MEDFORT) MATL TttTBUNTC, MEOTOTtfl, OITOflOy, THmflTUY. APftTL 25. 1012, FXOE threw kl WAE M E EXPIA NS PURPOSES Tint 'I'iimhiviM'h' I.'UKH'. MllMlllllt ll) III 1 1 IIIKlHIIIK, I'llllVIIIII'll (It till.1 OjilMII liiiiiHo '1'iH'Hiliiy ovi'iiliiKi April ', (J. K, WIllnIlM' IICllllK ItM WlTI'tlll)' pl'o ii'in, Tim coimtlltitlijii mid liy-luwt went i otiil Mini lulnplml, nfliM' which Mix fulliiwIiiK offlrtTN worn nlnrti'tl for tint I'limiliix youi : II. IJ. Ki'lluy, pri'itlihuil; I1. V. ,MilyiiHl(l, vice ln lili'itt; IC. I A. Dinner, mVolury; !'. DmiiIiiiikk, trimtiirr. A million initvnlli'il iimt I'li'iillon f IiiiihiI nf iIIum'Iiiim In) i(in(ioiicil until Hiiliiiilny, May I. Tlio olijwl or lint Ii'iijcih uluill l.n (I) t Mnoiiio ! mi 1 1 1 -. I'ciniiiiiiy iiinl iiiilfniiiilly nf laviillini; (2) to HHOitro tullor iiililli-ly mill inuro kciiitiiI KiinwlmlKi' nf vallum nuiiluioil; (2) tn VMirk fur mirli ii'iiiiillul' ImkIhIu iluii hh will hi'Ciin- Ki'itittor I'friiioiicy nf public M'twtiiU In iXi'iMirltiK trini Mini luiriHt Mliiiitl(iiiN"iuiil in m l 1 ii k rojwn Im ni ii)c; (I) in ciiiiHliliir iiniKtliiiiK nf ikInIiiIiiu that may arlm tltlntlvu to tint lovyliiK and colli'iitlng 11 all liixnK ami ropint hntiio tliruii:li Dlir illntrlol riipiOKi'iitatlvc. Tin loll IhiiiU 01 iiMiiiilmrNlilp Im now opun at tlin Kxi'pilary'M officii Hinl ovi'ry liupiour Im Invltcil to comti mnl hImii Hi" mil; limn. If In tln fit lure tliny liavc any I'.ilovinit'" In llm ytuy of iivi'r or iimlur laxatlnn, tluw Jtrli'ViiiiciM ran Im HalUfactoill) ait jMfti'd fitr you tliniiif-li IliU Mhtiiiclii- lV'. Tim iilijcct Im to lulu alum har mony ln'tM-iii ilm tinpnynr ami ciiiiiily nfflcor nml to .llniliint" tin hIimi'I ilUoliiMloiin kIiIiIi liiivn a ten ilmy to mIhi 111 ami illflcoiirHKi utrHiiMurn who may ho pnwpi'Cllvn In- f4tlllD. Thin, ilnrliinm .Mr. Milyiml;l, Im the iliBiii'i' tn help I111II1I i(i ami innhit a proMpnrnnii am) proiiij-HHlvn lltllo inip'ni of .liirkwin county. L CALLED m 14 WW Al a Hpcclal iicmhIoii of llm city council WiiiIiicmIiiv aflcriioon thai ImuI$' IiiikmciI a icunliiilon flxhiK May I I 11 n tin ilati' of a itpovliil cliTllmi rr tlin iiiirpoHo of ,votliij? on linen aiiiciiiliuoiilH to llm city chaitcr, tun1 In 1'iifiMciico lo city printing, oiic In iiYi'icni'o to 'IkixIiik mnl nn In rf cri'iicu to pollito com 1. Ainiimlmi'iit Xo. I propnmifl that iiHeuiHUt (inlliiMitt'i'n hi playnil I.: tin iniWMpaprM I111J unci In Ndmil or t In tlincN an pin hliil hy I In chitrtr at HiIh Hun. After tmlii tun nun Mum tint iiniiMiilninnt provhloM that tin onll niiuco or Hmoliitlon nluill hu potci rivo ilnich In 11 puhllc ami coiiHplcu OIIM phitf, Aimii(liiiiiit No. i! would aiiicuil lit chatter no nn to kIvi tin city coiimll tin- ilitht to IkixIiik rouutNlK ami HiiirrliiK matolicH In the rlty At tin prcKi'iit tlirn tin Htnlc law IioIiIn that It In lawful to run iluct IkixIiik contiwtM. Aini'iiilnii'iii No. :i piopoxnrt tin creatine of a niiiulclpiil Jmlue or po llen JihIkh In try all cmteir of uoii compilation to city orillnami'H. The piiHltloit will h Olertlviiafter the In itial term, when Im will he appoluleil hy tin council. Tlin pollliiK placen me: Flint