', mm ' j i Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hlii'mori, Mnx.f fVl! Mill., Itl. livcl., .10 -K k sfZ"(! wfe 4-V I'- .4. - t p t v- t4 u ff ? , 1 i V t A i ji rf J ,M ? t V I'orlv-iiri'oiiil Yeiir fully -HfiMMlli Vonr HUB RS JOHN .UACOO ACTOR, JOHN jaco AmrOfc., FIFTY BODIES OF VICTIMS OF Cable Ship Mackay Dennett, Which Was Sent Out Equipped With Cof fins to Search Sea for Victims is Successful. Southwest Squall Interfered With Operations Wireless Message From Rescue Ship Dated Sunday. NKW YOKK, Apiil U'J. The cable hhip Mnokiiy llonnotl, which was soul l Cipiippi'd witli IMll'lillH lit Soni'l'll for the bodio nf icliins til' Ilio Ti tiiniii disnsler, wiiolossotl tlm White Slur t!iniiiuiiy lnihiy ns follews: "Latitude .11.,-II, loiigiluiu I0.-JI -Heavy biMilhwuMl Mipinll interfered with operations. Fifty bodies it - erod. Can only bring embalmed bod ies In pint," Tim imjnbiiuo wnrt ilalt'il Sunday mill it Ih hcliuvutl that a mmilior of hiMlicri iif tlio Titanio vit'linis hao al ready heoii hiuiod IV11111 Iho MacUiiy lli'iini'lr. FROST DOES NOT DAMAGE FRUIT CROP DeHpllu wiiruliiKrt of fniHt iho toiu peraturo did not go liolow lit) aa wliiiro In Iho vulloy Buiuluy nljjht, tlii)iit;li uiiiiiiIko pntH wuii) lit In miv eral onihunlH. A houvy front wiih tliipoHltoil iIiii'Iiik tho niiht, hut a tlrlpiiIiiK fK followoil. No ilmmiKu Ih roportotl. Tho rainfall to ditto for tho koiihou Ih 1(1.10 liichoH, for jiAi'll il,7 Intilum, Tho niliifiill for April 11 your m;o wiih 1 'J II inuhoH, PrudlotloiiH 1110 or Bhawurs Mon day nnd TiioHdity, ppppppppppppppppppppppHT Ji""'' &tUPrS . ttR t ffhJl BPbBiBImB? Ji BL MBttBfa3ttBr J A, n t j .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL VjTBFBBBKJWBBiBIBBBjJcgrw smmr -JBBtt jBvBB wWAx T TiTSJBBflMBBBBMCBJBBMJkBMBBBBBBBBBBM.JlK.,' LjiBBT BBBBBE AN N OF FIFTY VICTIMS FROM KK ZZ&g& : ? - ( -) rr-'vnr or thl: titanic. ArrpANorn S-rvi 7?g2nsKH&s fI-iCJSIfy sr - CAPTAIN AvK.CHI!VL.D W tMJTT ISMAY CHIEF E Wl T Says Ho is Willinu to Testify nnd Would Have Volunteered if Not Sunpoenaed Draws Salary of $105,000 as Head of Company. Cannot Comprehend Senate Inquiry and Wishes to Return at Once to Dear Old Lunnnn. SV.W VomC. April aJ. .1. llriiuf iMiiuy, iiiniiiiiii directtir of tho Whiti) Star line, i to bo onu of tlio principal Mtnohen in tho fodoral prolio ol' tho Titanio iliati'r, llo says ho it willinu to tehlify and would hao Ichlilifil ovuii if not Hiilipoouaeil, l.t'aiiint,' apiiimt n inaulelpieeo in Iho Waldiuf Astoria hotel, i ua eliar aeterihtin )ioso, liu talked freely io Iho United I'iohm eonehpondenl jiiht heforo leuiin; J'or Washington. mav talKn wiih his head lilted luiok, viewing his lisleuor as from a Ki-eat height, llin attiiiulo is that of a man who Iiiih been used to looking down upon his listeners. Ho has passed his life amou biihortlinatos, lias Isiuay, from tho days when ho first went abroad with an ICukIIsIi nurse until, now, when ho eoiumamls Iho Heels and fiunueos of (ho Inler uulional Merehaul Marino and a Hill ary of :ifi,A(IO pound slorliii; a your and ho displays tho results of his I raining, Ho does not seek sooinl eoutaut with those with whom ho inilit per haps lOKard as his etpials, as is iudi ealeil hy tho fuel that tlospilo his 1(),0(MI,0(I0 pounds reputed wealth . 