r PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNK MIODFORD, OINWON. KKMOAV, MAY 10, 1!)12. I i i i S I in .11 1 OCALAND . PERSONAL W M Harry i3, frovlllo, if. to. Bedford, McDounld fctynrt, and Mrs. S. A. Pnttlson spout Thureday nftornoon In McdfonU Mm. Nottio Clinmrian, and Miss Maud Loo of JVshjaml yisltcd rela tives horo Urn first 'ot ilio'vrceic. Mf? and Mrfy liqnscljolder ,nro spending, ow yaj-fl In Mcdford, the guests ot thplr son, Hoy McChonchlo, and oilier ifclallVcs. .McdffirtMlyrtraulIc Cement Brick and Block Works will bo, In, operation next week laid (ho, public Is invited, to conio and see the now product. Cor. Fir and 10th streets. Phono Main G1. 42 Kino violin for sale. Call at 42S W. 4th street. 42 MJss .Josephine Richardson of Mcd ford was aguest at tho homo of her Blotor, Mrs. G. A. Gardner Saturd-iv. Mrs. Fryer of Mcdford Is vlsitiuj; relatives In Talent this week. Mr. nnd. ilrs. j, E. Wnkeman and family spent Sunday at tho home of Mr. P. Vandcr Shies. Kodak finishing, tho best, at Wes ton's, opposite book store Mrs. O. King departed for Tilla mook, Ore. Her daughter, Mrs. Smith, and little son aro hero nnd will stay with Mr. King until be leaves to join his wife. Dr. M. C. Barber, physician and surgeon, has moved from tho M. F. & H. building to room 9 Palm block. Opposite tho Nash hotel. C4 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daughcrty and family ot "Worthlngton, Minn., ar rlvcr Monday and aro visiting Mrs. Daughorty's brother, G. W. Ager,! and family. S. A. Newell, ladies' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & H. Co. bldg. Central Point experienced a real burglary recently In which Mrs Lcsmcistcr, who owns a photo studio and art store here, took tho part of tho heroine, secured her revolver, aroused other citizens and tho chief of police and helped to guard tho street until tho officers searched the town and decided the burglars had flown. M. It. England's drug and Jewelry store. In tho Cowley & Moon block, was the place burglarized and watches and Jewelry to tho value ot more than $250 was taken. Money to loan, In amounts ot from 1500 to $1000 on Improved real es tate, country property prcterred. Carkin & Taylor, Jackson County Bank bldg. Mrs. Jones and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tclfer and Mr. and Mrs. Miles, of Medford, were tho Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Merrl man at Central Point. Mrs, H. S. Aitklns of Medford, who has been visiting friends in Ashland for several days past, has returned to her home. D, B-Reame, tho Wonder soap and talc man, is the best sewing machine repairer on the coast. 24G North Oakdale. Harvey F. Treat of Williams creek is spending a few days in Medford with friends. "W. J. Scott, of Antloch, who Is tho father of the Scott county bond ing plan, was In tho ,clty recently on business. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50 per single cord. Special low prices in carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., Ctb and Fir. Mf. and Mrs. Einmctt Beeson, were Jn Mtidford reqently. , Carkin & Taylor (John II. Carkin, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Modfprd. Mrs. Joo Itadcr, aild her father, L. A. Rose, were in Mcdford on busi ness lecently, Cordwpod, hardwood and fir $4.50 por singlo cord. Special low prices In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6 th and Fir. Mr. and Mra. C. Carey were In Medford on business Saturday. An oxporlcuccd primary teacher wishes prlvato pupils or young chil dren to tutor. Addrets II. V., Mail Trlbiiuo. 43 Tho public schools ot Phoenix huvo been cloupd lor this year on ac count of diphtheria breaking out in ouo fajnlly In thp town. Dr. Malm gron (cola turo ho has tho disease) uudor control, but several had been exposed and It uas thought best to closo 1iq sphool, Helman Baths In North Ashland opou Saturday, May 11. 