's men had been worsted in a battle of the desert out from Hcnuojillo was made to the United Press by rebel leaders at Juan:, to day. They admit that the battle last ed all dm Aesteiday, but claim 'to hnvo received no official news as to the rebel loss and wounded. BOY FALLS IN John Ncff, tho ouug koii of l'ortor J. Noff, city attornoy, had a vory nanow oscapo from death this after noon while attempting to eronn Hear Crook about two miles abovo town. Tho hoy nllppcd ami fell Into a deop pool. Ho mauaged to catch hold nf an overhanging branch and finally micccodcd In climbing out. lie near ly collapHcd whun ho reached tho bank in Mifoty. la tho moantlmo Hradley Quale, who was with him, ran for amdstnuco which arrived promptly and after tho hoy had partially recovered ho wan Htarted for homo, Tho news waa telephoned to tho city and occasioned boiiio cxcltomeiit hoforo It was learned that tho youiiK Ktor was hafo. Wealthy Scion Killed SANTA MONICA, Cal., May 11. Ills Hkull fractured when his fell with him while galloping at high speed, Charles Helford, son of a wealthy planter of Uayvlllo, La., dlod at a hoHpltal hoio today. MOUNTAIN TOP resehulcd its notion, Sir. Hutu desired action at this timo because, ho hinted, if Judge Dunn with elected Ihoro would ho no (tinmen of semiring tho appropriation for tho uo.t four yeais, Sir. Hum hinted Hint ho was a neighbor and stippottor of Judge Dunn, hut thut the lattor was pledged to build a soonio boulevard from Ashland to Iho top of Ashland Hutto, and no money would ho Kpunl in any other part of tho county, as this highway would take all the money tho county could spare for Iho next four years. No notion was taken by tho club upon Mr, lluni'n roiiosl, UNDER illfOlill CREEK SAVED Mail Tribune QUI'XIQN, HATTRDAY, LEADING BANKERS ' COLONEL rRLDERICK . E.FARNSWORTH Nearly one hundred of the I cad lug bankers of the United States gathered at Urlarcllff Lodge, In Wcatchcrtcc county. Xow York, for the annual spring meeting of the executive council of the American Hankers' Association. This group of flnancIcDt, who represent collectively nsseU exceeding $1 1,000,000,000, will bold business sessions In whlcll matters of Imiwrtnuee to banUlug Institutions nnd tho country In general will be discussed and prepared for presentation at the annual rouvenllon of the association next fall In Detroit. EV 45 BOXES Fl King (liow V. ol Kbnid i- the latct crowned hofld ut Kurope to n'cognie the hupenor merit i of the Houo riser pour and hs jint ord ered l,") boxes it" IJoio penr from this M'UMin's harvcsliiK; to be hiipt'tl bun for bis tterMtunl ue. SI. I'. Manic y will (ill the order from IiU Little Hutte Creek wbcIi. . The manner in wbiyji the attcntio.i of tho mouarcli si (tailed to tho GEDRB ORDERS PEA OR HIS IN USE Hoguo rivor iHoduoj; itnuutuul. LufttiNew York friend that ho would n iMMiMtii SI. F. 1 IhlfhS.rWht-oft j-oiiio tjPii"?3fi!didatcTRslonu-rlre.-Iiis finest pears ami sbi)tped them .o Tat't is a candidate." William Ilanley m custom Oregon who in turn dUpatehcd them to Jnmcn J. Hill. Tho empire builder took e easion to semi a few lio.xc of the very finest to Kiaj; (Seorge, taking care to mention the Hoguo nwr I. icy in uoius mi. King ticorge al mat tune -cat x letter to Sir. Hill thnakiiis: him tor the pears. Sir. Hill transmitted this let ter of thanks to William Ilanley who in turn untitled .Mike. The order came in the Mime manner tliL- eav. James J. Hill leccncd the aider for Io of I lose from the Hog-io River valley. Sir. Hill forwarded this to William Ilnnlev who in turn for waided it to SI. V, llaulcy, who in turn notified his toiemaii. However the pears will be dispatched direct by Sir. llaulcv to Kughmd this season. Srr, Hanlev's Hutto Creek ranch produces some ot the fiuol penr found in this ruction which iiicums that the pears slnpjK'd to King Cleorgc will bo tho tiiKst to he found in the world. FIND VACCINE TO STOP RAVAGES OF PARIS, May 11 -As a result or experiments on oluntoer medical students. Into whom millions of t phold gems' woio Introduced, Pro fessor Metchnlkoff, famous head of thu Pahtour Institute, announced to day tho dlbcoNcn of a vacclno that provonts typhoid fevor. Tho vaceluo was (list used on two men volunteots, who woro Inoculated with not), 000, 000 norms each at tho first vaccination. Showing no 111 offects, they were Inoculated with threo times this amount, with tho sumo result. The exporlmont was thou tried on II others with tho samo success. Professor Metchnlkorr makes It plain that tho varcluu la not a euro for typhoid, hut meroly i preventive, ot apodal vnluo, ho says, to soldiers and others who aio in positions whoro thoy cannot ubo tho ordinary precautions, such ns sterilizing wn tor, otc. Worth Wins Kentucky Derby. LOUISV1LLH, Ky.i JMny 11. -Worth, tho favorite, won tho Kon tuoky Heiby this iiftornnou on u wet track. Duval was second and Flam iiiers third, MAY 11, 1912. OF THE GOUNTRY IN IN M LEWIS-E. plEJ?50r JOSEPH CHAPMAN, JR. HE IS EOR SENT WASHINGTON, May ll.