PAGE TWO AIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKflON". MONDAY. MAY (I. 1012, -n fr in OCAL AND S PERSONAL T. C. W!cltB, the Insurance Man, )in purchased a lot on Hoae RVcnun near Mnln St., from Chns. Burgess and will build a fine homo on Ills lot in the near future, lot 5, boc) 2, The young women's Anionn Bible clanfl will meet Wednesday evenltiR at 7;30 o'clock with Krma Hoherta, of, Roosevelt avenue. Tho Christian Kndeavor of the Christian church at a business meet ing last week voted to have F. M. llrooko plvo hla atercoptlcon Illus trated lecture, "Voices of the Past." at the High school auditorium next Thursday evening. Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen are visit their Klamath Falls property. Mrs. Sarah Anthony of Grants Pasa la, spending a few days lu Mod ford on business. Poter Steenstrup has returned from n two day fishing trip. Dr. M. C. Barber, physician and surgeon, has moved from tho M. F. & H. building to room 9 Palm btock. Opposite the Nash hotel, 64 Mrs. Henry Johnson has returned from a visit at Portland. E. 0. Burgess Jr. returned Sun day from an extended visit at Xaw York. Mr. Burgess now plans to devote his entire attention to the development of his orchard property on Griffin creek. S. A. Novell, ladles' tailor, 4tb floor M. F. & H. Co. bldg. Whltcomb Field has returned from a visit at Roseburg, where he re cently secured largo property Inter ests. Professor P. J. O'Gara returned Sunday from a visit In southern Cali fornia. Money to loan, In amounts of from 1500 to $1000 on Improved real es tate, country property preferred. Cdrkin & Taylor, Jackson County Bank bldg. CuBkey & Sherman have bought tho Medford horseshoeing shop on South Bartlett street and will con tlnuo the business, adding a general repairing department to the same. They have purchased additional equipment and have one of the finest shops In the city. Both men have bad much experience In the line and have numerous friends In the valley. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. C- CGhllson and family lett.aSt urday night for Los Angeles. Mrs. Fryer of this city Is visiting relatives In Talent. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Jloblnett, of Central Point, were visiting Medford friends Saturday. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphor, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471 S. W. Pratxer left Saturday for Weed, Cal., where he will remain during the summer. Mrs. Pratzer will Join him there within a few weeks. The Blue Ledge club, composed of members of the Rogue River Talley University club, has purchased a watch for presentation to Miss Eliza beth Carnahan, In token of their ap preciation of the excellent entertain ment afforded them recently at the Blue Ledgo mine. G. H. Eads Has purchased tho coal and fuel business formerly conducted by J. W. Burbldgo and will at all times have In stick a full and com plete line of fuel of all kinds, In cluding mill block wood for summer use. Robert Fernley and Chester Wltn Ington returned the first of tho week from a fishing trip to Squaw lako. MIssea Kate and Emma Reed of Oakland, Cal., visited friends living horq this week. They were called tt Medford by the serious illness of their uncle, who is at the Sacred Heart hospital. Mrs. Will Deano and daughter re turned to Eugene the latter part ot tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boyd of Ash land Bpent Sunday with the latter's alster, Mrs. Oscar Lewis. Free lecture on Christian Science, Medford opera houso Thursday eve ning, May 9, at 8 o'clock, by Frank H. Leonard, C. S. 13., member of tho Board of Lectureship of the mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass, "Shorty" Hamilton, formerly of this city, Is here from San Francisco to visit old friends. F, S. Allen of Jacksonville was a Sunday visitor In this city, as was Louis Johnson. Kent Root of the Hugo mining district is spending a few days In Medford, jjm-jf , , WASHINGTON. Mnv rt.