Qnmn HlMwIw uitv Han n Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair. Max. r7, Mht. -111. Unlit frot. ". Kdrty-iiiToml Vmr Dully H.'Miilli Vmr AIICDKOftD, OKWJON, SATTRDAV, MAY 4, 1012. No. 37. k M $85,000,000 THOUSANDS SUFFERING FROM LACK OF MS 1 Millionaire, Laborer, Convict anil Nc(jro, Foruettliifi Social Barriers, Lab or Side by Side In Gnmo Flbl to Save Baton Rotine Doubtful If Lovrc Will Hold Until Nlfiht Several Towns Are SulimPriicil Thoiis ands Arc Momrless. Many Rescued in Boats Couriers Ride Tliroiifihout the Country Spread lull the Alarm All Wire Communication Is Practically Parallzed Panic Follows Breaklnn of Lovce. JCI5W OltLP.AN'5, Mity I. HoporN reaching hern today Iroiii vniiout Kuollon mIimu' llml in nil fi,0IH mpmro mile of territory In Loiiiaiunn urn under waler. It U itimulud Hint lliii Um Iium nlrondv rendied $(10,000. 111)0 imil tlmt lli.i Intent hronk will ciiuko i Ihm til' .jr,IHI(l.l)0O nunc. Tim om lo rice giimer in $J,llt)il,(IUO; In wheal (Ion iiml other crop .-7.(lOII,OOII. Union Kougc, l.oiiihjuiiu' iniilil, In uinMuir n kuiiih tight today lo wive llwlf rnuii iloalruolion liy lilt' f1iiiil witter of the Miwdimippi river. Mil lionuiic, Inbnior, convict anil negro, forgetful ot nil himinl harrier, hic wmkiiiK ilosporKtoly Hide liv nidi' III it united effort lo ini'voiit tln Imi'f siiriouuding llm city from breaking llWIty. llcwpilll hemic offnitN, t'Hjmrl. (oiluv mi v til' euoimnim piosiue of (lif rloml water Iium left Hit' lew wobbly mill mihiiII i'i'ii.i.im nil' ii'- MII It'll ill M'M'lttt pllll'ltx, ll iM lIlMlllt- t'ul if llif lovoit ill liulil until night. Hiivoii Surou, U0 unit" uoitli of New Oilcan, in pinetionllv destroyed toilny. Tin) town i under live lt nt witter, Iho lon'f ut' tin HimmI having iuvrpt tiimiqc of hllildhigs' from ilwlr I'olllllllllToilS'. A imiiii) followed the breaking of J (III' IOVC" yifllUIIIIIV. VV Oint'll NHI7ll tlii'ir I'lnlilri'ti, miiliihnmloiiiiiu every thing co, fled lo tin' lull". Today tlioiiMimU nrc iiflcring from link if food, 'llmittf who ii'iiminril in tlii'ir home nu licinic iT-iMicil in bout Tin wnlur nt I lit you Snron i n tool nliovi nil piovioiiA record nml tin1 cm'mI of tliu tlooil in vt't to coinc. t'uMt ioix Itolitv nro tiding through till' t'ollllll'V iliNtlictx, uploading till' nlnrin. All win' t'oimininii'iitioii in t lit flood dialrirt in virtunllv paralyzed. Five hundred itudcuttof tlio l.oii-i-inim Mate uiiivtrily me helping in Union Wnugo in efforts to wivo tin' ll'VCC. Pordoeho nml Kiivt'iiuooil, two proapcioun Kiwiih of this vicinity me submerged toilny with giont property hots. Inil no fatalities. All the in- Iinliiliinlh of water. were iicued from llif nili T SPENT OVER $9000 SALKM, Dr., Miiy I. Cmnpni ;n n.pi!iiHcn stnltnni'iitrt which todnv Iiiimi hi'iiii filml with tin' Hi'nrt'tury f Htntt' Imrn kIiiiw Hint Moil .Sclliii); c pi'iiih'il in bin t'lintpniKn I'm' tin' ii' pi'ililii'iin muniiuition for llm I'uiti'il Slnli'H HtMiutt' .TH I.KI. On ht'linlf .il Soiling Afnv Mit'lii'l oxpi'iiilt'd pl), 1)11.70 MRS. FRANK FRAZIER FREE; TO WED SANTA HAItlUUA, Mnv . Mr. Kmdii'l IVnlioily Frnzici', diuiKliU'i' "I" l- I' l't'iihody, linen iiiiuuifiu'lui't'i' nf Nt'v Ytirlf, wiih uivon n finnl tlt'ort'ti of dlvnniA ycslunlav I'foni Kniiilc Dliff I'Vnzior, sun of Kinulc S. I'Vimer, mil liiinnirn ln'oknr of CliltuiKo. Dt'horliou wiik nliai'cil liy Mm. I'ni.iur ami llm iiotion wiih mil i-on- tl'Hlt'il, Tim Fnizioi'H Hptml mn.il of llmir inni'i'ii'tl lift) in Santa Itiuliani, whom tntirythiii did not run Hiuoolhly nml hiidii nftur ho loft for Oitkod lo tako up nimdilntft MiK, Fraior filed her Btiil, H h lepniied hero thai Mrn. Frn.ler kuoii will he