JPXGE TWO MEDFORD atATTj TRTBtTNB, MEDFORD, O'MWON. SATPRPAW APRIL 20. 1012. ' i ' ' ' . ' ' - "" " M i f LAST FIGHT R TRUTH OF FISH STGRIES TO BE LEARNEL BY MARKINGS ON SCALESI ME NHY BE RAILROAD CHIEFS 1 SEE' BLUE LEDGE 'tf rr u'as 'nmT sisu-uku. w oom'tI umx. rotJui.mvE.-tt: but ican l SHOUf VW A SCAL. 1li PROVB IT.' M EEES NO MORE. (THE OLD TEST STIU HOLDS CCCO TtoR SEA HORSES JCV AT r B0TWM BK BEN SELLING I , n OF THE SEA w ... . -A --" V "Tl i 44 i W fryi.M Wfc WEN m nun SEN V PRESIDENT -A.-J.- -v- e X .1. OTr2?v.'r"- J&JWSL WlLfi? Tho lnfit prise fipht Medford will witness in inniiy months vrn rIhrciI by Frrtnkio Kdwnrds Frjilny night nnd whs wittisfiod by v lnrjrc number or funs. Aaynr Canon stated, today that no more boxinjr contests of its kind would be allowed in this city. Hud Anderson of Vancouver proved too.clever and too fast for Australian Kelley at Fxaukio Kdwnrds liesmj: fest. Ivcyey lasted just five rounds befere: he took the count after a whirlwind attack from tho shorter lad. ICelley's, supporters, had the con solation that he was same to the fin ish and that he showed up better in the first two 'rounds. An uppervut to the ar ended the argument. Jack Qvenlort, won n preliminary from Art'Col(ini:!niiil Fitzgerald wn Riven the deolsion over Lonp Tom. Tlu bouts were all clever and the faps wcr itiorc than satisfied. An dwson is t)io cleverest lnj;pr ever see jp Bedford, and in, addition he has the strongest blow. PASS SENTENCE ON 00NB0Y NEKT TUESDAY SA FRANCISCO, April SO. 1m position of sentence upon former Po lice Captaiu Michael J. Conboy, con victed of monsfauphtcr for killing Bernard Lagan, was continued today until next Tuesday bv Superior Jmlse Sargent at the request of defense attorneys, who announced their inten tion of interposing a motion for a now trial. Conboy was. to have been sentenced today. HILLMAN GOES TO ,,, , , BEGIN PRISON TERM TACOMA, Vnkh., April'20. With' hl3 moustache newly shaved, which changes his appearance completely, C. p. Hlllman. millionaire real es tate man, reached Tacoma at 9:30 today from Seattle on his way to the McXell's Island penitentiary to serve two and a half years for using the mails to defraud. Hlllman lit up a big cigar while waiting to be transferred to the Steilacoom car, and Becmed to be cheerful'. He conversed with his brother and Deputy United States Marshal Anderson. nf MtK"!!' uvr .. t . I J to t wfl to Inri-M a -rjr -lir O .. ' I '-fri- ' S Sres in Ncah O lv it y ijBs Mfl FfSH WILL GET A LINE CM THE. REAL. AGE. OP "KISS TISH I B I 1 Jrx V. r ' i vvr. vj i. tf-m &i JST' ! S2 lM&tSe V. triMM tfC !S tiu: WHRE. CHAT r ska fiews UTAtHRR VoV WEtL.GCT.AT 8EEN TttCRE KCK A HONTH rr- OW S5.A 4? A Fish cant HIDE A TH1KC- THESt DAVS fr. ' IHi iS'-AV-,. M l'mlMUj- I KMCMlSuLSND Weight, age and' length of fish from this day forward may be calculated to a nicety by just allowing one of the scales taken from the side of the piscine prey. luteslvc studies of the markings ami conformation of flsh scales have Jut been completed, nnd yesterday an elaborate report on the subject was received by Dr. Charles II. Towixcud, the director of the New York Aipiarluui. Most of the Investigations have been made in litigtaml and Scotland with the vcalcs of salmon, and other work In this direction U now In progress. Just as the rings in the cross ctl of the trunk slow the age of tin? troc. so Hie concentric circles and tho wcullar markings of the tlsh scales have bre- fon-d to cotmiln iln rwnnl of tlu i'rriinri' ruttro if PLAN TO KILL L ill GUARD SACRAMENTO, Cnl.. April 20.