h ( U"J u Ml . I I I : III h hi it. I II frXti.13 SIX fttEDFORD ftLVTTJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKCION, SATURDAY, MAY -I, 1012. GOOD PROSPECTS ARE UNCOVERED 10 TEST WATERS H ASHLAND The tlunisniul foot tunnel nt Hut NiiRr.nrd properly on Elk Creek lin been completed mid nnuthcr luiutol of the Bnmo IoiirUi will he driven on' tho Elk Creek uhlo to ohtnin denlli. When completed tho new tunnel will liftvo dipped tho lend under the nppex nml owner? will hnve a definite idea nB to the amount of Inch urndo ore thoy hnve. The completed tnntiol went in on a fissure which eventu ally widened to e'slit inches of hih grade ore averaging from :?"100 to $1,'J00 per ton in gold, zinc, lead and silver values. In nddilion to this high grade slrcnk a lot of hne ore was taken out and will probably be handled by a concentration plant. The Alameda copper, mine in the same district has uncovered another fine lend and contemplates the crccthn of a 500-ton concentration plant in place of the 100-lon plant now o'n the ground. The Three Lodes mining properiy on Gnlicc Creek has taken in the Golden Pheasant group of mines cov vering 100 acres and will push the work on the property. The Three Lodes havo already been tho scene or a grent deal of development. The company expects to put up a 100-ton concentration plant and will separate the copper and ship the concentrates to Sweden where the platinum and tin will be extracted. Assays give values of twelve per cent copper and fivo to twenty-eight dollars in golo and about eleven ounces of platinum to the ton. A New Jersey concern offers to place a Miieltinjr and separ ating plant to handle the concert ra tes on a royally basis for the plat inum and tin. Fourteen tonsr of copper ore from the Takilma nunc in Josephine conn ty passed through here the first of the week en route to the smelter nt Kennel t, California. The company in charge of tho Ivakilma mines expect to bo shipping a carload of ore dnily fiom now on. The mine lies three miles northeast of Waldo and is own ed by tho Waldo smelter and mining company the principal stockholder being J. 0. B. Gunu. Fourteen men nro now employed at the mine and twenty-two teams arc hauling the ore to the railroad. A bis increase in the working 'Torco will be made in, the near future. ELECTS OFFICERS At a meeting of the Medford Equal Suffrago association at the Hotel Medford Friday afternoon the follow ing officers were elected: President, Mrs. J. F. Reddy; vice president, Mrs. George E. Booa; treasurer, Mrs. Gcorgo L. Davis; secretary, Gladys Heard, assistant secretary, Hazel Davis. Mrs. Reddy will leavo Monday for a trip to Portland, Seattle and Spo kane whero she will meet with the leaders of the association and perefct plans for work in the Roguo River valley. A committee was also formed to carry on work through surrounding towns and visits will bo mado to Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold Hill and Woodvillo in tho near future In ordor to Kccuro tho cooperation of women In tho valley. This commit tee Is composed of tho following wo mon: Mrs. Frank Cottorlll, chairman; Mrs. Charles SchlcffoUn, Mrs. E. E. Gore, Mrs. Walter McCallum, and Mrs. Gcorgo E. Doos. Tho Department of Agriculture, through Its pure food department, is engaged In n nationwide survey of tho mineral water springs of, tho country with the view to protecting the neonlo ncalnst Intcrstato traffic In polluted mineral and tahlo waters and to prevent dealers from falsely representing such waters. W. W. Skinner, who is chief of tho water laboratory of tho national bureau of chemistry, has just completed a pre liminary Inspection of tho mineral water sprlnRs In California, lit the near future It Is expected that ex perts from Washington will como to Oregon and inspect tho many notable springs which are to bo found all over tho state and among which there Is none