niiu'iieil at the homo of her parents in Albany, N. Y. $784 SQUARE WA tf CANNOM GIVES HIS VIEWS ON OUTLOOK WASHINGTON'. Alnv I. ",Mnl)i' tin' W'liilf lloimt' nil Mm rh will he oi't'iiiiii'd li t'ithei' it republican, di'imxttit or n wliiil-not," nid fnt mil Spenker Joneph (J. Citmion to ilny, in diiirttiiiitf tin hill I" million tlio NAlnry of tm kim rulnry to the piiHjilonl fnmi rTfiOII to IILttli). Then "I'uolt Joe" tniiku into' it dry siin. Soihi' of tin' ilctniM'iiil" "I'lllkulll Oil." IIMlHllllV. Illlll 'vtdl," riwpomTfil nuiiHiii. "I mh( ecrliihily dhl not in- tciul tut itii- t enll llrynn liy Unit 4f---f4--f -f OF I John (iiii-w hn- tt'iuK'ifd hU lT', nnlion as Ion man ol the honor camp to the county eoiiti. While it Iiiih no' yet been neeepleil, it in probable that it will he in the roorKiiuintiou of the t'liuip planned. There nre hut 1." honnr men nt the camp ut the premiat time, and as the Koveruor tatoH thai I here ii a -Inn t ae in honor nieii, no moil eaa be had for the present. It in tin comity eoaitV intention to try mil this ne.ia bt'P of ineii in (iood wenther wllii a mow to uxceitaiuint; the oiitcouie, hud weather nml uufavmab'e eomlithiiK luiMiii; greatly liMiupeied the woil; ami inncuM'tl the coh, With the hinaller niunber of men, il will he practical to niovo them lo MirioiiK pails of llm county nml use them for lepair wotk as well as new constriiction. Muny of those who signed the peti tion did so under a uiisundcrMiindiu;;, the eohl of the caiup having been icp leieuleil to (hem as much greator than than it teallv i". M'edfmd being an automobile city of lirsl rank took gieal interest in the great auto race ut Santa .Monica today. A large crowd gathered b" foro a bulletin board displayed by llm Pacific Molar Supply company ami read I ho bulletins as they ap peared throughoul the day, supplied by the Mail Tribune, In addition lo this scores called the oflieo lo ask for jelurus. TIlihAMOOlC, Or,, Mnv I Kffmls this afternoon lo float tlio stranded steamer (leorgo It, Vinhurg failed, haunches are standing bv her and furlhei' uUoinplH at her release will be nuido at high lido. ENDERS RESIGNATION mm; w m BULLETINS LOSS MAY SUCCEED GEN. GRANT. MAJ.GLM WiLUAiLU CAWTiiR (iii'rnl l"ri'ilirlok Ucnt Grant's ilcntli Miciiti'i iln.' post willed, next to tlmt of Chief of Slnir. U rpcartU-tl an the iuiNt lniirlnnl In the nrmy. It In prob ublf llml mmiii tiftt'r tlio fiinuml It will In iii'H-wnry to ilfin't nil olllcrr of IiIkIi nink for tin' poHlilun, prolwbly .Mujor Ct'iiiTiil WllUniu II. Curler, now u-l-iiini eh), f of hiiiff. GREAT INTEREST IS El SACHAMI.NTO, ml, M.,y . With llif prldeiitiiil prefeiemo pii- uuirv election pit ten thus off, un- pri'i't'deiileil inteie-tt is being taken throughout California in thtf three cornered Unlit of the reptihlionu enn didatiw for tbt! pnwiiluutinl nouiioa t ion, necorilimr to reports rtvueivvtl nt the oltlt'L' )f h'eci clary of State .Jor dan today. Swikiir for Colonel ltiinccll. Prudent Tall nml Seiia (or La Collet lc nml for Chuiup Clark ami Woodmw WiImui are in the muKt of Klieniioum "-peaking campaign tbroiighoiit the htalc, lining up the million bnllols which nun he cnt May 1 1. Applieittimim for biogrnphical -kftcho ot lepuldieuii ami ilemocia tie camliilatos which nre publihhcd li the stntc show that the people in the rural sections nrc -bowing a keener iutcrcM than llio-e in the cit-it'-. There arc in California about 1,2(10.000 chin-us ipialilic.l to vote. Of those tilioat 1,1)0.01)0 arc qualified to otc nt (he piminrie-. L EA WAGE BY INITIATIVE PORTLAND, Mnv I. Oregon lab or men todav are working hard in fuitheraiicc of a plan to pic-cut bv means of the iiutiatie before the people of