Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 30, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford Mail tribune
. Tho DmrtocrAtlo TlmM, Tim Medford
Mull. Th Medford Tribune, Thn South-
irn urPRoninn, xn Ashland Tribunes
Offlon Mk.11 Tribune Hulldlns. 35-S7-JI
North Fir iitrcet: phon. Main SOU;
Home 76.
OEOnQH PUTNAM, IMItor una Mnaer
Kntfnd as ppcond-fitBug matter at
Mpdfnrd. Oregon, under th act of
March I, 1879.
OfflptM Pnnpr of tho City of Mpdford
Official Pnpr of Jnckson County
BtTBSCRrrriOK hates.
On rear, ly mail .IS.nn
One month, liv mall .(0
TVr month, tlollvoroil hy carrier tn
Medford. Jacknonvllln and Cen
tral Point IM
Saturday only, br mall, pr year..
Wppkly, por ypar 1.S0
Dally nvcrnpp for rlPYirt montht ni
Inn; November 30, 1911, 3TS1.
roll aied Wire XTnlteC Ttta
ThP Mall Tribune la on brIp at the
l""prrv Nef Stand. San !-nnclseo.
Portland Jfotol Now Stand. Portlan
Pnwman Now Co, Portland. Ore.
W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wh.
Metropolis of Southern Dreiin and
Northern California, and tho fastest
isrowlntf cttv In Orecon.
Population U. R census H10 8J40'
tlmatPd. 1911 10.000.
Flvo humlrpd thouuinfl aollar urarity
Water Kvstem comnmtert. civinc nnesr
unnly nur mountain water, and 17.3
mile of Btreptu navpd.
Postofflc rerelota for year anrttnr
Novemnor 30, nil, snow increase or is
ppr cent
Tlannpr fruit city tn Orecnn Horne
mvpr snititennerr won sweep
stake nrlxe and title of
"AflpU Xlnr or tb KTotIb"
t the National Ann' Show. Spokane
1809, and car of Nwtnwrt won
lr Till ta 1910
at Canadian International Appls Show
Vancouver, U. C
tint ris tn 1911
at Spokane National Apple Show won
bv carload of Newtowna.
TtOKue River ppora hrousht WitheM
nrtfpB In all marketn of the world dur
ing th tvt six xmn
Write Commercial PluK Inclooln
cntti for twifacrp fop Th flt pAmmu
nit" tt'i' erep pnMIiPd
By Ad Brown
The difference 'tween a good trust
And a bad one now is plain;
The good one is the one that forks
Up funds for the campaign.
Cavalier! says American men are
cold and unsympathetic. Dut they
do make handsome marriage settle
ments. Roosevelt is said to have saved a
girl's life the other day. Tuft may
now reply ,wlth reason tnat If the
"Tool "people would stay "away from
T. It.'s speeches they wouldn't run so
much danger.
A lot of politicians nowadays. are
trying hard to look like the only
available dark horse.
I dreamed I bought a buzz cart
And took some rides for Joy
And jnangled pigs, and cows, and
And last, a little boy.
I dreamed I broke the buzz cart
By driving up a tree;
They took mo to tho doctor
And bandaged up my knee.
The bills camo in for dogs and cats
For pigs and littlo boy.
The doctor and repair man, both
Charged for that ride of Joy.
At last I woko up with a start
To greet tho light of day;
I'm glnd I own no buzz cart for
Tho bills I'd have to pay.
JUNEAU, Alaska, April 30. Fed
eral District Judge Lyons today dis
missed three of tho six Indictments
returned February 15, charging the
several transportation and coal com
panies and their officers with con
spiracy in restraint of trade in con
nection with tho alleged wharfage
monopoly at Skagway, tho alleged
monopoly In tho coal business and tho
alleged monopoly in transportation
between Skagway and AVhite Horse.
