w ' i! K L IL y A The Faithful Employe cohc li J'M SOKRY 70 HEAR' M-ET lilEh'fefn J fllEUoM.." $ QEHOSEPKAT COSHf) IMtOtVlce 1JAT.-Y0UKM0W J SlHPlf AM MOT h7'A DON'T YOU HUPE HE DOESN'T TOXirV. T,0SE ST, LOUIS GOING 70 MOVE OUT AZ. 0W I'M &J,tJE,F ,!E, AGAIN"! 1 W WAN7ED ar MERE IN nils ZZ Z 2 L surFCR NC Vm JffXS cAT fczF) 1A ,XL vt -iosnjoN tou tours worr,c zzxz lilLiif L H XTT " f V' Iw-vM .SPOKE ABOUT faoMUCl THAT'S 7'i 12 7 V rw N rZZ. ALLEGED lEEL THIEF CAUGHT IVlur l.old'H, ii Mexican, vn nr HtMi'il 1'iiduy nighl Ity 'lui'T (' Police MtlUnll, i-lllllK"iI with tin theft ill' ii bicycle from 'ee Si'iily u IVw tiny jljsii. ViMiuir Study fnw tin Mexieuii on tint hlii'i't with tli lili'vcli' mil n (If i huiiijc made hum u wiih liU properly In ni'lilii'il (lit police mill lint iirrchl lollowcd. Tli (i Mexican find claimed ho lind Imujilil lln bicycle in California nnd liml Inonyht ii l Medford, Ili niter wnnl hImIi'i! tin liml bought it from another .Mexicuii in Mnlforil. lit wim ' tnken before .ItiHliiM) of (lie IVuec Taylor .Sutttrdny morning or n pro Hiniiiiirv exnininntinii. Seely idculi fii'il tin bicycle iih IttH liv iiiiuliH iumI fiiiniliar ih'iils ininlc on (Ik franu', ami ilccliiii'il poi(ivily it wiik Iiix pnipcrly nUillmtaniliiiK tliu fact that tin wln'i'1 ijiiin were paiuti'il red whcrmiM mi III- wlirol tln-y wcr lilmt, lint wlii'ii tin' ruil wan tti'rapi'il off tin liliic paint wiu (liccnvi'icd tiiiili'Viii'atli. 'I'lic liciniiii; wiih I'liittintiril until 'J o'i'locic to jii'i'iirc i'iiiIIht iiliintirica tlmi liv .1. K. Ma) tin, a diityflo dealer, who hoIiI flit liieyele to Sei'ly. IiImm is tlio fellow who wH nr resliid hi"! winter in company with DuiM. Leon, charged with htenlin eopior w-iie, hut hy the cffoitn of Leon lo hli'tttil him, he wiih aemiilted by the jjnniil jury, while Leon w now Serviin; ii term in the penitentiary. A number of olhnr hir.ve.leji haw hoen xtoleu iliiriiii; the pant few ilnyi. Thitiday niicht one was xtnlen fnim U. 1'. Itelelioteiii and the hhiiio nii;!it II. Titer lot lii. Miirlv I'ridav uven ttttr will .laokkon had IiJh wheel Hlolun from (hi) Medford National hank ImllilitiK. 1 CENTRAL POINT ITEMS I Kx-Mnyor V. ('. I.oever xpent I'ri duy in Ahhhiud where he wiih one .if the comiiiillee to iceeive the Shrill erri. ('ouncilumu II. V. I.IuiImi- left Fri day on the Shriller Npeeml for I.oh Angeles iih it delegate to the (lieut liiipcrinl council of the Ah'stie Slirin ern. 3 W' John It. mid CIhik. Cliul; returned Fridny inorniiijr from lliilccy where they iiltciiilcd the fiiuoral of their fnllier. Hie late M. M. ('lurk. Minn (leoreiii ('line Iuih relumed from u two uioutliH visit to ('nlifornii, Rev. nml .Mix. Aldrich, Mitts Sarah Ib'lib, W. A. I'ylmrn Mix Iluill.tr, Jfi'. Iliiinillon Jens Whculcr, Leu W'il HiiniH, Win. Worlh, Chiuhm Woody were iimoiit,' the (Vnlral Point ile i lilt I nnciit Fridav in Medfmd. Dr. ('. II. Ilii'. O. ('. Kin.', K. S. Miller, II. V. HiiHwell, Douiilit Clark, K. W. Iliinlley, (leo. C. TMitit of Med ford hpcul ii IVw hours hern I'Vidny. .1. I'ercv WcIIh of JnckHoiivillu, vIhSIimI (tie hcliiHiW here Fiidiiy ul'lcr noon, Modrorii Printing company carry n full lino of logiil blnuku. New Today A party lit Seattlo wIhIioh to ex chaugo hhi Htrlutly inodorii, finely lo cated five room homo for boiuo laud hero that will grow into money, and can bo easily miido into n homo. Who Iuih hoiiiq property for trade? Wo have boiuo flue, tracts on Rokiio river beyond Gold Hill that are ulcu and level, and will make Ideal homes, Call uud got a dscriptlon of them, A flue timber and wood proposi tion on Grirrin creek, and at tonus that will easily allow moHt of tho payment from tho wood, Only mivon and eight mlltm out, Call and list your proporly. Oth-oi-H mo doing It, and getting results. city lioimoH and upni-tmoiita for rout, V, I). 