&" WOT ffOUB .MEDFORD MAIL' TRtBUTO, MEDFORD, 0RTCC1QN. SATURDAY. MUh 20, 1,112, 1) ." il MKDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE ""' - ' AK INDKI'KNDRNT NBWflPAPEU FUftLIBHKD 13VKUY AFTEIINOON XCBI'T SUNDAY, BT TIIH MKDyOnD I'niNTINQ CO. ,JPera.9cr.1,,. Tlmea, Thn ModfonJ Mftll, The Medford Tribune, Tho South ern Orcffonlun. The Anhlnnd Tribune. OfC Mall Tribune Hullillnfr. S5-S7-JI North Fir atrcott phone, Main 1021; nemo 75. OKOnQB PUTNAM, Editor and Manager ..Entered nn ccondctani matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March I, 1879. Official Paper of tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. nnigciixpTiow hatei. One year, by mall ...J5.00 One month, by mall 60 Per month, diltvnrcd by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point so fMturday only, by mall, pr year.. S.oo Weekly, per year 1.60 SWOX9 CXSCT7&ATXOH. Dally averase for clovrn months end ing November SO, 1911. 2761. rail Xaied Wire Unite Btepatohta. Free Tho Mall Tribune Is on sale at the Terry New Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman Newa Co.. Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Waah, KXSrOKD, OKEQOW. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest growing city In Orejron. Population U. 8. census 1910 8840; estimated. 191110,000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply, pure mountain water, and 17.S miles of streets paved. Postofflce recelnts for rear anrtlns November SO, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent Banner fruit city In Oregon Ttorue River BpltrenserK apples won sweep takes prize and title nf Atple Star or the World" at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 190t, and a car of Newtntms won Tlrst Frit In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. B. C rirst Prise la 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Nevrtowns. Horue River pears brought highest prices In all markets of the world dur tntr the pnst six vears. Write Commercial Cluh. Inclosing cents for postage for the finest commu nltv pamphlet ver published. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown I (By Lewis Allen, in Hearst papers.) It has been discovered that the celebrated "Houn' Dawg" song re cently dragged forth from Missouri by Chump Clark Is but a repetition of an old German cradlo song. TCowspapcr item. Careful analysis of tho stylo and disposition of well known Kets fur nishes ground for tho assertion that they could have written it if they had 'felt like It. Something like this, may be: Omar. And this I know, whene'er I come to town. With me, close as a shadow, comes my houn ; Though but a dog, who knows past? Who knows? his Stop, Infidels! N'or kick my aroun! dawg Marnulay. Champ Clarkus, of Missouri, By tho Nino Gods swore That tho great gang of Ozark Should kick his dog no more. By tho Nino Gods ho swore it And spread tho news in town "Though but," quoth he, "a houn dawg. Yo shall not kick him roun'!" Moore. Dear hound of my country, in mls'ry 1 found thee, Tho yelps of thy sorrow I heard from tho shore When kindly, my own Ozark dog, I unbound thco And gavo theo my word they should kick theo no more! Bryant. To liliu who lu lovo of hound dogs holds Communion with their vislblo forms, they speak A pleading language; for their gayer hours A bark of gladness and a wag And eloquence Joyous, but they glide Into a darker musing and a wild, Appealing symphony, and steal away Whone'r those of a rougher naturo Kick them around. Hood. I remember, I remember, Tho hotiBo where ho was born, Tho llttlo doorway where tho pup Came creeping out at morn; Ho would sneak into tho larder And steal what could bo found, And yet 1 wept In boyhood when Thoy kicked my dog urouud! ILLINOIS DEMOCRATS FAIL TO REACH COMPROMISE STAGE BEOItIA, 111., April 20. With Mayor Harrison of Chicago and Nn tlonal Committeeman Sullivan refus ing ovory