a A l. f A It Wasn't Jeffs Birthday, but To Wis To miN", -P -0R tMCMi To (' MlS't-IFOTo --Y Mlf, 60 OUT T0N16WY. lgt me think p WHfSV tiTAU. CAN X Poll tfrW WKUiimi to ut muv, nW Hcrt -roofrt b nw ffl Q 11-L Hwff mat ; . J ' ?. .' ll,100Ki JT pop. you 1 "' ill i vi-iri umiu ifri i f, ""siiiin I v I ij i5iS. H l l ' "- H If Vs. I Vj I C! J f J p: ',f& ttfc fc 1 i - J ' -r , I ' . ' "" yirj jmyw , I ' ' ' i i . . i r I tilfuiuiitiu rxttttt mmf'1 t. t.rt tvti nrir.. i.i ii..- . ... . . . . i ii i uucTiiuivi nifjinia i.u. i. v i3iK.Truf' i r . ,i , u j i i - - i . Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS' n.v a. r. uwiirt ! Aflff Ih'Iiik hwhjc frnui lining uliiro - April I I, I tun mtrn innrn Koittril ul my MmhiI hi tny hwii Kooui mul Hlnrt liitt In trtltn up Uio work (if ntportliiK tlii'.Ofilimn of IChkIi I'oliit mul vlrlii Hy. H!ro I rf t linnm nm linn lnttii sui'rnl liiiiortiiu iihmiKi liiltdii I'Ktrv In our town. Amkiiii; (Ihmii two tim !! tHttfi lnivn K"im tip, alllmilKh ono of lliciii, thu nnw Imknry, wim MurtiMl. lint wlinn I' rnrhed hoiwt Ttiomla)- cvrriliiK I fouml Unit Mr. ilo Wtliltf hail (ho roof on, thu pnrtltlonn In iiiiil wnt ntillliiR on thu lutlm an fnnl n h ho cou'il, unit from prcHunt uppwirniinM m wll noon Imvo n Imkvry lit (nil filnul In our thriving llttlo low u. Annthtir IiuIIiIIiik M II, O ChlMtctl' a hlaclihiutth nltop thnl . im Im'cii iTQCtnl .'iliout (ippiml'o th tnu 1 1 v ry Litni of H. II. llnnnmli &. Hon. Anr'.iT proKroHHlvo iiiovciixtnt In tln;,wHy H. II. tillir Iiiih Improvi'd IiIk llltlf lioiih). lie ImvliiK put ruittlr nml niiiittt ii mi u u ro front with n ne.it ilonr llinl dimwit ftiiod tnn(. Amitlinr llilvv: thnt 1 notlro Hint Mr. Hplkor, Hut contractor on thu Nlcliol lirlulc, U t'SiiK thu viiiii rlKhl tilonu' mul i'(i('tM to Imvo tint room roaily liy tho flrxl of May for I loath & Dta . luou.lvy.of our ItmilliiK iiiorcliantft, ' to'nijivo Into by tho firm of Mny In plc.ul i( ilm firm of .Juno, an por I'ontmct. Mr. llimth hni.imiroi Into tin old 'Vllllniii Viimlcr llolli'ii Iioiihii r.t v owncil hy 'I'Iioiiiiih I'arlow. Mr. Kprnitun 'Iiiih iiiovi'il Into IiIm own hoiuc. ho linn flulKhoil hIiicc I wuh . iy, Mr, Hryant Iiiih iiiovciI from tin) old flouluott Iioiimo Into tho old Uo); lioiitui now owmjil hy Mrn, Jiiiihih Qwcmt, mul Uootl Ilrulro In .iiovIuk out of tho mnuntaliiH iifar Dudley and Ik roIiik Into tho houso formorly ocmipliMl hy Mr, Mouth, ho tho roudur will mm! that wo nro uhmiKliiK uroiiud (onHldurahly. Ami now to cap tho climax K. II. Kplkor Ih koIuk to kIvd a iliinco on tho firm of May and linn provallod on Mm. Ilowtotl to rIvd tho Htippor for tbn daiiiKtrH, and ho miyu that ho IiiUiuiIm to iiiako It tho itniinlOHl ball of tho mniHon. Tho Hiippor will bo Hoivi'il at tho Huunyafifo hotol. Tho himt of miiHlo will l) Kcrurod mid a ioiihIiik kooiI tlino Ih oxportod. Tick oiu, liiilinllnt; Hiippor, $,00. Adv. Dr. Holt ropoilH thu in rival of a ulnii'poiiuil hoy lu tho family of Mr. i KeUi) of Durby, ou tho 1-th limt. Wlinn I readied homo liiat nlRht (TiH'Mday) 1 found thu houuo full, iih oviiry hod wuh ocuuplod. AmoiiK horn wim Mr. Frank A. GrlHO., our roiiuty Hurvoyor, and II. M. Cohh, Mr, (irlttoy Ih out platting a tract of laud for Mr. Cohh, north of our town, Mr. .1, 1'J, IhilcliliiHon, wlio baa a hoiuu Hlcml on tho road from horo to tho fnio fo try; M, Y. I-hIoh, who Iiiih ohni'Ki) of Mr, lloiiny'ti hormi; Scott lli'iito ami wlft, liimlilo mivoral Blniii Koru wIioho niimoti I did not limru, 1 uIho foiinil a