Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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irriifjon Historical Society
CMv Hall
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight. Light, frmt.
Max., nit; 3llii,, 7J4.
I'orty ni'i'itiiil Vnr
Dully Heviulh Vi'iir
MIODFORD, OK KM ON, KHIDW, M,Y '.), 1.012.
No. fl(.
Grnruc nnil Ghnrlor. Humphrey Con
victed of Murdcrinn Mrs. ElUa
Griffiths ni Her Lonely Cabin Last
Juno Sentenced lo Dcntlt.
Motion for a New Trial Is Denied
Crime One of the Most Brutal In
History of Orcnon.
CdKVALLIS. (ire, Mhv 'A (Icinge
nml Clin ilea Humphioy, brother nm
violcd ni" tln liruliil nnirili'i' of Mr.
Klli (Irirnili ut her lonely cnbin nenr
Philomath ht June, (mlny won' sen
tenced hv Judge lliiiiiiltuii In In' Inine
I'll ut tlin Mtntii pciiitonliurv June II.
llnCum (Jiiilli'iii'inif Iho luollicnt, At
torney Jeffrey for tli ilofeime, iiihiIi
n iiiiiliini tin a now tiinl. 11 vti
'nniitl.v ili'iiici,
(icnrgu Humphrey, (lie older broth
nr, tiinl considered llii- moii' viuiiMiH of
Ihi! iiiurilcicix, wiih ordered In stand
up nml receive Iijn neiilonou.
After denouncing him for commit
liitK "mm of the mot iitmeinim nml
hellion crimes i-vi'i' I'liiiimit It'll in (In
lHt III' Oregon," Judge lllllllillnll
naked llii' primmer, who ulund tremb
ling with bowed head, if Iut inn! nu
think tu ,, in li If lii'linir. In 11 tmii
mi nv iim (0 lie mandible oiivo tu (Iiiimi
within 11 few lout ut' liiiii, lliitiiilii'cv
iijiliijilj '.'NnJ' Tlio mm it llioti pro
mmiii'i'il iho 'tli'itlli sentence,
Chiules lliiinplitey thou reooixed
Dm smut Hciili'iici'. Like liifc brother,
lie luul nothing l "'v in extenuation
(if his crime nml tiiiulii 1111 pirn I'm
Tim prUonem dinpluycd little em
Tim court niiuii was crowded when
llin hrnthmw woro eiilonceil.
Tlin pitiiplc of Oregon ut tlu general
election in November through Iho rof.
ti'iiiiiliiiu will decide if they wmit In
uliulimli capital punishment, mnl it is
I'liiiKiilnroil probable that Hit Hum
phreys will lie icpricvcd until tiller
I Iik election at ui)v rnli.
Tim crime fur which the hrnlhor
wore sentenced to death was mio of
llm most foul known. Thev wont at
night lo (hi) homo of Mrs. (Iriftilli
of whom tlioy worn ni'ijlihi)i. Iinlii'v
inu' hIio hail a coiihiilcriililii xum of
nioiiny in Iut hoiiii". Am tin' woninii
was Inliiiiir ilouii Iut luiic. lu tm'i.
Ii'iipcil oil Imr from licliiml ami nvcr
puwi'i '1 Imr, then Mtranul'l hr with
a ron. Hi'foro ami nflor ilcnth they
in t it i'ii atliii'licil lior. Al'tm llm hit
oinl iiHsiiull limy took lii'r Imily-aml
I'arrii'il it to a millpoml. a lliinl of a
inilo from hur lioim. Tlioy llucw I he
Imily in llm pmiil.
Tim next day llm wotnaii coulil not
In' found, nml ncihhors formoil
ni'iircliiiii; imrtii'H, SuVurnl days al'lcr
llin Irap'dv lii'i lmdy wa.s found floal
iiit: In llm pond.
(li'iii'Kii lluinilmv'ri fiii'ii horc
niarks of fri'xti Hcrali'hiM and this und
ollmr HUHpicioiiH I'irounnttanci'H led In
Ids urrol, lop'tlu'r with his hrotlii'r.
Ilnlh liiti-r i'oiiIVshii1 lo llm i'linu.
ChniloH also imiifi'Hhi'd Hint ln mid
IiIh hrollitM' miirili'ivd William Kiiit,
llmir Hlnp-falhurj (Ioiii'kd Si'lhy ami
(Icurtri. DamciiioMi, AIohI of their
vicliiiiH wcro choked In dealh.