suggestion of basis of com promise, thoy continued today tho bitter battle for control of tho Illi nois domocrucy in holding two dis tinct domocrntlc stato conventions and nominating two nets of dclogatcs from Cook county and tho slato-at-lurge to tho national convention, Thoro was selected only ono sot of down-stato delegates, howovor. Tlio platform drawn by J. Hamilton Lowls was adopted by both conventions. It pdgos tho dolegates to support Clurk for president, w- m THE OPENING SKIRMISH. HISTORY ropoats itself. Four .veal's ago George r. Dunn was noiniimied for eounty judge over (lie late Captain M. J lggleslon, only to meet defeat at the election. Meilfoi'd niossbaeks, uniting with the 1. V. r., showed their laek of patriotism by voting against a .Medford man and for one who ean properly be classed as an enemy of the city, as well as of progress. Merrick s defeat is due to the organized activitv of his opponents, to their capitalization of the reaction in pub-- lie sentiment against high taxes and the present adminis tration, to the light vote, and to the lethargy displayed by Medford citizens in Ids behalf. Little effective effort was made to secure his election by those who induced liim to make the race. The county "was lined up against the city and even had Merrick secured every vote here he stilt would have met defeat. Ashland set Medford a good example by voting almost to a man for the Ashland candidate. By the same means the old Ashland political ring was enabled to dominate count v affairs for mam veal's in times gone b As long as -Medford splits its strength, ;just so long will she be voiceless in county affairs. The primaries are simply the opening skirmish in the campaign. The real battle will be fought in November. The fight has just begun. 2?EV YORK, April 20. Inquiries into the ;nlltuitrio of the men pos seiurors mid crow of the wrecked Titanic will be mnile by the Cnrnejrie Hero commission, Jt' wns nunouneetl here today with .special attention dir ected toward Major Archibald Butt, President Tuffs military aide, talcs of whoc courage are multiplying. Survivors everywhere today de clared that Major Ilutt. more than anyone else, was responsible forp.-l-this the women niul children into tho lifeboats. Ask Pardon for Wisconsin Lifer MADISON, Wis., April 20. -A honrin .., i.,., ,., JIcGovern today on an application for the pardon of Harry Dunn, who Is serving a life term In the prison at Waupun. unn was convicted of the murder of Eniil Leber, a Milwaukee saloonkeeper, August a, 1SDS. Ho was convicted on circumstantial evi dence and has always maintained his Innocence. The pardon is asked chiefly on tho ground that tho prls- .oneiy,.lg suftcrin.g.tr.ora tuberculosis and cannot live 'long If kept in con finement. MARSHFIELD, Ore.. April 20. Jacob Evans, a wealthy pioneer far- mer, was murdered late yesterday at his homo In South Slough. His body, with four bullet holes, was found to day. He was apparently shot while sitting 'near his window. Evans had trouble with employes, and tho au thorities believe this circumstance had a connection with tho crime. SEATTLE. Wn.. April 20. James Brady, a wealthy sawmill operator, and wife, were found dead in bed at their home In Edmonds tonight. Ap parently Mrs. Brady had Bhot her husband and then committed suicide. LONG ORDEAL FOR POPE'S PRIVATE GUARDS. IS III II ii ' i - i, i ,., -i. mil. I,., ,,.. ,m HI -! wit' Nv-' ? mr mm 11 :: WfK'l to'- Mffl 129; a $&-r M llrVtsIw?'BTsTsHlp'W h mm : ' mwimkr wyjvisisYi w ro Sttitdre AsvizrsYjS'syywoj'XMe jaf. u. Tho Papal Guards of the Vatican of Popo Plus X., and have strict orders, bis private secretory to cater the prirat r ILL FAIED STEAMER XEW YORK. April 20- Vo addi tions to the lis of dead or Minivers of the Titanic wreck were made nt the offices f (he White Star r.;e here today. A revised list as givcu out by company officials, places the number