pxoi3 momr ftiTCBFORT) MXTL TRIBUNE, MTJTYFORT). OR1OTON. SATURDAY. MAY I, 1912. seniors to give play tuesday Tim senior oliis of Hip Mmlfonl high school will nivo as their niiminl piny th'm yenr "Tho Mcrchunt oC Ven ice Up To Dole," n comedy. The piny Is pntturiicri nflcr the tii-Sgiim) Mer chant of Venice in the plot hut tho setting i nt college niid college l)iV nml fjirls tnkc the pinoc of tho old style nctors. Everyone knows how the plot of the Morehunt of Venice of JMinkospenre'a pocs nnri the modern iidaptntion of (lie play is in the, same vein. Of course there i Shylock, Bnssnnio, Antoitio, Portia, and many others of Shnkespeare's fmnoiw char acters in the modern play. One of tho situations of tho new play will he tho playing of a football game he fort' the audience on the tnt'. Two himky football tennis will he lined up opposing each other and will c through several plays on the field. This, in it.sclf will he a hie lanch to see tlio men tumble over each other in their eagerness to reach the other goal. The price of admission to this comedy will he small. 7."o will obtain for anyone the best seat in the house. Tho show will be put on Tuesday, May 7. 3012. COLVIG FIRST TO 00N STRAW HAT It's hero! Hut it took the noblest booster of , them all to do it. Judge Colvig. Straw hat. Tagged $7.1.1). It's Panama And it's right. And white. Hye and bye the rest of us will fol low suit. Hut Clig was fir-st. Today! The sun smiled its answer. ROOSEVELT SCHOOL TO GIVE PLAY TODAY ChXKKKKKKKKK;V Xm.$M" WITH FEZ AND ffi. THEY SCORN BIZ Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the Medford high school the mothers and teachers of the Hoosevett school, In connection with tho children of tho school, will present as a matinee, "Scenes of Childhood." The little play was very successfully staged Thursday nlcht at the school build ing and netted the association the as soclatiou $45. which money, in con nection with whatever may bo taken in Saturday afternoon, will be used to beautify the school grounds. Tho admission will be but 15 cents. (i ll IS LOS ANGELES, May 4. With several hundred visiting Shriners al- ready hero for the annual conclave or the Masonic order and ten social trains due to arrive during the iln with 1300 more, the formal program ! for their entertainment was begun today. Sjecial Shriners trains carried hundreds of the fez wearers to the Santa Monica , automobile races, where special sections in the stumi had been reserved for them. Through out the morning the streets were gav with marching patrols en mute to and from railway stations to greet new urrivals. Tonight for the first time the maze rf ltie ii.l ciiAnmntv Hint j3 a it. I n the streets in the business section of tho city -will be- turned on or unfurled and the evening will be given over to merrymaking. A movement is on foot today to discontinue the annual city gatherings of the order and substitute a meeting at an isqluted spot in northern Mich igan, the purchase of which may bo recommended by the officers. This tract, which may become a summer shrine city, comprises 11,000 acre. SUFFRAGETTES IN IE PARAD E NEW YORK, May 4. With nearly 20,000 women and 3,000 men in line, the lurgebt suffrage parade in tho history of the United States took placo here this afternoon. Among the marchers were many men from Harvard, Yale, Columbia and other universities. Half of the men partic ipating were members of labor unions, and all were pledged to the suffrage cause. The parade was headed by 100 wo men on horseback under the leader ship of Mrs. Charles Knoblauch. He hind them came the "old guard," band, playing the Marseillaise. The coming event of the season, an engagement that has taken a year to secure is "The Spring Maid." With the possible exception of "The Merry Widow.'' with which "The Spring Maid" has been o often compared, no light opera has been considered sufficiently fascinating to reach over into a second year before New York'.s blase theatre-goers, but this latest opera has this record to its credit as well as having been recalled to pas.s over the same complete route of cit ies twice in the limits of a single season. The producers, Werba and Luesch er, are credited with making the most of "The Sprini' MnidV joyous fluid ities and have even brought to Amer ica the little Hungarian prima donna. Mizzi Hajos, who created the saucy title role abroad and is the piipiaut idol of the Viennese themselves, as well as Charles McNaughton, the most noted player of comedy roles in England for the life-like impersona tion of the serio-comic English tra gedian of the provinces. Seats may be subscribed for at llnskin-; Drug store and the price will be only $2.00. Drink Habit KKLMBLE HOME TJtEATMKXT The OltRINE treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with abso lute confidence. Jt destroys all de sire for whiskey, beer or other alco holic BtlmulantB. Thousands have successfully used it and have been re stored to lives of sobriety and useful ness. Can be given secretly. Costs only ?1.00 per box. If you fall to get results from ORRIN'E after a trial your money will bo refunded. Ask for freo booklet telling all about Olt RINE. Leon W. Hasklns, E. Main. For Sale CORDWOOD 4 Foot Lengths FIR and HARDWOOD $4.50 per Cord Special prices in large lots Gold Ray Realty Co. 6th & Fir t X Y t Y Y Y t Y Y y v y Y y Y r y r r y Y i i X y t Y T Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y T Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y T Y T Y Y Y t Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y T Y T Y Y t Y Y Y Y ? Y Y t X Y X ! X ! X X ! X I ! X ? X I t Y Y Y T Y Y T T t T T T Special Offer For May and June Free Gas Service Reduction in Gas Ranges t & THE OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO. have set the mark for 1000 gas consumers this summer and in order to give you a chance to enjoy the many advantages of "COOKING WITH GAS" we will connect your home with our Gas Mains FREE OF ALL COST TO YOU If you want to burn gas you do not have to buy a GAS RANGE from us to get FREE SERVICE. COME IN and sign up to use GAS and we will install the SERVICE FREE provided you agree to USE immediately. HOWEVER-We will sell you GAS RANGES at GREAT LY REDUCED PRICES. k Trie Range that sold for $26.00 can now be bought for $17.00 connected in your kitchen and "TERMS TO SUIT" This very liberal cash outlay. offer will cost us several thousand dollars REMEMBER-It only applies during MAY and JUNE. A great many will appreciate this when TOO LATE. COME IN and talk it over with us so we can explain to yo,u more fully what this OFFER really means. ASK ABOUT THE FREE RANGE 6 PHONE FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL Oregon Gas & Eledric Co. Bell Phone Main 5261 211 WEST MAIN STREET WATCH THE WINDOW Mrtrf&&"&M"$Mty A A. A A :!!: vvvv ! t t T ? ? ? y ? ? ? f y ? ? y ? ? y y ? ? ? t y y y ? Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T y y .; . y i Home Phone 40 J