Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 02, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford mail tribune
AW tMni?t)lMnrMm Mtitton t
Tho Demoerntlb Timed, Thn Medford
MMI. Tho Medford Tribune, Tho South
ern Oregonlnn, Tho Ashland Tribune.
Offlc Moll Tribune DulldlnR, SS-37-2
North Fir street: phone, Main J0S1;
Homn 75.
QBOnOD PUTNAM. Kdltor and Manager
Kntcrort nn upcond-clam matter at
kfcdfnnl. Oregon, under the act of
Morcli I, 1878.
fflo1nl Pnper of the Cltr of MedfoTd
Official Iappr of Jncknon County
Jnc year, by mull .... 15.00
One month by mall 60
'er month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville, and Cen
tral Point ...,. ,80
Saturday only, by mall, pr year 1.00
tVekly, per year 1.80
Dally averaRo for eleven montba n
ng November 30, 1911, S7S1
roll aied Wire TJnIt4 Free
The Mall Tribune Is on eale at the
Ferry News stnrd. Ban Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portlaa
Bowman News Co., Portland. Ore..
W. O, Whitney. Seattle. Wash.
KsorosD, oxroos.
Metropolis of Southern orepon and
Northern California, and the fastest,
irrowlntf city In Orepon.
Population TJ. S. census 1110 5S40"
wrtrmated, 191110,000.
Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Tater System completed, clvtnir flnesi
Bunply pure mountain writer, and 17.3
miles of streets paved.
Fostofflc receipts for year andtnc
November 30, 1911, show lncreas of It
per cent.
Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogu
River SplUenberjr apples won aiceep
takea nrlzo and title of
'Apple War of tu World"
at tho Natlonnl Apple Show, Spoksaa.
1909. and a car of Newtowna won
rirst Prise in 1910
at Canadian International Appla Raow.
Vancouver. R. C
Iloguc river is booming s the re
sult of the heavy down pour of rain
for several days rising 7 6-10 feet
Wednesday. The crest of the flood
was reached about 4 o'clock Wednes
day nnd the stream is now rapidly
The stream has been rising nnd
fulling for some days, gnininfr a little
each day, with heavy driftwood pass
ing today. The waters spread out in
a menacing way in the Galice and
llellgato region.
. As a result of the flood, the United
States mail failed Wednesdny to get
across the river to Galice, this being
the first time in twenty years snch
has occurred as late as April, nnd
never before in May. W. A. Mnssie,
who has carried the mail for twenty
years from Merlin to Galice, made
tho report.
Mr. Mnssic said the river -was three
feet above the safety mark for the
ferry boat to cross, and that he was
satisfied that the river would be six
feet above the safe point by nightfall.
Woodville will now appear on the
Southern Pacjfie time card as Kogue
JUver to comoly with the new ruling
of the post office department. The
similarity of Itoguo River to Rogue,
the siding at the top of the hill four
miles west of tho city has made it
necessary to chalice that name and it
has been changed to Dimmick in hon
or of the luto Ron Dimmick, pioneer
of Josephine county.
In co-operation with tho fruit
growers and ranchers, tho state ex
periment station Is carrying on a scr
ies of experiments with all types of
fertilizers to dotormlno the special
kind best adapted to tho various
Tho experiments aro being carried
out upon all varieties of noil and on
each variety tho several crops that
grow best on thai particular kind of
soil will hnvo by tho process of se
lection of tho best fertilizer assigned
to it. For orchardlsts tho regular
ity ot bearing, color and Increaso of
yield aro tho main points that will
bo required for tho Lost adapted fer-
tlllzor. Similar roquIromontB aro
jnado In relation to tho other crops,
Spcclnl attontlon will ho given to
tho fertilizers that deteriorate, as
this typo seems to bo best adapted
to this section.
Until this tlmo most of tho cx
porlniQnts have been carried on hi tho
Griffin creok section, as this repro-
tented tho largest vnrloty ot soils.
NKW YORK, Miy 2. Miss Klhel
JUirrymore, who in private life is airs.
llusst'I Colt today is tho tndther of a
linltyil'l, Tito gill is th Kopond child
tojm horn to (ho noll'fss. Tliu first,
V, boy, whs born n 1U0S),
THE fact (hat county warrants aro rinding a ready sale
at J)5 routs and that it is impossible to lmy any
quantity at any less price, indicates Hint the depreciation
of thenl was tlie result of a conspiracy among speculators
and politicians who took advantage of the tightness of the
local money market to force down the price and influence
the primary election.