of survivors at 7U.", including 20(i members of the crew. 20 of t'iv latter beiuir women. A total of 1,"J, Hrsoii perished, iiicludiiu; C"t mem bers of the Titauic'.s new. OBITUARY William c. Kitto Died At his home in Jackson ville. Friday, William Curtis Kltto, at 2:40 a. m., aged SS years, for len years a resident of that place. Mr. Kltto leaves six children William Kltto, Butte. Mont.; Walter Kltto, National City, Cal.; Joseph Kltto, Jacksonville; Frank Kltto, Pine Lake. Alberta, Canada; Jennie Kltto, Jacksonville, and Mildred Kltto, Hu gene. The funeral announcement will be made later. . Prayejtcr Titanic Victims. IJRUKKL.RY, Cal., April 20. -k statewido five minutes silent prayer service for tho heroes who went down ,n l"e wreck of tho Titanic Is planned 'y a numbor of prominent clubwomen of Berkeley, who today began a move incut to have all church services of every nature throughout California stopped at the hour of noon next Sun day for this purpose Passed Many Icebergs. NEW YORK, April 20. Captain Rostron of tho Carpathla, in his re port to his owners, stated that in making the run to tho rescue of tho TItanlc's passengers after receiving the "C. Q. D." signal, tho Carpathla passed through u big field of Ice bergs, and several times had to alter hfr course to avoid ice. r w wfr1 mn m r0 have stood long vigil since the lllncsi- to allow no one but two physicians urn) aiirtu)exjt3 of UU llolluctsa. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FOR T. R. AND BOURNE UUANTS PASS, On-., April 'JO. Tho oloolion ootinl i .losi'i'l'i'n' t'onii ty is iueoiiipMi luit sufficiont is known to prove that liooovolt vni tios the county, l,n l-'olW'tto ocoinU Tnl'l third. Iluiiiw lnl,i- Iho ro.imy over Soiling. , Kivlils lor mjoioI w. of fUWv wus suevosful hero. REDDY-LEWIS MINE TO SHIP ORE TO SMELTER Ore HhlpmcutR from tho Uoddy. I.owIh uilno win bcRin when tho road has dried sufficiently to penult team ing. Such was a xtnlemcnl inatlo by V. H. Klctchur, foreman of tho mine, who was In Mod ford Friday, At the present tlino Unco carloads havo been tmeked preparatory for shipment to Tnconin smelters. The ore will nvorngo ?30 per ton In gold and copper values, tho latter In ex cess. Owing to tho largo amount of silica in tho oro the smelter has placed u premium upon It, which will pay for tho smelting charges, hltica i oro. say mining men. Is hcnrro ou tho coast, and tho necessity of this Im portant element In smelting is vital In forming tho flux. Of tho ores In this section, silica Is characteristic and permits shipment at a low rate, as the freight !s the only charge, Tho distance 'from tho lteddy Luwls to l.oland Is but four tulles and within tho next week shipment will ho begun. Tho mlno is being worked by ten men at this time and 700 feet of de velopment work has been accom plished. WASHINGTON', I). l, April 20. -During the coming week Georgetown university Is to jiold a celebration that promises to assume even larger proportions than the great centennial celebration that was held there some years ago. Tho loading 'feature of tho celebration will bo the uuvolllug uf a statue of Archbishop Carroll, the founder of tho university. Tho event will bo atteuded by hundreds nf alumni and other frlonds of tho institution, including tunny distin guished prelates, priests and laymen of tho Itomau Catholic church. PARIS, April 20.--The steamship l.a Franco, recently, completed at St. N'Hzalro for tho French Transatlantic Hue. sailed from Havre today ou her maiden voyage to New York. She carries a largo passenger. HstJhat .In clude niaio'VAWuinnt distinction. Among those' outboard aro the mem bers of tho French mission, headed by M, HouoUiuxfwhlch Is conveying to America the pVoiixo bust of "La Franco," by Atigttsto Rodin, for pre sentation to tlnJlnltedStatcs. 