t QBBg MiaKFOTtl) MAITJ TRTBTJNE, M13DIT0KD, OTflSClON, BATORDAY. WPRTTi 20, 1912. j ss 11 fe COURT HOUSE NEWS MiiitIhko Licenses i:. Ii, Uurtou mul Madallno Ilnlo. Probata Mutaio of Ell K. Andor'son Order providing allowntico for family. Kftlnto . of Ilouocca Kpslcston In VciUory nnd Appraisement filed show ing cstnto valued at 120,232. IS. Estato of Elisabeth Stownrt Soml-nnnutil account filed and ap proved. EBtnto of Martha A. Brooks Semiannual account filed and ap proved. Efltnto of Martha A. Brooks Semi annual account filed nnd approved. Estato of Walter C. Gardner Or Uor netting May 31, 1912, as day tor final settlement. Estate of John McN'abb Order ap pointing C "V. McDonald guardian dr Knthcrlnc Irono McN'abb and John Arthur McN'abb. Estato of John McN'abb Order to Issuo citation. Xcw Cn-ses, Minnie Selbcrt vs. John B. Selbert fllilt for divorce. G. C. McAllister, at torney for plaintiff. Augusta L. Eggleston vs. .Edgar tyorrlron hllncr ct nl., application "to forocloso tax lien. G. C. McAllister, attorney for plaintiff. Ileal Estate Transfers L. J. Pierco to 'M.' C. Lining. property in Ashland Lena Stollo to Lllllc M. Allen, land in sec. 1C, twp. 36, 4W. U. S. to J. B. Walker, 1C0 acres 10 SOO In twin 33, 2W. Patent S. T. Howard to Lydla Sp.inos, property In Medford 10 "W. W. Von der Hellcn to Grace C. Chlldreth, lot 30, tilk. G, Contral add. Eagle Point... J. B. Piatt tb Martha G. Piatt, 1 land in sec 3, twp. 37, 3V. 8. Gorth to O. E. Truman, land In sec 34, twp. 32, 2E 190 100 10 P. R. Xcll, administrator, to Mary A. Fry, land in sec 31, twp. 37, 2V 430 J. Prader to Sarah J. Dozier, property on Xutley street, Ashland Sarah J. Dozier to John Prader, 160.43 acres in twp. 35, 2V. It. L. Burdlc to G. S. Butler, lots 9, 10 and 11, Mountain View add., Medford 10 10 10 C. S. Sanderson to Anna M. Sanderson, lot 15, Constant's add., Central Point 2300 Lula I. Dean to W. It. Bagley. 7& acres in twp. 38, 1'.. V. Ulrich to V. L. Chlldreth, lot 1, Ulrich. add.. Eaglp joint 10 200 T. E. Nichols to W. L. Chll dreth, 1 1-3 acres In Eaglp Point .' 150 S. V. Davis to C. B. Brown, lot 14, bile. 1, Highland Park add., Medford 1.0 Emily Ii. Carpenter to H. A. llanscom, lots 1 and 2, blk. 70, Medford C. H. Murrey to 3Iary X. Wright, lot 22, blk. 1, Tut tle's Second add., Medford. Jcnnlo G. Jones to P. E. Con way, prpperty In Ashland., . . C. E, Carpenter to Stephen Tobin, laud In sec. ,21, twp. 35, 1V. r... '..,.'.. J. Thrasher to G. T. Thrasher, property in It. It. addition, Phoenix '. '..1. JmueK Leslie to Mary Leslie, , lot (i, Blk. J, Knrregau's add. lo Medford C. D. Filler In 15onil of IUcdIk Agr. College, laud in I). L. C. Howard 11. Stearns to Federal Tel. Co.. land in D. L. C. 50, Join; V. McDonald to Frank If. KiiiKole, laud in twp. :7, '2E. : E. Ii. irunloy to M. F. Iluuley, jwwer of attorney .'... J. S. lianictt to C. W. Shurpe, 10 acres iii twp. .'17, 2W Hoy . IteoriM to W. M. Gor hani ct al., lot .j, blk. 1, Gar ner Subiii's aild. Woodvillo 10 100 10 8250 420p 8000) 200 11. II. Harris, trustee, to U. F. Piatt, guardian, loin 3 and 4, Davis hubdivihion of lot 12, 1)1 lc u, Qullaway's add., Medford J U. S. to Hurt W, rieud, 100 acrtjs iu twp. H ? E Patent Ous Newbury, adui., to Martha L. Taylor, lot , block 0, Itontty'K add., Medford 1200 John Koob to Ruphnel C. Mcsk jer, mining property in twp. JJO, 3 AV 1250 J. K. Robert )o Martha C. Itob- qrts, -il acres in twp. 37, ii . ..),. , , 0. ft'cl.!'