A v Never Count Your Chickens I . J - -T " OH,''r,ABIH.C),. OH, "(urt' Look at Tug Qia 5 karat i iooo- iwq iT.ro lt guiCK, t'LLGo diamond rin&j mock;, if .V JOT POUND T -ft iw I It'll I EMmIh Ti-nnfein. Bule U. Allen to Louis J. Orrmt, lot , bin, "II" lloule. viinl I'nrk add Ashland . ..$ I (J. V. lleolex Ki V, M. Hiultli, irMily l Philips Hcservo Mcdford .... If'"" Ashland Mineral Springs Hnnl luiliitn to hlnl't of Oregon, lot I, hi)'. 20, Chit wood tract &130.X3 First Btnto IIuiiU or Wiiudvillu to l I-:. Hall, IoIh 3 nml I, Hec SO, twp. 3d 4W 1 Knott Rolen to W. I. Green lef, iitlnliu; iniK'rl' Kmm Itolirn to V. I. (Jn'vti l.tnf, luml In iwp. 37. 3V. BOO 0. 0. Tttylor to I.. II. Iltiilnii. triuU'n, lot I. Llk. 'i Med fonl 1 I.. II. llnnUlim. trim., to Moil ford Mimoittn lliilhtluK Co., lot I, lilk. i. MoiKord 1 hiiiira A. Url) l nl. to Liiclun M. Plnn-p, liuitl III Hic. 10, twp. 3D, IK 10 I.nunt A. I'rb to OrlliMin Mc Ciill, lot , lilk. C, nouli vunl I'nrk mid AhIiIiiihI. . . . 200 Orlloiiu MfC'iill to Mnr;nrot lli'jiwli'k, lot , lilk. C. Motil I'Vnrd i'nrk add AhIiIiiihI . . 300 T. W. HiiiIhoii to l.otiln J. Orr. lot 7, lilk. II, Ilouli' vnrd I'Ark add Anhlnnd... 10 Clmrlr.s lliimplirry to Charles liiiinphrcy ct nl., lot 23, blk. 3, C. & P. MiilidlvlHtuu Iliim. Iltou add Mcdford 10 I). I'. Joiii'h to Alvin Camplii'll. lot 7, lilk. 3 (Irayn add Mod rord H00 .1. V. Pi nil to C. C. Tnylor, 'I'riiH., lot 1, lilk 2 Mil ford i 10,000 John (liillcy to K. N. An ilnrwm, land In 1). U, C 10, twp. ay, IK H00 X'r ('sin. rnrinur & Krultgrowora Hank v. llnnry VltiHon and W. A. Joiu'B iih iilmrlff of .)arknon roiinty. Action to ni-oviT inonoy. A. 11. I.awlur, at tornoy for plulullff. H.irali H. lith'nllH vs. Uonry In KiillH. Divorce .1. A. Lumury. ut tiiriiny for plulutlff. Mllll llIK"' lilCIMIM'M. C. I Uucltimo and AnKlln,o Woods. Pi-olmtc. ICulnlo Waller C. (Inrdnor. Order iiettlnj: May 31, 1012, nil day tor final neltloincnt. HHtnto John McN'alili. Orilor np polntlni; C. W, .AicIJonnld Ittiiinllnit ml litem. Ktttate Martha A. Hrookn. Order approving Homl-aninml account. HHtnto nml iiunril Kroderlcku New ,Today Wo nro epenliu: n real oHtato ImibI nemi In room 12, JnukHim County Hank liulldliiK, and nro IIhUiib city and country pVopuvty for Halo or rent. In connection with tho laud IxihI noHR wo nto cHtuhllshlui; vnRturu councctloim il will .noon ho nlilo to coiiHldur loiiua on hoth city and ranch jiropurty, Watch thin column dally, nml you will ho luturoatcd In tho thltiKS of fored. Wo hnvo n party who la wanting ft liuudiud dollar ,lot In Mcdford. Who liati tiiich u lot? Wo' havo for alo n lirnml now four room hnimo on tho onHt Hldo, on thrco Kood'lota, with ood well wa ter. Thin plnco la n Imi'Rnlu lit ?800 and torina may ho had on tho router part of It. lluvo Jiiat Hated flvo fluo lota In WoBt Medford Unit nro n Bunp ut u thouanud dolliua. They llo In lino body, find nro within a block oC Muln stroot piiyliiK, Thoy nro aupoundod by flno bomoii. ' Will, bo elnd to Hat othor proper ty, which will hnvo rnroful attention, n i irwin. iinom 1'2 Jnckaon Coun ty, llanlC BlllldlUB. I O, BOX 231.' I 1 J 1 ,4ft IOOO ! nm. a5r tuauLCCornti'i, ro. vou c;iscs a - J I TMroAJtrii . I ,b DINNU.-. Downing niiiirdlnii'H n'liort filed nml npprovi'd. Order for allowance in Kuardlau. KHttile Kll IC. AuderHOii. Order providing albiwaiice for fmnlly. Kntnlii .Jacob A. Lyon, Kxecutor'a rlnal account filed mid iiproveil. Khtnte Martini Htaudard. Order RnttliiK .May 31. lit 1 2, an day for final m'ttleiiw'itt. YESTERDAY'S SCORES: t A.MKItlOAN W. h. P. C. IIOHton f 1 'Hf'3 I'hlladolphla 4 2 .107 Cleveland f 3 .02f ChlcnKo f 3 .