Tf ' -M I l . l-fl pacot jfotjii jtopforp yrsm trib.tjne, medford, oi?EaoN, Saturday, APTm;?, 1012. r y Medford mail Tribune AN XNUKPKNDENT NEWRPAPRn PUnUHHEB HVRltT ArTEItNOON iu.uju'1' SUNDAY, I1V TUB M12DFOHD PRINTING CO. .The Dornoorntlo Times, Th Mrdford Mall, Tho Medford Tribune, The South am Oreronlnn, The Ashland Tribune. Offlco Mali Trlbuno UiilUllne. :6.J7-J plion. Main SOSl; North Fir Home 76. street; aSOnQB PUTNAM. Editor and Manager Entered an second-class matter at Medford, Oregon, under tha act of March I, 1879. Official Paper of the City of Medford. uixiciai l'nper or jacmion county. UBSOHXPT.'ZOK HATES. One year, by mall , 5.00 One month, by mall to Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point 80 Saturday only, by mall, ptr year.. S.00 Weekly, per year 1.S0 VWOSN CIBCtTLATIOW. Dally average for eleven months en In November SO. 1911. 2751. Tall aad Wire trait rrtta Blsyatches. Tho Mall Tribune Is on sale at the rerry News maml. San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland. Ore, W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. itsro&s. OREO OH. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern caiirorata. and tue rastesi a-rowln? cltv In Oreiron. Population U. S. census 1110 8840; Mttmated, 191110,000. Five hundred thousand dollar O rarity Water System completed, giving iinest apply -puro mountain water, and 17.S miles of strets paved. Postofflco receipts for year ending November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Itome River Bpitxenberg apples won sweep- taxes price ana ime or 'Apple Xlnff or the Worlfl" at the National Apple Show. Spokaoa, 190, and a car of Newtowna won Tint Prise In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C. Tlrst Vrlse la 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload or Newtowna. Rogue River pears brought highest prices in all markets of tha world dur ing the past six years. write Commercial Club. Incloalng 6 cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. TAFTIWERS I r N T BRAINS AND GOVERNMENT. IN SPITE of tho progress of seieneo ihe brain is something- 1ml little is known about. Newspapers recently contained an account of tho re moval of a large portion of a man's brain without appar ently working great in.jnrv either mentallv or phvsicallv to the patient. Certain sections of the brain are supposed to be the seat of certain functions, though recent experiments seem to disprove and upset accepted theories. At any rate, it is probable that when one portion of the brain is removed, other portions assume, to-nn extent, the work of tJie destroyed portion, a provision wo. find throughout nature, which is forever upbuilding, restqring and substituting, It is not the size of the brain that counts, but its de velopment. Some of the greatest characters of history have been men with small heads. The shape of the head can be and has been repeatedly entirely altered by thought, even if the skull cannot be enlarged. We are told that active brains have remarkably thin skulls, which would demonstrate that brain cells absorb nourishment not only from the blood directly but also from the adja cent bone structure. It is probable that only a small section of the brain is utilized by the average person for other than purely plisicnl functions. With many, the brain seems to stop growth with the bodv. Few: adults make proper use of their brain by study, thought and systematic devel opment. ' ' There is nothing stationary in nature, hence what is not developing is retrograding. That is why so many people, who only use their brain in the mechanical ways forced bv the necessitv of earning a living, reallv have less thought capacity than when they left school years before. This is an age of specialists, so we see more lop-sided brain development, that is mental development along cer tain lines, to the neglect of other lines, than ever before, and that is what everv one should endeavor to reined v. Heredity and environment govern and modify brain capacity, but it is possible for any one, by persistent effort, that is bv systematic use of his brain, to reach a position above the average, in any chosen walk or in all around development. How many hours or minutes a day does the average person, in any walk of life, give to mental development? Precious few, hence