numhor of miHihanlcH who aio workliiK In town on tho dlf. forojit biilldliittH that uio In thu uoiiiho of couutrmitloii. Hovh, I.mnar and llolincii of Mod ford caiuo out WwluoHilay mornluK on tho rur and I uudoiHtaud wont to HrowiiHboro to iibhIhI lu thu oi'Kunlzu Hon of a HaptlHt church thmo, Tho HaptlHt iiHHoclatlon will muul lu our town ou April UO to coiitiuuo four iIuvh. i h oxpoctod Hint thorn will bo nboiil thirty doluitatcH and iiiIiiIhIoi'h proiioiit and thoy nro mi tlolpalliiK ii t'ood tlmo, Aflor IciivliiK Trull ou our trip to (ho ltll Ih wo ttiruud our con mo from tho Hokiio rlvor vouto and wont through t tio DohoiiKor (lap, Tho rod HiiporvlHor had JiihI dniKKod tho road mid that pulvorlxod tho Ht Ink mud, Tho rain Hoftonod It up JiihI ououkIi to mitko It Htlok a llltlo to tho wlioola, but wo Huccoodod In Kottlug tbroiiKh without much trouhlo. TIiIh Is tho first tlmo I Imvo boon tliioPKb tho DobiMiKor Clnp torn iiuiil Jioi" of yearn ouil I wuh groatly Bur- ' s rT !.-.- luLCo RiUrr cxir 1 " JS-- J & Scow Ai SMe - " - "' It- . , mutt to mit s i 1 i ' , ? ftflv w hk, .if .W B I nd-" f L, BJByK ) I 'A " "! EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS Henrico Mormi mid furully niitood down to North Talent Tuemliiy. A. M Hi'lniH vlHltod at Mr. mid Mm. Carey' Himday. Hort UmiHheily of Talenl wan at C Carey'" Tuwilay after ve(;etblo pluiiU. Mr. mid Mr. K. U. Iteano came jover from Hilt, Cal, I'rblny mid vbi , lied home folk In Talent Sunday. Colvur lurry of Phlenlx wan trad IllK III Tuleul TiKiHilay, I.tiin HumIioh of Kern Valley wnu In Talent Monday on biiHluceH. (ieoro Jameu of North Talent wtnj In Med ford Tueinlay. Dr. mul Mth, Malmcron wero call lu; lu North Talent Monday after noon. Mbw I.ulla IlobcrtH and Hoy Cof man wero lu Metlford Monday tak Iiik In tho clroim. Mr. 0. Carey ban purchiiHed a larKo cream saparator from A. M. llelnm. A, TrlilPKur of Mcdfonl enmo out with hln dauKhtor, MrH. J. D. Henry, Haturday. MrH. D. l.euherH of I'hnunlx wuh lu North Talent Monday. Ii. A. Itimo a able to not about upon hU crutcbeH. )u now rcIh In and out of a rl. Iln rodo Into Med ford onfo hint wee): with IiIh daush ter, Mr. Joo itudvr. prised to hoo ho many flno farina iiIoiik tho route, for tho country has been fenced up and noveral flno fnrma undo and tho Iioii.ph aloni; tho routo hIiow that tho farmorH are In a proa peroiiH condition, na thoy all buoiii to bnvo kooiI lioiiHea and fimn, Wo wont on to Slmavlllo, whoro I preached to n ;ood rnni;rci;iitlon at iilltht, and tho next day wont to Gold Illll. whom Itov. D.ivIb preached for the pantor of tho M. :. church' at that placo mid In tho afternoon 1 wont on mid took dinner with tho family of Mr. Volney Stickle, mid In tho afternoon held a meeting nt the Dardwcll hcIiodIIiouho, mid tho next morning wo took the train for Grants Piihh, where I remained for over a week under tho euro of Dr. M. C. Klndloy and had my oyea treated. Whllo thorn I took the train for Three IMueu, ii little town ou tho K.l about fourteen uiIIch north of Grant I'hkh, and Itov. DiwIh preached lu tho fore noon and I preached nt night. So whllo I wan nouo I saw qulto ii num ber of people mul bud a very plenHaut 3 mo. ThomiiH Vestal and U. A. WllllauiH, who me working for tho Oregon Im provemout company, milled for dinner Wednenday and Hobble Petty, tmn of Mr. Petty, who Ih worklngon tho Cor liln place, Ih hoarding hero. New Today Tho flvo IoIh In West Medford may still bo had for $1000, or tho owner will sell ono or more of thoin, TiIh Is a