1? j4- La. I lift' r 6 f I ' 1 j. it t ,.'V' i . v J "a; .X OTDFOTID M ATL TRTBTJNE, NfEDFOTIP, ORI!!fiONrt .SATPROjSY, A1MUL 20, 1012. IOCAL AND L PERSONAL .Mm, h. :, l-Jnynrl look No. 1(1 Krl (mluinbla city, IihI., uloiipcii orr In .Medford IMday nli;lit wlillo on route lioino from a vlnlt to uniithoru Cull foniln, (loorgo ) it ti ruin n . wllli tlin lro duculs' riiill company, wan In Ceil trill I'olnt Hntiirday. Hint "Valley Pnrin" under dliecllon of IM AiiiIiwh nl Mod ford Theater April 2i. 21) (I. V. Kennies of JlranlH I'iihh wan III .Medroid I'Miluy on ImihIiiuhii. .1. i. Hnyait Ih down , from his Trail cii'cK ranch. Ho will bo In Med foi (I mtveinl ilayH. Cnrltln & 'I'nylor (John II. Cnrkln, CJIouti O. Taylor), nttortioyat-lnw, over Jaekiton County Hunk building, Mi'tlfonl. .Mrs, II. I I'lilpim and daughter, MIhh Mury. loft Kuliiiday morning fur a vIhK to mlallveii In Albany, On. Mr. and Mm. II. K. Iliidforil, of Ciintial I'olnl, wmi'o In Medford l-'rU day on IiiiiiIiu'hm. Tint flint three iiiniilicrH after !) o'clock will ln three, nlops free, al the regular Katluday night dames. MIhh Hand llcdypolh left Katuitlay iiliiriilni; for a vlnlt to filoudu In llohobiirg. Vnlnoy IHmiii leturned Friday night frmii an extended htiiduesK tilp thinugh northern California. Ilurdwood Vi pur tier, itth and I'lr. (told Hay llealty Co, Mlnm-H Itovit and Valentino Adulr, day iiIkIU for tileudnle, I'pun her ri'turii In a fow dayn she will ho ar I'oinpanlcd liy hur innthoi, who will visit here several months. II. He, of Hugh. I'olnt. loft Frl day nlitht fur a Wslt to IiIh former homo In IVIla, Iowa, having been railed llioio b the hi loan lllnotm of IiIh lather. The flrnl tin tto numbers after ! n'ednek will be threo slops free, at tlio regular Katurday night dance. Mrs. V. J. Wall took train No. Ill Friday night for a vlnlt to Portland friend. Mb-sen Uoho and Vntleutluo Adair, of AHhland. nie In Med ford visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jhl Cornell. Kodnk fllilrhltig, tho host, at Wen ton's, opptiHltti book il ore. J). 12. Clay returned n fmv dnH iKo from a nevoral mouths' lnlt to hi old home at Uilte Costal, Minn. Mr. Clay tins disponed of IiIh proper ty latere! In Mltnienolii and expects to buy Med ford property. Junior Kplsrnpnl Otilld will pre sept "Valley Kami" al Medford thea ter. April rt. 20 K. I). Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives niado any tliuo or place by appointment. Phono M, H71 V. S. Illinium left Kilday iiIkIiI for a few da)n' biiHliumii Mta) In Sa lem and Cortland. Mm. I'm uk Oatnian of Talent via lied In Medford Friday, the Kiieut of Mrx. IC. It. Oatiuon. Hotel Holland dlnliiK room wilt nerve Monday, April 21, their annul table d'hote dinner "which Ik differ ent." 5 to S p. in. I'rlro ".' cenlH. 