humanity, despite the long centuries of painful struggle, is still enslaved to superstition, pre cedent and convention. , A democracy is based upon the theory that every per son has an equal voice in the government of humanity, hence that government, to be ideal, depends upon the mental development, not of the few, but of all. The time .has gone. by when. the highly developed few should gov ern the man aiul. the hope ol the iuturc and oL human ity lies in the mental development of the masses. The so-called Oregon system, that is the giving ot the a man's brain and a woman's, except that women average a little smaller in weight. Hut it is not the size of tho brain, but its use, that figures. Women have had no occasion to study governmental problems, no call to de velop their brains along the lines that man has, but the average woman will favorably compare with the average man in mentality, (live her the same opportunity to de velop has had and she will undoubtedly prove Ibis equal or ..superior in ci-vilizafioirand she has in the uncivilized worm. Tho future of the nation lien with the brain develop nient, not of paVt of the people, but of all, and woman must do her share, not only iudirectlv, but directly. RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT FOR WHISKEY AND BEER HABIT The ORKINB treat mou t will completely mul ulwuliitoly destroy tho de sire or crnvltiK for whisky. boor mul other Intoxicants If taken uccordliiK to directions, u i n simple nnd efficient homo treatment. No doton tlon from work or Inisinoss. n. publlelt, no nirtiltuiiuiu oxpoujio. Oil KINK Is prepared In two ferma: No. 1, iv powder, tmUolosH nnd color less, ran bo Klven secretly In food or drink, OUUINIJ No. a, In pill form, la for thom who wish to cure thcnmolvcsi. OUUINi: cohih only $1 n box. ir nftor u trial yon fall to ki tany benefit from OIlltlNK. your money will bo refunded, LEON B. HASKINS, EAST MAIN . jxiAnss. rm-i VJbUNJaates!ie.eeaa"""sWeWF"ei"W,' VAPOR BATHS and Scientific Massage Try it for a cold, rheumatism, et Advice in dietetics, medical gymnastics and Hydrotherapy. Lady attendant. DR. ROBT. J. LOCKWOOD CHIROPRACTOR E. 9th and S. Riverside Both Phones Expert Work and moderate rlmrKe bave jialned ror im a Ioiik M of lont pntioiiH All Itrnni'liCN of DentUdy fiuwiiH, lliltlr." work, I'lalw, etc Your teeth hIiouIiI bo examined by a tboioiiKhly coiuelontlntiK dentin! every row montlia, yon rim Unix avoid hi mil trouble nnd law bllU, Lady Attendant DR. BARBER tiik iu:ntiht Over Mniili'lit for Diuln, Pacific Phono 5fiH2, Home Phono 3G3.1C Roosevelt situation was concerned Accompanied by Secretary Hilles and Major Rhondes, his new military aide, the president proceeded to the Country club, where he made the round "of the Rolf links. After tins lie nutomobiled to Trenton for n two hours stay. The president expects to reach Washington Sunday morning and will start for u second visit to Massachusetts in the afternoon. COMMUNICATION. Open letter to Mayor Canen: As you seem to be very much interested in n "clean, sanitary and sightly city" nnd have issued a proclamation designating May 11 as n clean-ti ny, I would respectfully ask yon as mayor to inspect the southwestern part of the city, west of South Ham- ilton street known as the Ross and Benson additions which the city has been using ns n dumping ground for all kinds of filth such as decayed vegetables, tin cans, barrel hoops, barb wire, etc., etc. W. J. DRUMII1LL. April 25, 1912. AL KAUFMAN TO TRY AND "COME BACK" SAN FKASCCISCO, Ca!., April 27. . Al Kaufman will make his first appcaranco In tho ring since his de feat by Ai Palzer In New York sev eral months ago, when ho will face Charley Horn or Charley Miller In tho main ovont of the weolcly boxing show hero tomorrow night, Kauf man has been training near tho city hud reports himself in good condi tion. NURSES TO CARE FOR BABES, MOTHERS VOTE BERKELEY, Ca!., April 27.