beautiful location, mid at this price a great bargain, 1 liavo 11 call for a good apartmont houso ou Main street. Party will rout It furnlBliOd or othurwlso, A flno -Ix-itcro home, only half u mtlo west of (ho iiavement, Ih offerod for sale, Flno road hy tho placo, It Comprises 11 lino alx-ronm hdpgalow noarly new, A tuarter of an ucro of oljolco grapes, a good family or chard, mid tho lmlmiL'o Ih gurduii land, This Is really a flno bargain at $:u00. Toi-iuh 011 about half of It, Don't wait for an orchard -to grow. Hero Is ono lu full bearing, only r mllo and a half from town, lu tho Orchard Home district, It contaliiH flvo acres mid all lu uholuo tienrlug apples, peachoH, pours and almonds, Houses and flats for rent, , O. I). HOOX, Room 12, ,laekson County Rank HiilhtliiU MTJDTTCmn MATT; TnYTBUNTJ, V He Got a Present Just the Same 7 '. : - ' ? as " 10 mu nwjifc ?ffi!ft- ;7,,j - -?? - y kk",lc,U!J . t &07IT' I'LLYGLL SftwISwuwwi WW. - W-NT tj i I fi' T . " ' -vi PRSWNT ' ". I i.vn,,l,wM.u.mW rvunii.r-.ia.M, roK kxg'HASGE IiUSIMiSS DIKKCrTOKY UUSINK9S IJIHKCTOnV FOIt HUNT- -l-'iirnlBhod hotol for rent on iercoiitni;o IiiihIh, Addregfl V. II., enro Mall Tribune. KOIt HAI.i:--Itewtaiirant cheap, ood location. Phono I'ai 1581. 0 liOST AHTItAYAh- Hiotlod pinto mare: , weight :it)0 lli. Call up Main DfiO.'l; reward. ni I.OBT--W00I lap robe. Koavo at Mall Tribune. ron ui:m uvmhkh KOIt ItlJNT - U room fiirnlHhod house modern. TJh King m. KOIt III3NT- Six room modern apartment, furnished or uufur ulHhctl. Kent reasonable. Apply Oakdale Caah Grocery, Oakdalu and 1 1 tit Ht. ! FOK KKXT OFFICES KOH I-L.ASI-: Offlco rooms fur nished and unfurnished, central location, 5 to $ 10 per month. Ad. drois D. C , caro Mnll Tribune KOIl RUNT Over tho postofflco, with heat anil light. Boo A, A. Dnvia. VOIX Ill-NT Largo, comfortnblo of flco roornn with olovator service, stenm heat, hot and cold water. Low ratoa. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOH tUSNT HOUKISK-O-PI-ia ROO.MH KOIt HUNT Ono good hoiiHokcepIng room. 310 North Darttett t. FOIl ItKNT FUHNI8HKD IIOOSLS KOIt It BNT .Modern furnished or uiifurnlHhed ronuix. I0 North UlvorsldP, KOIl HKNT Modern furnlshod rooniB at tho Cottngo, C04 West 10th St., two blocks south Medford hotol. Hot and cold wator In rooniR. Home phono 217. Mrs. II. M. Cobs. FOR HRNT Smith npartmentB. 217 Bo. Rlvoratdo. KOIt RENT Lnrgo Blecplnu room, 'll.r.0 and $2 por weok. Modern IiouBOkcepIng npnrtments, $16 and (10. Home phono 2GG-1C 222 South Holly. FOR BALK LOTS KOIl SALK U)t nOx-OQ, cheap, terniH llko rent; or will build to suit purchaser. Address 522 Post Offlco. 31 KOIt SALH-Two good lots on South Orange, oOxlU I, only flRO for 11 few dn'H only. Geo. C, Cornltlus, 2I! W. Main at. 20 FOR HAL1' HOUSra FOR SALK Cheap, new modern ti- 100111 bungalow, guaranteed to bo tho best buy lu tho city. Inquire 22 Rose uvo. FOR -SALE Now uuiiRinow with six rooniH, bath and pmttry; screened In back porch 10x2S; front porch 8x28; cast frout; lot 50x171 feet doop, or two lots 100x171 with nlloy at sldo, with barn on. Will glvo good terms, luqiilro 317 llownrd St., oast sldo. Phono G2GI. FOR SALK- Soma good Improved and unimproved Medford proporty ou mid near S. Oakdale; modern houses for rout, also somo good young driving horses. Inquire )f S. T. Howard, Jr., S15 S. Oakdale. Phono, Pacific 72, FOR BALK ACIUCAGH KOIl SALE Ton noros on main Ash laud road, nmiill buildings, for $2750 $1000 will handle, easy tonus on balanco, Flno placo for chickens or gnrdon. V. T. York &. Co. 15 ACHES sandy creok bottom land with free wator right and ditch to tho lapd now. This laud Is suit able for nil kinds of vogotnbles, berries and alfalfa. Price $150 por iii'l'o. Would consider trado. Oliver 11. Brown, 130 N. Harriott street, KOIl SALK Acreage, city lots, sub urban acres, ranches, for salo or oxchango. Gold Ray Realty Co,, Otli and Kir sts. KOH SALK--29 acres 10 miles from Medford. undor ditch. Ideal chick on ranch. Beautiful location for home. Can bo nicely divided Into two runrhoH. Seo owner. No. 20 S. Peach bt, 33 FOK SALK LAND KOR SALK OUtcKon ranch nnd gar den land Vi mllo from Medford, W. II. Kvorhtud, 1009 WobI tlt.h Phono Gim. M TCflTORl, ORMOX, TrfTrRRTAY, 'APRTTi 25, 1012. 10 ACRKS near Kar!. Point. This would ho an Ideal hi.me tract hh It Ih siiltalilii for a variety of pur poses. Fruit and grain and poul try. Price $75 ikt aire. Would ronald-r'trndeH. Oliver II. Drown, 4.'H N. Ilartlutt at. KOIt BALK 70 nrro raucli, $l600, ea.y terms, closo in; mum nell. Ad dress Aj B Mall Tribune. 31 KOIl BALK Alfalfa rnncb, Hear creek bottom,1" il am, wator right, stock and toola, flno Income. Clark Realty Co., 20C Phlpps bldg. 20 FOR SALK Homitrtd rrllnqulBh niont lu Sams vallo. Horses, cat tle, and hogs go with tho plare. Cheap. Geo. O. Cornltlus, 2J0 W. Main st. 29 FOIt HALB VOOI AND FUEL KOIt SALK Wood. Rejchsteln sells wood; old growth liody Kir. $5.50 per cord. Roth phones. 55 KOR SALK Wood at country prices. 10-ln. fir $2.75, 12-In. fir $2.25, lG-in. hardwood $3, 12-In. hard wood $2.50, lC-lu. plno split $2.75. All dry wood. . G19 S. Riverside. Roll phono 5011, KOIl SALK Hardwood $5.50 per cord, $2 por tier. Gth and Kir. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOK SALE POULTRY AND EGGS KOIt SALK High-clans Harrcd Ply mouth Rocksc.- to make room for my Wynudotto chicks. A big bar gain for some one. Write or phono loi jirlco. 11. IL- Paxson, Central Point. '' 31 KOIl SALK Cypher's Incubator mid Outdoor Brooder. Close to Naturo Rrooder. Wrlto or phone for prices. 11. II. Paxson, Central Point. 31 FOR SALK Whlto Leghorn Baby chicks from selected utility stock, tho kind that inndo Pctaluma fa fa eous: $7.50 per 100 during April, Mny nnd June Tho Pioneer Hatch ery, Box 310, rotalunin, Cal. a FOR SALE Baby turkeys, with mothers If desired. Robt. Dutton, Orchard Home. FOIt SALK SInglo comb Whlto Log horn baby chicks. Pac. phono 539-R-l. 29 FOR SALK Eggs, Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, Rhodo Islam! Reds, Drown Leghorns. Seo W. II. Evorhnrd, 1009 West 9th. Phono GG71. KOR SALE Will sell my breeding pens of S. C. Whlto Leghorns nnd Crystal Whlto Orplngtous or ontlro plant, reasonable. Baby chicks and hatching eggs from both breeds for salo. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jackson ville, Oro. FOR BALK MISCELLANEOUS KOIt SALK 5 passenger automobile cheap for rash or easy terms. Might exchange. Address Box V. II.. caro Mall Tribune. KOR SALK One Bpnn of horses about 1100 lbs., harness, wagon, buggy nnd cart. Disc gang and Deero gang plow, spring tuoth and drag harrow. Ono mower and rake, Dlacksnillhlng outfit. Address L. A. Rose, Phocalx, Ore., or phono K13-F-22. 33 KOR SALE Good young ton in of horses. Bound and gentle. Weight 2150 lbs, luqulro of Junes Bros., Capital Hill. 32 KOR SALK - Big bargain In classy rondstor, 30 li. p., perfect condi tion. Box G. l) Tribune. 