PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QKIWON. TIIUKHDAY. AI'lvllj Lr..UH2. rssiOL ia . .Ji . IOCALAND PERSONAL wore Mr. and Mrs. 8. 13. True Med ford visitors Tuesday. Iflnffy ruffles, v li 1 1 cream cantor, McDowell's. 30 Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Price spent Wednesday, In Mcdford. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carktn, Glenn O. Taylor), attomeys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Mcdford. MUs Hlancho Cox of Medford was a visitor at tho J. W. Iiallcy homo this week. Cordwood, fir and hardwood H.50 per cord 4 foot length. lti-lnch wood $2 per tier. Gold Ray Realty Co., Clh and Fir Sts. Mr. nnd Mrs. "V. fi. 'Wakcman of Mcdford motored to Talent Wednes day. Here they picked tip Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Dyer and Mrs. Yonder Sluls nnd continued on to Ashland, where they spent tho nfternoon. Kodak finishing, tho best, at Wes ton's, opposlto book store. V. A. Dunlnp of San Diego, Cal.. departed for his home Wednesday, after a three weeks' business visit In this vicinity, Cordwood, fir nnd hardwood ?4.&0 per cord 4 foot length. 10-Inch wood $2 per tier. Gold Ilay Realty Co., Cth and Fir Sts. R. K. Hole nnd Lenn Hooker have taken tho contract to build a seven room farm residence for Mr. Mc Grelght In tho Mountain district, some twenty miles In the northern part of tho county. B. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phono M. 1471 Mr. and Mrs. M. Karnes accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turpln to their farm homo In Roxy Ann Satur day and enjoyed a social dance In tho evening. Cordwood. fir and hardwood $4.50 per cord 4 foot length. lC-lnch wood ?2 per tier. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Cth and Fir Sts. Mr. and Mrs. Grayham and chil dren of the glngseng farm at Pro spect, left Tuesday for their home, having spent a week very pleasautly In tho city. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. Arthur Poo and son of North Central, left Tuesday to join her hus band in Portland. Furniture, glassware and pianos packed and unpacked. Transfer and baggage. Both phones. Matthews & Son. 35 Mr. McGreth who recently pur chased the Hill farm of tho Weber estate in Mountain district, reports the outlook Quito promising for a banner crop on the tablelands of that stock and fruit section. 8. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. P. & H. Co. bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dyer and daughter, Miss Nell, who have been visiting here, departed Saturday morning for Eugene, where they will visit old friends before returning to St. Cloud, Minn. Dr. M. C. Barber, physician and surgeon, has moved from tho M. F. & H. building to room 9 Palm block. Opposite the Nash hotel. 3G Miss Norwood, Miss Hoke. J. W. Myers, A. W. Moon, Mr. Smith, G. S. Moore, J. E. Uo&wcll, Mrs. J. Cr Her rin;:, Mrs. V. J. Taylor and son, E. Webb wcro nmeiij: (lie Central Point Jicpplo Unit spent Wednesday in Medford. The Roobcvelt Parent and Teach ers' association will meet Friday af ternoon with Mrs. II. K. Foster, Sis kiyou Heights, at 2 p. m. All mem bers aro urged to bo present. Rev. W. T. Gouldcr left this after noon for a mouth s business and pleasure trip to his former homo at Fulton, Ky. Rov. C. K. Kirk will havo charge of his church while Rev. Gouldor is absent. Will Humphrey has gone to Port laud to study up on the latest street improvements, with tho view of mak ing Geneva strictly up to date. John W. Parker has returned to Medford after a business visit of two weeks at Roscburg, where ho has 'argo property Interests. W. J. Hotchklss of Crescent City, who has largo timber Interests In that section, Is in Medford on u hhort business trip. He is looking over u local tract of timber. Memorial services at tho Prosby byterlau church Sunday morning, April 28, for those losing their lives In tho Titanic disaster. Special mu sic by the choir suited to the occa sion. The services are free to all. There will bo a meeting of the committee of tho Good Citizenship Loaguo Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at tho library. All Interested In tho work aro Invled to be present. ', ,,,,, John Smlthson of Ashland Is via llinga few days In Medford, 13. J. KalBcr of Ashland spent Wednesday night n Medford with friends. Allen R. Rodgcrs of Grants Pass Is In Medford for n few dnyes on business. Count)' Judge