want, l'iS Kiut Main. Hccoml ward, 7 outh I'lr. anil Third waul, illy hall' Suiniip IjiiiiI Notlre, AetltiK upiler liiHlruciloiis from (iovernor Wimt, all iho Mwatnti lilml ImlntiKlnK to the Htnti' of Oregon will Imi milcoted an noon iih potHilhle. Anv nun linvliiiT liiforinittlon K'H BAtilltiK Hi" location or comlltloii of Mich html will hlinlly rotifer With me. Huch Infot unit Ion will he of niiii'i value to the Inml department. T A IIINKIIAHT, ir Ktuti l.aml AKi'iil OF EACH PARTY ME lo neeiinl mill the law' uliuli pro miIch lluil tin ciitiiilv eciitrnl com. uiilleeineii iiiimeil n ( n iruniuy el lion hIiiiII meet Itvc ila. iiflcr clef tiou nml orpiuii?!! InicriHUiher if repiihlieiut nml (li'lnmmitie eiiinuiit leeineu met in the nhpeelie M'isioiih Tit(".(lnv ami elfcelcil teinporary or xiiiitMtinuH, each hmlv niljottiiiin u liieel fiKiiin May I. '. The ili'inncriil rlioxe V. II. ('1111.111 leinporiii v eliairimiii nml I'mlcr .1. Kef 1" tempo in rv xecri'liiry The re. uhlicm eliose A K. Wine lenipol ins eliiuiinnii mnl ", Menr- U'tii loiitr ei retarv. TENTATIVE OFFER 'ROAD TO BLUE TO CALL NEW TO SECURE FACTORY L EDGE DISCUSSED Tin1 Commercial club 11I 11 mcctin The Mini' I.euY'c nn'riul v 1. W'cfliliMilm cwiimv eiuiiilireil 11 Im- cinllv ilixeiiK.ed at It indn lalhc prnoyliiii to he nuiile lo II, N iCoinmerciiil club Wt'mii-.ii.iv veiling I'IiiIIk ol' Miuller, Coloimln. who Im IU,,K, l(. coiinuillef ,u"invi .t .mule it liom.ili..n lo inaiiilain Mli"i ,.itiz,()w. lllrtHMJnt.,n . ,,, ,,,. eilv o ,Millf(ir. 11 cutlery inmiufae- lory which will riirnMi eonlim.ouH fiilr.. to report Irt .th- clh. A elunhiVtueiH lo 11 Inrce of not et,cr iiMi'ii-iioii of Hi iimIUt wm AN (i m i In iippreeintion of the iiincfcti ! than J'il'lv men. Aller noine ilixeu-. ulim ol the "iilijcct hv V. II. flntv, J. K. Hiulily, V. .M. Colvii,' ami othem, il wu ileeiileil Hull the iiimuhkcI' of (lie chili eiiil on 11 tentative ngiee. iiiciil pioviiliiiu a $1(1, Odd xitc nml 11 Nllllfciliitioli of .fl.'i.IMM) lo the wtock ol' the itiMiliiliofi ftiv Ihe eoii-neiu-' lion of .Mr. I'IiiIIk, hut thai iiolliint; he ilotte hy the iiiiiiinyer to liiml the chili iiniir Mr. I'liittw liiiiixclf hits (nine In .Mcilford' -mnl Hiihmitlcil .1 . Uiori cnlielll-IM' piopnMillOII III llll'l inatler. MemlierH f Ik cltili were very fiivor.'ihlx iinlnieil lominl the plnpu-llloM. ' held, liowcvcf, in H'Jii'h V. J. (lore, Dr. J. I'. (iddy,.Kil Andrew, nml olhers tool; part. .Mr. (lore miUM (lil the e(.inmill would foon have 11 ilelhui.- n-port lo Mihmil to the people " .Mcllord. NOREHEARINGGRANTED GOODROADSBONDCASE E BUS! HAI.K.M. Or., April 2i Dcerlnrlng that to kIvo lt vlw whether the1 (outity could hy local luw Huhmltlod ; to Iho people at ft' Kencral nlertlon Mrciitu nil ImUihtcdtiCHw for the hulld- liiK of poriiiancul rornln, would r htilt In cotifiiKlon. tho miiirenic court, after deuyliiK the n.dicarltiK of the ram of Kil M. AndrewM vh J. It. Nell I At a Kpeclal mi-ctliiK of the council 1 ' '' JiicIchoii county rond hond Wedncdduy aftcrnonii Iho followltiK ',,H". liu:llncil to .comialt ItKolf on the Hiihjcct. ! ihe'yentH nf duty rendered I hem bv A. 4. j Hoieiihiitim. jtenerHl iminnger of