Of tho threo sustained, one was up
held in its entirety and tho other two
in part. These refer to tho monop
oly of transportation between Seattle
nud Alaska In discrimination in tho
matter of wharf and transportation
business at Skagway, and tho alleged
conspiracy to control the wharf bus
lness nt Skagway. Those quashed
related to tho alleged coal monopoly
and tho alleged transportation mon
opoly at Skagway and Whlto Horse,
and exacting unnecessary wharfage
tolls at Skagway,
"VY. D, Ilolderldge, a prominent citi
zen and ranch ownor of Talent, who
lives on tho outskirts of tho city, was
takon HI Sundny night nt about 11
o'clock and his condition kept get
ting worso and ho was finally rushed
to tho hospital at Ashland Holiday
morning. An oporatlou wob per
formed for appendicitis, Ho died
Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mr.
Holdrldgo had lived in Talent four
years, coming horo from Ipwa. Fu
neral arrau&omontH have- not been
made as yet, j
CCXMMEN'IHNG upon tho effort of iho aioddml city
council to strike at the newspapers, with a special
election to cut down the number of publications of assess
ment notices, the Ashland Tidings, perhaps the mtm bit
ter critic of the Medford newspapers, says:
"The city council of Medford is busily engaged in an
attempt to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
"The newspapers ol Medtord have done more toward
the development of that town than any other ten agencies.
Both tluvPribune and Sun, from a newspaper standpoint,
are far ahead of what the patronage justifies. Few towns
in the United States with like population and resources
have as good newspapers as Medford.
"A town may be best judged by the newspapers it
supports. If the newspapers bear a weak and pinched
aspect it will reflect back upon the town and people will
not think much of a community whose business enter
prise will not support substantial newspapers.
"The state law provides for certain legal publications
and sets the maximum price for the publication, just as
- i 1 1 n I ! nit i
it sets rue salaries tor county aim city otheers. it is
understood by everybody that certain public offices carry
a certain salary by law. Nobody ever complains about
that. But there are always a certain type of politician
that has it in for the newspapers because they are unable
to dictate to them, who insist, when there is retrenchment
to be made in municipal expense, that the newspapers be
made the butt of their economy. That is exactlv what is
now happening at Medford.
"The less publicity on
opportunity for graft. Just how far that enters into the
action of the Medford council we do not know."
In this connection it may be well to set the public
right regarding the printing involved. No ordinance or
resolution has ever been printed more than once, except
those ordinances assessing the cost of paving, water mains
and sewers, laid under the .Bancroft bonding act, and as
each street can be so improved but once, and as most of
the city streets have already been so improved, the total
amount involved is small probably not enough to pay
for the special election.
A small portion of the council s proceedings are
printed, and since the present council took office its only
economy has been at the expense of the newospapeis, res
olutions of paving, etc., being posted on telegraph poles
as in village days before the era of newspapers. Only
ordinances, compelled by charter provisions, see the light
of day in printer's ink.
As. a matter of fact, all public transactions should be
printed. The publication of the minutes of every council
meeting, together with the list of bills paid, and new laws
enacted, should be compulsory at a fixed maximum rate,
as it is fixed by state law for county government, for
what is the public business is everybody's business, and
the only way the public has of learning what its servants
do is through the newspaper.
Publicity is the remedy for both private and public
corporate abuse.
ORTCGON, overwhelmingly progressive, rewarded pro
gressiveness in her public officials by kicking her
foremost progressive, Jonathan .Bourne, .Jr., out of the
The old political machine, with the avowed intention
of "smashing" the Oregon system, massed its strength
against Bourne, and aided by Selling's money barrel, ac
complished his defeat.
The people were not so much to blame as the unpro
gressive press. Bourne made an idealistic campaign, a
campaign ahead of his time, the campaign of the future,
lived within the corrupt xmictices act and let his record
speak for itself.
For veal's Bourne has been maligned, villified. be
littled and abused by the Oregonian and the stand-pat
papers of the state, who refused to give him credit for his
achievements and by calumnies succeeded in poisoning
the public mind against him.
Tn the primary campaign none of the great news
papers, the newspapers of but four places gave Bourne
a square deal, and he carried the four counties in which
they were located Multnomah, Tillamook, Ourry and
Jackson, showing that if the facts had been presented to
them the progressive people would have voted for Bourne.