- Yoluntoor nurses will caro for tho babies of Berkoley whllo their moth ers vltiit tho polls at tho charter amendment election here Saturday, according to u scheme announced tqday by tho Ilerkoloy branch of tho California Civic league The suf fragottes aro anxious to poll n heavy voto, and huvo hit upon this plan to rellovo liouso cares. Melectrlca! and Gas Men Meet SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 27. Tio Southwestern Electrical nnd Gas association begun Its annual conven tion, n this city today with an at tendance of membors from sovoral f'Utw. ,T)P ctyivontlon will contluuo U session through llio romnluder of the week. - SOUTH ORANGK, N. J.. April 27. -President Taft refused tojlny .to comment on Colonel Roosevelt's speech in Worcester, in which he bit terly arraigned the president. He is CipcctetLJyrjplytot'n?.ftQl1"eV in n.l speech at Philadelphia tonight. President Taft spent the night at the home of Clarence Kelsey nnd slept Tate todnv. Interviewers eajrerlv sought him ns soon ns ho arose, but entire people a direct voice in affairs, instead of through he persisted in silence as fur as tho an olicrarchv of selected representatives, will never result in a perfect government until the masses are mentally develeped: The prostitution of representative govern ment has resulted in its overthrow, perhaps temporarily, as a corrective of existing abuses. The principal virtue of the Oregon system lies in its educational value, in the teaching ot humanity to take an interest in governmental affairs and to study government. It awakens dormant possibilities in all. veloped minds of humanity. The chosen officials are apt to represent a fair average of the people, and as the aver age of the many is lower than the average of the few, until the people learn by experience and study more about the science of government, officials are apt to reflect mediocrity. 'Plti iVhirtP Tolnn rtP fl- csi-rtnllswl nicmtrrniif iirtrhTrsfciviktif is the interesting of people in the existing abuses of gov ernment and awakening them. to a. study of public mat ters. JBound by the fetters of partisanship the nation has drifted into a plutocracy that threatens its destruc tion. , Socialism, so condemned for its ultra-radicalism, is doing more to arouse the masses to a study of conditions than all other political parties together. In its fervor and unconventionality, in its fanning the flames of discord, in its possible use by the unprincipled, if uncontrolled, its red flag may become a danger signal to the nation, but its educational work is unquestioned. Its radicalism, even its rabidncss arc essential to secure it a hearing, to crack the shell ot conventionality, and most ot those who sweep ingly condemn it haven't had a new idea in twenty years. No democracy can travel the road to perfection, to idealism, with only half the people studying and partici pating in government. For this reason, if for no other, it is essential that women be given the same rights th.ft man has arrogated to himself. To call a government a democracy with half of the people denied franchise is absurd. Man made the present government and all its ills. Man created the laws that permit the creation of the billion aire and tho pauper, that permit poverty and hunger to exist in a land ot abundanco, that allow a lew to monopo lize the natural resources and exact tribute trom the many, that sanction worklessncss'and prostitution, that phce the dollar above the man. ' Women average better than men. Woman will noti sanction ills that man does. With women participating, the moral average ol the electorate will bo higher, and laws, which reflect the average of the electorate, will necessarily be better. Women are entitled to the right ol studying and participating in government, m working out the problems of humanity side by side with man. All that is good in a man he gets from his mother, all that is noble, all that is unselfish, all that is really worth while. Is it possible that with such women helping direct government that better laws and better conditions will not bo forthcoming? -- Scientists tell us that thercis no difference between Medford Tent and Awning Company Manufacture of nnd l)ouler In AWITIIlOa, TKXTS, TZ.YS, COVURS Or AZ.Z, KINDS Duck -All UVIkMh mul Wlilllm. Awning, .Strlpm, Klc. WKOLE3AX.23 AMD KETAIX. All Mukm of AwnltiK" nnd l'orch CurtnltiH iui up at Munufacturura I'rlccn. AiTcnt for tho Soanoke Kolitltii Ventilating Win dow Awalnr 100 X. Trent St, Tloth riioncH. Mcilford, Oregon ftM.ffMA Valley Farm I I 4(44t4(Ae4h4Ne4(4e44(4(4e4(4N(k4(4(4tMNf4l4(M( at Medford Theatre Friday, May 3 Presented by Junior Guild of St. Mark's Church Under Direction of VA Andrews Seats at Uaskins' 50c, Tor, and $1.00 2 SNAPS 40 acres river bottom soil consisting of .rJ5 acres pears in third summer 5 acres garden soil All under irrigation On good.road, close lo school and si ore Price .