"rk GIVE CHAMBERLAIN CHICAGO PAPERS PRAISE FOR IRK TIED OP BY STRIKE Ki'iinloi (ii-m-KK ; Clii'iiiliiTliiin is la-iiiu lulilv inaihcd IIV mIIumhIh (, liivlr ifNiii'intiiiiiM mill tiiiilii'iiiii'ii, Willi lltM'lllH'll III Mtll'i'txh iu Kl'lllll) Hie million dollar itm lor liuliliim I'onmt riiiH, mi,) (In. .t.Mlll.lKH) i(lm f,. load tiinl 1 1 ml 1'niiMiiitiMiiiii, ioIhiimI in 1 Im uuiii'iillimtl iipiiniriiiliMi lull wiih a limit hIi fnnwiril in llm buttle lor it Hvti'iii of i'(iiiiiH'lii'MHHi' 1'iiii'Ht iiiiii'liiin mimI I Hi' iiii'vc'iiiiiin. Should tho lull, it il now wIiuhIm, ii'i'cIm' a fit in tihlc Mile In ciiiiiihp., il HIMllll HII'IUI n KI'Olll nllltf 1)1 U(M mil rltiitit, IIimiIIkIi tint llddi'd lotiM prutiTliiiii i( would iniilc imimniIiV, hi rililiL In Inriil liinln'mii'ii. KimiiiIim' CIuiiiiIm'iIiiIii Iium mhiIum! iinliiiinjlv In liitvc hvn ili'iiix iimliiii'il In Uii' MM) liKiiti'H miiick lii liniihi fniiitiiillvc nil llif lin liKliliiiK appro piiiilinii In fJUD.liiio mid tho iuihI mill trail iipprnptiiiliiin In .-J7.i,lll)l). Ill I ir IikIiI Iii'Iom' llif M'tiiilf i'iiiii- HllllfO III' MC Ill'flW'I.V Mlppnitfd liy virliiullv every wMihi unxoriulmu, iliflildiiiU' lilt WitTii I'orexlr.v iimhi I'iiill.in. .VIUiimikIi it i pnililit Hint llif llOIIM' fOllllllittl'f Hill lllll ll'pott liilfk faxuiiililv mi llif tun iIiuih ulirn llif ill In n'lVnci! In il fur niiHidi'iii tinn iikiuii, it N (-fiifinllv Indirwd lluil llif rnniiiiifi-f mil nttmli it olln-i.il (. K. anil the lull will pu-tH 10 GREEI GRAND Meiuheis ol ,Mi-ill'niil IimIkc No. Kill, A l anil A. M. ami of I'rater Luke t'hapter It. A. .M. will wolemnf llieir Kiainl nf fieem at the .MiiHinie hall tn ninlit. A larxc atk'inlaiii'f i ilfsireil. The fUMilni: will he ilentil to ilinftH hi'iiix of Mimonif niutloih tnr the mind nl the onlrr. UNDERWOOD GETS 18 GEORGIA DELEGATES ATLANTA, (in., May 2. Complete ifturiiH from dm piflilfntliil prefor- eiico prlniary In (ieorula kIv Coii KroMHinmi t'liilerwooil of Alabama a plurality or about S00O votes ovor NVooilrow WIIhiiii, with tbu Clark ami Harmon uitc very IlKbt. WIIhoii earrloil tho e'tlfH ami l'n ilirwooil tho rural dUtrlctd. Under the ni Urn of tho utale oxfciillvo Un ilnrwooit mita tliu IS volim of Ucor Kla In the national eonventlun. DIED. At bin houif IPJ South Kitir ntieut, Albert II. Tull, ut It p. in., Mny -'. Ill I 'J, of pneumonia. Aj-ed IIS, II inoiitlih ami II da.VH. I If wus bora in SUkiyou foiuity, Calif, lie li-nuts a wifo mid one daughter, llo.hie, aoil 7 yearn. Inleinmiit in .Imdthousillo eeniulery. Aiiiiouneeineut Inter. MEDF0RD MARKETS Itotail Prices. Vi'HotableN, I'otatoeti 1!,CU per cwt. CabbnHo So. Parmilim 2 v, l.iittueo lOo head, CurrolH 2U. HflltH 2j(!. OiiIoiib 1. (,'elury filled M do.mi. Cauliflower HluQ'20u head, ItiullHlieH He buiieh, OiiIoiih (Ireou, Tie. buuuh, llhubarb lie. AHpaillKUH I He. P'riilt. J'runes--I)rled, Kin lb. Loimiiui 30o dozen, llaminaH 10c to ,'lOe. per OritugoH trie, to 4 0u. StrawburrloB 2fio. d ozoii, Mutter, ICggn ami Poultry. Hatter Kresh ranch, por roll, fifio; oreitmery, 70c. Hkhh KtohIi ranch, 20e, Poultry lions, dressed, 20c; I In; springs, drosuod, 20o. Turkeys 