OTDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, M1TDFORT), ORlWON, TUESDAY, APIUL HO, 1012. r- r. MRS. COLBYTALKS TO TO SCARCITY OF LIFEBOATS ON THE TITANIC STILL CRITICISED. TAFT HOARSE AS SHE DISTRIBUTES "HOUN DAWG" BUTTONS ' t t!l TAKE TITANIC WAIFS T OF W PAGE SEC 'r .r JT . . " . . DIENCE RESUL CAMPAIGN S M ,v4K - .f.v .. .-' sSml&kmWMBiBU I U s 1 Mrs, Sarah Bewick Colby, ono or tho pioneers in the Kqunl Suffrage movoment In America, addressed n largo gathering In this city Monday evening and won ninny local people to suffrnge. Mrs. Colby Is an excel lent speaker and, hor remarks were closely followed. Arrangements are being mndo by tho local equal suf frage workers to liavo other noted Breakers appear here. SULLIVAN IS COMMISSIONER TO OLYMPIC GAMES WASHINGTON, April 30. -James 12. Sullivan was today appointed n President Tuft American commis sioner to the Olympic Raines nt Stockholm, Sweden, this summer. Sullivan lias been for yean one of the prominent figures in nmntcnr ath letics in the United States. Since concludine his active career, when he was one of tho foremot athletes In the country, more than twenty years iifrt), lie lias hern noted u a patron of athletic sports, as a publisher nod mi official. He is nt present secretary of tho Amateur Athletic union of the L'nited States. Sullivan was American commis sioner to the Olympic games m Athens in 11)04 and in Loudon m 11)08. WOMAN BOWLS PERFECT TEN PIN SCORE AT VENICE So ninny letter have been received it'rom points in the northwest offering ! to provide a home for the Titanic wmf- that it N neeesMiry to auiiouuce ! that a wive has ijeen received from Nc Yotk statinvr thnt it is believed that the mother of the little boys has been located. Should this prove to he nn error, those who have so kindlv offered to take one of the boys will be notified. VENICE, Cal., April 30. Tho only woman west of tho Mississippi who ever bowled a perfect 10 pin score, 300, Mrs. George Watklns, is being showered with congratulations today. By throwing 12 successive balls on an alley hbro last night sho established a record that cannot bo beaten, and which surpassed her own southern California record for wom en, 298 pins. MISS MLAY 25rKKHU.Au Ilotin da wr buttons were popular in tbe Martha Washington Hotel, in Vpw York, the stronghold of woman fufTnige. because Miss May It Irk head, of louldana, Mo., was so pleased by he victory of Champ Clark, her home neighbor aud political Idol, In the Illi nois primaries that she had to tell very one and distribute the buttons. Her Oxark Mountain badge was soon n general demand. Miss Blrkhcad. who Is well known In New York so pt.T, has gone to Europe, taking with Her a big supply of tho campaign .t.idgM. " CHOOSES DEATH BY HANGING; SPURNSBULLETS SALT LA KB CITY, I'tnh, April 30. Without n outiver in his oice ns he un;ed the ot fivers to be' ipiick about their work, .1. .1. Morris, com Meted murderer was, by his own choice, hnngvd at the state prison here' early today. He was pronounced dead nine minutes after the drop fell. .Morris, who shot and killed J. Wal ter Axtell in an effort to escape after he had nibbed a pawn shop, selected hanging in preference to shooting, a choice seldom made In this state. Al though Morris sent a written invita tion tp A.xtell's father to witness the humring. the latter did not accept. OCCIDENTAL FAILS TO DRIVE OUT CO-EDS H59 MHI CRWR? , 'IMkIi3HMB 2 Tlr a isanmmMMsMmmaKmmM i- - . uixmrj :.-"m iwa mmk P p?; m -. .. T.T' - . ' '' m WAHHINOTOM, April no. Ht hoitrto mi to bo inablo to Hpouk nbovo a wlilHper tin a romill of hhi campaign tour of MunuacluiHoltH, (.nniblued with u Void which ho ue lulled on tllo golf llnkn, 1'renlilcnt Taft arrived hero today. Tho prciil dent woh In n moat confident mood, ami wiih very naiiKtilno over tho out count of the MnsHaehiisettH primary, I'rentdmit Taft Mtarted for iiviin nah, On,, thin afternoon. )u will sneak In that city tomorrow iilnlit. and then eoiitluuo to Aiigimta, whero he will pnrtlclpiito in mxvIcch In memory of bin Into mllltiuy aldn, Archibald Mutt, who went down with tho liner Titanic. FLOYD ALLEN PLACED ON TRIAL FOR MURDER WYTHEVILLE, Vo., April 30. Floyd Allen, one of the Allen clan of bandits, was placed on trial for mur der here today for the part he took in the Hillsvillc court house tragedy Mnrch 14. Allen is beius tried for the killing of Commonwealth's Attor ney Foster. The entire day was spent in summoning witnesses aud veniremen. D, APPLETON & CO. HIT BY FLAMES NEW YORK, April 30.Fiir floors were burned with a total loss of $500,000 today by fire which broke out on the top floor of the 12 story buildiiiK in West 32nd .street. The of fices of I). Appletou and company, publishers, were jruttcd. New Gunboat Ordered. WASHINGTON, April 30. The navy department today has drawn and signed specifications for a new guubont to be known aw the Sacra mento. The vessel, exclusive of suns and nnnor, io to cost $,00,000. Bid.