Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Toilny wiim it IiIk iluy In Arthliuiil
(or tint Hln-liU'iH ot 1 1 1 1 lit It tumplo.
Tltoy liuil with tlioiu for it fow lioutH
four or Uvtt liiiinlicd lnotlicr Bin Inurn
from tlio tiMiiilin of UnlKiiry, Curiiulii;
1,1'WIkIoh, MiiIki; Mioluitii mill Ht'fll
tlo, Wiihlt., unit I'oitlanil, Orn. A
liirctt number or Mcilfind Hlirlnom
went (o Atililiiiul to ini'ot thciii,
Tim vUlthiK HIirliKiiH tt it vol In
thrixt Hiii'tlitl (riiliiH on rrtuto to tlio
1 lit lutrlu t council or tlio Ancient
Aritlilc Order or Noltlim of tlio Atyntlc
Hlirlno to In IhjIiI nl I .on AiiukIch.
Tim trnliiH wciii ucIhmIoIimI to Htoi nl
AnIiIiiiiiI for movitiiI liourii unit tluiit
i;lvti tlio HhrlnurH it nltiiiiro to vlnlt
tlm miiiilloNt town In tlio woild tliul
lioimtn n tcinplo. Tint trnliiH Htopiioil
horn for n nliorl period.
Tint iiiiikiiIMcoiiI li'inplo or Hid fni.
tcrnlty of I'lkn wim thrown open to
thciii In addition to llllluli t W.
iiml tlicio wcio rcfrcnliini'iiU union'.
.Muny Hhrlni'iH or tlio local temple
who rcnlile In other townn Kitthoroil
In Akhlmnl iiml lielpcil cntortiiln tho
It witti nt tlrnt expected thorn
would ho many more or the vImIIoth,
hilt Inter the KhrlnerH or tho far eiiHt
nnd polntH In the middle went were
routed to I .on AiikoIcn hy NOtithttrii
llni'H, It In Dxpected that many of
thcito In tettirnltiK to their homoit
arter tho council lit overwhen the
itpeoltil triiliin nro illnlmmlcil will re
turn up the roam mid vUlt Antihunt
In hiuiiII compiinleH mid It in planned
to hate local Khrlnorit nl the trnliiH
dully with union to cure for thene
(IllANTH PAHS, May II -Ah it re
milt or it decUlou hy the county court
In which tho two cotumlMiloiierii,
Mcnitrit. Harlow and Woodcock, and
.IiiiIro Httivett Jewell were III accord,
.IiiiIko Jewell lnli'Kraplied to (lover
nor OhwiiIiI Went thai Jonephliiu
county would not, t til m year tit lennt,
tine ntate coitvlctn on road work,
(Jovernor Went, when In (Sriuitn
Paint ilurliiK "io winter, offered to
allot it Itiiuitier or convict to Jom.
pliluo county. The ijtietloti win
taken under advlminieut hy the
county court, nnd han heeu dloriiMed
nl IntervalH hy tho niuniborn nlnce
that lime. All ilinnun or the qucH
tiou were eontildercd, rout, "rink,"
and other coudltloitit euterlim Into
iitich a move.
Rulnil Prices.
I'otntocH '.'.fit) per cwt.
CulllltlKii fit'.
rnmnlpH Ulsc
l.ettucu lOo head,
GtrrotH 2 '.Jr.
HtM'lH 2 I'.
Onlonn -If.
Celery fioeftjl iloeu.
Catilltlow or Jllclf 2o
ItinllnliCH Si: liuucti,
Onlonn (Ireeii, St: hunch.
Itliiiharh Oc.
ApiiriiRim 1 Oe.
l'riini'u Dried, ICln Ih.
I.mnoim II On dozon.
nmimniH lOu to aoo per dozen,
() ran cos tSii to lUu.
Straw burden 2 Be.
Mutter, Kkh nml Poultry.
Hijlttir V'reHli raiich, per roll,
SSt:; crcuinery, "On,
Kkkn Krcalt ranch, 20c.
PoultryIlium, tlrenHwl, 20c; Hvo
I In; HprliiKH. cIiohhi'iI, 20c.
TurkoyH 20ii to 2 Be, dreuHuil.
Hr nBi V i3IHL VHkJl ll H
(D xrjiict f LK.v fjKocrru. jsi-itc.'j citaht v;uaour
A royal CnclMi oak trie urn pimiled In f'ontnil 1'itrk. New York, In place
or tin one Nit mil liy ihe lute Kim,' I.Mwanl VII of Cuuhiiid when lie vlnltod
the t'nltcd Siaie In ivvi. (,'eiieinl ileoii. Henry Clew, the hanker, und
L'liiirlc It Sinter look purl In Hie cumiioiiv
Our Correspondents
Hy A. C. Ilowlctt
MeutH, Wliolesulo.
lluof Cowh, t'jc; atourt, Be.
