nir (G , 1 .. i rv OH V t . A (ArGnroRD Mitrj tribune, MroroBP,,".o'iK(iox, satuhuay. april 27. 1012. paqjb tbjsjol 3 niTTunx? J II In I UVAUdb lL if V b A Iiiiki iitli'mliuii'v of ImlSoH went pnwuiil nl (In nmiillily IioiiiimnmiiIiik r tlm iv riii'li'M ol' ,i!i l.iullim' Alii of Mil- I''iil ,M. M. Hiui'fli, vliicli mvl on iWhIiii'miIiiv nllnriiooii. A iihh1 I'lijiiyaliln iiioriiiii wiiM ruiiilnii'il, mul till) tfiwilltV (ll'HiliH In tliniili nil wlm iihhIhIi'iI Miiliutiltii'ly .Ml mm Alton who oliiirminl nil ullli her nxniiinlli) iuihic on llio moIIii, mul nlwii to Minn Honor i'or ftHHUliintio n'lnlcrnl mi m puiim, At'li'i' (In iiiilni IniMiiidMH, it w.ih loclilnl o ivi 11 pulilm i''i'ilinn nl tin1 ni'xl lioim cniiilii in May, to which nil Hid ifmv (.'ii(tli) nmiiilicr, nil tlm Imlii'ri of Mm cMinuritKiitii'ii, IiIimhIh mul HtrnnuiM hid moxi nuiliiillv in1 vilt'il. If will lu the pt-ini'ipiil I'Vi'iil of tlin mwihiiii 'o I' (li l.mlifs' Aid 'li'ty. A I'oiiimitli'i' wiih iiiiiili'(l 10 Inlio I'tutru "'' nrniiiKi'iiicnln, 1 jf u)iici ,Mr. Kil Stii in (lininniiii iik wtptfd liy .Mi". IviiiliiyMiilo, Mix. ,uw. ton, Aim, Diiillny, .Mr. Wilny mul Air. Timyiim'ihI. Tlm Hoeit'ly then mi jniiiiii'il I'iii' the MM'Inl hour in Ihn Inisi'iiii'iilt lornliiniMilH of ti'ii nml wiIVin wci'ii Hurvi'il liy Mr. Wii'kh mnl .Mim. Ililililinuul, Tlm mmmly is iiiiTi'iiNiiii: Imth in nmiiilien mul ttoi'in Mlily mnl nil Mi'i'fu plntHt'il with the diMHioii into circle mnl triiMt iiioiu mnl liixtiu ooil will he iic 'Onipliolu'il thmi I'vor lwfm. . .. iliii Wi'dnomluy nrttlf;c UI11I1 wan oiilnrtuliimt Krlilny ovoiiIuk at tlm Imnm of Mliw Wcclm. Tint IikIIch cii ttirlnluliiK wtiru .Mumltiiiiiw llniKruvo. KQliitmrliorii, DiivIh, O'llrli'it, I'orry. lVrry unit Minn NVi'hIch, TIiohv pro nit tinrtlilim I In) luiHtuHHcn were Mr. mnl .Mr. Hclunlilt, Mr mul ,Mrn. llitriHiliurK. Mr ui(il Mm. .Morrlron, Mr. mul Mra. Autli, Mr. mnl Mm. J0I11111011, Mr, unit Mm. Nowln-rry, Mr. mnl Mm. IIdIiiich. Mr. mul Mm. Hoyiluii, Mm. Orr, MoHnrH. Kcliiiu r liorn, Hcott. DavlM, O'llrkui, I'orry. Kp'il WVcikii mnl Alrrtnl SVoln. Mr. mul Mm. ('. 11 iimwii milcr Inluml tlm Huriirlno chili hint .Mniuhty I'VtnihiK m tliolr lionic. II North (iilnci Tint cvcnlni; wuh Hpcut In liljiylim whim. Mr. K. V. OofJIn Imv. hilt hllii'ht Hroro wuu nwiinlcd hi'ml prli-.c; 'Mm. 0. J. CiiHtmnn roiiRohf lion. TI10 (juuiitH of t ho club wcro Mr. mnl Mm. K. V. Coffin 11 ml Mr. mid Mm. A. K. Htcunctt. Luncheon wuh mtrvml, A nnrlHh nu'iitlni; of Kt. Murk's ilinicli wuh hold ThuiHilay ovcnlitu which wiih well ultniiiloil. A inoNt nitjoytihlu ovi'iiliiK wm Hpont mul mi IntnroHlliiK pnmrmu wiih kIvoii. Mm. Mm. K. H. Pn mo n iiiohI nlmrm- liif;ly. l'rofiuiKiir Tnllliimlor pliyoil ikiVoi'uI HuloctloiiH In IiIh UMiinl f'uUhi'.l iitylo mul ltnliu l)wl;ht nnvi 11 plou 