--In " " mill itiitnlliiHMit ill' hw "hiuli i'OsI ,,(' liviuc" uiONtmje. I'lv-ddcnl Tuft'"1" in .Noisotivlllo today. I'roHlUont mitted todnv to comjre- ccrtniu con. T"ft rlny ! ntllt.utlt f Theoduti) Milnr reports. Indieutiin: lw Hum luwult lu thy rol1ntll riichl. pciiti imtiuun were conihiittiuir nd- u,or " IJiWdutit-Ptko t AUf vnnccd prices by co.opcnttivt! oclc !'s n,l Hampton. Till nf turnout! ho tip. Tn Franco nml Itrlcimn, ilio mes- f nko at ChllKolhc (Irwiirit'lil. nm Niiiil, worker of (lie relief or- j l.cosburg, New .Vienna and Munch ifiinixittioiw have telief I'uimI wliicb j',,p iiiNuiv-, nsuiiiNt illm- ami enforced Tonight President Tuft will much idleness. 'Cincinnati. Ho will spend Tuesday Co-operalivo orgnuiMttioiw. jny-.,at tho homo of his brother I'linrlen. man. Is tho best sowing machine the problem, tins re.NUlle.l iu worRerx "" "ui"aa- no win . mimwi Irer on tho coast. 24C North jowiitiis many imhi-.tril plutits In.cuinpalgn lu this stale, niiiKlug It Fnuiee. Denmark nml The Nether- jspeociiea on tlint day. hinds the nics.ti miv, iiImi Imve lln" 1 his speech here I'roiddont, Tuft eo-iperalie societies. "Itoosovolt anuouneed bin I vhnrter of democracy' In Columbus and Ihih since Incorimrutcd It Into his Penusylvunla slate iilatfurm. That was not enough he had to axsautt uy ndniliilntrntton ami naperso him personally." lie was ontluiHtasttrally welcomed Nelson vlllc. As he entered au opui automobile o tipeiik tlioro it " . heavy rainfall started, soaking him. yj i l Tho crowd dispersed, but few hear ing lu in. WecKs&McGowanCo. .UNDERTAKERS Bay Vboa M71 JflyM rkoHMI T. W. Wk M7J A. a. On, MM ' , AY AHHTIMT. Walter McCallum has eight Boston terrier pups olt exhibition at the. Medford pharmacy. They nro at trading murh attention, J. C. Gilbert of Grants Pass spent Sunday In Medford. 12. L. Wamstorff of Eagle Point was a recent visitor In Medford. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4,50 per single cord. Special low prices In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., Gth and Fir. Paul Seeloy, of Portland, primary campaign manager for Woodrow Wilson In Oregon, spent Monday In Medford conferring with local demo-J crats. He Is sanguine over the out look for Wilson tn the national con vent Ion. C. I). Woolverton of Rock Point was a recent Medford visitor. I). B. Renme, tho Wonder soap and talc repal Oakdale. G. W. Trcfren of Ashland was a recent Medford visitor. Miss Stella Gilbert Is spending a few days at San Francisco with friends. H. N. Moo left Sunday for a busi ness trip to Portland. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4. SO per single cord. Social low prices lu carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., Gth and Fir. r Harry Messier has returned from a business trip north. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chtlson and fain lly have left for Los Angeles, where they may make their future home. Mrs. Henry Callaghan lenves to night for a visit with relatives at Spokane. Mrs. J. F. Reddy leaves tonight for a visit to Spokauo and other northwest cities. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. B. R. Allen of Eagle Point Is spending a few days in Medford on business. Mose Barkdull is planning a fish ing trip with a number ot friends up Big Applegate. W. J. Boosey appeared In the cir cuit court Saturday to answer to a charge of contempt In a dispute over a road. E. E. Kelly of this city was named by the court to defend him. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4.50 per single cord. Special low prices in carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6tb and Fir. Walter McCallum motored to Cen tral Point Sunday. P. M. Kershaw has returned from a business trip to California points. He reports business brisk In Siski you county. ... . Mrs. O. T. West of Ashland Is spending a few days in Medford. A. E. Reames left Monday for an automobile trip to Grants Pass. Dr. J. F. Reddy returned today from a business trip to Spokane. T. G. Dlerkebach of Salem is in Medford on a short business trip. Jas. A. Foshay of Los Angeles, the supreme president of tho Fra ternal Brotherhood, will be In Med ford tonight and meet with Medford, Ashland and Woodvillo lodges. Mr. Foshay Is accompanied by his wife, and this will be their first stop In Oregon. COST OF PRESIDENT Wl L IVJN6 MEW TEDDY'S STAND I j ATHENS. Ohio. May opening Kpeoch .of hl d. lu Olrtj) tho en til. B i T OF A MAJORITY SUIT TO BUST STEEL TRUST ON NIOW YORK, ,Mn II, With the trust iittorue.s fighting back de iwrntely the fedm-nl government'! RUlt, which me;s the iIInkoIuIIoii of the United tfute iUool corporation wnc begun lu thu oiiHtoiiia house here today by 'Special Examiner Henry T lliown. Ah nnro testimony will he inkeii In thin milt than was Involved In the Wtnlidttrd'Oll easij, It h expect eil the hearings will lnst at leant two vtnntht. In addition to lirnwu, the govern ment la represented by former Sec retary of War .1. M. nicklumni nntl For the trust Rich, and Iteyuivl Belling I leitr) t'oltou. enl l.lndclmi' appealed CONVENTION WALLA. Wn., Mnv (i. HALL Pierce eountv with her ."ill ilelegntcN, controls the Mtuntioii nt the demtM-nitie -tnte con vention which opened here today. It in n c1om eontCNt between Thump Clark nml Woodrow Wil.-on. The con vent inn wn- opened !iy Chnrle- G. Heit'ner nt the Orninl thea ter. Mayor George F. Cotterill of Seattle, eliuinuan of the Kinir enmity pnnmry ueieuiCN, nrnveil Hun morn ing. Wilson controls more counties than Clark, mid hi-. Mipimrters ore practi cally .sure of sentiiu; the Kins: eoiuity prinmry delegation whieli wiot Con tested by the Chirk men. Rut even with those delegates son toil and the Hrynn delegate lined up behind him, Wilson musters at best U4S, lacking VI to control the convention, which is made up of 791 delegates. Pierce county's delegation is un iustmctctl hut will vote as a unit. The Clark followers confidently claim it. 10 CITY OF ANGELS YOUTH OF BLACKMAILING PLOT WALLA WALLA, Wn., May 0. Charged with attempting to blackmail A. McCoy, n wealthy lumber mnn, Dcwev Uuntmnu, 17, is under arrest here todio". McCoy received several letters hi which threats were made to burn down his mill and to "kidnap his 14 year old daughter. A decoy package was placed nt the spot where it was demanded that .$10,000 be secreted as the price of McCoy's daughter. Huntsman was watched nnd seen to leave his home at midnight and go to the place where the package had been placed. When he rcuched tho spot he was arrested. Several others are thought to be implicated iu the plot and an effort will be made to induou McCoy to tell who they are. EX-CONVICTS DIG OUT OF SACRAMENTO JAIL SACRAMENTO, Cal., Muy 0. The police have today found no trace of tho two ex-convicts, William Ilnts coo und Wesley Gordon, who broke out of the city jail here Huiiday mor niug, by digging through thu walls of four cells. Gordon, for tho pnst week, had been crawling through a hole into the cell adjoining his own, where he hud been loosening the bricks with u piece of Irop. Tho men experienced little difficulty iu breaking out as thu juil is a dilapidated structure which h almost ready to collupse, LOS ANGELES, May 0. Thous ands of Shriners, gorgeously uni formed nnd eauoped, crowded siieeinl enrs and automobiles early bound for Sasadena, which was the center cf the day's entertainment for the Im perial council. Overcast skies were no damper l the enthusiasm of the visitors, and shortly after, the hour the sun been scheduled to rise, the streets were gay with marching patrols und lively with the muMe of half a dozen bands. The last of