PAGE SIX ftCEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MFDFOUD, otfiffloy, TniR8l)AV. APKMIi 25, 1!)12. ffl mm m m w 10 SEND THAT $5000 FORFEIT IF. C. JnmeH of Nowlon Centre, Niv., waiita tluit .foOOO reward of. Am til by (ho Medford Commercial ilul) for evidence showing thai any other district in Amerion in a like JudiuH haa ns many or more re sources than .Wedford. What's more ho is growing very "'' about it and talk- of the "law," and "pikers" and "reniging'' all licence Prexident Colvig told him to bring his resources to Medford and compare them with the local ones. In his first letter to the club, after reciting where and how he had read of the offer he asks for rules go i ruing the matter and elo.-cs his let ter by asking how soon he can obtain from the club, t?hould heJte success Ail, their certified cheek Judge Colvig in reply wrete: All you have to do to win that $,", 000.00 is to come hero with your re- Mturces. A o can't go back there and parade ours, and really our only competitors localities aro .situated on the Pacific coast. We send you by separate enclosure some of our literature, and enclose herewith leaflets, etc.. which will give .ui mi wca oi uiis locality, i'lcne Millev for the three mouth of the past winter, alongside of the same months at Newton, then be honest with yourself, and say that Med ford has one resource, which is climutc, that outweighs all else. When vou look at our weather re cord don't forget that we are oil the same latitude that (you are at that place, and don't forget that Oregon' lbf00 square miles will cover every state of New Ktislnnd with New Jer sey added thereto, hence there are several climates m Oregon, but that enjoyed by the people of Rogue Hier valley is unexcelled anvwhere. Heautiful mountains surround the valley, and it is well watered by mountain streams. This is one of the principal fruit raising districts in America. ii....: ... . ... jiiiuig in mcei you nere tins spring when you will have with you a lot of resources of Massachusetts in the shape of money, bonds, collat erals, etc.. 1 remain, Yours very truly, W. M. COLVIG, President and manager. Thereupon Mr. James wrote a very pert letter and informed the club they OTIS AGAIN SUED CHI UK April -A LIFEBOA COULD T SHE 15 MO E W N ML LOS ANOKIiKS. Apul 'Jo. That nl libel, sworn to by . u lifeboat in whic! rson. former seere- !l,k"i l'"1'' Titanic LOS ANGKLKS, charge of ciimiliu Frank (L llendeivciii. iWmei. seer.,, sinking liner Titanic iuikIiI easily tary to Mayor George Alexander and J"""0 tl ,nrtw ";' imssengers . . ... was the statement of Mrs. Walter a member ot llio public service com- Miller Clark, one of the survivors of mission, is pending today against j the disaster, hero today. ,ll,' hit" General Harrison Otis, General Muui"mu' w'' Wll! the son of Vice IMesi- dent J. Koss Clark of the Salt bake TO JACKSON COUNTY nra Will ager Harry Chandler and Managing Kditor Harry Andrews of the bos. An geles Times. The basis of the action is an edi torial published yestcrdav in the railroad and a nephew of former Sen nlor William A. Clark of Montana, went to his death with the monster ship. Mrs. Clark declared llut the officer Times, following Henderson's tip- ,n '"1U:0 l Hie lifeboat attempted to i .;..(.,, ... i ii i m ... ' return lo the ship to lake off more pointment by the mayor to the public 1MlsSlliyi,PM. , ,,' ,,.,;., .... i ---- j -.. "" " lav the winter record of ltogue River) were a lot of pikers RAPP PLACE -TALENT SOLD Stewart Patterson of Chicago has purchased the Fred Rapp place near Talent paying $12,000. He plaus to erect n handsome residence and com mence development work "soon. The place is one of the finest in tho val ley. Lee Steers of Portland has pur chased JO acres of alfalfa laud near Rogue Jtiver paying tfoOOO. John P. Lyon has purchased Dr. E. H. French's fruit ranch uear Phoenix paying 4.SO00. Batteries Glrot. Gtlllgan and Howley; Lalonge, Parkins and Mitzc. Los Angeles 3 11 1 Sacramento 9 2 uatterles Chech and Droeks: J Baum and Cheek. San Francisco 2 s 1 Vernon 7 n 1 Uatterles Fanning and Schmidt; Castleton and Brown. seiwce commission, 'lhe defendants, seircd the arms of