racus thrbtj ; EAGLE POINT TO SCENE FROM "OVER NIGHT" AT MEDFORD THEATER TONIGHT. F PLAY lf I INKS OF PLAY MEDTft),TlT3 MATH TRTBTJNT3, AfEPFOBD, frnKdON, FHTDAY, MAY 10, 1912. I MMT ra feiil'feS j U , --- . tiEmk & fa? r y .JB. 7SHR. ' k ? r f Tll( tlllNI'llllll HCMHOII ill lipCII ill MimIIoiiI iim.xI .Sunday when tin1 Iihmi tt'iim will iiici'i Mnulc Point, mill nut AhIiIiiikI iim wiih roiHilleil In .Venter iIii.v'm piililiciillou through mi error. Mr. MdQnolil, a former inemliei of llui MeilUiil eluli, In now ri'iiilini: in Kuitlit I'olnt, Mini it in ii-ported tlmt lie Ik the lemlliiK Hiirit in oruniilrliij; it kooiI tenin, which Iiiih been pnii'tif ini; for hUtiie M'I'I( piiM, wiih thu iew of lieeiiinlim worthy rival for thn I'liiiinpliiiiHhrp'lionorN of the vnl ley. Tim ini'iiiheiH of the loenl hull Nipiiul luive deen eiiKiiinK i ilnily workontH for u week or more mill me inpiillv Kelliui; into ijihhI eoinlllion. Voiuii' HiirnetiH who wiih the niiiln slttv on the .Meilforil plteliliiK ulnlT Inst heiiHon, U nlremly in firnl elusx eoinlllion, mill the oiil liemlh elniiil thill he Ik a hundred mt cent lietler llinii ever lie! ore, which iiiciiiih thel the local elnlt will lie piepmcil I'oi iiny "niier" tlmt inny le run in hy liny of llie oppeHiiu: tennis of the vol ley. (tn iiccoimt of It heiiiK the initial Kiime of the hciimiii, only lwenly-l'ic centH iiiIiiiUnIoii will he cliitrjci eitt er to Krmulxtiinil or lileneherw. Tlie opviiinu' of the hciixoii iiIwiivh enlliik ii Kl'fiit ileal of excnxe hiicIi n h preparing the croiui'ln, piireluiHiiiK IiiiIIm, haH, etc., therefore a liirui tiiin-oiit of fmiH will In urently iii preeiateil. Itememheh. the ilate, Knnilav, .May l'Jlh. Amm lm ty - s&h-' I umtm Aft 1 ivi'k- i h Lmmm ml m :,& ' .l. 'in-m. i tMmwfi . imijhi rm ttmLftmm . Wll W.BSiSSSSSV vm vJrr V JIK 'm mm tfmM 1m mm imm h 1 w m? B jm s '"g U HJrrjKES Ibw'bibSb" sramTni TIiIh l wlint Hie Han I'rnnclHco pa pern nay of "Over Night," which will lie K'if.-n at the Medford tonight. in name cilia wun "imny anno ' and "Kxcime M,"H. K. Kxnmlner. "Over Night" In rea) comedy and well act'd. Chronicle. IrrcxlAtlbly funny, tho laughter wan open and lioncnt.- S, F. Pout. "Over Night" regiment a hlfc hit through novel vein of comedy, Chronicle. H HiiggtK "Hilly" tjeraiiBQ the plot Ih nt on a 8t"amer, and It siir gcHt "Kxcimc .Me" becaimo tho plot concflrnn the nervoiiK adventures of a newly wedded couple. Tho suffra gette bride in certainly a feature, and tho near Htiffragette gets many laiighn.S. F. Call. YESTERDAY'S SCORES: NATIONAL W. h. V. C. Cincinnati ...I5 r. .750 New York 16 G .700 Chicago tl 10 .624 llontcm 0 II .460 II rook ly n 7 H .4 38 Philadelphia 7 10 .412 IMtUburg 7 11 .389 Ht. Louts 5 10 .238 Chicago I, llostou 2, Pittsburg 6, IlrooKlyn 0. Ht. Louis 3. New York 8. Cinrlnuutl'3, I'hlludelphla 4. Ml Y LIVES Seveial litimlreil live, weie lout Tliuriln.y alteinoou on Sinkiyon lleighlH when n hlant in a lioln le'in;; tine; for an electric light pole jarreil tlm iuciihator houxe of .1. V. Duiilnp ntul put all of the eggn in the place out of huxiiicxM as tar a chickeuH are concerned. The IiIiih) xctiitcreil rock over the hen houc ami the jar ruined the cgt:. .Mr. Duiilnp will ak ilamni"., HT. MAIIK'H CII'IU) WO.MK.V TO (JIVi: AUT K.VIIIIIIT AMKItK.'AN -W. I.. I. C. Ohlciigo 17 6 .773 IIOHlou 12 7 .032 Washington 10 U .630 Philadelphia 9 8 .629 Cleveland " 8 9 .471 Detroit ! 