Colorless lethargy is the tone of the country press of
Oregon. Some of the papers were angry because Bourne
did not purchase their aid, as he did six years ago, and as
Selling did this year. Some are too factionally partisan
to give an opponent a square deal. Some never have an
opinion unless it is paid for.
Bourne was defeated, but his work still lives. The
Oregon system is stronger than ever. The presidential
primary is sweeping the nation. .Probably no one has con
tributed more to change the current of political events
than Jonathan Bourne.
History of Catholicism in Oregon
Tho most complete and authentic
history of tho archdiocese of Oregon
City yet published Is contained in
tho 11th volume of tho new Catholic
Kncyclopedia. The early strivings of
Catholic settlors for recognition in
western Orpgon aro graphically re
counted and tho riso of the diocese
from its humble beginnings to its
present day important position in tho
community is treated at length.
Tho general scopo and Influence of
tho ecclesiastical, educational and
charitablo work of tho dloceso Is
tellingly reviewed. Interesting sta
tistics hitherto unpublished havo
been compiled by tho author, Edwin
V. O'JJara, of Portland. Much new
Information Is contained In the fol
lowing excerpts taken from Us pages:
public contracts the better
"Tho archdiocese of Oregon City
includes that part of tho state of
Oregon west of tho Cascade moun
tains, being bounded on tho cast by
tho counties of Wnneo, Crook and
Malmath. It comprises an area of
21,398 square miles. By an Indult
of the holy seo dated February 28,
183C, the Oregon country north of
tho American lino was annexed to
tho vicariate apostolic of Mgr, Pro
venchor of Ited IUver. Hy letters of
April 17, 1838, Itev. F. N, Illnnchnt
was appointed vlcar-gcnoru! to tho
urchblshop of Quebec and assigned to
tho Orogon mission, Thp vicar gen
eral established bis first mission at
St. Paul on tho Wlllametto, uud on
January 0, 1830, dedicated at that
place tho first Catholic church In
Oregon. Tho church hnit Ihmmi con
structed throu ytuir wvrllor by thn
Cnuudlnn settlors who had anticipat
ed tho coining of n mlnMotmry iiinoug
"As tho lino of domnrcntlon be
tween llrltlnh urn! Aniorlr-nu terri
tory was Ktlll undecided, and mis
sionary priests hiul been sent Into
tho country both from Canada mul
from the United States (Do Smot
had coiuo from St, Lolils), Oregon
hcntiuo n Joint mission depending
upon the bishops of Quebec nud Dal
tlniore. At the suggestion of these
bishops, the mission was erected
Into a vicariate apostolic by, a brief
of December 1, lSia. On July ai,
18-tti, tho vicariate was transformed
into a province comprising tho nreh
diocese of Oregon City and tho dio
ceses of Walla Walla and Vancouver
Island. With the transfer of the
see of Walla Walla to Nesqually
(KS4S), tho northern boundary of
tho nrchdlocoso of Oregon City was
fixed nt tho Columbia river and the
Pith degree latitude. This territory
was diminished by tho erection of.
the vicariate of Idaho (1S0S) and
finally received Its present limits by
the erection uf the dloceso of linker
City (1803).
Oregon lllslmiw.
"Illsheps: (i) Francois Norbert
Ulnuchet was born September 3,
17Sr, nud consecrated July 25, lSlfi.
Thero wero In the dloceso In 18 IK 10
priests, 13 sisters of Noter Dame and
two educational Institutions. Tho
first priest ordained In Oregon was
Father J a. vol. the ceremony being
performed by Archbishop lllanchut at
St. Paul September l! 1S17. On
November 30 the archbishop conse
crated at St, Paul. Ulshop emers of
Vancouver's Island, llo convened the
first provincial council of Oregon
City February 28, ISIS. On Decem
ber 21 Archbishop Ulancbet left St.