.. ly. to Duvlci Ciiig catlo, Jliin'd in section 5, twp. 38, ;' oast 10 200 J. 0. Gojjlo Jb Frank Kolilbcuk, lot 10,'bloijk 5, lierryvalo add. toMedqvd 230 CatjKiy IC Jluckimui to J. 11, Hunter, land in twp. 30, 1 K., E. T. Staples to J. 13. Hunter, J3.37 acres in twp. 3D, 1 1?., , , s , ,.,.,, ,,,.,.., Contract Ilewlqrspu Hash, to J. B. Hunt er, laud in wntloii 23, twp. "wt, iii .7,.. '...;; as E)i, Oi (lvivr to Auuiu Kclio- hor ct nl., Iiuul in Onklnwn add. Medfonl , 10 Clinrlolto M. Sartn.w to 0. C, Weisenliurgcr, property iu Asliluud 10 M. 1). Ltndley to Win. Vlclcltnr, lot 10, blk. 3, aumiysitle add. Medford F. F. Nelson to ,lutuc. II. llur- sey, properly iu Ashland... 800 Clmrlcp Datcuutn to Irwin It. ' Hntnnnn, land in sec. M, twp. 'tl 1 K E. H. Ilnulcy lo A. L. Aikins, 10 Inml in L. D. C. -15, twp. 37, av...; io Qonlon Voorltie.s to Helen W. Hinglinm, land in twp. 38, 1V .1 Gonlon Voorliics to Helen W. Hinglinm, land in I). L. C -10, twp. 38, 1V H. A. Thurber to G. W. Aj-ur, lot 0,. Mk. 4, ltoss add. Med ford io Clins. P. Sncll lo Hello Nickell, land in twp. 30, IK 20 A. I). Helms to James E. Mo Go wait, property iu Hellms add. Medford 10 W. A. Jones to Jnsten Hnrtmnu, lots 0 and 7, blk. S, Rcrryvalo nd,d. Medfonl 1 Cold Hay Realty Co. to Tolo school dist. No. J8, all blk. 45, Tolo 10 A. W. Goddaril to Gold Rny Really Co., land iu sec. 23, twp. Jo, ..., Biackwell Hills Mmim? Co. to Gold Ray Realty Co... 320 acres in twp. 36, 3V 10 50 L. L. Cunuiugbnm to J. M. Washburn, 10 acres in twp. 39, IE 100 C. II. Aners to C. Whitney An derson, land in sec. 7, twp. 'i J ii JL Ann Wait Moore to Lewis A. Wait Power of Attorney Ronton Bowers to Jacob Stone, lots 1, 2. 3. 4, blk. 73, Cen tral Point 10 Robt. Casey to F. IJ. Waite, land in twp. 30.' IE 10 Nanc" A. Finley to Robt. Casey land iu twp. 3D, JLE ,. .10 Jcsso Houck to John F. Patty, lois 35, 3G, Highland Park- add. Ashland GOO 0. & C. Ucv. Co. to A. F. Ander son, land in twp. 3S, IE.... 10 J. F. Brown to Eliz. A. Von der ( Helleu, lots 12 and 13, blk. 0, Central add. Eagle Point. ... 1 W. A. Joues to Welborn Bccsou, land iu twp. 38. 1W 23.27 Sarah R. Jeter to Helen Hughes, lots 27 and 28, Highland Park Add 10 Orlie B. Rush to It. B. Johnson, 3 acres iu twp. 39. IE 10 Ann It. Gregory to Orlie B. Rush, land in bee. 14, twp. 3D, --- mUU B. BcaHi to First Church of Christ, Scientist, land in Ash- laud ...... GGo Amos Dahuff "to James H. Her- scy, lot 7, blk. C, Boulevard add. Ashland 400 Geo. Irwin to Emma E. Thomp- Jon, Jot 1, blk. 10, A-sblnnd. . 10 Rebecca Eggleston to W.A. Fur- rey, lund in twp. 39, IE 800 F. L. Tou Velle to Frank Mc- Kee, land in twp. 30. 2W. . . 10 Elmer E. Bagley to Frank if. Telmorc, land in twp. 30, 4V 030 E. K. Anderson to D, II. Jnck- son, property in Talent .... 300 Robk C. Rcamc to August Lor- entz, lot 9, blk. 80, Medford 10 Mary Bnrcliell to E. A. Bur clicll. land in two. JR. 4W. . E. A. Bnrcliell to Mary Bnrcliell, land in twp. 30, 4W Geo. R. Wiley to James W. Wiley, land iu blk. C, It. R. add. Ashland 10 AGED MINER FOUND. DEAD BY CREEK H. H. Tucker, aged 70 years, a res ident of Talent, and well known throughout southern Oregon as a miner and prospector, was found dead on tho banks of Wagner creek, five miles above Talent, Friday morning, by Davo Davidson. Coro ner A. K. Kellogg was called and tho body removed to Ashland for an in (lucst to be hold today. Thrco theories are advanced as the cause of death suicide and mur der, highly improbable, and accident al, tho most likely cause. Tho aged maii was found with his head, sub merged In the water, and his body resting on tho bank. It Is thought that he was stricken with heart fail ure as bo was lying down to get a drink of water. Another