13 .409 Ht. Louis 12 .333 Now York 4 12 .160 Phlludelphlu-CTevidand, rain. New York-Ht. Louis, rain. Itostou 7, Detroit 4. Washington 2, Chicago 7. COAHT W. Oakland 23 Vernon 1 Snn Franrlhco 17 Los Angeles 10 Hacramunto 15 Portland 10 L. 11 14 10 17 19 19 II. Oakland '-' Vernon t llatterles Chrlstlun and llllt ami Drown. Kacramento 0 Portland I IlnlterloH lluiini and Temple and llowley, Los Angeles ., 1 Hau FranclHro 9 P. C. .070 .603 .516 .486 .441 .345 It. K. 5 0 9 1 MlUe; 0 2 4 4 Cheek; 7 11 NOHTIIWKHT W. L. Portland 13 10 Vancouver 13 10 Victoria 11 10 Hpoknno 10 10 Heattlo 9 13 Turonm l-"l It. Portland Victoria 3 I Heattlo Tiiroiua Vancouver t Hpokuno '. 3 II. 4 5 7 7 R 0 P. C. .606 .606 .52 t .600 .409 .409 K. it AMKHICAN AHHOOIATION W. Minneapolis ......to ColiimtniH 10 Ht. Paul (..13 Toledo 11 KaiiHiiH City 10 LoiiIhvIIIo 8 Mllwaulmo 8 ImllunapollR 0 L 6 9 10 10 13 12 13 10 P.O. .702 .010 .505 .624 ,136 .400 .381 .273 WKBTKH.V LNAflUN W. " h. P. C. Denver 12 5 .700 Ht. JoHOph 12 0 .007 Topoka 10 8 .650 Omaha 9 0 600 Dou MoIiioh 9 .471 Wichita 7 10 .112 Hloux City 0 .400 Lincoln 6 H la The ladles of St, Mark's cliurrh have decided to .hold nu art loan ex hibit In the month of June, with dis partments for oil and water paint ings, vlvhlngs, engravings and pho tographs, curios, ores, raru elilna and furniture, Indian collections and fancy needlework. It is ttn deter mination to make, this oxhlblt first class In every way and to show that the valley contains much that Is vnl liable In art mid rare rurlon of In terest to all. The following Is tho liouiil of directers: Hev. Joseph Sheerln, manager; Mcmlnmcs Fred II. llopkliiK. J. D. Heard, (llenu Fab rick. P. M. Piatt, Jack Neff, Orvllle Johnson, (Scorgc Daggett, Oeorge Carpenter, M. Carey, Humphries. Mrs. Miner and Miss Margaret Hubbard, OUT OF GRATITUDE in rntitiiilc to (he Southern Paci fic for perpetuating- Ink mime hy miming u new wlnlion juM mmiIIi of dranth I'iihk, t'olvi, .luilge W. ,1. (.'olvig hint eveuiuir enterlaineil .lohu ,M. Heoll, t'cueral piiH-eiiger agent of the Southern Pacific at the Hotel Medfonl. Oilier giu-hts were V. II. Jenkins A. S, KohciiIiiiuiu mill llnrrv II. Ilieks Auto Hits Cripple PORTLAND, May 10 It. Lennon, an aged cripple, tried to dodge an automobile and was run down. Ho when the next came along he stood In front and waved his cane for a stop. When tin; chauffeur swore at htm he had him arrested. ll.ASi: HALL Sunday, .May It!, 'JlitO P. M. Phoenix vs. AMbland new ball park In Phoenix near depot. Take 2:20 motor, return on any of eve ning trains 43 he; SHPPEO The Kecoml ear of cjjgH ever whip ped from this city lefl Thursday eveniiiir for Seattle und will return ahouL $1000 to thih city. The cpn left on a fast freight. More and more attention i hcing paid to the poultry industry in thin ueighlioihood and will soon become an iiiiiMirtmil factor Hi industrial cir cles in this hfelioii. Woman Slaos Conductor PORTLAND, Ore, May 10. "That's a hum dollar you gavo me," said