The action was not very patriotic, bill it is typical of
the patriotism tound among
a ,
over. s usual, me conunuuuy suuereu ny u.
There is no reason in the world why Jackson county
warrants are not 'Worth par. They are hacked by the
wealth and resources of the community and tire in effect
a promissory note issued by the county, drawing 0 per
cent interest until paid.
The expert employed by the county, J. 11. AVilson, has
finished his report for the past three years' business. He-
yond the fact that the county clerk needs another deputy
and that the sheriff needs more room during tax collec
tion periods, but little information is gleaned from its
The expertmg consisted, for the most part, ot com
paring stubs of licenses, receipts or warrants issued with
amounts credited on the hooks. The books were found in
good condition, and the only recommendation made is
that the sheriff should remit dajl.Vor weekly to the treas
urer the cash received instead of waiting until the, col
lection register could be written up, as at present, leaving
a considerable sum in his hands" following payment days.
The county needs an auditor, whose duty it should be
to expert the books of the county monthly and to install
the up-to-date methods and simplified systems in force
in private corporations doing a similar volume of busi
ness. The present system is antiquated, involved and
By E. I. McCIure.
Economics is the .science of politi
cal government and the natural law
of social erder: and ethics is the .sci
ence of duty in conformity with eco
nomics. We have been taught to believe that
all the sin nnd suffering in tho world
is caused by man's imperfection nnd
the operation of immutable law. But
ccoiiomics proves that all the poverty
and degradation in the world is caus
ed by the defects of political gov
ernment, and shows that every spe
cial privilege that does not conserve
the common good is evil; for the com
mon good is the only good.
Dishonest profit debuses as posi
tively as theft and every selfish act
arrests development, deteriorates
character nnd weakens the will, and
because selfishness has been univers
al no good man has cvjer lived, and
tho best man living 'or dead presents
n sorry spectacle in contrast with
ideal perfection expressed in the be
atitudes. But under natural law
every individual would be a tyc. Ko
imperfection could eminnte from Om
nipotence. Every individual whether
man, animal or insect, in embryo, is a
perfect being of its species which is
endowed with intelligence to distin
guish good from evil, (the puppy or
buby knows its dinner instinctively,
and learns with one experience that
fire bums,) nnd if it obeys instinct
and reason implicitly, it will develop
character necessary to jK'rfect being
of its species as inevitably as tho
growth of body and mind.
Activity is life, and when it censc
deuth ensues. Industry would bo uni
versal with normal human beings, de
veloped in an environment of gener
osity and plenty. Free access to com
mon knowledge and tho bounty of na
ture, provided by the state, to even'
individual from infancy, would devel
op a typo of nil men, and each indi
vidual would )ossess all common
knowledge, like other species (the unt
and bee) which have reached tho ma
turity period of development. But
man is Htill in tho childhood period
civilization is but a moment of time in
eo in pari son with the illimitable ages
for the culmination of the life of the
human species, through the stages of
birth, youth, maturity, old ago and
death, which is tho natural law of
species us it is" of individual life.
Industry, emulation, and generosity
develop; idleness, competition and
selfishness degenerate. Adam Smith
expresses opjosito opinions regarding
selfishness uul generosity in Wealth
of Nations ho said "Selliidi interest i
tho providence of God, mid if politi
cal governments abstained from in
terfering with natural competition,
tho maximum of efficiency would bo
reached in nil industrial problems,"
This agreed with the belief in class
rule nnd special privileges nnd has
given him his great reputation as tho
father of political economy. Jinny
yours before, ho expressed tho trim
nrinciplo of development in "Moral
Sontiments," "I low hellish so-ever
man may bo supposed, there is evi
dently u principle in his nature that
interests him in tho fortune of others;
nnd renders their happiness necessary
to hhn, though ho derives nothing
from it but the plcubiire of seeing it."
Through civilization all human or
ganizations political, rcligiiiiis, fra
ternal, und social are governed by the
principle of selfishness. Secret ord
ers uro oatli-bouni) to tho selfish in
terest of their particular coterie of
hrothers. Tho church is in the self
ish business of Having souls of tho
vluet from diminution, to which ull
warrant shavers the worm
i tf I
and Ethics
heretics arc condemned. Society is
corniced of the elite, nnd the vulgar
outsides are excluded from the select
circles of every grade and ola-. And
political governments act on the prin
ciple that mijrht is right, and enforce
their selfish will on any weaker com
etitor. The universal roisn of selfishness
can only bo understood and accounted
for by first understanding the subtle
jvowcr exercised by tho control f the
circulation of money. Kv'ery individ
ual knows whnt would liuppeu if he
should be broke without money one
can do nothing, and the practical ob
ject and constant effort of everV man
is to bo prosperous in getting money
to satisfy his desires, and the strng
jile is just as imminent to every or
ganization, whether governmental.
business or social.