Ihej .Medford divinioti, it in reported th.'tl the .Southern I'neillc compnny ) plHfiniiiK to iiiiine the nen ptat i'U) notir Wock I'oinl, "Ffo-ey." Thej iiiiiik) iloex not appear elucwherc tn the ('lilted State mid hence i m ceplHhle. The railroad Tirnl iilnntied In nnine the Htalion "MinUejV in honor of (he pioneer family of UihI nmne hut I hi, name in cniiimnn orer the Unit"d Slate, heiiee i not ncct'ptnhlc. Thin meniiut: Mr. HrHt-nhaum up peiiled to Judge. Colvig of the Com mercml elith for a mime nml the judge wired Superintendent IleFiN to innku the tiiinie "ItoM'.y." Vntice f'olvig whose noni de plume h well known n "I'mto" made an appeal for llint name hut there are ''.'( Piutoh in the corral iilrcinU. MWMWWWWWWKHWWMB PLEASURE CARS ClfALMKUH, I'OI'K-HAHTIOHI), rRKUM-ISS, HUr.MOIJILK COMMERCIAL VKFAU.IWS, ClfASK, IMCMAN CU (!-Vom 11 ton to 10 torn) THE VALLEY AUTO CO. I'lneitt Kqulpicil Oarage In Southern Oregon rrrrrt0trt L SESSI Mother's Hair is Falling Out Tell Will roiillno liiiHlueMM wiih traiiMiicted; Ordinance declaring the Intention of the council tn pave WchI Hnmll toti Htieet finiu Oalidalu avenue to Olenon Mtreet.'ptiHMed. tirdlnamn declaring tho Intention of thn cnnni'll to pave the alley hack of tin I'liiltgrowcrM' hatilc pawicd. The contract for the pavement of Nikwtown Mtrcct waa let to the Clark-lleiiery-C'oiiMtriictloii company. Tin oouncll ordered City Knglneer Armiplger to Miihnilt the iiiuiick of .dictum. all HlreetH that were duplicated that --- It declared the fuel that the leg iKlaturo Hindu no prnrlMlon for any one to he ciiHtodlan' hy law, or for An promulgation, or any other pro cedure, with relation to It, waH high ly Miiggetlvu If ll intended the hiiIi Jeet lo he covered hy further leg iHlatlon, and thai In view of thin It wan too grave a mutter for the court to express an' opinion upon when the opinion at liefil would he hut a mere ... i they might he renamed. meet within five days after the dec- A new water ordinance was dl- tlou and orguulr. The new conimlt rimseil that would equalize the rates. ( teemen were elccteil April 19, not At a Hpeclal meeting thlH afternoon the matter will he finally decided. Tin new ordinance will have a tend ency to lower the rati of CIIHI'H. , k- Her lAKISIA.V HAK Quickly Stoi It. 1 No prepaiatlon win grow hair on I hnld heads If the hair rool Is dead.! PARISIAN SAOI-: however will stop! hair from falling, will hanlgh every particle of dandruff and do away with scalp Itch or Clinx. Strang will refund your money. ThoiiKandB of people are wasting lime fooling with remedies that never did nml never will Mop falling hair, when they can get the quickest kind or action hy lining PARISIAN SACK, u Hclentlfle combination that grows hair iwhen pouslhlc), and also puts the mont vlgoroim kind of life and ItiHter Into It. .'0 cents for a large bottle at Chas. Strang'B and druggists everywhere. First National Bank OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. p K. DKUETi, PRESIDKNT M. L. ALFORD, CASHIER OIIUIS CRAWFOItD, ASSISTANT CASHIER nominated, as arc th other officers. The republican committee held a meeting In .Medford Wednesday and in a majority ! organized hy selecting