Conductor Bradley to J. D. Drown. "It Is not cither, you wretch!" said Mrs. Drown, giving Dradley a resounding slap and lead ing her husband off the car. B DHa SYDNKY. Australia, May 10 The American hark Kvorett Drltt from Puget Bound ports to Australia with lumber cargo was found drifting off tho Australian coast dismantled and almost a wreck. VICTORIA. U. 0., May Cyril Smith, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, was drown ed in two feet of water in the rear of his father'- rcUditnco yesterday. HOW ONE WOMAN WON Her Health and Strength lack Again by The Use of Cardul. Tampa, Fla. In, a letter from this city, Mrs. E. C. Coram writes: "I was all weakened and worn out with wo manly troubles. My husband brought me some Cardul as a tonic, and, from the first day, it seemed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but, thanks to Cardul. I did not. Soon, I felt and looked like a sew woman. I think the remedy Is wonderful. I recommend It to my friends, for I bars received great benefit from Itv Cardul acta specIQcally on the weak ened womanly organs, strengthening the muscles and nerves, and building them up to Health. It helps to refresh the worn-out ner vous system and relieves the effects of overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years' successful use fully prove the merit of this purely vege table, tonic remedy for women. In every community, there live soma who havo been benefited by Cardul. ,Tho beneficial effects of this time tested woman's remedy, soon show themselves in many different ways. TryllL H. B. Writite: Ultn'AJritoryDfpt.. Ourtt nooc .VtlWnt Co.. Chituaooct. Ttnn.. lor i'jxotl Initruclimt. and M-nin book. Hocm Trail I I tec Wcnta." MM ta pl2a wrappar oa raauatU IIKLMAN HATIIS OPKN. The llelmtiu White Sulphur Maths and Swimming Pluiigea In Nmth Ashland will open for the season Sat urday, May 11. Don't forget that the water changes constantly In the largu plunge, and the small plunge Is filled and heated on Saturdays and Sundnyfl until fur ther notice. l.r.rge plunge and pilvato baths dally. 42 notici:. Notice Is hereby given that the, undersigned will apply to tho city council of the city of Medford, Ore gon, nt 1 1 ti next regular meeting on May 21, liU2, for a llcousn to sell spirituous, vinous ami malt liquors In tiuautlilcR less than n gallon, at No. 32 North Kront Btreet, In Bald city for a period of six months. 4f. M. & 13. J. ADAMS. aHasA w" ?li7 Fm The Little Doctor at1 Kor Sore Throat got Mno Lnren'B Mustard Cerate "thu little doctor." Hotter than camphorated oil, tur pontine or lard. Gives prompt relief from pain and congestion, . Your druggist Iiiih Mac Lureu's Mus tard Cerate or can get It for you, Twow sUes 25 and 50 cent Jars, (lot a Jar today. Keep It In tho house. It has a multitude of uses and It Is worth Its weight In gold when you do need It. Hotter than u mustard plaster for anything a mus tard plaster's good for, Insist on tho Original MAC LARE.N' 2 WILL NOT BLISTER. Accept No Substitute Medford Pharmacy and othor drug- b'lHtu. Backward Season Sale Ends Saturday Evening f ? t T ? ? T ? f T f ? t ? ? T t T T f t t y y y t f ! t y t y t y t y y .. T f r y y y y ; Just one of the many extra specials for Saturday V 25 Tailored Suits, $5.00 Each To be sure last season's styles but the best materials, tailoring and trimming that money can buy. Extra Special for Saturday - - $5.00 P. S. We make absolutely no alterations on these garments. Sweaters .For that outing trip one-fourth re duction. House Dresses At prices you cannot afford to mala tlioin, $1.50, $1 .75 .Drosses $1.10 . Skirts .