-An- iiouiicemont that ho i not A candidate date, and doo- not intend to be a candidate for the republican preii dontinl nomination, was made here today through his M'oretury, by Su premo Court Justice Chnrle-. Ii. Hughes, the much talked of "dark horc" in the presidential race. It Iiiih been publi-hed that Jti-tiee Hughes had as-orted in a letter to n not he reajdcit "The justice, said his secretary, "denies absolutely that he has writ ten any such letter, and I June the authority to state that he is not a candidate under any circumstance-, whatever " TF HINtlSini-:. NINTH RTKEET AHKNA, SAN FRANCISCO, Slay 11. Heforo one of the smallest crowds at an afternoon fight in San Francis co, Ad Wolgast, lightweight champion of tho world and Willie liitehie met in a four-round, no decision, bout. The principal interest in the fight was as to whether Wolgast's recent appendicitis has loft tho littlo champ ion uninjurud for fighting houor. Witchie, a fast lightweight, was ex pected to show whether Wolgast i-till retains speed nnd punching I mi we r. The preliminaries, were opened with a four-round bout between Charlie Keller and Gorgo Hall, bantams. Hall won the decision utter a bloody scrap. Discontinue Divorce Suit NKW YORK, Slay 11. On rciiuost' of tho plaintiff, Supromo Court Jus tice Guy discontinued today Mrs. Klchard Harding Davis' suit for di vorce which was started In 1010. It Is not known whether there, has been a leconclliatlon. TACOMA, Wash., May 11. Big, blonde and pleasant looking, his shirt open at tho tin oat, his arms tanned hy work In tho sun, Leonnrd Olbson, disbarred from citizenship In the United States yostordny hy Judge I Inn ford becauso of his vlows oa tho constitution, rosted during tho noon hour from leading: lumber of tho Bchoonor Helen at tho Oldtown mill nnd gavo out his first lutorvlow on tho cabo as ho ate his boon lunch. "1 can't carry tho fight up," lu said. "I hnvo no aaonoy, I make baroly enough to Hvo on. I hopo to Intor, "I cannot understand tho judge's decision. Tho constitution guaran- r ggrrrrr rr i miL 'j- HUGHES DENIES CANDIDATE PRE1 MAS E DAY ISSON DEFENDS HIS CITIZENSHIP Oremn HIltwlMl tnlrtM. City Mall ' , IHPOHTUT SESSION WILLIAM UVINGSTOWE. E TO JACKSONVILLE IS DISCONTINUED The Gort auto stage hue to Jiick son.'ille Iiii.s been abaudoped. Slessrs Gort and King going to SlarsKfield where they will put on a similar stupe line between Slarshficld and North Head. Whether some one else will pat on a car or not is not known. The auto stage line was itistitu'-d by Gorst over a year ago and hu definitely shown what an auto will do to n railroad whore they arc brought into eomnetitiou. Gorst instituted 4hlmeHtlrifiiia)aihiiieivTtie!r't:oftt him 700. Later he was forced to increase the number of machines to three, ami he forced the railroad to Iiourlj trips at half the old fare. When started the auto stage line the train service on the Bariium line was very unsatisfactory. Very few trips were ran, the rotOid trip fare being ."50 cents. Later Itanium was forced to put his train on a hour ly service and reduced tho round trip fare to 'Jo cents. lSarnum attempted at one time to run an auto stage line in competition with Gorst but failed after a month or two at it. Jt will he interesting to note wheth er Burinmi, now that competition has been done away with will drop back into his old habit of charging fit) cents with a service which runs ac cording to inclination. Gort in stopping says that ho has a better route at Slarshficld. He wishes to thank the many friends who patronized him during his operation on the local line. T WASHINGTON. Slay U.