tj K yw V '.. t I . t ,-v- sy It Served Mutt Right for Trying to Mix In l WVJVMI 0fcl1 L.V, 10 MhltP much l Mi' i ii i i ii. CHIIUPN. 1 &XtK M f ur-M 4I N l.VC a UIKI.K ui'fsNv toujh tnu m k uow'.r,' i "ll&MT MtUT MUK.. otlfc'U THINU WlVfCClt)(M1c OH.'.ClVT flOT VLl 9 COW "UlAJl?f.C;ttM o HUH. 4&J- VJ' Nl'W ClIM'N, Hlnlo of Oregon vs. Peter LoImis. Criminal, (Janii'tt'CoM'y llanlwnru Co, vs. Jarliaoii Co. Ilntitl Ahm'ii. Suit to forM:l()M(i lli-n, A. E. Reiiiiiea, attor ney for iilnlntlff. Cnriietl-Corey lliirdwnrn Co. vh. .Ischium Comity lintel jUn'ti. Suit to fori'doHO IIimi. A, E. Renlue. attor ney for plaintiff. ChrlnlnhH Uohh lief flier vs. Danli'l Whetstone. Knit (or ptirdtlon of real iroMrly. V. V. Mi'uru, uttornry for piniiitirr. I'niliali'. nututp Mnry II. I'nnltoy. Invontory ntiil iiiiiiil8tini'iit flli'il mill iiiprovuil Circuit Conn Nowm. M. I', Crovi'lln it nl, VH. fli'iirKc Carter nt nl. Docrno It ilufiiult. (Ixorfut N. Itiililwln H nl, vti. M, Clip'oii Norinmi. Ufrrcii Krnntil. Statu of Uri'Kon va, V. J. Iloonoy. Camt Nit for trial May 17, I UK'. W, TiiiiiIioiikIi vh, l.uko llyan. !) uiurri'r ovcrruliul. -is? HOUSE Iti'iil Km ale TriiiiHntliiiiirt. W. I). IIoiIknoii to Kn-il NdwIoii Cltaiml,' liuii hi Her. '30, twp, no. uv $i7.r.oo V. !, Taylor to Win, I). Ilmli: moii, Imiil In 1). I.. C. 40, twp. Allmft JolniHon'to V. K. fluy ilor, loU 3, i, & mid (I N'lclc- , till Plato mill. AHlilmul 10 I'tn'll ami Ami'llu llrltt to J. NV. Jlylii-c, Imiil In Hoc. 0, twjt. a7, 2V ICO John II, DiiiiKan to (lolil Kay Itcalty Co,, land lit Hrc. 35. twp. :tr,, sv'v. : -: anar. Unity Jolinxon toV. It. Tlnllo'ck lot .'IS, lllr.lilauil add Mod ford 10 .liilla I.. Orr to Kmlly U. Cnr pi'mtor, Iota 1 mid '2, blk I I'lioonlx 1 Ktninn K. 'Iliorntott to A. A. Moody ot al, properly In Talent 275 Win, K. Hiiydur to Janu-i II. I'lurmty, IoIh ;l, 4, r, 0 N'lcltull Pluto add AHliland 1000 Win. Corli'DH to Kvii Corli'sH, lotH i, '., :i, i, n, o, bik. at, It. It. add Phoonlx K. '(. HwcduiilnirK to AmIiIiiiuI lodKO No. !M I. II. P. O It. of W. Dood 1 .1, M. Mi'I'lico to K. V. Cnrtor, propi'rty In AHlilmul 10 Gordon Voorlilon el al, to Now- town prclinrdrt Co,, land In (wp. as, 1W Win. M. Ilolmi'H to Alli'o Oolo Uoppln, Ifitul In twp. :t7, 2W 10 Mary I'iihkIH to W. I. Me In tyro hind in sec i, twp. as, aw aooo Chlutlnii Itontor to Mary I'Snuiht, 70 aiiroH In twp, as .1W, lloiul for I) 1000 John London to )l. 1). Yoiiiik 10 mirim In Hit, an, twp. a7 aw .:...... : oo (1. .R WIIhoii to John liondon, 40 uuroH In Sou, an, twp. a7 aw i U. H. to Dolhort A. OWon, 100 aunm In Boo, 10, twp. at, 'JH Pntunt V, M. IIIovIiih Jr. to City or Afihlimd prnporty In Anlilmid 1 - Kllpn II, WiiBiior to City of AHliland pjoporty In AhIiIaikI 20 II, K, HuilKr to City or AbIi lund. land In twp, ai, IK.... 1 Ihiuic llalW to City ot AHli land, It of W 1 (loo. W. Pollott to City or Auli land, lotB ta, II, in, bile. US, WooltuiH a i)d Auhlund.... 1 Chark'8 Popn to City or AHli land, liind hi Hoc, S, twp: ao, no ' : 1 V. 13. llono to ,f. U. Wllloko, inlnliiK proporty 1 John Owoiih to xlolui II. Sollnor, land In twpV br., 4W anoo ISinluii I). Kltta to'avnli A, mill, land In twp. an, IW.. 10 J' Coopor to Kllzuhoth lion- i(or, (iroporty In Central . Wmy.huw DO Vou I 0 W tiCKOLTi.? I TM4 mC.MHYV llZw III Un www vuww 'o Tub mimiuAN VA TMl l IMDCfJD . , 10 f'lll vuvn-t t,uF.riuvi ' rue Oimv tiett'rUf TKOU UOUMtl? Mil) VI Point 10 (luo, Alford to W, P. Hrlntulc, proptirty In Pliunnlx Ml Iniuli: NoiiHuliolilfr lb John H. flnlwn, ikto In twp. J)r.. aw i Qiii'i'ti Anno nddltloii to Alhirt Andt'i-iton, loin .7 and K, bile. 10 qiii'i-n Aiiifoudil Midford 10 W. K. DavldHon to Win. M. Ilolmi'H, X airi'H In lwt. .'17 aw ... J W. J. Knnfnian to II, I). Mr llildo, land In twp. ,'17, 2W, II, for I) . .. . .'5270 