tho scheduled special trains bearing delegations from be yond the Rockies was due to arrive nt noon today. Four trains hearing southern Shriners arrived during the morning. KLAMATH FALLS MAN ACCIDENTALLY KILLS WIFE KLAMATH PALLS, Ore., May 0. Shot accidentally when her husband, returning home, threw his revolver on their bed nnd the weapon rebounding to the floor was discharged, Mrs. Frank Kutkny today In seriously nnd perhups fatally wounded at her home here. NOTICi: TO CONTRACTORS. Plans and specifications for tho First Christian church aro ready for figuring with Power & West, archi tects, offlco 207-8 Garnctt-Corey building, Medford, .pre. All bids to be placed with architects by 5 o'clock p. in. May iu, mi2. Committee reserves right to reject any or all bids. -10 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR 8ALB Four room house; chlclum nan; gnrden; ,smal trees and fruits; very cheap for cash, or will take .team as part payment; one-half block of pavement. 737 W. 14 th st. 02 FOUND Lady'H bracelet. Ownor may havo saino by proving prop erty and paying for this udvertls. lug. FOR RKNT Modoru furnished rooms ut tho Cottage, G04 West 10th at., two blocks south Medford hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Home phone 217. Mrs. JL M. Cobs, FOR SALK 5 passenger Overland automobile, 30 horsopowor, In quire 81C-F-4. 43 FOR SALK Now swell C room mod ern bungalow homo, fJno residence district. A snap ut $3500. II. K. Gates, owner, 23 Rose ave, FOR BALK Best buy In Medford, no exceptions, a $4500 homo for quick rnilo at 13500. H. K. Gates, owner, 23 Roso uvo, SMASHES WIFE WHEN SHE GETS A DIVORCE PORTLAND, Ore., May tr-Furious because bis wife hud been grant ed a divorce from him and awarded the custody of their two children, Henry Davis, on hearing the decision struck his wife tn thu fnco In tho presence of Judge Galons nnd sein ing his four year old sou tore tho child from Its mother's arms and at tempted to kidnap blm. Bailiff Hulford selied Davis by the throat and with help 'overpowered him. He was Immediately sentenced by Judge Galons to 30 days In thu county Jail, Mrs. Davis' glasses were broken by her husband's blow. OYSTER HAY, k I., May 0.- Wal ter Hrown of the Ohio state commis sion which is handling the Roosevelt interests there und former Sccrctarv of the Interior Jnnie Garfield, visited Colonel Roosevelt in his home here today. Neither would discus tho visit. CONFEDERATESPN TRAIN DISASTER NEW ORLEANS La , Mn.v 0 -The first seetlon of the Confederate WituraiiK' bpeclal train, crowded with old soldiers, was wrecked near Enstauchable. after leaving New Or loans, this morning and eight were killed. Of the eight victims of the wieck, three wero confederate veterans Twenty inoro veterans were Injure, The engine Jumped the track while ou a trestle, and five coaches wore derailed. Engineer Wood, Flre inun Jones and throe other trainmen wuro killed besides tho veterans. LONG HAT-PIN PRICKS MAN'S EYE OUT IN CAR SEATTLE. Wn., May (1. Jabbed by u long hatpin worn by un unidenti fied woman iu it street ear In-d night, E. J. Anderson, n business man vwll probably lose the sight of his rigilt eye. The ear hit thu curb, nnd, the wouihii swaying iu the aisle, the point of the pin caught Anderson in the eve. NOGALES, Ariz. .May (J. Dis patches from .Mn 'a I In n stale tlutl the transMirt Mufonl reached that pint today direct from San Diego, Cal The Huford left Maxatlan for Topolo bnmpo and Altutu this afternoon, re turning Tuesday to Mnxatlau to t nk uwuy Americans. CLOSING OUT SALE 5000 yards Laces, Insertion and Beading, regular 8c, 10c and 12 l-2c qualities, tomorrow 5c a Yard 1000 yards Laces and Insertion, choice lc a yard. Jardinieres 50 fancy Jardinieres, regular $2.00 to $3.50 values, tomorrow $1.50 ea. 45-Piece Dinner Set in tho woll known English Semi-Porcelain Blue Willow Dinner Ware, to morrow, set $4'.50 One-third off tomorrow on all Cut Glass, Gold Decorated Austrian Glass and all Hand Painted China. , , ,,,, HUSiSEY'S DRIVES OUT RHEUMATISM IlUounintUm It tlun to on osooi' j of urlo ucltl, u-t Irritating, liillivitnimtory nccmimlutloiii which KW into thu circulation booiiufio Of woule lclilunyfl, I uouatlpntlon, (udlgcitlnn, mul otlior pitystoai irromtmniiofi winoii nro tiimiuiy eonaUlorml of no luinortaiiou. -Nolltlng upplloil exlunmlly cull over roauli the neat ot thh ttauulo; tho most Hitch treatment con do Is soothe tho ptilnn temporarily; wlilto pottwh ami other mhimtl inodlelinn really add to tho uuldtty of the bloo I, nml tlthi llitld therefore ootttlmtully growa mot o aurhl ivml vltlatod. Then limtenil of nourishing the illllurciit ukiicIhh and JolntH, hooping them iu a normally supple nml nhutK) condition, It gradually liardoiui ami titlifeuil thorn liy drying up t.'i'i natural olla nml iltikK llhoumutlnm ouu never bo cured until thu blood 1 purliled. M. M, H. thoiouglily cluumtnn ami rouovfiton tho circulation by MeutrttUrlng thu acUUt tuul driving tho outtim front Out ayutnm. It stmugthunn ami invigorates thu blood so that Inslemt of n nour, voalc ctuuuit, dupoidtlug acrid nntl painful conoulvo mutter hi tho Miunuh'd, Jnuitn und tunitn. it imurlOjea tho entire body with pure, l toll blood nnd permanently euron Uhniuimtltm B. contains no potash, ttlhnllor other harmful mluwrnl, bill hi nimbi entirely of rootn, hutlm ami barlca ot meat purifying and tonlo pn-n"tion, UooU ou Hhutimatlsui and any inedlval udvluu frco to nil who write, THii SWJKT SPBCIVIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. MEDFORDJTJIEATUE. MAY IO mmm rj n t UGH JbMmilTUC YHHM .-.Vk'r"!! I dT BHVk. 8Y PIIHIP M. ?ARTHOLOMAE THE Sunrise Laundry TAMll.V U'AHlll.SfJ A Hl'Kt'lAIrV. Al'.li W'OUK (SUAUANTUI.M) Ordcra called for and delivered, l'lmt cIiihs work douu by hand. LndtuH' and muu'a nulta rlcnticd and prcmied. Tel. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner KlKhtlt and Hotith Central Avenue. Phono Main 51 V iqe Phone Home 204 DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY WHAT IS DISTILLED WATER? Di.stillt'd Witter is water that ha.s hecn condensed into steam, then converted liitck to its natural state, thus killinif all erins the water may contain. WHAT IS FILTERED WATER? Filtered Water is water that has passed through filtering beds, thereby purifying itself of all foreign .substances. WEINHARD'S ICE is made Water. Mndorsed by all from Distilled, Filtered iihvsicians. H. WEINHARD'S ICE DEPOT iScluO''! XTil !& ."'' s -s A "AurtlCM 1 IMfc'T I J.r1-lii Mitu" WHY? BIfiul J'lour m ff t TWAinilT rrt-lfrn Uh Wl.fAt nmir tis H mo. , ilk mliuiii .-.mi nri iii.ur. llie lo ki imilu ff 1,111 llll, ult.'t, ll,.Hi il inn. I 1u l......ii., , , i I -".., .. ,....-. tr .l".rJ,s ,, ., fiiiwiwi tun imi,iwir limit lltt Imi ni.u. I'lirllicriiiOff. wric livlnic In UU.r mvIiik tigr. .. cl. Irin. llnr.l Uliixl Hour lia ilcirM .iialiliu lliut raimol Im- nrrkiul,il in inr inuiiiKi,,,,, ,, in,. 1.1 l.r.wliiif. Dikem icalle ll,l, Tor h vnail'lr tliry ioiiHno Ilitnorlvil, n..i.t- of K..lrrti ll.ihl lirut ami U cuter n s(i Uhmi .ilm, I. ,n n..... 'i i... Hut llie lui, iim-t lint Ikj inlxril linlinai,y, an tl,o mwrlutily Vtf Mini. ...,,...,.... ,,r.rii.,a ninmr nn 11 ,riu r imupirc. lMfli'Mf ruin in IillliHf nicir i.miuci, uie i'ltiim I i unm Miuji Imirmv inlc live inj to iltlruuliip the rHct iirnKiflliiini of will llonr ro. (llilml in iiriuliiri' llir Mnnl of MjtlrrM flTicldicy. un; loriiuiu niiaiiy aioin,, in actual iahia rniiiii'lltluii ulili fill otlirr well known lirmuU on 1 1- inatltt ImLiy, luit r- icatnlly ikinmntrnlril ltd ckrrllcnrr. Von fit 1I1U mlfii, iiuv bvitiviiiuiiuii ill imyuiK Fisiers Blend Flour : ffli , tuoVl jik. Xi IJHl8'jBtln twuR lM. ruoijt wiMdijiDifl j& Legal Blanks at Medford Printing Cos t A T