the stntc ut the net gener al election iict Novemher, a- mini mum wage .scale law. liy the teinis of the proposed law, it will be pro vided that no man more than '20 years of age shall be pcrniittL'd to work for less than ir'J.fiO a day and no woman more than 'JO .cars old shall he per mitted to work for leb than 'fl.tio a day. It will also bo provided in Iho new law llml no person shall work for hire for nmro than ten hours a day or more than six dnjs in any ono tveek eseepl in emergencies in which cases thev xhall he paid double for extra time. 10 FAIL 400 FEET FROM PLANE IMllliAHKUMIIA, Pa., May !. Careening al a dangerous angle -100 feet downward through tlio air crash ing through Iwo fences ami finally lauding in a creek bottom beneath their overturned biplane, Marshal Kail Field, tin amateur aviator, and his instructor, O, Y. lleatty, escaped with minor injuries while on a flight from New York lo Philadelphia, Tlio miHliap occurred near Kluubutli, N, J. - i ii H i ii TAKEN IN . NN CALIFORNIA MAY 14 CAUSED TAFTKIGKST. R'S 'I Tremble for f lie Country Were Roosevelt lo .Die, Vitlt So Much Dcpendinn on His Life," Sarcasti cally Remarks the President. "I Don't Want to Fight" He Declares, "But When I Do Fhjht I Hit Hard." I1AYVIKW, .Mil., M I. "I am a. peaceful mail and I ibm'l want to ' tight, hut when I do fight 1 hit Intnl." : wiiil President Ttift in hi spyoi.fi ut , l(ntlsillc toilny. Then 'ie ImiMfln'il j into u bitter di'lliuiniiitioii of Col. .net J KOOM-M'll. ' ! "The innovator ii-biind," contiii iicd the presldtait, "ami I must fight. The cause I represent hcing iuiiced bv iiiisrcprcsfuttbns ol me am! iry .'idioiiiistnttioii liy Olonel HiMiscvolt. lie is sptemliug the isipres iimi that if you nominate biifl he will i.l.olisb Iiomi's, oo-evclt ums )roiileiit for secn vi'ar- ami 1 wnnid like nitfonc to tell me how ninny ho-M- he abo! ishc.l." Hefcrring to Charles J. lionaparl. attonun general timlor the loo-eelt iiiluiinist ration. PicsjJen Tttt slid: "Mv friend 11iihii if 1 nun call him tlmt Mtyri I fliu a suh-titutt , prosideiit. 1 cannot--"i)l l that. Such up iiUiU'L is Ijjj'edtitrip'lyf: " io" 'ptir.oifal'i!ppmtriti?h,t "- imittcr of taste iiidv." At Laurel, President 'r,.ft Jign'u r fcrtctl to HooM'M'lt Ii, a .-nica-tii maimer. suing- "I trctuhlc for the country were lt..iseolt to die, with so much icH'inlny on In- lilc." HALTIMOKK Md., Muy 4.- Four candidate- for the prc.-idential utun iiiation, Colonel 'flieodorc Itoo-evclt, President Taft, JiuNon Harmon, gov ernor of Ohio, and Speaker Champ Clark, me todav busily engaged in telling the Maryland voters ju-t why tho stnte's delegates should be in structed to support their candidacy. The most intctcst, however, centeis in the fight being waged between Colonel Koo-evelt and Pre-ulcnt Taft. Pie.-ident Tatt left Ynshinglon t.t 8:110 o'clock and -tinted to woo the voters, right alter bieakfast, speaking fiir.t l Uyatt-illo. At the sapie time Colonel oo-evelt was addressing an enthusiastic irowd al Westminster. Htith Koo-eelt and Tuft claim ic tory, but politician- hero believe the contest for Mar kind's delegate- will be close. Tn addition lo speaking at West minster, Colonel Kooijevelt addressed big crowds at 1 lev mar, Frederick and llagorstown. lie will wind up his campaign tonight at Cumberland in Dm heart of the eottl mining legion. Tim foiiucr president will start for 0,slor Hav iuuiiedintely after ho fin ishes his addie-s, and will arrivt. homo Sunday. President Taft'.s Itinerary included Laurel, Aberdeen, l'lkton, Helair and ITavro tic flraee. floveruor Woodiew Wilson of New Jersey will make his appeal to Iho voters, next Monthly. War May End Soon KL PASO, Texas Muy . Peace negotiations to end tho revolutionary war in Mexico imiv bo opened here soon, according to Kmilio Vnstpioz fioiuox, who urmed in F.l Pastt today from San Antonio. (loiuez, who is loader of the Ys quistus said that he is bote to confer with a delegation of rehe,U, uppointetl by General Oroco, to arrange toriaf of peace, lie declared ho was not now allied with "v iiu'tioii opposing tho eoustitulioual government of Mexico. 