NMEDFORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, MEDffORP, OIHMIOX. NA'ITUDAY, 'APRIL 20, 1912. PAG1C tCHKW K t y J oil.-' u- . . .ei P fij nrnmcxi p f V VJiljtEi a A IIIOHl llolllllllflll OIllol'llllllllK'Ilt wiiii (liven Wednesday ovonliiK liy tli I'ytlilun Hlhtui'M to tlm niomliui'H of tho Knlahtii uf I'ythliw ami u few frlomlH. 'I'ho liull witH nrllHllcully decorated with iiiilo hloMomii mill imtiiiliiH, tho niiiiio riowiiiM iiluo ilui'urutliiK tlm biiu Ht tables. Kollowlnjf'tlio liuiuiiiot cards mill a wiulnl tlniK wont enjoyed by all. Tlio coiuinltleo In cIiiiimo wan Mm. (loo. 1. Alliums, chairman, Mm. dim. T. O'llrlcn, Mr, mid Mr. H. V. Coffin, Mr. mul Mni. 0. A. I'oo, MIhhcii l.nr alnn illlton, lone Klynn, Inn Coffin, (louovlovo Wormian, MnnurH. Karl Itoynohhi, mul Lauren lmmoun, Tlio kiiuhIh were: Mr. anil Mrs, A. Iluhhurd, Mr. ami Mm. .lulin Olm uti'ail, Mr, anil Mrs. Metlounu, Mr. ami Mm, lion Trowbrlduo, Mr. ami MrM. J. Per), Mr. and Mm. I,. Whll Iiik'. Mr. ami Mr. II, M, Collins, Mr. ami Mr. l'riink lunucti, Mr. ami Mm. II, 0. Woitmiin, Mr. ami Mm. J. A. t'orry, Mr. ami Mm. Kit Trow lirlilHit, Mr. mul Mm. Klfurt, Mr. mul Mm, .1, 1'. Hutchison, Mr. ami Mm. ('. ,1, i:aiitinan, Mr. ami Miu. (I. KolirunlmiiKli. Mr. ami .Mm, J. T. Hiiiumorvlllo, Mr. mul Mm. rosier, Mr. mul Mm. K. V. W'ltto, .MIhhcm Akim-ii Isaacs, .MaiKimit Cromer, Hmllu Van Dyke, lux Coffin, Worn Welch, llorthu HramlKiilaii'K, (Joraldlun MIhcIik, lltilnu Onlil, Mary Umiwoll, Kthol ami lliuul Cox. Mown. Itoswoll Coffin, Kriiwl ,McKo. Carl Ulnsaow, William MmuiH, Iloiaco llrownley, lluiiiurford Kurr, lloit Hlull, I'aul HoIiIkoii, Poril Hills, Jitniim Ojutklur, Kvori'tt TrowlirlilKu, Ilonry lliwidl ami John IMilogar. A vury InlorwtliiK talk wtw kIvvii by .Mia llolit, l.a I'ollotto Thursday niuniliii:. at the. t'lul) rooms of tlio Uruutor Modfoid club. Mm. I.u Pol- ltiu Iuih a iiuiNt churmluu porumill(y ami was otithiitfhiNilcully reetdvud. Him irnHnieil notiio very convincing tru.lm aliont HtiffritKo ami by hor own man mr hIiowuiI that thoro I mi fiar that Miffrnno will toml to maku one Ion womanly or without cltariu. Croat luionml wan shown by tlioso pumuiit ami plans nro bldiiK intulu to fnrui a Miiffnu;o orKiuiUiUloti In Mndford. Mm. I.u I'ollotto vwh kIiowii over a part of I tin vhIIc" boforo tlio uittetliiK by .Mimilmmifl I Infer, Iteddy ami Culo, ami a luuuliooii wiih kIvoii Imr lattir. ' In honor, of MIm Alolha Kuiurlrk mul Imr Kiuwt f.MI Mllilrud llalluy Mlcti Kuril Mute IiIhoii iutortainiMl at brblKo Woiliuwday aftitruoou. MIkh Itlddull wau I tin winner of iho firm favor and Mm. .IoIiiimoii of tlio M'coud. Tho Invltml kiumIa wuro MuHdmrnw Itoilflold, Ira Dodiio, Itotli ttnnal, JoIiiinoii. McUowoll, Llitroln. MIkmwc Kniorlok, llalluy, Itlddoll. liiu Huh, DiMiol. Ilazol Uavln, Kuntuur. Ida I.iio Kontimr, Kborhardl, Onnooil. llrookH, MlldiDd Watv. 1'ltoubu llanco.J Prlmiii ami (Inul)ii llnanl. ' To lolubrati! Mr. J. It. McClntrlileV birthday, Mm. McClnlclilo Kv liltu a iiiirUo party I'rlday uvonlnir at tludr homo miar .lii(d(ouvlllti. A "hard IIiiiom" Miippor wiik Korvi'd at 7 o'nlocU or Iidiiiik, liioun bruad and doiiuh initn. Hard tlinu iohIiiiiiom wimo worn ami ovurythliiK Uu wan In kminlng with tho I dun. Old fnHliloiuid'dmu-o ami i;;i iiiiih woro idayod mul a ino.it unjoyablo