42 Mr, Stono and wlfo of Ashland aro visiting their daughter, here, Mr.n Oeorgo Allon. J2d.JIJg.h(undfwfo nndljltlo son of Talqnt aio hpro visiting Mrs. High' parontSi Mr, and Mrs. A. h. Hnzoltou, Senator Von dor llollon leaves K this evening for Salem, where ho will attend a Joint hesslon of tho regents of tho Oregon Agricultural college nnd tho, Unlcrsty of Oregon which has born colled lx Governor- West. Boo ft. A. Holmos, Tho Insurance Man, dvor Jackson County bank. ur. uaiuwcu oi Asniamt was a visitor in Mcdford Friday on busi ness. i E. D. Wcstpn, cornmcr,cIal photog rapher, negatives snado any llnio or place by, appointment. Phono M. 1471 W. S.' Brooke, a resident of tho vnHoy for the past fle yoars, tlur ing wmen umo no nas managed n number of largo orchard properties, leaves tonight for Maryland, whore he will probably remain Indefinitely. SPORTS BELIZE U FIESTA EH BOXING Gl w? we BOto. I . .. -' UWSfeafc V r f -jMftw.a. n n m That C'lncf of Police IIUImiii strp ppd into Iho nnc TucmIii.x cumins: ami topped tho MfFiuliimUAntlurnn bout in it-, third round, uniloi' wider from Mayor Canon ami that the bo iii; gtuuo l now a dead letter in thi . i. ...t(.. i . i .k iTiinnrrv ronnniir inir wt iiittt mi. i , , ...- ..... ,-,. .v. ,."" -,,... ,..v ,.,.,. ..1. ,,., I p.... i vny is niv iiviiui in mi" mum inn l.OS ANUKUSS. C.tl.. M" 1" l.a rii'Rta dc .ns Fioren. tho Cut ulal of Hloswnis that onto n tho nnuilal event In ,o- AiikoIoi, who rolod today for tjui thOuonudH of vlttttntH to tho Slirhiors (Oinontloii and tho floral parade, threo miles long, which . inoo'i through tho streets hotly.before nodn, ui wit nossed b almost 300,000 porsons The day wna opened t a musilcnl (estlvnl by tho, 300 uuislclnna com- lllnttitis hto ntlrtnllr,,. G. H. Ends nni aurr-i.KsP.i thn rnni'TI"-' opiiiioii is tvlsti ouliucd that tho losing tho dozen aiitlne band that , ,.. WK -... ... ,..... . . t nccouipnuieu mo anous pniroia !... ,r,...i.ni.Mtl.-. ..I...1 K.tt II... , .. :.! , .1 . I . , , I UVI 1' ltHMU-tlIMI) VlUATUITIi IIUUIU ,V UMI" s i. Villi III tlllllT llllll IIV IIIIUIU and fuel business formerly conducted rliief allowed iiie bout lo prueocil'iisi n- 11a S)! i nalW i ' ia ms' -r&v i fin n I i KBRM .i v x k- r t i iijiiii&.ij v sw, wr sr Arv ix i run mmM m ksst- vl IIHmPPMKUii M i mn ebt mn rnviiHC 1 1 If MtlMa'iV K?S tmv -Miw j m ii I t tut -.mjj... I v n wtrf B rtvyJViC! irym I l l i I 1 $ a i mi .i '.'ii ... "-. .h i - ik1 r itnr i Hi. in . iv.v ? LIIU ,M 'JM'!.,ttBfciMf-tW .A7r ' 'f r , -7ai7 1 a MWWTM a totftfflF ..rtiu , iJ ni'hTitr iiiWwi i)v ?"jKW w ,AiTwr..;ft .,. nww nns:tmK:'"r , "V, T " L '. (W, Saitny sid& by J. W. Burblrtgo and will at all times havo in stock a full nnd com plete line ot furl ot all kinds, in cluding mill block wood for summer use. Hnrry B. Rlchnrdson has loft for a visit at Portland. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4. CO per single cord. Special low prices In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. Lincoln MacCormack, E. G. Bur gess Jr., A. E. Rcamcs and a Mr. Dunham of Xcw York havo returned from a visit to the Happy camp min ing district. be assured uuj il0 flUIS unnhl not ilonialnl their inono,v back, as he, not ini fc culleolor had l"" oi tli reoeiuts in his pooket. City.Atlorlnn Porter J. Xoff stuinl tlii.s mornjiiif Unit Mux or Ciuk.hi lutil deeidctl that tlio boxiui; contesls were in re:iiit prize fights ami hence wore a violation of the Jaw, Tliorororo ! is presumed tint! the mayor will in Iho future excirio his powei o mayor, police jiulue and hrnil of the jK)liee department to. stop thejbout REH T NEW YORK, .May 10. Today's opening stock market showed de cided strength. Missouri Pacific and Amalgamated Copper were up a point and united States Steel. American Smelting and somo standard railroad