VAQV TWO AtTCDFOTO MA1T TRlTtnNK, "MIODPORD, QKIttlOX, IWIDAY, "MAY X 11)12. I "IQCAL AND 1 1 PERSONAL -4 .. (if V W -. . This now 32x72 foot tent, recently nut n liy tho members of the M. K. church for use. of the Sunday fcchool boys In Ihelr mllltftry drills, and for several closes In the Sun day school, Ih completed nnd ready for orennnncy. It will be used next Simdny for the first time by the men's nnd Women's adult bible clnsflos, and n couple of the smaller classes. The lent hart been parti tioned Into four rooms, three with n Renting rapacity of 100 each nnd the men's room with a capacity of 160, which, by tho way, Is the exact num ber of members tho clasfc lias. Cordwood, hardwood nnd fir $4..,0 per single cord. Special low prices In cnrlond lots. Gold Hay Realty Co., and Tlr. W. H. McGowan left Thursday af ternoon for Los Angeles. Mr. Mc Gowan will attend tho Shrlners' con vention In Los Angeles, and also the great automobile meet nt Snnta Mon ica. D. B. facame, the Wonder soap nnd talc man. Is the best sewing machine repairer on tho coast. 240 North Oakdale. J. W. Loshcr of Ashland was In Medford Thursday on business. Mrs. E. V. Hutchlns, who has been In Medford visiting her sister. .Mrs. W. C. Wilson, returned Thursday to her home In Dnnsmulr, Cal. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4,i0 per single cord. Special low prices In carload lots. Gold Hay Healty Co., Cth and Fir. Gust Wygren, of Drownsboro, was In Medford Thursday on business. Amos Adams took train No. 13 Thursday afternoon for San Diego, Cnl. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Mr. and Mrs. David Garrett, and Mrs. Edmunds and son, all of Mari etta, Ohio, who have been In Med ford several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Sutton nd Mr. and Mrs. i' There evidently will be no potato i 'famine In the I'nelfle northwest when the crop which Is being put In this , i Bprlng Is harvested next fall Tossrs. ' i Hubbard Ilroa., of this city, report' that Implement dealers on tho coast hnvo been unable to supply the de mand for potato planters this spring. One wholesale firm In Tort land with which they do business tells that they m i m. TAR l: S TOMORROW K IS SANTA MONICA. I'al.. Max :. - have sold uver J100 potato planters T'ie Ihm imieiirimr rimer fr tnoi this season, which Is more thnn their w'- nnmiti! nutoinnliile nice in enlleri off the eonrv odtr nnd the the In ET: TO KILL HIMSELF HKANV!' IASM 0 Mn - I mil A. IteheVlte, oit- tK n. t widely known nliUftflin " -tuithei'ii Oregon, mfd n mm f e i-idetttlrt, enllctl otr the eonrv onr niul trepn, mrd n mm r c i-uienun.' .fassz. r-n) p5) work of utltiiu; Uie rifrtlwn,v in wealth, uttimri in k.ii hiru-oU nt ' " ) .ftl iet piwible eonriitwn wim loun. lit home In UU rljy '"'l "Wit 1'J'i -?, ' . Jl -f aggregate sales had amounted to for 12 previous years. i!a u. esiuui cainmerciai nnoioK- .. w .. .:. , .. ... Already cervne or the IIimiiimI inninir hit tnvont Mn i uimn-i, iii-&itiitea kiM.iuu uuf unit! ui - . , il -. in cm hum mill nNi'l vmiiilis. II!!" IHM'. I M'l-il nil nut' wri-M m i' i place by appointment. Phono M. 1471 i S. ti. Holmes, of Hagle 1'olnt, was In the city Thursday on business. A, D. Grieve and family arrived In Medford Thursday from Seattle. Afcnhel Hubbard has received a letter from a friend of his In Salt taken and hundreds tf jmr-on. luv.eyer uu artery. Ilfhiil' nrriinsf hourly Tor tlt hfat wiwtern j Heri consitlerMilv of In.-' motor flHNie. it is tMintntPd that of liiumeinl lWi, ,U loO.OnO persons will fill the Mnnd- J r-nli ol the death ot ,i umT line the whim1. vear .mo. Three race with tvro srwelnl rveni- " ui. lie :iltriritt o 'i.i-. win " n i''tiH . ii'w e- iiiil 'M'l.d Both Tempting and Healthful firi fit i In if hit litolal Mikil tttiiiitiiii Lake City asking as to a business ' ,.,. tlt0v,, wi ,u, ,,8l((1(, mrh in location here This friend states, lp ,,1V ,, ,( (.omN(; .,, ,,. that he Intends locating In San Diego. 