citv Titi:AHCit;:ifs notice. Notlcu Ih lioroliy ulvon that thcro utA iumltt on linnd In ho city tnuiH nry for tho ri'doinpllon of tho fol lowing warranta: Intori'Mt will rcaao on Kitmo at dato of thin netice: WarrantH No. a and 4 on lateral crnl No. H DUt. r,. Nod. 1 mid a on lateral No. S Dint. 7. Noit. 1 mid a on lateral No. 11 Dint. 7. No, a on lateral No. 1 Dint. 1. No, 1 on lateral No. 4 DUt. in. Dated May 8th, l!Ua. (1US II. SAMUELS, City Trcuatirnr. TO THE HOMHJItS, OP PIltST .MOBTOAOE I'EB CENT KINKINO VVSU. Oli JIONIW UV THE I'A CIPIO EAHTEItN BAIIAVAV, HUE JUNE 1ST. 1:i7. The undnrHlKiied Trnatee, under tho uiortKiiKo nhovo referred to, de alren under authority of aald mort Kiiro to expend tho huh of twenty ouo tliounmid four hundred forty-one, and 87-100 Dollar ($21,441.87) In tho piircluvio of hnnda of anld. laaue, provided auch purchnao can In lta opinion, ho now iiiado ndvantiiKcoua- iy. Healed affera of said bonds may he aeut to tho Kulekerliorker Truat Company, 00 Ilrondwuy, Now York Cllv. nu or liefore Juno nni. mis. KNiaiCEUIIOCKEH TUUST COM PANY. Triutee. Ily CHAKIjEH II. KEEP, Prualilent Dated Now York, Mny 1st, 19ia. IX)ST MONEY TO LOAN On well located real uHtatu In amounts to null hor- ToworH. Addreorf mo euro Hto Holland namltiK amount dealred, etc, Am out of city part or tlmo. 11. Ii, DodKO. LOST Checkered coat on KIiik . hlKhwuy, lost May 7. Pleaao Icavo at Hubbard I Iron. W. It. I.amh, phono 80n-P-a. 42 PIVE UOM'AHH REWARD for de livery rojip. nolco to recovery of a three year old filly of tall coach horao type, hay color, small apot on forehead, branded BllKhtly on rlKht ahoulder It II (roverao It con neetod with 11), weara u hell; la n Klrl'a pet. Left lta rmiKo near Hrowuahoro and han been noon a month iiko ntrayliiK on tho range Houth of I.ako Creek P. O, A. lllohoratedt, EiikIo Point, Ore. 40 FOB BKNT llOUSKKEKlINQ BOOMS POR RENT--Room and hoard for man nlid wife, cheap. 720 Welch atrcet. 41 HOARD AND ROOM by tho day, weolc or tianalent, nt 204 8onth Central, Ulvo uh u trial, J, R, Tyrrell. 41 New Today I huvo Hated two hundred neves of land on Antelope creek that la of fered at n price which should Interest many. Thorn nro forty uerca of rno thick fir timber, ami ono hundred alxty ncroH or lnml that la Reed Tor till purpones, It la of rooiI aoll and tho KI'iibh on It Ih lino, and much of it coillcl ho plowed up and fnrnioil. Thoro la no bettor orchard land. Call and look ovor.tho propoaltlon. $2750 tiikea tho pleco. A very neat and handy hIx room Iioiiho on tho woot aldo, all modern. Pine Innjo lot, and very highly cultl vnted. It Ih worlh niunJi morn", but It koch nt $2250. Eight neroH or Kiinlou land Qar Contral Point with water right nil pnfd untl wntor nvallnblo Tor Imnio- dliito uso. Party will triuio ror a motiorrito priced 'MeiUord vosldonco, (),'l). BOON JnckBOii County Bank llldg. Boom 1U MflDFOftT) MATL TRTBUNFi, juij;, '.i , i k "t:i.,l.,j,.liggg! ( t CcuLfN i think. 0 UHTt'NC YtfJ t'U, 6kT Y(A YHV - iWI1t vsmviw rv.i 'fiNio - - . I HETAXI M'RAlt) 1" "V y"v r Tlk m sv t'OH KENT-- FiirnlBhed hotol for r;iit on pon-entaKo hnnln, Addrors P. II., enro Mull Trlbiino. ' I'OH UKNTKUKNISIIKD BOOMS FOlt UI3.NT- --Modurn front room. Clone In, Hates low, J G North , Ivy. 42 POIl KENT Laro nlecplug room, $1,50 mid t'i por week. Modern lioniekeeplutt tipartmonta. tin mid fill. Iloinu phono 2CC-K. 222 Bontb I lolly. POIt IlENT-Hmlth AptH. 217 S. Itlv. TOR KENT - Modern HirtihThi'il rooniM at the CottiiRi;, CO I Wont 10th Ht two liloeltH south MedTonl hotel. Hot ami cold water In roiling. Ilotnn phono a 17. Mm. II. M. COHH. FOB ItlSNT nuUHEfl POIt IlENT4 room Iioiiho. laiSV. 10th Ht. Tolcphono 402-11-2. 