Paul and took up his residence at
Oregon City. In 1852 the first I
church In the city of Portland was
dedicated under the title of the Im
maculate conception. It became the
pro-cnthcdrul when Archbishop Ulan
cbet moved to Portland in 1SC2.
"(2) Charles John Segliers was
born December 26, 1839, at Ghent,
successor to the pioneer lllshop Do
mers of Vancouver's Island, and was
transferred to Oregon City December
10, 1S78, and became coadjutor to
Archbishop Ulnnchet, who nt once
retired from active life. Archbishop
Seghers is remembered for his he
roic devotion to the Indian missions
of Alaska which led him to resign
the see of Oregon City In 18SI. J
"(3) William H. Gross ,cons
cratcd bishop of -Rnvnnitnh, 1873)
was promoted' to tho archleplscopal
see of Oregon City February 1, 1885,
and Invested .with the pallium In
Portland by his eminence Cardinal
Gibbons October 9. On his death,
November It, 1808. he was succeed
ed by the present archbishop. ( I )
.Most Itev. Alexander Christlo (con
secrated bishop of Vancouver's Isl
and, Juno 29, 1S9S) was promntud
to the archleplscopal see of Oregon
City February 12, 1899. Statistics
for 1909: Diocesan priests, 50;
priests of rellgloiiB orders, 10; col
leges, 3; sectindnry schools, 12; elo
inentary schools, 35; pupils, 5500."
8ACKAMKNTO, Cat., April 110.
fore leaving this city today for Ii
AiiroIcs Governor .Johnson isRiiei) re
prieves for four weeks to Wjllie Liiir
of San I.uin Obispo, George I'iguereti
of I.os Angeles, William Murke of
Sail Dicjjo mid Alex SJifnciu'. The
four were n'hcdicd fo be lumped .it
Saa Qiicntin Friday.
Governor JoIiiikoii appointed John
Kllihon as trustee of the state nor
mal school at Cliico to succeed Trus
tee Campbell resigned.
PORTLAND, April .'0. Penitent
reports, which, though unconfirmed
seemed authoritnlive, today wore that
tho Southern 1'iicifie railroad has
purchased the Wilapictte street car
systems of A, Yclch. Neither conllr
matiou nor denial was uiveii out by
the Southern I'ucific officials.
The Welch properties include the
street car syMcmH of Salem and Al
hauy. It is known that the Southern
Pacific- is anxious (o acquire electric
lines in the Willamette valley us feed
ers for jts steam systems.
Health Week in Ennland.
LONDON, April 30,- As tho cul
mlrfatiou of a widespread public
movement launched somo tlmo ago,
England Is to observe her first naf
tlonal health week during tho sovon
days beginning with tomorrow.
Whllo In country villages thero muy
bo only a single sormon on Sunday,
in (ho larger communities tlmro will
bo a full week'u' program, consisting
of lectures, exhibitions, meetings of
voluntury health socloUcu and a gen
oral inspection
of factories and
riles Cured In O to 14 Day.
Your druggist will refund monuy if
PA.O OINTMENT falls to euro any
case of Itchlnir. Dlind, Illeodlng or
Protruding Piles la C to 14 days, COc.J
Al'lef much correspondence, Man
njrer leCnllmn Iiiih Niicecoilvil in nr
niiiKiug Tor one HuTiiiiinmeo of (lie
eolelmilctl uiiiienl comedy "The HomI
Kiss," which run 21011 iiIkIiIk at the
New York Ihentre, N'ew Yorlt (Mv
niitl hits been the reiniun Niiece
llironghniit the eountrv for the ms
two venr. In hriiiuiiii; Ihe "Soul
Kih-s here in tabloid form, mir thea
Iro mers will have the oiHiituul(,v of
not oulv liiMiriuir the original immc,
and wciiur the celebrated Ital Tahium
scone, in which the nrlwt who seek
the loutf coutid "Soul KkV' n rep
resented, to the llml' D.ui-dilei
hu ,( w., ,.IU, ,,, t, ol .,, i ...,
duclion, but Menr Mer m hi work
Scene from 'TIii Soul KK."
of i-ninlins.iliihi lm- ntniurel all tin
muil, the best immhi'i- ol the uk
imductitiii, nil the nilei-cfttiug dim
aetcrs nud nil iho betuilil'ul neituerv
that aids lh nrvaeututioii. Annum
the iniiMctil nuinbeo to he prctuti'd,
will he "They Cannot Smokr Will,
Ale." "Let'- Pretend." "Merry, Mrrr.N
Maiden-.. Hie Soul Ki" milt.