0 f1ture pw 0 fl0 )lie ffrii)i Los Angeles, Cnnnda or Medford. . ,. ,,, r,...!n,ll ,.!.-, v-lii .-tnrt nt 1 p. in. David HVuee llntwrt ha been !.. stalled favorito in the bi rnoe. with Ilarnev OlritleM. Tetxlatf. I)itil anil Hrapx pre-oiim him clo-e o. rei'ounition, Uniwn ttirriny iicu tinted the eisrht mile '.im- m :17. There is some range to that follow; covers tho Irishman's "broadwlde," aslt were, but as Medford Is In the zone there Is no kick coming. G, 11. Ends has purchased tho coal and fuel business formerly conducted by .1. V, Uurbidgo and will nt all times have In stock a full and com- Geo. V. King, left Thursday evening for their home. Cordwood, hardwood and fir $4. 50 per single cord. Special low prices In carload lots. Gold Hay Healty. Co., Cth and Fir. ' E. G. Coleman, of Phoenix, was In the city Thursday. J. D. Franklin, of Grants Pass, was In Medford Thursday on busi ness with Gaddis & Dixon. Mr. Franklin Is tho Josephine county sales agent for Page woven wire fence. Kodak finishing, tho best, at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Van Scoyoc left Thursday for a four or six weeks visit to old-time friends arid relatives In Chicago and other cities of Illi nois. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rothwell and Mrs. Chester Brown left on the sec ond section of No. 1C Thursday eve ning for a visit to relatives in Seattle. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & H. Co. b'ldg. ' Mrs. Ruth Wager and children, of tho Modoc orchards; left Thursday for a visit to friends in Salt Lake. Utah. Mrs. M. E. Dauchy and Mrs. A. A. Root returned Thursday to Spokane, after n winter's stay In the Rogue river valley. These ladles own or chard property near Medford and ex pect to return here next fall. Dr. M. C. Barber, physician and Burgeon, has moved from tho M. F. & 11. building to room 9 Palm block. Opposite tho Nash hotel. 30 J. H. Ryan left Thursday evening for a business trip to Seattle. Chas. Mathoy and John Kite, of Rutler, Tenn., arrived in Medford Thursday evening. They expect to remain hare. Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will meet Friday afternoon, May 3, at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Pattlson, 1222 West Main street. Rev. H, G. Pike, of Carson City, Nov., arrived in Medford Thursday. Money to loan, In amounts of from $500 to $1000 on Improved real es tate, country property preferred. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson County Dank bldg. K. G. Trowbrldgo was down on Evans crook Friday on business. See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, oyer Jackson County bank. Miss Esther Pankoy of Central Point returned to hor homo Friday ' aft()r extt.n8vo morning aiior n amy oi hovuiui "B8aiC8i lu Medford, Ed Andrews Is promising some thing gopd In amateur dramatic en tertainment in "Valley Farm," at tho Medford theater May 3. plcto line ofjnel ot all kfnds, ln-j eluding mill block wood for summer j use. ' Mrs. Roscoo Thomas, of Jackson-1 vlUe, who has been visiting Grants Pass friends, returned to her home Thursday. Free. Wo will have about 100 loads of Bear creek soil all loose on pavement. Must be taken by first of week. WHL contract all to one party free. Humphrey, Sl. W. Main st. 37 It the dramatic schooling Ed An drews has given tho Junior members of St. Mark's Guild counts for any thing (and all Medford people know it does) tho production of "Valley Farm," a four act drama, on May 3, at tho Medford theater, will bo an evening's entertainment eminently worth while. One of the neatest and most mod ern soda fountains in tho city is be ing installed In the Haskins drug store, on &ast Main. The fountain is built of oak and art glass and the fixtures are of white marble, porce lain and German sliver, making it absolutely clean and sanitary. Mr. Haskins expects to have It open for trade within 10 days. At a meeting of the W. C. T. U. Thursday arrangements wero