1IOON llooin It! .liu'Usoii Con nly Hunk llldg. FOUR ME KILLED L IN HAS WW V) I TOPKKA. ICiiiih., May I. -Knur were hilled and two othei-H pnrfiapH Hcriiniil.v liijiirpd in a tornado which Hwept over Iviunley, ICan., a idin to ifpiTflti Tceeiviul hv the SiHita IV railroad todav. Th dead and iajui'-il were alioriM-M hiinhinjf in mx rarn which wi'io hlown out. 'I'clenrapli wiriM were (oin down and coiiNider ahlc daniaKC lo inilmad properly. Ktamp linil Not Ire. Acting nailer liiHtruclloiiH from Uoventor Went, nil thu swatnp land bolotiKliiK to thu Btnto of Orogon will tie itok'cted no noon an puMslltlu. Any oiio hitvlng liifortuntlon re KtinlliiK thu location or condition of inch land will kindly confer with me. ftnrh Information will ho of much vnluo to tlm Innd dutmrtmont. T. A. ItlNHIIAUT, tf Htato Laud At;ont. Nena:. Notice. Ik hereby given that tlio un diimlKtieil will apply to tlio city coun cil of tlio City of Modfonl, OroKon, at lt next regular meeting on May 7, 1UI2, for a IIcoiiko to nell ?tlrltii oiih, vlnoun and malt llquorH nt wlioleaalo nod retail, or for a llcontso lk Mtll tli.. anm.t Iti .lint nf Iff InA it i9 i.v.1 mi .... v ,1. i. ...... u . morn Hum one ciillmi. nml for a ll rciiKD to noil tlio name at retail, or In (jiinntttlcs lean than one gallon, nt No, in North Front Htroct, la uald city for n period of ono yoar. April 2t, 191 2. ANGHLK8 WINF3 CO., 0 Tor A. S. Ash. Logal blanks nt tho Medford Print ing company. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF 'I Itl'STEE'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dcrHtguod, trustee In bankruptcy, will reecho sealed bids for the purchase of the stork of goods, wares, mer chandise, furniture mid fixtures be longing to B. T. Van do Car, bunk, nipt, up to 5 o'clock p. in. May 0th, 1012. at the offlco of Hoggs & Wil son, Medford Furniture & Hnrdwaro Coinpiiuy'H bloi-ki MedfortI, Ore gon. Inventory can bo seen and property Inspected on application to the undersigned. All bids must boi for cash, anil must no accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid, to bo forfoitcd It bid is accoptcd and purchase not com pleted by bidder. Tho right Is re served to reject any and all bids, and sale will bo made subject to confir mation by the court. Mciirord. Oregon, April 2(1. 1912. 'WILLIAM ULRICII, Trustee, ALL PERSONS having loft any Jewelry or other ar ticles with 11. T, Van do Car for re pairs or other work, uro hereby noti fied to call for Hinno within 10 days from tho date of this notice, at tho storo of J. F. La wf oncd, No. 120 East Main street, and pay charges thereon and receive biuiio, ns tho Btock Ih offered for salo May 9th, 1912. Proper ronolptu or Blips for Identification of articles must bo pro Kcnted. Meiirord, Oregon, April 2(1. 1912. WILLIAM ULKIOII, Trustoo. 1JU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT Furnlshod hotol for rent on percentage ImatB. Address F. II., caro Mall Trlbnno. FOR SALE Ono of tho beat paying IniBlnesHca In Modfonl. Box 15, euro Mall Trlbnno. 37 FOR SALE Good rooming house, long lease, reasonable rent, good location; or might exchange for real estate. Address Box 33, caro Mall Tiihuno. 39 FOR KENT FUKN18UKD ROOMS FOR RENT Modern front room. Close In. Rntea low. MB North ivy. FOK RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.C0 and $2 lor wooit. wouorn houBOkoopIng npurtmonta, $15 and $10. Home Phouo aOC-IC. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Smith Apia, 217 3. RlV. AfRDFORD MAIL TRTBUNfi, rtJUNI) rOI'ND- nmhrclja at DcVoe'n. 37 FOll Itli.N'i IHiUHKH KOH HUNT -Ono s room two ntory roHltloiicii on'pavi'd Htrcot, and oao 0 toom furiilKliod Iioiiko cIohu In. Iiupilro :t 1 0 N. Hnrtlott. I'OH ItKNT- flood hIx room liotian, rontritl, tlifidorn, -id ii lulling, oloctrlc llglitH and lawn. Phono Main :i-t01. r.u FOIl HUNT K room aparlmniit, modnrii. Utmxnnablc In'j'ilre of Oakdale Cimli (Iron-ry. S , FOK HKNT HOUSKKKKriNO KOOMH FOH UKNT Uoom and board for man and wlfi. choap. 