20o to 25e, drcusud. llvo m TONGHT .MeatN, Vliolenalo. Hoof Cown, I'jCJ HtOUI'fl, Tic. Pork fie HI io. Veal DroHsyd, fit), Mutton ae&H'jo, llvo; lamlm, Hay and 1'eeil, M'holesale, Hay Altnirn. .I3 to $1(5; grain, $12 to $11. drain Wliout, $1 pin- bushel; outs $3(1 per toiii Imi'loy, rollud, $10 por ton; barley, wbolo, $il, I'HM'AdO, Mv 'J I nit'ii iifwi piiper pi'fNsiiifn lnul licif ImIiiv ln finiM' n' (ho Iniliiii' ill' Hif )nl)Mif-K mid llif iinlniiH In Hij-n iii n wiiyi. M'lllf llltlfl'lllflll, Tile llinlllill papi'ln Wi'lf Isslli'il Hi- I Ullul lllll f iMU'lv I'llltillllH III III.' lil'lfllinnii pupciw nif nnl vet nut. tllflllltfl' n' f iMllllinllfl'H 111-ill'illl I'll, Hllltfil Hint lm (iihl ,.ilol wi'lf' ilflii.Vfil mill lluil f pn)ifi- would i hihi it lew pillow, uiiii iiiiu-tiiii'ii , preHMiueii. About lllll) pifHMiifii nif nut, Thfj xliiLcix Miy the pulili.ifrH iiM-iifiii t iii Incltfil llii'in nut liffiiuvt 70 plft-vj men ii" (lif lmirl iifuxpnpfM lien1 .1 i. !.: .i.... " 'ii lini MiniiilllK- I 1 moil piintfi-n liclil a fdiiffifilfi. IniliiV In'ili'fiilf ulicllh'l' In eniitiliiif nl work if llif iicwupapi'iM nuployt'd non-union pifHinfii, The Uiiciiuti Aiiieiifiiii vn llif "itlv rxipor in piihlixh, tlii ulimioo.i. The pnliff are prolirtiiiK the pivus mniiiH tn mtnnl llif iiun-iiiiiiini-t. The htrikei'H ileelaml Unit their iniinii iliMiainlfil a hi'i:tnik fiuilracl willi lliu lleiiirtt iii(icrM ami that I hi IIi'iiimI iiiaiuiKfiiifiit icI'iim'iI tn hiKii when their nlil fiintraft fxpiifil ,o lei ilny. The lleni inaiuieerK wmiled the uifii In umk uiiilfr the uniniiV agreement with the imhlUheiM iih-ii. flalina. EXPERT FILES HIS I. II. H'iImiii, employed li I lie fount v court lo export the book ni the xfveral nttieoH nt the eouit homse Iiiih fomploled him work and ninth hi i'omm to tho eouiily eouit. The r port wan approved by that body and plaeed on file. The report wivum eiifh offiee of tho county. It appears in full in another foluiuu. YESTERDAY'S SCORES: NATIONAL Cluclnnatl ..It Now York 9 llontoii ri Chlenito (I I'lltdhiirK r. Phlladelpblii r, Ht. LouIh fi Urooklyu . REPORT 1 L. V. C. n ,?8c :t ."Co 7 .-. 02 7 .id S .3SC 0 .155 tl .3a7 7 .417 Now Yoiji :i, I'hlladulphhi 2. lloHton N, llrookbn 1 L I'lttnlMiri; 2, ClilriiKo 7. St. Loubi .", Cincinnati 8. AMinilUAN w. Chleajto 11 IIohUhi ! WnnhlnKton ., S Phtladulphla 7 Cleveland 7 Detroit 7 St. LouIh r. Now oYrk :t L. P. O. I .73;. f. .013 r. ,cir. 7 .7)00 u .mis o . CIS a .ar.7 to .231 Philadelphia I, New York It. W'liHhliiKtnu 2, IIohIoii 1. Detroit 2, ClileaKo H. Clovelinul-HI. I.ouIh, no- kuiuu. NOItTinVKST W, Portland S Victoria -, 8 Spokane 7 Vancouver 8 Tneoiuu I! Seattlo (1 L. 7 (i (1 7 K U P. C. .r.33 .571 .538 .r.33 .121) .100 It. II. It U 15. I Spokane ,,.,.,. II Tacoimi , 7 li 1 Hattorlos Leonard. Cadroair and Do Vogt; Crlgur, Hunt, llutlcr and Lmlwlg. Seattlo t 8 1 Victoria 3 0 I Hattorlos Kuljorton and Whaling; Kaufman and Hasty, Vancouver 1 7 3 Portland 3 U 0 Twelve Innings. Hatterlen Aguow ami Luwls; Doty, Klolu ami Harris, . COAST L. P. 0. G .700 tl .GU0 12 ,r20 M .140 l.pi .423 10 .273 Oakland It) Vornou .....11 Sun Francisco 13 Los Augnles 11 Sauramonto ,,,.... .11 Portland tl Portlaiid-Vornon, wot grounds. It. II. 10. Los AllgoloH .......... 