- Abolition of the California National Guard is planned in a proposed initia tive law repealing most of the sec tions of the political code relating to the state militia, a draft of which was forwarded today to the socialist state headquarters. The socialists expeqt tho Los Angeles and San Di ego labor organizations, as well as those in the north, to assist them In putting through tho repeal. It Is declared that this expression of anti-milttarlsm has been caused by recent events In connection with the textile strikes In Massachusetts, the experiences of tho Western Federa tion of Miners with the troops and UIHE BOB IS I PORTLAND, April 'JO. Later re turns today .showed that Senator La Follette was running fetrongger than was at lirst believed. Incomplete rq turns including Multnomah county at 2 o'clock, gave Roosevelt lti,fj,V, La Follette i ir,G9U; Taft 12.-U1. Jf this ratio is maintained Roose velt's plurality will he eoiiMdernhly smaller than G,000, the figure at first thought to be correct. ITALIAN FLEET RETURNS HIE tho free use of militia In Pennsylva nia. Tho move was also given im petus in this state by the recent tour of "Mother" Jones, through Califor nia, in behalf of tho llarriman shop employes federation. WASHINGTON", April 20. Tho Italian fleet alter its demonstration against the Turkish forts at the en trance to the Dardanelles abandoned it; effort to penetrate the btrails nnd returned to Italy, according to u de MKitoh received at the Italian em bassy here today. An attache of tho cmbn?sv said tho fleet patrolled the entrance to tho straits in tho hopo of forcing tho Turkish fleet to give bat tle. SKATTLK, Vn.f April 20.- One of the last (soldiers to ho freed from Lib by priMon after n confinement of sev eral years wtw-hfeutennnt Lewis V,. Titus, civil war rcteran wh i dead here at' Iho ace of 7(1 venrs Ini'onipleie returns from Iiu'I;mui enmity sdmw that Dr. J. M. Koeno gut hi vytes for ieo president of tho iVyled States nnd is running strong, dppl&tm county's fnvoritc soji limy yot hi) Tufl or .Toddy's running ume, lor fti'liuim ho tho tall to tho l.u li- leltv, kilo. Jf it slnudd liuppoji tlmt Dr. Keouo Iiiia nioro vtttoK than nuy other oiuuli duto, tho ilt'h'gnlion to (lit national convention will ho forced In present hU uiuuo for coiiMidcnitinu and vote fov htm UiruujtU thiol; and thin, Mod ford nmy oupluio honoi-n mitfi oiout to iMuupoiiMito for .MeriieK'x d fenl. Dr. Keeiio my ho would he proud to he Tnt'i' rnuuiiig innlo, hut objects to sorviug with tho "I. V. eandi duto." Win. XL Oolvig uLmi secured tin en doreiu(tut at the poll but has geu-emu-ly unsigned in favor of the geuiol doctor. l'OUTI.AN'D. April 20 At !l o'elook this ul'leiiiooti iorythlng in diealed that .louutliuii llouruo liad been deeisivelv iK'I'ealed l Ufu Sell ing in the riiOH fur the lepublh'.ill M'liuloriul uoiuluatiou. The o(o out side Multnomah count v xlooil; fulling 1 ll,i:.ri7, Itourno (tnOA. In Multuouiuh I'onnlv llonrne's vplo wn 7127 mid Selling (l6;i, Tho "cow eoiiulies" ttl wavs hefoie mo lovol lo llouino di.l Hot lino up behind him this lime nnd! to thTtl limy he ntttilnOcd hi- defeat, ' Oonoial MniiORer Ciimiilmll and (lencrul Krelghl AkoiiI l.ounnliiiry of tho Homhein I'neirle nrilvod Mtur day and, aeeontimiilvd hy Dr. ,l,"i lloddy and Imxil iiMmniii' A. . ItoMUiibituni, Ion for mi liiftpMUon of (ho lllno I.oiIko initio. Should tho limpeellou satisfy