111); iccllntlon. Mr, mnl Mm. J, I). Cochran of Klmuuth Kul In nro tho kiicmIh of Mr. mul Mm, (Icorco I.lmlloy. Mm. Cochrnn, who wiih MIhh l.tilu Ulilch, foiiiiorly llvml In Moiironl mnl tiumht In tho public Huhoolrt hoio. Mr, mnl Mm, Cochin n nro on roiito to Ilrlt IhIi Columbia, whom tlioy may locale Tho hmliivs' Aid Hocioly of tho ChiiHxtinii chiiii'h inoi't nt tho homo ol' .Mm. (lo.orjpi KihIh WoilnuHilny nflor mini). Al'ttir the hiihincss nicotiiii,' tho IioMuhh sni'vcil n two ootiiHi luncheon to'oiKhtoon iiioiuliorn, Thoy ilcoiilctl to holil their food Mile mi tlm IiihI Hntiirdny ol' each uionlli, 1 . . 3Tc Mm. Durrlnctoii mul children of Oakland, Oil., arrlvoil In Moilfonl thlH wotjk for 11 vIhR with Mm. l)nr rlnnlon'a brother, Mr. Aiiinuu, ami Mr. ami Mm. llramluiihui'K. Mih. IlniTliiKtou wan MIhh draco Auiaiiu ami formerly u roHhlout of Medford. ... Tho kiiIIiI or Ht. Mark'H chiueli will itlvo a hroakfaHt WoiluoHilay nuirnlmc, May 1, from ::i() to U o'clock, llticou and uki;h, hauliod hrown polatouu, hot ()lJjLMittn, wfiffluu ami Kyitip and coTfoo will ho mirvoil for twenty flvo conts. . Mm. C. H. llolnllnu mid Mm. WIN mm, who havu houn tho kudhIh of Huv, ami Mm. 10. O. lOldrtdno, ro turnud TuoHday to their homo in HoHuhuri;, Ho.. W. T. (louldor loft Thumday for a niouth'a trip to IiIh fornuii' homo In Kontuoky. llov. C. Q. Klrlc will Imvojehiirco of tho churuh ihuiiiK his ulniouco. Tho Woduciudny llrldiso Club waa ontortalnod thla wook by Mm. Ilnrno mrt; and Mm. Audi nt tho homo of MVh. Auth. ... Mm. l'iiul C, (laddlH ami mm Karl AukIo (iniltllH roturnod thin wook I'roiii AHhlaml, Mrrt. .Too Dairy mid hor Rlqtor MIhh Uohm Moyorn 1110 vIhIUuk volutlvou In AKor, Calif. Tho Laillun' Aid of tiul l'ruiiliylc 1 fan iihurch will proHolit "Tho Old Mnhlrt Coiivonlloii" May 17, which proiulMMH to ho 11 111011I InlercHlliiit af fair, TIioho tnklni; pint will ho Mox- ilmiK'K J. A. I'i)rl, Cloon Jlotlije, WIN Mm, William Hariiuiii, Kdward Wltto, C. W. McDoiiiild. K. A. Wohh, J. II lloiiloy, K. A, Warmir, W. II. Canon, .1. K. Mn inly, M. I'otom, C. .1. ICimt mail, Thi'odoio Maiiih, l. U. Illnclt, l''iauk Ihiiiiiik ami J. A. Torroy. On Tiiemluy ovoiiIuk; tho 1 1 1 1 h ' rice circle (if tho NuiIIoh' Aid of tho Moth odhit church gave a limni unjoyahlo oiilititaluiiiDut, A vnry kiioiI immlcal priiKiaiu wuh ;lvun, folio wlm; whloh wan Hut hit of tlm ovoiiIuk. "A llur I0H11110 mi tho NiuIIoh' Aid," which wuh u very clover little tikll and well put on. It wan laiiKh from ntaiL to fin hih and 1; really enjoyed by nil. lto fntihuiijiitH woio mi'ivimI nflur tho pro r.iam. Mm. A. I. .lohmi i.'iitorlalni'il Fri day nftornooii to ruluhratculiu olr.hth birthday of hijr daiiKhtor Kloronco. A inorry tliuo was hhjiu, ttaiuoH beliiK pla)od mid rcMcHhinent's Kerved dur ing tho afli'inoou. TIioho prjMjnt woro