1 ()0,00),0(H) American money, ho is a member of but one olub tho ltofiuiu. Dafflod by Inquiry. "f cannot uudurbluiul thin neiml (Contlnuod on Pnno Two.) N VEIN MEOFOIll), TITANIC NEWS WITHHELD FOR WIRELESS GRAFT "Keep Your Mouth Shut Hold Stor ies for Dollars In Four Fiqurcs, Marconi Aijrecino," Was Messa.qe Sent to All Marconi Operators. Committee Tryinq to Fix Responsibil ity for 'Mlslcadliifi News Reoardlnq Safety of Vessel and Crew. WASHINGTON', April aa. "Keep your months shut. Hold stories for dollars in four figures, Jlureoni uki'uuiiik: "I meet you at tlio (look. This tuoHMigi', alleged to havo boon sent to all Mareoni wireless operator by Chief Operator V. T. Sanuuis of tho Mnxooni syslem iu New York, re sulting in tho people of tho two eonti ueuls beintc racked with anxiety nnd Xi'iof eoiieeraiu the fate of tho pas sengers of tho wrecked Titunio will ho mndo tho subject of a sonrohinx investigation by tho senate Titanio coininitteo which resumed its invesli Kiitiou into the disiisler hero today.' Vice I'lesiileut 1'. A. Franklin of tho Wliito Star line, testified hoforo tho committee, lie admitted that someono in Iho While Star office ini'lit havo issued tho statement given out hist Monday that the Titanio pas senders and crey wero safo, but ho disavowed responsibility for tho ro poit. View l'jesiilenl Franklin niliuillod Mint ho know Jronday that Iho Gar- pathia had picked up twenty life boats tilled will) passenger but that ho did not publish it "because it was not mithentio." Not until (1:110 Monday ho said, was a sufficiently authentic, tuossago leeeived to warrant publica tion of Iho Titnuio's loss, "The first wo hoard that fsmay was (Couttnuod on Page 7 wo.) 'M.VJOV, MONDAY, APRIL LJ2, 1D12. HUfD I TREBLE TAFT'S VOTE NEBRASKA Roosevelt Has. More Votes by Fifty Per Cent Than La Follettc and President Combined Clark Ahead of Wilson and Harmon Toflcther. Conness Norrls Has 5000 Plurality Over Senator Brown for Senatorial Nomination Insiirrjents Strong. OMAHA, Neb. April 22. Com ploto returns heio from 1100 pre cincts out of KS00 show that Theo dore Uoosovell polled more, votes In tho Nebraska presidential preference primary than President Tuft and Senator ha Follotto combined. Speaker Chirk, aspirant to tho demo cratic presidential nomination, also ran away alien! of both Govornor Wilson and Governor Judson Har mon of Ohio. With- 700 precincts missing tho vote Mauds: Theodoro lloosevolt, ti4,Ci0t; Pros Idont Tart, U.iliS; Senator La Vol lotto, ll.r.13; Sneaker Clark 11,729; Governor Harmon, 9945; Govornor Woodtw Wilson, 959C. Congressman Norrls' plurality ovor Senator Brown for tho repub lican bouatorlal nomination Is 0000, THREE KILLED WHEN RAIL CAR OVERTURNS FIU:SNO, Cub, April aa. Three moil were killed at Shurpsvillo, near horo today, when a onrloadod' with steel rails upon winch thoy wuro rid w overturuetl. Thero wore five men on tho ear, which was on tho tracks of Mm San Jimvqtun Kastorn railroad now being built. Ono of tho dead was an employo of tho company, tlio othora 6tranc;ora, OF TITANIC I 0 1 0 HEAD IN 36 HOURS Fifty Thousand Engineers Employed on Railroads East of Chicago, and North of Ohio River Will Be Out at Once Unless Favorable Action. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Neil and Judge Knapp Try to Avert Menace. NHW YOKK, April 22. A flat ro fiibal by tho managers of tho big railroads oust of Chicago ami north of tho Ohio rlvor to accodo to tho de mand of tho engineers for an 19 per cent Increase in wages was imulo liete Into this afternoon after a conference hibtlng throughout ,tho day. It Is expected that Grand Chief Wurron S. Stono of tho Brotherhood of I.ocomo tlvo Hnglneers will ordor tho- engi neers out within tho next 2 1 hours. NICW YOKK, April 