"Kinanie" mid "The .Melody of ,i.e."
Mi-side the "SoulMCi-i" ciiiuuiy, the
specialties to m' introduced in the
performance, ure not to he fori! t-n.
I'ij.''ir". the comedy jiuyjlrr, Virginia
McAdauiH uho imitatcM all bird- be
in" a very fine whistler, Curpo llro-ther-,
n European troupe of acrobat
and head balancers, and .Monte
llrooke ivith'llurt I). Harris in n mus
ical sunt: comedy, called a "Mild
Flirtation." This is the entertainment
that liar. hi'Cii prepared mid will be
given on Wednesday May J-t. it I the
.Medford theatre. The prices lor tin
engagement will be $1.(11), "" and
."lie. Senti. iiiiij lie reserved ill lla
kins drug store.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to the city coun
cil of tho City of Medford, Oregon,
at Its next regular moating on May
T, It) 1 2, for n license to sell spiritu
ous, vinous and malt minora at
wholesale and retail, or for a license
to sell tho same In quantities of
more than ouo gallon, and for a 11
cciiho to sell the same at retail,- or
In (iiautltloH less than ouo gallon, at
No. 1; North Kront street, In Hiiiil
city for a period of ono yonr.
April 2fi, KM 2.
I0 Per A. S. Ash.
Swamp Land Notice,
Acting under Instructions from
Governor West, all tho swamp laud
belonging to the State of Oregon will
bo selected as kooii as possible.
Any ono having Information re
garding tho location or condition of
Mich laud will kindly confer with
me. Such Information will bo of
much value to tho laud department.
Btato Laud Agent,
Special Tuesday, Wednesday nud
Thursdny, $7 hats for $i.!8; $3 hats
for Sl.iTi, Come in and sno our
stock. 608 East Main. 31
Lovely Hair For
Girls and Boys
TIo ipan who Is bald at 30 can
usually blamo his mother.
It Is a mother's duty to look af
ter her children's hair; to bo suru
that u dressing In used that will de
stroy tho microbes of dlseano, will
banish dandrufr ami promote a
growth of hair,
Mothers who mio PARISIAN
SAGE need never worry about hav
ing bnld heuded sous at 30 or girls
with faded coarso looking hair at
any ago,
I-'or GIioB. Strang knows PAIUSI
AN SAGE so well that ho guaranteuH
It to abolish dandruff; to stop Itch
ing scalp and fulling hair, or moncjy
And children as woll as tholr1 por
(Hits love to uho PAUISIAN SAGE,
for It Is ho refined mid pleasant and
makes tho head fool flnu Instantly,
sHk VSflHs
Ktr$ fMm
Wwilji' "mjj"' T
Are Hold In Moosn Hull ovory
Thursday nt II p. in. Kvoryliuily
. A Tunic. Allrtattvc iuiiI UrmWfiit. I'm
ltl trnmljr fir Kmiifyn, l.lvtr nml HoW",
ljH(llcf l'l Wilt. litiplli i utul Phitdm
Tcut, MiciiKllt nml Igor U) (tie f utile nyitcm.
Do you want your lawn put in
first cliisu tdiupuf All worlt
Rimrnnleed. Lonvo address with
II. II. l'ntteiHii, Quaker Nursipy,
NiihIi hotel.
Watch Our Addition
Jackson nml SiiiumU
Medford Realty and
Improvement Company
M. F. H II. Co. Hid.
Btoara and Hot Water
'Alt Work UtmreintL
l'rlcen llrnnuimhlo.