moro notable from the standpoint of flow and mineral quali ties thnn those In and about Ashland. The experts will make n thorough ox- nmtnatlon of tho mineral springs and take samples of tho water which will be sent to the Washington bureau for chemical and bacteriological anal ysis. This work will be pursued un der tho provision of tho pure food law. Tho samples of water analyzed w'lll be kept on hand as a basis of comparison for tho bottled mineral waters put upon tho market for pub lic consumption. Under tho program upon which the officials of tho pure food department nro now proceding sources of Impuro waters will bo eliminated from the marketable sup ply, and dealers, who make spurious claims for their waters will be liable to action from the federal authori ties. If the government's intention id to stop misrepresentation there ought to be a slump in tho sale of Shasta water which has been carried on ex tcnslvely by the Southern Pacific ratlroad company. They havo sold many times as much water as the flow of Shasta springs amounts to and It Is said that tho bulk of it is manufactured iu San Francisco. The fact that the Southern Pacific com pany has pushed Its manufactured Shasta water Is one reason why com munities like Ashland which havo a large flow of splendid mineral waters are handicapped in tho matter of marketing them or interesting cap ital in them. VALLEY FARM IS I m "Valley Farm" produced hH even ing by tho members of tho Junior Guild of St. Mark's Episcopal church, was u ureal success. The Misses Helm Dwight and Klhel Uncelriirg gave clever renditions of the country girl, and' the old-fashioned Xew Knuhuid woman. .Miss Dwicht's dialect was ns wood as one will find on the legitimate stage, and better than a lot. Miss Jessie Purdy brought several well earned laughs as the result of good acting. In a cast when1 the players nro evenly balanced ns to merit it is hard to designate any particular star. All did well. On the men's side of the argument the honors should go to Glenn Con well as Acarinh Keep. Horace Bromleov in the lending male rolj carried his lines with good taste. Herman Purueker im 'Terrv Donne' the fanner boy was the typi cal fanner lad of the New England stales wo read of. Paul as Miias iioicomo was exc good and to u-o tho slang phrno "He was thero, ' ai ims wriung tuoro is a rumor that the cu-t may be asked lo give a second perfonnnnce for tho entire cat was far nbovn tlm iiverin in local talent and those who did not go arc learning what they missed. Last but not least was the music under the direction of Miss C. L. Alton. This was extraordinary good and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Her pieces were well selected and proficiently rendered. vwwwfK ii IMPORTANT CHANGE IN TIME OF S. P. TRAIN No. 20 DON'T MISS IT Commencing May 1, Southern Pacific passongor train No. 20 will go north at 7:35 a. m. instoad of i 8:04 as at prosont. Don't miss this train. ,.4,.f,r.MtM4.r4,4.4,4.4M..f4,4M,4.4..M-4-4 v Kugland I I liohiuson I ccptioually 1 YESTERDAY'S SCORES: SUFFRAGE TEA GIVEN 'BY MRS. HcCALLUM A suffrage tea will bo given by mrs. Walter McCallum, 334 South Grapo street, next Wednesday after noon at 2:30. A musical program will be given and thero will be open discussion on suffrago problems. All women interested In tho subject are invited to attend and a particular in vitation Is given those ttomen who formerly resided in tho western suf frage states California, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah and Colorado. NATIONAL W. L. Cincinnati ia 3 New York 10 4 Boston 7 S Chicago 7 s Philadelphia fi 7 Brooklyn c S Pittsburg c 9 St. Louis 3 10 New York C, Philadelphia 8. Boston 3, Brooklyn 14. Pittsburg S, Chicago !. Clnclnnatl-St. Louis, rain. P. C. .soo .714 .107 .467 .2 .429 .400 33 MEDFORD MARKETS Retail Prices. SELLS-FL0T0 CIRCUS . HERE ON MAY 23 William Haines, contracting