(i2fi Detroit fi .BStJ WunliliiKtim 3 3 .fiOO Bt. LoiiIh 3 B .333 N'cw York 0 r. .000 at. LoiiIh 7. Detroit 8. 'Othora pontponnit, wet Rraunds. NOIlTJIWIvKT , ,., , W. L. P.C. Bpoknno 2 .007. Portland I 3 .R71 VJctoVln 3 3 ,G00 licotilft 3 I .12!) Vancouver 3 4 .42!) Hontllo 3 A .12'J It. II. !?. Spokane e 7 1 Vancouver I K nHtturltmCadroau and Ilynn; (lormlHU and Lew In. 11. II. K. Victoria ... i 4 ' t Kenttti) 1 k- DaUerlea McCreery t Meek: Kloln, Ilnrrcncmrtp nml Shea. It. II. :. Tacomn 4 7 1 Portland 13 3 MEDF0RD MARKETS Rotuil Prices. Vt'KftablM. Potntoea -$2.no pur cwt. Cnhllng Gc, Parsnips 3 Wo. Lettuce lOo heafl. Cnrrota 20. lloet 2Hc Onions 4c. Calory GOoCfl doi. Cauliflower lOCpZOe head. Itadlshca Go bunch. Onions- Green, Go bunch. Fruit. Prunes Dried, ltoo lb. Lemons 30o dozen. Bananas lOo to 30o por doin. Orange IGa to 40o. natter, Errs naol I'OHltrr. Buttor Ifroah raucto, per roll, GGo; creamury, 80c. K5KB Froali ranch, 22Hic. Poultry HonB, dreaRciI, 20c; llvo lie; aprluRB, dreaaed, 20o. Turkoys 20c to 2 Go, dreMcd. Meats, Wholcsal. Boot Cows, Mfcc; atoors, Gt. Pork G 06 ft c.a Voal Dreaaed, 8c. Mutton 3 3ft o, live; lambs, 6 7fto. liny nml Feed, Wholesale. Hay Alfalfa, $12 to $1G; grain, $12 to $14, drain Wheat, $1 por buabel: onta $30 per ton; barley, rollod, $40 por ton; bnrloy, wbolo, $36. NOTU5K. Notlco la luiroby i;lvon that tbo morcnntllo biiHlupas borotoforo con ducted by tho undorulKned, F. W. Gray iinil II. N. aioo, under tho firm namoand stylo of Orny & Moo. baa by mutual iiKreomont boon dlaaoivod, 1 W. Oray rotlrliiK. All poraoiiB owlnn tho anld dray & Moo nro here by directed to (lay aald account to the firm of IL Is'. Moo & Company, tho said aecountH bavlUK been iiBalRued Mnl B',Ul flVm' V. W. QUAY. 11. N. MOW. Medford, Oro., April 20, 1012, "miSlNBHS Ol'l'OKTUNlTnCB KOll UWNT--VurnlBliod hotol for rent on puvcontngo bnala. Address 1 IL, euro Mali Trlbuuo. FOR SALE Roatnurunt choap, (jond location, rhono l'nc. 1081. ao MTCOTOUD NATL TRTRUNTJ, Until You Look ' !! -. . I. aowq i(, rou hi:nt ijot-HKfl I'Olt HU.N'T'i room fiirnlslu-d Iioiih modern, r. 1 8 Klnjt at. rofl HUNT I'"lv( room modern cot tne nt 2IS West .laekwMi st. 27 KOU ItKNT I'lvo room modern cot tiiKu nt 218 Wvat Jackson st. 27 KOK ItKNT G room modern houac. 1118 N. Hlveralde. Phono Main 714 KOU KKNT New modern f Jv room bniiKalow fiirnlahud. $30 per month. Inijiilru "U Koiith Crape. KOIt lllNT Six room nioilani apartment, furnished or unfur nished. Kent roaaonnble. Apply Onkdale Cb1i Orocery, Onkdalo uud 1 1 til at. 20 FOIl IlKNT OFFICES KOK LKAHK Office rooms fur nlrtheil uud unfurnished, central location, $G to $10 per month. Ad dress D. C caro Mall Tribune. FOR BENT Over tha postofflco, with hoat and light. Boa A. A. Davla. ' FOIl RENT Largo, comfortablo of flco rooms with olovator service, stoam boat, hot and cold water. Low rntes. Apply Mcdford F.urnl turo & Hdw. Co. " FOIl KENT HOnHEKEETINa ROOMS FOR RKNT -One Reed boiiaekecplnR room. 310 North Iiartiait si. - 1H)R RENT FURNISHED ROOIS FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfurnished rooms. G10 North Riverside. 32 FOR RENT Modern fnrnlshod rooms nt tho CottaRO, C04 West 10th St., two blocks south Medford hotel. Hot nml cold water in rooms. Home phono 217. Mrs. II. M. Coan. FOR RENT Smith apartinonta. 217 So. Riverside FOR RENT LarRO sleeping room, $1.G0 and $3 per wook. Modern hoitsokoaplng apartments, $15 and $1C. Home phono 2GC-IC 222 South Holly. ' FOR RENT Thrco fnrnlshod rooms for llRht housekeeping, ground floor, nt 220 So. Grapo. 27 FOR BALE LAND FOR SALE Chlcium ranch and par don land ft mllo from Mcdford. W. II. Evorhard. 