89 Howard mock, ruttanc on fltlt Ml
rctrin 3031. Knm SMt.
60 acres, six miles from Medford,
good graded road crosses tho tract,
all free nil, at $50 per aero. J 1000
will bundle, easy terms on balance i
Part is creek bottom lund, su'tahle
for alfalfa. Several springs on the)
place. Timber enough to1ny for tho
tract. No buildings, in the Griffin
creek district.
W.T.York. Co.
Expert Work
nml moderate t-lmrgou have j-.nlui'd
for tin n long list of lonl patrons
All Itnuu lies of llenllsdy
Crowns, llrldge work, Plates, etc.
Your teeth should be examined by a
thoroughly conscientious dentist
every few mouths, you can t Iiiih avoid
much trouble nud largo bills,
Ijiily Attendant
Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific
Phono 2582, Home Phono 352-IC
Medford Roal Entato
& Employment Agency
J'OK sadi:
I 1 acres Dear creek bottom. Thero
Is about 30 acroi In alfalfa, all
tho tools go with tlio place,
1000 acres 10 miles out at a bar
gain. 70 acres, 10 In pours, linl. In al
falfa. Auto, price 1 1 50.
Auto, price $300,
5 room house 8 blocks out, price
Lot in Walnut Park add,, about
120 ft. from Main,
2 room Iioiiho and Inclosed porch,
only $700.
20,000 acres sheep ranch In Call.,
$ I per aero,
100 agrea 5 tulles out, $150 por
20 .acres 3 miles out, 18 In pours.
10 acres 2 miles out, 8 in poarn.
120 acres II miles out, only $50
por acre. f
Woman cook.
Women and girls for general
Hnuch humbi.
Girls for gcnornl housowork.
Phono In your ordera for men;
no charges to tho employer,
Mrs, Dlttuor In always on hand to
take your nuiiio and add reus,
Opposite Nash Hotel
Phono 4111; Home, 11.
5,31'. ,Jj v v -?' M
avii. . jifcfcLBPIBBWBWiW
w5 1 J MX
Advanced Vaudevlllo mill .Motion
.hii)fi In iho Lead
Novelty ilniuluK. mIukIiik and tutlt-
lug act. Their ait In oi Initial.
"at Tin: i:d ok tiii: tu.vh."
A ijjlin iniKedy of tho far uoitli.
".II.M.MIIt'H MISI'()ltTINltH"
A real fiiii-iiiuUur
"Tin: social siu'mn'AKV"
"AltflllMAMl ClllMlllS AND
Sidesplitting (omeily
AduiNtlou I (le, ClilliliTii He
MiiIIiiith Dally.
Complete change .f Progr.uu.
Kim,, Mon Tim-n. nml Weil,
Kxtrunrdlunry Attraction
Tho man who wrote "Casey
.loiies," iiiwtlNtod by
AtuerUn's fnmrlt" rictliu singer.
4 0r0 feet or th liwtt Photo
p!,ia hit illsplnyHd In this city.
Puc koI luiorMslliii; subjects.
"Summer Dsys"
Evening, 10a any seat In tho
house. Special Children's Mat
lueo .every Saturday and Sundny
at 2 p. in, admission 5c ami 10c.
Follow tho crowds to tho Isls.
Wo solicit your patronage-,
which will bo received with court
Tonight Only, Tuosday
'10 slides in all taken of (lie
Imfllo on .July ! nt Ii'cno,
Also a big Vaudovillo Act
and Five Big Pictures.
All for the .small sum oL'
10 cenls.
Clark & Wright
Puhllo Land Matters: Final Proof.
Dciort Liuulu, Contest nud Mining
Canes, Scrip.
Wo curry u vry complete lino
of drapnrles, liin eurjolns, fli
turoii. olo., and to all nlnsnou of
uptiulntortnir. . A npnulal mini to
leu after this voik uxoliislvoly
ninl will ilvo im iroiiil norvlr-0 o
h pusslli In to ul in uytm tbo
lurt cltlon,