$. '1 l' ' pXge eigiit arEDFORD matl tribune, medford. oreoon. Saturday, 'aprtt; 20, 1012. . . i ii. , . . .i K . i . . .i NEW YORK SOCIETY MEN IN MR AGAINST HIGH COST OF LIVING EASTERN LEAGUE BECOMES A BREID SUM HALL AM National. PHILADELPHIA, April 20-Ti'iiic ly hittitij liy Hoslon boat tho 1'hilHcs i'odny, fi to 1. Holli Perdue mid .Sen ton pitched piod bnll. Scere: K. 11. 1). Boston f 8 2 Philadelphia I 7 1 Batteries: Perdue and Kliiur; Sea ton nnd Graham. Umpire: Klem and Nu-h. PITTSnUHO, April 20. St. Louis was completely ut the meroy of Cam- nitR today, nnd tho Pirates won eas ily, 7 to 0. Scere: K. II. F. St. Louis 0 7 I PijMure 7 11 I) Batteries; Harmon, Dale and BlKs: Cnninitz and Gibbon. Umpires: .lolinMeni: nnd Knson. SAX FRANCISCO. April 20. To day's line-up: Los Angeles Hownrd 2b, Berber , Daley of, Heitmuller rf, Dillon lb, Metper :ib, Core If, Smith e, Chech p. Onklnnd Cook , Henrd 2b. Hoff mnu If, Coy rf, Zneber of. Helling Jib, Sharpe lb, Mitze e, Daibin p. Umpires :jreQrcevy and Merle.. POULTRY E-L'VlNG M5M 1 WASHINCTCM MAVlkfeT. it. MRS. FIOWA SPlEGr.L&ERG 5 MPJS CHAPUS HIQST 3. MPS WILUAM GRANT BROWSE l;it?S EU7A A CURX ' Manv MH..I-1.V uo.ncu in New oik,imler the auipl.vs of Hie IIuummi I o.imie. Imvp eulhled the alii of Mayor tint nor in the ern-uli- tixnliiM Hie iiikIi ut of llvlnp. Mim of Hie markets In the elt.t arc tWh'd ami a com. jurlsoii initdy, of ine rli i!un:i ror romNiuiTs Iiu-Montullx, Inspection U uiu.lc of nil weights nml measures nstd in the sale of f-t-t Iffl CAPTAIN SIGNALS FROM TITANIC CALLING FOR HELP IGNORED OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LKGK. Corvallis. Ore.. April 20. "Thero has been an enormous in crease in the production of curs and poultry in the state in tho past two oars, but in spite of this the demand has far exceeded tho supply, and prices are still as high as ever," said Prof. James Dryden of the Oregon Agricultural college in discussing the object of the present tour of the demonstration car bent out over the Southern Pacific lines by the college. "Jf the farmers of Oregon would keep, on an average, 100 hens Instead of about GO, It would shut out the imports and add $-1,000,000 or 5. 000,000 a year to the wealth or the state. 'Tho purpose of tho demonstration car is to stimulate a greater produc tion of poultry and eggs. The quick j est and best way Is to increase the flocks of the farmers rather than to have poultry-keepers start large egg farms. The demand cannot be met by tho establishment of large, ex clusively poultry farms. If the gen eral farmer goes out of the egg pro ducing business there will soon be an egg famine possibly a serious finan cial panic. "Though thero aro opportunities for profit along special lines in poultry-keeping, tho market for special ties is limited, and it would be folly to advlfio everyone to go Into special lines. I am free to confess that we have kept more people out of the ex clusive poultry business than have gone into it as at exclusive business. I havo received great numbers of let ters during the past year from all parts of the state as well as from oth er states, In which the writers stated that they were going into tho poultry business on a large scale, and a large majority of them said they knew no thing of tho business. Ounplaln duty was to advise caution. If every one of them had gone Into the business as they intended and invested their ill in It, it is safe to say that thero would have been thousands of dollars lost In every county of tho state, and tho poultry business would have received HAD NO LIFE BELT XKW YORK. April !0. Dccribin. the scene of the Titanic' inkin Wireless Operator McBride testified: "The Inst boat wa- not ready fo launching when the Titanic settled be low the water', nnd it was washed overboard. I juuiped for it. When the boat wiine to the .surface it was overturned. Thirty-live or forty men villus to it, and I was tlu lat one to get aboard. "Dozen of others were swimming about the boat, begging to be let aboard. All wore lifebelt. They fought to get aboard but wero not allowed to do -o. "The Int I saw of Captain Smith was when he went overboard ironi the bridge. He juuiKd just us I reached the boat. He wore no life belt. "This was about five minutes be fore the last of the Titanic disap peared. Practically speaking, the