Nell has returned from a visit in the, Big Butte district. Rodger Hitchcock of Eaglo Point Is spending a few days In Medford on business. i PROBEJICTiS OF one HM II. F. Pohland of Lake Creek Is spending a few days In Medford on business. Miss Mary Hopper, who lins Leen visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. S. I. Leon ard, has loft for a two weeks visit with friends at Ashland. Superintendent nnd Mrs. J. Percy Wells were In Medford Wodnesdny on business. Lloyd Corlelss of Table Rock was a recent visitor In Medford. "Valley Farm," tho four-act com edy drama which was to havo been given by tho St. Mnrk's Junior guild Friday evening, has been postponed one week owing to the Illness of a member of tho cast. Tho play will be presented May 3. Rev. W. F. Shields spent Thurs day at Grants Pass on business. W. J. Henry of Eugene is In Med ford looking over tho city with a view of locating. John H. Thompson has returned from a visit of several days at Port land. II. T. Anderson and son Carl have left for a business trip to San Fran cisco. Carl von der Hellen of Eagle Point Is In Medford on a brief busi ness trip. Harvey Allen of Phoenix spent Thursday In Medford on business. Peter Hcnshaw and T. J. Carney will leave Friday for a business trip to California. W. Cr Murphy has left for a month's visit at Los Angeles and other Southern California points. Will W. Kinney has left for a visit at several Willamette valley points. LA FOLLETTE ABANDONS LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 25. Senator La Follette will not speak In San Diego May 2, nor will he tour tho citrus belt of Southern Califor nia, included in bis original Itinerary, according to an announcement made at La Follette headquarters here. Messages from Walter Houser, La Falletto's campaign manager, state that It will be necessary for the sen ator to return to San Francisco next Tuesday evening and that the great er part of the Southern California tour must be abandoned. THIRTY DAYS FASTING SEATTLE, April 23. Dr. Liniln Rurfield Huzzurd, the fasting special ity, who is under sentence of two to twenty yean, for the inatixluuliter of a patient, who, Jhc prosecution !- Ii'ed was starved Id death, complet cd today the thirtieth dity of a fast undertaken to piovc mistaken the doctor who testified against her. Thoy said fourteen days was tho limit of human enduranco without food. WASHINGTON, April 'JR.- Deter mined to probe to the bottom tho loss of tho Titanic, Sonatro Smith, chair man of tho senate sub-committee probing the disaster, acted today upon Information contained In United Press dispatches and subpoe naed the captain and the wireless operator of the steamer Cnllforulau. They will bo asked to produce the logbook of the liner and to testify regarding tho exact language used In the warning against Ice which was sent by wireless to the Titanic on the Sunday night of tho disaster. Chairman Smith also announced that tomorrow tho committeemen would each examine several members of tho Tltnnlc's crow In separate sessions with a vlow to eexpedltlng tho Inquiry. Admission that he received Presi dent Tntt's message Inquiring as to tho fato of Major Butt, coupled with tho explanation that ho did not know It was from the president, was made this afternoon by Wireless Operntor Cottam of tho Carpathia. Cottam admitted receiving tho "four fig ures" messagu from Chief Operntor Sain nils of the Marconi company, but stated that he did not reply to It. He admitted having sold his story of the rescue of the Tltnnlc's passen gers on the ntght the Carpathia ar rived in Now York, but ho added: "I haven't received anything for It yet." Cottam declared ho had heard the Frankfurt reply to tho distress sig nals of the Titanic, but he said that tho German liner did not give her own position. Whether they Ig nored tho call for help ho did not know. From tho actions of the Frankfurt's operator, he believed tho Tltanlc's wireless man, Jack Phillips, was justified in calling the Frank furt operator a fool. BATHE IP 7W 0H BflNT ON ROOF OVEB AEROPLANES l'OHThAXl), A put - t'ntwluig like n wounded uiiiuud Imm oi' hid tin; place lo unotlior, a'i iinlduiilUied man, Jhotnjht to he an cx-coiiuut, heavily nrhiod und doMerulu today is bring trailed through Urn dock ilN triet of Portland liv tint t patrolmen. under llu leadership of Ciipluin of I'olieo Keller. The man was Imtllv wounded today