tliuo wiih miiuiU. About 15 KiiijMlu wnro lirt'Konl from ,latkN0it vllloaud Modfonl., Mlwi Alolha ISmurlck onterlaliied at bridKo Thiimday afternoon for hor Client .MIhh Hualoy of Hpokaue. Tho Invited KOUMtH wuro .Minima Hoaloy, IIohh Kuutuor, Ida Leo Koutnor, Madmi Itlddoll, EiikIIbIi. IliooltH, IIiiIhIiIhoi), Eburluirdt, Marjorlo' Duuul, Carey and Mm. Itodfluld. MIhh Hazel Davbi outorlaluud at IIiIiIko Krldity afternoon for MIhh Alolha Emurlck ami her Client MIhh llouloy, lluHldoii tho honor kiiuhIh tliOHo proiioiit wore MUuuh lluitha KukIIhIi, MiuIko1 Ulildull, IIohh Kout nor, Ida I.eo Koutnur, Mldrud Ware. , and Korn llutcliliiHon. MIhh Alotha lOmerlck, who Ih ut toudlu;; tho Unlvomlty of OroKOu at KtiKouo Ih HpundliiK tho EiiHlor vaca tion with hor parouta In Mudford, MIhh Mlldrod llealoy of Hpokano, who la a claHHiiiatu or MIhh Emurlck, Ih hur Uiiest. Tlioy return lo coIIoku Sun day. Mi'H. J. I). Hoard wau hoK(eHH at a churmliiK luiichoou ut her' homo ou HlHklyou HulKhtH, Saturday. Ilo,r Kuurtta woro MpHdamoH Hopkins, Car pontor, DuulolH, EukUhIi, IliidKo, J. M, Hoot, Evan ItuainoH, Iloddy, Caroy, Ptil'dlu, WaltlmiH, EUIh, UutcliUion, Scautllu and Kan. Mr. and Mm. II. I). Mollrldo and Mm. Dni'lliii Snyder loft WoduoHday for i t'l to Poi'tiumi, i' ' ', ' '" """ "L Tho LiiiIIoh' Aid of thu ProHbytor Inn cliiiruh will iimot TiiPHdny after, noon nl 1!;.I0 o'clock. Tlu-io Ih a KicAt dual of work to ho douo and all urn iihIioiI to ho primont, Mm. U. H, Itny Ih IiohIuihi fir tho aflornooii. III. Ilov. UhiiM, HcaddliiK. .!), hlMhop of OruKon, will maku an offi cial vlult to Ht. Mark'tt church Kiuulay, A cdiuw of flfti.'oii will bo couflniiud at tho 1 1 a, in. Nurvlco, Dr. Ul:liurd HiiikIoih rotttruud Hun day from Yruka, Cnllf., bilnnlni? with him liU lirldo, who waa MIhb I.ydla Croy, of (Jroy, Calif. Tlmy will inako I heir houii) In Mudford. . ' Mm. Mary HcoU and Ilarr mul daiiKhtur MIhh Dolln, who bavo bucu vImHIiik Mm. Ilarr'ii brother W. .1. Bcolt, Urt Thiimday for thulr homo In Kindlon, Ontario. Mr. .lack Merrill had im IiIh kiiohIh at IiIh country homo near Cold Hill. Mr. and Mm. IMgac I hi for, Dr. ami Mm, Kiilado ami MIhh Halado ami Kpraitiio llclcol. Mr. AuiIiimv Harvey who Iuih boon vIhUIiik Mr. Kud Mm. H. V. Coffin, left UiIh wciik for IiIh Iioiiio In Carrol, Iowa, Ho oxpectM to rultirn mul intiko bin homo hnro latur. Dr. and Mm. CIiiih. T. (loduoy tf I'laluvlow, TctiiH, who liuvit bcuii vl ItliiK Mm. A. IColb-lior ami family loft for tlmlr homo WoduoHilay. Mr. and Mm. lunar. IIiuiioiihoii ami ilaiiKhtnr of I.olmul, III., aro vixltltiK lit Mudford. Mr. 1iiiioiihoii wiih a fornior riMldont of .InckHouvllle. I. lout, ami Mm. Ollhtirt Mr. Allun who havo JiiHt rmurnod from Manila aro tho kuihUm of Mr. and Mm. A. C. Alton at Hollywood orchardrt. Mm. T. H. Wnlib who Iuih boon vlnltliiK her pmoutt), Mr. and Mm. M. N. (iiiult. ruturncd t IiIh weuk to her homo In I .oh AukoIc, Calif. Th Junior Ijnrioavnr micloty of tlio I'ruHbylarlnii cliurch will hold a xo clul Haliirday evening front 7 to 1 o'oloolt In tho uhapol. Tho iiurotliiK of tho Thiimday After noon HrldKKo club wa pontpoiiu'd un til uoxt week, whuii Mlmi Kara Uollay will uutertalu. Mr. Vornou Vawtor Ik hpuuiIIuk tho Kaiter vacation with IiIh paruutH. Ho oxpoctH to rotiirn lo tho t'nlvomlty tif OiuKou