Tho quantity of money in ci renin
tion fluctuates proHirtionatcly the
value of all wciilth, and every one
with wealth, whether rich or -sior, nrc
constantly menaced by the peril of
depreciation and possible bankruptcy.
There is no escaping the jsissible
danger of financial disaster in nny
investment; and the fear of poverty
and starvation makes cowards of the
strongest men in every walk of life.
Doubt and uncertainty is the oppor
tunity for the financial sharks and
vultures to offer plausiblo schemes
of pretended absolute security, the
worst of which arc but legal robbery
and the bcnt often prove to bo bad
It is this condition of uncertainty,
which no one can ccupe under the
gold standard, that compels every in
dividual to banish the impulse of gen
erosity from tho government nf his
will, for if it were permitted, the in
evitable penalty is -Mivcrty, no mut
ter if he had the wealth of Rocke
feller it would vanish like mist before
the rising sun.
There is no other remedy but tho
adoption of scientific money to re
move nil doubt of stability in value.
The first and most important educa
tion is to develop knowledge of the
principles of money to be able to n
derstand what value is. The ignorant
think money has intrinsic value, and
believe that gold is a precious metal
which gives it an intrinsic value.
There is no such thing us intrinsic
value. Value is created by human
necessities nnd desires, and fluctu
ates with tho intensity of and I ho dif
ficulty in satisfying necessities und
desires. Air bus no value, because
there is u super-abundance for oil
without price, Land bus no vulito un
til population creates demand. A
person perishing on a desert, though
lie owned a mountain of gold, would
give -it all for a diink of water or a
loaf of bread.
Scripture is often quoted that "the
love tf money is the root of all evil,"
and money is blamed tor producing
all human ills, because it in not known
tlmt a fixed and unchangeable meas
ure of value and medium exchange
is more vital than nil the measures
of (puyitity. Money is tho only mou
suro of value that is possible to bo
umdo fixed and iinHiaugenblc. But
gold," or any commodity, ns u stand
n id must necessarily fluctuate in vat
tie wjth every change in tho supply
and 'demand for money. Scientific
money alone can maintain a fixed und
unchangeable standard oO value, and
place the measure within reach of
every ouo with wettlth to exchange
beyond any possibility of manipula
tion'by fiuttneiors to make money dis
appear from circulation.
Thu desire for weallh is innate nv
nil normal ndttltn. All kvhHIi l"""
dinu'd by labor, nnd if credit mild not
ho disturbed, there would bo mi un
limited demand for lnh"" ' 1'vothu'o
wealth' ' Milixfy ideliixntlahlo desire
for wealth, beyond nit.v possibility of
the supply iwroodiiu; tho no and nut
isftu'tion that wealth N 'h to lvo.
Tho unlimited deiuuml would be coin
polled to row'tird tho limited supply
of labor iv jiml slum' of the wealth
produced by labor.
IJhbor would be stimulated under
porpotlinl prosperity. II Would re-
louse all Inhtirmx Vi-oiii ",0 strain nnd
menace of' idleness mid povertv, nnd
iimlto employment certain with jtlst
nnd'snW'sfnMory iumK,nntfoii, wltU'li
would stimulate indiftrv and product1
such snpernbundiuu'O f wealth
that sustaiice would lo in ronelt of
every individunl with lo.s exettioit
than o.xygen, when pouuty would be
as preposterous ami ridiculous as
The ability to ilistitutuWIi p"d from
evil is given to every normal individ
ual, nnd an infallible mentor directs
the will without nuv necessity of sub
mitting to human authority, oiood- or
beliefs. And when all mankind be
come certain of .sustenance without
nny possibility of its being denied
them than there is of oxygen, no man
wiutld violate tho dictates of con
science nnd destroy his own self-respect,
than he would mutilate his
body; government would then have no
other function but service, for there
would be no occasion to exercise the
power of might to compel' men to do
light, when there was no disposition
in any normal human being to do
To tln Mun. Cuuiilv Court. Jacknon
County. OrrRwn.
iKMitirmen: A illrfClisi iiv yoti i imvi
nmilo hii examination nf tin- book unit
ncrotintu of tho novcrnl county officer
of Jackson County. Orrcon. liMiullInK
county funds from Jul Int. lt0.. to
January lat. 191S, it ml nuiko the follow
Inc report.