in a revolver battle with Putrolnmi Homier. Homier eame on Hie man in the doek district nnd us ho wax luitoiilig about in a suspicion's manner started after him, eeintiuiutliui: him til halt Tho man climbed upon Uio toof pf u building. Render in eloe pursuit. A ho gamed ou him, tho fugitive snap ped his revolver fixe tuiie- at Men der, the cartridges each tune failing to explode. Tho two men grappled on the roof of the htiililini: and in the fight Mender was beaten on the head with tho im and ulino-t rendered uu couM'iou;.. I lis tix-ailaut ran and, climbing fron the roof, crawled un der an itdjoiuimr building. HeiitW had recovered stiff ioicullv to continue the pursuit and I'irod fixe tunc ;tt the fleeing man, the lt shot striking him a" he craxvled under tho building. MILWAUKEE IS FINED FOR VIOLATIONS OF LAW SEATTLE, April 23 Tho Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound Hnilway company must pay fines aggregating $1,100 for failure to report violations of the federal law regulating the hours of employment. The complaint xvas filed by the interstate commerce commission, nnd the fines xvere im posed by Judge Hnuford. ditotrcJ Health is tho foundation of ill tood looks. Tho wlso woman realties this and takes precautions to proservo nor health and strength through tho pe riod of child bearing. Sbo remains a pretty mother by avoiding as far as poaslblo tho suffering and dangers of such occasions. This every woman may do through th; uso of Mother' Friend. This la a medicine for aitornal application and so penotratins la lu nature as to thoroughly lubrlcato every muscle, norvo and tendon in volved during tho period boforo baby cornea. It aids nature by expanding tho akin and tissue, rollovea tender ness and soreness, and perfectly pre pares tho system . for natural and CfflnlfiOtA safo motherhood. 'ijrV,,2 Mother's Friend L'G'7OJfn la sold at drug tJW&IW stores. Wrlto for frco book for ex pectant mothers, which contains much valuable Informnflbn. 3JUDFIUD REGULATOR CO., AUMte, C HOME, Apul 'J. Willi Hie entire country eutliiiM'tl oxer tho microns of nilliliii'v ueropliuios mid diriglhltw in tho xiir in Tripoli, u tuliniinl popular subset iptimi lin boon ejpeiiod Id pio suut to tho putou mi (Millie iiorutl uitvy. Although it similar movement m under witv in r'ninoo, where VillO.OOt) frillies nlrmtdv Im been sulisuVlhel, tho movement in Itulv is hoitig or ganised oil a hums that, it i behoved, will greatly owed that of l-Vnneo. The movement hits boon formally en dorsed liv King Victor Kiumniiuol, Premier (liolilli nnd .Minister of Wur At Fountains & Elsewhero Ask for Ml If LIU IV 3 Tht Original and linulne MALTED MILK Thi FotiMrlnk ftr All Agt. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home Don't travel without it. A iidc lunch prepared ia a inate. Take bo uutatioa. Just say "HORUaY In Any Milk Trust .fylimnitll, Ciiminilli'es m'o boiilu; or KUiilxod n every elty in, Italy, iih well Its it iivery Ituliiiu colony. (iruuulitHit lhi world, I.eotui'OH will lllatwlno ho hold lit oViii'v city mid lilurnliiio tils- 1 1 United over I ho on lire country. Allliouuh tho tiiovoiinmt Is hardly a work old, more limn 1,000,11110 Uio, either in ciihIi or lu nornpliiiioH, Im.i boon pledged, . W ' - - Jm mw Plt(Xllti:SMIVI3 A(J(im'SMIVK When It Pays 4 Wo never know, liut'xvo do know that II piiyn to ADVEUTIHIl. A party oamo to UH last week and Hiihl thoy xvnntoil a pair of kIiivhoh; when taking the hUtory of tl" cinio wo round Ihoy hud hut recently moved lieu? fr(jni ututo In the .Mlddlo Wont; no xvo asked thom how they liappoiiotl to romo to PH and thoy an swered: WE HAVE MMICN UKAIHNU TIIW MEMKOHD PAI'UUH IN THE EAST and xvo saw that you udvoitlKud ronnllently nnd tlnU you xvoro duliitt thlnjjH, ho wu iiiiuo to jii. .NO OTIIEK wiiy to K(tt IH'HINKSS. Inoldoutally thU piitluiit In now a IIOOSTKU for UH and for .MWDI-'Oltl). CONHlll.TATIO.N-alHayrt EltMIJ. 