NI'JW YOKIv, May II. -Tialuy'rt
opeiiliiK Htook iiiiirket rol'lediul a
Koiuirul hoiivliiciiM cauaiul by llm labor
Kit iiutloii on tlm uiihIui'ii rallroiulH.
ItondliiK wiih off 1V4, Union l'aelflo
J'i, and Unltml BtntOH Hteol a i;ooil
only notablo Kiilnor with a tIho ot a
point, ha tor lloaillut; iniulo a ouo
point nn-ovory ami Union l'aef nml
Uiilttul RtutoH H tool nindu up hoido of
their uiiiilor Iohhoh, MlHaoiui I'nuirin
ami TniiiieHiioti Copper warn undor
Tho inru'kot eloni'd Htondy,
Jloiula woro utciuly,
To Probe Trust
WASHINGTON. .Mhv .1. Samuel
riili'iiintyi'r, of N'i'w Ymk eil, ami
I'Mlfiir II. PHinir, of New Orleai-.
llm lallur one lime provident of Hie
Aiueriean llnr mwHii'iiitinii, have lui
mtloeloil ai i'imihucI fur Hie "Meno..
TrtiHt" iiiviMliKHlion of Hie hou
eouiiiiitliM) oil haiikliiK and eurreui
Tim luo lawyer will In-jrin lln'ii
work nt oitee nml uill lme eliarue nl
the pii'liuiiuiii v iminirv into the pn
vale ut fun nf Hie linr liuaiteml iii'ti
tliliun uf I he eoiiiiliv.
IAT() IMHIfK. ..i, Ma ;i.
Hope of patelmu,; Hie break in the
.tihiisiipi iivcr levee at Tornis, l.a ,
luih been nbiiiiduncil today. Tim water
is rm-hini: Ihnitik'h u up SIM) feel
wiilo ut a rale of VI miles an hour,
iuuuiliitiux M'vernl towns.
Hiiudreilii of refuyoeH nre heiiiK
biouuht here today front tlm flooded
section, ltcliof trains nre beiut; riisli
el, nml the ijoveriiineiit is everywhere
uelive in dcaliin; out rations and ear
ins; for the hniacless.
It is estimated Hml I In, 0(H) persons
niaile liiiiiit'h'ss by .Minissippi floods
duiiui; the last iiionlh are now in the
vnrious rnfinjei) eanip's. How tunny
will Im added to tliis iiuuibor by the
Torras disaster eannot yet ho t'sti'-
Hinted, but it will be iiimiv Ihoiisnmls,
WAS1IINOTO.V, May II. A flyltiK
trip Ihnmiili Maryliuiil Is tlm next
Htop In PichIiIcuL Ta(l'n eampul(;ii,
iu'coi'iIIuk to aunouneoiuunt from tho
Wlillo liouao loilny. Tlm prosltlent
will loavo on tlm trip tomorrow,
Hieiililt)i; nl Havre, Do Clraro nml
Aberdeen. I lo will return hero to
morrow iiIkIH.
On Himiluy 1'reHldcnt Taft will
Html for Cincinnati for n test.
HAL1S1IUHY, Mil., May a.Colo
iml 'I'beoiloro KoohovoR'h canipalKit
for Murylnud'H dolettatlott at tho ro
publlcmi national convention wan
opened lmro today bofovo a hu'KO
nml outliiiHtiiHtlc crowd,
In nddllloii to Ills mldreHH tho for
mer proHhlont tipoko to h KutliurlitKH
at llavro Do Oraco, and Dolinar. Ho
Ih ni'luxlulcd to HpeiiU toulghL nt Hal
tltnoro and will rot urn lo Now York
Sut unlay,
Holland Royalty to Franco
I'AHIH, May a. Queon WIIboI
rniiiti of llollniul alul tlm piinro con
uort will vlalt Krnnco tblu spring.