Sunday. The ladloH of tho Altar .Hocloty of tho Catholic church kvo a card party Tmwday ovvuuk In thulr Oakdale tiviiiiuo hall. Mr. Jack Merrill onturtnlucd nt lumdiooii Thiimday at llolol Medford for Dr. and MIhh Saladu and Mr. mid Mm. I la for. Mr. Don Itador, who Ih a Mtmloiit In tho Unlvomliy of Oiogon, Is npniidltiK tho Eiutur vacation with hur patent. ' MIm KrmicuH Ward and Mr. Italph Plokol of I.oiik Inland. KniiHitH, aro tho ipioHlu of Mr. and Mm, LoiiIh Voiiuk. Mm. C S. Iloliiltuo of ItoioburK. wan the guuHt t IiIh wool; of hur par- untM, Ituv. mid Mm. E. O. EldrldKO. Mm.H, Ilullbrouuur who ban buuu tho KiiuMt or hur koii, Mr. Carl lloll bronuer left Monday for California. Mm. Clydo IlazolrlKI? loft aiiuday for (IruunbuiK, lud., whoro alio was aallud by tho death of hur father. Mm. W. It. SlmoiiH of Port Town tiuml, WuhIi., Ih tho Kiiunt of hur uld ter, Mm. B. A. Lock wood. Mr. S. f, ltosonburi;, ownor of tlio Hear Creek orchard!), arrived huro Wudnomlny from Heattlo, MIhh Mlldrod Noll who Iuih buen t tomllnt; coIIuko at llurkoloy, Calif., returnod homo Monday. Mr, ami Mm. Aiuoh UIIhh havo vo turned from San DIoko whoro tlmy Hpout tho win tor. Mm. T. HutehliiH lot't Thumday for Hilt, Cnllf., whoro huu will remain Hovural moiithH. Mm. E. Cllno ruturiicd Tuondny from a vhdt with hur mot hur In Stan ton, Mich," Tho UrltlKo Idinchuoh club will bo unturtalued by Mm. DanlulH noxt weolfi Tuemlnv ovcnliif,' Jim. llu)i Klllolt K'ivo u iiniiiii) ciitertaimnoiii nl her Ihmiiii on Morlli IJivemiile for I lie lien elil of tlm Loyally Circle of Mm Mml .M. V., cluiii'li. On uilliirini; tlio living room ilccornlioiiH of rceim ami feniH in limiKiilu IiiihIwIm Kicelcil tlie kiichIh, iiml Urn eirclo iiaiiio In IcdorH of kjM win limit; in Hie ateliwiiy liclwecn t tie liviut; ami (litiini; rooniK. A prounun of miiNic, icailiiiH, ami u lino talk on tlio "Hiimro Deal" y Mr. Cmimly, ami an iiiiiiihiiij; coiiIohL on HouurcH of inMir, on which llio hiiIijccIh of eoiivematioii bclwceii koiiIIoiiu.'H and liulicH wax wrillcn, coiiMitmi'il n rreat er inirl of llii! nveiiinj,'. The i)iaie iitonl Hurvcil on a Hipiaro tattle, eon wUtcd of ilifi'cient kimlH of eala, out in niiiiui'., wrapped in Uhkiio pap:r ami noli! for J ocnU a MUiiiu I.nlur in mi iiiljoinini; room hot coffee timl Mqiinro waforu on which wuro laid H(iiaren of cIicohu, wcro Hcrvcil fn.ni ii beautifully appointed tnblo whohe chief ilecoralion wiih tin dainly red mountain lily. .Mimic wi J'lirniHlivil bv Iho pliouorapli. A larno iituuber of kiichIh enjoyed Mr. Klliolt's box. pilalily ami everyone prououu'ood the oiitoriuiiiuiaiit where everything wn.i iloiin on the ntinn;, a juiccomk, nofinl- ly and tiiiniieiully. Oao of tho oventH or tho coiiiIiik wuolc Ih tlio proitiicllou of tho four act dm nin. "Valley Kami," by tho mombem of tho Junior HI. :.Iu.nn Oulld. Tlio production Is under tho direction of Mr. Ed AndrewM, which alouo Iiihuich Kh oiiccokh. The stut; lii Ih by tho uieiiiboni of tho (lulld. Mimic by a carefully selected or chcMtra Ih one of tho featurcH of the evening. Following l thu caHt: Hetty Holroml Ethel IlaxolrlKB Alvlra Holcomb Iteba Dwlt?ht Mm. ItutlcdKo Ethelwyu Ilrown I.l7.a Ann Tucker. . . .Kutli HiitchltiKS iHtibelle Carney Dot Ilerry Verbena JorhIo Purdy Harold Hullcdm:. . . .Horace Hroiulcy Perry Deuno Herman