00G ALL AROUN' ' IN MARYLAND! FOR CANDIDATES AE BY SEEKING MARYLAND V E Drivers in Great Auto Races X rdKU3&Sk'iil& ly Nv x w m k w toUFX:s: 150,01)0 PEOPLE SE DEPALMA WIN SANTA MONICA. Cal., Max I. Kalph I)c Pahna ud George .Joer inann carried away the honors in the light ami medium weight car events respectively in the annual Santa Mon ica motor meet here today before LoO.OOO .spectators. I)e Pahna 'piloted n Morcor ear, which he sent over the l.l..i0li mile course in - hours, 10 luinutus ami Kl.'J.) seconds, maintaining an aver age speed of U0..'j4 miles per hour. Joennaim, who drove a Maxwell car, negotiated 101.00 1 miles in I hour. J17 minute- and ."7.U0 -ecouds, his average being lil.SG miles per hour. Neither time was considered ph" noineiiul under the perfect track and weather conditions. No accident marred either nice. The annual Santa Monica road race of 1100 miles, the feature event of the day, was scheduled to start at 1 :30 o'clock. .Medium Weight Knee. Kalph De Paluin, driving a Mercer nr, won the event of medium weight cars. Hi- time for the lol.uOli miles was 'J:10:i;t.'J."), an average of (iD.ol miles mi hour. Ca-o car, Joe Nikront, driver, sec ond. Time '' :M S1S.08. The remaining six em's were flag ged off the coarse, there being but two prizes offered. Light Car Kaec. The Maxwell car, driven by Geo. Joeraiann won the light car race on the Santa Monica course- today. Tin time vyus 1 hour, !I7 minutes and A7 07-100 second, an averago of (51.8 mile- per hour for tho 101 mile course. The other ears finished u.- follews: Flanders, driven by Kvaas, second, time I : II) ::IS CO-1 00. Average .VJ. J 0'J miles per hour. Plunders, driven by 'Tower, third. Tiinol:ll!:00. Regal, driven by Kostjoe, fourth. Time 1 : 1 1 :.": UO-100. Keo, Ixion-e driving, fifth. Time l:.-)l:.:i. lluiek. L. Nikront, sixt. Time 2:00 0S.G0 Weather Perfect. Clear skies and perfect atmosphere conditions provitled ideal auspices for the motor classic of tho west. Santa Monica and neighboring beach cities wore crowded to the cmhs throughout tho night with spec tators intent upon securing points of vantage from which lo view the speeding cars. Thousands camped on tho beach under police guard, and bv 8 o'clock todav thousands of aatnino- (Continued From Pwtso Two.) GREAT AUTO RA BY FLOOD ,! I II 4i' w 'iffiL'V 1 II I r I U -nw" : V3 ah y - m II I u & -mamtm i JiK'rimiiin )c Pal inn MEXICANS WILL TO PREVENT .S. WASHINGTON, May 4. "If the United States attempts to intervene in Mexico, every Moxiean, bo ho rebel or federal, will forget all internal tlif ference-, unite in a mighty nrmy mid fight to the last ditch." This wn- tho warning note- sounded hero today by L. Guitterez Do Lara, tho Mexican socialist, who truyellcil Mexico with John Kenneth Turner, pointing out atrocities which led Tur ner to writo his famed "Haibarous Mexico." Do Lara's activities ling ered Former President Diaz to such an extent that ho caused De Lara's arrest in Los Angeles on trumpM up charges, and the latter lay in jail for months before his lolease was ord ered by tho department of eoiunierto and labor at Washington. ALLEN, OUTLAW, uTon" VERGE OF COLLAPSE WYTHKVILLE, Va., May 4.Tho stato'a ovldonco against Floyd Allon, momhor of tho Allen clan of outlaws on trial