Pork So (fj- 014 .
Vunl DroHHod, Si:,
Mutton anflia'jr, Uvoi lainhit,
Stir 7 ',4 c.
Iluy nml,, I'Vrtl, Wliolewtlo.
Iluy Alfnirii, 112 to $1S; Kialn,
?I2 to .
(Iraln Wheat, ?1 por IiiihIioI; oiitii
ilil jinr ton; hurley, rollud, 1 10 pur
ton; Imrloy, whole, 30,
PAItlH, May it, IIokIiiiiIiik '
torday, two of tlio hlKKt'Ht railway
IIiioh In Krmico adoptod tho now tluiti
HyHtoui, iiuinhoiiiiK tho houra from
1 to 2 1. TIioho are tlio northom and
oauteru llnoa, Tho l'urlH-l,yonn mid
Medltorrnnoun ntllwny will do tho
Hitmo HtnrtliiK Juno 1, tl)o Hlato,lliuu
and tho othurn followlim milt July 1.
Tho poBtH, tiilojsrnph and tolophono
Horvlcon luivo heni) uhIiik tho Hywtom
uonui tliuo,
Klucu I taut wrote, .Mr. Walnon, of
llutte I'allM, Kocictary nf tin) KukId
Polul mnl llutte Kal In Telephone
company, vpeul the ululit with tm
on tilit way to Medford. C. A. New
Mtroui, wire and hod, and Mm. M. It.
llowli'H or l.nko Creek took dinner
t unt Saturday, mid on .Sunday T, II.
Turner or Medrord called for dinner
und mated that he wuh on a deal for
a part or the harhcr IiiihIiichm In our
town, x
l..itil Holiday Mrn. Ilowlctt had
ijulte a niiinher or towitHpeople take
dinner with her. There wore .IS ho
hIiIch our own family. Aiiioiik the
vlitltorH were Mr. unit Mrs. V. Salter,
or one or our hardware drum; Mr
anil Mrw Itoyal O. Ilrowu mid ilnttuh
ler, MIhn Hazel; Mr. Ilrowu lit it
lneinher or the rirm or (JcorRo Ilrowu
&. HoitM; Mr. mid Mr. K. II. Weher,
the pliaruinclKt ot the firm or Von
der Hellen llrothertt; Mrn. C'liiirlea A.
Drown, w(o or the Titloiil pluirmif
e,lt, or Titlent: Mr. find Mrn. William
Ilrowu, another uicnihcr or the firm
of Ceorfte Itrowu & Soiih; Mr. mid
Mn, Carl Nnrrenan, one of our thrif
ty runnem; Mr. nnd Mrn. Joaoph
Mooiunit, tho mall contractor on the
Hnle Point-Peyton route; MIhm I.iiIii
.Martin, Carl and Chaluier UliiKttr,
Itny HaritlHli, Mr. and Mm. Mclntyre,
the hanker; S. It. Hplkor, the build
Iuk contractor; Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Urtire, carpenter mid contractor; (3.
W. I-'oiih, or KniiRnn; MIhh Kmiita
Holt, hcMldcx a numher or HtraiiKCis
wIioho umueti I did not learn. Mt.
I'okh remiirkod arter dinner wait over
and tho crowd had partly retired that
ho never tmw a company unKomhlcd
at a hotel before that Meeuied to en
joy theuiHchoH nil they did.
It la HHilomtootl thai T. IJ. Turner
Hticceeded In iniikliiK the ileal for the
haiKur Hhop In tho Axhpolo hullilliii;
ami Ih to open up tomorrow, Wednes
day, May 1. A good burlier that can
dovolo his time to the profession, 1
think, will do a kooiI ImihIuchh hern
in that Hue. Wo httvo hud it uood
harbor here, Mr. .Mcf')onauj;li, hut ho
ban had to divide Ills t lino between
pnlntliiR, paper IiiiukIuk nnd lmrher
Iiik ko that he could not iilwiiyu ho
Scott Hruco and wife have koiio to
hounokneplnt; In tho Uoiiru recuntly
vacated by Mr. Heath. Mr. Hruco
Iiiih taken the coutiact to put In mi
Ico plant In tho part or tho now
hrlcli building erected by ThoutiiH
and Artlo NIcIkiIh, wheio they Intend
to inmiuracturo Ice. They will ho
able to turn out n ton a day mid
ho nlilo to enluiKo tho plant us clr
cuiiiHtitncos roipilro.