1009 West Ot.h Phono C071. FOR SALE 200 acrca flno alfnlfa land under ditch, aa good land for alfalfa as can bo found In tho Into. Thla will bo sold cheap. This Is your opportunity Ions lookod for. Oliver B. Brown, 430 N. Bartlett rL ' FOR SALE Alfalfa ranch, Bear crook bottom. 41 acres, water right, stock nml tools, fine Incomo. Clark Realty Co., 20C Phlppa bldg. FOR SALE 70 aero ranch, $1000, easy torniB. closu In: must soil. Ad dress A. E-. Mail Tribune. 31 FOR SALE W)T8 FOR SALE Lot G0x300, cheap, tonus Hko rent; or will build to suit purchasor. Address G22 Post Office. 'n FOR SALII-MOUSKS FOR SALE Cheap, now modern 0 room bungalow, guaranteed to bo tbo boat buy In tho city. Inquire 22 Rosa live. 'OR 8ALE--B room modern Iioubo, close In, on good atroot. Lot CGx 000 ft., 12 bearing fruit trees. Best of soil ror garden. Good chlckou house. Must bo Bold. $1100 cash, bul. torma. J. C. Bnrnes, 214 1st Nat. Bunk hldK. 27 FOR SALE Now bunginow with bIx i-ooniB, bath and pantry; scrooned In back porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; eiiBt front; lot 60x171 foot deep, or two lots 100x171 with alloy nt aldo, with barn on, Will rIvo good torma, Inquire 317 Howard St., oaat sldo. Phono U2G1. FOR SALE Somo Reed Improved and unimproved Mcdford proporty on nml noar S. Onkdalo; modorn hoiiBoa for rout, nlao bojuo good young driving horaoa. Inqulro of S. T. Howard, Jr., 815 S. Oakdale. Phono, Pacific 72. FOR SALE Another good llttlo home, $1G tho month; only $UG0. Como quick, thla will Ro Hko tbo lnat one did. Humphroy, S1G H. Main. . m OTDFORT), OliMOX. THCKDAY, APHTL 2-V19I2. Into the Incubator INVITR A UOXtOI HWtrUL CMlCVJ!N FOIl HALK-ACKEAGK FOR SALE Ten acres on main Ash land road, email buildings, for $2750 $1000 will handle, easy terms on balance. Flno placo for chickens or garden. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE T, acres. $107.'. One mile from city llniltt. Best berry, trnck gnrdeii, chicken proposition I know of, Uudor Irrlxatlon. Best of soil for IrrlKatlon. $500 caBh. balance Inrmn. J r Barnes. 214 First Nntl. Bank Mdjf, 27 FOR SAL13 WOOD AM FUEL FOR SALE Wood at country prices. IC-Iii. fir $2.75, 12-ln. fir $2.25, lC-ln. hardwood $3. 12-ln. hard wood $2. GO, lC-ln. pine split $2.75. All dry wood. C19 S. Rlvonddo. Bull phono S041. FOR SALE Hardwood $.r.G0 per cord, $2 per tier. 0th and Fir. Gold Ray Realty Co FOR SALE IOULTRV AND ECGB FOR SALE Baby turkeys, with mothers if desired. Robt. Dutton, Orchard Home. FOR SALE Single comb White Leg horn baby chicks. Pac. phono 539-11-1. 29 FOR SALE Eggs. Crystal White Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Brown Leghorns. Seo W. H. Evorhard, 1009 West 9th. Phono CC71. ' FOR SALE: Will sell my breeding pens of S. C. Whlto Leghorns and Cryatal Whlto Orpingtons or entire plant, reasonable. Baby chicks and hatching eggs from both breeds for sale. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jackson ville Oro. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ono span of horses about 1400 lbs., harness, wagon, buggy and cart. Disc gang and Deero gang plow, spring tooth and drag harrow. Ono mower and rake. BlackBinltbliiK outfit. Address L. A. Rose, Phoenix, Ore., or phono 813-F-22. 33 FOR SALE Good young team of horses. Bound and Roiitio. Woight 2150 lbs. Inqulro of Jnnes Bros., Capital Hill. 32 FOR SALE Big bargain In classy roadster, 30 h. p., perfect condi tion. Bos G. D., Tribune. 30 FOR SALE Good farm or orchard team, bays, woight 1250 lbs. each, good lifo and gentlo, $275. Best young driving horso In country, hnnUsorac, spoody and gentle for lady or gentloman. Also youug Duroc Jersey hogs. J. C. Pcndlo ton & Son, Tablo Rock. Phono Central Point. FOR SALE Seed corn. First prize at Mcdford fair. Apply W. Annlng, Phoenix, Oro. 23 FOR SALE A No. 1 Jersoy milch cow. Will bo Trosh In few days. Johu B. Hair. Roguo River. Ore. 27 FOR SALE Second hand hack, cheap. 