made for the appearance hero of Mrs. Solbaugh of Seattle on Wednesday evening. May 8. She will probably speak at the 'opera house. Medford people, especially house wives who are endeavoring to beauti fy thcir'Iawns with flowers, aro very much incensed because many passers- by persist in entering their grounds and robbing the flower beds of their most beautiful blooms. This prac tice is usually confined to boys and girls, but Medford makes an excep tion to this general rule, as In this city there are grown folk of both sex who have as little sense of pro priety, common decency, and regard for those things not their own, as has the younger population. Many reports of the work of these Vandals have been made to the police and any person caught thus offending the beautiful flower gardens of the city will be arrested. Help the Episcopal church people buy a pipe organ attend "Valley Farm" Medford theater Friday, May 3. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindlcy, of Bclllngham, Wash., stopped off In Medford Thursday evening while en route home from San Diego, for a visit with Mr. LIndley's father, -G. W. LIndrey. Tho Medford public jnarket, on South Riverside avenue, is fast near ing completion. The roof is on, tho brick work Is nenrly completed and tho concrete contractors are now putting In the cement flooring. Mrs. II. F. Rowo is over at Sams Valley visiting relatives for a few days, Frank. J. Miller, stato railroad commissioner, was In Medford Fri day looking after business connected with his office. Mr. Miller has but recently returned from a tour of in spection at Klamath Falls, Mrs. H. S. Alklns visited Ashland friends Friday. Mrs. Cliff Hazlewood returned Friday from n visit to rolatlvea In Clackamas, Ore. M, L. ErlckBon,, supervisor of tho forest service, left Friday for an offi cial visit to Klamath Falls, his espe cial buKluoss being that of looking government timber IEDDY CHOICE OVER TAFI FOUR TO 01 SHP DOOMED HOP E F ce TACOMA. Wash., M." 3 Com plete return from nil piednetM In Tncotna show that tlie peupK favored Hoosovelt over Tatt neiirb four to one. Hooiavolt mon ?h they have nominated dulegtitw to tho county convention In practically every pre cinct and expect to win out over tho reactionaries. Old lime ring caucus methods wore vulnly attempted by Taft men. I'OKTI.AXl). M.i .5. - The (,'pors.M U. Vohurtr. with the luirsi' XelmNmi in tow, went ashore on the north -pit nt the Xchnlem river bar shortly l fore noon today, and. with Irish sci dns-hin over her. lies among the breakers this afternoon n hnttrivri wreck. She appears doomed to be smashed in two in n short time. Ap parently there is no hope or Mivin;:; the lives of her enptniu or onvv. . The little .sU'iimer wa coiinurvniuleri b Captain Eriok-oii, .Ae fcnov.j n Portland nnd alone the Oietiou eoat. She earried a crew of between mx and ten men. No pas-diners, '.viu' aboard. PALACE OF swKirrs. NEW XAMi: ADOPTED R. N. Foster, who purchased Mc Dowell's restaurant, has adopted the name of "Palnce of Sweets." He has added a dollcatusson. Jack Sullivan, William Moans. Mrs. M. Johnson, Mrs. ('. A. Ilrawii, Miss Mildred Black and Mrs. M. P. Schmltt wore the first six to guess tine name selected. The first will be given a five-pound box of candy and each of the others a ono-pouuri box by calling nt the "Palace or Sweets." There were a number of other guesses made. 01 DAY HI i PORTLAND, Ore., May 3. There will bo no prosecution in Portland of j John Day, tho alleged swindling pub licity promoter, who was arrested In Los Angeles and who is alleged to have swindled Melvin G. Winstock, manager ot the People's Amusement company here, out of J.'OO. Win stock has announced today that he will not prosecute Day. Day is alleged to have conducted swindling operations extensively In Astoria, Hillsboro, Salem, Ore., unci Tacomn, Wash., and he may bo prose cuted in some of those cities. notut:. , Notlco Is horuhy glvon that the undersigned will apply to tho city council or tho city ot Medford, Ore gon, at Its noxt regular meeting on May 21, 1012, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors lu quantities less titan a gallon, at No. 32 North Front street, In said city for a period' iT six months. 