A rompauy or Hiirveyora caino in
hiHt Monday to mndo another ono
or our HtreetH. (!. Frank Itlioihm,
civil aud'inlnlnj,' oiiKlnonr, nail ulmrK"
or tho work.
Mr. St. JiuncH or Mildrord caino
out Sunday ovenliiK on tho train to
MiiIhIi tho Iioiiho Jitiuim ltliiKor Ih
Tho Hokiio Ulvor llapllat uhhocIii
tlon mot at tho Flint HuptlHt churoh
of KiikIo I'olut TuoHdity niornluK mid
orKitnlzed by tho election or John
Cornell iih moderator, Nov. F. C.
l.ovett Hoerotnry nnd Mm. J. W.
drover iih troiiRiiror. Uov. F. C,
Loyett primchod In tho clniroh on
Monday iiIkIH hoforo tho nioetliiB ot
tho iiBsoc.latlon, on "Potorliitf," n very
liitoi-unlliiK (IIhcouiho. Quito n utini
hor or (lelegatoH and pastorH worn In
(ittondaiico. Tho Indies Horvod din
ner in tho Iioubo formerly occupied
hy Mr. KoIho and oltlzoiiH imtortaluoil
thorn tho roHt or tho t lino,
Mrs. A, N, ThonutH roportH tho
nrrlval or hor bou, Wixter (lro?flby,
mnl family. Mrs. U Harvey, a rola-
Mr. Opp or .Jacksonville niade a
biiHlueMt dip to the llradcn mine on
Mr. and Mrn. Miirdon attended tho
show In Cold Hill Sunday nlht.
Mr. ami Mm. (Soodrlch and iIuukIi
ler, or Kitumis, are hero upon a visit
to Mr. I Halt and family. They arc
favorably IniprcHscd with tho coun
try and are thinking of locating hare.
Perry KuotlH mid little Hon, of
(Sold Hill, Hpcnt Sunday on ICnncs
creek iih the KiicstK or Mr. nnd Mm.
!-:. lllglnbothaiii.
MrH. I.aiie and children, or near
town, Hpent a day recently as tlio
Kucstii or Mm. Householder of upper
Kmies creek. ,
James Taylor, who Iiiih been Quito
III, Is houtewhat Improved At this
Writ I UK.
Kmies creek business visitors to
Cold Hill this week wore Mr. find
Mrs. HlRlnhothiim, Ceorgo Taylor,
Davltl mid Frnnk Avery, Mrs. Mnr-
don. Mr. MnAluyhou. Mr. nnd Mm.
lloiiHuholdor, Mr. Pyle, Ccorgo Mar-
, don. nnd Mr. Htilhertsou.
Mrs. (5eore Taylor arrived on
Tuesdn'ri train from Cobitrn, Ore.,
where she hits been for the past two
mouths on a visit to her parents,
nnd Ceorge is all smiles as ho Is
once more called papa hy n flno son
and heir.
Mr. and Mrs. (rnoitlonr spent Sun
day nt their ranch on upper Katies
creek, Mr. Crecnlenr Intends to
plant tho entire place to berries this
oar, as it Is an Ideal place for hor
des or all kinds. ,
Dr. Kidney or Gold Hill mado a
proresslonal trip to Kaues creel; on
Ceorgo Sliuiup and Mr. Coffmnn
of tho Itraileu mine made a short
huhiitcMH trip to Jacksonville on Mon
day, returning tho saiuo evening.
Quite n few from this place at
tended the dance In Cold Hill tho
1st of May and report mi enjoyable
time with good music mid flno order.
One of the greatest social func
tions or the season was tho May
dituco given at tho opening or tho
Moon & Cowley opera house. 'Wed
nesday evening. Tho bountiful hall
was artistically decorated with ever
greens, vines and May baskets. Cen
tral Polul can boast tmw' of having
one of the finest mid most up-to-date
opera bouses In tho state. May suc
cess crown the otrortH of theso
worthy gentlemen, Messrs. Covyloy
and Moon.
Mr. mid Mis. Jess Wheeler, who
Hpent the winter In Willows, Cul.,
luivo returned to this city,
Mrs, AtlmiiB or Klamath Falls
spent the middle of tho week with
hor Hlster Mm. Juiinto N'iuholH horo
and returned homo Thursday morn
ing. Prof, dreonleaf, Into or Portland,
mado a hiiHluess call horo Thursday,
Professor dreenleaf has boon ap
pointed principal of Central Point
Hchools for tho next year.