72(5 Welch Btrcot. l HOAltl) AND ItOOM by the day, week or tranHlont. at 201 South Central. Olve ua n trial. J. 11. Tyrrell. 41 FOR KENT Housekeeping rooms; bath nd gan. 315 North Uartlctt ntreet. " FOK KENT OFFICES FOK LEASE Offlco rooma fur nlBbed and unfurnlBbed, central location, 5 to 110 per month. Ad dreDH 1). C, caro Mnll Tribune. FOn KENT Over the poatofflco, with boat and light. Boo A. A. Davhh FOK KENT Largo, comrortablo of flco rooms with elevator service, Hteam boat, hot and cold wator. Low ratos. Apply Medford Furnl ttiro & lldw. Co. ifOK KENT MI8Cin.TiANi:OUS FOR RENT -Store room In Ashland opposite the Hotel Orogon. In anlro of Camp's Studio, upstairs R L. Camp's, Ashland, Oregon. GARDEN and fruit lands for rent. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Flr. FOK HALE T.OT8 FOR SALE Lots and small tracts of laud, for rash, cheap. M. M. Miilue, 410 North Ivy at. Phono Home 143-X. 5S FOR SALE By the ownor, nt a. bar gain, 13 lots hi the northwest part of the olty. Easy terms if desired. Address l.oln, caro Mall Tribune FOK BALIV ITOUSF.8 FOR SALE Now bungalow wlltt six rooms, bntb and pantry;' acrooned In back porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; east frent: lot 50x171 feet deop, or two iota iuuxki wun alley nt aide, with barn on. Will Hvn cood terms, lnqulro 317 Howard at., eaBt Blda. Phono C2C1. FOK SALE Somo good Improved and unimproved Medford proporty on nnd near S. Onkdalo; modem houses for rent, also somo good young driving horses. lnqulro of 8. T. Hownrd, Jr., S15 S. Oakdale. Phone, Pacific 72. FOK BALE ACREAGE FOR SALE Tho beautiful Mountnln View subdivision, one milo west of Eaglo Point is now open for sale in tracts of ton or more acres to Bult purchasers. Tho first four tracts purchased will bo sold to actual settloiB on tine-tenth down and a tenth a year until paid. Don't miss this opportunity to get ft good homo close to market nml ft good young city on easy torma whore tho soil Is deop, rich and mellow. Call on or write Tho .lackaon County Realty Co., 004 West 10th Bt., Medford, Oregon. 15 ACRES aandy creek bottom land with free water right and ditch to the land now. ThlB land Ih nult ablo for nil ItlndB of vogotnbloa, borrlorf and alfalfa. Prlco $150 per acre. Would constdor' trade. Oliver 1). Brown, 130 N, Barttott Btrcot. . FOR SALE Eight acres, Just out side city limits, all planted to 3 yenr old appler.; small houso, good well; $2500, W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Konrt thin carefully, study It out, and tr you need any furthor asslBtanco 1 will direct you to ono of tho best buya In this valley. M'i acres i or a mile east of Central Point, 1 ncroa in bearing penrfl, and about 9 acrea In young poara.woinmorolal variety. Hal. In pasturo mid garden. Llea on tlio main county road, baa a good Bovon room house, barn, con croto milk house, and two good wolls. Tlio Bell la all Boar crook bottom froo boII, Tho prlco Is $9500, and might consider taking part In Medford Improved propor ty. Goo, O. Cornltlua, 219 W. Malu Bt, .37 MEDffORP,. (mwlOX, SATl'TWAY, MAY 1, 1012. FOIt SALl-IiA.VI) KOIl 8ALK Clilclteii rnnrh and Har den land Vi mile from Medford. W. H. Kvcrlmrd, 1005 Wont 9t.b I'liono r,n71. JO ATUICS near Hagm Point. Thin would Ijo an Ideal homo tract aH It Ir Hiiltahlo for a variety of pur po'se. Krtilt and grain and poul try. I'rlco ?7fi por acrti. Would roiiHldur t ration. Oliver II. Brown, 4.tn N. Uartlott ft. FOR SALK OrcK'a roaxt landB. Do you noeil a change fm vnnr health? Wo have a few hau liomex left! 1 .11 ml from 120 lo S1IIU iter acre unimpr'Vid and n-mie with lin-, proveuiciUH ano sukk Menu Hinnip for free booklet Atldrem (J. W hay. Toledo, Oregon 37 FOK SAMS WOOD AM) FUEL FOK SALE Wood, four foot $5. 2 ft. $5.50, 1 Cinch $0 f. o. b. Med ford, carload lots only. In qui re at P. & E. depot. FOK SALE Wood. Helchateln sells wood; old Krowth Body Fir. .$5.50 per cord. Both phones. 