4a FOIt ItENT 2 room furnlahed hun Kalow with pantry mid closet, cloie In. Call r. 17 S. Holly. FOIt ItENT Ono 8 room two otory residence on paved atrcet, and ono U 'room furnished houao closo In. Inqulro 310 N. Hnrtlott. POIt KENT C room apartment, modern. Itnsonnli)e. Inqulro of Oakdnlo Ctuh Crocery. 45 POIt ItENT Six room Iiouro mod ern, paved utreet, $IC50. "W. T. York 4c Co. FOB BKNT OFmOBS POIt LEASE Offlco rooms fur uUhcd and unfurnished, central location, $5 to $10 per month. Ad dreaa D. C, caro Mall Trlhuilo. FOR RENT Orer tb poatotflce, with heat and light. Boo A. A. Davis. FOR RENT LnrBO, comrortablo of flco rooms with elevator service, - steam heat, hot and cold water. .Low rntea. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. Viill BENT MISCKMiAKKOUS POR RENT Sloro room In Ashland opposite tho Hotel Oregon. In qulro of Cntup'a Studio, upstalra P. h. Cnmp'a, Ashland, Oregon. HARDEN mid fruit lauds for rout. Oold Rny Realty Co., Cth nod Fir. VOU HAWv IXJTS FOR SALE Lots and amnll trnctH of laud, for cash, cheap. M. M. Mnltio, 410 North Ivy st. Phono Home lia-X. 58 FOR SALE Good high lot on east ade. Owner will aoll for cash nt bargain IC bought witiitn tou unytr, P. O. Dox 305, Medford. 45 FOB BALRr ITOUHES FOR SALE Few days only, $1050, a lota with now 7 room houao, modern, on paved atreet. Owner leaving city, must sell. Small pay ment down, rest iiko rout, hox T. ,R., Tribune. 41 FOR' SALE 1-onr Voom lionse: chicken pen; gardeu: amnll treea and I'rulta; very cheap for cash, or will (ako team as part payment; one-half block of pavuinent. 727 W. 14th st. 02 POR SALE Now bungalow with alx rooms, bath mid pantry; screened in buck porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; eiiBt rront; lot 50x171 feet deop, or two lots 100x171 with .alloy nt side, with burn on. Will glvo good terms. Inqulro 317 Howard at., east aldo. Phono 0201. POH SAliE Heat Inly In' Medford, no exceptions, n $4500 homo for quick aalo at $3500. II. H. Gates, oiviiur, "23 Roao nvo. FOR SALE A two story brick building In Mmirord rented upon leaao for $1)0 per month. Hulldtng almost now mill centrally locntod. Owner Uvea olaowhofo and Is forced to soil, Investigation solic ited. Total prlco $0000. ThlH la guiyauteed to pay 1,2 por rout for tho next threo yearH. Tltlo perfect, E. S, Tumy, Gnrnett-Coroy bldg. FOR SALE Somo good Improvod and unlmprovod Medford proporty on and near 8. Oakdnlo; modern hqiiBoa for rout, lao somo good young driving Itorpes. Inquire ot 8. T. Ilowurd, Jr., 815 S, Oakdnlo. Phpno. Pnclflo 72,. POR SiYLE A hIx room till inodorn bungalow almost new with u largo lawn. Una Dutch kltuhou, buffet and paneled walla. Prlco $3000, Tonus nothing down mid only $30 per niniilh with no lntbrost, AVIiy pay rout? Inqulro Tumy, Gnrnott Cprey bld(j, 4-,..,. n m ...,.- .- ! T4 i ,i ! i ' ' ' ' 'y-'ttt,tr''" ' ' ' !mtT'ZZl'iTV'r'l'L,r t Lfui i -. i "i -' i ii i tt iw 'iir'Hi iii ih - . --" i -v x. - ..- r: r-ws .Tav r iri raam HUHINKHH OPPOUTCMTIIM J FOIl AM3HOr8ICH I'OJl SALB OK KXCHAN'OE IIUSINE88 DntBCTOnY BUSINESS DIKEOTOItr MTCDFORT), OKKflOX. 'IWRSTMY. MAY 0, 1912. J' ii:.!- i i " ' . 1 R - CL - . I . i. M 'kM Wntl HA l.L! N'liW MWIfll R rnmn tnntl, erti IniliKuloW lioinc, flim residence dlHtrlot. A minp at $3.'on. u. k. (lat"B, owner, 23 llono avo. VOll SAIiB IjANB POR SAliW Chicken ranch and gar den land V4 mllo from Mcdrord. W. II. Evorhartl, 1009 West 9t.h Phono C071. 40 ACRES near EiikIo Point. This would ho mi Ideal homo tract ao It Ih Hiiltuhlo for a variety of pur poftoii. Prult and grain and poul try. Prlnj $75 per aero. Would coiiHlder tradci). Oliver 1J. IJrown, 4.ii: N. nartlott et. FOB BALE ACKUAOH FOR SALE Tho beautiful Mountain View RiihdlYlslon, ono mllo west of Eaglo Point la now open for Bale In tracts of teu or moro acres to suit ptirchnsora. Tho first four tracts purchased will ho sold to actual .settlers on one-tenth down and a tenth a year until paid. Don't miss this opportunity to get a good homo closo to market and a good young city on easy terms whore tho soil Is deep, rich and mellow. Call on or wrlto Tho Jackson County Realty Co., C04 West 10th at., Medford, Oregon. 