orenon Hiatal Mlj City Hall -- Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION 1 fi MM WEATHER Mnr. T.HJ5, Mln. ni. T.lffht shower tonight nnrt tom'w, roily.Mi'Cdiul Year Dully- -tlnvulith Yi'iir MEDFORD, OREOON, 'ITKKIMV, APRIL 2'A. 1912? No. 27. CAUSED BY LACK OF MARINE GLASSE: A TUANIC ASTER FOR BOUT ftp" ' - 'nr fr k '' V Lookout Asserts Tlint Hnt! Not White Star Cumpnuy Flatly Refused His Request, Tllnnic Mlnlit Still Do Afloat Coultl Have Seen Dnnucr GALLANT SHIP THAT RUSHED TO THE MB OF THE TIT1C Inquiry Into Disaster Brlnns Forth Graphic Stories From Survivors No Effort to Rescue Swimmers. WAHIIINOTOX. Apiil 23.- Sworn leMluiuny Hint neglect on the iiut ! Ihti White Star company lo provide marine glnHmm for tin! lookout on tint Tituiiiu wan renpoiiHibhi for tint great- I'M SOU d'lHIlMcr of HlOlllTII tltllCS WIIK till) HCIIMltioil lIllH llfllTIKMIII of till hearing being conducted y a mih comiuitteo of tilt' I'nili'il Slates sen- iitc into tliu ontaMrophe. Frederick Fleet, who wiik lookout in tin- cniisVnoM of tint Titanic when the giant liner smashed into !ho Ice berg wliivli destroyed her, made outli tluit not a single lookout on tin- Ti tiinio wax provided with marine glasses mid declared Unit liail bin request for such glasses in South mnploii not hern relaxed Ihu Titanic might yet ho the pride of the sens mill bur liiimlri'ilH of passengers in their lii'HH'K inMcnd of miiiIc in the deep. "I could easily have sighted the iceberg with marine glasses in plenty of time to have hail llm vessel ulcered p out of thtt wujg," fjaiti Fleet, and gave Hi detail llio' relniest ho made of the White Slur lino in .Southampton for the nianiie niduses. Although all oth er liners iiiv ho pinvidcd Fleet miiiiv his request was flatly infused anil he wim tohl thero weio no glasses for him. Warned of Danger. Thinl Officer I'lltinau admitted that the Titauiii had been warned thai icebergs worn prevalent hut Haiti that lie iliil not heo any on the .Sunday of the riinHter. lie dcclaicd that in his II years oxpoiicnco us a ship's offi cer, ho hail only Keen one. iceberg un til the Titanic disaster. Theii Pitt man went on to describe the difficulh of nsccituiniitg the picsenco of ice bergs, anil explained the. diffeinco Initween the northerly or southerly mules. ' "I bmw no ice until .Monday," Pitl man Haid, "wlnin I with in odd ol the lifeboats, and again when we were taken almaid the Cnrpathia. Theie prohahly were half a doyen iceberg nroiiud, most of them lining ahout 1,10 feet high." I'itluiaii was eertaiu that at the timo of tint collision. First Officer, .Murdook wan on the (nidge watching lor ice. Prnjer of tlto l.oit. "Tliu prayers and iiiuhiih of llu paHHcngerri arose in a mighty cIioiuh of woe when they learned ttiut hope had vnuirilieil," I'ittiuan Haiti. "It wiih a ciiiitiuual moan for an hour, and it died away Rradunlly. I winh .Voii had lint referred to IhiH," Women Hpcelalorfl wept, and Hie (Continued on Page G.) MRfe e n HlMCJAUt WalllBWfc l- l r - KN IKrV A B . 't ! ' -I'm "-s - A -il I --m mI mttUaSHKBBKBBBmBtmXKWIUfl "w7WvjJVSJ.L CD THE CAfiB4THIA AND SOME OF THE SURVIVOR.-S rHovRtJGZANHj Bmvi--K' B' SL K w. v - XVWl S tM. , T lft$95 misCSCK nTT.h. tuUNTI'53 PJPPPj---tpaiA' (r H it r!Raa . v XX . Sd.Pcmr VTv '53f x r. yx fc gs x .pjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjK.'B PJBtC.B ; i . . I w V- J ' ,f l :s vsen.i' ?"&& MK-S, t. P. CMITH THOMA MYLE5 V ?.' K St3WAT2,D l NI'.W VOHIC. April 211. - Plftecn million tlollarn lit the total nmoiiut to lie paid tiy ttie vnitoiiH life, nrrtdeiit ninl, timrlnei'isnrnnre ciimpnnleii ntfn roaiilt of tlui 1ob of tliu Titanic, nc- conllnij to entlmiiten nimlv by atl JiiHiem hero today. Tim marine roiniiaiili'H will have to nay two- thlnlH of thlH. Several American coiireriin (IoIiik all rliiHi'8 of liihiir ance IhimIiii'.sx nre jialil to lio hard lilt. All tin) marine liiHiirnnee was car ried abroad, lint the Amerlrnu com pauliHi are affecleil tlirotiKh rolnKiir anre. "Iimuraneo Field, " a trailo Journal pulillHlied lmre. KayH that the Titanic town aru uupnrallele( In the anualH of murine liiHiirnnre, and 's- tlmateH the inKxcts uh follewti: Arrldnt liiHiirame, L,2i:i000. Life liiHtirauco, JL". 