55 FOK SALE Wood at country prices. lC-!n. fir $2.75. 12-ln. fir $2.25, lC-ln. hardwood $3, 12-ln. hard wood, $2.50: 12-ln. pine, block. $2; lfi-ln. plne.nulock. $2.50. All dry wood. C19 S. Riverside. Bell phone 5041. FOK SALE Hardwood and fir $ 1.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOK BALE POOmtX AXD EGG8 FOR SALE Baby turkeys, with mothora if desired. Kobt. Dutton, Orchard Home. . FOR SALE Whlli: Leghorn Baby chicks from selected utility stock. tno Kinu mm mane rciaiuma ia mous; $7.50 peril 00 during April, May and Juno. Tho Pioneer Hatch cry, Box 34C, I'etaluina, Cal. 77 FOR SALE Eggs, Crystal White Orpingtons, Rhodo Island Reds, Brown Leghorns. Seo W. H. Evcrhard, 1009 West 9th. Phono CC71. FOR SALE For a quick sale, will sell a C3 egg Potaluma incubator and a 100 chick brooder aU very low price. Phone Home 17t;-R or call 534 S. Hamilton. 37 FOR SALE Pen of pure bred Barred Rocks, 12 hens, 1 cockerel. Prlco reasonable. This will in clude 1 brood of 11 chicks and ono lion setting. Phono Home 17C-R or call 531 S. Hamilton. 37 FOK SALE .MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Vcgotablo plants, all kinds, transplanted. C. Carey, Talent. Phone S1G-F-11. FOR SALE First clasn open buggy nearly now. Seo G. II. Ends, tho coal and fuel man." tt FOR SALE 5 passcngor automobllo cheap for cash or easy terma. Might oxchniigo. Address Box F. II., caro Mall Trlbuuo. FOR SALE First crop alfalfa In barn, one mile from Medford. $10 ton. Address Potter & Goold, Medford, Ore 42 FOK SALE OK EXCHANGE FOR SALE" OK " EXCHANGE 100 acrea good grain land In tho Sams Valley country. 40 ncroa of this is clenrod mid under tho plow, fenced, lies on tho county road, has n.good woll and about 11 acres In young fruit. Hal. is In tlmbor nnd brush. Llea flno for irrigation and is A-l grain and stock proposition. Prlco Is $1200, and would exebango equity for Medford Improved prop, erty. but must bo put In at tho right price. Goo. C. Cornltlua. 219 W. Main at. " FOlFSAl."E OK EXCHANGE 07 ncroa 1 mile from tho Sovon Oaks Btntlon. 37 acres of this Is cleared with 18 acres In pears and tho Hal. in grain. Good house, barn and other outbuildings. Also a good family orchard, nnd two wolls. Tho other 30 acres la flno for pasturo and baa considerable wood on it. Juat tho place for somo of you pce: plo who are kicking about living In tho city. Excellent Bell, and you can't duplicate It for anywhere near tho price. Prlco $9500 nnd would trado equity for Improved Medford property. Goo. C. Cornl tlua, 219 W. Malnst. 8J FOirSALEOR TRADE on mprovod ranch, or will talto automlbllo na n first paymout, n good paying business In tity of Medford, vnluo about $2000. Address Fred Monro, p. p. Box 13, Medford. 39 FOR'SALE OREXOHANGE Rmich os, fruit mid gardon land, tlmbor lands, town and suburban lota and aero tracts. Gold Uay lloalty Co., 0th and Mr, xzx COMPOUND Y0IR OLD HIDE'. NOV lilMAT DO YOU VMM y l fok i:xchane FOR KXCHANHB For Medford or N. Orogon Unil," 100 a. of sticky. IIoiibc, barn and tint biiildliiKf. I'rlce $75 per aero. Ownor, Hox 11 caro Mall Tribune. 37 KXCIIANGE $r00 equity In .-. New town lotH, value $2r,oo. What bavn you to oxchatiKP? Thou. JL K. llnttiHwnv l V lnln nt 1 . ...... . .. , - - - w. EXCHANGE New tevn room mod ern house, Madrona Park district Seattle. Hot water beat, two fire places, concrete garage, two veran das, lake view. Want Medford or clone In acreage. Value $8500, Enc. $3500 ?.'& year 7 per cent. Will ii8iiino here. W. J. lilies, Hotel Ntu,b. 37 EXCHANGE 2 aero truck and chicken ranch. In limits Gold Hill, Joining $20,000 school. 125 trees, 50 grapes, ainall fruit, "Oregon houses," private water plant. Trade warrants, mortgage, escrow, or what have you? Allow $C00 on small auto, balance time. Value $1000. Win. Searle, Medford. Phone 303-W. 37 IIELP WANTED JIALE WANTED Agents for the Continen tal Casualty Co., tho largest health and accident Ins. Co. in tho world. Call or write Dist. Manager, 123 East Main, room 2. 