theory Is that ho stumbled and fell Into tho stream, striking his head upon a rock, causing unconsciousness., Tuckor had Hvod at Talent for twelve years and was well 'known. HaveYouaBadBack? Drlvo away your backacho, get to day a package of Mothpr Qruy's Aro matic, eaf for tho kidneys apd cor recting that lame, sore and all un strung feeling of the nerves. If your kidneys act too frequently, or uctlon vl X I i f u 1, a n tl .scanty, Aromatic Lpaf( Js cdr'rccilvQ 'and tho best regulator; At druggists or by mail GOc. Samploi Fit KM. AddrosH Tho- Mnllior (liny Co,, Lo Roy, X. V. Our Correspondents 1 EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. j JACKSONVILLE I (By A. C. HowletU When 1 Inst wroto for the Mih Tribune I was in my homo In Knglo Point, but today (Tuesday. April IC) t nm in Grants Pass, and so have not much to write about ICaglo Point, but before 1 left thoro on Sunday morning I discovered that the Indies of Kaglo Point had mndo extensive preparations for the Kastor festivi ties on Sunday evening and I liavo no doubt but that they had a fine entertainment, as we have soma of the best talent there Is In the coun Taking tho P. & K. car nt Kaglo Point for Table Rock station nt 7:25 Sunday morning 1 was met at tho station by Rev. M. C. Davis and taken to Table Rock, schoolhousc, where the young folic had mndo every preparation for a grand enter tainment In commemoration of Easter Sunday. They had tho school' house decorated with various kinds of flowers, evergreens, etc., and had i all the arrangement to have n Joyful tlmo and make the hearts of tho parents glad. Tho program was well rendered and everything went off In first-class style. After the exercises were over a picnic dinner was served and It takes more ot an expert In tho culinary department than I am to describe it. Thero seemed to bo nothing lacking that was calculated to tempt a man to do violence to his stomach, for every thing that this bountiful land ot ours produces was there, even colored eggs for the benefit of the little folk. After the entertainment was over Rev. M. C. Davis had tho people assemble on the front part of the schoolhousc and took a photo of the whole crowd, then took one of the class of little girls that wero among the prominent actors In the exercises. and then took n photo of the Inside of tho building as It was decorated. There were representatives from the Agate, Chapparel. Sams Valley. An tioch Sunday schools and many of them took part iu tho exercises. At 2:30 p. in. Rev. M. C. Davis preached to a large and seemingly apprecia tive congregation and your corre spondent preached at night. Taking the day altogether it was a day that will bo remembered for a long time, by many who were present. Tho next morning we started for tho Klk creek country, stopping on tho way for dinner with our old time friends, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Hannah. Alter dinner we continued our Journey, stopping at the Central schoolhouso long enough to grct't tho teacher, John Newlnnd, and the children and have n photo taken of tho school. This Is Mr. Xewhuid's first school and ho seems to bo the right man iu the right place, for It seems as though the Xewland family arb particularly fitted for school teaching. Passing on we stopped and paid our compliments to Mine Hostess Mrs. Middlebusher and fam ily, then went on up Elk creek to tho Pence schoolhousc. where Rev. Davis preached to about all that there wero in tho neighborhood, and he and I went to flcorgc Lynch's to spend the night. And the next day was , spent visiting in tho neighbor