the rowers and will appear 111 court to plead Monday, "egged them to keep tit a safe dis tUtll'C. She U'lll-nili' uniivi'il tint mill 1 .' I . .... .l....l .... il... m?. it.' , in 1110 iiiitm. omccrs nun Several fishing smacks, she were near the liner when she WOMAN 10 TAKE 500-MILE I YESTERDAY'S SCORES: J SOUTHWEST W. Victoria .. Spokane . , Portland . Vancouver Tacoma . . Seattle . . R. . P. C. .G25 .571 .623 .500 .500 .333 H. E. h 1 8 2 NATIONAL W Cincinnati 7 New York c Philadelphia 5 Boston 5 Pittsburg 4 St. Louis I Chicago 3 Brooklyn 4 L. O 3 3 5 5 6 5 5 P. C. .77S .667 .625 .500 .444 .400 .375 -.444 Now York 0, Philadelphia T. Washington 5, Boston 2. Cleveland 1, Chicago G. St. Louis 9, Detroit 5. Victoria 5 Seattle 2 Batteries Kaufman and Meek, In gcrsoll and Shea. Portland 3 G 1 Tacoma 5 11 3 Battorles Bloomfield and Parrls; Crlger and Crittenden. AMERICAN W. Chicago 7 Boston 5 Washington 5 Philadelphia G Cleveland . . . .' 5 St. Louis 5 Detroit 4 New York 1 L. 3 3 P. C. .700 .C25 .625 .600 .500 .445 tauce. ROOSEVELT LETTERS IN duet HANDS OF SENATE en-w. stud. WASHINGTON. April 25. ConfU sank, dcntlal correspondence between Pros-' Ident Roosevelt, Attorney General Bonaparte and Commissioner Smith ot the bureau of corporations about the government anti-trust suit against the International Harvester company was sent to the senate to day from tho files of tho deiiartmont of justice. I A oUO-milo trip on horse back, One letter from Roosevelt to Ho- fr"m tl,is 'lV to Pctaluma, Oil., is nanarte. written at nvntnr nv. a... 10 no niuieruiKeu next week hv .Miss gust 22, 11)07, said the colonel had Kt,l Xoal f this city. To Duns had .conferences with George W. nm'r h" w'" ' uecompanicd by a PorlAns about tho company's affairs friend but the lemaituler of the ride and directed that Bonaparto not fllo t,Hl' wi" make alone. She is tin tic- sult against them, but go over the 0,ipli-hed horsewoninii and states matter with Knox and Perkins. i Mint the trip bus no terrors for her. A letter from Commissioner Smith Slio wjH curry with her only n few to tho colonel September 21 told of necessities iind expects to make the conferences with Perkins nnd stated 'rip l days which will be an nvcr- Smith's objection to tho prosecution "ol f '' miles u day. at that time. Tho commissioner -'bss .Vol s parents have left tor write that he thought tho question of I'etnlunia mid she will join them the comnanv's trullt or Innnronro there, ueins: horseback in order that merely technical. Commissioner jho will not have to dispose of her Smith wrote that Perkins, at the con- middle horse to whom she is devoted, elusion of the conference on August I PORTLAND, April 1!. Mail Tribune, Med ford, Ore. Governor Wilson bus expressed himself in u night letter uh ery grnleful for the splendid result achieved tit the primary lust Krldny, which he attributes to the devotion nnd earnest work of his suppoileis 111 this sluto. I tun sum that the demo crats of .Incksou county will be glad to know (hat their work in his behalf is fully nppieciated. Very truly yours, 1'AlMi S. SKKI.BY. Nena:. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslKiied will apply to tho city conn- ell of the City of Mod ford, Oregon, at Its next regular meeting on May 7, t!!2, for a license to sell spiritu ous, vinous and malt liquors at wholesale and retail, or for a license to sell thu saint) In ipinutltlctt of more titan one gallon, and for a II reuse to soil tho same at retail, or In quantities less than 0110 ctillon, at No. 16 North Front street, In said city for a period of one year. April 25, tOt 2. ANGKLICS WINE CO., 10 Per A. S. Ash. VII MM Adjutant General of the Oregon National Guard will he in Medfonl hi the near future, lo look over Mm ground with a viuw of chIiiIi llshlng u company of tho 0, N, U, In Med lord mid vlll do what ho can to bring such tin orguiilxutlon nboilt, Governor Well litis acted I'livuruhly upon tho mutter, following a petition from Medford ns'ldiig that Mitch an orgautiriitiou be formed in Mcilford, With General Finder's arrival tho mailer will he Ihornucjily gmio inlo mid definite notion Inkeu. RKPOUT OP Tlllj CONDITION OF The Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank At Medford. Ore., .In the stato of Oregon, at the clone of luiriluonit April IS, ISMS. ni:.soritci:s Loans and discounts 1 128.K7 1. 