30 FOR SALK Good farm or orchard team, hays, weight 1260 lbs. each, good Hfo and gontlo, $275. Best young driving horso In country, handsome, speedy and gentlo for lndy or gentleman. J. C. Pendle ton. & Son, Tablo Rock. Phone Central Point, FOR STLK Seed corn. First prlzo FOR SALE Second hand hack, choap. 525 S. Grnpo. FOR SALK "Extra flno alfalfa and .".t hay, first cutting, delivered at $15. Phono Par. 732, Party J. 2 Rosa Lane. 20 FOR SALK A two horso John Deere corn planter. Call on or wrlto A. L. Gall, Jacksonville Pro. 32 FOR SALK-"Toain or young mules. Phono 11-W Home, -33 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE -100 ncrea good grain laud to exchango for Im proved city property. A bargain. Goo. C. Cornltlus, 219 W. Main st. 29 FOR EXCHANGE -A"' strictly mod- ern six room bungalow to exchango for Improved country property Geo. C Cornltlus, 219 Main st. 29 1 KOR KXCHANGE For good com mercial orchard, two exceptionally good pieces of property In Willam ette valley. 1521. acres Just out side city limits of Lebmion, Ore, All In cultivation and in crops now nxwpt 10 acres for potatoes. Well Improved, Iioiiho, 7 rooms, hot and cold water, bath, nil necessary out buildings. It Is rlpo to subdivide Ii'i' Bmall tracts. Ten aero In Lebanon, five blocks from S. Pac. depot, fine for city lots. Price on farm $105 per acre on 10 acres $5000; will- accept up to $23,000 good orchard. $G000 can remain at 6 per cent. $1150 cash; no at tention will be paid to inflated values, S. C. Carroll, owner, Ilox -125, Lobanou. Ore. 33 FOR BALM OR EXCHANGE FOIt SALE OR TRADE For Rogue river land or Medford propert An Improved ton aero farm; G ncrcs In 20 year old orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries; largo cherry trees that simply beat tho world In quantity and quality, to gother with a feo slraplo title to ten acres of clams and bathing beach in front; all kinds of clams In unlimited quantities. 1500 ft. from Brownsville P. O., on regu lar lines of boats from Seattlo, one hour's run; 3 miles from Bremor ton navy yard. First class plank road from house to wharf. Faro from Seattlo to placo for tho past year has been 5c, never rnoro than 25c. Special rates for school chil dren. Will exchango for Medford property or Roguo river valley land. Apply to Jackson. County Realty Co.. G04 West 10th st. 30 HELP WANTED MALE DON'T MISS THIS WANTED A live energetic man In each city or district in So. Oregon. Life con tract. No cleaner business. High commission. Call or wrlto A. B. Schlrmor, 303 E. Mali? St., Med ford. 50 WANTED Barber nt Cottage bar ber shop, 19 S. Central. Steady Job HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED MIddIo aged woman or girl to do general housowork nt tho Cottage, 601 West 10th st. 31 WANTED Good cook, wagos $35; must bo at least 25 years old. Mrs. J. K. Roddy, Queou Anno addition. Tolophono Main 301. WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION WANTED Good, will ing, cxporioncod girl, Gorman, wlwsho- position as second girl or uurso; first-class references; $35. Phono Farmer llxl Central Point, Ore. WANTED Dressmaking and altera tions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 102 N. Oak daeo. Bell phono 77G1. 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To trade a two soatod double surrey for a light single buggy. Inquiro at 209 W.Olaln. 32 WANTED Set of carpentor tools. G32 W. Hamilton. 32 WANTED 150 to 200 horses to pas. turo. P. D. Blackdou, 157 Laurel st., Ashland. WANTED You can't holp but make money selling our guaraateod-to-glvo-sntlsfactlon stock; froe outfit; cash weekly; excluslvo torrltory. Yakima Valloy Nursory Co., Top ponlsh, Washington. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To purchase u good rttiu-n. Charles Mlntor, S29 W. F.'th, Los Angeles Cal. 31 Fruit Land Wanted WANNTED 15 to 25 acres near city limits; partly Improved, with vnrl oty of fruits; prefer a farm with .onto timber, fair buildings, good building site, easy tonus, must bo a bargain; glvo exact location and prlco; from owner, no agont. Ad dress ?,i, caro Mull Trlbuno. 3S KUSINESS DIRECTORY Assiyer mul Aiuilym SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mndo for gold, sil ver, lead, copper nnd other mluor nls. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed nnd mining maps and roports mndo thereon by com petent mining assayora and ongl noora nt reasonable terms. Capital secured for dovoloplng mluoa nnd onlnlng prospocts, All mine own ora aro onrncstly roquoatod to send samples of their ores fcr exhibi tion purposes, nnd send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Uureuu, Uth aud Kir eta. Attorney D. W. 1JAGSHAW Atlorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Oro. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank building, second floor. POUTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Atforneys-nt-Law. Noa. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnctt- j ,Corcy bldg. N MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 Garnett-Corey BldK Accountant D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a rcasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono GG11; resldenco phono G302. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiard-, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young i Hall bldg. A nice- cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Kill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. If. ROSE, Contractor and Bulldor. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates freo. Box 523, Med ford. Phone Main 5GG2. EDGAR MARTIN General Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 706 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 71. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 413 M. F, & H. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phono Main 2021. ' Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Englneor nnd Surveyor. Wator filings and Irrigation work a 6p-wt-', sur veys, subdividing. 1 rades, city ci;?!t . , aower a(-iRC, v.-. ..iP anl canai ...-: j-.-otn 2, Palm bik Mciiturn, Oregon. Chinese St-dlcme CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso Laodlclnos will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat nnd lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, prlvato diseases nnd all kinds of chronic and nervous nllmouts. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles, Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phone Main 42. Dent Ms DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., sulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offlco lu Illnlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered far extraction of tooth. Telephone Main GS1. Night phono 4132. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside Vnpor baths nnd scien tific massago glveu; ndvlco lu die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lndy attendant. Phone Home 1GS-K. Furultvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comor 8th anil Holly sts. Medford. Mission furniture mndo to ordor. Cnblnut work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Grnnlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors nnd manu facturers of brick; dealers lu pressed brick nnd lime, Offlco at tholr brick yard.. West Jackson st. Phono No. 3461. aOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Mala Street, Doalors and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick mid tile, Got our prlrou and seo out brick, and tllq before purchasing. bmV jage jwtb T3 By "Bud" Fisher Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGK CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo orders nt 29 S. Bartlctt, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3C32. Home 107-X. GARBAGBS Get your premises c 'caned up for tho summer. Call on the city garbago wagons Tor good service. PJiono Main 822; alsogardcn manuro for sale. J. F, Pcrrc-. ,-j Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of tho state of Oregon. Insures horae3 and cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Chaa. E. Toll, agont, Medford, Oro. Offices West Side Stables. Nbtnry Public HELEN N. YOCICEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Trlbuno. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery etock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Printers nnd Publisher. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa tho best equipped Job offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir at Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 315 Tay 'lor st. Phono Pac, 3843. Physicians and Surgcos DRS. CONROY & CLANCY PhyBl clana and Burgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooma 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, resldenco phono 612. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooma 416 and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Core7 bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S, Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phono, rosldonce 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice llmltod to diseases of womon. Offices ovor llnskln Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phenes: M, 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phyfllclan and Surgeon. Practlco limited to oyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyes bcIou tlflcally tested und glasses supplied, Offlco 21G E. Main st., over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. 11. PICKED, M. D. Offlco Jack sou County Bank. Offlco phone M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. 13. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Offlco phono 4901. Resldenco 7051, DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician aud Surgeon. Office rooms 5 and 6 Kontnor bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271, Ro3ldenco phone Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographer- ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blockC Stenographs work done quickly and woll. Trnnsfor EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 10 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prlcoa right. Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DEL1VKRY Parcola 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 25c nnywhero In tho city. Office Val loy S-cond Hand Store, 15 N. Fir Bt. Phones; Main 3072, Home 354. Messenger service. Fred Crocker, Prop. ' ' ' ' " ' " Umlcriafccra JOHN A, PERI-UndertHker uni Embalmer. Offlco 28 South IWirt lett st. Telephene: Day, ll 471; night, resldeucw, HeJ 473, Hpiuo 17-L. OmIW l-Wff4 Bibt nn ,)uv AmlilllflUOil vf A. fi w ,f ., IfW ft flfrT-ff iff'l "JEW- 1