15 ACRES sandy creek bottom land with free water right and ditch to tho land now. This land Is nult nhlo for all kinds ot vegetables, berries and alfalfa. Price $150 per aero. Would consider trade. Oliver 11. Drown, 43C N. Dartlett street. POR SALE Eight ncrcs, Just out sldo city limits, nil planted to 3 year old apples; uniitl house, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOB SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Wood. Rolchsteln sells wcvod; old growth Uody Fir. $5.50 per cord. Doth phones. 55 FOR SALE Wood at country prices. lC-In. fir $2.75, 12-In. fir $2.25, lC-In. hardwood $3, 12-ln. hard wood, $2.50; 12-ln. pine, block, $2; IC-Iu. pine, block, $2.50. All dry wood. G10 S. Riverside. Hell phono 5041. FOR SALE Hardwood uniT fir $4.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOB SALE rOULTKZ AND EGGS FOR SALE Baby turkeys, with mothers if desired. RobL Duttou, Orchard Home. FtiR SALE Whlto Leghorn Baby chicks from selected utility stock, tho kind that made Petaluma fa mous; $7.50 per 100 during April, May -and June. The Pioneer Hatch ery, Rex 34C, Petaluma, Cal. 77 FOR SALE Eggs, Cryfltal Whlto Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Ifrown Leghorns. Seo V. W Kvcrhard, 1009 West 9th. Phono CC71. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE Vegetablo plantB. all kinds, transplanted. C. Carey, Talent. Phono 81C-F-11. FOR SALE 5 passenger automoullo cheap for cash or easy terms. Alight exchange Address Hox P. II., caro Mall TrUuino. " FOR SALE First crop altnlfa In barn, ono pillo rrom Medrord, $10 ton. Address Potter & ' Goold, .Medrord, Pro. 42 POR SALE Light team, harness wagon, Illicit, yearling colt, saddle, nud lent, cheap. Call 703 Ueatty at root, 43 POR SALE Uicycle, good condition, cheap. Phono 81-L or 082. 8 POR SALE Cheap, 30 h. p. road ster, excellent condition, Uojc 41, Tribunp. " 44 FOR SALE First class open buggy nearly now. Seo Ci. II, Euds, tho coal mid fuel mnii. tf POR SALE Two 4 l-n -now tons trucks,' 45 h. p. at blg-dlscount ff Bold within ton days. Earl Single Hoto) Duiilap, Central iPoltit, 43 i .ii' ... i i I i .. ,i .. POR SALE 3 year old Mersey cow, fresh. 335 West 2nd at. 45 FOR SALE Horse, harness nml bug gy. '335 West 2nd st. .I'vleo .$00. 45 TIIR. . E uncalled- for SRiiimor -suits for aalo. Couio in nml nuiko your own price. W. W. Elfort, 132 W. Main at. '42 FOR- SALliS thoroughbred Duroc-HJqj-s9y plg'Bv Threo Jnontlia old. Ploiisant Valley Parni, Roguo Rlvor, Orogon. 42 1 n 4. -T'A it lot;'. LirJC i -'"-k ..v i fw jOetH- 1 A .. ",, .." IK. M iflTjrl ' r.H (OU'K. ' . - T.T""3.. & i 1 m.. AcrsAih rIiIaWiIU I I ST. I I f "f Oil l '.T V -- ! in.-i. .j-rp.-rf). . ,. r-r-r 1 - ":-:- i-sTSSTT- B Eg 'fwtoiuutt, J2u Wrr,TMi. I -r. k ) sQJm POIt SALE OR EXCHANGE Ranch es, fruit and garden land, timber lauds, town and suburban lots and aero tracts. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. ' POR SALE OR TRADE Ten room house, 5 roomr, rented $37.50. Equipped for hoarders, J. Penturf, P. O. Rex 45C, Kennett, Cal. 45 FOB EXCHANGE EXCHANGE $500 equity In 3 New town lots, value $2500. What have you to exchange? Thos. II. E. Hathaway, 131 W Main st. 42 HELP WANTED MALE DON'T MISS THIS WANTED A live energetic man In each city or district In So. Oregon. Life con tract. No cleaner business. High commission. Wrlto A. D. Schlrmer, Medford. 50 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Lady wants sewing at home. 720 Welch st. 41 POSITION WANTED A young lady who has had kindergarten training would like a position on a ranch for tho summer as governess or companion to a child. Address H. V., Mall Tribune. 