1)118. BAUNUEUS & (1MKEN, EYE. I'JAIt, NOSK A.S'M 'IMHOAT BPEC1AMHTH, Socond Kloor Oarnott-Coroy lliil'illni:. Medford, Oiof.ou. MEIdAIILE irrnn.'Ah WHEN YOU WAKE UP to tho fact that you do not soo nn xvell or with the comfort you should, tlien co mo liern and be fitted with glasses that suit your every require ment. I use corroborative tests. No Driiu or Drops DR. RICKERT Eyesight Specialist Over Krntner'M, Medford as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (2b Storage Co. Don't forget that tho Fish Market havo fresh flnii and dressed poultry every day In the week. Wo havo a good supply of early chickens for Sunday. Send In .your order early and let us select you one, or call and select one for yourself. W. II. KKNWOIITHY & CO., 17 North Fir St. Weeks&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS Say Puont W71 XJfffel rboatsi P. W. Week 3071 A. X, On, MM tABT ANXSTAKT, SPOKANE, Wu., April 12,i. That the Jlilxvaukeo and the O. W, I. and S. railroads hax'p closed deals in the latjt fexv days for tho purchaho of $1,250,000 worth of property in tlic heart of (ho city for uhc as u fiito for a union depot, lius become known today. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED To soil 10 acres Bear Creek bottom land, under Irriga tion : will plant to trees and take care of same, Irrigating them,, five Vflnra lit SflfiO nnr nnrn Qnn A T. Cuslck, ut Hotel Nash, or drop letter box 15, A. u. Cuslck, M WANTED To buy nonjo laying hens. I'hono or address H. T. Hubbard, Medford, 34 FOrt EXCHANGE I havo good Se attlo and Southern California properties to exchange for Med ford and Ilogue Hlver properties. Lot mo faeo what you havo. W. .1. UUI. Hptel Nash. 31 WANTED At once, ?500 and $1500 on close lu city property, l, O. lion G73, 31 FOH RENT Furnished rooms. 121 Iloosevolt Ave, J. T, EadeB. D5 M. M. Department Store Friday and Saturday Specials Fotyid at Medford's Newest Store. Thoso who appreclato unintual vnlues will do well to visit this store. They will make a profitable Investment of time nnd a most economical exchange of cash for seasonable goods. Every section of this jnammoth department storo presents a wonderful list of real bargains In seasonable merchandise. Tho Inducement which we offer will certainly provo Irro tlstiule to any person who Is iuforebtcd lu positive money saving. $2.59 SILK MESSALINE PETTICOATS Tli I j is tho hlh'KUt special ever offered In this department. TIicho jiMrtri are madu of (he met", silk messallno, full nizod, plaited and lucked, and In every pcmrihlc i;novn shado for evening, dress or Htreot wear. These skirts are eold overywhero for 5.00, and xvlll bo sold at tho reduced ptico only .'or these two dnys. $2.59 BLACK TAFFETA SILK SKIRTS This number lu slllc skirt iMiiunt bo duplicated. It represents a largo purchase) direct from die mnniifnuluier or thoso goods, closed out to us as a dlscoutlmicd rumber; never has bi.ei sold for less than 10.00. On sale two days only at this j.ilco. $3000.00 SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING Silk Just received, W'b liava tho larKt'st and most complain lino of silks utrrlod lu Sr.iithern Orcgo:.. Thero Is nothing omitted In HiIh llno-up of silks, and guaranteed yon a saving of one-third on all purchases, Wo In vito ou to have a leok; only n pleasure to show you, 1 . ' W. ' $20.00 SPRING SUITS ON SALE AT $12.50 AND $13,50 AH this leaboa'H goods fancy mixtures. Thoso aro broken lots and only opo and twj Milts of a size. This has been tho biggest season wo had ever hud, liaxlng told more sultH than In any pervious season. Thoroforo, to mako room fur lne numerous shipments to arrive lu tlio next few duys, WE DO NOT CONSIDER A SAIfl' qOlWPLETE UNTIL YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SATISFIED. EVERY PURCHASE MUST BE SATIS FACTORY OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. Agents for Dutchess Trousers, Hole Proof Hosiery, Carhart OvorallB, Hanson Cloves, and Hart, Schaffnor '& Marks Clothing. Special Prices on work clothing. n .8 !!! !! ' ' . 119. M. Department Store n i r fcM'" il Ik S Medford Tent and Awning Company Mitniifnoturcru of nnd Doatcm In AWWIMOH, TI1STS, ri.TR, OOV13USI Or ALL KINSH Duck All Wolulita nnd Wliltlm, Awnliiif. Hlrlprn, i:tc WKOLBSALXI AHD RHTAir, All MakOM of AnviiIiikn unit I'oreli Curlnliin put up nt Munnfuuturtim' Prices. Acont for Uio Boanok Wotiolm VcntlUttnf Win. dow Awnlntr 100 . Trent Ht. llotli Phonun Mmlfnnl Orcn VAPOR BATHS and Scientific Massage Try it for a cold, rheumatism, etc. Advieo in dioleticH, medical gymnastics and Hydrotherapy. Lady attendant. DR. ROBT. J. LOCKWOOD CHIROPRACTOR E. 9th and S. Riverside Both Phonos 226 East Main Street. For "Good Goods." MICHELIN i Red Inner Tubes 111 lLN 'VV " S Their superiority is recognized all over the Wopld IN STOCk BY PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY 00. l!i() W. MAI?l, A t.4. A i a 1 v . tr fl, --f