Tho dnto bus not boon iloflnltoly Bot,
1 5.000 HOMELESS
,TV (HtliKANK, I.11., .May if, TIiimiviihI of jimle IiIiIimiIm or New Orleans Hits afleiiiixm are rlulilhiK iIcn
ieralel)' In an alleinpl lo mivo Hie illy Irniu Hie Hih wnler or Hie MUslftNlppI rler. Alllionuli iiuiiiy are
eimiip'tl In hlM'UKltii'iiliiK Hie ilykei wfili .iokIIiiikm ami olhem n'wilrfijc loi-akx mh niililly aw retorteil, Hie
wnler lute (Ills atleruooii Im lappliiK hut the levee at Hie fin. I of l-Splanaile iireiuie, In Hie lieart of Hie fusli
loimlile rilileiiio ilUlrlrl, unit also al (iiiml Mi !. Hie illy'h ililef liio-lne-s HniroiiKlirare. It Is IhIIi-vciI,
lrVAier, Hial Hie rl'Mid flulilciN will lime Hie rl(iialloii iinilci- ciinlrol Jmro liifoic nlIil.
lti'ioiiH fniiii Union Itiioue, Hie stale's eapllal, sny Hie sltiiatiiiu Hiero Is ilcspcrnlc. Tlie water N pinirlnu
In liirrenlH oter Hie leiee al Midi a r.He as In Hireaien lln- illj with ilesiriiclloii. Alreaily mure Hinii KMHl
Mpinre nillei of I11111I l iiuiler water ami In Hie MirioiuiilliiK territory mine tlian 'JOO.IKID linmeless M-i-sins
me Hi'I'Imk lo hinder i-oiiuil.
Tim eoiulii rutin at AliKelln, a few' miles from Itnlnn Itniiyc, Is miller 1(1 feel of water ilespite Hie ame liul
Inipi'lcss Hulit Hie romlrl iiwiiIi- a:aliist the flimil. A'k'hI I ."() iiinvlils ni die Inslltiiliim emilil easily have
esrnpcil In Hie ciinfuslnii last nluhl lull none (ileil, i
M'.W OI(IJANH, Ii .May :t. Mulil pi rstms met ilenlli this afleriKNiu in .Varnpiiisca, UlMniles nliove llaton
ItoiiKe, when tlie leen there limKe, sweeping everytllfiia liefnre il. Sn;ir pliilitiillinis roverliiK liiiuilreils f
aeies are Iniiuilaleil anil Hie lis Ohio ilils Miiirn will run lulu Hie thoiiHaiuN. The prowrty ilniuiij;e at
I'lilui ('tinpe, West I lit I on ICouuc, lliertllle ami other jKirKlics to the smilh, where several Himcuinil Krs(us
llii hoineless, Is iis. i heavy.
Vill Be Called at Later Date Than
May 14 in Order That Bend Issue"
to Provide Funds lor BrUlp,e Mayl
Be Included at Same Time.
The ftpeclnl city election enlleil for
Tiiomlny, May II, will bo ponlponed
aiurrnllvil at a later Onto la order to
Include a bond hum to provide funds
for pioliiK Uio city's Bliaro of the
new brblKo ovor Hoar crook and
ImlldliiK the approaches to It. Mayor
Canon Htated today thai mich n poMt
pouoment would be necessary. The
postponement will irobnbly bo made
at tho next regular council nicottiiK,
Tiii8iliy nlRht.
In the liiHt tax levy mntlo by the
city council a tax of one mill was
iiHHOsHoil for brldKo purposes, which
provided approximately $(1500. Tills
money, however. Is to bo used to
move the present strncturo ovor
Hear crook ut the Main street cross
Iiik to Jackson boulevard and bouco
is not to bo used to pay for the new
bridge over Hear creek.
In tho last tax levy inndo by tho
county 4 mills was provided for tho
road fund. One-half of tho amount
realized from this rond district Is
returned to the district, tho other
half koIiik Into tho Kcucrnl fund.
'litis makes approximately $12,000
for this district, but It is stated that
it Is for iifio on roads In tho district
outside of luo city limits. Whether
any portion of this will bo available
for tho brldKo ovor Hoar crook la not
Tlie ,boud Issue to bo voted upon
will bo lnrt;o oiioiikIi to pay tho city's
share of tho cost of tho now struc
ture and to build approaches to the
$1,881,111 IS LIFE
NKW YORK, May II. "Life insur
ance companies will have lo pay )fTi
881,1 llin losses, pud nearly as much
nioro in ucoident insurnuco, us u ro
Kidl of Iho Tilnnio disaslov, aecordiiie;
to futures published in llm current is-
suo of tho Insitraneo I'ross. Tho larg
est iusttrmico curried by a siiicjo )as
soiiKOi' was $ll(l,7r)0, on tho life of
Herbert F, Chaffee of North Dakota.
The next lurp,est was that of John H.
Thiiyoj of $oO,OUO. lie also earried
.f 100,000 worth of aecidont insitrmieo.