10 8,1.(1.1. 1 1 100.00 ii.UU.KK 2,140.02 I. HI. 7!l 2C.SU I. Ill I.HS 607.50 tr.,t7s.uo i,y;u.77 Bonds and win rants Slocks and other securities l-'urnlturo and fixtures Other real estate owned , , , , Duo from banks (not rcservo linnku) ..,..,, Duo from approved reserve banks .' , .' Checkii and other cash Itenm , Exchanges for clearing house Cash on hand HxpoiiHcs tttttiitiittt t ttittttillttlttlftt 'IVtal Dlgby Bell Is to appear In a van devllle playlet by George V. Hobart. which Is yet unnamed. Ills rolo will be that of a military drummer. MIHLG84.7 1 MAIULITIKH Capital Btock pnltl In 9 Surplus fund Piidlvlded profits Duo to banks and bankers. . ..'. . Iiidlvlduni deimsltN subject to check k. ! t t 1 t I ' t I ! tft 50,000.011 4,000.00 U.4K7.72 r:i7.uK 117, 12.1. SO Demand certificates of deposit v 1,010.20 Certified cliochn , , 35.00 Cashier checks oiitstaudliiK 1 152,4.1 Time certificates of deposit 22.137. IU great em- 21, had declared with phasis: "It after all endeavors of this com pany and other Morgan Interests to CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. COAST W. Oakland 16 Vernon . ,..i 12 Los Angeles 0 Sacramento S San Francisco 7 Portland 4 Portland Oakland . L. 4 7 10 11 11 13 It. II. 0 4 5 13 P.O. .800 .032 .474 .444 .389 .235 E. 1 5 were "going to fight." Farther on In the samo letter Smith wrete: "While tho administration has never hesitated to grapplo with any financial Interests. ,110 matter how great, when it believed a substantial wrong wasvcominUted. nevertheless K-.J ! 1. , a ...... .. ""in is a very nracncaoio question l-o j whctherJOs well to throw away tho greatest Influence of tho so-called Morgan Interests, which up to this lime have supported tho administra tion both in general principles and application thereof, of their specific I Interests and place them generally In Big Sale nt Ahrens. J opposition." M. M. Ahrcns & Co. will Friday j in another portion of tho letter start one of tho largest sales or Smith reported Perkins as having suits, coats, millinery, waists and.sald subbtuntlally that Standard Oil skirts ever held In Medford. Mr. people in New York wero giving him AhrenB is determined that tho back-! the laugh for having thought ho was ward season will not leave him with 1 trvlnc to bo cood and keen solid a store full of goods, and so has J wth thc administration, and that ho marked everything way dawn. Look WJS now going to get tho samo dose for tho ad in Friday's paper. Ia8 tho others. Mrs. I. J. Hanson, formerly of this vicinity died nt her home in Chi- uphold the policies of tho ndmlnls- co, Calif., the first of this week. Her tratlon and to adopt Its methods of body was brought to this city Tues publlcity, this company is now going day evening accompanied by hel lo bo attacked in a purely technical husband l. .1. Hanson. Funeral ur ease, the Interests he represented vices were held from tin? reidenco of Boston 3, Brooklyn 1. Philadelphia 4, New Yorkll. Pittsburg, Cincinnati, rain. Chlcago-St. Louis, rain. Dr. E. Daviti in this "pity Wednesday. Mrs. Minnie Peninger and children of Chico," Calif., Charles Peninger of Stockton. Calif., Andrew Grieve mid family of Chehallis, Wash., and Mrs. Sum McClcndoii of Gold Hill, rela tives of Mrs. Hanson were here to attend the funeral Wednesday after noon. Glnss brothers of Petit-lc were transacting biisiuoJiere Wednesday afternoon. IF YOU A HE A TH1PLE SENSITIVE About tho slzo ot your shoes, It's some satisfaction to know that many pcoplo can wear shoes a slzo smallor by shaking Allen's Foot-Ease, tho antiseptic powder, Into them. Just tho thing for Dancing Parties, Pat ent Leather Shos, and for Breaking in Now Shoes. When rubbers or over shoes becomo necessary nnd your shoes pinch, Allen's Foot-Easo gives Instant relief. Sold everywhere, 25c. Samplo FHEE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. Don't ac cept any substitute. So Tired of Tired Feet! Use TIZ (iVtt the "Tired" Out in it Few' .MI11. iites. .Maki-N Your Feet Sort'-Prouf. "O, fudge! It's awful bow tired fet niako you feel tired all over so dead tired. Then, when you've got a corn benldes, and a bunion. 