22. Unless an agreement Is reached by 3: SO o'clock this aftornoou, when tho armistice oxplros, C0.000 engineers employed 011 tho big railroads east of Chicago and north of tho Ohio rlvor will bo ordered out 011 a strike within 36 hours. Tho chief offlcora of tho Brother hood of l.ocoinotlvo Engineers and tho representatives of tho railroads uro conferring soparatoly horo today, tho formor at tho Broadway Gontral hotel and tho lattor in tho Hudson terminal building, but according to roports emanating from thouo sourc os hopo of an amlcablo sottloinont of tho difficulty Is faint. Tho bono of contention Is a flat demand by tho onglnoors for an 18 por cont Incroaso In wges( tho standardization of rune and extra (Contlnuod 011 Pugo 6.) T" Iff K BY TORNADO IN Cyclone Sweeps Two States, Rcduc fno Towns to Piles of Wreckage Bush, Murphysboro, Willisville, Illi nois and Morocco, Indiana Suffer. More Complete News Expected to In crease List of Fatalities Property Loss Exceeds $500,000. ST. LOLTIS, Mn., Anril aa. Thirty persons nro known to Uo dund today as a' result of tho violent tornado which swept Illinois and Indiana, Sunday, beside tlioso who perished nt Hu-h, III., which was, reduced to a pilo of wreckage. Details from Hush are expected to add ton or i'iftecu to the death toll. The known dead include six .t lurphysboro', seven at Willisville and eight in tho district between Bush and West Frankfort. Ten employes of the Iron Mountain railroad at Hush arc believed to havo been fatally injured. They are being brought to tho Missouri Pacifio rail road hospital. Tho roundhouse at Hush was demolished and forty cars blown over. A niessago filed at Bush last night arrived horo today, estimating the dead thero at ten and (ho injured at 100. At Morooco, lnd., niuo persons nro dead and 30 injured, 011.0 fatally, Tho daiuago is about $500,000. Tho tor nado wrecked tho homo of Charles K'ice, killing Kico and .seven members of tho family. Two women in nearby houses wero killed, Tho pafh of tho tornado was 1100 foot wide, and narrowly missed the homo of Oeorgo Ado, tho humorist and playwright, nt Hazoltoii, It is- reported that three persona nro dead and sovon injured nt Cam- N N NA No. 20. UP AT SEA RAILROAD M N ARE PLEASED BY IE General Manager Campbell and Gen eral Freight Agent Lotinsbury of Southern Pacific Promise to Send Experts for Investigation. Railroad Chiefs Express Surprise at Large Amount of Development Work Done. Surprised at the amount of (level opmeiit work done at the Blue Ludgu and by the largo amount of tonnage in sight, not alone from mines but from the agricultural sections be tween this city nnd Hluy Ledge, Gen eral Manager Campbell of tho South ern Pacific and Ucnurttl Freight Agent Lounsbury returned Sunduy afternoon from a trip (o tho mine with promises to look further into tho proposition of a railroad from Medford to the Hhio Ledgo. The two railroad men made tho trip to tlio Illuo Ledge ncoompnniud by Dr. J. F. Roddy nnd A. S. Rionbaum. Kadi of tho railroad men expressed himself an surprised nt tho amount, of work done at tho liluo Ledgo and at the largo amount of tonnage in bight, Thoy promised to investigate ihu unit tor further, "Thero is no doubt," stnlod Dr. J. F. Itcddy this morning, "but that Medford can look to tho Souther) Pacific for assistauoo in building tin lino. Tho ofi'iuials of tho road wor well pleased and havo prouilHQd it further investigation," 4 OSGOOD pus, 111,, pour KwimUe, a mnU of tho tornado. NNA FOUND .. -V- ft.U "".rrl ' -.. jf ' ti rf