525 S. Grapo. FOR SALE Housohold furnlturo, ono piano, one mission buffet, ono mission dining table, six mission dining chairs, three oiilsslon rock ers, three Iron beds complete one blrdseyo mnplo dresBor, threo rugs ono Renown slx,-holo range, all now. Also other household ne cessities. Call S2G W. 12th. off South Nowtown st. 2S FOR SALE -5 year old, registered Jersoy cow for salo at 520 Park avo. Phono 0013 Pacific or 144-K Home. 27 FOR SALE Extra flno nUnlfa and oat bay. first cutting, delivered at $15. Phone Pac. 732. Cottnge 2 Ross Lane, 29 FOR SALE-- A two horso John Doom corn planter. Call on or wrlto A. L. Gall. Jacksonville, Oro. 32 FOR BALE OH IlKNT FOR SALE Oil RENT Modorn -room furnished bungalow close In. Inqulro 232 S. Grapo st. this week only. 2S LOST LOST Wool lap robo, Lonvo at Mull Tribune ' FOR U.XCIIAJKII3 FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 ncros noar Kaglo Point for Medford prop erty, Improved or uulmprovod. Ex change prlco same aa cash prlco. Boo Oliver B. Brown, 430 N. Bart eott at. t ' WILL EXCHANGE Doalrnblo lota In Calgary. Altn., Canada for equal value 10 to 20 acres fruit land In Roguo river valley part planted or lu bearing. J. C. Barnes, 214 First Nut'l Uauk bldtf. - 7 i no '""ft1 1 II i'll I llpl - MIW.C AVDl"T TN TOUHAHfe Oft. AND FRKJNW. TO GO OJV TO Tn FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 20-40-80 acres near Montrose, Colo,, under Gov. irrigation project; best of alfalfa and potato land, vaiue aumu i acre. Will take city or farm prop erty in uxcharigo. J. C. Barnes. 214 First Natl. Bank bldR. 27 FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE For Roguo rlvor land or Mcdford propert An Improved ten aero farm; C aeres in 20 year old orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries; largo chorry treeB that Blmply beat tho world in quantity and quality, to gether with a feo slmplo title to . nnrs nt plntns and bathing beach In front; all kinds of clams In unlimited quantities. 1500 ft. from Brownsville P. O., on regu lar lines of boats from Seattle, one hour's run; 3 miles from Bremer ton navy yard, i-irsi ciass juaniv road from house to wharf. Fare from Seattle to placo for tho past year has been 5c. novor morn than 25c Special rates for school chil dren. Will exchange for Mcdford property or Roguo rlvor valley land. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co.. C04 West 10th st. 30 HELP WANTED 3IALK DON'T MISS THIS WANTED A llvo energetic man in eacn cuj u. district In So. Oregon. Llfo con tract. No cleaner business. High commission. Call or write A. B. Schlrmer, 303 E. Main St., Med ford. " nELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Middle aged woman or girl to do general hottseworK at tho Cottago, C04 West 10th st. 31 WANTED Good cook, wages $33: must be at least 25 years old. Mrs. J. F. Rcddy, Queen Anuo addition. Telephono Main 3801. WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION WANTED Good, will ing, experienced girl. Gorman, wishes position, first class refer ence. $35. Phono Farmer 11x4, Central Point, Ore. WANTED Position as bookkeeper by young lady, exporlenco. Ad dress Box 99, Tribune. 23 WANTED Dressmaking and altera tions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 402 N. Oak dale. Bell phono 77C1. 31 WANTED Position as bookkeeper or clerk, experienced In groceries. Best of reforences. Address P. O. Box 792. -8 WANTED nSCELLANEOUS WANTED- To trade a two seated double surrey for a light single buggy. Inqulro nt 209 W. Main. 32 WANTED Set of carpenter tools. 