Tho bisKcst accident insurance not.
ioy was one for ijiTo.OOO, earyod hv
Kmil llraiuleiti of Oiiuihu.
1 A
Claims Waifs
NKW YORK. M.iv3. Miec Nava
til, of Nice, Franco, now olamis the
two waifs who were rescued fiom the
sinking Titanic ami who nre now in
New York in eharse of Mis Muiipirct
Hayes, who also was saved. She sny
her children were stolen by her for
mer husband, wlmta she divorced, mnl
adds that he o ideally perilled in the
disaster. Negotiations are now on
for u further idcnlilicntion of Iho two
tots, who nppear iiiil! happy in their
new home.
Much interest is taken in the two
waifs throujihon! tho county bun
dreds of families elferiin; to care for
WASHINGTON. Mny 't.-Predio-tiou
that carh considoralion of reso
lutions urgiiijr a six years term for
presidents of the failed States mid
prohibitum re-election would bo hud
in both houses of connrcss was voiced
today by Senaloi' Works of Califor
nia. Opinion i divided eouceruitij?
the merits of the propositions.
Senators llounu of, Oregon and
Hristow of Kansas uro opposed to
these measures, whilo Senators Pen
rose of Penus.liinia, Johnston of
Alnhnnm mid Chipp. of Minnesota
think a four vein-, term Is sufficient
without o.Ntending it to six years,
''"SrrtfKtofe 5 rn
7 HHHiBbX. s"i
f- ylBkJIkX -. c
.- I ! I j I
V - - f
Knew Nothiiifi of Accident to Vessel
Until a Torrent of Water Started!
Rushinjj Into Quarters According j
to Steeranc Passenger.
NKW YOKK, May 3. That tho
stoeraKo pnssenKors aboard the TI-
tnnic know nothing of the accident
which had befallen the vessel until a
torrent of wntor started rushing Into
their quarters was tho tostluiony
Klvon to Senator 'William Allien
Smith, chairman of the Titanic In
vestigating committee, here today by
Daniel Buckley, aged 21 years, of
County Cork. Ireland, a steerago pas
senger. One of the stewards, he
said, warned the passengers In the
stoornge that they had better hurry
to the upper decks unless they want
ed to drown. Buckley said:
"I rushed upstairs, but found no
lite preservers, and started back
down, but found that the water had
reached up to the third step lead
ing from the steernge quarters and
was coming in fast.
"I saw a stoward trying to lock n j
gate which would bar us from the
first and second class docks. A man
tried to stop the steward but was
knocked down. Then wo all rushed
and hroke down the gate.
"I went on dock and saw five
boats launched from the starboard
side. A sixth boat was ready and
some men got in It as there wore
only a few women about. They were
ordered out by an officer. A wom
an whom 1 afterward learned was
Mrs. John Jacob Astor throw a shawl
over uio and I stayed In the bottom
of tho boat."
HOMK, May :i.--A dceisivo defeal
of the Turks at l.ebdad by the Ital
ians under (lOiieral Reisoli, in which
UOO Turks woro killed was announced
hero todav from the office of the war
department. Tho report says that
Koisoli mid his forces .occupied Lebdu
which is sixty miles south of Tripoli.
Nine Italians woro killed mid 54
wounded, according to tho govern
ment. GOLDFIULn. Nov., May 3. -Otto
Lisa, awaiting trial on a cbargo of
stealing rich oro from the Cloldflold
consolidated mines, bunged hliusoK
Is Very 111
i " -
STOCKTON, ChL; Mhv 3. William
A. Dnrr. a .Stockton mot oreyelm deal
er, who ii, binr MA iiituijr Hit1 arn
1 of officers from Lynn, -Mass.,
where he if wanted for tho murder
of CJcorpe K. a wealthy soap
manufacturer, wa-. brmmlit before
Judjie Norton thiH morning on u writ
of habeas corpu.
file prisoner was so weak that he
to be carried into the court room.
I liriklKMInlft I 111! Iiiinltaittllt 1 1 4k .-Ut
. '-- 4 " VHH HJ 41
wiin a viiouoiLs expression on un itiio
lu lips nnivi')!,' eouHuiiuiislr. The
I'tnirt nriUred a iintmuanie
NKW YORK., May 1. In in at
tempt to aoid a general -Irike in the
anthracite com fields, which has be
come imminent nx a rull ot their
refiiMi1 to neeopt the coi-iito'iiisc
agreement drawn up by a sub com
mittee, the miucui commi'.teo uio ex
pected today ;o a-k the mine oru
tors to moilifv tt.e compromise pro
posal. Their request will probably
be rejected. The miners will then call
a general convention to decide vlioth
er they will necept or reject the eom
I'loutise as it now .stands.