A. K. Ware temporary chairman, and F. W. Mearu temporary secretary. They J adjourned to meet again Wednesday.! .May 1. in .Medford, when It Ik hoped all the committee will he present,! The primary law says the county also tho candidates, jc-cenlly notnln committeemen of-nil parties must'ated n the repmlU;ic,-UcUet. REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE HOLD MEETING IN MEDFORD Draperies Wo carry a vry complete Jln of draperies, tare curtolnw. fix turpii. etc, nnU o all classei of uptiolfftrrlng sprcln! man to took nfter thin rork -Tclimlvcly and will k1v an roo1 service aa Is pomitble to cet In even the Urgent cttlCH. WEEKS & McGOWAN CO. Nearly a quarter of a centuiy under the same management Jackson THE County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of i 1 Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. L Vawter, resident G. R- Lhadley, Vice Pres. C. "W. McDonald, Cashier "" ? : V ? ? T t t T ? Y . t t T T ? .V f ? T T f T T ? T ? T f f f Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y We Must Sell $7,000 in the Next 7 Days in Our Ladies'Suit Department "" mmmhhmhmmb BiiHwaMMMaMBM ""MMMMMMMMMMMBMMMMaMaaMMMMMHwnwMnMHnMMMMi OMMiiiMMMHMMMiiwwMMMMMHMMaMiHMiaaiaHMMMaHaHiMMHiaMi mmmmmmmmimmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam''' To pay off some of our Spring bills now due Mistakes will happen to anybody, and we are no exception to the rule. A year ago this month of April we were doing all kinds of business on Spring merchandise. So we guided ourself by what we did then and consequently Mr. Kentnei: and Mr. Phelps went East in February and bought more than twice as many ladies' cloaks, suits, etc. for this Spring as a year ago thinking, of course, that we would at least duplicate the enormous business of a year ago. Now Our Spring Bills are Due and They Must Be Paid The wholesale houses in New York and Chicago don't want to listen to such excuses as "bad weather," "a little early" or other such nonsense all they want is their money, nothing else will do. The only way we see clear to sell the amount needed is to offer our Spring stock of ladies' coats, suits, waists, dresses, etc. at such prices as will cause every woman and girl in this city and vicinity to make a bee-line for Kentner's and buy her Spring outfit. Our stock is larger than all the others combined and in each article you will find the best material and workmanship Wholesale cost or selling price will not be, considered Garments now go for 30c, 40c and 50c on the $1 We regret exceedingly that we should be compelled to slaughter new Spring goods at the very beginning of the season but circumstances compel us to use this vigorous effort. THIS SALE LASTS ONLY 7 DAYS. BEGINNING SATURDAY, APRIL 27, AND ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 4 SEE TOMORROW'S PAPERS FOR DETAILS Sale Begins Saturday Morning at 8:30 H. C. KENTNER CO. Wanted 15 Experienced Sales Ladies None other need apply I 4 T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y T Y Y Y ; f Y Y Y Y t T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A. A. Xm.h K-K "'- 4.' -' -- -- - -- - -- - -- -i- - ' -- w v , r hv tkAAtAtfcnAAAAAAAAAV