11 ml a few blisters, ami your feet aro terribly swollen, you don't caru It "Pull, Johnny, Pull tM Titl f ISPJ.r.S 1,71 Stale of Oregon, county of JnckHou, ss.t I, L. L. Jacobs, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement In true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. L. L. JACOBS, Cashier. Coirert Attest: Delroy Grotchell, H. F. Antlo, Jas, Campbell. Directors. Subscribed anil sworn to boforo mo thin 24th day of April, 1913. T. II. LUMHDEN. Notary Public 'iiyV"" wii jtSjf you've got a million dollars you're tired, that's all. A million dollars can't help you, any moro titan 25 cents will." A quarter boys a box of TIZ a wonder for tired, sore, tender, chafed, blistered, swollen, sweaty, smelly foot, corns, callouses and bunions, chilblains and frostbite. 'II10 mo ment you use It, you glvo a sigh of relief, antl then you smile. There's nothing as good un TV., so don't ac cept any attempted Imitation, Tl, draws out all tho poIhouoiis exuda tions that make foot troubles. TIZ, 25 cents a box, sold every where, or sent direct, on receipt of price, by Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago, HI. Hecoinmended by all Drug Stores, department and gen eral stores. No. 7701. Iteport ot tin: Condition of The First National Bank, at Medford In the Slate of Oregon, at the close of business, April 18, HM2. KltMH'UCKS. Loans and discount.! (352.473.76 I , J r ti ., M,l1,.' 100,000. Oil 1, 0011.00 18,000.110 7,037.50 74,4.16.111 102.tM6.63 12S. 01 IMl. ttf 1 ' 1 ! Ovordrnftn. secured and uiimtiii V, H. bonds to securu clruilutlor I . S. bo n. I h to se:uro V. U. I'eixu.lti. . . . Other bonds tl icctiro 0. S. iup xlts Premiums on U. S, bmuU Bend, seciirltlev. etc .,,. Banking house, futnlliiio nmi fixtures... Due from national banks O.ot reserve uKeuts) Duo from state and private bniikt and bankers, trust companies mid savings brinks , Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash Hems Exclinngeit for clearing louso. . . .Notes of other national banks Fractional paper cuireticy. nickels mid rents... Lawful money receive n bank, viz: Specie 41,17.1.80 Kcdcmptiou fund with l . l. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 5,000.00 t titttt 206.S2 H0,:ir?.!H 550.53 4,101.00 16,760,00 1.057:8(1 Total 1869,755.1)8 lilAIIII.ITIKH. Capital stock wild Ju 1100,000.00 SurpliiH fund ..i , 30, 000.011 Undivided profltd. less exper.nes and tuxes paid 31,12!L36 National bank notes outstanding '. - 0y,tt7.50 Duo to statr and private hunks and bunkers. S ' 236.62 Dividends unpaid , 456,(10 Individual deposits (object to check 407,113,73', Demand certificates of d"ioMt 16,032,35 Time ctirtlficatos of dipoelt 77,067,1 1 Certified checks 7,680.00 ('ashler's checks outstanding 13LU0 United St itex deprslts .l,000.00 Postal savings 8,008. 1 1 9,008. 1 1 Total S6SI,755.'.i8 State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ns.: I, M, L, Alford, fax h 1 01 of tho above-named hunk, do solemnly swear that tho above statement i true to thu best of my knowledge and belief. M. L. ALFOHD, Cashier. Correct Attest: F. K. Deuel, Chns. M. English, J. E. Watt, Directors. Subscribed id hwoiu to before mo this 25lh day of April, 1912, O. D. FHAZKE. Notary Public. ' SKSS 3m2h$m3m4 t f t t f f t t T T r T T ? X f T T T t T T f ? T T f BACKWARD SEASON SALE Of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Garments . x ' r One of the biggest sales of ready-to-wear garments ever held in Medford will begin here v . , "i , FRIDAY, APRIL 26th--CLOSES MAY 1 1th ' '.; The word "backward season" means just what the word implies too much merchandise, and we need the cash and are making it an object for you to purchase now from one of the best and newest stocks of' Ladies1 Ready-to-wear Garments and Millinery between Portland and San Francisco, at price reductions of from 20 to 50 per cent. WATCH TOMORROW'S PAPERS FOR FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT s'i' 'L ?, H V n ). II r ? ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y : ' x y y y y y -t y &