School Saprintndtat 7. P. Welti.
TIu xuiHirJiitrtulcnt turn kept an ac
count of nil fee collrctrU. tthieh I lmr
comiurci! with liln receipt and certificate
wtubbfl. anil find that he luis collected
nnd ilMtAiuatl In the county trriinury
during the term endlni; Jan 1st, 1911.
The nam of J7S1 00
And durliiK the year If U. the xtnii
of 119 50
Total $930.80
The miiierlntendciit Imh promptly de.
roslted ull fova an they were Collected
n May, 1911. n now luw went lain effect
under which the nunertntendent now re.
mlt. jill collection of his office to the
Htate suHrlutendent of public InNlrur
llou, uhlcli he Intx done In the it mo unt of
$4s -
Th County Clerk W. X. Coleman
The county clerk M collected, feen of
lila office, and teMitnl. promptly each
month, durlnK the term July, 190S io
January, 1911. the muiii of . S7CI ti
And during tho jear Ull the
um of tr,o9.s:
Totul ... I1371M."
In addition to.U..jaiiount itepxndted.
tlln clerk llUH colleclrd fceH of IiIh office
during snld time of whtch I rend
ered hlni nn Unfiled itlnteliient, to which
he iiKreed, hi the mini of .302?.'
ThlH amount remaining In Mk liaudx.
January 1. 191:
liiih ih inane up iroui,
Clrcult-court liUHiiirMi
till, lit)
si a
I. on
c no
7 0o
TorreiiK reel' radon
I'robalc court
MnrrloKo Ilcemu-K
Noturlejt ... .
Stallion llcenxex
1'hynlclan nnd xureeon IIcoiihh .
MlnlHterx certificates
Tninucripts of Jinlijtmmt ... ...
Iteleann of judgment
Trial fee
Krror In uddliiK total on fet IhmiU
Total IS0J.7
Huntlnff and riihlnjr Xdcenic
Troin July to December 1 90S I do mil
find the Htllb blank, hut find rcet
from tho tnte treamirer foi ..11011.00
1909 Tho llo'liw atUbM und ro-
ci'lptH Ilk-Tee 13025.00
1910 The Ilcenm- ntlllm Ulid re
ceipt ngree $372000
1911 The llciuiw Stubs und re-
CflptH UKP' $r,ii09 00
T'iIh Ih jtlate iiion-y In which the
county lutH no InlereMt. A coiiHlderahle
amount of IMh iimn.-y heeiim to have r
untitled In (Ik- ch-rk's hank account, not
remitted to the xtato Until tecfiitly. It
Is, however, due lh- county clerk to uy
that he lias heen conduct InK IllM offleH
for some time, alxitit one hand short In
office help, which hnH mvciI tho county
u deputy, hut hnid on tin- clerk,
Waturallntlon Secord
Thero him Imui IhmiiciI il decliir.-itloim
of Intoilllon to li'comu ellleiiH. nun iz
( n.ttii 1 1 1 In to elllzenxhln The
feen for this mule.- o oiie-hulf to lh
iK'Parinii'iil or eoinuierce nun iiinor "i
tho IJIIIletl Hlatt anil ono-llHir to uie
comity clerk, Inilivldtiitlly This ban
l-en ho ilechleil by a number of eoiirlH.
County Warrant!.
r have examli)i-.l the IiIIIh oh allowed
hy tho county court, and hnvo compared
theni with the county clerk'n reglsler of
warrants, Ihhui-iI, except III the few In
Htuncex where the bill Is not III the file,
unil In hiicIi liiHlanceri 1 have com pa red
tho register with tho county commix,
(doner's Journal entry for such IiIIIh, and
1 find that the n-KlMtcr shown all wnr
rnnts tire correctly homed ns authorized
by tho county court
Money on Depoelt.