Nova HiiiiiiioIh, (lortrmlo llullor, Adallno Hrown, MarK Alexamloi Kiiiiiiii While. Ctiryntnl Whlto. ThoN ma Whlto ami I'loronco and Arthur Johiirt. Tho monthly recital of Mm. 1M Andrew.' pupllH wih rIvoii Thumilay uftoriioou at her ntudlo In tho Nat atorluin. A mont oujoyablo program wan rIvoii. TIioho tnkliiK part wnro MIiojok Itutli llutchliiKH, (ieraldlne MlkHuhl, llulim I'urlcltcr. I'ranclno MuNiibBor, Caroline AmlrowB, Mm. Fehroiibauh, Mohsih. ChnrluM Hoover, Herbert Alford mid William Vawtor. Tho Oreator Medford Club will hold ltn rcnular mouttily nicctliiK. After tint bimluoMi tuotliit; Mm. Krod Meaiii will mldroHH tho club on tho "I'rluciplert and Alum or tho Mothom' and Tonohom iifiitoclatluii." Tho "Valloy Kanii" which was to havo boon prcuuntod thlH woolc by tho Junior Culld of Ht. Marlc'a church. liaH boon pout poned until May 3, ow liif; to tho HlncBH of omt of tho ineni bom of tho cast. Mr. ami Mm. I.uko entertained nt illnnor TuoBday for Mr. ami Mm. Whltbed of tlraml I'orkH. N. I). Tliolr othor KiHwtH woro Mr. mul Mm. Will iam llmtKo ami Mr. and Mm. William IIiikIIhIi. Mm. IM Welch of Kant Main ontor talnod Informally In honor or Mm, It. A. JoliiiKou, WodnoHday afternoon. Tho KiioHta wojo Mm. Johnson, MIhooh (lonovlovo Wortmau, l.oralmt Hilton, Drew and Huff. . Mm, llafor ontortalnod lit ronmilly Friday evonlnc last wook ror MomlanioH Htoken, Charloa Drown, Harmon, D;i Claire, Durklns, Cray and ltau. Mr. and Mra. Foster of KIiikb IIIkIi way ontortalnod Informally Saturday ovoiiIuk. Tliolr kuohIh woro Mr. and Mm. I'orkliiH, Mr. and Mm, Darmou and Mr, and Mm. dray. Mm, Win. WoldKor ontortnliiod tho lOtilro Noiik WhUl club at Imr home, I y 0 K011II1 Oakdiilo, IuhL TuoHday nfloruoou, Whlxt wiih played at three (allien. Mm, I'. 11. Kohrouhnch liuv I11R IiIkIihI hcoio rorolvoii n Hllvor (ream laillo; Mih. 0, T. Noo wiih awarded Client prize, a iillvof pie luilfo, Mfa, A. F, Htonnott rcoolvlilK the roilKohitloli, 11 flower Viiho. The KH"Hti of Hut club woro Mm, I'M. 'French, Mm, (Sooiko Kaiifrnan, Mm. C T Noe, Mm, Orvlllo .IoIiiihoii and Mm. II. C, Hoiuiny. All elaborate Hiiichooii uiih nerved, Whlto IIIIok Were iiHoil an floral docoratloiiH 011 tho lalilcH at which tlm kiiomIh voio noitted. Mm. W. M. WiiRimr and .Mm. II. (' lloiimty nmdMtod tho lioMtoMt In nervine. Tho club will meet at Mm. C. II. Drown'K, 1 1 Noith Quince, next Tiiimilny afternoon. Mm. I, Hulley or (iliimlnlo, Or. who luui Iid'iii vlnltliiK her cauliter, Mm. i:. A. Wall and Mhm May Ilalley, ro turnod homo t IiIh wook. . Mr. mid Mm, Darby O'Toolo loft Tiiemlay for i'ortland on routo to Now York, whoro thoy will poiiU Hovornl nioiiilm. Mm. Hurt Frhibco or CorryvJIIc. I'a., la tho r.uuut of her Hlxtor. Mm D. .1. Ht 11 II. mul will remain hoio tor tho Hiimiuur. .' . . Mm. IMoro Duryoo, who Iuih been tho KiioKt