'Hie bust Is to be placed at tho base of tho monument to bo dedicated uoxt June to Samcfdo Champlalu, the French navigator and explorer. GRAND RAI'IDS, Mich., April 20. A campaign, to rulso funds Hiiffl clout for tho purchase of D000 Bibles was launched hero today ut tho annual convention of tho Michi gan Gideons, or association of Chris tian traveling men. It Is proposed to plnco ono of tho Bibles in each guest room In every hotel in western Michigan. F1EW THOUGHT MEETINGS Aro Held in Jfooso Flail ovory Thursday at 3 p. in. Everybody invited. FOR SALE In order to go on our ranch and devel- ope same we will sell our business which is the best business of its kind south- of Port land. r t It will take about $3500.00 to handle this, so don't answer this ad unless you really want a good business. it. E-.. E. Care Mail Tribune BARNES ANIMAL SHOW WILL BE HERE MONDAY lnv who wo wlltl uiuuM'n In vnma ronllto tho vnwt amount of trouhlo, dnnnor iiml o.mhiiho noroH mtry to Bet fhoui thoro, Tho uiont out danger lion In ruplnrlnn tho mil" iiiuIh In thole imUvo country. With tho M O. Ilaruoa liltf Tluco-HInn Wind Anlnuil Oltcux, which will kIvo two iicrfoniuimort In Medford on Monday, April i.'-', then niv :t 0 mil inuh), moHt of whlih wuo In the for out nntl Jungle, or tlKlr it.itho uotn tj'li's. Thoro Is no more tKKtlsh or dan gsrous task than tracking Uoiik lu tho vast Nubian denurtri. Tho fcorch Inn sun poms down with such (on that few men can stand It. Tho ef fect on tho eyes Is blinding. Thoro Is llttlo or no shade. Tho wariest and most careful luiutor may bo tracking nu animal and at tho sumo lime bo tracked by tho very siilnial ho is sookluKi who may spring on him at any moment. For capturing fullxnwu lions largo trupR of various forms arc used. One trap U sqimr, ono of tho shltm lifting up on a spring like tho old fnshlouud mouse-trap. This trsp Is baited with a ilw of frMh meat, nnd as soon as tho Hon ha entered the trap tho door shuts down and ho Is a prisoner. Moio than a eoro uf Rous with the Al G. Harmm circus were caput' ed lit tlibi manner. Elephants aro generally caught lu nnosos. A number or nton surround tho elephant utter thoy havo previ ously formed n circle of flro about tho bonst. Tho flro got closer and closer to tho elephant, and finally a noose Is thrown ovor his nofi(I. lie-Is then securely Hod to a' tree and al lowed to, romulu .thoro until quiet. TameeleplinnffT'ilrr.' thW brought, Into use and appear to In- a sort of persuaslvo In winking tho hugA ani mals tractable. in catching btiakes various dovlcos are mn. Olio Is to xt the graM ou flio lu a circle where It Is known that snakes lisvi- biding plnces. As they rush out they aro caught In largo nets mounted ou wooden lump to which Is attached a lame bag- "Just Say" HORLICK S It Means Original and Genuino The Food-drink for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. AskforllORLICK'S. DiT Others arc imitations. I Draperies Wo carry a vi-ry curnplote lino of tlruporlcii, lurn curtolim, fix turcit, etc, ami to nil cIiikhum of upliolHlrrluc A Mpcclal man to look uftor IIiIh 'vork uxoiunlvoly ami will kIvd I'm koo1 tn-rvlcu an In posMlblii to cut In uvea tho IlirKCBt Cltll-M. WEEKS S McGOWAN CO, PLUMBING Btoam and Hot Wator Heating All Work Qimrniitcofi I'rlocs ltuaHonalilo. COFFEEN & PRICE 30 Howard Block, Sutrntico on Otli Fucirio 3031. Horn 349. Bt Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson ami Hiiiuuitt Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. 1', & II. Co. IJldjf. - Pitl teg 'fTH Tho Show Tlmt'8 Differ cnt Will lMilblt at MEDFORD Monday. April 22 Ouo Day Two rcrfoniiaiuoN, at 'J and H I'. M, Al G. Barnes Big 3-Rinu Wild Animal i CIRCUS lil.lt) nlmul Actor, 151) I'omIch, llogx, Monkey. .Mercy CIouiik mill a Iloxt of Novel Act :i IIiiimN Spcclnl Trains. t-'RKK sTitiM-rr paradh AT lt):::ti A. .M. Medford, Monday, Apr. 22 Wanted A Name I' liat Diii'rliasiMl Hit Alt' Howell ( 'onlVt'l ioni'i'v ! niid wmil. to soltH't a suitable name for I lie business. Inj order lo do I his I will offer. A PRIZE OF A 5-POUND BOX OF BEST CANDY l) inir the first person surest -the imme to he selected bv a committee. I will jrivo a one-pound box of candy to the next, five people should they surest the name chosen. Tho date, hour and minute will be plaeed on each suggestion received to give every one a .squ.