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Scott, Miss
Ksthor Pankey, Clarence Pnnkoy,
MIhh Magglo ltoss, Miss Pomi 4'au
key, Mrs. Ovvoiih woro anions the
Central Point people tluyj, spout
Thursday In Medford.
live of Mr. TliomitH, ot Douglas, la
oxpootud to arrive Wednesday, also
11, Conn and family of Klamatli mid
Mrs, (trlines ot Douglas county,
Last Sunday was the birthday
anniversary of Chalmers Ulngor anil
ho Invited a numhor of his young
friends to d Inner nt the Sunny-side
Ask No Discrimination
WA8IIIM1TON, Mny S, It. P.
Schworln, president of tho Pacific
Mull Mtcnmnlilp company todny trlotl
Next Tuesday night before tho
Medrord Athletic club, when Hud An
derson boxes Tommy .McKnrlnnd ten
rounds, local followers or tho boxing
Kiime will wlliiesR n li ut that will ho
woith going n Iomk way to uco, ns to
bring together n more cqunlly match
ed nnd samo-stylcil pair or ring men
mm wfinlil Indeed have fur tn Inrik.
A ...I......... !, nL'nri'll.l,,,, ,.. ....I.. I that will
,iui4ui n.'li iin v ". iiiid i,j itiit, ,
In durentlng McFiirlaml, who In Han
Francisco Is regarded ns one or the
best ten-round boys around the bay
cities, and can boast or having boxed
a ten-round draw with tho world's
champion, Ad Wotgait, nl Fond dti, Win., nbotil two ji-ars ago. Mc
Fnrland has had a lot or experience
itt the game nnd is n ring general of
no menu ability, and perhaps for tho
fact being that ho Is handicapped by
being short or Htuture, ho might to
dny hnvo been numbered among the
few topnotch lightweights of the
In mooting Andmon. McFarland
need not think that ho has picked a
sort one, ror ho will find the Van
couver hoy a hard nut to crack. While
Hud has been only a couplo or years
at tho git mo, he has engaged In
twenty-ono ring contests, winning
all, with tho exception or two, which
were declared a draw. Good Judges
or boxers who have seen Hud per
form declare ho is tho most likely
looking cnndldnto for championship
honors In tlio ring today.
Congested lungs' Don't wait it minute--get
Mac I.nronV MtiHlard Ce
rate. H there'M anything on earth
head off pneumonia It's
tho little doctor" Mnc Lnren'i Mus
tard Curate
(Jet a Jar today at your druggist's
he has two sixes 2S mid SO cents. If
ho hasn't lie will get It for you.
Keep Mac Laren's Mustard Cerate In
the house ready for Instant nee. You
can end many a cold nnd sore throat
before It's fenlly started.
Insist on the Original
Acccpl No Substitute
Medrord Pharmacy and other druggists.
60 acres, six miles from Medford,
good graded road crosses the tract,
all free soil, at ISO per acre. 1000
will handle, cany terms on balance.
Part Is creek bottom land, su'table
for alfalfa. Several springs on the
Timber enougn to pay for the
No buildings. In the Griffin
Try Alleged Lynchers
WKST CHKSTKIt, Pa., May 3. piace.
Preparations have been completed I ,.
for the trial next week of the remain- crcei district.
der of the alleged woatesvllle lyncn-l
em of Zach Walker, the negro mur- Y P, lOrK &o CO
derer who was taken trom the (
Coiitcsvllle hospital and burned In a
pile or fence rails Inn August. Tho
defendants are Chief of Police Chun.
UniBted and Officer Stanley Howe,
who wero on guard at the hospital;
Wnltor Mnrkwnrd, Lewis KcyBcr,
Hlchard Tucker, Lewis Nenithorne
nnd John Connrd, the five last named
being charged with active participa
tion in the lynching and the officers
with failure to perform their duty In
preventing the crime.
.Made Strom; nml Itwy by Vlnol
K Makes Tliem Kit.
Pale, sickly children usually have
poor appetites. Hut you can get
them to eating heartily In a few days
by giving them Vlnol, our delicious
tonic, In tenspoonful doses. There Is
n book In every package thai tells
exactly what to do for such chil
dren. "Seven years ago when my little
girl was two years old," says Mrs.
Carl Wittenberg of Urooklyn, "she
wns ipiulto delicate and we gave her
Vlnol. II helped her so much that
this spring when the doctor said she
had weak lungs ami needed blood, I
knew Vlnol would do her good again.