or Mm. J. W. Duulap, left TuoHday ror her homo :u Vancouver, II. C. . . Mr. and Mm. C. M. lllxon or WoN nor, Idaho, Hpont mtvoral Iuh with Mr. and Mm. C. It. Doyd thin wook. Mr. mid Mm. I J. D. Waltom or Port land roturnod homo Tuonday after HpoudliiK Huveral weekn In Medford. Mm. .1. F. Iteildy entertained lu fonually at ton Thumday aftoruoou. til her homo In Queen Ami addition. Mm. CharloB Drown ontortalnod nt luncheon Monday at tho Medford ror Mih. Duryoa or.Vlctorla, D. C. Mm. It. M. Drown ami daiiKhtor, MIhh Helen, nt DiiiiHimilr, Cal nro tho KUoatH or Mm. II. D. Walthom. Mih. A. D. Carlnou or CoalliiKa, Cal., Ih vIhKIiik lior brother, Mr. F. I Unlor, and family. Mm. CharloH U. Aldon of Troy. N. Y., U vlalllni: frlcnda In Mcdford. Mr. and Mm. Phil Hnml' 11 ft for Portland Friday. Mm. HnrKrnvo and Mm. Mcdownn i;avo n dnllKliUul nrirIo party to MIhh Wookn TunHduy In honor or lior birthday. Home nry haiiilKomo prom'itu wuro prononicd MIhh Woekn Tho tfiicHtH, heiildoflthi honor Ktn-Ht, woro MenilaiiioH .iinrnlniri,', Sehinor horn, Auth, HcUniUU, Ktott, Davla. I'orry, .IoIhiboii,, Nowborry ami MoitIhoii; MlHHOHiii'dhor mul Cox Tho DmlleV AUK, or the Pronbyto rlau church will lilcel Tniday nrtor noon at'IO oJuy. In Ihn chajiol. Mm. KIIIk lalnyifoHH. Mm, HoH(m,;AS,. JhiiKoii loaves hi tor VIciorjajaD, C, who HOI ' TO HllO oxpectH to rmmTlfiWor' ,l ''r. Mr. John 'llnllMcKay, who penl hint Hummer In Medford, returned Friday rroui Nov York. Mr. T. K. Tanner and moii W. J. Tanner havo roturnod rrom a vIhK in California, KJlr Mr. and Mm.-r IKdgiir llafor are Hpondlnj; a few day :u aan Frau cIhco. 4 Mm. K. Wilbur of Hunnyflldo, Wn Ih tho kuohI or Mr. nml Mm. C. A. Do Voe, miixinkuv kali:. Special Tuesday, Wednesday and Thumday, $7 liato for M.9S; V- hat for $1.1)5. Como In and eco our Htock. COS Kant Main. 3 1 FORDE CAN DO IT Do yon wnnt your lawn put In flrat clnfls ulinpoT All work Kunrntilccd. Lcavo nddrcsfi with If. II. 1'nttorsn, Quaker Nursery, NnHh hotol. Watch Our Addition Grow JackAon nd Summit Mcdford Realty and Improvement Company M. P. & II. Co. Illdg. ' ' 11 'I. , n i. ' 1 Dr E. Kircbgessner Practlco limited to chronic diseased. HOTEL HOLLAND Wednesdays. Hours. 10 to 3. Ofrico Hotel Holland. Doth Phones. Rcsldcnco phone, Farmer lCxzS, MEDFORD THEATRE WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st High Class Vaudeville "THE SOUL KISS" lu Pivc Scoues and Star Cast ,o . TWHDNTY Songs and More Songs Other Features FIGARO, COMEDY JUGGLER VIRGINIA McADAMS WHISTLING ? BROOK AND HARRIS IN A MILD FLIRTATION OAPPOS BROS., ACROBATS i t ? Prices $1, 75f-t 50c. Seats Xow at Hiiskiiis' -H-H--:-i-:----H- Mr. and Mm, Harry Dyor nml daughter, MIHh Noll, who havo boon vIhIiIiik horo, loft thin wook for tliolv homo lu Ht. Cloud, Minn. Mr. and Mm. KKhort and child, of (IohIioii, Intl.. aro