2 2 2 Oakland 7 10 1 HattorlfB Flutor and Holoa; Ab ies' and Mltzo. San Knimjlsco 7 0 1 Sucramonto ,,1 3 1 Huttorloa Mlllor uud llorVy; Wil liams and Price, MTCrWOTlT) MATH TRTDUKE, TARRYTOWN, HOME OF WEALTHY, WITHOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY i i m i i i w mmi i i i i tud rUDMG LiaiCATlY AltD Tho vIIuikq of Tarrytown, N. Y., ll.n A r,.hl,t,la II,. -'u-vll- 1 1.-. 1'., of wealth, la to bo without a library becnuuo tho taxpayer rcfuxtd to Toto WM additional funds nt tho uprtrif; clccllon for Its aupport. The tnctnlcrs of tlui Younu Jfcn's Lyceum voted in terminate the contract with Uio rlllaKe. 'J'ho nnseascd vaJuaUou of Turrylown Is $13,000,000, and J8O0 a year would Uuvo lucuut only a few cents to each taxpayer. Our Correspondents EDEN PRECINCIT Mm, J, K. ItobertH wax In Phoenix Sunday. .Mr. (I, (. MiClalu Iuih been (iilte til annln the last of liiHt week. Mm. Llllle Dluckwooil cainu up to her dauKhter'n, Mm. V. S. Stan rllff'M, Saturday evening for a aliorl call. Mm. Illackwoud'ri hfalth In very poor of late. Mr. and .Mm. Kininett Ilecmou of Talent motuied to Medford Saturday. Mm. Too Fish and Mm. Dr. Web nter of Waul Talent were attending HfrvlcoM In Phoenix Sunday. S. (J. Van Dyke and family mo tored over to Talent Sunday where Mr. Van Dyke bought a lot of early cabhaK" plautK of C. Caroy. T. J. Ncff, one of tho oldfHt plo. neem of tho valley mid once a real dent of Talent, but now owiiIuk a flue tract of Karden laud near Cen tral Point, bt upending a few days In Talent and North Talent vhdtiui; old time friends. Many gardener In tho valley aru auxloiiH about getting tho potato crop planted. P. It. Uatiuau got about 20 micki! cut when tin: rain set In and has not been able to get onto his ground. Tlley will likely be u loss uulfy (hey are planted boon. A plcaenut gathering of relatives took place nt tho homo of Mr. ami Mm. Ji'hmIu Adams on Wagoner creok last Sunday, when two of her nieces, Mm. John (iriiffes and Mm. V. i:. Amlcrhon and their btmbands and Mm. Audenton's children galh orod at their auni'n homo and took dinner and spuut tho day. C. Carey's five yonr old Winter Nells poar orchard on bottom laud Is nun of an fine specimens of growth and healthy trees as was over grown, and this spring they are heavily load ed with fruit. Should there bo no freeze they will have to bo thinned. Mm. Jouliun Patterson was in Kern valley Saturday visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Forns. I CEMTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mrc Minnie I'eninyer and ehililp'ii returned In their home iu Chieo, Culi foraia Wedao-dav nioiuin. Clyde . Woods of Heddiuj,', Calif., pcnt WodnoMlny in this eity. S. A. PatttMiu left Wednesday evening for l'orlhunl on a hu-iues I rip, Mi. ,1. I' (Irieve uud mmi returned to their lioiuxJn l'ro.-peet Wcdue.-day ufteruoon. .Mihs llofio arret l Iimm re.iucd her position in Mugland's drutr htore uud .Mr. Niekolau- will lake her place. Mr.-. 