The county clerk has In Ills custody
money on depoMit In court amounting to
tho mun of $115 71, and there Is iiIho
money on depOHlt in court, In tlio treu
The eotinte plirlc ln been conducting
Mh office with an liiatlediiato number of
(ItjpUlllH. lilt OIIKlit to IIUVO uie imuini-
unce of ut h-iiHt one deputy ohlo III all
thing" to tuke tli clerk's plucu when
ho Ik ubitent from iho office. Tim circuit
court reulres liln iiresenco freitieiitly
nnd for coiiHhlerj'ilit perlotls, niul Hum
deputy ought Io be ahlo to go Into the
circuit anil county courts und attend tha
Hcfcoim of tliOHe courts, uml keep their
The County Recorder, B. T. Burnett
Tho recorder earned for tl county,
mid ujjpoHltcil reguhirly fcucli innntli.
during his term ?rom July 1. lo t
January 1st, !UI, the sum of. .$1 l,5C8.rii
Jltt Iiuh uIho collected ami K
pOHlted Torreim J.iw llldem
nlty fuiulM to thu iitnotint of Sli OR
Tho recorder ulno eurned us fnllywi!
Town pints omllli'd from reglHtor.l 1C IJ
Marginal iportgiiKo roloanes 'i.tiO
IteniM, mapH, totuin tuirnctetl on
register ...... 190, r,
Total . , . $239 5(1
TlKiHii unlouulH litivc not hecn depoHlt.
ed, Jan, 1st, 1912 i jvi rendered the
recorder, ill' Jliiniett. un Itumlod Hlule
ment of thcuo uinount 'I'lch he
A word of exphinutlon Is duo Hi" re
corUcr. The roincted lolulH, uml town
Uiup omlitMloiiH gio out of tho record.
ern erroneous Itnprt'sitl"" Uml the feeH
for recording inapn, with tho oxceptlon
of fl euc'i, helongeil to th recordor, uiul
ho lelulned them, Hut when I uudlled
the Juckkoii comity hooks In 1909, I cor
rected thin liuprcmdoii, and there was,
approximately, the above uinount of mup
fees then nlreutly colloctod for tliut term
wlit-n I corieoietl u. . ,
County Becorder. rred Colvlif
During 1911 Mr cojvlg. H" recorder
Iiuh earned and ilcpoNltvd rcgulurly l
treaHiirv each mnnib Urn hiiiii Of 1" wi 19
Collected Torrens rcglHiratlmi In-
ilonmltv ,,..t. -f 2JI l
uml ilepoklted Hnine ., .,
An error of $ duo to lending n7
entry on fl, uppcaiti In u total of tlio
loglnlcr, This nmomit .Mr. Cohlu Iiuh
verified nnd will deptiMlt In Hie liviiHim
I woiibl luentloti Hint Mr ColVlR'n IkiuIih
Imvo lu-en iuohI oM-ellenUy kepi, unt
wltlmtitodliiK tho Inconvenience, or his
office iiiirtUKements. In ull iny eMvi'
leliee I hne fotllid hut one lecoide) H
gfflro with on good u record.
, The (Sheriff, W. A. Sown.
Kor the tenu from Jul v. tuos, in .lnn
Vturv. ,1P1I, Hie shetlff collected ami tie
poelled lu the lleiisliry, the follow lit
Tuen $705.719 43
MttcuKo .1S0 70
Kor.Ute .vein- I911 he collected uinl ie
iiiiMlleit In Dm tiKiixiiee:
Tlen ' . . ,ISMI.M''
.Mllengo OtSO
1 find there wan tluo the tiKimiiT fnitu
tho slwrlCf. JniHiKty 1st, 1911, thu sum
Vien J .!,.......... . im.nUB l
Mllrsm tfor llllli: . 1X9 70
t The.) ninoiiuti lmt tiocn deposited h
i lie "iieiiu, iik joiiuwm;
Junuary ,1. IMIJ, 'mlloiige
.Iiuiunry Mh, liHg. tilXOn
Kiiltrtutry 2J.-I9IJ. I.M'
Miireh 15th, 1912 InxeN ...
April llli. lb I. Tuxes .. . .
April Sth. It2. I oxen
Al'tli Itth. 1912. ttixen
Apiil 13, 191.', taxes . . .