tho guostH of Mr. and Mm, AmlrowH or UratiKO utreot, Tho WodnoHday ntudy will hold tho hint mootliii; of tho your 110U woolc at tho homo or Mm, I'ortor Morr. Mm, T. 10. DaulolH ontortalnod tho. Hi'IiIko liiiuohoou club Tuomluy at lior homo 011 HlHklyou llolt;hta. Mlafl Mary Hnnimr, who has boon vIbIMuk Mr. and Mm, S. L. I.oouard, la vlaltlm; frloiuln in AHhlaml. Mm. Audrowrt ontortulnod Inror niully ror tliolr Kuost, Mm. Uuhort, at brlilno Tuomlny nflornoon. Tho Olrla club of tho lroHl.vtorlan church oujoyod n tramp to tho reser voir Salurday aftornoon. Mr, and Mm. II. h. Whlthod or Oraud Forka, N, D., nro tho Kiiosts of Aim. William Hudgo. MIhh Barn Dollly ontortalnod tho Thumday Aftornoon Ilrldno Club thlR woolc. Tho Aloha llrldgo Oluh mot with Mm. 0, AT. ICuitlluh Friday aftornoon. Mra. 13, II. I'ortor lu expected to return soon from tin oauloru trip, : f t r r r t T T T f X T T f T T t T X T ? T T T T T X T I t T T T T T T T T ? T t T ? t T T T T T T T A Only The Iron Is Hot 3ven the mistress of the home enjoys pressing of the ruf fles with an ELEC T1HC IRON. Ask the women vho are using Electric Irons $ v t f ? T t t t T t f T T T k Every woman in Bedford who has used an ELECTRIC TftON will tell you of A its wonderful .conveniences, its satisfactory work and the lahor-saving ini )rovoinent. Use an Electric Iron and avoid EXCESSIVE HEAT OBNOXIOUS GASES BURNED MENTS UNEVEN TEMPERATURES GAR- Tho Elect riv Iron ia a 'LMnio saver, a Money saver and a Health saver. AVc have at this time a limited number of General Electric Irons which are absolutely O. K, and will do as good world ns any iron on tho market. U?hcso Irons aro a littlo oil ' tho "Old Stylo" or der, but as long as thov last tho price is $2.00 California Oregon Power Co. i vA 1 I., D' J I 1 1 f t T T f T T T f t T T t t f f T I A, Successors to v Rogue River Elootric Company ii t T T t T X T 5 In A Class By Itself IMPARTIAL tests made by The Columbus Labo ratories of Chicago give Fisii Kit's Fi.oUU a higher rating than that of the Dakota all-1 lanl Wheat Patent Flour. Considering that this scientific combination of Bast cm Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat coits you from 20 to 25 Iqss than what has always been con sidered tlic' highest grade of breadstuff, you can readily see that it will pay you to itisist on having Fisher's Blend Flour For Silk by All Dealers May 1.-2-3-4 You can find in nearly one-iialf the homes in Jackson County what you can buy on the above dates at $10 less than ever before Flour Flour Flour Until you have tried Waitsburg PURE WHITE FLOUR you cannot know the satisfaction of haying the best. ! ' : Coffees and Teas We have always made a specialty of these lines and, most of the discrimin ating users have found it out. AUen Grocery Q& '" '.,'..'11,11.1. , 11 wpl - u ' -;i ' - i I " 1