1 0.1,000. Marine lumiraiii'o tnlilp), $5,000, 000. Murlun Insuranre (carRo), $i"i,. 000,1100. Total, fl 1. 100,000. MAJOR. Avriiur. 3 flNnLN ' ejv "?? J viTD m xmL. Kry ie survivor r'2AXSiN3i55 vvppl. wT "-on vxVnwNpjipB I llM.r V 1 PPPPPHI I f I H I X SSw&4fPy (III XXLV AMT''"' BppbvT 7 i'WO E ..11 i imm ; r ifmii HA ipppH QLIHOSE SHE RESCUE! DUY STRIKE THROUGH OFFER OF MEDIATION Railroad Manarjers In Session Today Considering Offer Made by Labor Commissioner Nell and Judqe Knapp of the Commerce Court. Hope of Settlement Held Out, Though Nothlnfl Definite Forthcomlnji as Yet. CALDEfSHEAD fV)f?'. r IOI. 'v ir-r ICHW ft THAYEFe.Ori BROTHER 110 BRUTAL MURDERS NEAR CORVALLIS RUSSIAN STEAMER MASONS TO CAST WREATHS IN SEA OHICAOO, April 2.'l. noarlnh tlto liiHcrlptlon "At rest rritiiulu n Kroat wreath wub sent from this city to Now York today to ho placod aboard a Hteamor of tho Wliito Star Idno and rant Into tho ma aB near iih poHHlhlu on tho spot whoro tho Riant llnor went down. Tho wroath wiih Kant by inoo motnlioru of Orlontal CoiiHlHtory of Miihoiih, tuid tho mom Iioih oxpreHod tho bollof that ovury MiihoiiIu IiiiIko In tho country will join In tho Idea. trniiHportliiK u Hhlp load of flowora to ho cant on tho wavoH, "TIiIh act In not ilono by MnsoiiH for brother MahoiiB," Hold OliarloH D, Warner, inuHtor of Porfootlou IimIro lioro. "It Is simply u trllmto of Orlontal COiiHltitory to mtuihooil." NEAR THE TITANIC HOTTKRDAM', April 'J!!. The enp tuiii of the steamer Itiinui, a K'ltssiau liner, plying helweon New York and Lilian admitted here today that his ve..sel was only IfiO miles difltaul from tho Tilunio when tho latter id ruck llm iecheru; hut claims ho was uiialilo to in to the. rescue hccniiKo of the ieefieldrt, TI10 eaplain said he attempted to eiielo to tho icebergs in an effort lo reach the Titnuio hut as ho wiik en onto Ihe Hiima't) wireless oncrator picked up the Carpathia's message tlml tlie liner had none down, i'OH VA US, Ore, April 23. A crowd nwirflowiiu; the court room gathered today to witncis I ho trial of George and William Humphrey, broth er, on a charge of inurdurinjj Mrs. Kl'un Oriflilh, near IMiilomath, Ore, .luiii) 2, 11)11. The I rial will ho hcaid liy Judec Harris. The brothers are alleged to have murdered three othcis beside Mrs. Griffith and Cluitlcs, tho younger and weaker In-other, has confeed lo those killings it is alleged. Tho bru tality and cruelty with which tho vic tims were murdered has Mm lied and nauseated the state, Tho brothers me alleged to have gone at ni"ht to tho homo of. Mr.s. Griffith, a neighbor nud after choking her with a mpo, attacked her. It is alleged thev then dragged her bodv to a millpiiml, a third of a mile nwn. ami disposed of it. Ransacking her house they obtained .f 1 1. William King, uiiolhor alleged vic tim, was the brother' stepfather. All lliiee men alleged to have been inuidoied by the Humphreys were neighbors. BOURNE THINKS JACKSONICOUNTY ' STARTS RIOT IN FOR ITS SUPPORT STREETS OF ZION NEW YORK, April 23. Tlio rail roads affected by the threatened strike of engineers accepted this af ternoon the offer of mediation made by Commissioner of Labor Charles Nelll and Presiding Judge Martin A. Knapp of tho commerce court. The conference will bo resumed tomorrow. WASHINGTON. D. C. April 2:1. Mail Tribune, MedlWd: Kindly ex press to the republicans of .laekson comity my sincere appreciation of their confidence in me as evidenced by primary vote, the same being dne to the opportunity vm furnished them in setting forth facts in contra vrtiou of malicious statements and misrep resentations contained so generally in the Oicgon pros. JONATHAN' BOURNE, Jr. CHAMBERLAIN IS COUNTY CHOICE VICE-PRESIDEN !T CONVICT INVENTS CONBOY SENTENCED TO SIMPLE CALENDAR THREE YEARS IN PRISON SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., April 23. Kormer Police Captain Mlchnol J. Conboy was today sentenced to throe. years lu San Qiioutlu poultoatlary for tho murder of Dernnrd Lagan. Sen tence was Imposed by Superior Jifdgo Sargont, Conboy was convicted "" of mauHlaughtor at his fifth