2"i MrH. C. W. Iloberli of I'lioenlx wiih In Moil ford Filday on luiMlnchH, MiiHtur Valten WIImoii left Friday afternoon for a Saturday and .Sunday vIhII with fiiuudri at AeiH, Hpur, Ilurdwood 2 per Her, lUli and Fir. Oolil lluy llealty Co. Mri. F. M. I'orlet and imiii, Muh tor WIiimIow, arrlvod In Medford Friday from ColumbiiH. Ohio, and will vlHlt Mrn. I'orlor'a hrother and ulnter. Ill Hit I. and Marlon I,. Hliaii nun, MrH. I. ura llulcliliiii left Friday for a vlnlt with AHhland frloudn, MenlliiK of lioino Ulvor Valloy iik Hucilatlou will bo held at Mayor Can on's officii Monday ovoiiIiik, April 22, at S o'clock. W. II. CANON, A. K. Ware, See. 1'rnn. 2r, Mr. and Mix, IIiiIiich lbert and daiiKhtor, MIhh Wlluor, or (ioBhen, Intl., will nnivo In Medford Saturday ovuiiIiik lor a vlnlt to their old-llmo rrlendii, Mr. and MrH. J. II. AndrowH, or 222 South Oi'iiiiko Hlnut. ' Mih. T, Cravello and duiiKlitur, Mm. II. Flaharly, of (irand ForltH. N. I) aro In Urn valley vIhHIdk rola tlvoH, t hoy bulni: Mr. and Mih. II. Coi'Hhh or IMir.euU' and Mr. and Mih. O, II. FriuiM), of Mod ford, S90 It. A. Ilolmea, Tim IiiBiirancu Man, ovor JaukHon County bank. Tho followhiK Ih from the Soattlo TIiiidh or dato Sunday, April M: "Mr. and Mih. Giiorno K. Hooh an nouiico tho eiiKiimmuint of their daiiKhtor, Uliarlotto llimtrlco, to Mr. William Fuidurlck Hart, or I.ouIh vlllo. Ky. Tim wikIiIIiik will tako placo In May." Mr. ami Mra, Uooh roriuurly roHlded In Stmttlu, but mo HOW llvlllir III Medford. Mi- IImmh "f " '" --' t .-- r-"'t hnllift roiinei'tt'd with tho lloKiieland company of thin clly, Hiiv, 10, II, Mowio, or I'ortlnnd, preiildlni; elder for the Oickoii con fuionco for tho M. 10. Church South, an I veil In Medroid Filday a ml will pi each In that chinch Sunday nioiii I UK. At tint Nil I loulitlit Inmt comliiclod ilaiico on tho coiinl, fliift floor and oxcidlijiil iiiiimIc. ( 2fi Mih. O, MuDoiiald left on No. 15 Siituiday nioinlnc foi Hilt, Oil. Mm. V, (I, Froni, or Phuuiilx, Ih Ited Mcdfonl frlendH H.tliiiday. Furniture, RliiHiiwaro and plauon packed and unpacked, Traimfer and hnKKnito. (loth pliuncH, MatthuwH ft Hon. :ir Mm, 10, A. Dyke left lor f'onlral Point Haliudiiy iiioiiiIiik for a weak'n vlbll with frlendH. Mr, and Mm. Carl DoiiRlnii, of He attlit, arrived In Medford Haturdny and will vlnlt for a few day wllh their friend, Mini JJviimh, on HIhIiI you HelKhtH. A I tho Nat ti;nlulit limit conducted dliiico on tho count, flncHt floor and excellent miuftr. 2fi .Mm, C. A. Maloue, of AhIiIiiiiiI, wao In Medford Saturday, tho mient of Mr. ami Mih. .1. It. Woodford, Mm. J Cariliior, of Talent, wiih In Medfoid Haturdny vIhIIIiik her par oiiIm, Mr. and Mm. .Icmho HIchardHOii. Dr. M. C, Harbor, pbynlclnn and niirKeoii, linn moved fi am tho M, F. & II. htillijlus; to room U Palm block. Opponlli) tho NiihIi hotel. 3ti It. J Cole, or Hilt, Cat., wiih In Medroid Saturday 011 IhimIiichh, Fiiuoral Hervlcea for N, F. (Jraliain will be held at 2.30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, at the WeekH & McCowan uiiilcrtaklni; pailom, 011 Went Blxth Htreet, , The well fed cat at the t S. Chop lloime. lOvorythliiK neui, clean, flmt ClltHH. Wo Invito liiHpcrtlou, Olvo iih a trial In our now home, .17 H. Front Htn-et. We nerve thu het cof fee In town. Flint cJiihh cooking quick Horv'te. Dick Pfollfer and Jack Sherard, Pi