LOS ANGELES, M.iv li -ReKUtra
tiou for the national Sliriuer.s' con
clave ne.xt weok begun today with th-
arrival of the advance guard of the
thousand.-, of lodgoiiion who are eotn
inir to Los Augolos from ovory oorne'
of America.
The first of the sooros of special
trains now en route lo California will
arrive Into today or tomorrow. Other
trains will eonie hourly over throe
transcontinental lines, until Tuesday
morning, when the real celebration
will begin.
One hundred thousand dollars has
boon expended for street decorations
and $'2.")0,()00 for parades, entertain
ments mid other feature.
SEATTLE, May 11.-Wilson mid
Clark delegates are so evenly divided
in Washington Unit thoro is n likeli
hood Unit when tho democrats hold
their convention uf Walla Walla on
.Monday there will bo a slmupedo in
favor of Bryan. There is nil exact
division of "instructed" dologatos,
mid thoro are many who aro "unin
strueled," with tho understanding
Hint thoy will stampede lo Bryan "U
the event of a contest.
Amid Wildest of Cliccrinrj, Followinn
Debate in Which Disorder and Con
fusion Were Rampant, Secretary of
Agriculture 4s Roundly Scored.
Announce Conviction That in Aiding
Liquor Traffic Those In Authority
Have Forfeited Claim to Votes.
Amid the wildest of cheering nml fol
I'iwju' a debate in which disorder and
confusion were rampant, the (puid
riopuial conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church by a risim voiy
adopted resolutions denoiineing Sec
retary of Agriculture James Wilson
and reiterated the denunciations
which followed his appointment ns
honorary vice prositleut of tho Brew
er.' is.socintinii, the roriolutk-u reads
as-, follews:
Hr&solvud that whije we pledge
ulirselves to remain loynl citizens to
(he United Slates and to support
those in authority in every lauiluhle,
lawful mnl legal way, wo hereby an
nounce our conviction 'tlm t,( in so h'uI
ing the liipior traffic, by xrsisteiit cn
(lorseiiient of the Brewer' congress n
the face of our earnest protest, those
in authority have forfeited their claim
tn- fut nru" franchise.;? flf lfie CiriTsiran,
sober manhood of the nntion."
Tlie second section of the Episco
pal address was rend today by Bishop
Earl Cranston of Washington, I). C,
and consisted of Hip report of the
board of bishops. The report advised
five year terms for pastorates, and
denounced predaton- wealth. Regard-in-
nmu.seinentsj it said in part:
"Just where persuasion mid exhor
tation should gie plnci le statutory
law in dealiin; with specified nmuse
ments is n crucial point in current
discussion of the subject. For hun
dreds of yours Methodism followed
the methods of Joint Wesley. Your
bishops still hold to' every word sub
mitted tii the general conference
through Bishop Foss in 1904. They
would make it stronger if thev couhl.
but thev cannot repress the convic
tion that We.-ley dealt wisely with
those dangers when ho simply pre
scribed such diversions as ennnot bo
used in the name of the Lord Jesus."
I he liberal elomont among tho dcle
ate.s believe that this report of the
bishops lorcat liberal legislation a
legard to amusements, allowing
Methodists such nmuKoni'Mits as con
science dictates.
Tho Southern Puclflo Hullroad
company has a largo gang of men at
work ut tho Crater Lsiko Junction,
ono mile north ot Medford, putting
In new stockyards and grading a
siding for the accommodation of tho
stockmen of tho vnlloy.
Tho yards will havo corrnllug ca
pacity for eight carloads of cattlo,
wbllo tho sidetrack lending to tho
yards will have n holding capacity
of about 30 cars. Pipes havo been
laid from tho city water .mains ami
the yards will bo supplied with
water from tho city.
As soon ns tho now yards nro reudy
for use tho old corrals, near tho piiH
senger depot, will bo removed. It In
expected these will bo removed by
the first ot Juno.
Tho Pacific Motor-Si.wply Co, will
(lihplay bulletins 0f tho big unto ,pooiI
r'neo at Los Angules Haluiilny ln
gethoi with pioluros oi tin nicer and
their cars. This is the greatest auto
speed contest of the year, all Hw
Hpccii kings of tlm world jMrUift
' . , ,