45 M. & L J. ADAMS. John Day oporated a few months ai;o lu Medford, boating several firms out of money on worthless checks. BAYOU SARA, La., May 3.- The levee here broke at noou and water pouring through aa 100 foot gap Is rapidly spreading -In all directions. Already most of tho streots ot the city are inundated. All male resi dents are fighting desperately to pre vent further breaks. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Orchard work by expe rienced man with references. Only first class places need answer. Box 05, Mall Tribune. 3C LOST Bronze U, B. arnfy medal "C. Course." Return to clerk Hotel Holland. 30 Weeks& McGowan Co. TJOTERTAKERS Say VhonQ 8371 Jflflit ruonoil T. W. Week 1071 A. X, On, 33M KA.SY ASSISTANT. E. Denton, of Myrtle Creek, Ore., who has been visiting Medford friends for a fow days, loft Friday morning for Ft, Kiumuth, whero ho FOR SALE A-l lncomo proporty. Don't waste your tlrno and mine unless you mean business. This is a snap for tho right party. Owner leaving city. Box 28, Tribune. WANTED Will buy .22 rlflo and shotgun. Box 73, Tribune. 3C FOR SALE OR TRADE on Improved ranch, or will take automobile, as a first payment, a good paying business in city of Medford, value about J2000. Address Fred Moore, P. O. Box 4 3, Med,ford. 39 Swamp Ltiul Notice. Acting under instructions from Governor West, all tho swamp land belonging to the Stato of Orogon will be selected as soon as possible. Any one having Information re garding tho location or condition of tuch land will kindly confer with me. Such Information will bo of much value to the laud department. T. A. RINEHAHT. tf Stato Land Agent. CITV TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given the city of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, will tako up and cancel tho follow ing Improvement bonds, numbers 113, 111, 115, dated Docembor 1, 1900; 172 to ISO Inclusive dSted Juno 1, 1910; 4CS, 409, 470 (luted Decomber 1, 1909; G48, 519, 050 dated December 1, 1910; 238 dated Juno 1, 1910. Also water main Im provement bond No. 4 aerlos B dated Juno 1, 1910. Interest on tho above bonds will ceaso Juno 1, 1912. Dated May 1, 1912. (JUS II. SAMUEI.3, 3C City TrcuBuror. TO THE IIOMIEICK OF FIRST .MOHTUAflE 0 I'KR CENT SINKINO FUND OF, IIO.VDS OF THE PA CIRCA EASTEItX RAILWAY, DUE JUNE 1ST, H):t7. Tho undersigned Trustee, under tho mortgngt abovo referred to, de sires under authority of said mort gage to expend the sum of twonty ono thousand four hundred forty-one and 87-100 Dollars (121,441.87) In the purchase of bonds of said Issuo, provided such purchase can lu Its opinion, be now mado advantageous ly. Sealed offers of said bonds may bo sent to the Knickerbocker Trust Company, 00 Broadway, Now York City, on or beforo Juno 3rd, 1912. KNICKERBOCKER TRUST COM PANY, Tnihtoo. By CHARLES H. KEEP, President Dated New York, May. 1st, 1912. ddd. CURES BLOOD POISON When the blood bocomos lnfootod with tho vlni3 of OontaRloua Blood Poison, tho symptoms aro soon manlfostod. Tho mouth and throat ulcorato, copper-colored spots appoar, a rod rash breaks out, tho hair begins to como out, and Usually soros und ulcera alww thomsolvos oil dhfofont purts of tho body. At tiio ursc sign or tuo uisonse u. u. s. should bo taken, lor ino will look after his property InterestB.' trouble is too poworfulund dangorous to trillo with. If allowed to run on Mrs. D. B. Russell, of Portland, Who hud been visiting hero with Mrs. ' tltn tAnflnnnv fa t irstre Innm nTtd ftin Imnrtu .....I MA..uiti tin.l nnmn. Ww frw.vw.wj m w f,w. V.W. tv....wfe ww MUMV0UU11UVIVV0I ., mw...v tlmc3 It makos a comploto physical wroclc of tho Buiforor. Tho dlaoaso cuu Frank