-Tryiug to show that llolaud Urothers, of Seranton, Fa., conspired to secure tho impeachment of Judge Hubert Arehbald of the United States om merco court, Attorney A. S. Worth iugton, for Arohbuld, today reamed his cross exumination of F.dwin Wil liams, the Seranton coal man who accuses Arehbald of profiting fiom sales of coal piles which he used his position to aid. toes political freedom. Tho declara tion of ludopcmleuco guarantees tho right of the poopla to chango the)r govornment. I dou't seo why If nny man Is not satisfied with tho consti tution ho should not bo allowed to agitato for changes In It. "I am a inombor of tho socialist labor party tuul hnvo boon for years. My principles are Its principles. If I am not entitled to ettlzonshlp, thon no other nioiubor of tho party U. Yot It Is recognized and has boon on the official hallot of tho Unltod States for yours," Olsson en mo to the United States from Swodon with his sister Hilda, now ItvltiK In New Haven, Conn, m m NE tmmm IWEATHER Fair tonight iintl .Sunday. Slav. 77, Jllit. S7. No. 43. Committee of Greater Medford Club Visits Each School for Inspection Club to Wage Campaign for Bet terment. Several of the Toilets Arc Most Un sanitaryPools of Water Stand In Basements. There is Hcarcely a toilet in tho five .schools of tho city in u sanitary condition. In some tho conditions are such as to make them an absolute menace to the health of the school children. Theso facts wcro deter mined by a committee of tho Greater Sledford club Friday afternoon which CONDITIONS IN LOCAL SCHOOLS DISGRACEFUL visited every school in the city. Thw committee will report conditions ah they found them to the Greater Sled ford club which will stftrt a campnign to have matters remedied before an other school year opens. Several times during the past year the conditions existing in the various schools were called to the attention of the school board and the proper authorities but nothing was done. The city health officer repeatedly took the matter up with the board but failed to secure any tangible result although the school board soveral times promised to have conditions remedied. The Greater Sredford club has this time tnken the matter up in enrnest and will not let up in their campaign until they are satisfied that the public schools are in a sani tary condition. . Conditions were found as follow n in tho various schools of the city Friday nfternoen: ;--, - ';rterth8ch wl.1ftat&4&u. ' This beinr an old building is very unsanitary. The boys' toilet whieh adjoins the boys' lunch room is in u very bad condition, the odor being 'ery disagreeable, permeating tho lunch room. Trash is piled in various comers. The girls' toilet is slightly b'etter, but there is room for great improvement. Tho wash basins are filthy. The one in the main hall has not been cleaned for somo timo when inspected. The "sanitary" drinking fountains in the basement, which con sist of a hvdrnnt turned upside down, are not inviting, to say the least, while the basins they empty into are badly discolored and covered with (Continued on Page 8.) The fours that tho pears in the valley had not propeily pollinated and that there would he a short crop in tho valley this season nro now shown to have been without foundation ac cording to Professor l'. J. O'Gar.i, (toiiuty pathologist. The Winter Nelis orop will not bo as heavy as was at first expected but libido from this variety tho crop is exc6pt!onull,v heavy and tho heaviest expense not to bo mot by orchuidists will bo for thinning. Puring tho past few days Prof. O'Gara has been over tho entire val ley and has investigated cor.dtlious in nearly ovory largo orchard. Ho is more than ploabcd with what ho tomid and states that all fears for a short crop aro unjiintilicd. The Win ter Nclis iilouo did not poliimto pio perly but thoy will produce more thuu three-quarters of a crop. "Whilo pears luivo dropped Io some extent during the past week, awaken ing fears of tho orchardmen, tito full bus boon beneficial," states Professor" O'Gura, and will cut down tho ex pense of thinning. There aro far too many pears on the trees now nnd tho hoavioot expense now to ho met will bo for thinning. "Winter Nelis ulorni have suffered too heavy a drop for n full crop, but will produce more than thieo-quar tors. "It is a great applea year. The apple crop this your in tho valley vil( be the best mid heaviest in its hi' tory,' FEARS FOR PEAR CROP LOSS HAVE NO FOUNDATION . J t m PH r.