hood and I preached that (Tuesday) night. But I must stop for this time and go to see Dr. Kindly, who Is treating my eyes. The next time will tell mure about tho trip. I TABLE ROCK. f 4- Mrs. B. Connor Is iu San Fran cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koyes of Eagle Point and Mr. and Mrs. Mc Donald o( Carrollton, HI., visited with Mr. and Mm. S. C. Collins last Sunday. ' - Mrs. Hall returned from Sacra mento on Tuesday. Robert Patterson of Oklahoma has taken a position on tho Connor ranch. Thomas Godfroy of Beagle will s'ta'rt a meat wagon on the Table Rock routo about May 1. Oliver Pcnland oxpects to have his blacksmith shop ready for business soon. Supervisor D. C. Henry of Gold Hill visited Table Rock school April ISth. Dr E. Kirchgessner Practice limited to chronic disomies. HOTEL HOLLAND Wednesdaya. Flours, 10 to 3. Offlro Ifotol Holland. Both Phoned. ltt'BldcncQ.y.liouUi Funnor lOxxO. EH Mrs. Osr-ur Lowls has returned I from Siskiyou county, where shu Iuih been teaching school for tho past month. 12. D. Riiggs, L. L. Mnllt nnd G. L. Butler, three well-known business men of Ashlnnd, wete Jacksonville callers Thursday. Mlsa Jonnlo Kltto arrived from Denver, Colo., beiug called hero by the serious Illness or her father, V. C. Kltto. Dick Rock of Steamboat has been spending a fow, days In town. Mrs. F. AV. Carnnhnn spent Thursday night with friends living here, being on her way to tho Blue Lodge mine. A fishing party composed of A, Oangwlsh. Charles Bunford and Rob ert Finney left for Squaw Lko Fri day, where thoy will spend four or flvo days. Dr. J. W. Robinson has returned from Oakland. Cnl., where he and his family havo boon spending tho winter. Tho Sewing club met nt the home of Mrs. Lewis Ulrich Friday after noon. Mrs. Fred Kick Is a now member of the club. W. F. Qulssenbury came over from Medford on business Thursday. "Curly" Wilson loft for Pendleton Thursday morning, where ho has been engaged by Bob Onrrett to play ball. Success to him. Robert Femly loft for tho Dead In dian country the first of tho week, where ho will spend the next month before leaving for the const. A number of young neonle sur prised .Miss Lolla Prim Friday evo- THE Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WASHING A SPKCIAITV. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Orders called for and delivered. First class work dono by hand. Ladles' nnd men's suits cloancd nnd pressed. Tel. Main 7S31; Home. 37. Corner Eighth and South Central Avonuo. - i ilk H-jffc4 ' ilo-'i'.'. !' I: !: !: lmw First National Bank OF. MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and-Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. K. DEUKK, PRKSinKNT M. L. ALFOItl), OABIUER OltRIH OHAWFOItD, ASSISTANT- CASHIlilt Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE ! , ' 1 ys j; ackson bounty oanK Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle - Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 t W. I. Vawter, Prcsideiit G. R. Liiiflloy, Vice Pros. OW. McDonald, Cashier nlng, tho occnnloti being her birth day. Tluiso present wero! MInbos Hurst, Chttn Elmer, Harriet DoIhuii, Anim Wondt, Pearl Ullletto nnd Mrs. Lowln Ulrich. Mrs. Wlllliun Von der llollen or Eagle Point ban been visiting nt tho homo of Ohauncey Floroy, Editor drier of tho Ashland Tid ings was n business culler thin week, C, M. Buek or Josephine county Is with us agiilii, Mr. Fernley, the druggist, and Chester Wltlilugton are camping nt Sipiaw Lake. T. W. Miles r tho Jackson County Abstract company transacted busi ness nt the county sent Monday, John