15. Davis, Mrs. ,1. Kellermnn. Mr. T. .1. Taylor mid on, Mr-, llray tou, ,Mr. Kurtou. Miss Kull) Mniiuiu, Mrs. mill Miss Norwood, Miss Her ring, ,1. W. Myers, A. ). Dmilap, John .1, Drown, (leo. Fnruum were union;; Central Point noople thai spent Wed nesday in Medford. Mr. Vineiny; left his home in Paris Oregon, Wednesday morning. Mis wife, formerly Mrs. Helen Caldwell, uud family will follow him when .school is out here. Legal blanks at tho Modtord Print ing company. ORRINE CTHKS DltlNIC IIAH1T So uniformly successful bus Oil HIN15 boon In restoring tho victims of tlito "Drink Habit" into eobor and useful citizens, and o sstroug Is our confidence in Ita curatlvo powers, that wo want to ompluiBlzo tho tact that OH1UNI3 is sold under this post tlvo guarantoo, If, nftor a trial, you got no benefit, your money will bo refunded. OIHUN15 costs only $1.00 por box. Ask for froo booklot. Loon W. llaaklns, 10. Main. MEDFORD, OHIKJQN, TIirnSDAY, MAY 2, 1012, " LYCEUM, tRIC'iCftflL.ll.y. Uie homo of the Ilockcfcllcm, tho Goulds, ... ... l, !...- nnA ,.4,,. ..,lll... DEBENGER GAP ITEMS. flly Norma it Cage.) ,MIh Until (Jrey of Itenglc has boon suffering frohl a very severe attack of la grlppo. Mm. W. A. Fresham of Sams Val ley has Just returned from a winter's visit with her parents iu some east ern stale, J. W. Hums nf Hcaglc commenced work for Karl Crny.Iast Wednesday. A largo number of people attended the concert given by Professor How ell Isaac nt tho Sams Valley hall last Saturday. If Profewor Isaacs can get a class of 2ii or more pupils ho will Immediately prepare to estab lish a music school In the Sams Val ley hall and will give Instruction for playing any Instrument desired. Mr. Isaacs was formerly a music profes sor In Chlcngo for several years, but has recoutly established n school In Ashland, Ore., where he has a large class of students, and there Is no doubt that he Isan able and compe tent Instructor. This Is certainly a ehnnco for all those who wish to learn music, ob he will surely get 26 pupils "and then some," because there were n great many people from Agate. Table Koch, Sams Valley ami also the Debonger Gap and Henglo vicinity wnR pretty woll represented In the front seats on the right hand side of tho ball. Last Thursday Hoy G. Patch, the Table Hock photographer, wus nt Autloch taking pictures of the school and Its surroundings. The dance given last Friday at tho (irev olaco near Hondo In honor of Claroneo Croy's 22d birthday was woll attended and enjoyed by all. Norman Gago of Debonger Gap was a business visitor nt Central Point Inst Thursday VAPOR BATHS and Scientific Massage Trv ii for a cold, rheumatism, etc. Advice iu dietetics, medical gymnastics and Hydrotherapy. Lady atteudaut. DR. ROBT. J- LOCKWOOD CHIROPRACTOR E. 9th and S. Riverside Both Phones Homestead I lomestead Relinquishment 1est in state of Oregon, con sidering price and location. 3 room cabin and barn. 1G0 acres good land, run ning water. 120 black loam and sticky. 40 sandy loam, free soil. Alfalfa 15 acres alfalfa fiue stand. 10 acres in grain. 