Puruckor Azarlnh Keep .Olen Con well JvaultiKM Clen Conwell David Hlldreth Cole Holmen KllriH Holcomli Tlio play Ih bclni; kIvoii to help ho cure fiindH for a plpo orKan for the now church and should ho well at tended. The luuctiiiin; of the Wednesday Slmlv uliili wiik held at the home of Mm. Shield?, tliir- week. The .subject was ".Social Settlement Work Anion;; the ItalimiH in America." Mm. Wor rell wiik in ehnruo of the program, ami had prepared n inoiit intercstiii; paper. Shu discuud the Meial ot tlepientx anions thu Itnliaim in New York, C'biciiKii and other eastern cit iiw, liaudlim; the Mibjce.t uiimt inter- ontiiisly. Owint; to Mm. Worrell's absence from tho city. Mr. Mcam wiih in ohnr-u ami tho paper prcpurvd bv Mm. Worrell was read by Mm. I. J. Xeff. Tho roll call was re sponded to bv facts eoiiecrniuK Ital ian iiuini-ialioit mul Miuial settlement work. Mr. and Mm. V. W. Elfort ontor taluud at diuuur Thumday for Dr. John Wcaluy Hill of New York and JudKu Colvlp. An claborato clghu course dinner was nerved. Applo bloKsouiH and paiiHlea weru used In decorallon. Dr. Hill and Mr. Elfort were boyhood friends ami grew up to Kother. A parifli rcecptioii wim yiven at SI. -Mnik'n church Tliumdav evening, lluit beiu'Sl. Murk's Day. All eliuivb members mid Uiom interested in tho church work are invited. The l.adie' Aid society of tho Christian church will meet Wednesday aflcruoi pril Jlth, ut the home of Mm. (loo. Hails on 'J.r S. IVach street. Tlio Wednesday Afternoon llrldKO club unit with MIhk Wouks. Mrs. Schmidt wiih winner of tho prize, mi haudbomu Jardlulero and foni. Mm. W. II. Canon ls recovering from tho offeeta of a very Hovore rail alio received koiiio time uo. Mm. Krcil DarueburK and MIhh draco Smith left TuoHilay for a visit in Oakland, Calir, Mm, Picket entertained tho Uuu iuih MuelicH club Wednesday uvuulng or HiIh week. " Mr. Paul ItobliiHon or Dos ton, Miihh., Ih vIhUIiik Ills couhIii. Mm. Har old KoHlur. f Mm. Duryua of Seattle, Is tho kuohI of Mrs. Duulop ou SlHklyou HulKhtu. Mm. Alta Visitor and children left Tuesday for a trip to California. Mm. Care entortalned tho Alolla brldKo club Krlday afturnoon. MIhh Hosamond Konnedy luft for a mouth's visit In Albany, Ore. , V Mr. CIiuh. D. Hoy roturned Thura- day from an eastern trip. MIhh Cnrrlo Hanson is vlultjug rola- tlvus in Dunsmulr, Calif. Mm, Phil Hamll leaves Mond.iy for ii trip to PovUnud. ' " fill... - .J.,.,,1 f . I . . I 1 . .. ihohI I'oinplclo 'fctK'civii-H Unit ,Meil ford jiiiihJc Imth have mccii. In pito of lliu ukwoti excitement, the Ikjiimi wiih filli.'Jjf Tlio forciiiOHt falciil of Hie town vvh rcprt'HcnlciJm llie program. Tim cnlerlninnienl wtm opened by a duct by MinneM Jvleitrs mid (lrii;nby. Thu Hulecliolt wan tl. "Spaniwh Dance" by MoMkoH'tiLi. They were well rcecivcil. Tllett followed Ml Jfiith Jlowem wifb a piano xolccliun. Thirt wiik MijHowers' fimt public nppearniice Jii1 Medjford mul mIici wiih at once a favorioViti mnxic Iovith, Mr. Hamilton nilil Mi- Uicvv rend ered a fliariiiiMK'oVt for mmidolin mul piano. Then followed Mi Aiton uith a violin ftcli'cliun. Mjhk Aiton Jh an artist, and Medford is proud of her. She was heartily wirorcd, Tho Apollo tnrlvl are making a decided iuiiroveinciit. Their Jtcloc- tioiiH were cliariniiiK )at night, and they wore rcpeatedlv encored. Mi8 