agent of tho Bells-Floto circus, is in town today. Mr. Haines has como iu ad vance of tho show in onlm that sup piles nccossiry for their engagement liejo, which Is on Thursday, May .' Bluill bo ready to bo delivered just us hoou as tho first section or this popular circus inukcs its appearance. It would bo repeating an old story now to ondorso tho Sells-Floto people as among tho very best purveyors of attiactivo amusement visiting th's city. For many years thoy ahvo been coming back to ub with an attraction jnoro important In every wny than thoso which prccodod it. For tho last throo yeara they havo udoptcd tho policy of cutting tho regular prlco In half, wbllo at tho samo time they havo augmented and strengthened their show from every standpoint. Mr. Hniueti promises Unit U1I.1 sen uon tho performanco of tho S)IIb Ploto circus will In every way be worthy, Many now and startling fea tures havo been addod to tho program among thorn somo which havo been Imported from Europe at consider able oxpeiiHo, The prlcos'thls year VUl romnln ns formerly. Twonty-flvo conts admits to the clrpiib find menagerie In Its tdUlrety, Vegetables, Potatoes ?2.50 per cwt. Cabbage 5c. Parsnips 24c Lettuce 10c head. Carrots 2c. Beets 2 c. Onions 4c Celery 50c$l dozen. Cauliflower 10c20c head. Radishes 5c bunch. Onions Green, 0c bunch. Rhubarb Cc. Asparagus 10c. AMERICAN W, Chicago is Boston 10 Washington - 0 Detroit 9 Cleveland 7 Philadelphia 7 N'ow York 5 St. Louis 5 Philadelphia 10. New York 13 Washington 5, Boston 1. Chicago 7, Cleveland 4. Detroit 1C, St. Louis 3. l. p. a I .703 C .25 0 .COO 9 .500 8 .407 9 .438 10 .333 11 .313 COAST W. Oakland 21 Vernon 15 San Francisco 14 Sacramento 12 Los Angeles 11 Portland 7 L. P. 0. 0 .77(3 12 .530 13 .519 10 .429 10 .407 17 .292 Fruit. Prunes Dried, 10c lb. Lemons 30c dozen. Bananas 10c to 30c per Oranges 15c to 40c. Strawberries 25c. dozen. Butter, Kggs anil Poultry. Butter Fresh ranch, per roll, 55c; creamery, 70c. Eggs Fresh ranch, 20c. Poultry Hens, dressed, 20c: Ivo 14c; springs, dressed, 20c. Turkeys 20c to 25c, dressed. It. II. E. Portland 2 5 1 Vernon 7 11 0 Batteries Klawlltor, Stelger, Gen egg and Howley; Burch, Carson and Brewn: San Francisco 3 7 1 Sacramonto .' 2 5 1 Batteries McCorry and Schmidt; Baum and Price. Lob Angeles 7 8 1 Oakland 13 19 1 Batteries Check, Lcvcrciiz and Brooks; Bolctt, Christen, II. Brooks, Mnlarkey and Mltzo. Cc. Meats, Wholesale. Boot Cows, 4!4c; steers, Pork 5cGV6c. Veal Dressed, 8c. Mutton ic$p2c, live; Iambs, 5c7'jc. Hay ami Feed, Wholesale. Hay Alfalfa, $12 to $15; grain, $12 to $14. Grain Wheat, $1 per bushel; oats $30 per ton; barloy, rolled, $40 por ton; barloy, whole, $30. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that tho uiidorslgned will apply to tho city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, at Its next regular meeting on May 21, 1912, for a license to soli spirituous, vinous and mult liquors iu quantities less than a gallon, at N'o. .32 North Front street, In wild city for a period of six months, 10' M, & E. J, APAMS, NORTHWEST W. Spokano 9 Portland 9 Vancouver 9 Victoria 8 Seattlo 0 Tacoma 0 L. C 8 8 7 10 10 Hpokuno n. 7 'J'acomn ,...,,... 0 Vancouver . -. 3 Portland G Vlctorla-Soattlo, rain. H. 8 3 9 12 P. C. .000 .529 .529 .533 .375 .375 15. 0 8 WESTERN LEAGUE W. Kt. Jdsoph 9 Topoka 8 Denver 7 Wichita 0 Dcs Mollies 5 Omaha , . 5 Sioux City 8 Lincoln 2 L, 3 4 5 C 0 7 0 8 P. C. .750 .000 .583 .500 .454 .410 .383 .200 AMERICAN' ASSOCIATION' W. L. P. C. Columbus 15 5 .750 Minneapolis 12 4 .750 St. Paul 10 8 .555 Toledo 9 8 ,529 Kansae City 8 10 .445 Louisville 0 9 ,400 Mllwauhoo 5 II ,315 Indianapolis .,,,.,,, 3 13 .187 Homestead Homestead "Relinquishment "Heat in state of Oregon, con sidering price and location. ;i room cabin and barn. KiO acres good land, run ning water. 110 black loam and sticky. 10 sandy loam, free soil. Alfalfa lo acres alfalfa fine stand. 