-ire deal. Suggest ions will be re ceived up to and including April J!). R. N. FOSTER Succossor to McDowell's F0RDE CAN 00 IT Do you want your lawn put in first elntu shiipo? All work guaranteed. I.oavo nddrcsR with II. 11, Pullet-Mi, Quaker Nursery, Nnsh hotel. A Tome. Attentive ntul HruiUtul, Tlie lrl rrtii'-'ly ' I ,!n-in, I,itr niit lvtli l.ra!Kjra lu'ij. . 1 million ami 1. viilrn of Hie M 11 1 .tin lir II! 'I mil K " 'lone bticUK"i aii-1 i(;nr Dll.e entire nytuiti Medford Eeal Estato & Employment Agency Ft) it HAMJ I c.i iicro A lulled mil , J I Mi pur aero, lilt lie ran ,r: iiiUom tint, IK in pimm. 10 acton 2 imIIoh out, 8 lu poitiM. U itcroH I Hi Jul I on nut, uilxud or- oluinl. t 120 acton II iulh-8 out, only f TiO p-r aero. Havo a cllonl who witutK a loan of $1000 on ranoh. I.ol lu Walnut I'urh. 'i'it itiikIi. I acroH now -I room nomoi, otc.i I 'j uMlmi out, only JI'SOO. Ilout Ilia! If you mm lu irhio. I room hoiuiu, phiHtorod, lol plaut (i(l lo uuitIdh, prlco $700, 5 room lunmo noar (ho' North tieliool, $2000, toriiiu, i:.MI'I,OYMKNT Itanch hanilM. WnltroHH. Hllvor in it ii . Aliichoi'M. dirts for Kouurat hoimowork. Phono lu your ordoni for mon; no charKUH to tho oinployor. Mi'H. f minor hi iiluuyii on hand to tuho your uitnio and addrouH, E. F. A. BITTNKR ROOMS G AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Jlotcl Phono till) Home, 11, fr4rlntt--. WHERE TO GrO ' TONIGHT i 4 SJASSAAlAAA STAR THEATRE I'uilor direction People's Ainuno incut (lo, Always lu tho lend. itupicino lu l'lctuio I'roiluctious A MI'AUTAV .MOTHICIt K'dem'H KrenlcHl war draiuii Thrilling, powurful TIIT CIIK'KKN DINNi;it A rltli ami laughable comedy Tin: tuiun.VAis iut Historic clusslo run iiaiiv Fun to a faro-you-woll HIS UITM-; SISTI I'uuulosl over lit Al. SATIlim In Popular Bung I text or Music mid KffectH Admission 10c, Children Do MATINKK8 KVKHV DAY M9M! IOc THEATRE lOc MAItlK CA.MI'IIKI.J. ,V CO. Willi (lltll'l- KTKKI.K. In "Till: I.AHV iiml Iho rAUSdN" Caul: Mary, tho maid (Jraco Van Hood, tin' ladv. ..Mario Campbell Itov, ArhU (ir'tu, tho pnrnon . tit Iff Htoolo IOIMI l-Vcl of IVuluro ninii Tin-: ciiotoi.ATi-: iti:voi.vi:it Konturlug ADKI.i: l)i: tlAUDK. Iho Vltagraph Coiupaiiy'M wonder ful llttlo nrtrtMi, iiiio of thn young out In tho world a ;i(ii:mtm:,vi) cri-in A cb-viT III 1 1 Conioily as Toi.i) nv piiiNcicss nnss Tho dramatic Mtoiy of an Indian malduu'K gralltudo AT TIIK I'OINT -' A KW'OIIU llonvy Drama Kvoulugn, 10c any scat in (lu houno. Hpi-clnl Chlldrou's Mat Inco ovory Haturday and Holiday nt 'i p. m., admlAHlou r.c and lOcc. Follow tho crowdn to tho ImIh, Wo nollclt your patrouago, which will ho received with court oy. Hall & Myers Taxi Co. Tuxicahs and Touring Curs Phenes: Paclflu 1100 Home 100 Tlino Itnte.n: City on PavemonlM, $3,00 por hour Country, $3.50 por hour Waltlni; Tline: 10 Contu I-Jvory Kour Mlnutoa or fl.no Por Hour NndtoH RhoppliiK, t'l 0 Por Hour UoctorH' City Onlhi $a.r0 Por Hour TuMlmotor Itatcu: Horvlro Day or Nlslit Talio tho Ilrnwu Cam A SNAP (50 acroa, idx iiiIIch from Motlford, Kood Krailod road croisHoa tho tract, all froo mill, at $50 pur aero, $1000 will hitndlo, oasy torniN on halanco. Part Ih crook hottom land, uu'tiihlo for alfalfa, Bovoral sprliiKii on tho piano, Tlinbor oiioiikIi to pay for tho tract. No bnlldlnisB. In tho Qrlffln croolc dlbtilct, T. York O. Co. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHIIINUTON, 1), O, Public .and Matteni: Flnul I'roof. Deaort Lnnda, Coutopti und Mlulng QnBon, flcrlp, . ' - 'r X . mph A j: ?- rr li " , 0