- are to be opened opened July 1. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. April 30. Students aud alumni of Occidental college today arc colebratlng their victory in a fight to maintain a co educational standard at tho Institu tion, the losers In tho contest being President J. W. Haer and supporting members of the board of trustees. Led by tho co-eds of tho college aud reinforced by tho alumni organi zation nnd tho women's clubs of southern California, tho battlo was waged so fiercely that the president and trustees surrendered and re scinded their action driving women from the college. SHOWING Herein Is xliow cumber of ihcte had 'IN3 A DOUBLE ROW OF LIFEBOATS ON THE TITANIC b.rti' onbthcXf DM.!?!!! r?. U,,e T""!0;' a",, "?!"'"'' I" ll builders' iilum..' If tUr ,, , ikui lontne decks of the III fated vessel there would have been many more n.ivnl Tho name choitou for It. N. Pouter'" confectionery store, former ly MeDowell'H, will be printed In Kil dny'n paper. 3fi 'j. j--.i-f-i SELLING OB NEW YORK MARKET Honor for French Delegates NEW YORK. April 30. Elaborate arrangements arc being niado for tho banquot to bo given in this city to morrow night In honor of the distin guished French delegation that has Just arrived hero with tho bronze bust of "La France," which Is to bo presented to the United States and to be placed at tho base of the monu ment to be dedicated next Juno to Samuel do Champlain, tho French navigator and explorer. NEW YOKK. April 30. A con siderable number of soiling orders woro In tho market at tho opening today. Heading, Canadian Pacific fell 1. United States Stool and tho coppers lost fractions. National BlBCult with n gain of li, nnd Bal timore & Ohio, which was up 1, woro tho only notablo advances. The market closed Irregular. Bonds woro steady. CONDEMNED MURDERER INVITES CROWD TO HANGING D cstroyer Jenkins Launched HATH. Mew., April ,10,Tho torpedo-boat destroyer Jenkins was launched today at the yards of tho Unth Iron works. Tho JeukliiH li a sister ship to tho Jouett, which waa recently launched nt tho sauio yaids. She Is 293 reel long nnd will have u speed of 2!.G knols. Tho Jenkins was named In honor of tho Into Hear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, who wns known as "tho father of the llghthoiuo board." Miss Alice 'Itiorutou A, Jenkins of Washington, I) V , a daughter of tho Into rear ad miral, performed the christening cor oniony at tho launching. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 30. Dr. Linda Hurfleld llazzard, tho fast spe cialist, today completed tho fifth week of her fast. Sho seems to bo In good health and proposes to con tinue tho fast for ten dnjn longer. Her weight has dropped from 13 ft pounds to 107 since tho fast bftfnn. " Say" ' HORLICK'S II MttHt Original m4 ImuIm MALTED MILK Tht Fttrf.rfrhk fir AH Apt. More hesJtWu! tlun Tea of Cdfcc Amttt with the wcket digestion. Delicious, invigottu'nR nnd nutiitiotu. Rich milk, mailed grain, powder form. A qakk hack prepared h a faete. Take m Mtakite. AAfw HORLICK'S, Othtn art imitations. LINCOLN, Nob., April 30. -"You had better all comp down to the lit tle nccktio party wo aro going to havo at tho home." declared Albert Prince, n negro convict, turning to tho spectators in a crowded court room hero today when he wns found guilty of first degree murder. I'rlncc stabbed Deputy Warden Albert Dnvls at tho stato penitentiary February 11. Ho wants a largo crowd at tho hanging. Iff- f toJBI STERLING SILVER WEDDING GIFTS 'We havo on riispluv in our .showrooms a laro assortment of STERLING SILVER FLATWARE AND HOLLOW-WARE PIECES Suitable for all occasions such as: Tea Sets. Coffee Sots, Dessert Sets, Almond Sots, Ice Cronm Sets, Lunch Castor Sets. Berry Sets. Sugar and Cronm Sets. Candlesticks, Sandwich Trays, Bread Trays, Cako Trays, Bou Bon Dishes, Comport Dishes, Uullsh Dishes, Marmalade Jars. Wntcr IMtchers, Flower Vases, I'rlzo Cups. Near IWofflco MARTIN J. RXDDY, Tht JtWltr Mrdrunl, Orrgun M$M$ f t y y y t y y- y y y r r t y t y y t y t y y y y t y t y y y t y y y y y y y y r y t y MADE IN .- MEDFORD t (,. ;t .. ' '"dk" r t , u. s. . -i' ... ITJ fV 91 ' i 'V.fMv, i jpjFarj, ' i, ,.-' ' ' rih Artistic Printing, Bookbinding, Looseleaf Systems, Posters, Pamphlets, Fruit Labels, Stock Certificates, any and all kinds of commercial printing at Portland prices. We have the largest and most complete plant and biggest pay roll in Southern Oregon, and are equipped to fill any order, large or small, on short notice. Color work a specialty. Exclusive agent for Old Hampshire Bend- all colors- the stationery of culture. Complete line of legal blanks. ' We invite your inquiries r u - v ) .H V , WJ- J WfrJvft . v , i&m -r.'wlm&at4 H VJ1,' 'tW&f f ' ,' MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY 1 r ri PRINTERS AND BINDERS 25-27-29 NORTH FIR STREET i ? T r y y r r r t y t t y y y t y t y f y f y y f t r y t y t y t y t y t y y f y y t y y t t y t X jaMjuJ "V 4 !Vr