I started her on it right away and It
does her far more good than all the
doctor's medicines. I feel like we
are putting new life Into our little
girl when wc give her Vlnol."
Children like, to take Vlnol for the
taste Ih pleasant, and wo guarantee
that Vlnol will build them up mid
niako them strong If It does not,
we give back your niouey.
Medrord Pharmacy, Medford, Ore
"We have a nice line bed
dins plants such as
Geraniums, Salvia, Ver
benas, Lobelias, Chiysan-
thenninis, Petunias, lielio
trope, Cannas, etc.
Always Nice Line
Cut Flowers
Medford Greenhouse
Home phone 237-X, Main 3741.
923 Main Street
N. 18
U the only Official Bali, the only Ball recog
nized by the Official Base Ball Rule, and
the only Ball that can be played with in the
World Series game for the next Twenty
Year. Do you realize thi Every profet
aional base ball pUer, every professional
base ball manager, every professional club
owner should iniist upon The Cork Center
Ball. The Standard Base Ball. The Official
Ball of the World Series.
Of what value are players percentages
to compare with the records of the National
and American Leagues unless they play with
The Cork Center Ball
The Spalding Cork Center
"Oulclal National Ltagut" B&sc Ball
91.25 each
Send for samples of material, etc, for Base
Ball Uniforms, Free. Copy of Spalding cata.
loguo sent free on request to any address.
A. G. Spalding & Bros.
158 Geary Street San Francisco
Made ospocially for us by the Fisher Flouring Mill
It's that excellent quality, clear, unbleached flour
that always gives the best results in baking. Hun
dreds of Medford women have given it the test and
now they will have no other make and while Flour
is advancing rapidly, we quote it at the
Special Price, Saturday Only
$1.55 the Sack
Leaders in Fresh Fruits and Green Vegetables
Grape Fruit 40 doz. Navel Oranges 20 doz.
Bananas 15 dozen
Express shipments Strawberries every day
B 8b C Cash Store
Phone, Pacific 2351 Phone, Home 351
to convlnr.o tho Honnto committee on
cnnnln that It nhontd not discriminate
In tolls ai;nlnm rnllrondowncd Btcam
crs running through tho I'anama
cannU ISohworln Bald that comiietU
tlon of throo linos on (ho TrtcKid
coast In 1910 had reduced ratw lo
low tho cost of operation.
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912
Valley Farm
A Four Act Drama
Benefit of Pipe Organ Fund of
HETTY HOLCOMU, a young country girl. . : , . .
Alvira Holeomb, Hetty's aunt Roba Dwight
Silas Holeomb, Hetty's father Paul RoblnRon
Ii iza Ann Tucker, "The Borrower". Ruth Iltitchiitfl
Azariah Keep, Sweet on Alvira '.., .Glenn Conwcll
Perry Dcanc, a country boy in love with Hetty '
Herman Puruolcer
HAROLD RUTLEDGE, Hetty's city admirer, later hor
Mrs. Rutledge, Hnrold's mother Ethelwyn Brown
Isabclle Carney, friend of Mrs. R Dot Berry
David Hildrcth, prominent New York Attorney and Isa-
bclle's uncle Colo Holmes
Jennings, the Rutledge 's butler Glenn Conwcll
Verbena, the Holeomb 's hired girl Jessie Purdey
Act One Door Yard of Valley Farm in August.
Time Just before Supper.
Act Two Room in the Rutledge Mansion, New York City.
Time About four p. m.
Act Three Same as Act Two and immediately following.
Act Four Parlor Silas Holeomb 's House, Valley Farm.
Time About eight p. m.
A Special Fine Strain of German Pangies
Extra Fine Roses. A Fine Line of 2-Year-Old Stock
Cut Flowers in Season Always. on Hand
Medford Greenhouse
923 East Main
Home 237-X
Main 3741
! t-ttn--4 m u in it tn 1 1 tiiio
OF S. P. TRAIN No. 20
Commencing May 1, Southern Pacific passenger
train No. 20 will go north at 7:35 a. m. instead of t
I 8:04 as at present. Don't miss this train.
HtHHWftHI HI 1 1 1 1 M--I -4'
Nearly a quarter of a century under the same
Jackson County Bank
Medford, Oregon
It has succeeded because of
Soundness of principle
Economy of management
Safety of investment
Courteous and liberal treatment
W. I. Vawter, President G. R. Lindloy, Vice Pres.
O. W. McDonald, Cashier
National Bank
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000,00
United States and Postal Savings Depository
We solicit your business, which will receive our
careful attention.