issues Jnado good fractional gains. Prices later showed further Improve ments. Illinois Central recovered al most two points from yesterday's weakuess. American Can commoh made a new high record of 4 H , and the general list was strong. American Tobacco was up CJa points. The market closed dull. Bonds were Irregular. e dep.irpuentiyMop EMMA, ut SPEAK I M DlEGO I fodoial building, whore tho concert was given. Th,o, band A and their patrols then Joined tho floral parndo, forming guards for iho hundreds or floats. Shrlno aiidovlllo. tUo performen: botug mombora of isltlng tviu)te, were bchedulod at tho auditorium during tho afternoon, and evening This afternoon's pVrjjornianco was solely for tho orphan children ot the city. Tho Shiluo ball, the social on out ot tho week, will bo Kohl In Shrlno auditorium tonight. SAX MKGO, .May Iicitump. -manager for EFFORTS TO END NEWSPAP E WASHINGTON. May 10. An nouncements that negotiations are in progress for settlement of the press men's strike in Chicago was made here .today by an official of the American Federation of Labor, ,the federation he said being vitally in terested in the fight because it bad learned from an authoritative sourco that "a concerted mqvement has been inaugurated by Chicago pub lishers to destroy tho efficiency of the organizations involved in the dispute." The, executive council of the fed eration met in secret session here last night to discuss the Chicago situation. t. Hen 1 i... n..).i LI't l.UIUIil VIl'IU- man, the minrchist lecturer, lodnv wait from Los Angeles letters to Mayor Wadham tttul Secretary Cho nte of the local chamber of commerce raying that Miss Goldman hml en gaged n hall ami would speak here on the nights or May 14 and 13. He asked Mayor Wudhnm to boo that there was im interference with her, adding that she would lecture on the drama and that on previous appear ances here there had been no disturb ances. Tills, wns added doubtless in view of the Mcnl!ed free speech fil:J here, ile also mid MLs-. Goldman would be "lad to address the chamber of commerce on the "socialist un rest." There has been talk of preventing tho anarchist lecturer from cemiue: here. ARCHBALD GOT $10,00 OUT OF COAL BARGAIN (Continued from Page 1) wns worth $21,000 and that ho aud Archbald were getting a bargain at $4500. "I thought It contained 130.000 tons." added Williams. "1 arranRod to sell It to tho Uicka wanna and Wyoming Klcctrlc rnll road at 27 cents per ton. Thnt would be $10,000. I also hold a lump offer to sell It for $20,000, netting mo and Judge Archbald $10,000 clear." Cottolene The cook is never satisfied unless her baking turxs out well. Cooks who have tried it secure better and more uniform results from the use of Cottolene than with butter, lard or any other shortening. Cakes, pies, cookies and doughnuts arc best made with Cotto lene. It makes rich food without being greasy. Cottolene food, too, js always digestible, because it contains no hog fat Tiy Cottolene not a "just as good" imitation on your next baking day. Costs less because you use less. Made only by THE N. IC FA1RDANK COMPANY 'Nature's Gift from the Sunny South1 . A Ir 1a lUrdldt m kail Uninlyahl Tti txit rciiily for Kljnrvi, Ucr ami liowtl. I urnuireif. ni'ipic, i nipu ntami inmcr of the Mill I'xitiflu tlii: llloi.il ml (Ivo Tone, btituglh aiul icur lu tttc ctitlic j;lcm. I'M ONLY ONE AGAINST BOSSES SAYS TEDDY (Continued from'PaRo 1) G. A. R. TO OBSERVE MEMGRIALDAY'HERE r Weeks &McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS "y Phoat 87X aifiit mosMi r. w. wtk to7i A. X. On, MM X.