op. W. P, Poterfleld, of Far;o, N. Ii arrived In Medford Saturday moriiliiK and will visit old-time Faro frloudn here for neeral dajn. While hero Mr. Poterfleld will be the Kiient of T. W. OhkooiI. Hardwood $2 per tier, tith and Fir. Cold Hay llealty Co. W A. Knox and family and A. C. Mitchell and faintly or Itapld City, S. I)., arrived In Medford Frlduy ee-iiIiik- Horn Mr, and Mm, George M. Tift ant receiving coiiKratiilatlous ojrer the arrival of an oIkIU pound daiiKhter, born April 20. S. A, Newell, Indie' tnllor, 4th floor M. K. & II. Co. blilK. ' I-. 10, Hreiiiierniau, of Woolilch, Pa., arrived In Medford Saturday mornliiK. Mr. ami Mm. J. I). Olwell re turned Friday from a vlnlt to San FraiiclKco. Fancy brick Ico cream at McDow- fll'li. Fred N. CiiiiiiiiIiikh, of the Kokuo IiiihIh coiupiuiy, left Friday iiIkIu for a bunliU'HH trip to Portland. 'I j At the Churches Ion Kv. Ijillieian, ((loriiiau-IOuKllHli.) At .Ion I0v. I.iilhorau cliuich there will be (Jermini wrvlco at 1 1 a, m.; I0nllnh Hervlco at 7; 30 p, in, H1111 day school (IOiikIIhIi), at 10 a. m, Oiiinul WIIUoh, piiHtor. Coiiio and woinhlp, CIiiIhIIiiii CIiiiiiIi. "Thy Will II J Done" will be tint Hiibject for the inornliiK Hermoii, In tint evening, "The VoyiiRi of Life," a lenHou drawn fiom tho recent (IIhiik ter at nea. Illblo kuIioo) iiiccIm al 10 a. m., MIhhImii baud at 2:30 p. m. , C. 10, at 7 p. in. Prayer meetliiK on Thumilay evenliiK and choir iracll;e 011 Friday owning. You are cordially Invited to tliewt Mrvlcen. 1). I) IJoIo, mlnlMter. M. ' liunli, Koiilli, Preaching hci-vIckh at tho iihiijiI hour Sunday nioriilni;. by Itov, 10. 11. Mowre, pretddliiK elder. KvaiiKellHt IOIIIoH will preach In tho evening. HI. Mnik'N i:pls(0ial Clinrdi. Hev. Joeph Sheorln, rector. An nual official violation of the IMhIiop or Oregon, the lllght Hev, Charles Scudding, I). I)., and confirmation of a clann at the 1 1 a. m. service. Serv ices of the day In the following or er der: Holy communion, 7 a. in.; Sun day hcIiooI, 10 a. m.; confirmation, Hcrninu and holy communion at 1 1 a. in., the IMhIiop being the preacher, lllble Htudy, 7:1.' p. m.; evening prujer and Hermoii by the rector at S p. 111. Strungem uro eiipeclally wel-eame. llaplNl Church. A hpeclal Hung Hervlco iiHtilnted hy the iiich'h orrhcHlra will he kIvcii J 11 the Itaptlbl church Sunday evening at S o'clock. Preaching at the uhuiiI houm. SermooH by the pantor. Sun da hcIiooI. i r I n a, m.; Juulom, 3 p. in.; young people'H meeting, 7 p. 111. All are Invited to tlieao bcrv Icch. A. A. Holmes, pastor. ('lirlMlan Science. Dedication or Flrnt Church or Christ. SclentlHt. Dedication uervlceH will be held al II a. in. and 7:30 p. m. In addition to the' regular hervlco there will be read n brier his tory of the Christian Science move ment In Medfoid, iiIho a dedicatory tnerHugo by Mm. lOddy. Subject of lenHnn-Herinou, 'Doctrine of Alone- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY meiit," Tho putyll' In cordially In vited to theno rVlcci Wcdnrmlay evening meeting ftl i Hunday nchool at 10. All under tin a;e