IS9 70
3.1 It 3 I
fi.ivt 21
S.I9X 1 1
itfiS Sli
I.8M1 3
This InclmlcM ii fi w Items collected
In 1912, llbinil $no d
In heluilf of Mr Jones, the nherlff. I
would say Mint the colleetlouH lu liN
ofClce tinve lueivUMCil no rupldly. that his
I'tVimrntloni for hnminiig no largo mi
amount of money have liunlly kept p
with the enllcelloiiN, The office room of
tho HhnHff In whollv lnudeitinte to the
deiimuds upon It iliirllik' the uotlve la
collecting period lie Im. for the growl
er convenience of lmVi'M. Instllel
collection ugeticles ut different imlnts lu
thf county, furnishing IiIh ngentN merely
tt Hut of taxirrsi and nmounls due
CoUHhlerahle nmotiutH are thux collecleil
nnd depoiltetl In the local bunk, nnd
teporlH made In the sheriff. In due
time Ida office Iwuim receipts for tliene
outKlde (M)llectlonn.
There linn tieeti, ethlently. no compre
hensive HtiUement of colleetlouH Hint de
ponltH carried along In Iho nherlff of
fice by which to compare the deponlts
with the eollectioun, Hie sheriff Hither
depending on hit cimn liook. or collection
reglnler, im It l caiien. to Keep mic "i
IIIH (tepotlts. imirieN linve oeen nimn
III these OiiHh tiiMikH. unit lM-fore dennlt
lug the iwHik Imvo been laid UHltle, carry
ing tno untieixmneii einrn-"
tho main the large volume of col-
lccttoiiM by Mm nherlfr have been de
noftlted uit- rnnldlv ux tho cnutt WiokM
could t written ut and totalled froth
for deponlt. Immediately after It lieavv
itmount of collection)), thla cimh lok
Immetllntely after it
will get iierliniiH it mouth or more behind.
and until It l written up the money col-leoti-d
n-muliiH In the nherlff'n liitntU
Thelo miiKl he ul the prenent inouieiit
it.'vernl hunilretVi thouwtnd dollarH. of
1911 tiixen lu thl itberlfrs linnUH await
ing the hIow pnH-e of vv ruing up iioh
coltccllon regtuter fofre lining depotili
etl lit the treaxurv Tor 1 n 1 1 he Iiah leu
lux roll to collect fnnn lie 1ih h iimiiii
about fifteen b lwnly fent lu HUe to
handle lliene InMlkH In The 1
wholly tnudetuate l'or m-vernl dtvii be
urd the circuit court room, but wmh
noon driven baek to thl miwll office ah
circuit court convened In the court ro.mi
Some nrrnngemetil ought to be mntle I"
enable the Mirlff to hultdle IhlN Inrge
number of (took, antl Hie heave colli-c-tlotlH
lilitile from them, provblnt IIiIm
imi' collection continue
I have miggvMted to the ubirlff. und
Hill) HURgenllou IIH-etH Wltll tilH Hpprolw
Hon. that he tleptwll. dallv or .-UI. hII
colli-olloiiH made to the tlnlr of U'IkwII
Tim trounnri-r to enter IheKt- ilelMnllH III
a new, e pant te ueeount cnllett Sliertfrn
Cunli teMiHltH" Thlt Will limure all the
count v' mone tt.'ing promptly d.-Mit.
e). without awaiting tin- hIow ami cum-
lierHOille canlt biHiK ileHixlt elllrlt II
will itlnt imble the tr.ttHtlter to cll
more iiililillv the oulHtttntllnK vvarranlo
Then when the ch book rnlri. h un
made tip, and rt-ailv to tlepoill iw H.-g-rt-gatlotiN
to the different fund- can !
iniiilit uml Hit treanurer will merely
IrmtHft-r the egregatel nttiiiuntH to tlnlr
proier fumlM. Thtf nherlff Infornii me
that he Iioh accounts with many iMiikn
throughout the county. And with oolle.
Uon ugcntM hi ho. Which I do not be
lieve Im a gootl plan lu handling count'
funds The law reiiulro all co.inlv
inoltey to be d-Hmltcd ut Hlatetl inttrviilrf
ami the plan I have HUggeHtrtl will m t
thin retiulreiin nl. . .
Th.- Hherirfn eanh Iniok Ih n Very i lull
onite affair. He Ims to negrrgate entli
and ittry Hi m of tax. h colli rtel to Hh
proper fund Tin- euMi lemk IH the nut
Krowili of tin Htate H cuiiilM-rwinic tax
lawn for which, iih .-t. no tclilfily Ih In
Hlght Conxlih-rlng Hint there re itrouinl
it liumlrt-il dim rent funiM lueliiillug hh
elal hcIiihiI .tint hihcIiiI road finnU It Ih
not Hurprlnlng that the chhIi liook In ii
hIow iHKik to elil.'r. total and balance
The County Treaeurer Jimii Crone
Miller. The trettHUp'r Iiuh received Hie follow
ing umoiiutH.