captain sunk with the veel. "The whole ship was under water almost to the funnels. Then the stern ro;e out of the water and she slid down, fore and nfter. There wa- lit tle suction. I was swimming about 1.10 feet away wlien she sank and felt practically no Miction." TWENTY LIVES LOST IN MISSISSIPPI FLOOD (Continued from Page 1.) did not copy it in mv book, although I sent a copy to the headquarters on the bridge. Whether the captain re ceived it or not 1 do not know, it told of tjirce great heigs in certain latitude mfd longitude which do not remember." DlMivss Signal Unheeded. Bride testified that the (lennan liner Frankfort was the firt to nn swer the distress call, the Frankfort's operator sent u me-sage, asking: "Want's the mutter" Phillips was indignant and seizing (he key snapped eut: 'You damned fool I' Frankfoit asked: 'Will we stand by?' Phillip-- gate tho Titanic' position and asked for the Frankfort's posi tion. She refused to give it. Phillips tried several times to get her position, but she would not answer. Each Jtime she answered '.stand by' we heard nothing more of her." ALLENTOWN. Pa.. April IS. The annual meeting of tho Pennsyl vania division of the Travelers' Pro tective association convened hero to day with an attendance of delegates from the local poses throughout the state. Tho sessions will continue over tomorrow. EDEN PRECINCIT X C, Carey of North Talent was de livering a flno lot of early cabbage plants at Medford Wednesday. llertle Stnncllffe of PhoonK was In Medford Thursday. Rev. A. K. Hervoy or tho Chris tian church of Phoealx was In Tal ent Wednesday. Mrs. J. D. Henry of North Talent spent Wednesday In Medford. Mrs. John Turnbnw has been quite ill the last fotv ilajs. J. E. Roberta was appointed one of the Judges or the primaries at Phoe nix. W. S. Stanclirr was ono or tho clerks at Phoenix primaries Friday. Mrs. J. K. Roberts of North Tal ent was doing tradlag In Medford on Thursday. James Allen of'North Talent at tended the speaking by La Uolletto In Medford Thursday. North Talent ifeslns to feel Im portant over hnvlng been selected for tho experiment Btatlon, tho $30,000 county poor farm already being lo cated there. It is well Known thnt the richest farming land in tho vat ley Is in thnt section. NKW YORK, April 20.- Mis Mar lou White, n xuvthor of tho Tititnlo wivek, was uinrrled he-re loduy to Ar thur Woloott, mi apple rnuelior of Cosgrove, Or. Tim Oregouiun heard of tho disaster nt Buffalo while en route to meet his hiide-eleet nnd from Tuesday to Thursday was til most innd from anxiety concerning her fnle. Mrs. W'olcolt homo i ut Yeoville, Somurselshiie. England. MISS HAYS TO ADOPT CHILDREN FROM WRECK XKW YORK, April 20.-MiR Mar garet Hay, one of the survivors of Ihe liner Tilniiie, probably will adopt two 'French childicn whose father committed them to her care aboard the Titanic, it is said today. The father polished. The childicn ur' two and four vein's old. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho mercantile huslnenH heretofore con ducted by tho uudurslguml, 1 W. Gray and H, N. Moo. under tho firm namo and tlo of Gray & Moe. has by mutual agi cement been dlHsolved, F. W. Gray retiring. All persons owing tho said Gray & Moo are here by directed to pay said account to tho firm of II. N. Moo & Company, the said accounts having been assigned unto said firm. F W. GRAY, 11. N. MOE. Medford. Ore., April 20, 1 112. Drink Habit HEMAKI.E HOME TREATMENT The ORRINE treatment for tho Drink Habit can bo used with abso lute confidence. It destroys all do slro for whiskey, beer or other alco holic stimulants. Thousands havo successfully used It and havo been re stored to lives of sobriety and useful ness. Can bo given nccrotly. Costs only II 00 per box. if you fall to gut results from ORRINE after a trial your money will bo refunded. Ask for free booklet telling all about OR RINE. Leon W. Hnsklns, E. Main. IMjM4M VICKBURG, Miss., April 20. That 20 lives were lost in n flood which swept Bolivar county, Mississippi, as n result of the bursting of the dvkes near Beaulnb, Mis., is report ed here today. The report is unconfirmed. alfh wsmm V(jfM heFs a black eye. "Poultry-keeping Is not a difficult business unless wo make It so. Jf conducted along sane, common-sense lines, thero is profit In It. Tho two points on which special emphasis