Green, loft this morning for Medford and Ashland to visit with rolatlves. Roseburg Review. Mrs. W. A. Wilderick, of Portland, Is in Medford visiting hor sister, Mrs. G. H. Sampels, Medford Printing company carry a full Hue of legal blanks. inako no such headway If S, S. S. la commoncod and usod according to direc tions; Its progress can bo stopped, tho poison removed, and health preserved. S.S. S. goos Into tho blood and removes' tho lnsldiouu virus, cloansos tho circulation and :nakos a comploto and pormnnont euro by driving out tho cause, S. S. S. quickly takes oJTeot on tho blood, nnd grad ually tho symptom's disappear, tho health Is Improved, tli6 akin, cloarod of all spots, eoros and blemishes, and whou S. 8. S. has thoroughly purliiod tho cliculatlon no traco of tho disease Is left. S. S. 8 a. purely vogotablo remedy, cures Contagious Blood Poison bocauso It is tho groatost of U blood puri fiers, tested und provoa for moro than forty yoara. Home troatmonb book and any modlcal udvlco freo to all who write, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, GA, mSV fee? m v ' 1 xmWA li J ' Hry, -lJwyytaGEr V . JMfesJNJ? fisaBKSJkfcai F x1 t - v--.-, - aim j as ji rrrT$A aio., - . i 3rrw .'N.w i r,xsm.f?iii.riTaiut vurtflbii j S vsi V r XMatmwiismussm X r II I Ml W.TIi V'B.TIWjrJ !: BSD I &3l3 II ' W1, f r 1 &irLmzAf TiMM ,,JL., lUUMV), r-? iiVtEm.iwnAi 1 1 VTOTCtiH?ft 'AALMrettSS fci iM- pmj) Pas ries Indigestion is the cause of most human ills; lard whic is made from hoc-fat is ofttimes indigestible. Coltolcne is more healthful, more wholesome and goes one-third farther than lard therefore, is more economical. Being mado from pure, vegetable oils, containing no hog-fat, Coltufono makes food whicfi 'agrees witfi the stomach and aids rather than retards digestion. Don't be talked into using some of tho many imitations. Made only by THE N. K. FAIKBANK COMPANY HL. "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" Jr MIDGET FERN DISH Each 5 Cents Displayed in Mast "Window Special for Saturday, 100 .Midget Hanging "Kpni Dishes in a solid brass basket-shape holder, a 2oe value. Here tomorrow, eaeh 1,5 ENGLISH Willow DINNER WARE Over 100 pieees, in cluding Cu ps a nd Saucers, Soup Citp Oatmeal, Vegetable Dishes, Creamers and t h to e sixes I Mates. ' Sale price Each 15 Cents 2 for 25 Cents ('u).s and 'Saucers as one piece AMERICAN Haviland Ronson Shape China In open stock This is the finest American china made and costs about one third of the price of .Haviland. Here in Plain White or Coin Gold Decoratod, by the piece or sol. Free Theatre Tickets ALL DAY Today and Saturday With ovory cash purchoso of $1.00 wo will givo a froo ticket which will bo good at any porfonnnnco at the Star Theater. F.W.ShapIeigh Hardware 28 South Central "Our Location Means a Saving to You" Union Cooking Bags Three sizes, o0 bags in package, pcr pkg. ...25 Sanitary Voiding Paper Drinking dips. .'Just I ho thing to take on an outing. Per package of 10 cups .' 5 Per package of 25 cups 10 'Andrew .Tergens full 1 pound can Talcum Pow der, 25c everywhere. Hero lomorrow, can 15 v HUSSEY' ICE as clear aud hard as diamonds Storage roons right for all kinds of goods.. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice Sh Storage fco. Expert Work and incxlornto rlmtWH liao c.nlnml for iih n Ioiik llNt of loyal imlronH. All lli-aiiilit'N of Dcnllslry CrowiiH, llrldno work, Pinion, oto. I V.1IIM I.,. .11. U. ,..,!. I I... .w I..,., I i mini minimi uu UAiiiiiiiluii uy ii thoroughly coiiHcli-ntloiis duitUit nvory fw months, yon can tint nvold in licit Iroiilito and law I)MIm. I.ndy 'aUi'imIiuiI DR. BARBER , tim: nHNTiKT Ovor D.'inlolit for DudH. Paolflo Phono 2T.82, Home Phono .tr.'j-lc l-OO'IOO'KX'O'JOO-l'O'tOI' Fine Engraving I Plato and 100 ('avdH $1.50 io p.OQ Mngraving only 100 Oai'ds.-tUK) Birlh Aniiouncenienl; 6 'Wedding . ' AnnpuiKioiuont . Anything you want See lift Medford ' I Book Store i'00'l0'frO000JiK'X'0i A h