$2.25, $2.45 Dresses .. ...$1.S9 200 Dress Skirts at reductions of one fourth, one third and one half Priced $3.89, $4.95, $6.45, $7.95 up MILLINERY ONE-FOURTH OFF Trimmed hats, untrimmed shapes, panamas, flowers, plumes, etc. at one-fourth reduction. ! f y t y y ? t f T y y y y t y t y y y t t y y y y t y y y y I In A Class By Itself IMPARTIAL tcsti made by The Columbus Labo ratories of Chicago give 1m.su m-.'s Uw.sd Flour a higher rating than that of the Dakota all-Hard Wheat Patent Flour. Considering that this scientific combination of F-ast-crn Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat costs you from 20 to 2." less than what has always been con sidered the highest grade of breadstuff, you can readily sec that it will pay you to insist on having Fisher's Blend Flour For Sale by All Dealers 'Remember The Best Mother That Ever Lived YOU OWN MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY MAY 12 White Flowers for Mother s Memory Bright Flowers for Mother's Living J. T. BROADLEY, The Florist M. P. & II. IlLDO. PHONES: PACIFIC 5181, HOME 3."S AX1) 301-L ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (& Storage Co. Summer Vacations Via the To the East Rose Festival Eks' Convention Seashore or Mountains XH ma - ? . WT7 CO SU N S ET ' l OGDEN&5HASTA ROUTES AMSO. SCf Round Trip tick ets to tho prin cipal Cities of tho East, going or r o t u r n ing through Califor nia, or via Port laud. Going lim it 15 days, final return limit Oc totior 31, on Hale as follews: SAIiK D.VTKS: May 2-3-4-9-10-1 1-1-1-15-17-18- Aug. 1-2-3-6-7-12-ID-1C-22-23-29- 24-29. 30-31. Juno l-G-7-8-13-15-17-18-19- Sopt. 4-C-0-7-8-11-13-30. 20-21-24-2D-27-2S-29. July 2-3-6-7-1 1-1 2-1 5-1 C-20- Stop-overs oIiir or returning 22-23-26-29-30-31. within thu limit. Newport Yaquina Bay Tho homo of tho Rhododendron, an Idoal placo to Bpond tbo aura nior. liow round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates, out door atmisomonts, bathing, boating, golf, fishing, otc, Low Fiirt3 to Meeting of Woiiumi'n Clubs Bun Francisco, Juuu U4 to July (I. F" - r PACIFIC RAIIAVAY NAVIOATION RKACIIFH Are now within easy roach by tho P. R. & N, and a now field for a pleasant vacation open. Weolc end tickets now on salo and season tickets from all points on salo June 1st. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Opens Juno 10 and closes Juno 15. The greatest Floral Fiesta and Carnival of Pleasuro yet hold. Low round trip tickets on salo from all points. , For beautifully Illustrated booklets describing Newport, Bay ocean and other points, as well as information about Eastera Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call ou nearest Agent or write to JOHN M, SCOTT, General Passenger Agont, Portland, Oragoa. II. P. (). K. (P.IkH) Convention, July H to lit, 1018. i i MtXM 1