$22.') per acre, easy I onus 40 acres adjoining above New 7 room bungalow and bijrn .'10 acres of rich vegetable soil ' ", . W) acres of which produced $.1000' Avortli ol! vegetables in 3911 f) acres Newtown and Spitz apples in IM year 2 acres berries in bearing all under irrigation Price $250 per acre, easy terms C. A. McARTHUR Koom 3 P. O. Block Both Phones fOOtOOOOOOOO' SOUTH AMERICA Wo have several of lite latest and best books on South American coun tries. These are on ap proval for a couple of days only. Medford Book Store KO000OK4004 Wanted A Name T have purchased the Me D o w e 1 1 Confectionery and want to select a suitable name for the business. In order to do this L will of for A PRIZE OP A 5-POUND BOX OP BEST CANDY To the first person suggest ing the name to bo selected by a committee. I. will give a one-pound box of candy to the next five people should (hey suggest the name chosen. The date, hour and minute will be placed on each suggestion received to give every one a square deal. Suggestions will bo re ceived up lo and including April 29. R. N. POSTER Successor to McDowell's Medford Roal Estate & Employment Agency FOIt BAM3 1 1 aeroB Hear creek hottnin. Thorn Ih about HO acrmi In alfalfa, all tho IooIh k with tho ilacu. ISO arroH In Minn., for a kw)'I ninuh lieru. 0 acri'H In licnilni;, lai'Kn Iioiiko mill imrn, 77000. 1110 nor on C iiiIIoh out, $150 par uqro. 1!0 ncri'H .'I inlli'B out, 18 In jionrn. 10 norcn 'i uillofl out, 8 In iiourx. 9 ani'K i ',, inllcii out, mlxt'il or cliunl, 120 iKiicii 11 iiiIIoh out, only JfiO ptir aero, 5 room limmo near tho North Hchool, $2000, toruiH. KMWiOYMUNT Woman cook. Woman ami islrlu' for Bonoral hoiiHowork. Iloail Huwyor, ;i aiiil board, Hunch hamlu, Mnckoi'H, QlrU for gonaral hounowark, Phono In your onloru for inou; no chiirBOB to Urn omployor, Mih, lllttuor In nlwayn on hand to tulto your niimo and addroHB, E. P. A. BITTNER R00M3 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel l'Jiono 4 Ml Koiuo, 14, WHERE TO GO j TONIGHT I STAR THEATRE AiIuiikciI Vnuilcvlllo mul .Motion I'lil in on "Kl(i:tvl'lt(i" Tho Ihiiiiiin liuiimi, pritKoutliiK tho iiidnt mtiiniitloutil net of tho rniakoii, v Tho KtciiloNt of KhIIk'h plrtUM'H, "A ItlK'OltO ItOMANCIC" A lirlllhint comiMly of tiuiuunl im-rlt. tiii: s.vntv o.v oijauo" UUtorUi oliiMHln "I'lllST WOMAN Jl'ltV IN AMiatK'A" "lluuii" In In thin. Vou in tint Ht'll It, At SATIII.'lt WOIMAVOKTIIH, .MiiMlclauii Ailiiilooloii Hie, (lillilrin ne .Midline Mnlly. ISIS lOc THEATRE lOc C'omplcto rhniiKoof I' 'I'liui-Hibiy, Kriliiy, Siitnnliiy mtA.Ml'lt ItltO'l'MKItM 1 1 1 K 1 Chun Acrobatic Novelty Till: OltlJAV lUAMONO H. UANtNl I'MTt'lti: Thn Wcnti'ru .MiihIitpIcci, !inw Iiik. a round-up, IiuIIiIokkIiik, liroal;liiK bronchoii, IiiuhoIiik mid tho chnmplon woman ntor thrower of tho world. TIiIm In tho moHl wonderful wonteru pic lino ovor proilured. IMIA.NTtl.M l,OVi:itH Olio of tho moHt tbrlllliiK ilrntiiRK, woiiicttiliiK that wilt Jiitiko you nhiiddcr. Wo huvo thimo two npuclal feu turoH at a vtiry heavy oxpmiHo, mid will show thorn In nldltloii to our rcKtilar bill without any ad vuuco In prlcON. Special inatlueoM I'rlday and Saturday. Six kooiI l'holo IMuyii, a Reed act and mi llliiHlratod iuiiik. nil fr 10 coiiIh, KvonliiKs, lOo any ioat In the hoiiMO, Spoclnl Chlldron's Mat Inoo ovory Unturdny and Sunday at ' p. in., ndiulAHlon ro ami lOco. Follow tho crowd to tho IhIb, Wo solicit your patronaifo, which will ho rocolvod with court-oy. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Hoating All Work OimrnntetC 1'rlcea IloawoiiuUlo. OOFFEEN-& PRICE as Howard Block, Untntno on atb at. racirto 3Q3I. Hoin ; A SNAP CO acroB, nix iiiIIoh from ModforU, good Kradod road croiiHoa tho tract, all froo hoII, nt fBO per ncro. $1000 will handlo, cany tonus on balance Part Ib crook bottom hind, mi'tablo for nlfiilfa. Bovornl npiiiiBn on tho placo. Tlnibor onoiinn to pay for tho tract. No bulldlnge. In tho Griffin crook district. W.T.YprkcaCo. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I. O, Iuhllo Land Mattoras Final Proof, 1 Dcsort Lumlfl, CputosU. nd Mlulni gascf, J3crll A milmiil (