llnMil, It If pruiiiuiiiid I hoy will reenrrtinonil tho cfMiMt iMict Ititt of a branch mllrond to tho minus from Modfonl. Modfonl I'rliiting voiupuny carry n full lino of IduhI tilniiHd. CANADIAN PACIFIC TRAIN WRECKED AT N00KSACK DKLLINOHAM. Wn., April 20. -("aniulitin I'licil'ie trau-eoiitiiientnl limited No. :ill which left Seattle at S:.")0 yesterday morning over the Nor thern Pacific track was wrecked one mile smith of NiiokMick vesieiday iiftoriioon. The engine was demolish ed nnd fniii coiifhoM woro Ihrowi into tho ditch. Kugineer T. Hcviiiioh of Seattle was badly scalded and nmv not recover; Kicemau I'red Hulls mid nrakeinuii (leorgo llndley, both of Scuttle, were badly brui-ed, and one passenger, who was not identifi'd was seriduslv injured and several others were bruised. The injured were taken to the hos. pital at Siiniiis. BROODING OVER DISASTER ENDS IN HER SUICIDE VRN1CK, Cnl April 20. Driven temporarily Insane by brooding over tho Titanic disaster. '.Mrs. M. 1'. Stchtor, aged Tiu, a wealthy widow of St. Louis, Mo., who has been residing at 315 1'lorenco avenuo, Venice, for tho last three months, committed Hiilcldu hero today, llur body was found in tho surf by tho police at 7:30 o'clock. It was covered only by a long lilaclc overcoat Hotel Medford SUNDAY DINNER $1.00 . Shrimp Toclctnil Oolory en l.nuu'Iio ... . Consomme ItriJanuht I'olnt) a la U'uiiie ft lo .0 l'. ,r. Ypn Olivon liriljil 1mvIi Alaiti-o d'llolol I'omnu'S .Sit rn h Hcrnliai'l Jillois of Lainl) Oroiiadins, INtirrntlc niica Logan Merry Slierhel U'oasl. Yomig r'aimn, Sage DroaBing Prime lihs ol' Heel' an ,jns Uoast I 'of aloes Irtish Spinaeli Prnit Salad Apjilc Via .. French Cream I'io Araearoon Ico Oroam tAssortod Culccs Swiss OIkmjsu . Oraelctn Ali.vod Nnis Layer L'aisins Oafo Noir Special Music Sunday, April lilst. Umi-Mohr Co., Props. The Finest Dental Office In Southern Oregon . ' t . A ij -rf ) . i In opening; my new suite of offices in the Ad kins block, corner Main and Central, I have spared no expense to make it the finest and most thoroughly equipped' Dental office on the Pacific Coast'. It is tho most centrally located office in the city of Medford, and is equipped with .ill the latest electrical appliances for all branches of high grade den tal work. These offices have been thoroughly remodelled throughout, with "the object of making a thoroughly sanitary Dental office. Every piece of furniture and every appli ance is absolutely new and of the latest design. My corps of assistants arc all skilled experts in their profession and all work done in this office-is guaranteed to be the very best. Only the most expensive quality materials are used and our prices are within the reach of everyone. All work is done under my pei-sonal supervision. The public is in vited to call and inspect this modern office. You will like the treatment you receive here,' ' ' ...,....., LADY ATTENDANT , . , . . . i- v A DR. BARBER, The Dentist ADKIXS W.OCK, COlt.VKR MAIN A.l CKXTItAL, OVKIt DAXIKLS FOK DL'DS w Mrfln 1 rjnwBriWir ' rJ .?' ' ' MSMj&MP''' dMWMRi Ktv : wWtKwT ilWW IB'; -'JHHH OPIIItATlXO ItOO.M Office Hour 8 A. SI. to 8l I. fiiiudiih ft A. M. to 1 1. M. f " Pacific. 1'honc Main HWJ, J f onto I'hoiio iltiU'li DR. P. S. BARBER Proprietor and Manager Ol'MUATlNfl JtOOM IKKEB9RBiniilBH 1 w-WTHBBIHBBHBTAHHBHiHrrfI7 MrM' WWM'-t if W 'srild vJt iLjkm- BiM, -; , A4UEE9HHH j . 1 . -, , y. tw, . KEOKITIOX- OO.U WKCilAKIOAn LAIIOKAXOIIV l'JUVATIj OWCU OUTHIIJIi VIKW T "( i A