of 20 are fnvled to tho 'Sunday hcIiooI. Head, lug room houm:'" 2 to s p, m dally except Sunday.' Church edifice 212 North Onkdnle. Itevval IH Honchx, Hev. lOlllolt at the M 10. church South hiiK-heeii preaching to big ciowiIh all week. There have been many convcrnfoilii and nccemiloiiit to tho church, Hlgliiy tomoriow, Dr. 10. II, Mown!) presiding elder or tlilo dlHtrlct, will preach at the morning Horvlce, JOvnHgelbit lilllott will npeak at night. Bulijed. "m- .u and Couveriloii." rfe'rvken Sunday school 10 n. in., preaching II u in, eve ning service 8 o'clock. .M. 10; hnidi. MethodlHt lOiilSeopal church. 10. O. Hldrldge, pastor, f.ortlren Sunday an rollewH: Preaching at 1 1 a. in, and h p. 111.; niibJectB, morning, "I'nKeenl Helpem"; evening, "Medford Politics or Civic ItlghleounicHtr'; Sunday Bchool at 0:IC; Junior league 3 p. in., lOpworth Io.'ikuo at O.li" p. m. Thumday evening prayer meeting at 8 o'clock, theme, "The On-nt Prom lsn of tho lilhlc." The choir leader, C. II. Chldenter, han prepared lome excel lent iiiiibIc for the Sunday preaching hour, bperlal featuren for the moriifng munlcal Kervlce will ho a violin hoIo by .MIbh Alton and a vocal Kolo by C. A, Meeker. BOURNE IS LEADING HA MOM, Oie, April 20 IJIeven out of fil precincts (omjilcfu give HooHovelt C1C, Taft 675, La Follctto 37-1 In Morion, llourno 39'J, SellltiB 788, Olcott 017, Field 711. Ac cording to tho Inteflt returns (J. W. Johnson, S. A. Hughen, (I. W. AVeek, l)r, Carlton Smith, all of this city, and D. C Thomas or Jefrerson won the nomination for legislator of tho republican ticket. 4 QgjmrB- SIX THOUSAND A YEAR TOR EXCHAW6E MANA8ER WEiVATCHKB, W.,.A)ill J20. -Tho orfor of f (1000 (i yenr Cot n matw nger of the Wennleluiu Fruit QrowvK iiflflocintioii hit not yet been neeopt, eil. The elty'H 1iuh1hcu men Buy they ore too Ihihv. Pnhyterlnii Chitrili, Preaching In the morning at 1 1 o'clock. Ordination and Installation of orricem. Good music Preaching al K p. 111. Sunday hcIiooI at 10 n. m. C. 10. society at 7 p, in. Pray er meeting at 8 p. m. Thursdays. Pi'ogniui of Miotic foe Sunday at lUiptNt Churtli. The progrnm or muilc at the Hap tlat church for 'Sunday evening, at S o'clock, Is: Voluntary, "Largo" (Handel), orchestra; hymn, congre gation; prayer, Iter. Holmes; violin and cornet duet, Dr. Marlon and Mr. HogHct; anthem. "The Ixjrd Is Kx nlted" (West): announcements; vio lin solo (IJohm); duet. "Tarry With Me" (Nlcolal), Mies Hazelrlgg and Mr. lOdmcades; hymn, congregation; sermon; hymn, pontludc, march (Lachner), orchestra. Henry F. AnhurKt, one of tho new senators from Arizona, Is next to the youngest member of the fenato. He Is thlrty-Hlx years old, whtlo Senator Luke Len of Tennessee, the only WILL KXCHANG10- Desirable lots 1 member who has not seen so many In Calory, Alta.. Canada ror etmal 1 1 summers. Ib thirty-three, value 10 to 20 acres fruit land '" Hogue river valley part planted or In bearing. J. C. Harnes, 2M Nat't Hank bldg. First 7 FOH HKNT low rent. - FuriilHhed room, bath, 322 So. Central. 