37 DON'T MISS THIS WANTED A live energetic man in each city or district in So. Oregon. Life con tract. No cleaner business. High commission. Write A. B. Schlrmer, Medford. 50 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Office work or clerking by youns woman. P. O. Box 38C. Home phone 252-L. 3S WANTED Lady wants sewing at home. 26 Welch st. 41 WANTED Experienced dressmak ing and alterations at home or by tho day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 4 02 North Oak dale. Bell pbone 7761. 37 WANTED MISCELLANEO US WANTED One mule to weigh about 1050 lbs. Must be sound and true. Phono or write particulars. E. L. Lane, Central Point. 32 WANTED Threo furnished house keeping rooms; must be close In nud reasonable. Box B. K., care Mall Tribune. 41 WANTED About ton loads rotted jnanure. Namo price at location or delivered Siskiyou Heights. X 23, Mall Tribune. WANTED Stock to pasture. Good feed and water. Inquire of II. G. Peon, P. O. Box 555. 42 WANTED A loan of about $ J 0,000 for four or five years, amplo se curity, titles good. Address M. C. caro Mall Tribune. 40 WANTED Small tract tlmbor land or Btumpago near Medford. Box 543, Medford. Ore. 41 WAXTKl TO BUY WANTED TO BUY I buy fat cows, calves, hogs, shcop, hides, wool, poultry. Don't kill your small calves, give them to me. Home phone 272-H. Bob Crowder, Med ford. 5S Fruit Land Wanted WANNTED 15 to 25 acres noar city limits; partly improved, with vari ety of fruits; prefer a farm with somo tlmbor, fair buildings, good building site, sasy terms, must bo a bargain; givo exact location aud prlco; from ownor, no agent. Ad dross 24, caro Mall Trlbnno. 38 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assaycr and Analt SOUTHERN "OREGON" MININU BU REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other minor ala. MIucs and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining mapa aud roporta mndo thereon by com petent mining nasayora and engi neers at reasonablo terms. Capital securod for dovoloplng mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers aro earnestly requestod to send samples of their orca fcr exhibi tion purposes, aud send full de scription of tbolr mining .property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, fith and Fir sta. Accountants D. H, WOOD-Gonoral accountant'. Your books audited and kept for a roasonnblo figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trlb uuo bldg.; phono 6611; resldonce phono 6802. Billiard Parlor 8. T. UUOWN & CO. UllllariU, ui- ' gaVs aud Soft Drinks. Upstalra, Young & Hull bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons, IJINQUvt n vrry l? By WinsorjMcCay Trrrzrn rxrr iTtAHrtflP Awn rn. 'sflMETHlMG OVER DREW OM THEIR S WRONG! I'll go With flAWK AND THAT 90.000.00 CHECK Yau: i cAME BACK' I TO LOOK I'THlMK.SOMfcJ VLTbEM vlHlttSt5 yr;OM-y IJUSLMvSS DinKOrOKT Attorney . W. UAOSriAW Attorncy-at-Law. Jacknonvllle, Oro.- Office: Bank blilg., KGcond floor. Pbene: Pa cific, Main 3.1. . L. REA.MES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank building, second floor. 1 PORTER J. KEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 I Postofflco bids. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. qilEKKY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bide. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 Garnett-Corey Blda. Collection Asfcncy L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phono Main 2021. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phono Main 5662. EDGAR MARTIN General Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 706 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 71. Civil Enclnccr LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building trades, city engineering, drafting, Eewer design, concreto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chinese Medicine CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troiti,ion. -Seo mo at 241 S. Front hi , Medford, Ore., to t, 0-30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., sulto 310, Medford, Orogon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offlco in Rlalto bldg.', 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extractlbn of tcoth. Tolephono Malu GS1. Night phouo 4432. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor, baths and scien tific massage gtvon; advice In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 168-lv. Fimiitvre MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th aud Holly sts. Medford. Mission furniture ruado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson Bt Phouo No. 3401. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 21S West Main Street, Dealers aud manufacturers of pressod and com mon brick mid tilo. Get our prices and boo our brick and tlio before uurohiialnn. Garbngo MEDFORD OARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo ordora at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Kodnoy Taylor. Pacific 3632. Home 107-X. GARBAGE Got your premises cleaned up for tho aummor, Call on tho city garbago wagons for good sorvlco. Phono Main 822; also garden manuro for buIo. J. F, Porrcz, PAOFi SRV1DK it'A TOO BAD THAT YOU HAVE TO GO OUT IN FHIS CONDITION BUT want ..( IT CAN'! OR. , up ;t.K,wi5C2y BUSINESS DIRECTORY Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated nnd char tered under tho laws of tho state ol Oregon, insures horses and cattle against death from flro, accident or discaso. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Oro. Offices Wtwt Side Stable. Notary Pnlillc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to me at the tjm of Tho Mall Trlbnno". Nursrrte QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In the trust. II. J3. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entranco next to barber sbqp. ROGUE RrVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Frlutcrs and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. bos the best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc, Port land prlces. 27 N. Fir st. 'Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac 3343. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and, Phippa bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, residence phone 612. Offlco hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S.. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Storo. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 E. Malu St., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block. Office phono 4901. Residence 7051. DJt. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kontner bldg, Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to D. Phone, Boil 271. Residence phone Bell 273. Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac- tlco limited to Chronic Discuses. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phonos. Residence phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eaglo Point and Roguo River lino. Second Floor Garnett-Coroy Building Medford, Oregon. Dra. Saundors & Green Special ists Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat, "Not ouly tho cheapest, but the best." Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blcck. Stenographic work douo quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 16 South Fir. Phone Bell 315it; Home 3G0-IC Prices right. Sorvlce guaranteed, MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY - Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 3C anywhere In the city. Office Val Joy Second Hand Store, 15 N. Kir; st. Phenes: Main 3072, Home 364. Messengor service. Fred Grooker, Prop, Undertaken JOHN A, PURL Undertaker ami- Embaimer. Office 28 Soutb Harr iett st. Telephenes: Day, Mt 471; night, reddenee, Belt 471, Home 179-L. Calls auswerwl piglU or dsy. AuhuUtuw awvlt, , - vrs i mil .