trial, tho othera having resulted In dsagroo-moutH, SACRAMKNTO, Cal.. April 23, A calendar which can bo used for 150 years and which Is more Minnie than any yearly calendar now lu uso has been completed today by James P. West, a prisoner In Kolsoin stato poultoatlary, nflor four years of cou Htuut labor. Wllllum 1. Day, of tho prison commission, has boon entrust ed by West to secure a pntont. West was sontoncod to seven yonrs for a crlmo committed lu 1007, Ho. worked on lilit Idea nlBhts nftor n hurd day's labor lu tho rock quarry, ' DISASTER TO STEAMER OFF OREGON IS DENIED SAN FRANCISCO, April 211. Tho Marino Kxohungo this nftornoon hero denied any knowledge of a reported accident to tho stoamor Mayfair off the coast of Oregon. The report stat ed that tho Mayfair was nicked tin off Capo lJliinco by the steamer Raymond, The Mayfair is live days out from Sail Pod to. and tho Raymond two days out Iroin tlto same port, both bound for Willapa, Wash. Sonator George E. Chamberlain has been nominated for vice presi dent of the United States by tho democrats of Jnrkeon county, some 60 voters having written in his name on the ballot. Official count Is In progress of tho democratic vote in the county clerk's office Tuesday, The count shows no material chnnges from tho unofficial count. Democrats have nominated Robt. G. Smith of Josephine fqr congress, Clarence L. Realties of Medford for Joint representative nud George Robec of Jacksonville by writing their names on tho ballot. The nftlclnl count gives Wilson 170 Tor prosldont, Champ Chirk 35S, Harmon 21, Wilson's plurality I IS. MoDonough's vote for assessor was 783 against 375 for Barnard. Jones, for shorltf, led the ticket with a vote of 70S, and Judge- 13. E. Kelly was second with n vote of CC0 for prosecuting attorney. Ton Velio rocolved 518 votes for county Judgo and Nell 281, The voto oa sonator stoed: Coahow 3 Hi, Lane 200, Pietco 2G3. OKLAHOMa"0ITY, Okla.. Anrll 22. Several thousand prominent rop- rosontutlvea of tho rotall Ki-ocerv trade throughout the United Statos havo arrived In Oklahoma City for tho annual convention of their nation al ussoclntloi CHICAGO, Apul 2:i. Two travel ers who alighted from a Chicago and .North Western 'nun with cigars in their mouths, in violation of the "no smoking" order of the late Alexander Howie, are le.sponsihle for scenes nf. disorder itrevaibtig in Zion Citv to day. Riotiue- in which Actio? Mnvnf Miller was. soundly thrashed and scores of others hmt has caused the "prophet's city" to be turned into an armed camp, patrolled by 50 heavily armed men. The trouble was started when 300 "orusador.s" marched to the depot. eied the two cigar puffing strang ers and dragged them through the streets to the police station, singing "We're Ma rolling Onward to Zion." When they demanded that tho men he arrested Mayor Miller came out prill ed with a heavy cane and attempted to take Ihe prisoners from the mob, and the iiot was on. WASHINGTON D.'C, April 23. Alleged torture of American citizens Uu-Maxieo Is described in dispatches received here from Galveston, Texas, where 47 passengers, all but one cit izens of rtie United States, have ar rived from Vera Cruz on tho steamer Texas. Many Americans, the refu gees reported, have been assassinated by Mexican troops and their lands and furniture seized. There were only four or five trunks In the par ty, the clothing and other personal effects of most of the refugees hav ing been seized. The announcement from Mexico City that President Madero has ap pointed Senor Calero, former Mexi can minister of foreign affairs, to succeed Senor Marlnez Crespo as am bassador to the United States has caused much astonishment In official circles here. Only a few days ago In reply to the United States note of warning that American lives and property in Mexico must be protected Calero practically told the state de partment officials to attend to their own business, adding hat Mexico was fully aware of Its rights and Its obli gations under the luw of nations. NEW YORK. April 23. The rail road managers are in session at their headquarters here today. The mediation offer made bv La bor Commlasloner Nell and