&ST AMUIAW. CHICAGO PRINTERS TO VOTE ON STRIKE SUNDAY CHICAGO, May 10. Whether tho members of thq Typographical union employed on Chicago newspapers will walk put in sympathy with the strik ing union pressmen will bo decided Sunday whop tho printer will put tho strike question to a vote, accord ing to an announcement made hero today. Hdltors, opy readers, men and women from tho businobs offices anil employes of tho circulation depart ments on the various papers went to work in the mechanical departments today to ialce tho placo of tho press men and tho stereotypers who walked out as sympathizers. Hold Eagle in Jail SAN FUANCISC0, Cul May 10. A hugo caglo is locked up at tho po lice station hero, charged with bat tery, and resisting an offlcor. It at tacked Mounted, policeman John Lassoy near uutio rorest and was clubbed into Insensibility and ar rested. Alexander The Suit Man Call and look over twolvo hundred samples ot tho latest weuvt-s in Men's Suitings. A mado to your measure suit, ab solutely guaranteed .to fit, guaran teed all puro wool and guaranteed to bold Its shape. Mado to your meas- uro suits, , , $lH.()b to 910.00 Room 8, Palm lluildlng, Arrangements for tho fitting ob servance of .Memorial day aro now being made by the Chester A. Arthur post of tho G. A. R. of Medford. H. Metz, chairman of the committee, has secured the city park for the holding of the exercises, preceded by a parade in which the post, Boy Scouts and tho Medford military bri gade will take part. Tho Woman's Relief corps will also take part in the 'parade and tho exercises. Tho Boy Scouts will bo in charge of Cap tain Bevorldge and tho brigade un der command of Captain Cannday. Sunday, May 20, tho Memorial sermon will bo delivered In the Christian church by tho Rev. D. D. Boyle. Tho G. A. R., W. R. C. and Boy Scouts will attend this service In a body. Appropriate music is be ing prepared for tho occasion. These services will bo held at 2:30 o'clock In tho afternoon, Qn Decoration day a jiarade will be held, in which all tho momhera of Uio G. A. It., W. It. C, Boy Scouts, Medford Military brigado and pos sibly tho nowly formed O. N. G., at this placo will take part. D, Lawton will act as marshal of tho day. An Invitation will bo extended to all the fraternal orders in tho city to take part. Tho Mcdford band will head tho parade, after which a march will be taken to tho (emctary to enst flowers upon tho last testing places ot departed veterans. Tho Rov. K. O. Kldrldgo of tho Methodist church has been uutned an thp orator of tho day, tho oration lo bo doll voted from the bandstand In tho city park. A meeting of tho committees of tho W. It. C. and G. A. It, post will bo held next week to complete the program ioruo tjay. ( for genuine rule of the Mrji! and for tho elimination of special privil ego nnd efficient endeavor to secure social nnd industrial jus lice cut nehieve' these purpose? only by up lorting my candidacy. "My pergonal intcrc is no concern one wnv or the other, but it liappcin nt tlti time that I tvpify and inibudv the crcnt oati-c whirh can oul be furthered by Himportinu' me." 'jrc : r t j , Freckles Don't lllilo TIhmh With a Veil; I to. mote 'I hem Willi the New Drug An eminent skin specialist recent ly discovered n new .drug, othlue double- strength, which Is so uni formly successful la removing freck les nnd giving a clear, beautiful com plexion that It is sold by any first class druggist in .Mcdford undor an absolute guarantco to refund tho money If It falls. Don't hldo your freckles undur a veil; get an ounce of othluo and re- movo thorn. i;en tho flrHt night's use will show a wonderful Improve ment, ooine of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. It is absolutely harmless, aud cannot injure tho most tender skin Bo suro to ask any first-class drug gist In Medford for tho doublo strongth othluo; It Js this that is sold on tho money back guarantee. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating Alt Work fliMrnntro. I'rlcca Itcaaotmblo. COPFEEN & PRICE S3 Howard Ulook, ntrne on th l Paclllo 5031. Honia 84. Watch Our Addition Grow Jackkoa And 8 tan nil I Mcdford Realty and Improvement Company M. P. II. Co. IlIdR. An "Acher" as Big as an Acre Vacuum Carpet Cleaning "Wc havo gasoline power, a largo machine, and guaran tee all work. Home Phone S?