is luld In tho demonstration car arc focdlng for eggs and housing. Egg rations aro on display, feeding charts show results of experiments, breed ing charts hliow results of breeding for eggs, different grades and qual ities of eggs aro exhibited, marketing possibilities aro demonstrated, and tho equipment for successful hatch ing and brooding of chicks Is dis played. Tho walls of tho car are coveted with signs and charts contain ing lessons In practical poultry-keeping, "A "knockdown'' colony house Is takou along and set up outside tho rnr at cuch stop. "Wlillo chickens may bo mudo to dp well In different houses, it may no said In favor of tho colony Bystom and froo rango thut there s no noted poul try district In tho United Stutes where poultry-keeping has boon permanently Hiiccessful, where tho colony system was not followed, Tho colony house, moreover, was tho house usod at tho Oregon Experiment Station last year for tho hens that mado tho highest egg records avor mado In tho United 8 tut os BO.far as official or authentic record is concerned, Tho domonstra tori) on tho car oiplaln how thoso heim wero housed and cared for, and answer any questions as to their feed li ml Jreatuient." "Women who bear children and r main healthy are those who preparo their systems in adranco o? baby's coming. Unless thn mothnr nlrln I nature in its pre-natal work tho crlala finds her system unequal to tho de mands made upon it, and oho is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy Is so truly a help to nature as Mothor'B Friend. It relieves tho pain and discomfort caused by tho strain on tho ligaments, makes pliant thoso fibres and musclca which natuiols expanding, and soothes tin inflammation of breast glands. Mother's Friend assures a Bpeedy and complete recovery for tho mother, TMT.,tfl-vV and sbo is left a iHOInCFS healthy woman to art .. enjoy tho rear- jDrldlfl Ing of her child. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our frco book for expectant mothers. PRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AtUtt, Cu 04000?000O0 SOUTH AMERICA "We have several of the latest and host books on South American conn- fiMrtc 'Plincn nn rkii iu V C 4V.7 a llUOl tit J WJ.J (iir provnl for a couple of days only. Medford Book Store KXfOOOOOOO f r f t t T ? ? t T ? t T t t t t f T t t T T T t t y f t T t T t T Only The Iron Is Hot Even the mistress of the home enjoys pressing of the ruf fles with an ELEC TRIC IRON. Ask the women who are using Electric Irons Every woman in Medford who has used an ELECTRTC IRON will toll you of its wonderful conveniences, its satisfactory work and the labor-saving im provement. Use tin Electric Iron and avoid EXCESSIVE HEAT OBNOXIOUS GASES BURNED MENTS UNEVEN TEMPERATURES GAR- arc I M" .I' ' t t T t t T f f f t f T ? T t f f t J T J J The Electric Tron is a Time stiver, a Money saver and a Health saver. Wv have at this time a limited number of General Electric Irons which absolutely O. K., and will do as good work as any iron on tho market. These Irons are a little on the "Old Style" or der, but op .long as they last tho price is $2.00 California Oregon Power Co. T I m r-Hh V m W j J : &&&?t?X?frl Successors to Rogue River Electric Company s H ' mj A Union I f Suit that-; 1 I 11 I V J II tvVp:apin the scat, ; P 1 I fill l'Klt can't 'in in if iff thc crotch! Wil W$il iitvcsc(ou&ewear Ml i'M where the wear is wfll Ij'i-srS hardest; U ht', , that always fits per """"'"" , fectly. All Styles All Sizes All Fabrics Get it today for Summer comfort $1 to $5 Daniels for Duds The Quality Store 7th & Central Here everywhere in the frozen north in the fever ridden swamps of the tropics they look to me for aid. To the invalid, the convalescent, die old, the. infirm, I give real helpful service. A little of me goes a long way. Crn N'ohle, pare ami nlil, W. T. Vnn Krhujter K Co., Oen'l. AKi'iitN, I'ortlnnil !..' . i . i ' W,-J1 "JJ1 ' " !f tH f ! I "VALLEY FARM" I A hViur Act Drama Given by the JUNIOR GUILD OF ST. Mf RK'S CHURCH FRIDAY, APRIL 26 AT MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE I Seats at Haskins 50c, 75c, and $1.00 I I I IfHtH llltllMI 4lftHH I 1 1 1 M I II I i ( Two lots in Spokane, Wash., to exchange for Medford property. t .!' ' !' V MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. M. F, & H. Go. Both Phones NU I k