25 K MM OPOWHTS Weeks &McGovan Co. UNDERTAKERS XJy riion 9871 Mirat vhontti r. w, wtks 07 A, B. Orr, 38l JCADV AMIHTAXT, On Siimla.v cM'iiin, April JI. ,1, I'. Hiirke, Wmv llii-tiiiini anil K. F. Zim mei'iuaii me to i-peak at n nmi meet ing in the oiieru Iioiim;. Mr. .iinmermuii, who U well known in the hlntc, fs iic(iiiiintcil with U, problems ami needs, uml will open the eveuiui; witli 11 lecture with the stciv oplieou. .Mr. Kuhlmuu, eommoul.v known m "Ililly" Kiistmuii, i- 11 living tiviilciiee of one of the miirveloiis mirneles of "Twice Horn Men." An oiilluw, liurd cued liv uluit he termeil "fate ami luck," losing nil enitlily ties, was converted in a prison cell, lie is winning Hie lica its of men. J. I''. IJiitke, recently from Now York, is one of I lie ablest orators on (lie plalform today, lie is 11 mini with n message. Mr. Iturke is a lawyer uml horn leader with 11 grusp of the great ptohlem. FOH SAMO ." acres. $107:.. One mile from clly limits. Ilest berry, truck garden, chicken proportion I know of. I'mler Irrigation. Hest of holl for Irrigation. ?fi00 cash, balance terms. J. C. Harnes, 214 First Natl. Hank bldg. 27 FOH 10XCHANM0 2O-4O-S0 acres near MontroHe, Colo., under Gov. Irrigation preject: best or alfalfa and potato laud. Value about $125 acre. Will hike city or farm prop ertv In exchange. .1. C, Harnes, 21 1 First Natl. Hank bldg. 27 FOH SALK--C room modern house, close In, on good street. Lot O&x fitio rt., 12 bearing Irull trees. Hest of soli for garden. Good chicken house. MiiHt be Hold, $1100 cash, bal. terms. J, C, Harnes, 211 lHt Nat. Hank bldg. 27 FOH HUNT- Five room modem hoiihe; close In; on paved stieet; furnished or unfurnished. 10. F. Hoblnson, at Warner, V.'ortman & Gore's. WHEN YOU WAKE UP to tho fuel that you do not see as woll or with the comfort you bliotild. then come here and bo fitted with glasses that suit jour every require ment. 1 use corroborative tests. No Drugs or Drops DR. RICKERT Eyesight Specialist Over KeiituerV, Mcdfoitl F"gllpjrr iiiit GJ, ACRES I ROSS AVE. G. A. Hugg or Princeton, III,, hnu JiihI purchased from W. O. HayueH II) acres, which la located '1 W miles north and west of Medford, 011 Hosn avenue. 'I 'hero Is ft uurea of alfalfa and five acres of Newtowuu on this tract. Mr. Hugg Iiiih gone eaut, hut will return this fall and put up buildings to corrcHioud with tho bountiful homcH In that locality, C. A. MuArthur nnd T. 10. Ilutliu way imido tho sale. Legal blanks at thu Modtord Prlut lug coinpiiny. The i Tel-Electric Plan a t Plotra' is the only playerjn the World Tlint Is attachable to any piano, That remains invisible if desired. That plays your piano from u distance.' - .... f 1 hat uses metal music rolls, That plays without your assistance, Or under your absolute control, That requires no pumping, That hus the expression cut into the rolls, and That ia a perfected Piano Pluycf Call, or write for illustrate J Catalog, i KqIIQIuLjhSm OUR PIANO DF.PARTMr.NT It ilia equal of ny, and con. Uln ilia find of Ametlcan nlt illicit from lha Uctotiet, B. J. PALMER The Piano Man N. Central Avenue &ydz!!tEBMip