Fern Ilntuhison m really a good pianist, and hru nu enne ami gracu of tiianner,Jii her playing tllat cnpturcH the ' auiiiciicc. .rm. K. 3f. AuilrewK tave two vocal HulcctioiiH tharvvcre done with arlm- tie linish. Mm. Andrews is a pro fessional hinger, mid much in expect ed of her, fjtit. hc even went beyond the anticipation of her most ardent t'rtemlH. She is really a finmhed singer. (Jeorge Andrewg tave a number from II Troviiforo. am was heartily encored- Ho responded with a dut't by JiiuiKelf and Jlr. Whelsel which wan one of the choice mmihcrM of the evening. Their voices blend perfectly. Mm. 0. II. Ilrown as also u new and Hplcudid Hurprisc in her piano work'. Shu in a thorough munichm and her playuur show an artistic fin ish. Miss Ethel Prinmi also made a decided hit with her selection from Tmiuhaiiser. Kim is a good pianist mid plays with excellent taste. In speaking of piano players we must not forget MifH 'Flora Gray. Miss (ray is at all times a musical suc cess. Med ford in thoroughly familiar with her good work, mid is delighted to hear her in concert. Mr. Gerard Tnillandcr gave two selections ou the. piiie-organ. Mr. Taillauder ia a nmstcrof that instru ment, and we did not know until last night that we had un orauift soloiwt amoui; us of the first rank. It ia to be hoped we may hear him nguin. One of thu prettiest little affairs of the week war the Lnvuudur tea given nu Weductjiluy by Mm. George ('lav Cornititirf in lujiior of the Misses. Cox of Abiuiuuda, Galif., who arc vis iting in the city. . At the close of u delightful uleii)iiovdiiity refresh ments of priuio whip, olives, candied nuts, hoVhous eako and tea were served oy iiic hostess Jlio tabic was most attraetivelv laid with a hand some embroidered luncheon set, a hiryu silver filigree basket tied with lavender bows, mul filled with laven der myrtle, forming, jhe centerpiece. At each'eover were tiny silver inark.-t baskets tied with ribbons ami filK'd with lavender bon-bons The phu-e cards were cltislcrr. of Jnvendor flow ers in water color. A uuuint silver tea service was used, , the tray ol which was over a century old. The fragile china leaeaps., mid plates all lianmiuiml with the general color Mdicnie. Covem were, laid for the Misses llnzel Cox. Kthcl Cox, Lois Ksti'.s. Helen Dahl. Irs. Albert W. Nimiiio, and the lm-tcss , x A uuiipio ami cnjoablo social af fair was given Wednesday ovetilug nt tho homo of C. H. Plorco. SL'S East Malii strcot, when tho Alpha Delta young ladles' class of tho Christian Sunday school entertained In true oriental fashion MIhh Standeford's and the men's adult blblo classes of tho Haiuo church Tho yeum: ladles. to tho nuinbur of thirty, woro Japa nese costumes, and tho house was tastefully decorated Ma, oriental de sign. Tlio Japaucsu feature predomi nated throughout, oven tho refresh ments, which wore served lato In tho evening, Including a delicious dish olio of tho lugrcdlonts of which was rice. Tho hours pusBod ipilckly with a musical program and games. Near ly soventy persons were present. The work of beautifying the vacant jots is being pushed forward. The children arc putting in the seeds mid arc greatly interested in the work. Tho 'list of prizes for tho children will soon bo published mid somo very viiluublu prizes havo been offered. Prizes will be given JLor