Judge Knapp of the commerce court has caused a stay In the proceedings of the engineers, who had decided to go on strike for an 18 per cent wage increase and .other concessions. While nothing definite can be promised until the session of railroad heads Is over, It Is hoped that somo sort of settlement will be arrived at. ILEN OUTLAWS PLACED ON TRIAL STEAD'S SPIRIT BUSY SENDING MESSAGES PITTSUURO, April 23. That Wil liam T. Stead, the British journalist and occult investigator, who iierisliod on tho Titanic, has already commun icated from the world of shades was declared hero today at the convention of Pennsylvania spiritualists, by Mrs, Mary Feldman of Carriole, Pa. Mrs, Feldman declared she had chatted with Stead yesteiday. "Ho is happy and preparing to conimuni cato with us more fully," she said. LOCOMOTIVE BLOWS UP KILLING THREE OF CREW ELKO. Nov.. Anril 21!.-Three men are dead today as tho result of tho o.plosioii of a looomotivo on the top of Antelope Hill, J 4 miles west of Winnemucca. Nothing was loft . f tho engine evoent tho ruunimr ironr. and tho three men virtually woro blown to pieces. Telegraph wires ill) feet distant wero hrokou by tho cou ousslon. The dead are! James Casoy, engineer: Fred Render, lireman. and James Crosby, brakemnn. Crosby is a son-in-law of Judge William Ronii - field of Winnemucca. FIFTY-FOUR DEAD IN CYCLONES WAKE HILLSVILLE, Va., April 23, Six members of tho Allen outlaw clan were arraigned In tho Carrol county courthouse here today to answer for tho killing on March 14 of Judge Thornton Masslo, .tho county prose cutor, sheriff, a Juror and a spectator. The prisoners Included Floyd Allen. upon whom sentence was about to bo pronounced when tho shooting be gan; Claude and Victor Allen, his sons, and his nephews, Sldna Ed wards and Byrd Marlon. All are charged with first degree murder.. Attorneys for the defense admit ted today they will attempt to place tho responsibility for all the shoot ings on Sldna Allen and Wesley Ed wards, the only two members of tho gang now free. It will bo alleged that Floyd and Claude Allen mav have fired In tho excitement, but that Sldna Edwards, Byrd Marlon and Victor Allen did no shooting nt nil. CHICAGO. April 23. Fifty-four persons killed, two hundred injured and .f."00,000 property is tho total work of destruction by tho cyclone which swept over Indinnn and Illinois Sunday, as authentically reported here today. Seventeen others are re ported killed at Marion, III., which town is isolated as a result of the tearing down of wires and other dam- ago to communication done by the storm. The towns of Rush and Willisvillo, 111., and Morocco, Ipd were nlnioM completely destroyed. The known deiui are: At liiisti ja; wiiusviiie a; Campus 3; Murphysboro 3; Freeman 3; Low ell, lud. 3; Sheldon, 111. 2; Hamilton County 1; Kankakee 1; West Frank fort 8; Morocco, lud. I); Marion (un- coutirmed) 17. BANK TELLER CONFESSES TO TAKING SIX THOUSAND LOS ANOELKS, April 23. Morril P. Level, former toller of the All- Night tuid Day bank, jointly charged with his brother Ellis. E. T.ovol with omborcloniont of $0,000 of tho bank's funds, has nmdo u complete copfe sion, nccordiner to tho nolico todav. tlllll IWAIIAIIIlllJ lit.. .....,.. f. ... i 1. Ellis, ICEBERGS HINDER TITANIC RESCUE ST. JOHNS, N. F April 23. In a statomont Issued here today Captain Moore of tho Canadian Pacific liner Mount Temple declared that at 3:30 Monday morning, bofore tho Cur pathla had found the Titanic 8ur Iv ors, ho was near tho Tltanlc's posi tion. Ho said ho received tho Tl tanlc's distress calls and started to the rescue. The Mount Tomplo arrived on tho scene at 4:30 a. in., according to Captain Mooro, but on account of tho huge cakes of Ice which dotted tho ocean he was compelled to stop until daylight. Ho saw tho Curpathlu at, C o'clock, across tho Icefields, Also he saw tho stoamor California, Tho Carpathia said that she need ed no help. Captuln Mooro declared, and the Mount Temple proceeded on hor course. Submarine for Mexico WASHINGTON, April 23. Tim navy department denied reports cur rent hero that u cruixor uonvnyiuK Hiibumrines bad boon sunt to ihe wet coast Of Mexico.