hero for tho pnrt ho played in tho shooting beo ennctod In tho HlUavlllo courtroom, was practically finished today, Allen, dazed at tho strength of the munlor caso tho stato has presented against him, Is on tho vergo of collapso. f ,....: i . : . hi .I,, n:,,1 mi iii. in ...i,m..i..ji. i . .i 'r BBB!b s. HlVx r I- I a" .,,.,,,,..,.,,,..4 J HOME RULE : GOOD ROADS BILL NEEDED Attorney A. E. Rearnes Asserts That Proposed Initiation Road Bills Only Complicate, Situation and Prevent Prorjram of Hiflhway Construction. Validity of Measures Attacked and County Home Rule Bill Advocated as Necessary to Defeat Measures. r Declnring that the proposed good roads initiation hills will inl.v further complicate the present road muddle and if enacted, block highway con struction in Jackson county, and that tho only salvation for this section is the initiation of u home rule bill Hint will enable counties, to vote bonds for permanent highways as contem plated in the recent coiistttfitioiial amendment. A. E. Henmes, attorney for Jackson county in the roatj bond case has outlined the situation for -Mail Tribune rentiers in the following opinion. , Complying with your request for a statement as to pending reading mea sures, and action to bo taken. I sub mit tho follewing: Of tho measures prepared to bo submitted to the people In November, the first Is one for the Ibjuio of stato ' bonds In amounts not to exceed ono million dollars annually. As the 1 constitution now stands, this act I would be unconstitutional. Ther at tempt to make it constitutional by submlttitng at the same time a. pro posed amendment to section 7, ar ticle 11 of the constitution, raising the limit of stato Indebtedness for permanent roads to 2 per cent of tho assessed valuation; but this consti tutional amendment will not be op erative untitl tho polls close on elec tion day. Therefore it would seem to me that the first bill for' stato bonds would be unconstitutional ut the time when the petitions are cir culated, and even while tho votes are being cast, up to tho very time that the polls close. I am frank to say that I have not looked into this question, but off hand it would seem that an act now unconstitutional could not bo passed simultaneously with the constitu tional amendment which is needed to make such an act constitutional. Otherwise the bill for stato roads and highway commission seems to bo carefully drawn. The next measure to be submitted to the people at that time is ono for the Issue of county bonds. This is very well drawn, but It Is subject ta two objectiens: Section 13 ot tho act provides that the funds from the salo of bonds shall go into the general road fund provided by section 0320 of tho code. This section provides that such a road fund shall bo used for tho re ,palr and construction of roada and bridges. However, tho constitution al amendment which Justifies tho act provides thut tho county can only is sue bomlB fpr permanent roads. (Continued on Page 4) IS TIEN TO PRISON ''" ' ! SEATTLK, May 4. -Charles W, Wappensteiii, chief of police in Seat tle for fivo terms, is today in tho cus tody of penitentiary officials. HiH vigorous fight to the last for a stay in his sentence of three to ten years, for bribe-taking, failed. Ho Jeft for Walla Walla at 7:110 last night in the custody of Deputy Sheriff Liner, and was received there this morning. There was no oiiu at tho depot to bid him good-bye. The man who oii year ago, was the storm center oS Seattle's politics, passed practically unnoticed. Wappeusteiu was neatly dressed, bought his own tiM K Walbi Walla with a berth renervMlhiM, and smiled o (ho uuwpapn' mw ft ho boarded tho train. "Politic tlPt me," M fMid. WAPPENSIEH