all exhibits and (hero will be small ones and large ones, A bicycle has been offered, al so a cash prize of2Ti, and many others have been promised. Tho nid-nionthlv meeting of the Greater Medford club was held Mon day nftvrnoon and was well attended. Mcsdanies Merrick, -Alford, Mollis ami Luuisdeu were tho committee m charge, and made thu affair very suc cessful. The president asks that all those who are cntortaiuing for the club send Iho reeciptHjto thu treasur er, as it will sinipHfyJmutters. ' Miss Unlloway wilMaterlniii infov nmllv at her eiuinlryjTluHuu Saturday I lie cuiii-uri u)" in "i iiiiii iu tin; I'lcubylerimi clitirclt wh one 0f ti, VVOUllltf. . l. ... i fn honor of Mm. Uobt, l.a Follclte ! a luncheon wau given at the Holland Hole! Thumday, by tlio officem of the Greater Bedford club and Mm. J. F. Heddy who liciid llin suffrage move ment in Med ford, mid a number of ladii'K who are itilercted in Hiiffrae. The color nchetiie wan pink and white, apple bloHSoum being lined. Hcrccnu banked with blo.HKoiriH fliirroiimled tho tabic, which wiih very dainty in all its appointment!, artiHticnlly decor ated. The club was rejirpHe'nlcd by its officcrM. McHdaniOH K. K. Famous J. M. Kool, ('. M. English, Paul Jau ney, MIhhch IlaxkiiiH and I'utiiam. Tho others prcMvnt besides the honor gucHt were MeKdamcn J. F. HctbJy, Hopkins Stoddard, I)argett, Heard, Hudgc, Daniels Gore, Hafer and Gctehcll, Mrs, J. II, Kolston ontertalnod tho Entro Nous club nt her homo, 1020 Eat Eleventh street, last Tuoisday afternoon. Whist wan played nt three tnblos. Mrs. E. O. Eehronbach i was awarded head prize, a dainty white embroidered apren: Mrs. E. W. Wltto recolvcd guest prize, a beauti ful liand-mado handkerchief, and Mm. Wm. Welzeor consolation, also a handkerchief. Tho gueatii of tho club were Mm. E. W. Wlttc. Mm. A. C. Mlttelstacdt. .Mrs. W. F. Siillenger, Misses Iva Coffin and Waters. Lunch eon was served. The hastens was assisted by Mrs. W. F. Sjillenger. Tho club will meet next Tucsdny after noon with Mrs. Wm. Wclseer at 125 South Oakdalc. Mm. ,T. E. Stewart entertained at ."00 Friday afternoon, at her home on W. Tenth street. Carnations were used for decorations pink and while being th color scheme, which was carried out in the refreshments and score cards. Mrs. Howard was the winner of first favor and Mrs. York of the second. The guests Avore Jle dames Campbell, York, Wold, Helen HiiHkius. Leon Hnskius, Itoseubauin, Will Stewart, Howard, Piatt and Dix on, and Miss Hnskius. The Guild of St. Mark's church met Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. I). Heard was elected president owing to the resignation of Mrs. Williams. The other officers are Mrs. Sherrin, fimt vice president, Mrs. Iludge. second ! vice president, Mrs. Harmon, treasur er, .Mrs. It. C Kentner, secretary. The Loyalty Circle of the Ladies' Aid society of the First M. E. church held a social Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. Himh Elliott. The Juvenile Dnucm:; club gave an other of their enjoyable dances Mon dav evening, when nuitc a number of guests were present. a Mm. Stokes entertained at lunch eon Friday for Mm. Duryca of Seattle. Mrs. J. 11. Pickel loft Wednesday ror Portland. MONEY BACK Ilyomci Is (uarautectl to Em the Misery of Catarrh, Colds, Soto Throat ami Croup Get n UYOMEl (prououueo It Illgu-o-mc) outfit today. " Pour a few drops Trom tho bottle Into the Utt'u hard rubber pocket In haler that comes with each outfit, and breathe, it four or five times a day. Immediately you will know that IIYOMEI soothes and heals the In flamed and Irritated membrane. Hut IIYOMEI does more than bootho and heal; it kills tho germs, those persevering pests that aro tho root of all catarrhal conditions. A complete IIYOMEI outfit which Includes an Indestructible pocket In haler costs only $1.00. If you now own a IIYOMEI Inhaler, you can get an extra bottle of IIYOMEI for only 50 cents at Cans. Strang's and drug gists overywhoro. The Satisfied Smile ff rVfrt ,w r .rv v.-... ci'jsmmA i j rjiw . Is sonorally to bo found on tho lips of tho man who has perfect teeth, and tho siullo becomes him under audi conditions, Lot us havo chargo of your tooth and caro for thorn, and wo will guarantee that they will novel' pain you and uovor shame- you In pub ,llc. Wo aro familiar with all branch es of tho profession and our charges aro reasonable. Lady Attorulaijt DR. BARBER I THE DENTIST Ovor ' Panlqla for Duds. Pacific rhouo2583, Uomo-rhpu'.a!j2tK t M t mlSW m The Best I've Ever Used" Is what your friends any oC the Marincllo Face Creams and Powder and thnt is what yon will say when once you have given llicin u trial J7oi' sale at the Mariraeilo vShop 407 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Phenes: 6751, 343-K PROGRESSIVE Why Does A Bank Advertise? We will tell you why In tho next Issue of this paper. They did not advertise a 'few years ago tho reason liecauso It was against tho codo of ETHICS but Bomo wtdo awako follow enmo along and did things AND NOW . Wo aro doing business as business men ho wo told you. Wo aro SPECfAI 1STS and wo are not ashamed of tho fact and wo am trying to tell you every day why you should deposit your nionoy In our ' "BANK." LISTEN and WATCH each paper. Drs. Saunders & Green. EYE, EAIt, NOSE AND THJIOAT SPECIALISTS Second Floor Garnett-Corey Building RELIABLE PLEASURE CARS CHAL3IERS, POl'E-UAUTFOKD, TEEKLESS, IIUrMOBILH COMMERCIAL TEERLESS, CHASE, KELIAN CE (From J ton to 10 tona); THE VALLEY AUTO C O. Finest Equipped Garage iu Southern Oregon VAPOR BATHS and Scientific Massage Try it for a cold, rheumatism, etc. Advice in dietetics, medical gymnastics and Hydrotherapy- Lady attendant. DR. ROBT. J. L0C5WOOD CHIROPRACTOR E. 9th and S. Riverside Both Phones It the valves of your car need frequent grinding if your spark-plugs need' constant cleaning tho chances arc your lubrication is wrong. Try Polarlue OH and sets how much trouble and expense It will save you. ' It Is freo from carbou. Feeds freely down to zero. Xovor thins out. Our I'olarlno booklot free, postpaid will help you In caring for your car. Write for It today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Portland (Incorporated) San Francisco CIRCUvS COMING but the ClarK-Jewel New Coal Oil Stove is hero i t Cool in warm weather and, with the new burner,, cooks as well as a high-priced range It will pay you to see it and will pay for itself M Guaranteed and 'sold exclusively by l F. W. SHAPLEIGH HARDWJUD 28 SOUTH CENTRAL "What you want MEDFORD u when yon want it" AGGRESSIVE Medford, Oregon ETHICAL frsrs''i'rgj v I M v 'f 1 'A - C sv ft , ny ,u i ft , ! r ,i.i !1-