032 W. Hamilton. 32 WANTED 150 to 200 horses to pas. ture. P. D. Blackden, 157 Laurel St., Ashland. WANTED You can't help but make money soiling our guaraateed-to-glvo-satlsfactlon stock; freo outfit; cash weokly; exclusive territory. Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top ponlsh, Washington. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Saddle horse and saddle for 10 days or two weeks. Phono 732 R 4. 27 WANTED TO BUY Frutt Land Wanted WANNTED 15 to 25 acres noar city limits; partly improved, with vari ety of fruits; profer a farm with somo timber, fair buildings, Reed building slto, sasy tonus, must bo a bargain; rIvo exact location and prlco; from owner, no agent. Ad dress 24, caro Mall Trlbuuo. 3S BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attomey-nt-Law. Jacksonville, Oro. Offlce: Bank bldg., socoud floor. J'hone: Pa cific, Main 33. . L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoya-nt-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. H. REAMES Lawyer. Garnott- Corey uidg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- KEY, OKO. W. jiiFiiwvi i .iu 11 aud 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F, PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Exnmlnor. Sao QaruoU-Coroy. Bldg. v- JUL yA V J v fcjtr , iii - By "Bud" Fisher, TUC GUV SAD-T WW GLASS BUSINESS DIREOTOnr Architect r totrwa It TV TTtrtN'En iv. . wvi.v ... --" ! Phono 744. Phono G413., Tnimo & Tumor Architects and Builders. Office 31-33 North Bart-1 Ictt, near Main. Office Phone 1031 Assnycr and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assaya inado ror gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mlnca and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps arid reports made thereon by com petent mining assayers and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. AH mine own ers arc earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and Bend full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, Gth and Fir sts. Accountant D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books audited ana Kept ror a reasonable figure; your baslness solicited. Offlco Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono CC11; residence phone CS02. BUBard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drlnka. upstairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nico, cool place to spend tbo hot afternoons. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE. Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plana and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phone Main 5662. EDGAR MARTIN General Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 706 S. Oakdale. Phono Main 71.. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, roal estato and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phone Main 2021. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concroto work, pump and canal systoms. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chinese Medicine CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso modlclnes will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Frpnt st., Medford, Oro., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Dontlbts DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentlst3 Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dontlst, Office in Rlnlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction ot teeth. Telephono Main GS1, Night phono 4432. Chiropractors DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, uorvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside Vapor baths and scien tific massngo given; advice In dle totlcs, modlcal gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1GS-K. Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly ats. Medford. Mission furnlturo made to ordor. Cablnot work ot all klnda. A trial ordor solicited. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers ot brick; dealers In prossod brick and llmo. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3401. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tllo. Get our prices and see our brick aud tile bofore purchasing. . v W J C 1 4ft I UitrtU S AGE MYW ftlMVT P .(! Ilia' nfr.T BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gurlwgo MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED, Leavo ordors at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3032. Home 107-X. GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho mimmor. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main 822; also garden man nro for sale. J. F. Perrez. . Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under the laws of tho state ot Oregon. Insures horses and cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Oro. Offices West Side Stables. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your worlt to mo at th sign of 'The Mall Tribune. Nurs cries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not gralted. our stocK la not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not la the trust. H. B. Pattorson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entranco next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-grad nursery Btock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Printers and PnbUsncrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best eouiDDOd lob office In southern Oregon; book, binding, loose leal Bystems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Papering tliWUlU11. i-.Airti.111U JU1U AliaVlV ... r. n , Tm vn Am r rn RATINU hod 'Aayior. io Tay lor st. Phono Pac 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps rbldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone C12, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved te rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physlclaa and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone C501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of womon. Offices over Haskins Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phenea: M. 7981, Home 357-K. I DR. J J. EMMENS Physician uud I Surgeon. Practlco Hmltod to oyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyos scion- I tltlcally tested and glasses supplied. OIIlco siu is. Main st., over xueu ford Hardwnro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phone M. 432; Rea. phone, M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Offlco phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kcntner bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271. Resldenco phono Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonographlo work done quickly and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGB CO. Offlco 16 South Fir. Phone Bell 3153; Home 350-K, Prices right. Service guaranteed, MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25cj trunks 25e anywhere in tho city. Office Val ley Second Hand Store, IS N, Fir st. Phonea; Muln 3072, Home 354. Messenger bo r vice. Fred Orookarf Prop. UndertHlwrs JOHN A. PERI--Undertaker and Emhalmer. Of floe 29 goHthiBart lott st. Telephene: Dy, 1MM Vyi night, residence, ftoll 479, Home 17U-L. Cnlls answered lM or day, Ainbulanee servle. tiifrr -v -''" "-" :i 1 !