415 acres can be irrigated. Have personally examined this. Believe it best propo sition offered in state. Own er must leave by May 20th. This place goes. Make your bidSv? V $1000 asked. ltis worth $5000 today. i J. C. BARNES 21-tifcW Nat. SIATE OE OREGON B F EOT I SAM-:.I. Or., May 'J. The mi- iiuuiiei'itioit whm iiiinle by Htate Trcn (Hiirer Kiiv Imliiv lliul, -live the 'JOO,- 000 o lf paiil the jrovcriuiii'iil f'r tin 'jiurehase of the lock." at Oregon Cilv, the lute U nut nf deht anil Iiii.h ,l, (iOlUHKI in raxli on limnl. It Iiiih henu I vean nii.re the Mlntr w i' M uoml a liiimieial ciiiiditioM, aeenriliii(r to tin Mate tri-aiurer. Over 700,000 wan niiiviil lat week in taxtw. The uhnlf mnnttnt i now heiiitr ilrpniitrd in ol haiikH, where il will draw 2 ppr i cent interest. T7 RptTlind MP flf ' IVvllllllUj 111, Ul My Barefoot Days!" ".My I'ifC Never fj'et Soiv. Tired or Chared Now, Hcwuse I Co TIZ."" "Tl, makes mn feel like a boy ngaln. Nothing would hurt my feet In those days, even when I'd run around barefooted with Kover, over rocks and pebbles and sticks. "WT..I You TKinldV About Cramps 7" "To be able now to hnve feet that never acljc, never get tired, blistered, swollen or chafed, or have corns, cal louses or bunions, is a glorious rec ompense for all the other aches and pains one suffers In the winter of life. TIZ makes the feet feel young, and young feet make you feel young nil over. "I've tried many things fbr my poor old tired feet, for those bunions of 20 years, and for those corns that have added wrinkles to my face. I've tried plasters, powders and salves and nothing has ever given the relief that TIZ has. My feet are now strong and vigorous, they never get tired or swollen, 1 have no corns, callouses or bullions any more they are boy's I feet on an old man!" TIZ gives instant rollef and cure6 all foot troubles. It operates on a new principle, draws out all the pois onous exudations that cause foot mis eries. Don't accept a substitute. An cl- j derly man especially has a mind of I his own seo that you get TIZ. TIZ. 2ii cents a box. sold evory- ) where, or sent direct, on receipt qf prlco. by Walter Luther Dodge &. Co., Chicago, 111. Recommended by all Drug Stores, department and general stores. Bank Bldg. 14 00JHJMHJ&lHJJJ&WM0INMIWMHm GRAND OPENING Office Cafe 22 North Front Street THURSDAY EVENING May 2 From 6 to 12 p. m. EVERYBODY INVITED Plenty to eat for all consisting of Roast -Turkey and Suckling Pig SELSBY & KENNEDY, Prosp. 4444f44444f4l4r4Hf4f4f4(44H(4H(4H( ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice Qb Storage Co. Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawtor, President G. R. Lindloy, Vice Pres. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier First National Bank OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will rocoive our careful attention. r. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT OIUUS CRAWFORD, FATgTS TETRflB Medford Tent and Awning Company Manufacturers of nml Dimlcr In AWNIHOB. TBRTS, TX.Y8, COVXB Or AX.X, KINDS Duck All WclKlttn nml Width. AwnliiK. atrlpcn, Ulo. WHOLESALE AMD SETAEb Alt Make of Awnlniss nml Torch Ciirtnliis put up at Mnnufnctiirorn' I'rlccn. Agent for tho Roanok Noliclfii Ventllatln? Win dow Awntoff 100 W. rront St. Uotli I'lionos. Mrdford. Orcisnn 4HHHM44t04NHNNf M. Iu ALFOKD, ASSISTANT OASHIMfl i '