A, Mnrsh wiih In Medford Monday ordering lumber for John Klrmse's new barn. John Diiuuiiigtou, Dr. Golden, II. M. Collins,' Jack Sharp, W. 1. Melnlyro mid oilier dteiples of ImiiiU Walton have been playing linvoe nulling (lie finny tribes of Squaw Luke. Roy Woiuuelv is employed in Me Dowell's confectionery parlors at Medfonl. Mel, 1 'curve was over from Poor mini's ereek Tuesday. He lias been engaged in developiui; miuin ntper ty in Josephine county. Frank Kaolin Her and two of his daughters, were iu Medford Tuesday. Jnek Dent of .Medford was a Jack sonville visitor Tuesday. Misses Eifert of Medford isiled tliejr sister, Mrs. W. H. Itanium, one day this week. Mrs. Frank Johnson nnd herduugli ler of Grinds l'ps wera guests of Mr. uptl .Mrs. E. l Poller Tuesday. Pile Cured In O to 11 llnrs. Your druggist will refund money It , PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro any caso ot Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pllos In to 1-1 dnvs. GOc. Medford Tent and Awning Company JIanufoclurorn of unit Dcmlcr In AWtrxicas, texts, rtrs, comas or Ail, KiHna Duck All WcIkIHn anil WI.UIib. Au'iilut;. Htrltw, Klc. WHOLESALE AND BETAII. All Miikra of Awning unit Torch Curtains put up at Manufacturem' I'rlca. ArpiiI for tho ! Boanok Kolailfis VentllatlEtf Win donr Awnlnif 100 IT. Trent St. Roth I'linnoii. MoOfonl. Ornn n ''''' iS i Flour Flour Until you have tried Waitsburg t PURE WHITE FLOUR you cannot know the satisfaction of having thebest. Coffees We have always made a specialty of these lines and most of the discrimin ating users have found it out. , Allen Grocery Co. r If you are looking for an suitable tor many PAGE will supply ttiu mi. Page Fence o J ! j yStiniK.stX, ,." ".?':":'. " Page Rabbit ProoC Foiu-tv i.nr i)rncii'iil, econoiuieal and absoltitelv rabbit proof , You want the BEST WE HAVE IT We furnish man and tools and assist in (lie oreflion of every rod of I 'age l'Vnco without extra cost to you. - Yew and Cedar Posts always on hand Gaddis &s Dixon "Tho Page Fence Men" Distributors Northern California and Southern Oregon Main Office Medford, Orogon Plan Your Vacation Now TO Til 13 East iSeasKore or Mountains Til II SOUTHERN PACIFIC Will pluco on milo low round trip tlclcutti to all tlio lirlnclpnl Cltlnn of tlio Kant, koIiik or rotiirnliif; through California, or via Portland with going limit IC dayii. Final rot urn limit Oct. Dint, Salo April, an, 20, 27. May 2, II, -I, 8, 10, 11, 11, IC, 17, 18, 21, 2U, Juno 1, (J, 7, 8, 13, 14, ic, 17, 18, 10, 20; 21, 21, 25, 27, 38, 20. IniH)ilnl Council Myntlu Sliilno, I,oh AiidIi:h, AjuII iiOlli to .May .tli Newport Yaquina Bay Offorn many itilvuiitnRQH for a nonHhoru oiitliii?. Low faros from nil. points In Oregon, rcimonulilo liolol ratou, outdoor niiitiaumontb mid all tlio dollglitB of tho uoiiHhoro, J - The New P. R. & N. Beaches Tlllamooh, Qnrllmlill (Ilayocoan), IJrlgliton, Munhutlan and Rook away, Luko Lytlo, Ocean Luko Park, Twin ItockH, Tlllamoolc lloac'h and Day City will opon a now flond for a mimiuor outing. Low Itound Trip Karea from,ull polntH In Oroijon, Call on our noarcat ABout for full Information an to Knot Bound Kxcuralon FarcH, routoa, Htop-ovora, etc, or wrlto to JOHN M. SCOTT, Clonornl PaHHoni;or AkoiiI, Portland, Oregon. TOat Oallfornla HiiIhIiih. UiiIhIii Day Airll 30th, Flour and Teas rz efficient fence a fence 3 M dittorcnt purposes FENCE, your needs . Rabbit Proof Dates July 2, 3, 0, 7, 11,. 12, ,ir., IB, 2, 22, 2y, 2d, ai, ao, :u. AilKUBt 1, 2, 3, C, 7, 12, IC, in, 22, '23, 20, 30, 31. So)t. 4, fi, C, 7, 8, 11, 12, ilO, I M fv H-FV