ffitiLM&fiiE!3m m&gf&wiziZMiL Swk W&Sw fFeB No Matter What the Color of Your Hair Newbro's Herpicide Will Not Change it in the Least. While they appreciate full well the value of a sanitary hair dressing, many ladies are afraid to use ono for fear it may alter the color of the hair. No such apprehension is associated wlUi the tiso of Xcwbro'H Herpicide. It makes no difference whether your hair Is blonde, brunette or otherwise. Herpicide will not strcnk, fade or alter It by a single shade. Tho clear, pure nature of the Original Dandruff Germ Destroyer appeals to everyone. It contains no grease and does not stain or soil the clothing. Herpicide Is clean. I'sed regularly Nm liro'a Herplclle will eradicate that most common 'as well as most annoying and dis tressing of all hair troubles, dandruff. Dandruff is caused by a germ or microbe which gradually forcos Its way down into the hair bulb or follicle. This gives rise to Inflammation, manifested by an itchy scaip ano me nair sups oui. iierpicme kiiis me germ, cleans mo scaip anu prevents the hair from coming out. The Itching stops almost Instantly. SEND 10 CENTS FOR SAMPLE AND BOOKLET A sample size bottle of Herpicide, also a booklet containing much valuable Information on the care of the hair will be mailed to any address upon receipt of Ten Cents to cover cost of packing and mailing. 1? lV,, SEE COUPON APPLICATIONS OIITAINKI) AT TIIK IM-nTKK H.UtHKIt SIIOIS AND HKAUTV IWKLOKS. I.AItfJK SIZK XKWMtO'S IIKKIMCIDK IS SOLI) A AM) fil'AHAXTKKI) KVKUYWIIKKK. IIK Sl'HK VOL' GKT HKAIj 8V iii'ju'ii iiir,. .aifi nji Ji iii.m i iiilii iiiii .uai inuii iwu 'r - rs :& j-VX .M j. y syF'. M A X. v,..v- Vv IS "J 1ST AS 0()l). v j -jt b.". " ,.sfc a . SH lOTv-V. .;x csr Medford Pharmacy Special Ageuts s& V-Sg tr V l .vvt'V 5 . -v & iS i. i III -i III -X. ' tf r n w: a s5T. is ljT' wt 8. 'I' I i What do you want in your new Suit? OTXLE? VJ valus? "nk.H'l(klrC. Quality? Exclusiveness? GsoJ On any and all of these ooihts we invite comparis2h Letween our garments ahd tKoss offersd elsewhere. We believe you will fihd it hard t9 get as goed a suit, and impossible to gst a bettsr at the same pries as our Spring and Summer Models at $15.00, $17.50, $20.00 and on up to $30.00 If you have alrsadysesn these garmsnts, you you havs probably become ths owner of ShS of them. Ifou haveh t seen thsm, you have overlooked something good ih Spring and Summer Attirs. Exclusive With us KnQx Hats and Wilson Bros. Shirts MODEL CLOTHING CO. $$& V n-'.a.'. f Complete AN INVESTMENT IN A DIAMOND requires careful thought and tho proper lonfldonco lit a firm to warrant absolute satisfaction. To uoto tho proper com parlhoa you must Inspect them from n laigo and well selected stock, such as I am ublo to show, In this way you become thoroughly familiar with values and feel assured of safe nnd economical buying through my binding guarantee. Sp. V I X K W A T O II A N I) J K W K h It Y ltKl'AIItlNO Medford, Oregon Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler DIAMOND HKTTINfi AND KXGUAVINQ DONH 3IHIIIC Near Postoffici r- 1 1 n