July 'oS to letir
Item. - Jon. '!- 9M
Sheriff taxea ....$705,719.43 $I.S2.2l.39
Hlirrilf mileage,
JnckMoii 60.69
Sheriff mileage,
JtiltoH 30.70,
KlneH anil forfeit
ed hull 3.33.9H
ttecorder ll.CBS.SI
ItoatlH I9S50
Ch-rk J5' I?
IIi-ImihIIh I(l.3
KlHte MChnol 39,'.'U8.9H
IllNllllllOt .1. J'. ,
WellH 7SI.H0
I.Icviihvn 97S.OO
Itotu "HJth
Intltiniilly HI. .ih.
Stiln ohl county
properly ', . SP-1-
llritlge ilon.itlouH
(i)im-h not In
clude Muy or
Center Kiiko).., 2. lit
HelKiol dint, nitmiiy lBj-5'
Coroner B9I.IU
5 II, C hlllll H'llCH,
inreHt reulalH... 5.K29 33
I'altl on .1. II. Wll-
hoii'h report.... l,73,oi
ItebatitH nil II
Kale eHtruyH .!!! 25
I'mmty MS.76
Ace. poor "' i
?.n on
r,,u7 19
S.029 sn
13.2St is
119 SO
70 00
231 10
i.. sr.
l)7 i:.
a.iui) ;n
Vil 75
r,i 7S
fiVi ou
Total iccclptH.. $777,113.13 $311.740 20
Halunco lu HotiH- nc ,
July, I90S Jan. I. it'll
ury , i5.i3t.ui aa.auB hi
Total M5.if77.l7 $5l7,12iM
Tho treiiHurer Iiuh paid out county
momy f0ri July '08 .0 Year
Jan. 'It. 1911
County Y'"rrunlHii7K77i n 1 us 1-'.
redeemed $1711,771,91 !Ot....l.-.i
Intercut on coun-
ty warrantH ... 13,017.93
Hpeclal hcIiooI or-
dtTH redeemed.. 1S9,C1S3
Hpeclal load or- mm
ili'm reiJeeuiid.. 76,091.30
M0,'.'23 21
n.r.H us
Hpeclul ully onlcrH
-a ......
Hunt, orderH re-
defined (comuioa
Kcliool) 13 1,331. I
Htutn laxcH paid,
1909-1910 ...... 90.H1I70
HtiudrlvH '-','.'57.5,'.
o2,:i8.'l 13
TijlulH )I1 . ,.$792,9I,3 1 $C0.,(I71.J2
Jan. 1911 .1(111- 112
liiillinccH OU liiillil.f 32,35.U $10.161 I'-'
TolulH $826,277.17 $517,128 51
Milton, lowu, April 23, 1912
HcMpcctfully HUbmllteil,
"""""" """KWki-h a. W.1.80N
"Just Say"
Orlf ImI tni fiinulna
The Fd-drink fr All As.
More heatyiful thanTca of Coffee.
Agrees with the weakct digetjion.
Deliciotiff invigorating and nulritioiu.
P Id t tnillc, malted grain, powder form.
A auick IBch prepared ia a mlaute.
Take ao .uUtitate. A$k toll OR LICK'S,
Others ar imitations.
Aro Hold in Monmi Hull nvnry
TluiVHthiy nt II p. in. Kvorj'hmly
Expert Work
niul moderate rlinrRCit have r.ultioil
for mi a loii); Hut nf loyal natrouM.
All Unint'hcs of Dentistry
Crowns, Hrldu.0 vvorh, Platen, etc.
Your tenth Hhoitld ho ova in I nod by a
thurouKlily uoiiuclontluiirt dculhtt
ovory few motitlui, you can thtiu nvohl
much trouble and hirg.o blllu.
Unity Attendant
Over Dniiltda for Dtiiln. Vnclflc
Phono 2C8'.', Home l'hono a&'J-lC
Fine Engraving
Plate anil lOOCanla
$1.50 to ftU0
ICngmving only
100 Cards . J .00
liirih Aiiiiouneonionl
Anything yon want
8ur us
Book Store
Do you wnttt your lawn itit in
first cIiimh Khapi'T All work
(ttnrautccd. l.cavo nddrcHi with
II. II. l'nttcrnti, Qiuikur Nurrtory,
KiihIi hotel.