10 acres in grain. 45 acres can be irrigated. Have personally examined this. Believe it best propo sition offered in stale. Own er must leave by Alay 20th. This place goes. Make, vour bid. $1000 asked. It is worth $5000 today. J. C. BARNES 214 Virsl Nat. Bank Bldg. If you arc looking for an efficient fence a fence suitable for maliy different purposes PAGE FENCE, will supply your needs Z.1JZ&J- IIIH .Ut Page Fence fp-lft j 3 T - irftf S -"Vf Tl 4- .$-, . f 3 -5 . L j-t -frft- " Q "S ' ""- ' TJr- Jy if 1 1 1 1 .. ' 'if 1 iT r - in ' ' in .. " --- - ' .J'-- - Rabbit Proof Page Rabbit Proof Fonco is practical, economical and absolutelv rabbit proof You want the BESTWE HAVE IT "We furnish man and tools and assist in the erection of every rod of Page Fence without extra cost to you. Yew and Cedar Posts alwaj's onjiand Gaddis ($X Dixon N "The Page Fence Men" Distributors Northern California and Southern Oregon Main Offico Medford, Oregon Summer Vacations Via tho To the East Rose Festival Elks' Convention Seashore or Mountains SSSfe to SUNSET ogoen&shasta! ROUTES tci-A a Hound Trip tlck otH to tho prin cipal, CIllOH of tho Kant, koIiik in1 r o t u r n Iiik through Califor nia, or vlu Port land, flolni; lim it 15 (layH, final return limit Oc tober 31, o;i mild uh followH; HA Mi DATKS: May 2-3-4-9-10.11-14-15-17-18- Aug. l-2-3.(J-7-12-iri.'10-Si2-2.V.i9- 24-29. , 30-31. Juno 1-0-7-8.18-15-17-18-19- Sept. 4-5-0-7-8-1 1-1 2-30. 20-21-24-25-27-28-29. July 2-3-0-7-11-12-15-10-20- Ktop.ovei-K kiIiik or rcliirtilng 22-23-26-29-30-31. witlilti llio limit. Newport Yaquina Bay Tho homo of tho Ithpdodojidron, an Ideal pluco to Hpund tho Hum mer. Low round trip und week end tlulfotH. llounonnblo hotel ratcH out door umuHOineiitH, bathing, boating, goir, flBhlng, etc. Low raii'N lo Meeting of WouieiiV ClubH Han I'Vaiicluro, Juno -I to .fitly . PACIFIC HAILWAV Ai NAVIGATION IIKACIII'H Aro now within cay roach by tho P. It. & N. nml a now field Tor a pleasant vacation open. Week ond tickets now on Halo, and Heaaoii tlckelH from ul poluta on nlo Juno lnt, PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Opens Juno 10 and cIohoh Juno 15, Tho greatest Floral Flonta and Carnival of I'lcusure yot hold. Low round trip tickota on huIo from all. poiiitH. For beautifully Jlluntrated booklet '3Kcrlb!ug Newport, Ilay ocean and other pointH, na woll i 1 Information about KiiBtorn Farc, roulcH, BtoPiOverH, rk , call on noarcHt Agent or wrlto to JOHN' M. SCOTT, Ounonil I'aHFWigor Agoiit, Portland, Oregon, II. P. , I!. (KII;h) Con vent Ion, July H lo III, H1U. Good Things To Eat Wo are prepared to supply your wants fur' ovorv -. -,.. r f day and line of call your special alumtioirto our choice Bakery Goods Wo have all kinds of Cakes and Cookies, Angel Food and the best, Mread fresh daily IVoin our own bakery, made from "Pure White Flour." Our stock of Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables is always complete and you will find it lo your inter est to trade here. We have added a new modern slieer to slice bacon, boiled bam and dried beef. We also carry the best hams and other cured meats. Allen GroceryCo. South Central Both Phonos ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice & Storage Co. Nearly a quarter of a century under tho samo management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon m It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of manngemont Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 , W. I. Vawtcr, President 0. R. Lindloy, Vico Pros. O. W. McDonald, Cashier First National Bank OF- MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surglus and Undividod Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your business, which will rccoive our careful attention. IT. K, DEUEI;, PRK8IDMNT onniH oitAwroitn, M. K, AM'OUI), OASIIIKIl ASSISTANT (JAHIIIICU K y K tfc ilW " -v, .