43 POSITION WANTED A lady will accompany u child or invalid to San Francisco for traveling expens es. Address H. V., Mull Tribune. 43 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Will feed and caro for your horso for Its use, with option of buying after a thorough iryout. Must be gentle and all around good horse. Have only small gar don tract to work. Address W., caro Mall Tribune. 41 WANTED Furnished housekeeping room with private family by young couple with baby. Answer quick. Uerlln, Central Point, Ore. WANTED Ono mule to weigh about 1050 lbs. Must bo sound and true. Phono or wrlto particulars. E. L. Lane, Central Point 32 WANTED Threo furnished house keeping rooms; must be closo In and reasonable. Rex B. K., caro Mall Tribune. 41 WANTED About ten loads rotted snanuro. Name prlco at location or delivered Siskiyou Heights. X 23, Mall Tribune. WANTED Stock to pasture. Gpod food and wntor. Inqulro ot H. G. Pech, P. O. Box 555. 42 WANTED Small tract timber land or stumpnge near Medrord, Hox 543, Medrord, Ore. 41 POR SALE 5 passenger Overland automobile. 30 horsepower. In qulro 81G-P-4. 43 WANTED Good team of mules or horses for ranch work. Apply to B. L. Dodge, Hotel Holland. WANTED TO RENT Por 0 months bungalow or houso on outskirts ot city with ground for gardon; must bo reasonable. Hox A-23, Tribune. 42 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy a good" milch cow. A. A. Davis, Medford, Oro. WANTED TO BUY I buy fat cows, calves, hogs, .sheep, hides, wool, poultry. Don't kill your small calves, glvo them to me. Home phono 272-H. Bob Crowdor, Med rord. ' 5S BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assaycr nud Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON M1N1NO BU REAU Assays made lor gold, bII vor, lead, copper nud other miner als. Minos and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps nnd reports mado thereon by com petent mining nssnyorB and engi neers at reasonnblo tonus. Capital secured tor dovoloplng mines and mining prospects. All nilno own ers aro earnestly roquestod to send samples of tholr ores fcr exhlbl tlqu purposes, and sond full de scription of tholr mtulng proporty. . Southern Oregon Mining, Bureau, fi'th nud" Fir ats. D. It, WOOD Gonerai" "accountunt. Your.booka audited and kept tor a roasonauio uguru; your ubuido - solicited, Otflco Modforfl Mali TrRi. nno Mile.: nhono 0011: rosldouco phono CS02, iiminrri Parlora 8. T. BROWN & CO. Billiard, Cl- gars and Soft DrlnkB. upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to spond tho hot afternoons. Attorneys D. W. 11AG8HAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Oro. Office: Dank bldg., aecond floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAME3, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFP. WM. P. MEALEY Attomeys-at-Law. Noa. 1 and 2 Postofflco bids. I- I A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnott . Corey bldg. MULKEY &. CHERRY (R. P. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackcon County Rank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. S20 Garnett-Corey Bide. Collection A coney L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phone Main 2021. , Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Flans and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phono Main 5062. EDGAR MARTIN Qeneral Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar antecd. 700 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 71. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building trades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm bik., Medford, Oregon. Chinese Medicine CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic aud nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. a C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offlco in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Tolephono Main 081. Night phone 4432. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E, 9th and So. Riverside Vapor baths and. scien tific, massage glvon; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy, Lady attendant. Phono Home 1.GS-K. Furnttpro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly 8tr Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet work ot all kinds. A trial order solicited. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T." O'Brleu Contractors aud manu facturers ot brick; dealers In prospod brick nnd lime. Office nt their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3401. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Stroot, Dealers and manufacturers ot pressed and com mon brick and tile. Get our prices and seo our brick aud tllo before purchasing. Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Loavo ordors at 29 S. Dartlett, or phono Rodnoy Taylor. Pacific- 3032. Home 107-X. GARBAGE Got your premises cleaned up for tho summer. CaM on tho .city garbage- wagons to? good sorvlcg, , Phonq Main 822; also gardon muuuro for sale. J. F, Porrez. PAOTji FTO By "Bud" Fisher Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OP PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered tinder the laws ot tho stato of Oregon. Insures horses and cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Oro. Offices West Side Stables. Nomry l'ubllc HELEN N. YOOKEY Notary Pub lic. Drlnii your work to me at tht sign ot Tho Mail' Trlbuao. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not ia tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In side entrance noxt to barbor shop. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, eta, etc Fort land prices. 27 N. Fir it Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor at. Phono Pac 3843. Physicians and Surgeon DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physl clanB and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 P. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 410 and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 311-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109. office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD PhyBlcIaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices ovor Ilasklns Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice llmltod to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 210 E. Main st., ovor Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Otflco phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Offlco phone 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Otfico rooms 5 and 6 Kentner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Residence phone Bell 273. Home 347-X. E. KIRCIIGESSNER, M. D. Prnc lico limited to Chronic Dlsoasa. Otflco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer lCxx5 Eaglo Point and Roguo River lino. Second Floor Gumett-Coroy Building Medford, Orogon. Drs. Saunders & Green Special ists Eyo. Ear, Noso and Throat. "Not only tho cheapest, but tho best," 'Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dono quickly and. woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 10 .South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prlcos right. Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 25e anywhere in tho city, Office Val ley S-cond Hand Store, 15 J. Fir Bt. Phenes: Main 3072, Home 364, Messenger service. Fred Crocker,' Prop. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL Undertaker aa umitaimer. uiuoe 2S0Htk mrt lott st. Telephones; Dy, Ball 471; sight, residence, Belt 473, Home 179-L, Calls auswered algal or day. Ambulanw serylee, ? ' "fry? 'si iV