-K WW r Wr vs. A-J WOT; F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your luwn put in flrat clnsH uliapct All work guaranteed. Lcato address with II. II. J'nttcrau, Quaker Nurncry, Nnsh hotel. f. 20 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOOK! LOOK! Foreclosure snlo. High, sightly lots 50x107 to alloy, ortly ?125 each, $10 down, no In terest to pay, You will havo to hurry. Benson Investment Co. 43 FOR HKNT -I'-urnlshorl front room with btttb, rates reasonable. 711 J3. Jackson. 47 WANTED Waltiess at Hotel Hoi laud dining robin. Must bo first class and oxperlencod. 43 LOST White fox terrier puppy, bluck and blown spot aipund left eyo. Call Home phono 273-R, or at Hi N. Front. Rewaid. 48 FOR 8ALI3 Klght largo east facing lots, sowor and water In, $200 each If you tuko tho bunch. Ben son Investment Co, 'SPALDING Cork A Wc'i0r ma. -t-v && Center CORK nt least that'a tho way It feels to tho sufferer -soon gets relief when tho victim reaches our hands. Wo nro adopts at painless extraction, also at filling teeth and saving them when worth saving, Supposo you glvo us a trial on our next Dental Job? You will find us so goutlo in our opera tions and thargea that you will surely return. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER 'riin.nnN'j'iHT Ovnr Dnnlels for DikIh, I'acltlo I'hono 2582, Home I'hono 3C2-K 00'X0000000 1 IS GOOD AS N'l'IW r, passenger auto for salo cheap. Bonson Invcatmoiit Co. "Olflclal IVaUounl Ltanuc" Base Ball $1.25 each The Official Ball of the World SerJo PIAYEIIS! MAAGERSt OWNERS! f or your own (nttreiu tntil upon iho CORK CJENTEK BALL THE SmiMHD Dta TUB ONlV'OlTICJAL BAIL C i ,',"'", "" ' ft only llli Mioiid by lliepliculpUylnK rulei .... Cork Itnlcr lli h.ve lrn ,Jopf A by bolli of lhj mArleKUM And Ly lU trrat irtonlyo(lliaprcx Cork Unier BTlli mi.iT. u3'Tn .11 Vodd SiU 8inc for the neilT wen, yr. Ca Voa AtToi-il to P(y irlth Anything & But a Cork CtBler ItaHI . inHifor ..mplei i ot mtil. etc, for Bm. 0H nilorm, Fiee. Copy of Spldinif CrtloU( nt I fee on rtque.l (o ny ddfe. A. G. SPALDING 4k BROS. 10S Geary street Saw ThcIjc6 This Weather Medford Book Store 00000000'KH0 FLOWEUS FOR MOTHERS-DAY Xo.( Suudav, iMa VJ, is OTHERS DAY AVt'iu a flower in honor of your iMollier. A hrilil flower for .Mother if living, a white one in .Mother's ineniory. AVe will havo a largo sunply of out flowers on hand, (let in orders early and avoid disappointment. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Main 3741- Home 237-X Phono Main 51 Phone Home 294 DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY WHAT IS DISTILLED WATER? DiHtillcd "Water in widky (hat has hue.n uondonsod into steam, then converted hack to its natural s(al6, thus killing all germs the water may contain WHAT IS FILTERED WATER? Filtered Water is water that has passed through filtering hods, thuruby purifying itself of all foreign substances. WEINHARD'S ICE is made from Distilled, Filtered Water. Kndorsod by all physicians. H. WEINHARD'S ICE DEPOT First National Bank u-OF MEDFORD, OREGOK CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your business, which will reuoivo our careful attention. P. K. DKUfCri, I'llKHIDKNT M. It. AIJ'OIU), OASIUKU oitniH ditAwroiti), assistant oahhiku Noarly a quarter of a century under tho samo management THE ion ountv Medford, Oregon It has succecdod becauso ot Jacks Bank Soundness oil principlo Economy oi' management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment . . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawtor, President G. R. Lindloy, Vice Pros. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier I v ",j''fMawwy-tiwiwwMwusj