Clark & Wright
IMibllc Land Mnttum: Klmtl 1'root
Dojcrt Lamia, Contoiitn und Mlnluk
Canes. Hcrlp.
Wo carry a vcy complolt Him
Of drnpnrli'K, larto curloliiH, fix
turnH. iitc, and Io all rlmmon of
tiliholNterliig A npecliil man to
look lifter thin work oxoluMVuly
anil will give ua good m-rvlco an
In poiuilhln to rnt In even Din
largeitt ultlin.
Watch Our Addition
JnckJion und fltiinniU
Mcdforfl Realty nnd '
Improvement Company
M. V. & II. Co. Nldff.
Stoam and Hot Wator
All Work OuarpnUflJ.
l'rlccrt ItoaHOimble.
89 Jtowtra Blook, Xutrmnca on flth Rt
PkoUto 3031. Xoiu an,
GO ncros, six nillcu from Medford,
good grutlod road croRHon tlio tract,
nil froo noil, at C0 per ucro. flOOO
will liuiullo, onfly tormi on balnnco,
I'art la crook bottom land, suitable
(or alfalfa. Rovoral mirlnga on tho
placo, Tlmbor onniisb to jmy U)r the
truct. No lnilldlngH. In tho Orltdu
creolc dlntrlct.
I ILLiil Ii
(ilvaiiiiil Vntnlotlllo and .Million
lnit)ti lit tlio lit'utl
(Ji:mt(;i: ami ntkm.a watson
Novelty ilitiit'liiK. Minting, und talk.
I11K net, Tliolr act lu original.
"AT THU UNO ()!' Till THAU,"
A mini tragml)' ot tlio far unrtli,
A 1 mil fuii-tniiltor
"Tin: sociai Mix'mrrAitY"
"Altt'lltllAI.D ciimiits AND
Tin: widow"
rHdcniillttlng. comedy
Al HATHi:it
WOOI.WOHTIIK, Miulclmirt
AdniUilon lt)c, (lilldrrii He
.Matlnfi'N Dally.
"Tluirtdity, Friday anil Saturday
(2IIAS. llt'(illi:S uml
Hi a High Chun MUMlrftl Novll)
Art, MinifthliiK thl' nitro to
tOOO font or tho bait Photo
playn ever dlilu)l In thief niLy.
Klvu kooiI inlerenllni: miiIijimU.
"Hiiuinior Daya"
KTcnlnns, 10c uny pt'at In tho
hntiiio. Spoclnl Chlldron'it Mat
Inoo ovory Saturday and Sunday
at 'i I. Jit., iiiIiiiUmIoii Ci' and lOu.
Follow tho crowdti to tho lulu.
Wo dollclt your pntronnuo,
which will bo roculvud with court
a .im..i Alt.iluM .i,l ll,li,iil. 1lta
,. .Villi, ,,..,.,. .. ...........
licit irmrtly I ir Kltliif yi, I.Ucr and llowru.
UUillCKlf llirif1c, l!iiiptlon nnd Dlvn Ifih
of the Hkln 11irifr lliq lllootl and c'l
Tctie, Hticugtti and fitor to (he riitite yucm.
Medford Roal Estato
& Employment Agency
roil ham:
I 1 ncrim Hear crook bottom. Thoro
lu about !I0 acrmi In alfalfa, all
llm tnoht k with tho plttco.
1000 acrea 111 uiIIuh out at a bar
Kiiln. 70 iii'ioh, 10 lu iioai-H, bill, lu al
falfa. Auto, jirli'o $ir0.
Auto, prlco lillll).
5 room house 8 blocks out, piliu
Lot lii Walnut I'uilc add., about
IJ0 rt. from Main,
'J room Iioiiho und Inulmiod porch,
only $700.
litJ.OOti aci'im nhoon ranch In Call,,
?l ior aero.
1(10 nerea 5 iiiIIuh nut, ?1D0 jior
1!0 acroH .1 mlhm out, 18 lu iicuih.
10 uci'OH " iiilton out, 8 In pmirH,
10 ucioh M tnlloa out, only $00
jior ucro.
Woman rook,
Womoii and i;lrlu for Mouoral
Hunch lunula.
(llrlH for gonoral hounowork.
l'hono In your nrdorn for tnon;
no charges to tho employer.
Mrs. Illttiie Ih nlwayH on hand to
tako yoilr iiamo and itddroua.
Oppo3ito Nash Hotel
l'hono Htt Home, 11.